Published: 10-Jun-2013
Word Count:
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The man moved ten or eleven steps further back into the shadows of the alley. That would be far enough to achieve his purpose. The morning sun did not penetrate into the gloom, but stopped at the entrance as if unable, or unwilling, to proceed. The same sun that warmed the morning, bringing freshness and vitality, alleviating the chill darkness of the night, made only a half-hearted attempt to cheer the soulless world between the dingy walls. The only clouds in the sky appeared to hover above this passage, putting it in seemingly eternal shadow; enough to mask his identity, but light enough to support his task.
On one side of him the bricks of the walls were faded. Numerous cracks made stairway patterns, either trying to climb to the light of day, or, more likely, descending further down into the underworld. On the opposite side the bricks had at one time been painted black. Whether an attempt to seal the mortar and prevent the stairways, or someone's desire to increase the foreboding nuances of this unnatural chasm no one could say for certain, but the perfection of the attempt was flawed with chips and peelings, revealing an undercoat of white sealant or areas of basic brick. Here and there bits of color appeared from a ragged old magician's poster pasted to the black background, apparently dating back to a time before the adjoining building had been erected, its message promising a fantasy world of illusion. Variegated areas of blues, pink, red, orange, green, and yellow adhered to the wall refusing to surrender to time or elements.
The alley wasn't as cluttered as most. Even refuse tended to shy away.
Not all refuse. The man was there and he had his own fantasy world of delusion.
He spent a good deal of time searching out such places. This was one of the best he'd found. The end behind him butted against another building with egress to the right, a short stretch to another bend, this time to the left, into an open area bordered by the backs of ancient apartment buildings, through a portal to a small lot where his vehicle was parked, backed in, driver's door on the near side, ready for a quick exit.
A glimpse around the corner of the buildings just prior to his new position gave him that he sought. He took a deep breath. His heart rate began to quicken. He got himself ready; opening the trench coat he wore revealing, besides a pair of tennis shoes, an otherwise naked body. His penis was already beginning to become erect as the light clicking of patent leather shoes came to his ears. Just a quick look had given him all the information he needed; schoolgirl, nine or ten years of age (no more), black jumper with white laced bodice and frills of white around the half sleeves, the uniform of one of the private girl's schools in the neighborhood. He was very good at what he did.
He cupped his balls and stroked his cock to full bloom, then released it so it stood majestically for her initial look. Just as she appeared he said, loud enough for her to hear, "Hey! Little girl."
She turned, perfectly centered in the opening between the buildings. A beautiful young thing with black hair pulled back with a white hairband, skinny legs showing below the jumper, white knee socks, and the telltale patent leather shoes shining in the morning sunlight. Her eyes went right to the place he intended.
Grasping his cock and began to pump. Half a dozen strokes were generally all he achieved before they screamed and ran away, but this little girl just stood there watching, her dark eyes big, somewhat surprised, but showing no fear.
Suddenly he felt intimidated. Losing his nerve he whipped the coat closed about him, turned and fled. Down his escape route he dashed. As he neared his car he pressed the remote in his pocket to unlock the door. Once inside he sat breathing heavily, not from the run, he was in better shape than that, but from the inexplicable fear that caused him to flee. He beat the steering wheel with his fists. This was supposedly what he had dreamed of; a child so frozen in place that he had the time to consummate his act. This was the fantasy he would go back to his apartment and masturbate to, each time imagining the rush as he ejaculated in front of some preteen little cunt. Why had he bolted?
He continued being pissed at himself all the way home. In the privacy of his rooms he flicked on the tv, found one of the special discs he had hidden under a potted palm, popped it in the player. Then he removed his coat and sneakers and flopped into an overstuffed chair, legs spread wide. He massaged his balls and stroked himself as the screen of the sixty inch sprang to life.
The image of a seven year old girl appeared, sitting naked on a bed. A fully erect cock entered the scene inches from her face. The small mouth parted to accept the tip. Watching the action, which, besides this blowjob, contained sexual acts with girls as young as six to as old as thirteen, many of them bona-fide rapes, he mulled over the results of his latest flash and jerk.
Long ago he had come to accept the fact he was a pervert, so why did he lose his nerve at a time when he should have been in ecstasy? No answer sprang to mind. He decided to break one of his cardinal rules (never return to the same place twice, at least in the same year). If this child happened by tomorrow and she didn't freak and run he would finish doing what he always thought he had wanted.
With this resolve he managed to come to a satisfying orgasm just as an eight year old, pleading and crying, was getting her butt fucked for the first time.
The following morning was over cast and the alley was darker. Furtive peaks at the end of it eventually paid off in sighting his mark. He got ready. The rush was electric. His pulse thundered in his ears. Coat open, cock rigid, his angel appeared before him. But, she was looking into the alley in expectation. He froze. All bravado left in an instant.
He turned to flee, but was stopped on the spot by, "Wait. I want to see".
At first he wasn't sure if he had actually heard this or if his mind was playing tricks on him. He stopped and turned back towards her in slow motion. "Let me see". As he caught sight of her she was now standing at the entrance to the alleyway, so close to being drawn into his world.
Part of him wanted to shout, "Run, while you still have time!" Part of him wanted to grab her and drag her into the dark, but he did neither.
There was no fear in her big brown eyes. She was so beautiful, so sexy, so innocent. So innocent. This was what finally struck home to him. She was just like the girls in his videos. She WAS the girls in his videos, and he could perform his deviant act in front of her FOR REAL.
However, as he gazed at her the word "innocent" faded from his mind. She stood in impatient defiance to that word, arms crossed, one foot slightly ahead of the other, weight thrown to the opposite hip. "Hurry up, or I'll be late", she ordered.
The stiffness between his legs throbbed with carnal rage, but not for the reason he anticipated. Her insolence made him want to corrupt her. Her openly superior attitude made him want show her that, in spite of Daddy's money, prestige, and, probably, community standing she was nothing but a twat, an object for men's pleasure. He would show her the power of the penis. Opening the coat again he reached down, took it in hand and began to stroke. She watched him, absorbed in the action.
God she is gorgeous, he thought. Now, brought back to his original purpose, he began to fantasize what it would be like to drag her into the gloom, pull her skirt up over her head, yank her panties to her knees, and plunge his rock hard erection deep into her virgin cunt.
At the entrance to the alley her attention never flagged. Occasionally her eyes flitted to his face. Unconsciously she wet her lips. That was all it took. The orgasm started from the depth of his balls and he ejaculated like a volcano erupting. His come shot half way to where she stood. He continued to pump until there was no more.
She said, quickly, "I gotta go or I'll be late. Be earlier tomorrow." Then, in a flash she was gone. It all happened so fast he began to doubt it had really occurred. Maybe this was just another fantasy. And, what had she said about tomorrow?
The man stood stupefied for a moment. His was not the outcome he had expected. Reaching into one of his pockets he removed a handkerchief and began to wipe the sperm from his fingers and penis.
The usual feeling of remorse settled over him. Every time he ejaculated while watching his videos, and now for real (?), the guilt of knowing in his heart that what he was doing was wrong, perverted, raced through his psyche like a hurricane, uprooting his emotions. He tried to fight the urges, but was too weak to triumph.
All the way home he thought of her watching him masturbate, of what he would like to do to her. He immediately retrieved his vids and searched until he found a girl about the same age and close in looks. She was sitting naked tied to a chair. The view from the side showed the beauty of her preteen form; skinny legs, feet not even touching the floor, narrow hips, and chest only beginning to hint of the formation of breasts. Into the scene stepped a grown male shown from the waist down, naked, his member stiff and engorged. Close up to her face. He brings the tip of his penis to her mouth. She turns her head in disgust, but his hand grabs the top of her head and swivels it back. She starts to protest and he forces it into her mouth. Unwillingly she performs the task. He ejaculates in her mouth. It is easy to tell when he has come as she starts coughing; some his come spurting from the corner of her mouth, running down her chin. After she has swallowed she gags.
Throughout this scene the viewer sat in his chair masturbating for the second time. In his mind the girl was his girl and he was the man. If only he could get her close he might be able to bring those thoughts to fruition.
The next morning there was a steady drizzle. As the man entered the alley she was already at the opening, umbrella in hand. Before he even got to his usual spot she advanced to meet him. His legs began to shake. This was the moment he was looking for. This was his chance.
As she neared him she said, "I want to see better".
He stood there so close to her he could smell the fragrance of the shampoo she used. He felt his determination begin to falter. Instead of attacking her he resolutely pushed back the front of his coat, exposing his cock; hard, erect, and red with wanton desire. The hand that stroked it trembled, but he could not have said whether with the weather's chill, pent up desire, or fear. The light rain drenched him.
As she stayed relatively dry beneath the umbrella, water streamed down his face and over his body. It was colder than any of the hundreds of cold showers he had taken in his life trying to thwart his desires, and had as little effect. It will take more than this to wash my soul clean, he thought.
She watched him intently, her eyes never moving from his penis. When he shot his load she giggled with a girlish little laugh which was at once both humbling and exhilarating, and brought him to a second almost as forceful shot. When he was done she headed toward the alley's opening. Over her shoulder came the words, "same time tomorrow".
It wasn't a question. It was a precocious command. One he knew he would obey.
At home he asked himself the question, who was in charge? Was she controlling him? He was supposed to be controlling her. He found himself on the computer viewing b&d porn. He decided if she strayed into the shadows again tomorrow he would show her who WAS in control.
Overnight the rain abated, but the sun was totally absent, shrouded behind a thick layer of clouds. Perhaps this was a dark omen, a sign that this was the day marked for her lesson in what a cunt was designed for.
She was in the alley waiting for him as he came to their now daily meeting. His first thought was to swing her around, pull down her panties and rape her, and this made him hard, but before he could do anything she said, "Take your coat off so I can see you bare naked." She seemed always able to disarm his intentions, completely putting him off balance. His perplexity was so immense he did as directed without so much as questioning it.
Stripped nude, with a ten year old girl looking him all over, his cock throbbed with stiffness. She ran a tiny hand over his ass cheek sending a thrill through his entire frame. She walked around him, inspecting every inch.
He had revealed himself to forty-seven little girls, by his count, but he had never felt more exposed.
"I wanna do it," she said, and she wrapped her right hand around his erection. Her left hand moved between his legs and cupped his balls, which she squeezed, almost to the point of painfulness. Her height brought the top of her head slightly above the level of his hips. In this position her face came temptingly close to his dick. She rested her cheek against him.
Her touch electrified him more than he had ever dreamed possible. Her strokes were slow and deliberate, her grasp tight, yet he could immediately sense it would not take long to bring him to an orgasm. The sensation was better than anything he had ever felt. He knew who was master and who was slave at that instant, but it didn't matter. He was being jerked off by a child, a prepubescent little girl and he loved it.
He tried to stem the rising tide, but it was useless. Within a few minutes he began to moan and she instinctively quickened her pace. The orgasm was so strong his knees almost buckled. The first ejaculation rocketed a good fifteen feet, and the second nearly as far. He kept coming for a minute or more, and she kept stroking him.
Long after he was spent she continued, but he did not stop her. The tip of his penis was always overly sensitive after an ejaculation, but he did not stop her. The rigidity of his member was unabated, and he did not stop her. He felt a fire spread through his loins. His legs began to tremble, the muscles tightened uncontrollably. He stood on tiptoes to manage the sensation. He wanted her to stop, but he did not stop her. Inexplicably, he wanted her to continue.
Without precedent another, completely separate orgasm developed. Nearly screamed with agonizing ecstasy as he came again. Still she pumped his member while squeezing his scrotum.
Finally she ceased. She took a handkerchief from her pocket. Holding the base of his penis delicately with two fingers she wiped the cum from the shaft. When she began to wipe the head he could barely control his himself. It was so sensitive he nearly pulled away, but concentrating with all his might he managed to persevere. Next she wiped off her fingers. Turning, she headed toward the opening. "Tomorrow" she chirped.
The man was so weak he crouched in a ball to keep from falling over. Before she vanished he summoned up the courage to ask, "Can I see your pussy?"
She turned back to him and answered with a scolding, "No!"
"Will you at least show me your panties?" His voice was almost nonexistent.
After a moment's consideration she lifted her skirt. They were multicolored; reds, pinks, light blue, yellow, maybe some green. His eyes were so out of focus he couldn't clearly make out the pattern. Then she disappeared.
Alone, naked, tormented by a ten year old, he sunk to the pavement. As he lay there the rain started again. It was a good fifteen minutes of lying in a fetal position before he could muster the energy to get up and leave.
In his rooms there was no question of viewing his discs. His penis was swollen and sore and his testicles ached with a pain more intense than the worst case of blue balls he ever had. He only hoped he would be back to normal in the morning for whatever she had in store for him.
It was Friday morning and still overcast. The man stood naked and ready for her in the alley when she arrived. She came directly to him. "Stand like this", she instructed as she demonstrated by standing with legs spread. He obeyed. There was no question of his not.
She moved behind him and crouched into a squat moving close to his legs. Between them he could see her knees and a little of her thighs, her skirt having risen up. One hand reached up and found his erection. It was bolt upright and stiff with anticipation. She grabbed it and pulled it down toward her.
He gasped. The discomfort was enormous. His penis was being pulled in the completely wrong direction. He wanted to bend over to help alleviate the pressure, but didn't feel it was his place to make the assumption it would be all right. Somehow he imagined it would not.
She pulled and pumped it much like a maid milking a cow. Her hand chafed his balls with each stroke.
A childish thought began to run through his mind (what if she breaks it?). He wanted to pull away and run from her as he had tried to do in the beginning, but he couldn't make himself move.
As one hand tired she would switch to the other. Sometimes she would use both.
He wasn't sure he could come like this. The pressure of her hand around his shaft, tugging on it like a calf suckling felt both wonderful and incongruously painful, but factor in that the act was being performed by a ten year old little vixen, nothing could not stop an orgasm.
However the position of his penis would. When it rose quickly to the top, at a point when he should be coming the angle of his penis was so far from normal that it wouldn't ejaculate. The agony was astounding. He felt like he would literally explode. In a knee jerk reaction he bent forward quickly. This was enough to open the channel. Sperm burst from the head and landed on her legs just above the knees.
She gasped and immediately stood to be out of the field of fire, but now grabbed it with both hands and continued to pump. He in turn was bent over so far as to almost touch the ground with his head. He put out his hands to support himself. She continued to yank it with such severity that he felt she might tear it off. Eventually he went to his knees.
The little girl giggled and swung a leg over his back, riding him in reverse. As she did so her skirt billowed out. He could feel the softness of her thighs against his sides and the warmth of her pussy through her panties against his back. With one small hand on the cheek of his ass, her fingers pressing between them, the tip of one touching his anus, she kept her balance as she pulled his dick between his legs like a knotting dog.
In his mind he screamed, "Stop! For Christs sake Stop!" but no sound left his mouth, except for the moan he emitted as he neared his second double orgasm in as many days. Tears came to his eyes when it surged unstoppable to a climax. Sperm, hot and sticky, rather than spurting, flowed copiously from the tip of his penis in a powerful stream. He felt it on his balls and running down the inside of both thighs. With the direction in which she was pulling it, and the deflection off her hand, sperm even puddled between his ass cheeks. It was spectacular torture.
He knew he couldn't possibly do anymore, but she continued to jerk. Her little girl laughs taunted him. The head of his dick was so sensitive he trembled with each stroke. His balls ached from being beaten, and mistreated, but his erection would not die. It was fully another five minutes she continued to masturbate him. He was so sore and tender he couldn't stop from shaking all over and groaning pitifully, which made her laugh with glee.
Finally she ceased. Before dismounting she wiped the excess cum from her hands on his buttocks.
He collapsed to his left hip, then, slowly swiveled onto his butt, legs spread wide, feet flat on the pavement, in an attempt to keep his throbbing balls from touching the ground.
She grabbed a handkerchief from her backpack and finished cleaning the goo from her hands and legs. "This has been a real fun week, Mister".
He didn't want to ask. He tried to resist the temptation, yet it came out of its own accord, "Will you be back on Monday?"
"I won't be here. We're moving to Connettycut this weekend. Daddy's job is sending him there".
Relief and misery flooded his head in a tangle of emotions.
"But I got you a present", she said, cheerily. The little girl reached into her backpack a second time and withdrew a multicolored piece of cloth. "These are the panties I wore all day yesterday. Sorry. I didn't have time to wash them", she said. He didn't bother to tell her that made them all the more valuable. Somehow he felt she probably instinctively knew. "I'll put them in your coat," she said.
After doing so she headed for the exit. For a moment the clouds cleared overhead and a bright ray of sunlight entered between the walls of perdition falling on this angelic little devil, following her out. At the portal, she stopped for a second and gave a short little, "Bye". Then she continued on to school just like any other day and the clouds sheathed the sun again, leaving him on the pavement in shadow covered in dirt, mud, and his own cum, penis rapidly swelling and testicles aching.
In that moment he had an epiphany.
He had had intentions of assaulting little girls for years, ultimately moving from exposure and masturbation to actual molestation, to use and abuse them sexually regardless of what it did to them physically or emotionally. Yet, through the course of this week the only little girl he had ever been able to get close to had used him. She had stripped him bare literally and figuratively, tortured his body, leaving him raw and humiliated, and battered his mind making him scream inwardly for mercy.
He wasn't a religious man, religion would only augment the feelings of remorse and shame he felt concerning his perversity, but he felt some fate had sent her to show him that what he was doing was wrong; very wrong. So he determined to burn all the porn mags and photos and destroy all his dvds and never to venture into these brick nether worlds again. To start with, he thought, I'll get rid of those panties.
He slipped into his jacket to cover the overwhelming feeling of nakedness, indignity, and shame, reached into the pocket and pulled out the multicolored fabric. Holding them out in front of him he observed the pattern; variegated areas of blues, pink, red, orange, green, and yellow ...bricks. For a long minute he gazed at them. Unbelievably, he felt a stirring below, and, as the epiphany faded and vanished, he pressed them to his face.
So very often erotic stories are clichés with a little bling, everyone knowing where everything is going and how they will arrive. The writers 'job' is to build tension ending in a climatic incident or 'epiphany' and then an ending. How well did you accomplish that? It was done so superbly that I stopped reading mid-way and did some projects around the house enjoying the delightful agony of waiting to see what would happen.
There is only one writer who could match you; 'Playhouse' and that is high praise indeed from me.
Very well done!
Jason Bourne
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