Published: 4-Feb-2011
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Bored with my life I decided it was time to spice it up. Walking into my photo studio, I turned on the outside lights and turned on the "Open" sign. Nothing really scheduled that day, I signed onto my Internet site and updated my sales page. I changed my current ad to read, "Young Girls Needed for Top Modeling Agencies. Call 201-555-6171."
After updating my website, I did the same to my email Junk-Mail address book and started sending emails to thousands of unsuspecting users. Maybe there would be a way to add some of these pictures to my private website. My subscribers would want to see even younger naked girls.
Finishing my coffee and today's newspaper, I checked my email and did some Internet surfing. Around 11am the phone rang,
"Northside Photography," I answered.
A very excited female began asking questions about my new website ad. Seems she had been trying to get her young daughter started in modeling and wanted to setup an in person interview. After explaining the costs involved, we set the time for 1pm.
After I hung up, I checked the hidden video cameras in the changing room and made sure they had fresh tapes. There were four video cameras in the room. Each positioned for the best shots and angles. I also checked to see that the remote start and stop buttons still worked properly. This remote buttons allowed me to turn the videos on when they entered the changing room and off when they exited.
Before 1pm, I had four more calls and four more interviews. I set one for later that day, and the other three for the following day. This was going to work!
* * *
"Hello, I'm Eileen Munz and this is my daughter, Tracey," the young mother said walking into my studio. Standing next to her was her young daughter. She stood about 4 and a half feet tall, and carried several outfits on hangers. She was beautiful. 12 or 13 years old, long blond hair, slender, no hips yet just straight up and down, budding young breasts and a pretty smile. She was simply beautiful.
"Welcome to Northside Photography." Handing the young pretty mother some forms and brochures, I told the young girl to slowly turn in a circle. This was not only going to be money making, this was going to be fun.
After discussing prices and opportunities with the young mother, I had her sign the consent papers and a contract for today's shoot. We walked back inside the studio, the young girl placed the extra outfits and I began snapping pictures.
She was a natural. Her tight young body stretched in different angles as she tried to imitate the famous models. Her half-smiling, half-ambivalent expression and flowing blonde hair was very exciting. "I really think she had promise," I told the mother.
After taking a roll, I took the young mother aside and told her I needed some provocative shots for her portfolio. Her mother told her to change into her nightclothes, and I watched the young girl walk into the changing room. I walked to the table and picked up the remote video switch and turned it on.
After a few minutes, Tracey returned in a short semi-see-thru purple nightie. I couldn't tell if she wore panties. She walked back into the lights and began her same style of posing.
"Wait!" I said, "These pictures have to be more grownup, you might say. I need you to pretend you're showing off your body to your new boyfriend. You know, show me want you think your boyfriend would like. Do you think you can do that?"
"Tracey," her mother said, "Like we practiced yesterday."
With those words, this young 12-year-old girl took on a new attitude. Her smile turned just a bit sexy, her body began to contort as she bent over at the waist and began to thrust out her young butt. Her purple panties came into view and so did her potential. I shot another roll of film and tried to hide my erection.
As I reloaded my camera, the doorbell chimed and I walked out to the front desk. Another young mother was there with her beautiful young daughter. Both had stars in their eyes, and were sure to be signed. I gave the young mother the same information I had given out earlier and excused myself. Walking back into the studio, I told Eileen her session was almost over, and I had another one starting in 20 minutes.
"Mrs. Munz," I said, "I have another."
"That's Eileen, and I'm divorced," she said correcting me.
"Eileen, I have another appointment and I need even more provocative shots. Did you bring anything else? Purple is not a good color for these shots. Something white or pink, nothing dark."
She told me she hadn't brought any other provocative outfits, but would come up with something. Taking Tracey into the changing room, they discussed what else she could wear.
I walked over to the video monitor and clicked on the hidden cameras so I could watch the girls in the changing room. Tracey's mom took off the purple nightie top and exposed her training bra. Turning Tracey around, she unsnapped the clips and let it fall to the ground. She turned her back around and exposed her daughter's pre-pubescent breasts to my eyes.
They were cute, sexy and just beginning to poke out from her girlish young body. She had Tracey remove her panties. There it was, just pretty as can be. You could almost count the hairs on her young pubic mound. Later I may just do that. Her pubic hair was blond as the hair on her head. She had little girl hips that hadn't begun to develop. Her waist was the same size as her hips.
Tracey's mom took Tracy by the shoulders and said, "We only have a few more minutes for the man to see you. You have to impress him. Do you understand" He must see you're willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead. Can you do that?"
Tracey nodded as she stood there naked and scared. The young mom took Tracey's white panties and told her to put them on. She then handed her the blouse she wore when they came in. As Tracey put on the blouse and began to button it up, her mom stopped her and shook her head, "No! Leave it open! Let him see your breasts, remember what we talked about" Sometimes you may have to let men see or touch you to get the job. Can you do this" You said you could! It'll be okay, just do what we talked about."
Nodding again Tracey left the buttons open and followed her mother out into the studio. She walked out from behind her mother wearing her white panties and opened blouse, and a big smile. She was going for it!
"Good! That's just what I wanted. Okay, Eileen, I need you to wait in the waiting area so Tracey feels more at ease with what I'm going to be asking of her."
"But I wanted to make sure she was okay and felt safe," She said.
"Eileen, your session is over in 15 minutes, and I have another client waiting. Please just do what I ask," I said with conviction.
Tracey's mom walked out of the room, and I smiled at Tracey. "You ready to become a star?" I said excitedly. "Let's get busy and do just that. The first thing I want you to do is loosen up. You're too tight, and the camera will see it. Now twirl and let everything be flow freely."
I took my remote control and turned on my six hidden cameras. They would get most of what I miss. I, also, turned on some sexy fast music and told Tracey to listen to it and do whatever it makes her do. Not to hold back, but to express herself. Tracey's appearance changed before my eyes as the young budding girl began acting like an experienced model. She really had it in her to become great. She began to move her body like she was 20 years old and horny.
"Tracey, remove the blouse, it's not working. Just let it fall," I said, snapping pictures as she took off the blouse and threw it aside. She continued dancing as I snapped pictures of her almost naked body. I stood there with a bulge in my pants as I watched her tiny tits bounce as she danced.
I finished the roll of stills, and picked up my video camera and began shooting her almost naked body. As she danced, she began to lower her panties onto her hips. Lower and lower she pushed them until she exposed the crack of her tight butt. Dancing before me, her back to me, she bent over and touched her palms to the floor.
Her feet wide apart and her young pussy lips pushing against the material, she began to push back towards me like she was being fucked from behind. She turned around and laid on the floor and spread her legs wide open. Again, her pussy lips pushed against the material for all to see. I wasn't sure where she had learned these moves, however, I suspected her mother had shown her.
Tracey rolled over, facing away from me and knelt on her knees. She pulled her panties to her knees, stood and removed them completely, and returned to her knees, still facing the other way. Her tight young butt just a few feet from me. I was surprised by her next actions.
She got down on all fours in front of me and spread her legs open, exposing her young innocent vagina to the world. She arched her back and began to thrust her pussy at the camera like a pro.
Tracey turned over and opened her legs as wide as she could, smiling at the camera. A semi-innocent, semi-sexy smile that said, "Wanna fuck?"
It was then that she saw my erection and laughed saying, "looks like I got you hard. My mom told me that you may have me take off my clothes, she even showed me what to do to get you hard. She was right. Can I help you get rid of that? I've given blowjobs before, on a dare at a party. I'll give you one now if you'll promise me you'll get me a real modeling job."
Setting the camera on the table next to me, still running so I get it all, I said, "Okay! It's a deal!"
Tracey crawled over to me and unzipped my pants. She had problems getting my erect cock out, so I pulled it out myself. I was amazed at how fast this young girl took me in her mouth and started sucking. She was good. No teeth, just young lips and tongue. She even tried to deep-throat me. She did pretty good too, got me almost all the way down her young throat.
After a few minutes of her young mouth on my hard cock, and seeing her young tight body naked in front of me, I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. It had been several months since I had a woman, and not since I was 14 years old, had a young girl. I knew that this was going to be quite a load for this young girl and told her not to stop, or pull away. She had to take it all and not let any fall to the floor.
As I felt her young lips and tongue on my cock, I began to shutter and jerk. I felt my cum leave my testicles and enter my penis shaft. I pushed deep into her throat and began to pump load after load into her mouth. I pushed her head into my crotch and began to grind my cock between her young lips. She coughed some and gagged a little, but like a trooper, she swallowed most of it.
As I pulled out, another squirt pumped out of me hitting her on her lips and chin. Seeing this, one last squirt blew out of my still erect cock, hitting her on the eyes and nose. I told her to clean herself with her hands and lick her fingers clean. None must be wasted.
As I put my semi-erect penis away, I watched her cleaning herself with her hands and licking the cum from them. A few drops hit the floor and I pointed at them. Still kneeling, she lowered herself to the floor and licked it up.
I told her to get dressed and I would contact her mother soon with her first assignment. Jumping up she ran off to the dressing room to get dressed. I walked to the waiting area and called her mother in to discuss the next session.
"Eileen, I want you to come back tomorrow morning, by yourself, so we can go over the pictures and what's next for Tracey. Can you do that?" I said.
"Sure," she said, "Is 9 o'clock okay?"
I nodded, and told her that Tracey was a natural, has a good future with the right help, she could make it big. I also told her my friends will love her. Tracey came into the room and I hugged her and told her she was beautiful and I'd get back to her soon. Tracey and her mom walked out the door and I turned to my next mom and daughter team.
Smiling, I took the forms she had filled and, checked them over for signatures and permission contracts. I motioned for them to follow me into the studio. Motioning towards a couple of couches, I had them sit and we talked about what was expected.
"Wendy right" Very nice! Stand and turn around slowly. Nice! You're 14 right?" Wendy nodded and I continued, "A little old to start as a model. Are you a natural redhead" Good, never change that color. Red is my favorite hair color. Tell me about yourself, your likes and dislikes"
As she talked, my mind wandered to the possibility of her having red pubic hair. She droned on about teenage wants and needs, and I noticed her breasts were filling out that tube top. I wanted to have this one today if I could. Before I could break into this drivel, her mother stood and said she had shopping to do and she would be back in around 4pm.
As I watched Wendy's mom walk out, I arose, picked up my camera, and told Wendy to show me what she's got. Wendy stood and said she had to change first, picking up her outfits, she walked to the dressing room. I turned on the dressing room video monitor to see what she was hiding under that tube top. She hung her outfits on a hook and pulled off her tube top. As she pulled it up, the material hooked onto her tits and rose with the top.
When she gave it another tug, her tits fell free and bounced back to her chest, jiggling. She unzipped her pants and lowered them to the floor, exposing her tight butt wrapped in a thong. Removing the thong and standing straight, I saw her bright red pubic hair. She WAS a natural redhead. This was really going to be fun. She picked out an outfit and, leaving her underwear on the bench, dressed.
She entered the room smiling and excited. She was wearing a half tee-shirt top and shorts. I was excited too, but for a different reason. She began to move like all the girls move. With the same vacant stare, no life in her eyes. I turned on some music and told her to loosen up, dance or something, but make the camera your friend. As she started to move to the music, I began snapping pictures. Running out of film, I reloaded and told Wendy we needed her sex to come thru the camera.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked, she nodded and I continued, "Are you sexually active with him?" She looked at me in horror and looked at the floor. "Look, all I'm trying to do is get you to act sexy for the camera. If you have been sexual with your boyfriend, let those feeling come thru to the camera. Do you understand?"
Nodding again she said, "I've been with my boyfriend, but only oral. Please don't tell my mother. She'll kill me. I'll try and be sexy."
"Look! Wendy, the camera needs to see skin. If you've been in the business for a while, you know that. That's what they all want. If you can't show skin, you're wasting your time and mine. Now, take your top off and let me see the real you."
"I'm not wearing a bra." She said as I shrugged my shoulders and put my camera down, pretending to give up on her. "Okay, but don't tell my mom," she said quietly.
I began taking pictures as she took off her top and exposed those beautifully white, freckled tits. I had her dance to the music and the camera caught her 34B tits bouncing and jiggling. I put the still camera down and picked up my video camera and began shooting her.
With each movement, those young firm tits bounced and jiggled. I was very hard and close to cumming in my pants. I stopped her and told her we needed to go to the next level.
"Remove your shorts and let's get to the real modeling work," I said, acting as if I'd seen a million naked girls.
"I'm not wearing panties, I didn't want any panty lines to show," Wendy said almost pleading with me.
"It's up to you, it's your call. Either you do it or you don't. The girl that just left may get the job, not you. I don't want to force you."
"Okay!" she said in frustration, "but if my mother finds out, she'll kill me."
I started filming again, as she turned around, unzipped her shorts and let them fall to the floor. She stood up straight, her beautiful 14-year-old butt firm and freckled, sticking out. I told her to spread legs about a foot apart, bend over from the waist and arch her back. I did this to force her young pussy lips out towards me.
She did it! This beautiful young female was totally naked in front of me, pushing her pussy lips out beyond her legs. Her red pubic hair glistening from her juices. I zoomed in for a close up of her cunt and noticed a slight opening in them. I wonder if I could get her to open them for me?
"Wendy, take your hands and put them on your hips. No, stay bent over. That's right. Now pull your hands out toward your sides. No, keep them on your bottom and don't let them slide. Just pull them out." I said, my cock aching in lust.
This innocent young girl, not really understanding what I was asking of her, pulled her butt cheeks apart opening her swollen pussy lips and showing me her insides. As a bonus, I got a good picture of her tight virgin asshole.
"Pull hard," I said, and she stretched her ass cheeks as wide as she could. This caused her butt hole to pucker, but what it did to her pussy lips was almost maddening. Her pussy lips were spread open so far I could see a good inch up her pussy.
"Okay, down on all fours and open your legs as far as you can. That's right. Now arch your back. No! put you head on you arms, stick your butt in the air and try and touch the floor with your tummy. Here, let me help."
I put the video camera down, pointing it toward the young girl and knelt beside her. My hard cock just inches from her hanging tits. I put my hands on her head and pushed it down, put my other hand on her back and pushed it towards the floor. I then took my hands and placed them on her butt and pushed her down into an arch. I was so tempted to just get behind her and fuck her, but I knew I couldn't. I stood and took some more shots, making her smile at the camera as it violated her innocents.
"Okay roll over on your back and open your legs," I said, trying to act professional and unaffected by her young body. She moved immediately, no questions or complaints. She laid back and spread her legs open. I took some close ups of her red pubic hair. Her juices were quite visible as they almost dripped down towards her butt hole.
"Okay, Wendy, lean up against that couch and pull your legs up to your chest. Good, now close your legs tightly together and raise them up," I said while taking video of her pussy lips forcing their way out from the legs that were trying to conceal them. It was beautiful, and she was beautiful.
"Okay now open your legs as far as you can and put your hands on the sides of your pussy lips," I said, not thinking about the words that may offend her and shut this shoot down. But she did as she was told.
"Is this what you want?" she said, and pulled her pussy lips apart. "I've seen this on porn sites. The girls always spread their cunts apart. Am I going to be on the Internet? I'd love that! I'll do anything to get on the Internet. Anything you want. Just say the word and I'll do it. But my mother must never know. Okay?"
The video camera's sound detector was picking up every word she said. I was going to make a lot of money of this video.
"Okay, Wendy, I'll get you on the Internet, but you're going to half to do some things you may not like," I said, thinking about that virgin asshole. "Are you sure this is what you want?" nodding at me, I continued, "okay, we're going to have sex on camera. You're going to suck me and we're going to have sex. You have any problems with that?"
"No. I've never had actual sex before. My boyfriend has felt my tits and fingered me, and I gave him a blowjob. But that's about it. Will you be careful?" She asked.
"Of course. First thing, I have to get rid of this built up cum I have so we'll start with a blowjob." I said unzipping my pants and removing them and my underwear.
Turning around I heard her gasp as she saw my 8" engorged cock heading towards her lips. I pushed my cock between her lips and felt her teeth open and her tongue as I slid in farther. I took the sides of her head and began to slide my cock in and out of her mouth.
Cautioning her about her teeth, I pushed as far into her mouth as I could and started deep thrusting into her throat. She began to panic some and tried to pull back, but she was no match for my strength. Every 10th or so thrust, I would allow her a quick breath so she wouldn't pass out. I was getting close and I knew my time was short.
I began to shutter and squirt cum deep inside her throat. She took every drop, there must have been 5 or 6 healthy squirts of thick cum into her throat, but I wanted some on her face for the camera, so I pulled out and released the last of my cum all over her face and tongue.
Still holding her head I told her to suck out the cum and she put her lips on my tip and began to suck it like a lollipop. I could feel the remaining cum being pulled out to her waiting mouth as she sucked it dry.
I released her and tried to step back, but she wouldn't release my cock from her mouth. She was holding the sides of it and sucking for all she was worth.
"You like the taste?" I asked and she, not releasing me, looked up and me and shook her head "Yes."
"Okay, we have some more shots to get, so how sexy can you act?" I said smiling.
"I thought we were going to have sex?" she asked, almost disappointed.
"I have to wait a few minutes to get hard again. You sucked me dry you know." I said laughing. I picked up the camera and got close ups of my cum on her face. She started cleaning it off with her hands, and then licking it off. Very sexy I thought.
After about 15 minutes I was ready again and went to my desk and picked out a condom. I was going to fuck this 14-year-old beauty. She said she was a virgin, and I wondered if I'd feel her hymen break. I thought these things as I walked back towards her.
"You won't need that. I'm on the pill. Been on it for a year." She said reaching for her purse and opening it. "See! Here they are, and today's is already taken. See! My mother said I may have to have sex to get famous. She started me on them. It was her idea."
I lay back on my couch and told her to get on top of me. As she climbed above me I saw she was wet and her pussy lips were still parted. "She's ready," I thought as she straddled me, just stopping inches above my cock. She lay down on my chest and I could feel her soft firm freckled tits against me. She found the tip of my cock and placed it in her vagina opening and stood up again, my cock resting slightly against her open pussy lips.
I began to massage her 34B tits as she slowly lowered herself onto my cock. She was in control and felt comfortable knowing she could take it slow. As she pushed down onto my cock, we both felt a resistance and she immediately said, "That's my hymen, I think," I nodded in agreement, and I saw a look of panic in her eyes.
"Do you want to stop?" I asked, not really wanting to, but giving her a way out if she wanted it.
"No," she said, "I'm just afraid it's gonna hurt."
"Okay. Stay still and just relax," and before she could move I took her by the sides of her hips and slammed her down on my cock.
She let out a small shriek and slugged my arm. But she knew the worst was over and let me control her movements. I started thrusting into her and she began to ride me. I could tell she was excited and, possibly, close to cumming. This thought, really excited me and I knew her cumming would look great on video.
Massaging her tits with one hand, I placed the other down by her pussy and tried to find her clit. She was moving to fast and was to excited, but eventually I found it and began to flick it back and forth.
After a few minutes, this young beauty began to cum" hard, very hard. She was riding me like a horse, and almost screaming in pleasure. She came again, and I pushed her off me. I hate cumming with the female on top. I want to control my thrusting.
Standing up, I pushed her head into the couch and forced her into a doggie style position. I pushed my cock back into her tight young, unused red haired pussy and began to thrust as hard as I could. With each thrust, she let out a grunt, after awhile her grunts and my thrusts got into a rhythm. Each deep, hard thrust forced a grunt out of this 14 year old, redheaded, former virgin.
I fucked her for 10 or so minutes, when I felt my cum rising within me just aching to shoot out into this young female. I began to cum hard, her grunts and the tightness of her pussy had forced my self-control to evaporate and my cum to shoot deep inside her. As the squirts of cum waned, and my lust began to subside, I began to grind myself into her tight pussy. Forcing as much of my cum into her as I could.
I pulled out and stood straight behind Wendy. I was surprised when Wendy sat up, turned around and took my cock into her mouth and began to suck it dry again. This new experience she was having, was forcing her own vagina juices and my cum into her open mouth.
She finally let go and we dressed. I told her she was wonderful and had a great future. I would try my best to get her good jobs. She just wanted to make sure she got on the internet, and that I never told her mother. We talked until her mother showed up. She kissed my cheek and walked out to her mom's car.
I made arrangements with her mom to go over the pictures and watched her walk out. I wondered if she knew I had sex with her daughter. After all, she had put her daughter on the pill and told her she may have to sleep with some men to get ahead.
* * *
As I opened the shop the next morning I went thru the pictures and chose the ones that would go on my regular website and which would go on my porn site. Smiling I already knew and was excited about getting them uploaded. I had been up late developing and going over them.
I heard the door chime and walked into the waiting area. It was 9am and Miss Munz was there to go over her daughter's pictures, or so she thought.
"Miss Munz," I started, but was interrupted.
"Eileen," she said.
"Eileen, I videotape every session I have to protect myself. There are 6 video cameras in my studio. They not only tape all the action, I get the sound as well. During my shoot yesterday with Tracey, she told me that you told her having sex with men was the best way to get ahead in this profession. That she may have to have sex with me and you wanted her to do it if I ask her to. I have this on video and well... let me play it for you."
Turning to the small TV on the counter, I played a small portion of tape that had Tracey clearly saying her mother wants her to have sex with whomever she can to get ahead.
"Did you have sex with her?" she asked in horror. Feeling guilty she had been found out, and trying to change the subject.
Remembering a liar of a President from the 1990s, I told her I didn't have sexual relations with her daughter. But I was tempted to turn this video over to Child Protective Services.
"Wait!" she said, "Please don't do that. She must have misunderstood what I was saying to her. Please, I'll do anything."
"Eileen, this is a strange situation. I can't let this just lay there. I really should act. But maybe we can work something out. Let me think for a second," I said and walked around the room pretending to think. Trying to stay calm, knowing that this beautiful woman was going to be mine for quite awhile.
"Okay. Here's the deal. You do whatever I tell you. No questions asked, no comments and no whining about it. Deal?" I said.
"Like? What do you mean. Do you mean sexually?" She said dumbfounded.
"Exactly!" I said, and continued, "You have 15 seconds to make up your mind. If you answer No, I call Protective Services."
"For how long? A day? A week? How long will I have to do this?" She asked whining.
"For as long as I want you," I said smiling, and continued, "5 seconds left."
"Yes! Okay! I'll do it," she said frustrated.
"Good!" I said, "Let's get started. Remember, whatever I say, you do. No questioning me about it."
Nodding, she added, "You're really an asshole you know."
"First big mistake, Eileen. I will have to punish you for that. Let's go inside the studio," I said as I locked the front door and turned the sign to "Closed."
"I'm sorry. This is just so upsetting," she said, trying to gain my sympathy.
"Take off your clothes Eileen, let me see that body of yours," I said switching on the cameras and sitting on a chair.
She looked at me and began to unbutton her blouse. I knew I had her! She was mine! I turned on the music and told her to make it a striptease. She hesitated for a second and began to move with the music. She was actually prettier then her daughter, maybe 35 or so. A natural blond, tight body. She really knew how to dance too.
"Were you a dancer?" I said, she shook her head "No" and continued dancing. "Better get those clothes off soon. I want you naked. Completely naked!" I said smiling.
Eileen got serious and articles of clothing began to hit the floor. She unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. She had good firm, big breasts.
"What size are those" I said, and continued "34B?" I said knowing they were bigger.
"Try 34D." she said, correcting me with a smile. She was getting into it. She continued, "I thought about dancing in college. I studied for years"
"You were a nude dancer. Never would've thought it," I said matter-a-factly and smiling, just teasing her.
"No!" she said, seeing the gleam in my eye. "I wanted to be a professional dancer. I studied dance from a small child," she said as she unzipped her pants and lowered them to the floor.
Dancing, wearing only her panties was beginning to excite her and I thought I could see some moisture leaking thru her panties. As the song started to end, this beautiful female stood right in front of me, turned her back to me and lowered her panties to the floor. She stayed bent from the waist, about 2 feet from me. Her pussy lips were sticking out towards me, and her pussy hair and lips were moist and glistening. She was excited and wanted me to know she was excited.
I reached up and ran my fingers up in between her pussy lips and found her clit. She was wet, not just moist. I found her clit and began to move it while my other hand began to explore her pussy. She arched her back and spread her legs farther apart and let me have full access to her vagina.
I could see her natural blond pubic hair wet and short. She must have shaved this morning. I could smell her womanly scent mixed with some perfume. She was very exciting and I was going to enjoy myself. I didn't have anyone scheduled until 1pm, so this was going to take all morning.
I leaned forward and placed my tongue between her pussy lips. Tasting her juices and hearing her moan in pleasure. I began to lick her juices and stick my tongue deep into her pussy opening. As I did this, my thumb was flicking her clit in rhythm with my licks.
Soon I was licking her from her clit to her asshole. She began to moan louder and I felt her pussy contract against my tongue. She was cumming in my mouth! Her vagina was flexing on my tongue as wave after wave rolled thru her body. She started to cry out in pleasure and I decided it was time to enter her.
I stood, let my pants fall to the floor, and entered her pussy with my cock. I was thrusting hard into her and she accepted each thrust with a loud moan. Taking some of her juices onto my thumb I plunged it hard and fast into her asshole, all the way to my hand.
She let out a scream as I began deep thrusting into her pussy and applied pressure with my thumb deep in her ass. She started to cum again, and her moans got louder. I began to shutter and knew I was about to cum. I began to squirt my cum deep inside her, my thumb still deep in her ass. I began to grind my crotch into her as the final squirts shot deep inside her vagina.
I left my thumb in her ass and waited for her to ask me to take it out. She didn't ask. She liked it in her. I was going to butt-fuck her today too. The thought of this made my semi-erect cock twitch and it knew it was going into a dark dirty place, and soon.
I stayed there behind her, my thumb inside her. I took my other hand and started to play with her clit again. She stood straight, my thumb still in her, and together we walked to the couch. She got on all fours on the couch and put her head on her arms, inviting me to do whatever I wanted with her.
I stood behind her and pulled my thumb out of her butt with a pop. I walked to the desk and got a condom and returned to this beautiful submissive female. I was going to butt-fuck her and we both knew it. As I walked up to her, she was looking at me. She glanced at my semi-hard cock and sat up and took me into her mouth. Just a day before, I had her daughter's pretty lips wrapped around my cock. If this worked into anything serious, maybe I could have both of them at one time.
These thoughts helped me get excited again, as this beauty deep throated my cock. She was a much better cocksucker than her daughter, but I knew with time, like most females, her daughter would learn how to pleasure a man.
My cock was hard again and she was smiling at me. A coquettish smile meant to let me know she wanted it hard in her ass. She took the condom from me and rolled it all the way down my hard cock. She took some lubricant and greased it up. She ran both her hands together on my cock. Up and down, she put a small loop in the action as she made sure the lubricant was thoroughly covering the condom.
She smiled again at me, turned around, got on all fours and arched her back. She was ready for my cock to enter her ass. I positioned myself behind her and placed my hard cock at her butt hole and slowly moved it forward. I heard her moan as I pushed in farther. I could feel her hole start to stretch as I pushed in farther.
I was almost in when she pushed back into me, and with that motion, I was inside her ass and pushing all the way to my crotch. She started to half-moan and half-scream as I began a slow in and out movement inside her rectum. I could feel, what I concluded was fecal matter being pushed farther up the track. She was so tight I was having problems not cumming too soon. Time to think about football.
She started yelling at me to "Fuck Me Harder!" So I started thrusting inside her as rough and hard as I could, and she loved it that way. She started yelling "Yes! Yes!" in beat with my thrusts. She loved being butt-fucked and I loved butt-fucking her.
After a few minutes I began to cum inside the condom. She could feel me jerk and my rhythm get off beat and knew I was cumming. I began to grind myself into her tight ass and squirt as much of my cum into the condom as I could before pulling out.
I pulled out of her ass and actually heard a "Pop!" as my dick came out completely. She rolled over on her back and I heard several gas sounds and the air leaked from her rectum. I removed the condom and went to the restroom to wash up.
When I returned, she was still lying there on her back. Her eyes were closed, but she opened them when she heard me sit at the foot of the couch. She sat up and took my hand and pulled me down next to her and we stared at each other for a minute or so. She moved her lips close to me and kissed me lightly on my lips. I felt her tongue on my lips and I opened them and let her into my mouth.
We lay there kissing for about 20 minutes, until she sat up and climbed on top of me. She took my semi-hard cock and lowered herself onto it. I could feel her pussy lips open as my cock slid into her. She lowered herself all the way down onto me and then laid her chest against mine. She started kissing me again and this continued for another 20 minutes or so.
She raised herself up and sat straight on me and began a slow riding movement with her crotch against mine. She felt wonderful, and looked beautiful as she leaned back to force me farther inside her. I reached up and placed my hands on her firm breasts, massaging slowly. As I was doing that, she reached down and began to flick her clit.
She continued for about 10 minutes. Riding me slowly, having her breasts massaged, flicking her clit. After awhile she started speeding up her pace and I knew she was close to climax. A few more minutes and she started crying and moaning. She was cumming hard and she was really enjoying it. She continued to cry and sob until she was finished cumming. She then lay back down on me and just enjoyed the feelings.
We lay there for a few more minutes when I decided I was ready to cum again. She could tell and asked me how I wanted it. I told her to lay on her back and spread her legs. As I stood, she lay down and opened her legs for me. I knelt between her legs, enjoying the site. I put my cock to her pussy and entered her in one motion.
It didn't take long, and what was left of my cum drained into her pussy. She wrapped her legs around me and asked me to stay in her until I was soft. Smiling, I agreed and started kissing her softly.
* * *
As we stood in the waiting room, she asked me if I wanted to come over for dinner Friday night. Smiling I said I would and we kissed again and she left. As I watched her leave, I wondered what I had gotten myself into. This could end up being a good start to a long relationship. Then again, maybe it wasn't.
* * * =
It was now 4pm. I usually closed at 5, but today I was going to close early. I was just locking the door when another mother and daughter tried to turn the knob. I told them I was closing early and to comeback tomorrow, but the mom was insistent upon talking to me about her beautiful daughter.
I relented and unlocked the door, and they walked in. I hadn't gotten a good look at the young girl so I took a close look at her. She was exquisite. Probably the prettiest girl I had seen in years.
"How old are you?" I said to the young girl.
"12 and a half," she answered.
Before I could ask more questions, the mom took over. She was a very forceful female. She wanted everything and let me know she could get it.
I turned to the young girl and said, "Is this what you want?" and the young girl nodded. I handed the mom the contracts and smiled at the young girl. Expecting a smile back, she just stared at me.
When the mom finished reading the papers, she smiled and signed them, saying, "I'll be back at 6pm. If you can get her into a top modeling job, you can do what you want to her."
"Excuse me!" I said not knowing if I heard correctly.
"Look, I've been at this long enough to know what it takes to get ahead. This is my youngest daughter. She's just starting out. My other daughters have already been threw this so I know what I'm talking about. She'll do as she's told so don't worry about anything. Now I have to get going. I'll be back in 2 hours. If I can't make it back, I'll call, okay?"
Nodding, I watched stunned as she walked out the door. I walked to the front door and locked it, I also turned the close sign on. Smiling at the young girl, I took her hand and we walked into the studio. I turned on the cameras and sat on a chair.
"Tell me about yourself" I said and listened as she began to talk. I had to ask her to raise her voice a few times, but other than that, it went well. Her name was Ali, she was almost 13, about 4" 6" tall, coal black hair, extra light skin with a few freckles, and brilliant blue eyes, a breathtaking combination. She was slender, like the others, she had no hips yet.
I wasn't sure if she'd started puberty, but I would find out soon. What really surprised me was she said this was her first time out to a photo shoot. I expected this beauty to have already been exposed to the business.
"Okay, Ali, let's get started. Your mom said I can do what I want so let's start with some regular shots. Did you bring any outfits besides what you have on?" I said confused.
"No, my mom said I didn't need any. That I was going to find out how to be a model" she said.
"Okay, Ali, what you have on now is just fine. I'll turn some music on and I want you to dance, okay?" I said not expecting an answer.
As this beautiful young girl began to dance I saw the makings of a real beautiful model. With the right moves and connections, this girl could go far. I started snapping pictures and she did everything I asked her to do, without questions or comments. She was really mine to do with what I wanted.
"Okay, Ali, lets try something different. Let's have you?" I said but was interrupted.
"Is this where you want me to take off my clothes?" she asked innocently.
"Look Ali, I want you to be comfortable. I will need some shot of you partially dressed, but let me tell you when and how much. Okay?" I said and she nodded.
Continuing I said, "remove your top and let me see you from the waste up."
As she undid her top I started snapping pictures. She was wearing a training bra. I told her to dance some more and snapped more pictures. As she danced, I then told her to raise her skirt until I told her to stop.
She started to raise her skirt slowly and I snapped many pictures. I got several of her panties just barely showing. These would be great for my website I thought.
"Pull your skirt all the way up, Ali, let me see your underwear." I said and she did just that. Perfect, I thought and continued snapping roll after roll of film. She was a natural.
I told her to take off her skirt and continue dancing. This beautiful young girl unzipped her skirt while she danced, and let it fall to the ground. I walked around her as she danced and snapped more pictures.
Switching to my video camera, I began to get close ups of her small pubic area, already trying to make it's way out to the world. I told her to remove her bra and she did so like a pro. As it fell to the ground I saw that her young tits were just beginning to poke out. Her nipples were hard and small, and very erect. She was either scared or excited.
She continued to dance and I kept the video going until I motioned for her to remove her panties. Like it was an every day thing she pulled them down her legs and kicked them aside. Here she was, just the beginnings of fuzz around her tiny young pussy lips. I zoomed in to get a close up shot and could see her pussy lips were creamy white, with shades of pink around the crack that separated the two lips.
I had her stop dancing because we were going to do some serious videoing. I told her bend at the waist with her legs apart. As she complied, I walked slowly around her, asking her to look at the camera and smile as I circled her.
When I walked behind her I zoomed in and got a close up of her young pussy. Her lips were slightly parted and there was no hair to be found. I told her to arch her back to force the lips farther apart and zoomed in again as she did it. The sight of this beautiful young girl was very exciting and I was having self-control problems.
After completing the circle videoing this beauty, I told her to get on all fours and follow the camera again smiling. I had her arch her back and spread her legs as wide as she could. I wanted to get behind her and enter her tight pussy, but I didn't.
"Ali, use your hands and spread use butt cheeks apart," I said to this willing young girl, and watched thru the video camera as she opened her fresh young vagina to the world. "Smile back at the camera as you spread them apart, Ali. This will be perfect. You are such a beautiful young woman. You're doing great!"
After several minutes of filming and taking stills, I had her roll onto her back and spread eagle for the camera. She didn't say a word, just spread her legs and smiled at me. I zoomed in and got close-ups of her pussy lips.
I then had her lean against a chair and pull her legs up and hold them tightly together so I could get shots of her pussy being squeezed by her young thighs. These shot were perfect. I then had her open her legs and spread her pussy lips apart. She did it slowly, she was really getting the idea of seduction and was trying to seduce the camera or me.
This beautiful young girl lay there against my chair, legs spread apart, pussy lips wide open and smiling at the camera. I think I could see some juices forming around her pussy lips, so I said, "Ali, I have to check something. Hold still I won't hurt you," and I knelt between her spread legs and put down my video camera.
"Is this when we have sex?" she said innocently.
"We may, Ali. I just want to see something," I said, fully erect and bulging in my pants. I touched between her pussy lips and felt the moisture of her young vagina. "You're wet!" I said and continued, "This is good. You're starting puberty aren't you?" she nodded.
I took a single finger and began to move it around her vagina searching for her clitoris, and using her young moist juices to make it easier. I told her to relax and lean back, and watch her eyes close as I began to massage her clit. I was going to fuck this one!
After working her clit for several minutes, I started a faster clitoral movement and took a finger from my other hand and tried to push it into her tight pussy opening. As I worked to get it in, I noticed her facial expression was that of pain. "Does this hurt, Ali?"
"A little, but I can do it. I know I have to. My mom told me to let you do whatever you wanted." She said with a slight grimace.
"Ali, if you don't want me to I won't. You don't have to do this today. Not every photographer will make you have sex with them" I said as I felt a pang of guilt.
"It's okay. I have to do it. My mom said it'll help me get ahead faster" she said.
My hard on starting to hurt and my self-control forgotten, I pushed my finger inside her tight vagina and ignored her cries of pain. Working her clit and moving my finger in and out of her tight pussy as she was spread open before me was very exciting.
I laid her back and knelt between her legs. I decided I had to taste this young pussy, so I put my head in between her legs and began to lick her soft fuzzy pussy. It must have startled her, because she jumped and drew in a breath. I opened her pussy lips with my hands and began to lick her vagina.
I stuck my tongue as far as I could into her pussy and began to tongue fuck her. She began to breathe harder and put her hands on my head. She tasted so good and clean I had to get as much of this as I could. I licked her from her asshole to her pussy opening. I found her clit with my tongue and began to lick it roughly back and forth. I wasn't sure if she would or could climax and I really didn't care. She was there for my pleasure and I was having tons of it.
Getting tired of eating her virgin pussy, I stood up and checked the video cameras for tape remaining. Each had another hour or so to go. I walked back and stood in front of her and unzipped my pants and stepped out of them and my underwear. I removed my shirt and motioned for her to kneel before me. As she did I put my hard cock to her lips and pushed it between them. Her small mouth was having problems taking it all in, but I didn't give her a chance to complain. I just pushed it in as far as I could, and warned her to keep her teeth off my cock.
As she began to wrap her lips around my cock, I took her head in my hands and began to move it up and down on my hard cock. Listening to her trying to breathe and the slurping sounds as my pre-cum and her own juices mixed to form a sloppy mess. Some juices were rolling down the sides of her chin, but I didn't care. I was going to use this young girl and have fun doing it.
After several minutes of this beauties young mouth I felt my cum begin to rise within me. The first squirts were thick, forceful and massive. I had pushed far into her mouth, but hadn't given her time to swallow any of it. Warning her to not let any out of her mouth, I pumped a second load of cum into her mouth area. I pulled out and pumped a third load into her face.
As I started to pump a forth load, I moved her face so she would get it directly in her mouth. I told her to open her mouth and catch my cum as it squirts. She did just that. As she opened her mouth I could see the cum from earlier ejaculations on her tongue. She hadn't had time to swallow it. I told her to swallow and she tried, but there was too much cum in her mouth. As the forth load shot out of my hard cock it hit her on the tongue and chin.
I pulled back a little and watched her begin to swallow everything in her young mouth. When she had it gone, I told her to suck out the remaining cum like she would a lollipop. She took my cock into her mouth again and started sucking like it was a straw. I could feel her pulling my cum out of my shaft and it was very exciting.
"Is this sex" She asked.
Having this same question asked the previous day I answered the same way, "No, Ali, this isn't sex. This was just a blowjob"
"Are we going to have sex" My mom said I was going to have to have sex" she asked in her innocent young voice. "Can you do that with your tongue on my privates again" That really felt good"
"Yes we are going to have sex. No I don't have time to tongue you again. Maybe next time. For now, I want some more close ups of you. Get up on the couch and spread you pussy lips open and smile for the camera" I said.
As she stood and turned to sit on the couch, she accidentally knocked my video camera off the table. It fell to the floor and a piece broke off. She looked at me in panic and I picked it up and checked it out.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do it" she said almost crying.
"Come here you little slut!" I said angrily. "Look what you did. It's broken!" I said lying to her. A small useless part had broken off and the camera was fine. I faked anger and placed it back on the table and turned it on. I was going to add a whole to new dimension to this session.
Sitting on a chair I told Ali to lay across my lap. She walked to me already crying and laid on me. I looked at her naked butt in front of me and told her to open her legs. I let one leg fall to the ground and the other stay up on my lap. This opened her pussy as well as her butt. I raised my hand and saw her butt cheeks clench as my hand fell fast and hard against her butt and vaginal area. With each slap I was hitting her ass hole and vagina opening.
Wack! Wack! Wack! I hit her tiny ass cheeks and pussy. She was crying loudly. I took my hand and lowered it to her butt and patted it saying, "This is so you'll remember not to break expensive equipment," and hit her one last hard slap. The hardest yet. I made sure I got her pussy in the slap too.
I waited for her to calm down and told her to fix her make up. She went to the restroom and returned a few minutes later with a flown on her face.
"Look, Ali, I forgive you, okay" We have a lot more to do before your mother comes back. Don't worry I won't tell her you broke my camera," I said lying again.
She perked up some and said she was ready to continue. After taking several more minutes of video, and a few rolls of stills, I was ready to fuck this 12 1/2 year old girl. I had her turn around and put her face on her arms and smile towards the camera. I knelt behind her and pushed my finger into her tight young pussy. I didn't use lubricant or even wait for her juices to be there.
I wanted her to remember what it was like to be with a heartless man. Maybe someday this experience will stop her from continuing in this career, and rebel against her domineering mother. Actually, these were just justifications for my guilt in using this beauty in such an evil way.
After a few minutes of finger fucking her, I felt some juices begin to form. It became easier to finger her and I knew it was okay to enter her. Not concerned with safety, I took my unprotected engorged cock and put it at her tight young vagina lips. Not waiting for her okay, I began to push myself into her.
I looked down and could see my cock splitting her pussy lips open and enter a short distance into her cunt. I could feel some moisture, but she was so tight it was hurting me, I know it was hurting her. Pushing my cock head past her pussy lips and into her vagina about an inch, she let out a scream of pain.
Not caring about her pain, I pushed farther into her vagina. With each inch she cried out, she was close to begging me to take it out. But I knew she wouldn't because she feared her mother more than the pain I was causing her.
About three or so inches in, I felt, what I figured was her hymen. I knelt there knowing that I was about to change this girl's life forever. When I passed thru this membrane, I would change her from a virgin to a non-virgin. The power was exciting.
Holding her small, shapeless hips. I pulled back a little and in one fast, hard, forceful and uncaring thrust, pushed thru her virginity and entered her vagina all the way to my crotch. She let out a loud scream and started crying. It was then that I knew I was going to fuck her hard and long.
I began my thrusting deep into her tight pussy. I ignored her cries and screams as I tried to get as deep into her as I could. I got into a rhythm and she stopped her screams, but continued crying. With each hard thrust, she would cry out in pain. The sounds of her pain were exciting me more than I expected.
I kept this up for several more minutes, trying to see how long I could last. After 10 minutes, she had stopped crying and was grunting along with my hard thrusts. I don't think she was beginning to enjoy it, she may have just gone numb with the pain.
I felt my cum actually leave my testicles and enter my penis shaft. Then I made myself feel every squirt I pumped into her pre-pubescent vagina. It was a wonderful feeling. She accepted it, against her will maybe, but she was full of my sperm and I'm sure they were swimming for, what they hoped, were eggs. I didn't care about that. She may have eggs, but then again, maybe not.
I pulled out and, expecting to see a semi-hard cock, was surprised to see it was still hard. Reaching behind me and grabbing the lubricant, I greased up her tight ass hole. I knew I could never get my cock in there without tearing her and really hurting her, I would violate her asshole with a finger. I chose a smaller finger and placed it at her hole and in one quick movement, pushed it all the way into her ass. She immediately screamed and started crying again. She was also urinating on my leg.
She began to beg me to take it out, but I was going to leave it in for a few minutes to allow her to know what she may have to do for some men. "Ali," I said, "Some men will not only put a finger in your butt, they may want to put their cock in your butt. Is this the life you want? Having men use your butt like it was your pussy? It hurt to have me fuck your pussy didn't it?
Not waiting for and answer, continued, "Just imagine what a hard cock would feel like. Some men may expect you to do this. You may want to re-think your future unless you want me to fuck your ass right now with my hard cock. It's your call, Ali, do you want me to put my cock into your butt?"
"My mom says I have to do what ever you say" she said crying from my finger still in her ass.
"But what do you want, Ali?" I said and pulled out my small finger and pushed my middle finger all the way inside her in a rough movement.
"OWWWW!!!!" she cried and started crying again.
"Well, Ali, Is this what you want?" I said, "Not your mother, you! Is this what you want?"
"No, it hurts, please take it out," she cried.
I pulled my finger out of her ass, sat down next to her and pulled her onto my lap. I held her tight as she cried, sobbing deeply. My guilt had gotten the best of me. I had still used her young body. But I was trying to help her understand what may be expected of her from men more evil than I. I held her until she stopped crying and told her to dress and get ready to go home.
As she stood, I saw my cum rolling down her legs. I stood and walked her into the bathroom and turned on the shower. After getting it to a warm temperature, I had her stand and let me clean her. I took the hand held shower and cleaned her vagina. I had her sit on the bench and open her legs and spread her pussy open. I cleaned her out the best I could, ignoring her cries from the tearing I caused.
I turned off the water and told her to dry herself and get dressed. I sat and watched her as she pulled on her panties and as she started to put on her training bra, I stopped her. I hadn't felt her tiny tits. Turning her around I reached around her and massaged what tits she had. They were soft and her nipples were hard so I was getting excited again. I turned her around and told her she had to suck my cock again.
"Again? But I thought you were done with that stuff?" she said complaining.
"You'll learn that men will take what they can get. And right now I want your lips around my cock," I said ignoring her complaints.
She knelt before me and I pulled out my stiffening penis. She knew what to do and took me into her mouth. She was already an experienced female and knew what I wanted. She sucked and deep throated me without me having to hold her head. She kept her teeth off me and her lips wrapped around my shaft.
After letting her control my pleasure for several minutes, I started shooting cum into her mouth. Still not touching her head, she pushed far onto my cock and accepted every squirt. There wasn't much left in me, but she took it all. When she saw I wasn't squirting any out, she began to suck out what was still in my shaft. She sucked like a lollipop until it was all out. Then she looked up at me and smiled.
"How was that?" she asked still smiling.
"That was great! You know what? You can stop by anytime you want and do that for me. I'd like to make you cum someday too. Will you promise me you'll stop by once in awhile?" I said.
"Yup! I promise. But we can't tell my mother okay?" she said, still innocent, I thought.
"Deal! Now let's get all cleaned up and wait for your mom" I said as she finished dressing.
* * *
That night I spent several hours editing and creating videos and stills for my website. I watched the videos of all the young girls that had sucked or fucked me, and that same excitement started again. I even took the videos of Eileen, Tracey's mom and made a film out of it. I was going to have to fuck her again this weekend. She'll probably want it in the ass again. I may really have a future with her.
As I finished editing and creating files for my website I looked at what I had just created. I knew these films would make a lot of money, so would the stills when I put them on a CD. I uploaded the stills to my website, making sure they were safe, invisible and untraceable.
I put the videos in my car and took them home. I would stop at the bank tomorrow and put them in my "Special" safety deposit box. I had setup a box under an assumed name and paid for it from an off shore bank account I had setup on my vacation last summer.
I had set it up to hide money from the IRS but it would it be perfect for hiding incriminating evidence from the authorities too. I had setup the account using falsified identification and I would use it to setup this "Special" safety deposit box.
* * *
Waking the next day I showered, shaved, dressed and drove to the bank and put my videos in my "Special" box, and then continued onto work. Opening up I cleaned up the place while I waited for my first appointment. At 10am another mother and daughter came in and it all started over again.
My life had changed from a few days ago. I had been a respected person and ran an honest business, but now I was trafficking in kiddie porn, I had to stop this before I got caught.
However, having this mother standing there telling her daughter to do what the man says and she would be back in a couple of hours, made me lose my self-righteous thoughts of honor and respect, and taking this young 13 year old girl into my studio I knew It would continue.
"Okay, sweetheart, take off your clothes and let me see your body..."
old perv
Some old dude
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