Published: 31-May-2013
Word Count:
Author's Profile
It was summer, and Terry had a week's vacation coming. She really didn't have any close friends to hang out with. The people she worked with were nice enough, but most of them were married or gay. Her parents were both dead, her father of a heart attack at 43, and her mother of breast cancer at 41.
Her dating situation was dismal. Most of the guys she'd gone out with were after one thing, and when she felt she had a relationship developing and went to bed with the guy, that was the last she heard from him. The last guy she'd gone out with had a thing for spanking. When he'd surprised her with one, pretty painful session, she ended that one that night.
The only relative she had that she cared anything about was her sister, Angie, who'd married a corn farmer three years ago. The sisters had been very close until the wedding. Now they talked on the phone on holidays and birthdays and the affection was there, but the distance had cut into the relationship. Angie had a two-year old son, named Harry, whom Terry had never even seen.
The more she thought about it, the better the idea of a surprise visit sounded to Terry. She got an okay for her vacation, booked a plane ticket to Des Moines for the following week, and could hardly wait for Saturday to come. Everything about the trip worked out beautifully until she found she'd have to take a Greyhound bus out into the boonies to get to her sister's house, and even then she'd have to walk a mile or so. The surprised look on Angie's face would be worth the extra trouble. She had only brought one small suitcase with her, filled with shorts and tee-shirts, and underclothes, just enough for a week.
The bus let her off at a crossroads, that made her think of the scene from North By Northwest , where the plane tries to run down Cary Grant. Corn-fields on all four corners, and no signs to indicate which way she should go, and she hadn't thought to ask the bus-driver. Well, there must be a house around somewhere to let her know which way to head. She began walking down this dusty road, viewing nothing, for what seemed like miles, but corn and other crops growing up on either side of her.
Soon dark storm clouds began to form, and, within minutes, the rains started. These were not just sprinkles. It began pouring, and Terry hadn't thought to bring an umbrella. Eventually, she was sopped, water running down her body, her hair stringing down her face. Soon, her bra and panties were obvious, beneath her thin sopping dress. She was totally miserable, as the cold rain continued to pour down upon her.
Finally, she saw a house in the distance, and she hurried to get to it before the water sweeping down the gullies by the side of the road swept her away. As she stood at the front door, she looked like a drowned puppy.
A tall man opened the door with a smile, but when he saw Terry's condition, he opened the screen door and summoned her inside.
"My God, girl, get in here before you get washed away. You look like something the cat dragged in. Get those clothes off before you catch your death of cold."
Terry had started to come in, but hesitated when she heard the man's order.
"I'm sorry. Let me get my step-daughter and she can help you. SANDY, come here please!"
In seconds a young girl, maybe 16 or 17, appeared sheepishly from her bedroom. She was dressed in a robe, and she immediately came to the door. The only strange thing Terry noticed right away was a collar around Sandy's neck. It didn't look like an ornamental collar, but almost like a dog collar.
"Sandy, this poor girl is sopping wet. Help her get changed into something warm, will you? What's your name, dear?"
"I'm Terry, sir. Thank you Sandy, I could use a place to change into something drier."
Sandy showed Terry into her bedroom and shut the door. Terry immediately took off her dress and began to take off her bra.
"You should leave now. It's important."
"I will, as soon as I dry off." Terry removed her sopping panties, reached into her suitcase for a new pair of panties and a robe. Can I borrow your hair-dryer? I feel so grungy."
"No, I mean you should leave now! If you don't..."
"Girls! Come out here, please. Now!"
Sandy immediately rushed to the door, as Terry slipped her panties on, and barely had time to get her robe on before the door was open. She followed Sandy into the living room, only to find another female sitting on the couch next to the man. The woman's resemblance to Sandy was striking. She had to be her mother, but, like Sandy, she seemed somewhat reticent, and she, too, was wearing a collar just like Sandy's. Terry wondered if this was some kind of Iowa fashion statement.
"Have a seat, girls. I was just telling my wife, Annie, about finding you on our doorstep. By the way, I'm Carl. Now, how did you happen to end up here, dear?"
"Well, I flew here from Chicago today, and the bus left me at the crossroads about a mile back that way. I'm looking for my sister's house, but I'm not sure where she lives. I was planning on surprising her."
"She doesn't know you're coming?"
"No, but I guess I'll have to call her now, unless you know them. My brother-in-law's name is Bacon. Do you know where they live?"
"I'm afraid not. There's no one living down in this stretch for miles, so they must be on the other side of the crossroads. Sandy, why don't you get Terry a towel so she can dry her hair, and Annie, make some tea for Terry."
They both jumped up and almost ran to their appointed stations.
"Could I borrow your phone, Carl? I guess my surprising my sister will have to go by the wayside."
Unfortunately we have no house phone and my cell phone went dead a couple of days ago, and I haven't had a chance to buy a new battery for it. The nearest town is 40 miles away, so we don't go in very often. Do you have one?"
"No, I left it in Chicago. I hate the things. I don't use mine often, and I get tired of carrying it around."
"I know what you mean. Ah, here's Sandy with your towel."
Sandy handed the towel to Terry and sat. As Terry began rubbing the towel on her head, Carl reached under the sofa and brought out a long length of clothesline rope.
In a matter of seconds Carl was across the room and had both of Terry's hands clasped in his, and the rope wound around her wrists two or three times. She grunted, the towel still covering her head, so that she wasn't sure what was going on. Carl tied her hands together behind her head.
"Sandy, come over here and hold Terry's hands behind her head until I tell you to stop."
Sandy moved quickly to do as her step-father ordered. In the meantime, Carl left the room and returned a moment later with a collar exactly like the ones Sandy and Annie were wearing. It took only a moment to slip it around Terry's neck, though she had started to attempt to rise and Sandy was having trouble holding her down.
When he had the collar attached, he pulled out a little lock and attached it to the collar. He then pulled the towel off of Terry's head and untied the rope holding her hands together. Terry looked up at him in wonderment.
"I'm afraid you've just been made a member of the family, little lady. You must have noticed the collars on Annie and Sandy. Well, those are to ensure they stay on the premises. I have set up three perimeters outside that are highly charged, similar to what they use to make sure dogs stay in the yard. I assure you if you try to escape, the collar will be activated and you will receive a wicked shock. Should you get past the first perimeter, you'd still get the shock of your life on the second or third."
"Now, suppose we get that robe off, so we can see what your pretty body looks like."
With this, Terry did jump up, but not before Carl grabbed the robe and pulled it off her shoulders. As they struggled it fell to the floor. She wasted no time running to the front door, as Carl stared at her nearly naked body. She managed to pull the door open and flee into the front yard. Carl stood in the doorway and watched as she ran. Five yards from the house, Terry suddenly screamed, grabbed at her neck, and fell to the ground, moaning and thrashing about.
Carl sauntered outside as Terry lay there moaning, and, grabbing her by her auburn hair, pulled her up and moved back toward the house, with Terry attempting to keep some sort of balance, traveling backwards. When they reached the living room, Carl tossed Terry to the floor.
"I can see you're one high-spirited little girl, who needs to be taken down a peg. I tell you not to try to leave, and what's the first thing you do? Well, I'd say some punishment is in order. When was the last time you got spanked, girl?"
Terry looked up with dread at Carl. Seeing his burning eyes, she lowered them again.
"N..n..not since I was a little girl."
"Not since I was a little girl .... Sir."
"Well, suppose you slide over here and get on my lap, for some good old childhood reminders, then." Carl sat on an armless chair and patted his lap.
Terry slid over to his chair and placed herself over his lap, tears already beginning to well up in her eyes. He immediately lowered her panties until they dropped to the floor. Her position obviously didn't suit him, because he pulled her further back, so that his hand could grab hold of her right breast with his left hand.
Before he started to spank her he began squeezing her entire breast. The pain was agonizing, and she began to squeal, as the pressure intensified. Sandy looked on with great interest, pitying the poor girl, but very glad it wasn't her for a change.
Carl's hand rose and fell rapidly on Terry's ass, and in only a matter of half a minute, her bouncing buttocks were turning a pinkish hue. The spanking continued for some time, each smack being delivered with great force, and Terry began to moan and cry out constantly. She wasn't sure which was more painful, the spanking, itself, or the crushing her breast was getting from Carl's hand. As the beating continued, though, the pain in her butt became the major factor. Her poor ass was turning a vivid red, and still the hand continued to rain down in vicious slaps.
"Ohhhh, .....pleease...stop...I'll be good...whatever you want...please... soooo sooore...I promisssse...Oh, Godddd...stop...pleaaase!"
Carl finally had to stop the spanking, because his hand was beginning to sting badly. He stopped the spanking, but continued squeezing Terry's poor throbbing tit. She was sniffling to try to keep the mucous from dripping from her nose, but there was nothing to hold back the tears that streamed down her cheeks and dripped on the floor. As he released her breast from his grip, he pushed Terry to her feet. Her hand immediately reached up to soothe her flaming red breast. At the same time, her other hand reached behind her to rub her painful buttocks.
She stood there with her head lowered, as Carl called Annie into the living room. She had obviously heard all that had transpired, but chose to stay uninvolved, sitting on her bed, wondering how this new development was going to affect her and Sandy. When she arrived she was somewhat amazed at the redness of Terry's rear end. She had seen her own buttocks in the mirror, darkened by Carl's spankings, and God knew how many times she'd tried to soothe Sandy's poor purple cheeks, but Terry's buttocks seemed particularly flushed, considering that Carl had only just spanked her.
"Sandy and Annie, remove your clothes and stand next to Terry at attention. All three of you! Attention means hands at your side, Terry, your shoulders back and your chest out! Do you need more spanking to get you to obey?"
"Nnnno...sir." These words came in a whisper, as her hands came away from her boob and rear end, and thrust her aching chest out. Carl stood, every bit the commanding general, and passed in front of the three naked females.
"Well, Terry, you make a nice addition to my menagerie. Annie has beautiful big breasts, and Sandy takes after her in that respect, but their nipples are almost flat even though their areolas are large. You on the other hand have nice pear-shaped titties, and your nipples stand out like little thimbles. Very suckable! I have trained Annie to deep-throat, to the point that she gags very little. Sandy has the tightest little pussy I've ever had the pleasure of screwing. I don't know where you fit in. Maybe you'll be better at blow-jobs, and I'm sure your pussy is tight, but it may be you're the best at ass-fucking. We'll just have to try them all to find out."
Terry groaned and winced, but managed to stay at attention. Carl looked down at Terry's auburn tuft of hair covering her vagina.
"But, unlike Annie and Sandy, whose vaginas are as bald as pool balls, you still have all that hair still covering up your beautiful pussy. We have to do something about that."
As he said this, his large hand covered her vagina, and he squeezed the protruding lips painfully. Terry inhaled as the soreness began to affect her whole crotch.
"I suggest we get you into a nice warm shower and then get rid of all that ugly hair. Follow me, girls."
As he said this, still clasping Terry's aching vagina, he pulled her into the bathroom. Sandy and Annie followed. He let go of Terry and went to the shower, turning it on full blast and turning the dial to hot. After giving the water time to warm up, he pushed Terry into the shower and slid the shower door shut. Terry began knocking on the sliding door immediately, but Carl held it shut.
" hottt...Let me out...the waters toooo hottt...Oh, please let me outttt..."
"The sooner you get yourself washed, the sooner I'll let you out. Unless you want another spanking you'd best get on with it."
Terry realized the futility of trying to get out of the shower, so she turned, grabbed the soap and washcloth, and though she felt the stinging hot water pelting her skin and turning it pink, she made an effort to wash her whole body. The water was particularly painful hitting her sore left breast, which was still red from Carl's harsh grabbing, and on her rapidly darkening buttocks. When she had soaped most of her body and rinsed it off, Carl finally slid the door open, and let her out into the bathroom. Her whole body had turned a bright pink.
Carl grabbed a towel and, placing it on Terry's back, began to dry her off. He paid particular attention to her breasts, rubbing them far longer than necessary, and squeezing them as well. Then he moved the towel down between her legs and proceeded to rub her mound roughly, and then to make her spread her legs, so that he could rub the area between the outer lips, paying particular attention to the front of the split where her clitoris began to react to the rubbing, emerging from behind the fold protecting it.
Next, Carl moved the towel to her already sore buttocks and began to coarsely chafe against the reddened skin and between the buttocks to roughly massage her little puckered hole. He quickly finished with her legs and arms and commanded her to move over to the sink.
"Lie down on the floor and spread your legs. Further, damn it! Sandy, grab one of her legs. Annie, you get the other."
Both women jumped to do Carl's bidding, and soon Terry felt as though she was the wishbone on turkey day. It hurt, but the indignity of being spread out with her whole vaginal area fully on exhibition to a male was the most demeaning. Carl grabbed the shaving cream can and sprayed the entire area. He stood watching for a minute or so with a big smile on his face as the shaving cream set.
"I hate pussy hair. It covers a woman's most beautiful features. We'll have you looking like a little girl in just a bit."
He then set to work, shaving very carefully, first the area above the slit, then the hair on one fat lip, then the other lip, and finally the area near her little puckered ass-hole. When he finished, he sat back on his haunches, admiring his work, as if he'd just painted a priceless piece of art.
He got a damp towel and began dabbing at Terry's vagina, taking great pleasure in rubbing the area between the lips, especially around her clitoris. Once again he rubbed enough that, even in her embarrassed state, Terry could feel herself beginning to become moist. As before, however, he stopped before she could really get turned on.
"Now, I think we need to clean you out so we can see how effective you are in the ass-fucking department. Annie, get the equipment out while I get the soapy water ready."
"No, please don't do this. I don't want this. Can't we postpone it?"
"No we can't, and you will be punished for trying to countermand one of my decisions. You don't argue with me. Once again, you show you need correction before you become the good little girl I'm looking for. You may look like a little girl with that bare pussy, but those tits tell me you're still a big girl."
With that he reached out and took her nipples between his thumbs and fingers and squeezed. She tried to squirm away from the pain he was causing, but he held on tight, and she began to cry and beg him to stop. He finally released them in order to get the soap and water mixed for the enema. After they had gotten the paraphernalia set up and the bag hung, Carl ordered Terry to get on her knees and then lean forward on her arms with her head on the floor.
"Oh, please don't do this. I've had enemas before, and they really hurt. Pleaaase, let me off on this."
"You shut up, girl or I'll tape your mouth shut. You have to learn not to talk, unless I ask you to. Now, SHUT UP!"
Crying, Terry moved into position, and it was only moments later that she felt the hot water solution seeping into her bowels.
"Oh, please, it's too hot. It's burning me!" She started to rise and Carl grabbed a handful of hair and held her head against the floor, as he ordered Sandy to get the duct tape. Moments later she returned with the tape and Carl, tearing off a strip, lifted Terry's head long enough to plaster it against her mouth. This time Terry remained in place, moaning behind the tape, as the tears continued to fall to the floor.
After one bag of the soapy water had drained into Terry's backside, Carl took the bag off the hook to fill it once more. Terry raised her head, shaking it vigorously and trying to yell, unsuccessfully behind her gag. When she felt the second bag start to flow into her, she screamed, but all the three watchers heard was a muffled screech. When the second bag had emptied, Carl reached under Terry, grabbing her breast in his two hands and pulled her up onto her two feet. Terry's stomach was so cramped she could only stand in a crouch, but her stomach protruded out, making her appear to be at least four months pregnant. The skin on her stomach was so stretched it was shiny, as if someone had oiled it.
Terry pointed to the toilet, grunting, with eyes begging to be allowed to sit. Carl indicated that she had to wait at least ten minutes for the enema to do its work properly. She moaned loudly, and were it not for the fact that Carl was still holding her by the tits, she would have sunk to the floor again. He removed the duct tape from her mouth.
Twelve agonizing minutes later, Carl finally walked her over to the toilet, pulled the plug and let her sit. Any other time, Terry would have been embarrassed having three people watch closely as she evacuated everything from her bowels, but all she felt this time was relief. Unbeknownst to her, she was in for a double dose, and she actually fought to avoid it, screaming through the tape and wriggling and twisting, but to no avail. Carl eventually had her back kneeling on the floor, and she went through the whole process again. By the time she finished expelling the second load, she was totally limp. Carl had to help her walk to her bed. He then removed the tape from her mouth and told her to move up onto the bed and get in the same position she had been in for the enema.
"Please don't. I'll be good. Whatever you want, but don't do this. You'll kill me. Pleeease!" She sank down to her knees and placed her hands together, praying to Carl.
Carl's rapid response was a vicious slap across Terry's cheek, with a reminder that she was not to speak unless he asked her a question. He then yanked her up by her arm and threw her forcefully on the bed. She lay there on her stomach, trying to think of some way out of what she knew would be the most painful thing she'd ever suffered, when she heard Carl's pants unzip and slide to the floor and felt him sit on the bed and, a moment later, felt his finger gliding between her buttocks with some kind of oil, rubbing it up and down the crack, before she felt his finger stretching her little puckered hole, entering her anus about an inch or two, rubbing the oil in and attempting to stretch the hole a bit.
The next thing she knew, he rose up on the bed, pulled her hips up until she was resting on her knees and elbows. Terry began to cry in earnest, as she felt what had to be Carl's penis at the crinkly cavity and beginning to thrust.
"Oh, please it's toooo big. Hurts. Pleaaase, I can't take it. Oh, Goddd, please, no!"
And indeed, she was right. No matter how hard he pushed, his penis was thick enough that he couldn't get more than part of the head in. Terry was screaming at the top of her lungs, crying as hard as she ever had, but he could not get the head in. A few more thrusts brought a smattering of blood around the hole, and no progress. At that point Terry went limp. She had fainted, and, frustrated, Carl cussed and pulled back.
"Well, I guess this isn't going to be her specialty. Shit! Well, when she wakes up, we'll have to try one of the other holes."
He turned to Annie. "Maybe you and Terry will have to trade off. We'll have to see if she can make it in the deep throat department. Or maybe she can take your place as the champion fucker, Sandy. She ought to be pretty tight, God knows."
Sandy and Annie looked at each other with alarm. Neither was happy with their current "assignment", but neither was looking forward to the possibility of being Carl's "rear guard."
A minute or two later there was a moan from the bed. All three family members went over and stood by the bedside, Carl still pantsless.
"Well, Sleeping Beauty, has come back to the land of the living. Did you have a nice nap, Terry?"
When she realized where she was, Terry shrunk back on the bed, but Carl grabbed her arm and pulled her off of it.
"Well, you failed miserably with your rear end, Missy. Let's see how you are at gobbling down cum."
Terry tried to pull away, but Carl's grip was too tight. He twisted her arm until she was forced to her knees. Then he moved himself and her over to the bed.
"Have you ever sucked a man's prick before?"
"Only once, ...sir."
"Did you like it?"
"Nnnnno, sir."
"Well, now you're going to get a chance to start liking it. I'll warn you ahead of time, if I feel your teeth any time while it's in your mouth, you'll lose a few yourself. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yesss, sir."
"Okay start licking the front, all up and down. Ummm, that's a girl. Keep going until I tell you to stop. Oh, yeah. All right, now stick the head in your mouth and suck on it like it was a popsicle. Yeah, that's it. OK, now start sliding your mouth back and forth. Ummm, yeah!"
Suddenly he grabbed her head in both hands and began forcing Terry's mouth further and further down on his prick.
Eventually he got her head as far down as he could get it. Her mouth was full of flesh and she couldn't breathe. She made several attempts to pull back, but Carl was too strong. She thought she was going to die of suffocation, but at the last moment he pulled her head off enough so that she could suck in some air. Then she was back on his penis as far as she could go, not to his stomach, but far enough that she was fighting for breath. Again he held her down for long moments, but finally let her get some air. Then he was back to guiding her on and off.
Suddenly Carl could feel the moment coming and pulled Terry's head down on his penis as far as she could go and let her have his total load of sperm down her throat. She wasn't prepared for it, but had no choice, anyway, and was unable to swallow. Soon he let go of her head with a sigh, and she pulled off. Remnants of sperm dripped from her mouth, as she gasped for breath once more.
Finally, Carl looked down at her and announced, "Well, it wasn't perfect, but with some practice you might give Annie some competition. I've had it for today. Let's eat and go to bed."
They all had supper, a macaroni and cheese casserole which Annie and Sandy cooked up. They all went to their respective beds, Carl with Annie and Sandy and Terry in their bedrooms.
The next morning Annie awoke to find Carl on the bed on his back with a butcher knife sticking in his chest.
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