The Little Girl's Name Was Cori, Part 2

[ M/g, bd, sad, nosex ]


Published: 24-Feb-2011

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Please note--This is a work of fiction, a fantasy. The writer does not now, nor has he ever, advocated acting out on such fantasies, nor does he advocate the abuse of children.

The day that the items that I had ordered from the net were due to arrive I told Cori to wait in the house. I wanted the stuff to be a surprise. I kept her there under the pretext of straightening out the pantry. She had been a real helpful kitten, doing most of the housework in her little "dress" and the oversized beach sandals, so I could concentrate on the figs and goats. As I went about my chores my hands trembled in anticipation and I kept looking at the highway for the truck.

Finally the truck came. It dropped off a shitload of boxes, which I succeeded on carting up to the attic without Cori noticing. I waited until she had finished the dinner dishes and had curled up next to me in my chair for some Television before approaching her to pose.


"Yes Daddy?", Cori asked, always eager to please. "Can I get you something?"

"Not right now, honey. Do you remember a few days ago, how you said that you would do anything that I asked?"

"Sure Daddy."

"Good. Did you mean it?"

"Of course I did Daddy. Why?"

"Well, honey, you know that I won't let you up into the attic..."

Cori sat up and turned to face me. She looked excited. "Oh the attic! I seen it."

I wasn't sure about the direction this was going. "Seen what honey?"

"All the stuff up there. Some of it looked scary, but some looked kinda neat."

She had proved to be resourceful and smart, so I wasn't too surprised at her revelation. "Honey, I like to take photographs and make movies. You probably saw the equipment up there."

Cori nodded, her eyes bored into mine as she listened.

"I want to take you up to the attic and take photographs of you."

"Okay Daddy." Cori slid off of my lap and started in the direction of the stairs. "Don't you want to know what sort of photographs I want to take of you?"

Cori came back. I reached into the newspaper rack next to my chair and pulled out a magazine. It was the one that published my photographs. The cover showed a woman hanging from her breasts. I handed it to Cori.

Cori crawled up into my lap and straddled me facing away. She stared at the cover for a long time and I though that maybe I had made a mistake, had overstepped the boundaries of our relationship, but soon enough she opened the magazine and carefully examined each photograph inside.

When she had finished she laid the magazine carefully on the arm of the chair. "What do you think honey?", I asked her, my heart in my throat.

She spun around to face me. "Some of those things look like they'd hurt."

"Yes, sweetheart. I won't lie to you. Some of those things will hurt you."

Cori sat quietly, thinking. Then her face returned to it's usual bright self. "I know you won't hurt me 'cause you're mean. That's what people want to see...right?"


"Okay. When do we start Daddy?"

It didn't take too long for me to set everything up while Cori took a bath. I had just laid out her costume when she came in the door naked. I told her to crawl up onto the table. The first thing that I did was put her in makeup. Her lips were glossy red, her eyeshade blue and I put a set of false eyelashes on her so it looked like she was waving at me when she blinked. She turned to look at herself in the mirror and giggled

I picked up a small zippered case. Inside were several child-sized contact lenses, one blue-eyed, one brown-eyed, one green-eyed and one that was all black. Rather then correcting vision, these contacts were opaque, when inserted the wearer wouldn' t be able to see anything, not even a stray bit of light. I'd used them before in New York and the models all reported a strong feeling of claustrophobia just from having them on their eyes.

I selected the brown-eyed ones and put them on two applicators. "These are going onto your eyes, Cori. You won't be able to see once I put them on."

Cori nodded and swallowed. I leaned her head back and gently pulled back on her left eyelid until her eye was exposed. "Hold very still." I picked up one of the applicators and carefully laid the lens over her iris. Switching to the other eye I covered it too.

I stepped back and watched her face. She was blinking and a couple of tears ran down her face. Her face had taken on that odd look that people's faces take on when they find themselves blind. She was breathing hard and her hands gripped the table edge. All in all, it was a normal reaction.

I picked up the next item which appeared to be a black rubber donut. Actually it was a rubber stocking, in her size. Placing her toes into the stocking I carefully rolled it up until it stopped just short of her cunnie. Putting her legs side by side showed clearly how much the stocking squeezed down on her little girl flesh. I worked quickly and applied the other stocking.

Two other donuts had five little nipple-like protrusions. These were black rubber gloves. They went on her arms much the same way as the stockings. I liked the way the black rubber contrasted her white skin.

Note that in neither case did I use any powder. Yes, I know that this will cause chafing and she'll likely have a rash. But once the lights come on and she starts to sweat she will get the full sensation of wet rubber.

I helped Cori to stand on the table. I had chosen a tight tiny french maids costume for her first shoot. It was made of rubber and had what I considered two neat features. First, inside the bodice directly over her nipple was a semi-hard rubber nub that came to a rounded point, and the area around her waist was "crosshatched" with rubber fibers. When I laced the suit up the back, the nibs pressed into her little nippies, which hurt, and after a while the fibers would dig into her skin and make the experience more uncomfortable.

I reached around Cori and applied two dollops of sports cream from a tube, one on each nippie. I didn't hold back as I laced her into the thing. Her grunts as I pulled on the cord told me that I was lacing her up properly.

She hadn't spoken a word of complaint though I knew that the suit was already hot and uncomfortable. She stood quietly with her hands by her side, blinking.

I had left her hair down and uncombed and so it was a curly mess. I put it into a pony tail. Picking up a rubber hood, I told Cori to open up her mouth. The hood had a small penis shaped probe on the inside. It had two eye-holes and two tiny holes for hearing and two for breathing. I folded the hood inside out, then coated the probe with moderate pepper sauce. I slipped the probe into her waiting mouth.

She reacted, gagging and moaning. The burning started almost immediately and she squealed. I quickly pulled the hood over her face. Turning her around roughly I quickly laced the hood tight. Her ponytail hung out the back near the top. The rubber squeezed her head severely.

I picked up a child-sized neck corset and quickly had her laced into it.

Still standing with her hands by her side. I took her hands and put them together in front of her, wrists back to back. I picked up a piece of bailing wire and used it to secure her wrists together. Since the rubber was fairly thick, I made the wire extra tight. I lifted her arms up and attached her wrists to a chain that hung from the ceiling. She stood on tiptoe and stepped around a bit as she tried to relieve the strain on her arms which was already growing unbearable.

Last but not least were what turned out to be the most expensive of the lot. It was a pair of heavy rubber ankle boots. The heel was extremely high and the effect pointed her feet straight down, like a ballet dancer. I put them on her feet and stood back to look at my model.

Cori stood there dressed head to toe in rubber. She moved her feet trying to relieve the pressure of her weight, but as she lifted her foot she not only placed more weight on the opposite foot, but she put a heavier strain on her arms and wrists. Her mouth burned as did her nippies. She couldn't see, hear, smell, taste or touch anything that might even remotely resemble comforting.

As a final touch, I put on a rubber glove and applied sports Gel liberally to her cunnie and butthole areas, using my middle finger to press the goop as high into the two holes as I could.

As I picked up my camera to begin shooting, Cori began to scream.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


This is an awesome story,I LOVE it,so erotic. Lil girls are SO sexy and should be used as sex toys, thx again Robert


fah story to film and be involved insuch an event would be priceless


Hope there will be more :D


BigIrish, your work was sensational and here you are, being sensationally great again. There are some people I always want to see writing and you are one of them. Keep up the good work!


This is the first time to read this type of stories. I am not sure what to think. I am a man who enjoyed being nice and quite vanilla so the story is making me think in a different way and usually when it gets me there I just flick off and go on to another story but this time I believe I want to go further, no telling how far. You started the story and fell in love with a child and she trusts you completely.
Keep the story going because I am wondering whether you will keep her trust or do you go back to being a user of women and children.
Maybe this story can go on from tenderness to abuse and back to tenderness and trust until, you need more money to buy her clothes and have revel in them and tease you until you fall in love as she walks around in many state of undress and get you to the point that you will do what other men have done and enjoy her body as she let you have your way with her because the inevitable is happening, you are falling in love but you are a user.
Also you graduallly shift the type of photos and videos from rubber to other type of fetish clothes. And as she grows older your attitude changes. Figs and goats may not be the only type of items for a ranch. Well carry on and show us more. You've had a fairly long rest.


This needs more . It is great so far, but her torture needs to be extended. And he must rape her.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.