Holly and the Ivy, Part 3

[ MF/f, oral, les, spank, humil, drug, reluc, coerc, exam, mast ]

by Banshee


Published: 23-May-2013

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1

Caroline Painter was returning home from dropping her husband, Paul, off at work at his pharmacy. It was 7:30 a.m. She had taken one of the back roads to avoid what little rush-hour traffic there was in Biloxi, when she saw a young girl sitting on a mound by the road crying her eyes out. She immediately pulled to the side, stopped, and ran back to see if she could help.

When she reached Holly, she asked if there was anything she could do. Holly's cries became even more pitiful, she cupped her hands over her face and sobbed. Caroline squatted beside her, put her arm on Holly's shoulder and tried to console her. Eventually, Holly's tears subsided enough to explain that she had run away from her uncle's house, because she had been beaten and abused. When Caroline asked for details, Holly burst into tears once again.

Caroline asked when she had last eaten and Holly explained she hadn't eaten since last night's supper. Caroline rose and pulled Holly to her feet.

"Come on. You're coming home with me. I'll fix you some breakfast and you can tell me all about it. Your uncle won't be able to find you if you're off the road, and you can stay with me and my husband as long as you want."

Caroline got Holly in the car and took off for home. When they pulled up, Holly noticed the house was a modern two-story brick house with a two-car garage, and was very nicely landscaped. Caroline showed Holly into the living room and told her to relax while she fixed breakfast. Holly was impressed with the decoration and the antique furniture. For the first time since she had left Bob's house in the early morning hours, she began to relax.

A few minutes later Caroline called her into the kitchen for breakfast. She had fixed juice, scrambled eggs and toast. Holly gobbled it all down in minutes. While she ate Caroline was able to question her about her circumstances at her uncle's. She seemed aghast, when Holly told her of the beating with the belt by her uncle, the episode with the poison ivy, and the blow jobs she had been forced to give her uncle and cousin and the lesbian episode with Edie. When she finished her tale of woe, Caroline went to Holly and embraced her, telling her she could stay and be their "daughter" as long as she wanted, that she could have her own room, and, to avoid any possibility that her uncle might check around, she wouldn't even have to go to school, at least for a good while. Holly was so appreciative she hugged Caroline and began crying again.

"Now, why don't we have a cup of coffee and then you can go take a nice hot shower. I'll show you your room, which has its own bath. I imagine you're tired, so after your shower you can take a nap. Now, let me go fix our coffee."

Holly didn't notice that it was taking Caroline a while to pour two cups of coffee. She was so excited that she had escaped her awful relatives and had found a wonderful couple, who were willing to take her in. Eventually, Caroline returned with the cups and they chatted about this and that as they sipped. Caroline asked why Holly didn't have a suitcase, and Holly explained that in her hurry to leave she was afraid someone would hear her before she was able to escape. Caroline explained she'd have to go and buy some clothes for Holly tomorrow.

"In the meantime, you can sleep in one of my nightgowns. You're much bigger than I am in all the right places, but I think we can make do for the time being. Everything I have is a petite. My bra size is 34-A and you have nice large breasts. What size bra do you wear, dear?"

"Well, I think I'm still growing, but the bra I have on now is a 36-B."

When they finished their coffee, Caroline showed Holly her room with a nice big double bed, just for her, and the bath. Caroline turned on the shower for Holly, showed her where the towels and washcloths were and went to get her one of her nightgowns. When she returned Holly had stripped down to her bra and panties, and Caroline had her first real opportunity to size the teen-ager up. Long legs, shapely hips, nice breasts, a pretty oval face with blue eyes, pouty lips, dimples and shoulder-length dirty blond hair. Holly went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Caroline immediately went downstairs to the phone and dialed Paul at work.

"Babe, have I got the surprise of a lifetime for you. I picked up a gorgeous teen-ager by the side of the road this morning. Turns out she ran away from her uncle's house, because they had beaten her and abused her in all sorts of ways. I told her she could stay with us as long as she likes. She can't go to school, because of the chance her uncle will find her. I just ground up a sedative in her coffee. I thought you could bring home some of those female hormone pills that act like Viagra on women and some birth control pills, and we can keep her sedated and horny as long as we want to. What do you say, Lover?"

"You had to call me and tell me eight hours before I can come home? Thanks a lot. My car will be ready in the shop by the time I get off. I'll try to get home as early as I can. You've outdone yourself, Babe!"

Caroline went back upstairs and waited for Holly to come out of the bathroom. When she did, she had wrapped a big towel around her. She removed it to put on the nightgown and Caroline noticed the marks on her back. She came over to take a closer look.

"Oh, Honey, he really beat you bad, didn't he? My God, your back is covered with welts and red blotches. How awful!"

"Yeah, it still hurts a lot, but the shower helped a lot."

"And your vagina is totally devoid of hair. Did you do that, or did they?"

"My uncle cut off all my hair down there just before he rubbed the poison ivy all over it and my breasts."

"How terrible! I can see the bumps all over your pussy and breasts. What awful people. Well, try on my gown and then you can lie down."

"Yeah, I started to get real sleepy while I was in the shower. I guess everything's catching up to me finally."

It was a bit of a struggle to get the nightgown on, because it was so much smaller, and when she had it on, it looked like a doll-baby gown. Holly's breasts pulled the gown up three or four inches, so that the bottom hem fell just below her crotch. It was a little tight, but Holly was just glad to have something to wear to bed, and Caroline assured she would go the next day and pick out some clothes for her, since she needed to stay inside, so no one could find her.

Holly climbed into bed and was asleep almost immediately. Caroline went downstairs to do her housework and gloat.

Chapter 2

Paul closed the pharmacy a half hour early and rushed home. Caroline met him at the door and jumped into his arms. They kissed feverishly and Paul carried her into the living room.

"Where is she?"

"She's still asleep. I may have given her a bit too much sedative. I wanted to make sure you got home with the goodies before she woke up."

"Let's take a quick look, and then we can get her downstairs for dinner."

They went to Holly's bedroom, where they found her sound asleep still, with the sheet pulled up to her chin. Caroline went over and quietly removed the sheet, and Paul saw the shapely figure of their new captive. He was also able to see her totally clean-shaven mound, as her nightgown had ridden up to her stomach.

"Wake up, sleepy-head. It's almost time for supper. Did you have a good sleep?"

Holly slowly opened her eyes and then, in alarm, she sat up on her elbows, before realizing that she was safe and had escaped her uncle's cruelties. With a sigh, she lay back on the bed, half closing her eyes.

"Ooh, I had a wonderful sleep, thank you. I still feel like I could go right back to sleep."

She was still so out of it that she was totally unaware of the fact that, when she stretched, her legs opened and Paul and Caroline were able to see her vaginal slit open slightly. Caroline reached over and playfully pulled her up to a sitting position and helped her out of bed. She didn't offer Holly a robe, and Holly was still sedated enough that she didn't even realize how uncovered she was.

The three descended to the dining room, where Paul got Holly seated and he and Caroline began bringing dinner over to the table. By the time they were ready to sit down, Holly's head had slumped down to her chest, and she was snoring slightly.

"Yeah, I think we need to cut the sedative back to a third as much tonight, or we'll be playing with a zombie. Also, I think I'm going to call Donnie over to do his medical thing again. And with the hormone pills, we can add a twist or two, I think."

"Whatever you think, Baby. I can't wait to get started."

Caroline shook Holly awake, long enough for her to take a few bites, and then her head lowered to her chest again. Paul suggested they finish their supper, then mix the pills in with some chocolate milk for Holly and put her to bed for the night. Paul did the mixing, combining a bit of sedative with a birth control pill and a double dose of the female Viagra medicine.

After getting her to drink the whole glass down, Paul helped her up the stairs to her bed, taking numerous opportunities to feel her breasts through the thin material of her gown. Holly was impervious, barely able to mount the stairs, tripping occasionally, with Paul catching her, often by grasping one or the other breast in the process. When he got her to bed and covered up, he headed for the phone and called Donnie. Donnie was a medical assistant, whose job at the hospital was to sterilize the instruments, take stock of the medical supplies and reorder those items that were running low, prepare the O.R. before operations, and the like.

"Donnie, we got another one! Some teen-ager who was being mistreated by her uncle's family, ran away this morning, and Caroline found her and brought her home. She's sedated now, but I've given her the female hormone pill, and a birth control pill, and I need you to play doctor for us, and share in the booty, pun intended. I think we need you to be an OB-GYN this time. We need to convince her the sex drive she'll be experiencing is coming from the fact that she psychologically enjoyed what they were doing to her, and she needs to punish herself by being mistreated and humiliated. We can work the rest out as we go along."

"Hey, sounds great, Paul. Can't make it 'til tomorrow night, though, is that okay?"

See you then, Buddy."

Chapter 3

Holly was sound asleep when they went to wake her at 7:30 the next morning. Paul wanted to see how the drug was working before he went to work. When he pulled back the sheet this time, not only was Holly's bare vagina in full evidence, but there was a huge wet spot right below it, and her finger was firmly inserted in her pussy.

Paul shook her awake, and she got an odd look on her face, then realized where her hand was and immediately jerked it away from her pussy with an embarrassed 'Oh, my!'. She immediately tried to pull the gown down over her crotch, with little success.

"Time to get up, Kiddo. Why don't you take a shower and come on down to breakfast. We'll get things started."

Paul and Caroline smiled to one another and went downstairs. Holly had the oddest feeling she'd ever had. The area around her pussy felt as if someone had been running a vibrator back and forth from one end of her crack to the other. As she got out of bed, every nerve in her body was centered on that area between her legs, and each movement stimulated her. She removed her gown and looked at her nipples. They were as hard as rocks. She felt her breasts, and just her fingers touching the skin started little sparks of excitement all over.

When she got in the warm shower, the beating of the water on her back became tiny tingles all over. She knew she shouldn't, but she extended her finger down to her pussy and immediately found her erect clitoris begging for attention. She didn't disappoint it and soon she was rubbing away with vigor. It took her less than a minute to climax, but, as she removed her finger, it was as if she hadn't relieved herself at all. The desire to orgasm again immediately was uppermost in her mind. She forced herself to concentrate on showering and with great effort she finished.

When she got out and started drying herself the feeling swept over her again, and it was all she could do to refrain, especially when she tried to dry herself between her legs.

Not only was this constant desire to bring herself off bothering her, but she felt as if she'd be very happy to just go back to bed and sleep another three or four hours. She had to choose between wearing the clothes she arrived with or the nightgown, and while she wouldn't have minded Caroline catching a glimpse of her bare pussy once in a while, she didn't think it was right to let Paul see her charms any more than he had already. So, she decided to put on her old clothes. Fighting the excitement of just having her clothes brushing against her genitals and breasts, she descended to the dining room.

Breakfast was ready on the table and Paul and Caroline had already started. When she sat down, an itch began working its way between her legs and it was all she could do to keep from dropping her finger down to the area to pleasure herself. What was wrong with her?

"Did you sleep well, Holly."

"Yes, thank you, but I'm still so tired. I don't know what's the matter with me."

"Well, you've had a stressful time lately. That must be it."

They finished eating and Caroline asked Holly if she'd like some coffee. Holly said she wasn't used to drinking coffee, so she didn't think so.

"Oh, I insist, Dear. It'll help you wake up."

Holly finally agreed and Caroline went into the kitchen and returned minutes later with a tray with three cups. She made a point of handing Holly's to her. After they had finished, Paul rose and said he had to get to work. Caroline rose and kissed him goodbye, asking Holly to take the dishes into the kitchen. As she rose to put the dishes on the tray, both Paul and Caroline noticed the back of Holly's dress was sopping wet down by her buttocks, as was the chair she'd been sitting in.

After Paul had left and Holly had returned to the dining room, just before she sat down, Caroline threw a question to her.

"Honey, you seem to have a problem. I noticed your dress and your chair are sopping wet. Is something the matter?"

Holly, embarrassed, sat and turned a nice shade of pink.

"I'm sorry, Caroline. I don't know what the matter is, but I seem to be all excited this morning. I've never felt like this before."

"Well, maybe it'll go away shortly. Otherwise, I think we need to look into the problem. Okay, I've got some grocery shopping to do, and then I'll stop by a clothes store and see if I can find you some other clothes. I'd take you along, but we don't want to take a chance on any one seeing you. While I'm gone I'd like you to rinse the dishes off and make your bed. If you're going to be our 'daughter' you need to take some responsibility around here. See you in a couple of hours."

Holly moved into the living room after Caroline left and sat in the big easy chair. She had no sooner settled in the chair than those feelings of sexual desire started tingling, and she could feel her breasts tightening up and her nipples hardening again. Her determination to fight the desire to play with her clit lasted about thirty seconds, and she pulled off her dress and underwear and sat once again, totally naked and itching to relieve that craving in her breast and pussy. She knew she had at least two hours before Jean got back, plenty of time to get herself off at least a couple of times, and her clothes were making the itching twice as bad. One hand went to her breast, where she grabbed one of her rigid nipples and began twisting it. The other hand disappeared between her legs and soon she was moaning and shaking in ecstasy. This time her orgasm took a couple of minutes to complete. But, as before, she had no sooner finished her first, than she started on a second and then a third. By the end of the third climax she was totally exhausted and fell into a deep sleep, with her hand still planted between her lower lips.

Chapter 4

And that is how Caroline found her an hour later.

"My God, Holly! What is with you?"

"Huh! Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry. I just have this feeling all over my body all the time... this sexy feeling and I can't control myself."

Holly jumped up and threw her clothes on.

"Well, it's obvious you have a problem and we need to get to the bottom of it. I'm going to call Paul and have him call a doctor who's a good friend of ours. We'll get him to come out here, maybe tonight, and talk to you."

"Oh, no, no...I'd be too ashamed. Please don't."

"No dear, we need to find out what's causing this and see if we can find a solution to your problem. This guy's a sweetheart. He's an OB-GYN, and I'm sure he can figure out what's going on here."

Caroline went into the kitchen and called Paul and told him what had just happened. Paul chuckled and said the scenario was perfect for their little session tonight and hung up.

Caroline went back into the living room and presented Holly with a large bag, telling her these were a few of the clothes she'd gotten for her and to go on and try them on now. Holly wanted to go to her room, so Caroline humored her by following her there.

The first thing Holly picked out of the bag was a bathing suit, if you could call it that. It basically consisted of three small triangles. Holly, in her modesty, tried to say it was too small for her, but Caroline pointed out that no one would see her using it in their pool in the back and to try it on. Holly complied, removing all of her clothes. The bra part was, in fact, just large enough to cover her nipples, and her breasts hung out below each triangle, as well as on both sides. The bottom triangle was just large enough to cover her pussy in the front and acted as a thong in the rear. Caroline said she looked wonderful. The next thing she found in the bag were three bras, which Holly could tell immediately were far too small for her. She checked the size and found they were all size 34-A, Caroline's size.

"Oh, how stupid of me! I meant to get your size and picked out mine by mistake. Well, I'll just keep these, and get you some in your size the next time I get over that way. Anyway, try on the panties I got. I'm sure they'll fit."

Holly pulled one out and it too looked too small, but Caroline insisted she try it on. She struggled to pull the panties above her thighs, they were that tight. When she finally got them over her hips, the material clung to her like a second skin, and the front panel covering her pussy was diaphanous. Because she had no hair to cover it, her slit stood out, to the point that her plump lips were fully in evidence.

"I couldn't wear these, Caroline. It's like I don't have any covering at all."

"Nonsense! Who's going to see you in them, except maybe me. They'll be fine. But I notice your pussy is dripping fluid again. You'd best get a washcloth and wipe yourself."

"I'm so sorry. This has never happened to me before."

Holly removed the panties, went into the bathroom, ran a cloth under the water and swiped the length of her vagina. All that did was to make her hornier than she had been. She returned to the bedroom, nude, carrying the soiled panties.

"I feel so tired again. I don't know what's happening to me."

"Well, we'll ask Don, the doctor, about that tonight, too. He's coming for dinner. Now, try on the PJ's I got for you, and you can sleep until dinner."

Holly pulled the last two items out of the bag. They were identical except for color, one bright red and the other a pale blue. Both were baby-doll pajamas. The bottoms were smaller than most panties, barely reaching up to cover half of her buttock cheeks. The tops buttoned in the front and hung some three or four inches below her breasts. When she raised her arms the bottoms of her breasts appeared. She was too tired to argue.

Caroline tucked Holly in, in her new PJ's and went downstairs. She had no sooner left the room than Holly had slid the bottoms down and had her fingers busy pleasuring her dripping cleft.

Chapter 5

Caroline woke Holly at six, saying that their friend, Don had arrived and it was time to come down for supper. She then apologized to Holly.

"I'm so sorry, Holly. I wasn't thinking about Don coming, and I put your dress and underwear in the washer about 15 minutes ago, so I guess you'll have to wear what you have on."

"But these are PJ's. I can't wear those in front of a stranger, Caroline."

She climbed out of bed, and Caroline saw the big wet spot in the center of the bed, as well as one on the back of Holly's PJ's.

"Well, you don't have anything else to wear. You'll have to change to the other pair I got you, anyway. The ones you have on are all wet in the back."

"Oh, goodness. What's happening to me?"

"Well, that's what we're hoping Don can find out. He won't care what you're wearing, anyway. He's seen thousands of women in a lot less. Besides, he'll probably want to examine you after supper."

"You mean in the nude? Oh, I couldn't."

"That's what he does, Honey. How can he tell what the problem is if he doesn't examine you? Come on, get changed and come on down."

Caroline went downstairs and a few minutes later Holly followed in her red PJ's. All eyes were watching her as she shyly walked into the living room. Don rose to greet her, introductions were made, and they all went into the dining room.

"Paul and Caroline have been telling me some of what you've been going through over the last week, Holly. I'm just horrified that people could be so cruel. They ought to be put on trial, but then you'd have to be dragged into it all, and I don't think that's a good idea."

Caroline brought in the food and they all began to eat, with Don speaking gently to Holly, eventually convincing her that he was there to help her. Paul built up Don's credentials, telling Holly a totally made-up background, the number of medical schools he'd been to, the awards he'd won. He ended up telling her that Don had also specialized in psychology and psychiatry, and was, therefore, in a good position to diagnose any psychological problem she might be having.

When dinner was over and the table had been cleared, Don explained that he hoped Holly didn't mind, but he really needed to examine her physically. She blushed and agreed. Don went and brought in his little black bag, which he had borrowed from the hospital where he worked, without permission.

"Now, I think the best thing to do is for you to strip down and get up on the table."

Holly blushed, rose, and removed first the top piece and finally skinned out of the bottoms. Caroline took the opportunity to mention that she had wet the chair and her panties. Holly was mortified, as Caroline announced she'd get a cloth to wipe off Holly's legs. She returned a moment later, squatted down and asked Holly to spread her legs. Holly turned several shades of red, as she complied and Caroline wiped off the excess moisture which was running down Holly's legs.

Paul helped her up on the table and assisted her in lying down on her back with her legs hanging down on one side. Don removed a stethoscope and began moving it around on Holly's chest, favoring areas on her breast, where no self-respecting doctor would ever check, but it gave him ample opportunity to check out the round softness and her taut nipples. He then put the stethoscope down and began feeling her breasts, squeezing them gently and rubbing them all over. Paul and Caroline watched with interest and smiled when Holly began letting out small moans.

"Now I'm going to test the sensitivity of your breasts, Holly."

He grabbed one of them and squeezed hard, twisting the breast slightly. Holly squealed in pain.

"That hurts, does it?"

"Oh, yes. A lot."

Well, let's try the other one."

He then moved over to the other breast, squeezed even harder and added a bigger twist. Holly screamed.

"Was that worse?"

"Oooh, yes. Please don't do that again."

"I thought so. Okay, now your nipples. They seem to be in full erection. Is this normal for you?"

"No, it started this morning. Now they're hard all the time."

Don tested both nipples for several minutes, rolling them in his fingers, squeezing them lightly, and finally twisting them clockwise and counterclockwise. Holly, of course, began moaning with the manipulation, finally crying out when he twisted them.

"Let's move down to the apparent problem area. First I need to take your temperature. Please raise your legs up to your chest, hold them behind the knees and spread them apart as much as possible. That's good. Now, let me slip this thermometer in your anus, like so."

Holly, already totally embarrassed by the fact that everyone was staring at her most secret places, turned red with the insertion of the thermometer in her rear end.

"I've never had it taken down there. Couldn't you take my temperature orally?"

"Normally, yes. But we get a more accurate reading when we can take it as close to the problem area as possible. Since you are issuing so much fluid from your vagina, this will give us a better reading. Now, while we're waiting, let me get the speculum out, and grease it up. I assume you are not a virgin, are you?"

"Uhh...no I'm not."

"Okay, let's check the temp now. 98.6 degrees. Perfect. Now, let's insert the speculum. First, let me put my rubber gloves on, put some grease on, and insert one finger, now two, now three, and four..."

"Oh, that hurts."

"Okay, let me roll them around a little and..."

"You're hurting me. Oooh..."

"Now we should be able to insert the speculum with no problem. Here we go. See, it's slides right into place. I turn this little screw and the speculum expands, and expands, and expands..."

"Ouuu...now you're hurt me again."

"One more turn and...Voila! Come look, you guys. See, there's her cervix, and her uterus and up there are her fallopian tubes."

As the three of them bent to look up her vagina, Holly felt as violated as she had ever been, and she involuntarily squirmed on the table, even as the sexual feelings began running through her body.

"Hold still, please, Holly. I don't see any inconsistencies here, but you are exuding an inordinate amount of fluid. Are you enjoying this examination?"

"Nnno...definitely not."

"And yet you're definitely showing signs of intense sexual excitement. Interesting. Now, I'm going to remove the speculum, and check another part. Your clitoris seems to be fully extended. If I rub it slightly, are you...."

"Ohhh, God... Ummm... Ahhh...Oh, Jesus...I'm coming...OOOOOOhhhh."

"And yet I barely touched you. What happens if I squeeze it like this..."

"Ohhh, Goddd...It's happening again...Oh, my Godddd...OOOOOhhhh."

"All right. Now put your feet on the edge of the table and relax, while I ask you some questions."

Holly, relieved at finally being able to close her legs, placed her feet on the edge of the table.

"No, leave your legs apart. I need to watch any vaginal reactions while I'm asking the questions. Let me get my pad out here, and my pencil and do some jotting down of your answers."

So Holly remained totally exposed while the questioning went on and Caroline and Paul sat directly behind Donnie, looking through her legs, as he queried.

Chapter 6

"Now, what was your first sexual experience, Holly?"

"I guess when I was nine or ten, there was a boy who lived next door, and we got together in his house in the cellar and played "Doctor". He was twelve I think. He got me to take off my clothes and examined me thoroughly, especially my..."

"You can call it a vagina or, if you're more comfortable, pussy."

"My pussy. He pulled the lips apart and that was about all he did. Then he pulled his pants and underpants down. His ..."


"Yes, penis was almost hard and he asked me to rub it for a bit. I started and it got all the way hard. That was when his mother caught us. She blamed me for tempting her little boy, spanked me hard and made me get dressed and go home. Then she called my mother and I got another spanking from her."

"Did you get pleasure from seeing and feeling his penis?" "Yes, I guess I did. I'd never seen a real one before and it was exciting to be doing something secret."

What about your next sexual encounter? How old were you.

"I guess I was fourteen, and I was going with a boy from school, who was 16 and could drive his dad's car. My mom didn't know I was seeing him. We used to go out in the car to a secluded spot in the woods, and we'd undress each other, with a lot of kissing and such."

"Explain kissing and such, please."

"Well...you know, kissing on the lips..."

"Using tongues, too. Don't leave anything out. It could be important."

"Yes, kissing with tongues, and then he'd kiss my breasts and suck on my nipples, and...Oh, why do you have to know all this?"

"Because there may be something you did that has a relation to your current problem. I have to know it all in order to make that analysis. Go on."

"Gosh,...and then he'd stick his finger in my vagina and eventually rub my ...clitoris until I had a climax. I'd give him a ..hand-job, and usually brought him to a climax, until he got me so hot one night, that he took my virginity. We didn't think about the possibility of my getting pregnant then, but from the on he always had a condom."

"How old were you then?"

"I think I was 15 then. We used to make love a couple of times a week."

"Did he ever perform cunnilingus on you or did you ever give him fellatio."

"No, he never licked me. I gave him a ... blow-job once, but I didn't like it, and I never did it for him again."

"How long did you go with him?"

"Until my mother caught us in bed together. That was when she sent me down here to live with my uncle."

Now, getting back to his playing with your breasts. Do you find yourself particularly sensitive in that area?"

"Oh yes. A few times I almost had a climax when he sucked on my nipples." "Now then, tell me about all that happened to you when you were living with your uncle. Everything in detail."

Holly then related the various episodes that had occurred with Dana, Lou, Edie and her uncle. Any time she glossed over the details, Don would make her go back and tell him every little point. Don would make marks in his little black booklet as if he was making note of everything. When she finished, he sat back and told her to sit up on the table.

"Did you enjoy any of these experiences at your uncle's, Holly?"

"Oh, God, no. I hated it all!"

"I thought you would say that. Now, listen carefully, because this gets complicated. What you have is a classic case of Phillips/Anderson syndrome."

Caroline and Paul looked at each other with tiny smiles, because they knew that Phillips was Donnie's last name and Anderson was the maiden name of his ex-wife.

"All of those things that happened to you at your uncle's, your conscious mind is saying you hated, but your sub-conscious mind is relishing in them. In essence you really enjoyed every bit of what happened, but your conscious is saying "No, they were awful..."

"But they were!"

"Hear me out. This is why you are constantly at the edge, sexually, because your conscious and sub-conscious are in opposition, and you sub-conscious is winning. The reason you're so sleepy all the time is that your mind doesn't want to deal with this conflict. If you're asleep, then you don't have to deal with the problem, at least while you're sleeping. But even when you're sleeping you're having those liquid emissions, which tells me your sub-conscious is winning, even when you're sleeping.

Caroline chimed in with, "Gee, that makes a lot of sense."

"Well, I've seen a number of cases just like this one. I just finished with a patient that had been dealing with something similar. She was married, but had a lover who was abusing her, doing terrible things to her breasts and vagina, so that she would have to put her husband off in the love-making department until she healed. Turned out she actually enjoyed what her lover was doing. Took a long time to straighten her out."

Paul asked, "How long does it usually take to cure these cases?"

"Oh, it varies, with how hard the patient really wants to be cured. Sometimes it's only a couple of months, and sometimes it takes a year or so." "But how do you cure someone?"

"Well, they have to go through all the experiences their conscious is telling them they hate. as often as possible, until their conscious mind finally realizes that they really do like them. The problem, usually, is that the patient wants to believe, and will think they're healed before they really are. The doctor is the only one who can really tell when the patient is healed."

"Then what do I have to do?"

"Well, with Paul and Caroline's help, we could probably take care of it here. Between the three of us we could find enough things to keep you working on your problem. But with the re-creation of what you went through at your uncle's, we would have to add punishment and humiliation in various forms, because that will help your mind decide when you are ready. I don't mean anything as painful as whipping, no, I'm talking about spanking and the like. Would you be willing to try my suggestion? Otherwise, I'm afraid you're just going to continue being in a constant state of excitement, as well as wanting to sleep your life away."

"Golly, I sure don't want to go on the way I've been for the last two days. I..."

"Oh, Holly, you've got a huge puddle of goo on the table. Let me get a cloth and clean that up."

Caroline ran into the kitchen, got a cloth and ran back. Spreading Holly's legs, she wiped up the mess on the table and continued by rubbing Holly's thighs and finally swiping up and down her pussy, long enough to bring her close to a climax.

"God, I hope you do decide to do what Don suggests, because it would make it a lot easier on Paul and me, not having to follow you around with a cloth all the time. And I'm going to have to clean all the chairs down here with fabric cleaner and get a plastic mattress cover for your bed."

"Well I guess I'm willing to try. When should we start?"

"I think there's no time like the present."

Chapter 7

"Slide off the table, Holly while I remove my pants and shorts. Don't look at me like that. I told you, this is the only way we can solve your problem. Unless you want to go on being sleepy all the time and in constant sexual arousal you need to do what I'm telling you."

Reluctantly Holly got off the table, and at Don's gesture sank to her knees. Don sat down and moved his torso to the front of the chair. He wanted to go slowly at first so that Holly didn't feel overwhelmed, so he said nothing , and she eventually moved her mouth to his penis and took the head in her mouth. She sucked on the head only for a minute or two, and when she got no further instructions from Don, she finally took half of his six inches in. She continued to suck that portion until he finally filled her mouth with semen. She grimaced and swallowed. She remained on her knees, exhausted and deflated.

"Can I go to bed now? I'm so tired."

"No, no, honey. It's mama's turn now. Let me get these panties off. There. Now slide over here and get your face right here between my legs. I want to see what you did for Edie. That's it. Get that nose right in between my lips. Now, I want to feel a little tongue action. That's the girl. Oh, yeah! What a nice tongue. Slide it in and out of my hole, honey. Deeper! Deeper! That's it. Yeah, like that! Okay now run that tongue back and forth on my slit. Unhuh! Now let's see some action on my clitty. Oh, yeah! Wrap that tongue around my clit. Ooooh, God, yesssss. Oh, more, yesss, take it in your mouth. Ahhhhhh...OOOH...Eeeee. Nice job, baby. We'll work on your technique more tomorrow.

"Now can I go to bed, pleeease?"

"You're forgetting Daddy over here, sweetie. You wouldn't want to leave me high and dry, would you?"

With this Paul stood and removed his pants and boxers. His penis was at full strength from watching the other two being serviced. Holly dragged herself over and started to work. Paul took only two or three minutes of suction by Holly, before he pulled his spurting erection out of her mouth and his semen hit her on the cheek and nose. She was so tired she didn't even bother to wipe the dripping mess off her face. She rose and slowly wended her way up to bed, as the three instigators yelled their goodnights.

After she had disappeared, the three straightened their clothes and Don got ready to leave.

"I think we've got a goldmine here, but we need to be careful. If we see signs of total despondency or any indication that she might pull out and leave, we can cut the dose of sedative or hormone to give her hope that maybe she's getting better. We'll just have to play it by ear."

Paul and Caroline agreed.

"Well, then see you tomorrow night!"

Chapter 8

Caroline shook Holly awake at 9:30. Holly had not even bothered to put her pajamas on, before she fell exhausted into bed. When Caroline shook her awake, she was still groggy, as she sat up.

"My God, you didn't even wipe off the semen on your face last night. Come on, it's time I gave you a shower, nubie. Hop out of bed, while I take off my clothes."

"Uhh...nnno...that's okay, I can take a shower by myself, thank you."

"Nonsense! You're barely awake, even now. Wouldn't it be terrible if I left you to take one by yourself and you drowned. Now, come on, sweetie, and we'll have a nice shower together. Oh my God, look at the bed. You've got half of it sopped with your vaginal dripping again. I've got to go get a plastic mattress cover today, before the mattress is ruined. "

With this, Caroline, now naked, grabbed Holly from behind, pressing her small hard-nippled breasts against Holly's back and, at the same time, grabbing Holly's breasts and squeezing. In spite of the difference in their sizes, Caroline was able to push Holly into the bathroom this way. She turned on the hot water, and when it was the right temperature, pushed the still near-comatose Holly into the stall.

Caroline followed her in, and when they had both rinsed off, Caroline reached for a washcloth and washed the hardened sperm from Holly's face. She then took a bar of soap, and, putting down the washcloth, proceeded to lave Holly's body. She worked on her back first, turned Holly to face her and worked the soap into her shoulders, before concentrating on her breasts.

She lathered up both breasts, put down the soap and with both hands began massaging each breast over and over, paying particular attention to the rock-hard nipples, which she pulled and twisted and squeezed continually, until Holly began to moan, whether it was from pain or pleasure, she wasn't sure.

She picked up the soap, once again, and getting on her knees, lathered up Holly's stomach, before concentrating on her vaginal area. For this, she made Holly spread her legs, and began rubbing the soap from the front of her slit back to her little rose-bud. Back and forth the soap slathered, as Holly began to moan loudly, and her clitoris expanded until it was visible between her puffy lips. Suddenly, Holly gave out a tremendous sigh, and her legs began to fold. Only the fact that Caroline was kneeling in front of her kept her from sinking to her knees.

Caroline finished soaping up Holly's legs and feet, then stood.

"Your hair is beginning to grow out down there. We'll have to shave you a little later, get you looking like our little girl again."

She handed Holly the soap.

"Now, me. You know what to concentrate on."

Holly dutifully soaped down Caroline's back and buttocks, running the bar between her crack just once.

"No, no. Run your hand down there between the groove some more. That area can get so dirty. I want to make sure it's really clean."

Holly, as ordered, slid her hand back and forth between the crack until Caroline finally told her she was satisfied. She then bent down and soaped up the backs of both legs.

When she raised back up, Caroline turned to face her, and Holly began working on her breasts. Though there was a slight sag to her tits, Caroline's breasts stood out like ice cream cones, with hard brown nubbins at their peaks. Holly began softly soaping them up, paying special attention to the nipples, as she knew Caroline would want. After a few moments, Caroline grabbed Holly's hands and pressed them hard into her flesh. With her own hands she squeezed Holly's until each mound was fully compressed. Caroline held her like this for some moments, before finally releasing Holly's hands to continue their chores.

Holly soaped up Caroline's stomach and started to reach down to soap up her slit, but Caroline pushed her shoulders, until she went to her knees to begin the ministrations. Caroline placed one leg up on the shower's built-in seat, leaving the area between her legs wide open for attention.

Holly ran the soap back and forth along the full length of Caroline's vagina, and Caroline began to pant slightly, then to moan and finally in an orgasmic convulsion, her whole body shook and swayed. Not satisfied, Caroline pushed Holly away for a moment, rinsed her slit thoroughly and ordered Holly to work on her clit. It took only a couple of minutes of ministering to the little rigid piece of flesh before Caroline was again shaking and sighing in ecstasy.

Holly thought she was finished with that area of Caroline's anatomy, but her face was pushed between Caroline's legs so that it was looking up at the pink flesh between her protruding lips. She began probing Caroline's hole, when suddenly she was being inundated with what she thought at first was the lubricant she had been having so much trouble with the last couple of days. It was, in fact, Caroline's urine pouring out over Holly's face. When she realized what it was she closed her mouth and tried to move out from under Caroline, but her mistress held her head firmly in the same position until she had completed her evacuation.

Finally, Holly was able to soap up Caroline's legs, and they both rinsed off. Caroline grabbed two towels and they proceeded to dry each other off, per Caroline's orders. Caroline put on her clothes, but told Holly that part of her punishment for messing up the bed and some of the chairs downstairs would be that she was to remain naked until further instructed and she was to carry a towel with her at all times to put down wherever she sat. She told Holly to strip her bed linen off, to throw in the wash and that her cereal was waiting for her downstairs. Caroline would be back after she did some grocery shopping and picked up a plastic mattress pad.

Holly was still so weary that after one look at the bed she sat on it for a moment and then fell back on it and fell asleep.

Chapter 9

"Goddamn it, Holly, I give you two simple things to do, strip the bed and eat your breakfast and you disobey anyway. Well, I'm sick of it!"

Caroline grabbed Holly by both nipples and yanked up. Holly's eyes shot open and she screamed as the pain in her breasts grew. Caroline's yanking up convinced her that the best answer to stopping the pain was to stand. When she stood there bleary-eyed, Caroline sat and pulled Holly's hands down to her side. Holly went with the pull and ended up over Caroline's lap.

As soon as she was in position Caroline's hand began smacking Holly's buttocks with great force. For a small woman she had great strength, and Holly's backside suffered greatly as a result. Holly began to weep and wail as the pain permeated her drowsiness. Soon the tears were streaming down her face and she was begging Caroline to stop. Caroline was in no mood for capitulation, however, and her sweeping hand kept turning Holly's backside redder and redder. She had delivered well over a hundred spanks, when her hand tired and she began running her hand over the poor girl's hindquarters gently.

After rubbing for a few minutes she finally ordered Holly to stand.

"Now, I want you to strip this bed and come down for breakfast. Do not disobey me again, do you hear!"

"Yes ma'am, but could I please have something to wear. It's very embarrassing to have to walk around without any clothes on."

"That's the idea. When you can show more responsibility, you may get something more to wear."

Caroline turned and left the room. Holly immediately pulled the sheets off the bed and carried them downstairs and put them next to the washing machine. She sat down to eat her breakfast and Caroline began giving her her assignment for the day.

"Here is a towel, which you are to carry with you at all times. Any time you sit down you will put the towel on the seat before you sit. Today you will take this bottle of fabric cleaner and clean every seat you've used as well as your bed. When you're finished with cleaning the bed, we'll put this plastic mattress cover on it.

Now, I've already poured your juice. Drink it down right now, so that I'm sure you're getting your vitamins. I'm going next door to visit my neighbor, and I want you done by the time I get back."

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Been on asstr-mirror.org for years and this series is one of the best I've ever read. I love it when already accomplished writers experiment with erotica.

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