Holly and the Ivy, Part 4

[ MF/f, spank, oral, enema, mast, hum, Fdom, Mdom, nc, coerc, dru ]

by Banshee


Published: 24-May-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1

When Caroline returned at 3:30 with her next door neighbor, Mary, they found Holly slumped over an ottoman, a small puddle of liquid on the floor below her thighs and a still slightly red rear end.

"God, it looks like she got two of the chairs done before she fell asleep. I think we're going to have to cut back some more on the sedative. She'd sleep all the time if I let her. See the remnants of the spanking I gave her earlier?"

"Yeah, looks like you did a thorough job. That girl's lucky she's not living with my brother and his wife."


"Well, they're both religious nuts, besides being sadistic as Hell. They have a daughter, 18 and a son, 19. They're both good kids, really, but the grown-ups punish them every chance they can. Didn't say 'Thank you' fast enough, late coming home from school, anything in the house out of order...that sort of thing. Any test grade or homework assignment below a 'B', oh, my God! And the way they punish them! They make them both strip down naked, then they have to embrace, face to face. My brother tightens a rope around their waists, so they are really right up against each other. Then they take yardsticks and beat both the kid's butts until they're howling and crying buckets. When he takes off the rope, if the boy has even a partial hard-on, or her nipples are at all stiff, more punishment."

"My God, what do they do?"

If it's the boy, my sister-in-law grabs the end of his penis and my brother whacks him ten times on his prick with the yardstick. If it's the girl, my brother grabs her from behind and holds her arms behind her, while my sister-in-law whacks her titties ten times with the yardstick."

"Pretty rough, but it might be interesting to watch."

"Oh, it is. I've seen them in action two times. Verrry interesting! Say, have you given Holly an enema yet?"

"No, we don't have the equipment, and I never thought an enema was that exciting."

"It is, the way my brother gives 'em. Two and a half quarts, of hot soapy water with a little glycerin, and the other half quart, a cheap bottle of whiskey."

"Wow. But doesn't that knock 'em out?"

"Nope. It just gets them delightfully drunk. They lose all inhibitions. It's a riot. Then that gives him excuses to beat on them some more."

"I guess it would be even more so with Holly, because she's so sexed up already she can barely walk straight."

"Listen, I've got the equipment over at my house. If you're willing to supply the whiskey, I'll go get the hot water bottle and the tubing, mix the formula and we can see what happens. Why don't you take her up to her bathroom and get her ready."

"It's a deal. Come on Holly, let's go upstairs and clean you up a little. Looks like you've been exuding again."

"Oh, umm, hi, Caroline. Yeah, I feel itchy all over. I just don't understand why. It feels like somebody's been playing with all my sex parts. It's so strange."

"Well, we're going to clean you up and then Mary, our next door neighbor, and I are going to give you an enema. See if we can get some of that bad stuff that's in you out. Maybe that will help."

"No, don't want an enema. Mama gave me one once. It was awful."

"Well, we think it's best. Now, let's take this washcloth and clean off some of what's dripping down your legs."

"Please don't give me an enema. Please."

"Look, if you persist, I'm going to have to spank you. You have one coming, because I told you to clean all the chairs that you sat in, and you only did two."

"I'm sorry Caroline. I just get so tired. All I want to do is sleep."

"Ah, here's Mary. Holly, this is Mary, and she's going to help me with the enema. Now, lean over the side of the tub, and I'll lube up your little hole. There we go. Mary, do you want to stick that nozzle in. That's it. A little further in, I think. Now, we blow up this little bulb thing. Good. Now, let that clamp go. Great!"

The liquid began to pour into Holly's colon.

"Oh, no, that's too hot. Oh, take it out please. Too hot."

Holly began to try to rise from her position over the tub, but Mary was pressing on her back.

"Pleeease, it's too hot. It's too hot."

Eventually Holly settled down, and the liquid continued pouring in, helped by Caroline, who was squeezing the rubber bag.

After half of the bag had emptied into her bowels, Holly began begging them to stop the enema. It was 'too much'. It was hurting her. By the time the bag was ¾ empty, Holly was moaning and crying and begging, but the operation continued until the bag was empty.

They finally pulled the nozzle out and told her she could stand up, and with a groan, she tried. She could only stand bent over, because of the intense pain in her tummy.

"Please can I go to the bathroom now?"

"Oh, no, honey, we have to wait ten minutes. Look, Mary. She looks like she's three or four months pregnant, her stomach's so distended."

"Yeah, and look how shiny it is. It looks like somebody oiled her stomach."

"Now, don't you let any of that out, Holly, or I'll have to spank you."

Holly immediately put her hand behind her and tried to push her index finger against her rosebud. Caroline and Mary chatted as though they were at a tea party. About five minutes passed, when Holly began to groan.

"I feel weird. My head is beginning to spin. Please, can I go?"

"Not yet. Only a few minutes more."

"Ooooh, so dizzy. Don't think I can hold...any long..."

Suddenly some of the brown ooze began to run down her leg.

"All right, Holly, get over to the toilet and go, but you're getting a spanking. I told you not to let go!"

Holly hobbled over to the john, sat, and they all listened as a steady stream of brown liquid flowed into it. When she finished, Holly wiped herself and made a halfway attempt to clean off her leg. Her reflexes were so off kilter that she botched the job, terribly. Mary ended up finishing up the cleaning job.

"Come here, young lady. I'm very upset with you."

Holly moved to Caroline, who threw her over her lap and gave her a sound spanking of fifty smacks. Holly wept in earnest, and her legs flew all about as the spanking continued. No attempt at modesty. Her brain was totally muddled. The alcohol besotted her, and except for the pain, she was hardly aware of what was going on. Caroline rose making sure she had a strong hold on Holly's arm, and they all descended to the living room. Caroline got Holly seated on a chair after placing her towel beneath her.

Holly sat there for a couple of minutes, looking more and more out of it. The front door opened and Paul and Don came in together. They joined Mary and Caroline and watched Holly get higher and higher.

"Whee! Now we finally got some men! Hi Paulie! Hi Donnie! You're jus' in time...Caroline's been real mean to me today. Spanked me...Gave me enema! Not nice. But I feel good now. Jus'...sexy. Anybody wanna help me out here? Wanna suck on my titty? Nice titty!"

With this, Holly grabbed one breast at the base between both hands.

"Nobody wanna suck my nice titty. Okay, suck it myself."

She pulled her breast to her mouth and began sucking on a very erect nipple. Eventually she pulled away and once again offered her breast to the audience.

"Umm. Tastes good. Anybody want some? No...Okay how about the other one?"

She let go of the one and grabbed the other. When no one came forward, she pressed the nipple to her mouth and sucked.

While she was doing this, Paul leaned over and whispered to Caroline.

"What the Hell's going on? She looks drunk."

"She is. I'll explain later."

Holly let go of her breast and her hands moved down to her vagina. She placed her two legs over the arms of the chair, so that her pussy was totally open to the viewers. Her plump white outer pussy lips, unencumbered by any growth of hair seemed to highlight the pink inner lips, and, when she pulled them aside the they saw the redness of the opening of her vaginal hole.

"See, I've got a peepee hole too. Holly-Wolly's little peepee hole! Anybody want to play with my peepee? What a bunch of party-poopers! Do it my own self then."

She began inserting one finger, then two and started sawing in and out.

"Ooouuu, feel's so good. Don't know what you're missing. Either one of you guys want to put something else in here?.... Oh, Boo on you guys!.... How about my little clitty."

Her hand moved to the top of her slit and began rubbing her clitoris.

"Not so little right now. Feels soooo good! Ummmm!"

It was obvious that she was nearing an orgasm, as her finger moved more fervently, and her breathing became heavier. Finally she let out a huge sigh and her body stiffened. She did not stop, however, continuing to rub her clit between her fingers. In less than a minute, she was panting again, and soon indicated she was in ecstasy, uttering a series of 'OU, OU, OU's" followed by A couple of 'Oh, God's'.

She lay back in her chair with a sigh, still exhibiting her hidden treasures between her uplifted legs. Don rose, went to her, squatted and put his hand on one of her thighs.

"Holly, I'm so proud of you. You let your inhibitions go. Your conscious mind is finally agreeing with your sub-conscious. See, your mind is beginning to straighten itself out already. That's wonderful!"

He let his hand move over to her pussy and patted it gently.

"It is? Hey, everybody. I'm makin' progress. 'Ray for Holly-Wolly!"

Caroline rose and went to Holly.

"That's wonderful, Holly. Now, suppose you do something useful and go set the table. I'll be in in a minute, and we'll get supper ready for everyone."

Holly set her legs back on the floor, and, with Don's help, she rose and staggered into the dining room. When she was gone, Caroline explained about the enema, and the men chuckled and nodded in agreement.

Caroline went into the kitchen and started ladling the stew and placing the big salad bowl on the table. She ordered Holly to put the plate of rolls on the table, but on the way, Holly staggered and the rolls all landed on the floor.

"Holly! Can't you do anything right? Okay, for that you get no dinner. Crawl under the table, and, while the rest of us eat, I want you to bring every one of us to climax. If you don't, by the time we finish dinner, I'm going to give you another spanking. Now, get crawling!"

Holly crawled under the large table, as Caroline winked at everyone, and whispered for them to eat slowly and to let Holly remove whatever lower clothing needed to be taken off. Everyone sat and began passing the salad bowl, taking some, and eating very slowly.

Holly, in the meantime, in her drunken state didn't know where to start, but finally decide to begin with Don, because he'd been so nice to her. She crawled to him, unbuckled his belt, unzipped his fly and began tugging on his pants. Don didn't help much, so it took extra effort to get his pants, then his shorts, pulled down to his feet. He was semi-hard, and she began sucking in earnest, aware that she needed to get everyone to orgasm as soon as possible. It took almost ten minutes before she felt his seminal fluids burst into her mouth. She swallowed with a grimace and moved on to Mary.

After pulling down her panties, Holly was faced with a huge growth of black curly hair and a very musky scent. She dove right in and began licking up and down the lips, but finally decided to concentrate on her large clit which stuck well out from between her vaginal lips. After a few minutes of concentrated effort she heard Mary gasp, stiffen her body and then totally relax.

She then moved on to Caroline, who seemed to help with her panty removal. She had already had the course on how to satisfy Caroline, so it only took a few minutes to bring her off. Finally it was Paul's turn and she repeated the ministrations she had performed on Don. For some reason, it took longer to bring Paul to climax than any of the others, but she was so relieved when finally Paul spurted his bitter-tasting sperm into her mouth. When she finished she crawled out from under the table, only to see everyone's stew bowl empty, and all the salad eaten. In spite of her inebriation, she burst into tears, knowing she could expect another spanking on her very sore buttocks.

Mary suddenly said she thought her husband, Roger was home. She thought she'd heard his car pull in the drive next door. She went over to the window to check and returned with the information that the lights were on next door, so he must be.

"You know what I'd like to do? Tomorrow's his birthday. How about we send Holly over to knock on the door and offer him a blowjob. I think it'd be a riot, and I know he'd enjoy it."

Everyone, except Holly, thought it was a wonderful idea. Holly was getting very tired and thought she had given her last blowjob for the day. But she was ordered to give him a blowjob, and if they heard later that she hadn't for any reason, she would be severely punished. She was also ordered not to mention Roger's birthday, because then he'd know his wife had arranged it.

"Can I put on a coat?"

"Of course not. It's not cold outside. Now, get going!"

Holly opened the door and meekly peeked outside to see if anyone might be walking by. Caroline pushed her out the door and closed it. Holly walked hurriedly the couple of hundred feet or so to Roger's front door.

In the meantime, Mary got on the phone and called Roger. He answered quickly.

"Listen, Hon. I'm next door. In a minute there will be a naked girl at the door offering to give you a blowjob. Be surprised. Give her a hard time. Do what you want with her. Don't let her give you the blowjob until she begs you. I'll explain later. Bye."

The doorbell rang as he hung up. He opened it with a sweep.

"What the Hell! What are you doing outside with no clothes on, girl?"

"Well, I....Uh...."

"Get in here right now!"

He grabbed her arm and roughly yanked her into the house and shut the door.

"What do you want? Did somebody try to rape you?"

"No...I...Uh...want to give you a ....blowjob."

"What is this? Some kind of trick? Are the police outside waiting to bust me for defiling a minor? Tell me, damn it!"

Roger grabbed both of her breasts in his fists and squeezed hard. Holly let out a scream that could be heard next door. He shifted his grasp to her hardened nipples and twisted viciously. Again she screamed.

"Have you got a boyfriend outside just waiting to break in and take all my money?"

"Nooo...please let go...you're hurting me."

"I'll hurt you even more if you don't tell me what's going on."

With this, he dropped his left hand down to Holly's crotch and grabbed her vaginal mound in his large hand and squeezed.

"Ohhhh...pleeease let go...I just want to give you a blowjob...that's all."

"I've a good mind to call the police and..." "Nooo...nooo...don't do that please....I'll do anything..."

Roger released Holly's tit and vagina and moved her into the living room. He loosened his trousers and pulled them and his shorts down and sat in an armless chair.

"Okay, cocksucker, let's see how good you are."

Holly was relieved to see his penis was of normal size and width, moved forward, dropped to her knees and started licking up and down his semi-hardened rod. It grew to full length almost immediately as her salivary soaking appeared to be having the proper effect. She was pleased to note that the taste was slightly musky, but that he had obviously showered in the last 24 hours.

Roger leaned his head back and closed his eyes as Holly took his now rock-hard prick head into her mouth and began rolling her tongue around, concentrating on the sensitive area underneath. Slowly she stared working her way down the length of his penis, sliding back and forth over most of it.

Roger was enjoying her ministrations greatly, when he noticed she had stopped for some reason with half a mouthful of penis. He finally opened his eyes and looked down at Holly, to find she had fallen sound asleep. Not wanting to startle her enough that she might do serious damage to his manhood, he reached down, took her right nipple between finger and thumb and twisted slightly. It was enough to waken her without biting down, and, penis still in mouth, she tried to explain.

"Ouuu, slorrry. Sooo shleepppy."

With renewed effort she brought Roger to the edge of his orgasm, at which point he pushed her forehead away, letting her know to desist.

"Kneel up on the coffee table, slut. I've got better ways to finish this."

Holly hesitantly rose and got on all fours on the coffee table. Roger rose, and hose in hand moved to the edge of the table, aimed and jammed his prick into Holly's vagina. Holly was, of course, well lubricated, as she had been for two days, and both she and Roger began to sigh, groan and moan. Soon Roger was pistoning his penis in and out like a jackhammer.

"Oh, God. So tight!"

"Oh, yessss....Oh, yesss...Ouuuu, almost there, mister...Ahhhhh!"

The two bodies, acting as one, came simultaneously. Holly screamed out her pleasure and Roger shouted an expletive. She fell to the table and lay in total bliss with her arms hanging over the sides. Roger withdrew to his easy-chair and collapsed. Neither said anything for several minutes. Finally Holly rose, went to Roger, knelt by the chair and took his hand.

"Oh, thank you, mister. Thank you, thank you. That's the nicest thing anybody has done for me since I came to Mississippi. Bless you."

Roger was a little taken aback by her effusiveness, but assured her the pleasure was his, as well. She rose, kissed him on the forehead and asked if he wanted her for anything else. He assured her he was done for the evening, so she departed, checking to make sure no one was outside before she stole back to the house next door, a huge smile on her face.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.