Published: 1-Jun-2013
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Author's Profile
While paging through blogs on my favorite BDSM website, I came across one by a man, who claimed to have a slow-witted wife that he'd "bought" 3 years earlier, and how much he enjoyed making her life miserable. Since he had mentioned his county and state, I knew we couldn't be more than 25 or 30 miles apart. Fascinated with the idea of mixing things up, I wrote him immediately, and pulled no punches.
Hi, A.P.I read your blog with great interest. I am currently the step-mother of a girl, Beth, age 15, who has grown up under the rod, so to speak. I met her father, Bill, some years ago, and though we (Bill and I) hit it off immediately, it wasn't until I saw her being punished and noticed her round little bruised and striped behind that I realized we could be soul-mates. The girl is totally cowed, and I think at this point, feels she deserves what she gets in the way of punishment, for being so clumsy and "difficult to deal with." Bill died of colon cancer three years ago. .He left me very well off, financially, and as a non-working step-mother I have lots of time to make my step-daughter's life miserable. Things have advanced a little more, since Bill's death, and taken on a more sexual aspect.
I often feel it is more painful and advantageous when I spank or whip her well-developed breasts than her heinie. Her prominent nipples , I find, are very sensitive, particularly in the administering of pain.
Since we live as close to each other as we do, I thought it might be fun to bring the two households together for some recreational fun. I would suggest meeting in my house, as it's very isolated, and I have a room almost totally dedicated to the subject at hand. As for bedrooms, Beth has her own room, and I have a guest room with a double bed (is that a problem?). I'm still a little vague as to your circumstances, but it sounds like your situation is ideal. Would you please elucidate a little for me. Waiting breathlessly to hear from you.
Within minutes a message came through from A.P.
Hello, Dot,Thanks for your exciting note. Yes, I have a real winner on my hands. It all began a little over three years ago. I make my living buying up large lots of farm-land and selling it to developers at a big markup. Back during the recession I had been visiting a farmer and his wife trying to convince them to sell me a huge acreage. As time went by my visits started to pay off. We became very friendly, and the economy was worsening to the point that he was thinking he might have to sell his whole farm. I had noticed their daughter, who was 14, pretty and fulsome, performing various duties around the house, but they barely spoke to her, and, when they did, it was rather harshly. Eventually they mentioned that she was slightly retarded, in that her IQ was under 100. She was totally quiet, unless spoken to, very intimidated, and her clothes were always ragged. Her hair was stringy, and she always looked drawn and slightly dirty. Both the farmer and his wife were constantly complaining about her, demeaning her, and bemoaning what a burden she was.
It wasn't until my fourth visit that I saw her being punished. She had broken a plate and her father proceeded to take her over his knee, right in front of me, have her lift her dress off totally, (she had no bra, though she was nicely developed in the tit department), pull down her panties, which were full of holes with the elastic almost gone, and spank her long and hard. It was, at that point, I had a brilliant idea. As she went running to her room, crying, I suggested that I could take her off their hands, employ her as a servant, and that I'd pay them considerably more for the land we were discussing. It took him only a second to enthusiastically agree to the arrangement. I wrote up a contract on the spot, which specified that I was purchasing the land and hiring their daughter, Amy, for three years, to be my servant. Amy's mother called her in, (She was still naked) told her curtly to pack her bag, that she'd be working for me, henceforth, and not even to think about coming back to the farm any more. With her little bag in tow and Amy shedding tears all the way to the car, we left and we haven't been back or communicated with her parents since.
Amy, for the past three years, has been not only my oft-punished servant, but, I guess you could say, my slave, though, as far as she knows, every girl is treated this way. I spank her on a regular basis, whether she needs it or not, and we have regular punishment sessions which involve huge enemas, exercises in the nude, which I encourage with a switch if she doesn't put her heart and soul into it, or sitting on a large dildo for extended periods of time. When the three years were up, recently, I decided to marry Amy, lest there be any questions on any nosy social worker's part about our relationship. Amy is not a happy camper, understandably, but she believes this is her lot in life, and takes whatever I choose to dish out without question.
I would very much like to get together for our mutual "enjoyment." How would this week-end be for you? The double bed in the guest bedroom will be fine. I'll probably have Amy sleep on the floor, anyway, unless you want her in your bed. That would give us two whole days, unless you want to start Friday evening, to allow us extra time to show each other our prospective delinquents, and see if we can't straighten out some of their bad habits.
Looking forward to this weekend,
And so it was done. I called Beth, who was currently being punished, (surprise, surprise) and therefore totally nude, at the moment, into the kitchen. She stood at attention, as she had been trained to do during punishment sessions, looking forlornly at me as she awaited what she was sure was bad news. I seldom called her that there wasn't something unpleasant on the horizon.
Beth is an attractive girl, facially as well as physically. Her dark hair is usually pulled back into two little pigtails, tending to make her look younger than she is. Her breasts are not large for her age, but they sport large areolas, tipped with the nicest long pink nipples, perhaps ¾ of an inch long when stimulated. Unfortunately, a recent punishment shows two very distinct red lines across those pretty breasts. Additionally, there are three well-placed long red lines running across her otherwise milky-white belly. Directly below is her clean-shaven little slit, well delineated, and extending unusually far up, perhaps four or five inches, nicely striped with three horizontal red marks. From where I am sitting, I can't see the ten stripes, which evenly run down her backside. She is slightly thin, perhaps the result of my only giving her one meal a day (You have to save money where you can). Her skin is alabaster, other than the stripes fore-mentioned, probably because she is forbidden to go outside, unless I decide to put her to work in the garden or put her through some of her frequent exercises out on the lawn.
"Beth, we will be having guests visit this weekend, so I expect you to be on your best behavior. The man who's visiting has a wife, who, like you, is constantly doing things she shouldn't, and, therefore, has to be punished often. I can tell you I intend to be very strict with you, because I know you are pig-headed, and the only way to get through to you is with the whip."
Beth began to plead,"Oh,I'll be good, ma'am. I promise. Please don't..."
"Did I ask you to speak, Beth? Then shut up! That's the other problem with you, you're too stupid to do what I tell you. How many times have I told you not to speak unless I ask you a question?.... How many!"
Tears filled Beth's eyes as she whispered, "I don't know, ma'am."
"That's what I mean. You're obstinate, you don't listen, and you're dumb! Now, we'll have to get the house straightened up. Right now I want you to go into the guest room, change the sheets, vacuum the floor and wash the windows. Got that? I doubt it. Now go!"
She turned and literally ran from the room. What a fun weekend this is going to be!
I had Beth sitting at attention on the couch. She was wearing a tee-shirt and shorts, nothing else. I figured it would save time. At exactly 7 o'clock there was a knock at the door. When I answered, there stood A.P. (Al, as it turned out), and behind him, his wife Amy. We shook hands, exchanging big smiles, and I invited them in. Al was a big good-looking man in his forties, obviously very aware of conditioning, strong and tanned. Amy surprised me the most, though. She was not at all what I expected. She was obviously very timid, as expected, her large eyes sweeping the living room, as if she was waiting for someone or something to pounce on her. But she was very pretty, reddish hair, and even in the loose dress she was wearing, it was obvious that she was well built and, though a little thin, her body was well proportioned.
We sat and chatted for a few minutes, Al and I exchanged pleasantries. The other two were totally silent, and obviously uncomfortable, glancing self-consciously around the room. Finally Al rose and walked over to Beth, who continued to sit on the couch. "Stand up here, darlin', so I can see what you look like."
Beth rose slowly and, no sooner had she gotten to her feet, than Al grabbed her crotch, his big hand completely covering her whole vaginal area. "Your mama told me that you peed in your bed last night. Is that true?"
"Nnn... no sir."
"So you're telling me she lied, is that it?" He pulled on her crotch, yanking her to the point that they were nose to nose. Beth gave a little semi-scream, as Al's fingers dug between her legs.
"Uhh, nnno sir."
"Take those shorts off now. Let's see what we're talking about. Get 'em off!" Al took his hand away, and Beth, knowing better than to ruffle the waters, immediately undid the catch and the shorts quickly fell to the floor. Al stepped back to get a better view and was impressed, obviously.
"Wow, no panties and no hair, just the way I like 'em. Pretty pussy, honey!" He turned to me, and with a wink said, "I keep Amy the same way, just on principle. We have careful inspections twice a week, don't we, Dummy?"
He received no answer from Amy, until he turned glaring to her.
"Yes, sir, "she answered quickly and quietly.
Al turned back to Beth and said, "So your mama lied, huh. I believe you're the one who's lying. Now, let's go into the bathroom so I can see you pee."
"But Mom had me pee just before you got here. I don't think I can."
"We'll just see about that." With this he grabbed Beth by her bare crotch this time, and I could see he had stuck two fingers into her hole, and literally pulled her into the bathroom. Beth was whimpering with every step. When they got in the bathroom, I couldn't see them, but I could hear them.
"So you can't go pee-pee, huh? Well, let's see if we can't help the situation a little. The faucet was turned on and I could hear a cup filling with water. "Here, drink!" Then swallowing. More filling of the cup. "Again!" More swallowing. More cup filling. "Again!" By now you could hear Beth's throat gurgling as the third cup went down. "One more!" More gurgling, more whimpering, and finally Al pushed Beth back into the living room and told her to sit.
"Let's see if she doesn't need to go a little bit in a half hour or so."
"Now, let's get that top off. I want to see what kind of bouncies you got."
He reached for the hem of the shirt and helped Beth take her shirt off.
"Not much there in the way of titties, are there? Dot, I believe you need to exercise these babies a little more Amy and I have booby training almost every day, don't we, Baby?"
Amy was quick to answer affirmatively, looking furtively at me and then back to Al.
I smiled at Al's statement, and said "Maybe you can show Beth your technique later, Al."
Then, taking both of Beth's long nipples in his hands, he began twisting and pulling them, much to her chagrin. "Real nice workable nips, though. You can really do things with these."
Beth's response was to make little squeaks, as he twisted them almost 360 degrees, first one direction, then the other direction. Then, to vary things a bit he would yank them toward him, pulling her painfully off her feet, at one point, so that her whole body was being held up by his hold on her nipples. She quickly regained her footing, but not before she issued a painful cry.
While he was busy putting Beth through her traces, I decided it was time to check Amy out. I rose and signaled for her to stand. When she did I began unbuttoning the row of buttons that ran down her front. When the dress was half unbuttoned, Amy shrugged her shoulders and the dress dropped to the floor. Much to my surprise she was wearing a pretty silk set of bra and panties.
"Take 'em off, Amy."
She looked questioningly over at Al, who was otherwise occupied, then, resigned, reached back and unhooked her bra, letting it slide down her arms to the floor. My second surprise. Her breasts were not as large as mine, (I wear a 35-c bra), but the shape was beautiful. From the side I guess you'd say they were almost triangular. There was absolutely no sag to them, and her nipples were pimply, brown and protruded well out. Any baby's latch-on dream!
Amy slid her panties down, and I glimpsed a well-shorn fat mound, the lips of which were slightly separated by the hood of her clitoris. I wondered if Al had her exercise that every day, too.
I told her to turn around, which she did in haste. Surprise number three! Her bottom was covered with raw looking dark red stripes, obviously recently applied.
"What's this, Al?"
He turned to look. "Oh yeah. We were working on her deep-throating me this morning. She usually gags a lot, but I've pretty well gotten her down to getting my whole prick in her mouth, when she barfs all over my pants. I just lost it."
"Isn't that gonna limit how hard we can get with her butt, though?"
"Hell no. Her ass can take a whole lot more. And there's always other areas we can work on." I heard Amy murmur an "Oh, no," too quietly for Al to hear.
"So what do you think of her? You want to bed her down."
"I'll have to think about that. I haven't been with a woman, in that way anyway, since I experimented in college. It's a little tempting, but we'll see."
He turned back to Beth, who stood frozen, staring at Al, like the proverbial deer in the headlights as he grabbed one of her breasts and popped the nipple in his mouth. He sucked for a moment, pulled off and said how nice it tasted.
I turned back to Amy and told her to turn around. I don't know if she didn't hear me or was listening to Al suck, but she remained with her back to me.
"I said, turn around, bitch!" Finally she slowly turned to face me.
I jammed my knee into her vagina, and she crumbled to the floor.
"When I tell you to do something, you do it right then, little moron. Got it?" Amy gurgled what I guess was an affirmative, grabbing her crotch with both hands and rocking back and forth.
"Is Beth a virgin. I'd sure like to be the one to break her in."
"No, I'm afraid my brother, Tommy, managed to take all three of her virginities first."
"Well, he sounds like a real crusader. I assume he didn't do it all at once."
"Oh, no. He only lives a couple of blocks away from here. He's a real kick. As a matter of fact, he's the one who got me into all this in the first place."
Al had transferred his interest to Beth's vagina, now, and was tickling her clit something fierce. Beth was beginning to gasp a little.
"Hold off on bringing her off, okay. I try to keep her frustration level high, so you're all right as long as she doesn't climax."
"OK. But tell me about your brother, Tommy, is it?"
"Well, Tommy's two years older than me, and when I was about 12, he started playing little sex games with me. Eventually it got past playing "doctor and patient" and "house." We were doing 69's before I knew what they were called, and eventually, he took my virginity. Fortunately he had the good sense to use rubbers every time, so I never got pregnant. I was totally sold on anything he wanted to do. Until he started twisting my nipples and trying to spank me hard. I rebelled, and he stopped. I liked the idea okay, just not on me!"
"Fortunately for us, we had a younger sister, Nell, on whom we could transfer our fiendish ideas. She was a year younger than I, so she was ripe for our peculiarities. When the folks were elsewhere, we tormented her. I would tie her little titties, which were just budding, with rope so that they stood out like little limes, dark red/purple limes, after a half hour or so, and hang her on a hook in the attic ceiling. With her hands tied behind her back and her feet barely touching the floor, it was great fun watching her dangle and cry. Tommy used to love to tie her to the bed, legs pulled way apart, and spank her vagina hard with his hand."
"Didn't she tell your parents about all that was going on?"
"For a long time we kept her quiet by threatening her, but eventually we went too far, I guess. The thing was, both my parents were full-fledged alcoholics, so, as long as they had their bottle of Jim Beam in front of them, they were happy. They asked Tommy and me about it a couple of times, but we always managed to blame it on Nell. So, we kept torturing her for a couple of years. Tommy had begun dicking her regularly, and she got pregnant. I don't know what would have happened when the parents found out, but a few days after we found out, Tommy tried anal intercourse on her, and apparently her hole was just too small, because she howled until we stuck her panties in her mouth. He kept working at it until he finally got his prick in her, but she was a mess afterwards, both physically and emotionally. She ran away that night, and we never heard from or about her after that."
"Well, Tommy sounds like quite a guy. Why don't you get him over here."
"I started to mention him in my last e-mail to you, but I wasn't sure you wanted the company. I'll go call him now."
By the time Tommy arrived, Al had gotten Beth to sit forward on the couch, right up to the edge, holding her legs up at the knees, and spread as far apart as she could get them. Her vulva was split wide open, so that nothing in the area was left to the imagination. He would pull her fat outer lips apart and slap the inner area, or yank on those same lips, or stick his fingers deep in her hole. He had begun to start fisting her with three fingers, and Beth had begun to cry and grunt. I don't think she had been truly fisted before, and the intended threat was enough to scare her close to hysterics.
I, on the other hand, had grabbed Amy by the tit and dragged her over to my chair. I lifted my dress, and there was my snatch in all its glory, ready for Amy's wet tongue to begin satisfying my rapidly growing libido. (Be prepared, is my byword!) Amy had been slurping away at my oozing slit for close to five minutes when Tommy walked in.
"You started without me. But I'm glad to see everyone's so compatible!"
Tommy is a blond hunk, who runs two miles every morning, works out at the gym twice a week, and has a sex appetite that won't quit. On top of all that, he has a penis that measures 8 ½ inches (I know, because I'm the one who measured it!). When he arrived, he was wearing sneaks and shorts only, and his washboard abs looked astonishing. After taking in all the action, he said to me, "Sis, I got a great idea. When you told me on the phone about kneeing what's-her-name in the pussy, I thought, what if we had a contest between Beth and her, where they try to kick each other between the legs, and the first one to go down on the floor is the loser and gets the shit beat out of her butt.
"Tommy you are so clever. That's why we invite you to parties."
"Okay, let's tie their nipples together, about two feet apart, and tie their arms behind them, hands to elbows, and if they don't try hard enough, we beat their asses until one of them wins."
"You, sir, are a genius. I'm so glad I'm not the subject of your sadistic meditations."
"He sidled over to me, grabbed my left tit, protected by my thin dress alone, and pulled on it playfully. "What makes you think you're not, Sis?"
So, we tied Amy's protruding left nipple very tightly with nylon thread, so that the cord dug deep into the base of the nipple and repeated the process with Beth's right nip. Then we proceeded to do the same with their other nips. Both girls were crying and moaning, as much from the prospect of being hit in the vagina as the pain in their tits, I think. We then tied their arms behind their backs, as Tommy had suggested, so that we had full access to their butts. Tommy explained that if they didn't know already, the object of the "game" was to kick the opponent between the legs hard enough to make them fall or sink to the ground. The loser would receive 50 spanks or whatever Al decided, on their butts..
Tommy and I took up leather belts and stood slightly behind our chosen girl. I picked Amy, because she'd done such a nice job licking my pussy.
Each girl started off very tentatively, sort of jockeying for position, but trying to keep her legs as tightly pressed together as possible. After a minute of sparring, I let go with my first whack on Amy's butt. She let out a scream and began prancing around looking back at me, and trying to avoid another hit. She left herself wide open, and Beth took advantage by kicking up with her right foot. Fortunately for Amy, the blow glanced off her knee and really never hit the target. Things got more lively, as both girls began lunging and backing up. This works unless both parties back up at the same time, which they did. Suddenly they were both screaming loudly, because, in backing up, their respective secured tits were pulled to the maximum. Suddenly there were four boobs being extended to their fullest, looking more like their breasts had been ironed out flat. We three observers found it quite amusing. The girls did not!
Each girl was getting in some effective hits squarely on the other's vulvas, but not with much force. Then, Beth managed a direct hit that landed with a splat. You could tell it really hurt Amy, as she grimaced and cried out, but she kept her feet, and a look of determination came on her face.
It may be that Amy suddenly became aware of the fact that she already had an ass-full of stripes and wasn't looking for any more, or she remembered how much my kneeing her had hurt, because she turned into a tiger. Sounding more like a kung-fu expert, she began kicking and kicking, and uttering unintelligible grunts. Whatever the cause, she began getting about every other kick on target and Beth was moaning and groaning over the pain being imparted and trying her best to back-peddle and avoid Amy's kicks. Finally, as Beth moved back into one of Tommy's few hard belt smacks, her legs accidentally spread wide and Amy let go a perfect kick to Beth's twat. Beth expelled a lung-full of air and sank quickly to the ground. The only problem that neither of them had thought about, I'm sure, was that by falling to the ground it pulled both their nipples agonizingly and, of course, Beth's fall meant that Amy toppled right over on top of her, both screaming loudly at the impending pain in their boobs.
We quickly had them untied and Beth was told to go over to the couch, spread her legs wide, lean over and touch the back of the couch with her hands, and prepare for 50 big ones from Al. Beth began to whimper and tears started rolling down her face, as she slowly moved into position. Her alabaster buttocks were about to turn color.
As he was taking Tommy's belt from him, Al said, "That was really fun, Tommy. I suggest we set up a whole series of competitions between the girls over the next two days." Tommy and I agreed, and we all began cogitating about what games we might cook up.
Al moved over to Beth's side, took aim and without any preliminaries let go with a powerful blow right in the middle of Beth's ass cheeks. She reacted by gulping in a mouthful of air, and moving her whole body toward the couch.
The next one was lower on the butt and produced the same reaction from Beth. It wasn't until the eighth stroke that Beth began to squeal and the tears, by now, were coursing down her face. By the 15th, the belt was hitting her thighs, and she was screaming each time the belt bore into her skin. That skin was turning pink, and then red, and finally crimson as the beating went on. Soon, though she was still holding onto the sofa back, she was beginning to do a little dance, her legs pumping up and down.
Beth turned her head to Al, and in a pleading voice said, "Please sir, I've got to go to the bathroom." Al smiled and said, "When we're finished with your punishment, you can go."
"I really, really need to go right now, sir. Pleease!"
If anything Al slowed down the whipping to a snail's pace, one every minute or two. By the 40th smack, we suddenly noticed drops of urine rolling down Beth's leg.
By the 50th blow, Al had covered her entire rear and thigh area, some striations were appearing on her skin, and Beth was near hysterics. There was a steady stream of urine now, and Beth was obviously terrifically embarrassed, as well as in great pain. Al let her go into the bathroom, but stood in the doorway, watching her as the pee splattered into the toilet. Her embarrassment grew, as he made her wipe herself and bring toilet paper into the living room to clean up her mess.
"All right, Miss Piss. I told you not to go until the beating was over, and you ignored me. Now I want you to lie on the carpet, grab your knees, and spread your legs for a little groove strap action. I think five should do it."
"Oh, nooo. Please, sir, I'm so sore already. I couldn't help it. I really couldn't hold it any longer. Please don't hit my pussy."
"Down, now!" And so, wailing and shaking Beth did as she was told. Al's application was as vicious as the 50 he had just given her legs and butt.
Splat. But the sound was entirely different from the ones before. It was squshier than the others, but Beth was considerably noisier than before. Her screams were pitiable, if one was prone to pity.
Al didn't take as long with these blows. Beth was rolling around on the floor when he finished, both hands gripping her vulva, as she cried and moaned.
We decided we'd had a long evening and a long weekend still to go, so Al took Beth to bed with him, and Tommy and I took Amy with us for a wonderful threesome. I don't believe any of us got much sleep that night.
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