Holly and the Ivy, Part 5

[ Mf, spank, exam, drug, bond, oral, hum, nc, reluc, Mdom ]

by Banshee


Published: 25-May-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Holly was still deeply asleep on Saturday morning, when Caroline and Paul decided at breakfast to have a party. They decided that, to offset any fears Holly might have, they would say it was a celebration party, to make her think she was making progress with her sexual problems. They decided to invite Don, of course, and his girl-friend, Terry, who would be presented to Holly as a nurse, though she was only a secretary at Don's hospital. Also on the list were Mary and Ralph from next door, and Patty and Denny, who were in the hospital accounting department, but would present themselves as a clinical psychiatrist and OB/GYN, respectively.

Caroline set about making the invitation calls, while Paul rigged a hook and pulley in the ceiling of the living room and another hook in the wall nearby. After all the calls were made and everyone had wholeheartedly accepted, Caroline decided she would buy a school-girl's outfit from a store downtown for Holly to wear for the occasion. They also decided to buy streamers and balloons to make things look festive.

When Holly stumbled blearily downstairs at 10 o'clock in her nightgown, Caroline and Paul were back at the dining room table sipping their coffee.

"Guess what, Sweetie? We've decided that, since you're progressing so well with trying to solve your sexual problems, we're going to have a big party in your honor tonight. Some friends of Paul's from the hospital and Mary and Ralph from next door are coming, and we're going to celebrate!"

"Gosh, do you really think I'm progressing that well? I'm still feeling awfully tired, and there's a big wet spot on my bed again this morning."

"Yes, but you're more aware of your problem and trying hard to change, and that's a big part of being cured, isn't it?"

"I guess so."

Holly sat and ate some cereal, and Caroline "fixed" her orange juice. She and Paul had decided to let up a bit on the sleep inducer, but kept the hormone and birth control dosages the same. Holly drank it down and Caroline suggested she go get dressed and change her bed, since she had soiled it again. Caroline spent the rest of the day getting the living room prettied up for the party, with the help of Holly. At one point, Holly asked what the hooks were for, and Paul told her they were planning to get a large planter to hang from the hook.

Late in the afternoon Caroline left to pick up Holly's costume. She was pleased with the purchase. It was a blue pinafore, with a sheer blouse and patent leather shoes, a la Judy Garland in "The Wizard of Oz," except, in addition, she picked out a pair of white

knee-length stockings. The pinafore, however, fell to only a few inches below the pubic area, something much more fitting for a very young girl. She reached home shortly after 6 o'clock and immediately pulled Holly upstairs to try on her outfit. It fit perfectly, except Caroline had "forgotten" to get Holly any underclothes again. When Holly mentioned this fact, Caroline became apologetic, but brushed it off by pointing out that everyone coming to the party had either already seen Holly naked or were hospital staff members, who were used to seeing people in the nude. In spite of her sedated condition, Holly began to wonder, for the first time, if her hosts weren't trying to pull one over on her.

After dinner, Caroline told Holly to go upstairs and get dressed, but not to come downstairs until she called her. Holly followed orders, and, looking at herself in the mirror, sensed that this was not going to be a good night for her. She found the length of her pinafore very embarrassing, but also had a sense that she probably wouldn't be dressed in it for very long. She also noted with regret that the moisture between her legs was beginning to accumulate rapidly. She wondered if the anticipation of having to go downstairs dressed as she was, was causing this condition, in which case the diagnosis of actually wanting the humiliation she was feeling was true. She managed to swipe a washcloth between her legs just as she got the call to come downstairs.

When she got to the top of the stairs, she was suddenly totally aware of the fact that everyone downstairs, now looking up at her could see her bare pussy, and her face turned a bright shade of pink. The embarrassment was forgotten, when the whole group in the living room began clapping for her. She descended the stairs, wondering why she was being applauded. She got her answer as Don moved over to greet her.

"Holly, we're all so proud of you for the progress you've been making with your problem and the fact that you're trying so hard to overcome your problem!"

She swelled with false pride, as Don pulled her over to meet the new people.

"This beautiful lady is my girlfriend, Cindy. She's a nurse at the hospital and assists me during my examinations. And this is Porter, a fellow OB/GYN and his fiancé, Wendy, who is a clinical psychiatrist. Of course, you already know Mary and Ralph from next door."

Ralph got a broad knowing grin on his face, and Holly lowered her head, remembering, not fondly, of their encounter together.

"We seem to have run out of seating in here, so let me bring this stool in for you to sit on."

The stool was a high wooden one with rungs on the sides, and Holly knew she was going to have trouble keeping her legs together if she had to sit on it long.

Caroline opened the conversation.

"We were just discussing your sexual problems, dear. I thought Wendy and Porter had some enlightening points to make."

"Well, in psychiatry we meet all kinds of people and problems, but I recently treated a patient that had a somewhat similar problem to yours. It seems her mother, step-father and his two teenage sons kept this girl, we'll call her Annie, locked in her room for eight months. During that time she was beaten and mistreated repeatedly. When I first encountered her, soon after the authorities took her away from those awful people, she had bruises and marks all over her breasts, her vaginal area and, particularly, her buttocks, which were black and blue, as well as ridged, where they had beaten her with a cane. But the really interesting thing was her diet. Except for juice in the morning, her entire food intake consisted only of semen that the three males gave her through repeated acts of fellatio during the course of the day. Apparently the males were performing admirably, more than once each per day, because the protein she derived during that time was sufficient to keep her looking somewhat well fed, when we finally saw her. But the odd thing about this case was that, even though she hated what she had been through and the taste of semen, she had become addicted to it. It took us four months to wean her off of her semen diet. And the other unusual thing about Annie...I saw her recently. She had hooked up with a biker, who was obviously mistreating her, because she was sporting a split lip and black eye. That's what can happen, sometimes."

"Yes, you're so right, Honey. Now the case I'm going to talk about is nowhere as lurid or involved as Wendy's, but it backs up her premise about addictions. This woman came to me about six months ago. She'd been married for five or six years and was somewhat passive in nature. It seems she had been a virgin when she married, but for some quirky reason her husband preferred anal intercourse to regular intercourse. At first he would vary their love-making, but eventually he got to the point where anal intercourse was the only method he would practice. She disliked it and found it very painful, but, because of her pliable nature, she accepted his decision and eventually he was performing anal intercourse four or five times a week. Apparently that was enough to inculcate her into needing that form of copulation. She had come to me about a problem with continuing lactation even though she had weaned her last baby over a year before. In discussing her sexual history with her, she mentioned the fact that she had recently had an affair with a man, who practiced regular coition, and that she had found it totally unsatisfactory, so that after a few weeks she broke off the relationship, because it was so unsatisfying. I haven't tried to dissuade her. If she's happy being unhappy, so be it!"

After hearing these long treatises, Holly felt better about her situation, though she still had a nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right. She suddenly realized, too, that the area between her legs had begun dripping again, perhaps because of the subject matter being discussed, but also that she had been listening intently enough that her legs had spread fairly wide during the two discourses and that every male was staring at her open pussy. She immediately closed her legs and lowered her head in embarrassment.

Porter then pointed out that he had heard much about Holly's situation, but, as an OB/GYN, himself, he would prefer to examine her himself, to see if he might find something that Don had overlooked. Holly hesitantly acquiesced, but when Porter suggested she lie on the living room floor to be examined, she asked if they couldn't find somewhere a bit more private. Porter apologized for his insensitivity and suggested they clear off the dining room table and do the exam there. Holly agreed, a bit reluctantly, but at least everyone wouldn't be staring at her private parts. So, at Porter's request, she went into the dining room and removed all her clothes, except her knee socks, while Don cleared the table.

As she climbed up on the table, she noticed she hadn't lost much of her audience. Don and Porter were there, of course, but Wendy, as a psychiatrist felt she ought to be there, as did Cindy, who, as a nurse, felt she could help somehow. So, as she lay down in all her naked splendor, there was Porter and Wendy on one side and Don and Cindy on the other.

Porter began palpating Holly's breasts, moving his hands around her chest, as if her were checking for lumps.

"Holly, would you say your breasts are sensitive or very sensitive?"

"Sensitive, I guess."

"Well, when I squeeze your breasts like this, does it hurt a little or a lot?"

"Ooou...a little , I guess."

"Well, if I squeeze hard, like this, how about now?"

"OOOH YES!... that hurts a lot! Please stop!"

"Okay, now when I rub your nipple like this, does that feel good? I can tell it does, because your nipple has grown very hard."

"Ummm...yeah...that feels good."

"What about now, when I twist it a little bit?"

"Yes, that hurts some."

"Now, how about if I squeeze it hard and twist it around 180 degrees, like this?"

"Aaaiiieee! Oh, that hurts a lot."

"All right, then I'd say you have very sensitive breasts and nipples. Now, let's move down to the pelvic area. Well, I see you have a good deal of excretion from your vagina. Candy would you pull off a strip of paper towel for me to wipe this up? Thanks. Holly it would be a lot easier for me to perform this examination, if you'd pull your knees back to your breasts and spread your knees as far apart as possible. That's good. Maybe spread them a little further, if you can. Good! Good!"

Holly was understandably shamed, as she looked through her wide-spread legs to see four faces only a few feet from her, staring down at the opening lips of her hairless pussy. She couldn't imagine anything more humbling.

"Now, I'm sorry I don't have my speculum with me, but I think I can see what I need to without it. As I said, you are already well lubricated and somewhat dilated, so I'm going to stick my finger in your vaginal crevice and move it around a bit. Does that hurt at all?"

"No, that feels good."

"Okay, now I'm going to insert another finger and push them in a little further. Now another one. Ummm, that begins to stretch it a lot. What if I push all three fingers way in and wiggle them around."

"Ohhh!...that's hurting me!...Ohh..too much!...It hurts!...Oh, please take them out!"

"All right, they're out now. But I see you've excreted a whole lot more viscosity. Obviously you are being highly stimulated by any action I take. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse, Holly?"

"I guess it was when I went next door to take care of Ralph."

"I'm thinking it might help you if you had a nice normal sexual intercourse tonight. I'd like to see if that changes anything. Would you like that?"

"Gee, I guess so. Yes, I think I'd like to try that."

Porter moved back into the living room and told the rest of the group what Holly had agreed to. The question then became, who among them would get "the brass ring." Ralph immediately suggested that whoever had the longest prick should get to screw Holly. Caroline suggested that Holly could suck each man until they could measure the length of his dong.

Porter went back into the dining room to relay the decision. Holly climbed down off the table and adamantly refused to perform fellatio on anyone. She didn't feel it was her job to decide who was to make love to her. Porter pulled her, still naked, into the living room and they were followed by the rest of the "medical" observers.

"What did you say, young lady?"

"I said I'm not going to suck anybody off. You can decide among yourselves. On second thought, just forget about it. I think I'm going to bed."

As Holly turned to go upstairs, Paul grabbed her arm and turned her around to face the group.

"Wait a minute! You don't tell us what you're going to do. Now, think before you answer. Are you going to do this or do I have to punish you?"

Holly pulled away and stepped back from Paul.

"You can't make me suck people off. I hate it! I'm not going to do it, so put that in your pipe!"

Again she moved to go upstairs. Paul quickly grabbed her arm and swung her around.

"I know someone who's gotten a little too big for her nonexistent panties. Let's just see if a little spanking won't settle you down, missy!"

He pulled Holly over to his chair, yanked her down over his lap, grabbed a preset wooden ruler from the table next to him and began belaboring her buttocks. He had smacked her with the ruler ten times in a row without stopping, and she was screaming at the top of her lungs and struggling to get up. Paul held her down with his arm firmly wrapped around her waist, as he delivered another ten in a row with great force. The cheeks of her buttocks had turned a bright red, and the metal strip on the one side of the ruler had begun to make little cuts on the flesh. Her screams were beginning to turn to plaintive cries, and her nose was beginning to exude mucous. Another ten, and then another ten, followed by twenty more had quieted Holly down, so that she hung limply over Paul's lap, still crying and moaning. He stood her up and asked her again if she was ready to do as she was told. As tired and sore as she was, she still indicated she was unwilling to suck anyone's penis.

"I...I don't...think you should be able to make me do this! Please just let me go to bed...so tired...Pleeease, I don't want to suck any more! Pleeease!"

"Okay, you're not going to like this next punishment, but maybe it'll convince you to do what we say. Honey, hand me that rope over there!"

Paul took the rope and wrapped it around Holly's wrists, which he had pulled behind her. From there, he pulled the rope through her legs so that it split the lips of her pussy, pulled tight, much to Holly's despair, and began winding it around one breast, then the other, encircling each breast five or six times. He then wrapped the rope around both breasts, squeezing them painfully together, and tied a knot above them in the middle. While he got the step-ladder, he had Porter move Holly over below the hook and pulley he had screwed into the ceiling that morning.

When the step-ladder was in place, he ran the rest of the rope through the pulley, climbed down, put the ladder away and, when he returned proceeded to pull the rope over to the hook he had placed in the wall. Pulling the slack, he slowly hoisted Holly up, inch by inch, until her feet were several feet off the ground. She was now literally hanging by her breasts and moaning loudly. Her feet made desperate attempts to touch the floor, as the pressure on her breasts grew worse and worse. Though her breasts were her first concern, she could feel the rope between the outer lips of her vagina cutting into her pussy. Any movement on her part, exacerbated the pain in both places, and the tears flowed down her face. Her pleas to be let down were ignored, as the crowd moved back to their seats to chat and watch the spectacle of the swinging teenager.

They kept her swinging for over ten minutes. Her breasts had turned a dark purple by then, and they hurt her as nothing had ever hurt before. Paul walked over to her and asked if perhaps she had changed her mind and wouldn't be so pig-headed in the future. She nodded her agreement and in a few minutes she was again lowered to the floor. She stood there crying and moaning after Paul had removed the ropes from her breasts, but he left her hands tied behind her. As the blood began rushing back to her breasts she moaned even louder. The ropes had dug deeply into the base of both breasts, and the striations remained to remind her of what she'd just been put through.

"Now, I suggest you get on your knees and crawl over to start our contest to see who gets to fuck you, Missy."

"I'm so tired...couldn't we do this some other time?..."

"Do you want to go back up on the hook?"


"Then I suggest you crawl over to Ralph. It looks like he's got his pants down ready for a little oral help."

Holly pitifully dropped to her knees and hobbled over to Ralph, an action which helped him prepare for her, as he watched her purple boobs bouncing up and down, as she attempted to move from one knee to the other with her hands tied behind her. When she reached Ralph's lap, she immediately moved her head down to take the head of his prick in her mouth. As he had done the night she went to visit him, he pressed her head down

to his lap and held it there, as she sputtered to get her breath. By the time he let her up to gasp in some air, he was hard, and Paul told her to pull off of him, so that he could measure Ralph's length with that ghastly ruler that had done such damage to her poor aching buttocks. Paul measured and announced Ralph at 6 ½ inches.

Holly was then shoved over to Don, who had already lowered his pants and underwear. He was totally flaccid to start with, but Holly's warm mouth and slippery tongue had him hard in less than a minute. As Holly pulled herself off, she looked over to see that Mary had taken up where she had left off, and Ralph had begun moaning softly. Paul measured and announced Don at 7 ½ inches.

Holly struggled to get to her next ministration. Porter had removed his pants and boxers. She noticed that although his prick was thin, it seemed longer than the others. As she began sucking on it she found she could only get down to about ¾ of his length. It took longer to bring Porter to full hardness, but she was impressed when Paul finally pulled her head off. She looked over to find that Candy had moved over Don's body, and the two of them were busy humping. Paul's measurement showed Porter's penis length to be 8 ¼ inches.

Paul knew he couldn't beat out Porter, but he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to get a blow job from Holly, so he went back to his chair, removed all of his clothes and beckoned to her to hobble over. Unlike the others, he decided she could do the whole job and kept her working for eight or nine minutes until his semen shot into her mouth. She grimaced and swallowed his load. When she looked up Wendy was seated on top of Porter with her back to him, and they were going at it hot and heavy. Don and Wendy were still fucking, but Mary had brought Ralph off, and he looked dead to the world.

Caroline stopped Porter from finishing with Wendy, as she reminded him that he was the winner and had to take care of Holly now. Wendy sighed and regretfully pulled away from Porter. Paul removed the ropes from Holly's wrists as Porter moved over to her.

"Cccoould we go somewhere else to do this, sir? I'm a little embarrassed to do it in front of everybody."

"Nonsense, Holly. Part of your therapy is to be embarrassed, so this fits right in. Now, plop yourself down on the coffee table and let's get on with your treatment. I would think you'd be pretty frustrated sexually at this point."

"I'm just so tired."

A stony stare from Porter convinced her to lie down on the table and spread her legs.

"My god, you're oozing fluid out of that little pussy like a fountain. Okay, here I come."

As everyone moved over to sit around the table and watch, Porter knelt on the table, placed his penis at the entrance to her hole and pushed. His prong slid in all the way with no trouble and shortly he was busy pistoning in and out. Within two or three minutes he was grunting and had picked up his speed considerably. With a shout, his body tensed and he shot his load of hot semen into Holly's uterus. When he finally looked down at her, he realized that she had fallen sound asleep.

"Well, I'm guess I'm not as good at this as I thought. Come on, little girl. I guess it's your bedtime!"

Caroline mixed Holly's chocolate milk and made her drink it, before she helped Holly stumble up the stairs to bed. She got a wash-cloth and used it to clean away all the escaping sperm from Holly's vagina, helped her into her nightgown and tucked her in. As she listened to Caroline moving down the stairs, just before she fell asleep, Holly's last thought was, "This isn't right. I have to get out of here."

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