Uncle Ned's Harem

[ MF/f, exhib, inc, spank, teen, oral, les, bdsm, bond, reluc, humil, nc ]

by Banshee


Published: 2-Jun-2013

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Day 1

They sat in Uncle Ned's living room. He was not a happy trooper, and he let them know.

"This really pisses me off. Cece and I have been doing just fine by ourselves, since your aunt died four years ago. Now I find out your Goddamn father stayed with your mother until he'd run through her inheritance, then takes off with some blond bimbo, and then your fucking mother dies."

Donna interrupted, "Uncle Ned, I don't think that kind of language ..."

"You can shut the fuck up, right there, little lady. This is my house and you'll abide by my rules. You don't like it, you can get the fuck out. Oh, that's right. You can't, can you. I still don't understand. I thought after your mom died they set you up in a foster home."

"They did, but the husband ...abused us, and the Social Services found out about it and took us back, but they couldn't find another foster home, and the orphanage got closed last year from lack of county funds. Then when they found out that you were related to us, they notified you."

What do you mean he abused you?"

"He ...raped both of us...and other things."

"So you both lost your cherries, huh. And what were the other things he did?"

"I'd rather not say, sir."

"I don't give a Goddamn what you'd rather, I asked you a question, and I expect an answer!"

"He...he...made us give him blow-jobs, and he spanked us a lot."

"Well, as I said, I'd just as soon not have to feed and clothe you until God knows when, but I'm telling you now, you'll live by my rules, and you'll earn your keep. There's lots to do around here...cleaning, preparing meals, mowing the lawn, cutting wood for the fireplace, doing the dishes and a shit-load of other things, so don't think life will be a bowl of cherries...Oh, that's right, you don't have yours, do you?"

A few tears welled up in Jennie's eyes, as she reflected on their hard times up to now, and it looked like things weren't getting any better.

"Cece, why don't you take the girls up and show them where they'll be sleeping? It' looks like you girls could use some new clothes, too. I've seen threadbare, but these duds take the cake. Just one more place for my money to go, taking care of you girls."

Cece showed the sisters upstairs, pointed out her room, which was nicely furnished, had a comfortable-looking ¾ size bed, and a good-sized walk-in closet. Right across the hall was their common bathroom, nicely decorated with a large shower, a linen closet, toilet, wall-length mirror and double sink. Next to the bathroom was the room for Donna and Jennie. It consisted of two small cots, a single wooden chair, a rack with five or six hangers on it and an old scuffed bureau. It was also windowless.

Both girls were disappointed, but they both felt they finally had a permanent place to rest their heads at night. As they sat on their cots, Cece tried to cheer them up with how much fun it would be to get to know them. She was sure they'd all get to be best buddies. She did warn them that her father had a terrible temper and a bit of a mean streak in him.

"Hey, how about we celebrate by smoking a toke. I've got some hidden in my room."

"I don't know. We've never smoked any pot."

"You both really ought to try it then. It'll make you feel a lot better."

So Cece got a butt, lit it up and the three girls partook. Within a few minutes, Donna and Jennie's head were spinning. Cece was feeling no pain, either, but she knew how much she could take without it affecting her greatly. After fifteen minutes, Donna decided she'd best take a shower to clear her head a little and suggested Jennie come on and take one when she was finished. Cece went back to her room.

Donna took her shower and gloried in the fact that she had a new home, how good the hot water felt flowing over her body, and how nice the toke had made her feel.

She left the water running, knowing that Jennie was getting ready to take her place, stepped out, grabbed a towel and began drying off. Jennie, in the meantime, slipped off her clothes and climbed into the shower. She had no sooner adjusted the temperature than the bathroom door slammed open, and there in the doorway stood Uncle Ned, eyes blazing.

In one giant step he was able to grab Donna by the arm and yank her over to the toilet. In the process, in her surprise, she dropped the towel, giving Ned an unencumbered view of her body. What he saw, even fleetingly, he liked. Donna's body was very sleek, her shaking breasts heavy but not overly so, her nipples a dark brown with very sharp points, partially due to the goose-bumps covering her body from the fright and cold air rushing in from the hallway. Her vagina was covered by a paucity of brown hair. Her hips were well rounded . All this he noticed in the short time it took him to pull her over to the toilet, spin her around and plop her down on her stomach over his lap. What he noticed then was a nice large butt, just perfect for spanking, which he proceeded to administer.

Smack! "I could smell the pot as soon as I came upstairs. How dare you bring pot into my home."

Smack! "You are a bad influence on your little sister and my Cece. You'll be sorry you ever introduced my daughter to such a nasty habit."

Smack! "No, nooo, that's wrong, Uncle...."

Smack! "I know it's wrong. Now shut up!"

The spanking continued, and, as it progressed, Donna began to blubber, large tears forming in her eyes. Soon she was openly crying out as her whole rear end turned a vivid red. Tears began flowing down her cheeks in rivelets. And still the beating went on. By the sixtieth smack Donna's cries had subsided, and she was back to moaning and begging her Uncle to stop. On the 75th, he stopped, pushed her off his lap onto the floor and headed for Jennie, who stood frozen in the shower, watching in horror the beating that had just transpired.

He grabbed the soaking wet girl by the arm and pulled her over to the toilet. His observation of Jennie in that time was that she had lemon-sized breasts with little pink nipples, a pussy totally devoid of hair, showing her nice little slit. The rest of her body was almost pre-pubescent looking, but developing nicely.

Smack! "You should be ashamed of yourself, too. Too young to have hair on your pussy, but old enough to smoke pot."

Smack! "I'll teach you both that we don't do that in this house."

Smack! Ned's hand on her wet bottom had a more immediate effect on her system, and Jennie began wailing almost immediately. As the spanking went on, her wails became screams, and her tears streamed down her cheeks. By the 75th, she was totally broken and hung limp over Ned's lap. As with Donna, he dumped her on the floor. Donna stood crouched against the wall, one arm over her ample breasts and her other hand covering her pussy.

Uncle Ned rose, looked at both of the girls and ordered them to get dressed and come downstairs. It was time for him to pass out some rules and regulations.

Donna put on her panties and bra and stepped across the hall to let Cece have it.

"How could you let him spank us like that, when it was your pot? Why didn't you tell him?"

"I am so, sooo sorry, Donna, but if I had told him it was mine he'd have taken his belt off and torn off about three layers of skin on my butt. By the time I realized what was happening, he'd almost finished with you, and I just couldn't tell him. Please forgive me, I...."

"The three of you have 30 seconds to get down here and stand at attention or else!"

Donna started to go back to her room to finish dressing, but Cece yelled out, "He really means 30 seconds. Don't put anything else on and run!"

Jennie had finished putting on a dress over her panties, but Donna got the message and they all raced down the steps. They stood in line at attention and made it with three seconds to spare. Uncle Ned walked back and forth in front of them as if they were in the military, before stopping in front of Donna. Her panties were somewhat threadbare but covered everything, except they were thin enough that you could see the dark shade of pubic hair between her legs. Her bra, however had lost its elasticity in the back, and about four inches of her breast hung below the bottom of the bra. It was also thin enough to distinctly show her nipples clearly.

"What do you wear that bra for anyway? It's worn out and looks terrible. Get rid of it."

Donna, her face reddening, attempted to pull it down to cover all of her breasts.

"I didn't say adjust it! I said get rid of it, NOW!"

Totally flustered, she didn't know what to do, but the look on his face answered the question. She reached behind her, unhooked the bra, and, as it slid off her arms, she handed it to Ned. He immediately threw it down on the floor, yelling "I don't want the Goddamn thing. You never listen! Goddamn it!"

With this he swung his hand around, slapping the sides of both breasts from the right to left and then back again. Donna cried out, and tears rushed to her eyes. He then told the girls to stand at ease, and, when they had put their hands behind their backs, he began walking back and forth before them again.

To start with, Pot Lady, no more bras until we get you some new ones. We'll get around to that one of these days. And just so she won't feel picked on, Cece, you don't wear yours until we get her some. Cece assured him she'd take care of that as soon as she got upstairs. He looked at Jennie, commenting on the fact that she wouldn't need a bra for some time.

He then began letting the two newcomers know what to expect from now on. Cece was all too familiar with the rules already. Failing to do as they were told, not doing it on time, or doing it incorrectly, would draw demerits. Each demerit would bring a punishment of ten strokes of the cane on their posteriors, or other parts, depending on the seriousness of the demerit. All demerits would be administered on Friday night. This did not mean that there wouldn't be occasions when he would spank one of them at the time of an offense, if he felt it was deemed proper. The demerit would still stand, come Friday night.

"Sunday night is 'Inspection Night'." You will all take showers and then come down to the living-room sans clothing for a thorough inspection."

This was too much for Donna to take and she immediately blurted out, "Oh, Uncle Ned, I don't think we can do that. That would be..."

Once again, Ned's hand slapped across her breasts, returned, and then repeated the action. By the time he finished her breasts had turned pink, and the tears were streaming down her face and dripping on her naked tits.

"Did I ask you what you thought. I can see I'm going to be giving you demerits all over the place. You don't tell me what you think unless I ask you, do you hear?"

Donna whispered in the affirmative, the tears still coursing down her cheeks.

"Now then, I want you two to go upstairs and clean that bathroom 'til it shines. It's a pigpen right now. Cece, you're making dinner, and you can start it right now. GO!"

The sisters hurried up the stairs, Donna putting a dress on over her panties, before they started in working on scrubbing down the bathroom. After a half hour or so, Donna realized that there was no Windex to clean the windows and the mirrors with. She told Jennie to go on scrubbing the bathtub, and she would go down to see if there was any available. As she walked down the carpeted stairs she heard sounds coming from the kitchen, which were not pots and pans rattling.

"Oh God, yes. Come on girl, you can get it further in than that. I know you can. You've gotten it all the way in before."

"Gawp, slurp, gumff, slurp, urg, slurp, unggh."

"Yeah, that's it. Good, good, umm, yeah!"

Donna didn't need to peek to see what was going on. She turned and headed back upstairs. When she got to the bathroom, she pulled Jennie over to her.

"We have to get out of here tonight, Jen."


"Uncle Ned is doing just what Mr. Marley used to do with us, when we were living with him and his wife. He's making Cece suck him off. We'll sneak out when everybody's asleep."

After dinner the girls played Monopoly until it was bedtime. Ned watched the news and went to bed around 11:30.

Day 2

The girls crept silently down the stairs, stole through the living room, unlocked the front door, and stepped out on the front porch. Suddenly lights began flashing and a screaming siren began blaring. Jennie was frozen to the spot. Donna began running, yelling to Jennie to follow her, but her sister was totally petrified. A moment later Ned's hand grabbed her and twisted her arm behind her.

"You want your little sister's arm broken, girl. Just go ahead and leave her here. I'm not kidding. You get up here, NOW!"

Donna, frightened for what Uncle Ned would probably do to Jennie if she left her there, hesitantly and reluctantly returned to the porch.

"Get in there, bitch!"

Donna hesitantly entered the living room followed by her uncle and sister, only to find that Cece had come down to see what all the clatter was all about, though she really already knew, having tried to escape once herself.

"Okay, you girls have really broken the ice, now. You don't like my hospitality and you try to leave without even saying goodbye. We're gonna remedy that right now. Both of you strip. Don't look at me like you don't know what I mean. Get those clothes off now. Every last thing you have on. Cece, honey, go upstairs and bring down every piece of clothing you can find in the ingrates' oom. Everything!"

Cece raced upstairs as the girls began removing their clothes. When they had finished undressing and stood naked before their uncle, he gathered up their clothes, placed them in the fireplace and lit a match to them.

"Oh no, please Uncle Ned, don't burn our clothes. Please!"

At this point Cece arrived from upstairs with a large pile of clothes. Ned took them and piled them on the burning clothes.

As the pile burst into flames, Ned turned to his two naked nieces, and, with a big smile, said, "Let's see how you fare without anything on your bodies now. I don't think you'll be wanting to run away quite as much for a while. Now, follow me. I have a nice new place for you birds to sleep from now on."

Everyone followed him through the kitchen to the back porch, which was screened in and had two lawn chairs sitting among various tools and other outdoor items.

"Cece, get me the duct tape. Now, you girls each take a seat in your new beds for tonight. Tomorrow, we'll bring your cots down here. I'm sure you'll find them more comfortable, but in the meantime, you'll just have to do with these."

The girls took seats hesitantly, as Cece returned with the duct tape. In a matter of minutes Ned had each girl's legs taped to the legs of the lawn chairs, their arms taped to the chair arms and a piece of duct tape over each girl's mouth.

He went over to a thermometer attached to one of the back porch posts and checked it.

"It's a nice comfortable 58 degrees, so you may get a bit chilly. Now you could possible turn your chairs over, but you probably won't find that very comfortable either. The porch door is latched, so I don't think you'd get far. Goodnight, girls, sleep well.

With that, Ned and Cece went back inside, and both girls, who already had goose-bumps all over their bodies, began to cry and whimper. It would be a long night.

When Ned and Cece came down the next morning, Donna and Jennie felt as if they'd been through the worst night of their lives. They had each gotten little more than two hours of sleep, they were shivering and full of goose-pimples all over their bodies. Their breasts, in particular, looked as though they'd had feathers plucked from them, and their nipples were hard as rocks.

Ned removed the tape and invited them in for breakfast. He explained that, until recently, they'd had a dog, who had run away. They still had his dry dog food and Ned figured Donna and Jennie could eat some of that for breakfast. He filled two bowls with the pebbles and placed them before the girls. Jennie was so hungry she tore into the food. Donna, who was hungry, too, made up her mind she wouldn't stoop so low. As Ned and Cece ate their oatmeal, Donna sat with her arms folded.

"You don't have to eat, you know, but you won't get anything more until supper," he said. "And by the way, unfold those arms. I don't want you covering up those beauties. I want to be able to see those titties at all times."

Donna demurred and dropped her arms to her side.

When they'd finished breakfast, Uncle Ned told them he had a nice surprise for them, and they followed him down into the cellar, knowing the surprise would not be nice. They were correct. The cellar was dank and dark, save for a 40 watt bulb high up on the ceiling. A work bench, some tools and several cabinets stood against one wall. In the middle of the cold room was a wooden pillory, and leaning up against one wall was a St. Andrew's cross, a large X with tethers at each corner. Ned made Donna put her head and hands into the pillory, and, once she was firmly attached, he lowered the post, so that she was bent at a 90 degree angle.

He next adjusted the straps on the St. Andrew's cross to fit Jennie's size, so that she was firmly stretched with legs and arms well split, enough so that her little labial split was partially open.

Moving back to Donna, who was already feeling the strain on her back of being bent over, he got on his knees in from of her, reaching up to grab each of her breasts in his hands. Squeezing them tight, he began pulling them down, then releasing them, only to repeat the grab and yank down, as if he were milking a cow.

"If you were only pregnant, we could have cream for our breakfast."

Donna winced at first, but, as he continued, the pain became dreadful, and she began to moan and cry. Ned kept it up for a couple of minutes, at which point Donna began to groan.

Leaving Donna, he went over to Jennie, grabbed her lemon-sized breasts and repeated the same action he had done moments before with Donna.

"And if these were just lemons, we could have lemon juice and make lemonade."

Squeeze, squeeze.

Cece stood expressionless, watching her father having his fun. When they left, both girls sighed in relief, but both wished they had free hands to soothe their sore breasts.

Three hours later, Ned and Cece came back downstairs to see how the girls were doing. Donna's back was killing her, and she was so hopeful that Ned would finally let her stand up. Her disillusionment was quickly tossed to the winds, as Ned moved over to her, unzipping his fly as he came. For the first time, she saw his semi-erect penis, and she was somewhat aghast. Mr. Marley's had been average size, perhaps six inches when totally erect. This being the second prick she'd ever seen for real, the size difference was daunting. Not only was Uncle Ned's penis somewhat longer, it was also considerably thicker.

"I know you didn't get any breakfast, Honey. You must be starving to death, and I thought maybe you'd like a nice dose of protein. So open wide, and let me provide you with some nourishment."

Having had some trouble managing Mr. Marley's manhood, she was immediately worried about her coming encounter with Uncle Ned's. She decided to keep her mouth closed at all costs. That is, until Uncle Ned grabbed a bunch of her hair in his fist and yanked. Her mouth flew open, as she shrieked in pain.

Ned immediately stuck his penis in her mouth, with the admonition that any teeth marks would necessitate immediate reprisal, as well as three demerits. It began to glide in and out slowly, and Donna was able to manage the length fairly well, until he decided to push against the back of her mouth. At this point her gag reflex began to take hold, and it was all she could do to keep from vomiting.

"Gawp, slurp, unnngh, slurp, glogg, slurp."

Ned's prick began to settle in the back of her mouth, and her breathing was beginning to cut off. She couldn't breathe through her nose and the passage through her mouth was cut off as Ned continued to force his prick, holding it in the back of her mouth. Just as she thought she would faint, he removed his penis for a few moments. Spit and slobber drooled from her mouth, as she took a deep breath. She now saw his fully erect prick for the first time. It was easily eight inches long, and it was dripping with the same spittle that was dribbling down her chin.

"Not bad, but we're gonna have to work on your deep throat technique, Sweetie. It sucks, if you'll pardon my little joke. Now, let's see if we can't finish this up with a flourish."

With this, he jammed his hard penis back into her mouth and began sawing back and forth. After a minute or two, his motions became more frenetic, and he was again forcing his penis to the back of Donna's mouth. He was finally able to push it into her throat, and she thought she would die.

"Gleep, slurp, Ahhrgh, slurp, goog."

Once again it was all she could do to keep from passing out. She became light-headed, but the onslaught continued, until he grabbed her head and his prick began spurting semen down her throat. It seemed to go on forever. Finally he pulled off, and her head drooped as she began gulping for air. When she finally raised her head again, Ned was just sticking his flaccid penis into his pants. Donna looked over to see Cece standing by the steps with a big smile on her face.

Was she in on all this, or was she just relieved that it wasn't her for a change?

"Well, I hope that helps to assuage your hunger a little, Honey." Be back in an hour or two, and we'll find some work for you two to do. See you then!," and they were gone.

Jennie said "Are you all right?"

Donna answered, "I guess so, but my back is killing me and my throat is really sore. He's much worse than Mr. Marley was."

"Yeah, I could tell. Oh, God, please get us out of here."

What seemed to be an eternity was actually only an hour and a half before Ned descended the steps. He was rubbing his hands together, as though he was looking forward to some more games.

He leaned down in front of Donna's pinioned head, and, placing his hands below each of her breasts began bouncing them. Then he grabbed both nipples between his fingers and thumbs and squeezed. Donna gasped in pain and humiliation.

"I have to tell you, Sweetie, I do like your boobs. They're so bouncy, but firm at the same time. And your nips are sweet, too. Just the right length. How about let's get you and little sis upstairs now, so you can do something useful, instead of just hanging around in the cold cellar."

With this he released Donna and Jennie from their respective devices. Both were so relieved to be able to stretch their muscles, which, at this point, had atrophied, and it was everything they could do to climb the steps.

As they reached the kitchen, where Cece was preparing to put a pot roast in the oven for dinner, Ned assigned Jennie the task of cleaning the living room. He told her where the dust cloths, the vacuum cleaner, and other items she'd need were and told her to ask him for anything else she needed.

Then he grabbed ankle clamps that were joined by about one foot of chain, and a ball gag and had Donna follow him outside. He led her to a large garden on the side of the house, attached the ankle bracelets and ball gag, telling her he wanted every weed in the garden pulled, no matter how long it took.

It was late spring, the flowers were in full bloom, and her task was a formidable one. The temperature was hovering around 60 degrees, and her naked body was once again starting to produce goose-bumps all over. Her nipples stood out like little sentinels, and Ned couldn't resist tweaking them for a few moments before he went inside.

Donna set to work, feeling very awkward, as she sat on her buttocks and slid herself along the grass pulling weeds as she went. There were just so many to pull, she didn't know whether she could get them all before darkness set in. As she slid along, the ball gag became more and more annoying, as the ball continued to stretch her mouth, and the saliva she was producing was slipping out of her mouth and down her chin.

As the afternoon progressed dark clouds began to form over head, and soon the rain began pouring down in sheets. She hoped perhaps Ned would take pity on her, and let her come inside, but such was not the case. The cold rain continued to pour down on her shivering body, and she continued to try to pull the weeds. Just as dark was setting in, Ned appeared. Her body was shivering, drops of water were dripping down her naked body and her hair hung over her face in strings. She was totally bedraggled.

"Are we done yet, my little titty girl?"

"I think I've got most of the weeds, sir, but it's gotten so hard to see. I'm not sure."

"Well, I'll check tomorrow morning. God help you if it's not done. Now let's go inside and get you into the shower. We don't want you catching pneumonia, do we? That would cut down on all the fun we're having."

He took the ball gag and the tethers off her, and they went inside. He told Donna to go upstairs with Cece, who would oversee her shower. He then went with Jennie into the living room to check on how she'd done. Thing looked good for Jennie, until Ned put on a white glove and began wandering around.

He pulled the desk out from the wall and ran his hand against the baseboard, producing a grey residue on the glove. Wiping that off he went to the pictures on the wall, most of them hung higher than Jennie was tall, and rubbing the top of the frames came up with several globs of dust. Then he moved over to the doorways, and, reaching high up, ran his hand across the top doorway frames. More dust on each frame!

Jennie began lowering her head in humiliation, knowing this was about to add to her punishment, which already was substantial, she knew. As he tut-tutted, her fear grew proportionately.

"You missed a lot of places, Jennie. You should be ashamed of yourself. I give you a reasonably easy job, and you failed miserably. What have you got to say for yourself?"

"Most of those places were higher than I could reach, sir."

"Nonsense, girl! I told you to ask for anything you needed and you didn't. You could have stood on a chair or asked for a ladder. You're just lazy, and you've just picked up one more demerit for tomorrow's punishment session. Now, I know you must be all sweaty from what little work you did. Let's go into my bathroom and we'll take a shower together. That way I can be sure your lazy ways don't extend to getting yourself clean."

Jennie was anxious to hang back, but a swift hand across her naked butt convinced her that she had no choice. She moved into Ned's bathroom and stood motionless, as he turned on the shower, finding the right temperature, and began removing his clothes. Having seen him in action that morning with Donna, she was not surprised to see his long flaccid penis, when he finally pulled off his briefs. She did have feelings of fear, however.

Ned motioned for her to step into the shower and followed her in. There was a built-in seat in the roomy shower, which Jennie did not feel boded well for her. Ned began by soaping up his nubile niece's back and butt, moving down her legs with the soap, only to move back up to the top of her thighs. Suddenly she felt a finger moving into the crease of her soapy buttocks, and, just as suddenly, finding her little hole. His finger moved around the puckered hole for a few seconds before inserting itself rather deeply into her anus. Jennie gave a startled "Ohh!," as she felt the finger sink deeper and deeper.

"Have to make sure you're clean everywhere, don't we?"

He removed his finger after wiggling it around for several seconds, swatted her on her pink rear and told her to turn around. Sitting on the seat, he began soaping up her shoulders and arms, finally moving down to her small breasts. Here he spent a good deal of time soaping each breast, rubbing each one, paying particular attention to her little nipples. They grew considerably though, as he continued massaging the tips. Eventually they reached their full size, small but hard nubs.

Ned moved next to her stomach, playing, for a moment, with her belly-button, before moving down to the crack between her legs. He soaped up the outside of the slit, moving down both legs with the soap. When he reached down to her feet, his face was directly in front of her vulva, and he blew on it for several moments, bringing goose-bumps to the whole area.

Then he moved back up to her little slit, telling her to spread her legs as far apart as she could. When she did, he began moving his index finger back and forth from the top of the slit all the way to the rear of her perineum. After doing this several times, he moved his finger to the front and began concentrating on her clitoris. He resoaped his finger and ran his finger in circles around her little clit until she began to moan. Within half a minute, she was not only moaning, her thighs began to rotate. In no time at all he had her groaning loudly, followed by her first orgasm. Not content he continued until she had climaxed three times, and her slit was oozing.

Watching her climax had given Ned a semi-hardon, and upon completion of her third orgasm, he reached up to her shoulders and pushed her down to her knees. This was what Jennie was dreading, but she dutifully opened her mouth and inserted the head of his growing penis into it. Having seen what he had done to Donna earlier she feared that he would pull her head to him and force his prick to the back of her mouth, but he let her take as much of it into her mouth as she wanted to. She moved closer, taking in about four inches and began sucking and tonguing the head. She continued until very soon his penis was at its full length and she was marveling at the fact that he wasn't making any move to force his rod any further into her mouth.

Suddenly he pushed her away and demanded she turn around and sit on his lap.

"Oh, please don't, Uncle Ned. Let me suck you some more. Please!"

"Turn around and sit on my prick, Jennie. Right now, or it'll be another demerit to work off tomorrow. You've already got four. I don't think you want any more, do you?"

As the tears started coursing down her face, she turned and began to sit until she felt the tip of his penis at the edge of her vagina. Once again, Ned reached up to her shoulders and pushed down. She felt the head of his prick start to enter her hole, and she screamed. This did not deter Ned at all, and he pushed even harder.

"Oh, please, Uncle Ned. It's too big for my hole. Arrrooo, oh, it hurts. Please take it out. Ahhhoh nooo! You're killing me. Pleeease stop!"

But Ned continued until he had gotten most of his penis in. When he felt it hit her cervix, which caused an almighty screech, he stopped and, grabbing Jennie's hips, he began pushing her up and down. Minutes later, after she had screamed herself hoarse, he came. He had her just sit on him until his climax had run its course, and then ordered her to get up. As she stood, he took the bar of soap and ran it back and forth over her slit, as his semen began to ooze out of her opening and run down her legs. Jennie was still in tears as he ordered her out of the shower and began to towel her down. Once again, unsurprisingly, he managed to concentrate on her budding breasts and vaginal slit. He was relieved to see that apparently he had not damaged her to the extent of any bleeding.

Upstairs, Cece preceded Donna into the bathroom, grabbed a towel and immediately began drying Donna's hair. Donna was pleased that someone seemed to care about her and how she felt. Cece continued by drying her shoulders and back, but when she started in on Donna's breasts, there was an intimacy and prolonged rubbing which alarmed Donna. The continued stroking caused Donna's nipples to begin to harden, and she pulled away from Cece and muttered that she could take care of drying herself.

Cece said "Okay," and began removing her clothes. Donna indicated she thought she'd take a shower by herself, to which Cece replied she didn't think so. She backed Donna against the wall and pressed her lips to Donna's and began trying to force her tongue into her mouth. Donna pulled away long enough to tell Cece that she had no interest in this type of lovemaking. Cece said that was too bad, and immediately lowered her lips to take one of Donna's nipples into her mouth. Donna pushed her away again, saying she really didn't want to do this.

"Too bad, Donna, cause I do and I think you probably want to consider what will happen if I tell Daddy you're not cooperating. You've got enough demerits at this point."

"Whose side are you on, here? I thought you were with us."

"I am. Believe me, I'm so sick of sucking Daddy's prick and letting him fuck me, I could spit. I hate it. But I like girls. Always have, and now I've got someone I can be with and love."

Cece began stripping off her clothes and when she was naked, Donna had her first look at her cousin. She was somewhat thin, but she was filled out in all the right places. Her breasts were not as large as Donna's, but the nipples were slightly puffy, with a pretty little nubbin on the end, that appeared as though it was stiff all the time. Cece, like Donna was hairless in the pubic area, no doubt Uncle Ned's decision, also. From what she could see, Cece had a nice round butt, which looked like it had a few bruises on it.

Donna felt she had no choice as Cece turned on the water, adjusted the temperature and pushed her into the shower, following her in. Facing Donna she began running the soapy washcloth all over Donna's body. She then turned her around and washed her back. Turning her again, she let the water run over Donna's body. As embarrassed as Donna was, the water felt so good running over her body, she luxuriated in the feel of the beating water.

The mood was broken, when Cece handed her the washcloth and said, "Now me!" Donna tried to be as clinical in her ministrations as possible, eliciting occasional sighs from Cece, anyway. When Cece had washed off the soap on her body, Donna started to open the shower door. Cece grabbed her arm and said "Uhuh!"

She pulled Donna to her, rubbing her tits against Donna's and pulled her head to her for another kiss. Again she tried to force her tongue into Donna's mouth and Donna resisted.

Pulling back Cece said, "I expect your complete cooperation here or I will tell Daddy that you disobeyed me. He won't care, even if you tell him why, and, believe me, you will be punished for disobeying. So you better get with the program. Now kiss me!" Donna, defeated, moved her lips to Cece's and extended her tongue into her mouth. She hated doing it, but she didn't want any more punishment than she was already scheduled for. Cece reached up to Donna's tits and began playing with her nipples, lightly squeezing them. Soon she had moved down to Donna's nipple with her mouth and began tonguing and biting lightly.

"Do me!"

Donna copied Cece's actions, first massaging her breasts softly, moving her fingers over her nipples, feeling them harden with the attention. Then she moved her lips down to those nipples and began teasing them with her tongue, sliding from one breast to the other. Suddenly she felt herself being pushed to her knees, where she came face to face with Cece's lovely hairless vulva. She could see Cece's clit peeking out between the lips, and she knew what she had to do. As Cece spread her legs the width of the shower, she stuck her tongue out and zeroed in on that protruding piece of flesh.

She knew Cece wouldn't be satisfied until she brought her to a climax, so she immediately began to suck on her clit, running her tongue back and forth over it. It appeared Cece hadn't had an orgasm recently, because it was only a short time before she began panting and sighing, and within a couple of minutes she was shaking and moaning in completion.

Donna waited a few moments and went to stand up, but Cece pressed on her shoulders, saying, "No, I need more. Another one!" Donna began again to suck on the little nubbin and soon had Cece in raptures. This time she could feel Cece lean back against the shower wall so she could bend her knees, giving Donna greater access. Donna figured "What the hell!," and began sliding her tongue back and forth between the slit, pushing it back as far as she could. Finally she returned to the clitoris and a short period of concentrated sucking brought the desired effect, and Cece had a violent climax.

Cece pulled her up, kissed her fervently and suggested they get out and dry off. Donna felt a bit frustrated that she was not getting an orgasm out of the experience, but was a little thankful that the episode was done. She could take care of her frustrations when she got in bed later, as long as Ned didn't tie her hands behind her back.

After Cece dressed in shorts and a blouse, they started downstairs. They could hear slaps and cries from Jennie as they descended to the living room. When they got there Ned was finishing his spanking of Jennie for her poor job in cleaning the living room. She was still perched on Ned's lap and her buttocks had turned a rosy red.

They all moved into the dining room, where Cece brought in the pot roast for her dad and herself and two bowls of dog kibbles for Jennie and Donna. Once again Jennie tore into the dog food, but Donna sat still and just stared at her bowl.

"Look, I don't want you getting sick from not eating, girl. You'll eat what's there or I have some more protein that I've been storing up for you, if you'd rather go down on your knees."

Donna immediately started gobbling down the kibbles. They weren't particularly appetizing, but they beat the alternative.

After Donna and Jennie had finished washing and drying the dishes, they all went in to watch TV for the evening. Ned had Cece remove her blouse, while he removed his trousers and boxers. He turned on the tv set, sat in the middle of the sofa and motioned for Donna to sit on his right and Cece to sit on his left. He then ordered Jennie to get on her knees and just lick everything she could find down in his pubic area. He indicated he'd had a rough day in that respect and he wasn't looking to cum again, just to feel good. Once she started, he pulled the girls on either side to him and spent the entire evening playing with their tits, squeezing, pulling, occasionally bending to suck on one or the other.

By the end of the evening Donna's right breast and Cece's left breast were red and sore, and Jennie's tongue was tired and sore. Ned led Donna and Jennie out to the back porch, where they found he had moved their beds and two blankets. After tying their arms behind them and their legs at the ankles and covering them with the blankets, he said goodnight and left. It was going to be another long night, especially for Donna, who had lost the opportunity to bring herself some sexual relief.

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Mrs Shipman

Have now read all your well written stories of delightful humiliating sexual punishments of young girls, they are inkeeping with both my husbands and my own fantasies. Please could we have another story that involves a very cruel sexual women, like in Uncle Ned's Harem who just love's to punish and abuse girl's for her own and husband's sex pleasures. Thank You.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.