Published: 22-Feb-2011
Word Count:
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Pleasant Town. A small town where very little out of the ordinary happened. At least on the outside. People traveled through Pleasant Town often, but rarely stopped, never disturbed the almost artistic beauty of the little town, it’s almost post card serenity. So few actually realized what went on here… Because Pleasant Town was the veritable home of bondage, tickling, and fetish videos about kids made in that region of the country. And they were among the best known from coast to coast. Several companies, working through agents and trade houses were even able to export the videos. From around the world, they employed models, girls and boys, from ages 6 to 16 and various different nationalities to act in videos with tickle torture, bondage of various types, spanking, and fetishes involving sexual and physical torture. They were all well taken care of and pain and all had only one rule.
They had to do whatever they were told.
Brian, Alex, and Ricky were in the Laugh Time studios finishing a three way tickle torture video when their ordeal occurred. Brian, sixteen years old, was sitting in the lounge in the main studio, still catching his breath. He wasn’t ticklish, but his part in the hour long video was chasing down the ultra ticklish Rickie, who was a thin feisty twelve year old. He and Alex, who was fourteen were the tickle tops in the video who caught Ricky, took him to a secret room and tortured him (but more on that scene another time). He shook his head, still remembering the kid’s helpless pleas. He’d almost felt sorry for him. Alex was a different matter, though. Brian had never met a kid with so little emotion. It was almost frightening how, while tickling Ricky nearly to unconsciousness (as the director wanted), Alex just looked on stony faced. It almost made Brian shiver during filming…
He looked up as Alex headed for the door, pulling on his coat. He was a thin boy with dark brown hair that contrasted with Brian’s own blond hair and Ricky’s red hair. His eyes were brown as well and looked on with a steady gaze. He was only a little shorter then Brian. “The studio people are all gone now and said we can leave when we want,” Alex said to Brian. “And Ricky still has the giggles on the bed back there. You can stay with him if you want. I have to go home.”
“Sure,” Brian told him. “Whatever.” He glanced up as Alex opened the door. And several girls rushed in.
There were five of them, each around his and Alex’s ages. There were hot, too, Brian thought with a blush and a stir at his crotch. Especially the small Asian girl. He didn’t know there was another filming session. He stood up from the lounge chair. Alex looked at him curiously as he got pushed back in. One of the girls locked the door. Brian walked over to a girl that looked his age, with long soft dark hair. “The film crew’s gone, girls. Can I help you with anything?” He purposely didn’t include Alex, for he knew the other boy wouldn’t really care.
The girls giggled as they looked at each other and Brian got the eerie feeling something was going on. “Well,” said the dark haired beauty. “We’re here. And we have some ideas of our own…” Two of the girls grabbed Alex, while she and another girl grabbed Brian’s arms and pinned him back onto the lounge chair. The Asian girl watched. “You see, we’re going to do some filming ourselves.”
“Yeah,” added a girl that held Alex, a beautiful slender blond. “You see our parents watched some of your videos and they said that you didn’t seem to be acting hard enough. Especially you.” She grinned at Alex. “So we came up with some video ideas of our own…” Alex started to struggle, frowning a little. “Hey, you can’t do this! Let us go!” Brian started struggling but the girls were all too prepared to have to hold him down. In fact, one grabbed his cock through his jeans. He whimpered as his cock hardened almost instantly from the arousal of the beautiful girls holding him.
“Sure we can,” the dark haired beauty said with a dangerous grin. “Like I said, we’re filming for our folks so you HAVE to do what we say. Besides, if you don’t, I’m sure we can find some way to embarrass you…Like sending your videos out to your girl friend’s house.”
Brian’s eyes widened. “Y…you wouldn’t!” Brian blushed. Even his parents didn’t know what he was doing! “Please don’t!”
“Well that depends. Do we have a deal?” She looked at Alex. “Or do we tell your parents how you really earn your cash?” Alex looked at her steadily, but the twitch at the corner of his mouth showed that she’d won.
“What do you want us to do?” Brian asked after a moment. He had always been afraid of this.
“Well we have our own scenes planned for our video. First, both of you strip.” She nodded and the girls released them both and stood to watch. Embarrassed, Brian took off his shoes and socks then his shirt. Feeling the girls’ eyes on him, he slid out of his pants and his boxers. He was blushing a little. He looked over at Alex in time to watch as the other boy’s briefs came off. Both of them stood before the group of girls naked now and Brian realized how hard his cock was. And how beautiful the Asian girl was. And that look didn’t go unnoticed. The black haired tormentor pulled out a couple pairs of handcuffs. “Now put your hands behind your backs.” She gave a pair to the Asian girl and a pair to the blond near Alex. As the boys obeyed, they were cuffed. She started back towards to studio rooms. “Now I’ll go and make sure everything is where we needed it and then we can—“
She stopped as Ricky came out of the back and nearly ran into her. “Guys that was way too much tickling.” There was still a helpless grin on his face and he was carrying his shirt, sneakers and socks in his hands. He didn’t see the girls at first, but he stopped short when he saw his fellow actors cuffed and naked. He looked around, surprised.
The girls were on him before he could make a sound…
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