Published: 20-May-2013
Word Count:
Author's Profile
Marcy was a bitch, plain and simple. Face it, with her body and good looks, she could have been a model, or at least head cheerleader. But that would have required her to show off her body, and that was the last thing she wanted. At 16, her long brunette tresses, medium size breasts and long legs were the envy of most of the girls in her class. She always felt she was too good for any of the boys her age, and she also felt she was better than any of the girls she knew.
She was actually a chip off the old block. Her mother, Denise, had much the same attitude when she was growing up. Denise had a sister, Edna, who was scrawny and plain-looking, and spent her teen years despising Denise for her good looks. They were from the hills of West Virginia, and when Denise snagged a guy, who took her to live in Harrisburg, PA, Edna's jealousy, hatred, really, grew proportionately. Denise's friends often wondered what it was about the man that convinced her to marry him. Did he blackmail her into marriage, was he built like John Holmes, or was he an opportunity to get out of West Virginia? The assumption was the latter. Whatever it was, the couple produced Marcy, who was cold as ice and had little respect for anyone.
Marcy had dated three guys by the time she reached 10th grade. One had taken her out to the park for a picnic. When they were finished she lay back on her elbows, looking up at the stars. Her date leaned over to kiss her and she grabbed him by the balls and twisted hard. He was barely able to drive her home. The second guy to date her went to kiss her at the front door after their first date, and she kneed him in the balls. He was barely able to drive himself home. The third date was at a school dance, and Marcy got so bored, she left the dance without telling her date and got her father to come and pick her up. Once a girl "friend" of hers, who didn't know Marcy's aversion to being touched, came up behind her and jokingly placed her hands over Marcy's breasts. Marcy spun around and cold-cocked her on the spot. The girl had to be taken to the school infirmary with a cracked lip and a broken nose.
Shortly after school had let out for the summer, Marcy's parents went on a boating outing with another couple, a sudden summer squall came up, and the four of them drowned. A lawyer for the family found that Marcy's parents had been living close to the vest. The house was behind on payments and had to be foreclosed, there was one ten thousand dollar life insurance policy, which paid for the funeral expenses for Marcy's parents and the lawyer's fee, of course, and left Marcy with a little over $100. It developed that Marcy's only living relatives were her aunt, Edna and Uncle Ernie in West Virginia, whom Denise had gone out of her way to make sure Marcy never met. A call from the lawyer received a reluctant agreement on Edna's part to have Marcy come and live with them.
Marcy arrived by bus with her one suitcase, twenty five miles from Uncle Ernie's "farm". Ernie picked her up in his old pickup truck and by the time they arrived at the house, Marcy wished she'd never left Harrisburg. There was an old barn about 30 yards from the house, which badly needed a coat of whitewash, and that was all, except for the corn fields out beyond the barn. Edna came out to meet Marcy, and it was difficult to figure who was colder to whom. Marcy knew nothing of Edna's hatred for Denise, of course, so after they shook hands, they went inside, and Marcy's dread grew even worse. There were two bedrooms, the second being tiny, a kitchen/dining area, the living room and one bathroom. They sat and chatted for a while. Ernie explained they had 10 acres of corn and wheat, and, chuckling, said they also grew a small crop of marijuana out by the woods, where the Feds would never think to look.
Edna said she'd help Marcy get her clothes hung up and put away in her bureau. While she was unpacking Marcy made a point of indicating to Edna that all of her clothes had come from the best stores in Harrisburg, and just how much they had all cost. By the time they were finished Edna's temper was at the boiling point, and she made a point of telling Ernie how upset she was, and why, when Marcy had to go to the bathroom.
Ernie's interest in his niece grew, when she returned from the bathroom, and he got a good look at Marcy's beautiful figure and pretty face. Edna had fixed a salad for supper and after the dishes were washed and put away, neither of which Marcy offered to help with, they indicated it was bed-time. The fields needed to be worked the next day and Edna and Ernie needed to go into town for some supplies. Marcy indicated she really wasn't sleepy yet, so she'd read for a while. She climbed into bed and started reading, when the bed in the next room began bumping up against the wall. Ernie's libido had taken a hit with the arrival of his niece, and he and Edna were having a merry old time making love.
Marcy was annoyed and decided to get up and look around. She opened a few drawers in the old chest in the living room and came across a cache of marijuana cigarettes in one. She had never tried one, but she knew enough to know they leave a distinct smell, and it would be dangerous to smoke one then. She was dying to try one but decided maybe she'd wait until Edna and Ernie went into town the next day.
After he had milked the cow in the barn, Ernie came back to the house and Edna woke Marcy a little after 6a.m. She wasn't used to getting up that early and told Edna so, in no uncertain terms. Edna shook her awake and reminded Marcy that they were going into town after breakfast. She remembered about the pot, so she dragged herself out of bed, put a robe on over her nightgown and came in to breakfast. Following breakfast Edna ended up washing the dishes and drying them, before they were to take off for town. Marcy indicated that she really didn't want to ride in the back of the truck, and she'd rather stay and look around the farm.
Edna said they'd probably be back in an hour or so, and they took off down the road. Marcy immediately ran over to the old chest and pulled out a cigarette, found some matches and took off for the barn. She figured they'd never smell the smoke down there. When she got there, she found the barn had two stories. The first had a tractor, some tools and the cow in a stall. Up in the loft she found some bales of hay and sat herself down for a smoke.
She leaned back against one of the hay bales, lit up and inhaled deeply. The fact that this was her first experience with the weed, and that she was highly susceptible, became obvious almost immediately. She was in La-La land within two minutes and lost total awareness of where she was and what she was doing. The first indication she had that something was wrong was when she looked down and saw her robe and nightgown were on fire. She immediately arose and pulled both of them off, leaving her in a pair of expensive panties. She could feel that her legs down by her ankles were slightly burned, but otherwise she was all right. When she looked around, though, she saw that the hay had caught fire and the fire had spread to the rest of the barn. She quickly scrambled down the ladder and ran outside. Still feeling the effects of the MJ, she stood there in a daze, naked save for her panties, and watched the barn burn to the ground.
Moments later, the old truck slammed to a stop and Ernie and Edna jumped out to find out what had happened. They had seen the smoke from town and hurried back. Marcy had enough awareness to cover her breasts with her arms, as she related what had happened. She ended her tale with the statement, "Well, at least I got out all right."
The look on Ernie's face was, at first, puzzlement, then amazement, but his blood began to boil and he stared at Marcy with daggers in his eyes.
"So you went looking where you had no right to, you stole a cigarette from us, you burned down our barn, you killed our cow and ruined my tractor, and all you can say is, "at least I got out all right? Not even an "I'm sorry!"
He raced inside to Marcy's room, picked up her suitcase, placed every piece of clothes she owned in it and ran outside. There he dumped all the clothes on the ground, lit a match and threw it on the pile.
"There, Miss High and Mighty, let's see how you like having everything you own go up in smoke!"
Marcie came to enough to realize what was happening and, with a scream, started to move to the pile of flaming clothes to put it out. Edna standing behind her managed to grab her by the breasts to hold her in place. Marcy screamed again, and tried to fight Edna off, but Edna sank her fingernails into the soft flesh of Marcy's breasts, and after another shrill outburst, she settled down to watch the last of her clothes, except the panties she was wearing, smolder.
"I ain't finished with you, Miss High Faluttin'. Grab her arms, Edna, while I bind them with this leather strip from the truck."
Edna did as told. When Marcy's arms were tied, Ernie hoisted her up and hung the leather on one of the hooks screwed into the porch posts. Marcy was left dangling a few inches off the ground.
Let's get these panties off. Elsewise they'll be in tatters by the time I finish beatin' her butt."
Marcy fought hard to hold onto her one remaining piece of clothing, but she was no match for Ernie, who was still filled with outrage. When he had the panties pulled off, it occurred to him that he could just add them to the smoldering pile, which he did. Soon they were in flames.
Ernie ran inside and returned with a horse whip made of stranded leather, about four feet in length. He took a couple of practice swings, and then started in for real. He covered the area between her shoulders and knees. After 15 strokes, Marcy's body looked like a peppermint stick with striations all up and down her body. Marcy's screams did nothing to deter him. Actually the louder she screamed, the harder he whipped. Another 25 strokes had Mary only able to moan, her voice was hoarse from her screaming, and her body was one mass of dark red stripes covering her entire back, buttocks and legs. Ernie concentrated the last ten strokes on Marcy's buttocks, and, when he was finished, both cheeks looked like raw beef, slightly bloody, with purple and red splotches covering the entire area.
Lifting her off the hook, he had no trouble slinging her on his shoulder and carrying her into her bedroom, where he dropped her on her bed, stomach down. Marcy was barely aware of him tying her wrists to the headboard. She was close to unconsciousness, when Edna came over with a tube of salve in her hand. She proceeded to begin slathering Marcy's whole back area with it. At first it felt cool and Marcy sighed in relief. Then moments later her back began to feel as though a hot iron had been placed on it. She looked up at Edna, long enough to see the word "Ben-Gay" on the tube. As hoarse as she was, she managed once more to begin screaming. The sound came out as loud croaks, but it was obvious she was suffering terribly. Shortly after, she fell into unconsciousness.
Just then the phone rang and Ernie went to answer it. He returned with the news that Rufe had seen the fire from his farm and wanted to know if he could help. After Ernie had explained what had happened, Rufe said he'd get a bunch of the other farmers together and they'd be over the next day to help Ernie build a new barn. Rufe also told Ernie he had an old tractor he'd be happy to lend him until he could afford to get a new one. Ernie and Edna hugged and then looked over at the unconscious form of Marcy on the bed.
"I think we'll see if Miss Prim can't give our builders some support tomorrow."
Ernie and Edna had Marcy out and tied naked to an oak next to where the barn had been, before the first volunteer arrived. The oak was about a foot and a half in diameter, and they had her hands and feet tied behind the tree, standing up. This was particularly painful for Marcy, not only because the bark was very scratchy, but because her back was still a mass of sores. She made an interesting topic of conversation as the farmers began arriving. Some of them had trucks full of wood, nails and tools, so they began working almost immediately.
About an hour into the work, Edna brought a large bucket of ice water down for the workers with a large ladle. She had started to walk past Marcy, but stopped, and backtracking came up to Marcy.
"I bet you could use some water, couldn't you Missy?"
"That would be good."
Edna dipped the ladle in the bucket, lifted it over Marcy's head and poured. The icy water ran down her head all over her body, and she looked like a drowned rat, with stringy hair running down over her face. Not satisfied, Edna repeated the action, leaving Marcy sputtering, her skin producing goose-bumps all over her body, and her nipples standing out for all to see. The entire crew laughed uproariously at what Edna had done, and how pitiful Marcy looked now.
As the morning progressed one of the farmers came over to Marcy and asked her for a kiss. She told him where he could kiss her and it wasn't on the mouth. He started to move his mouth to hers and she turned her head aside. The farmer backed up and gave her a slap, followed by a backhand that stopped everyone working to see what had happened. He followed this with two more solid slaps across the tits, which had Marcy in tears. He started to move in for a kiss again, and she spat directly in his face. The farmer hauled off and smashed Marcy in the solar-plexis with his fist. She doubled over, as far as her tether would let her, trying valiantly to suck in air and having a great deal of difficulty doing it.
The farmer returned to work on building the barn. Soon a young boy about 12 or 13 came over and stared at her. He got up close to her, looking hard at her pussy.
"How come you got all that hair on your pussy, girl?"
"None of your business, little boy. Get lost!"
"Well, I want to see what you got under all that hair, so, if you don't mind, I think I'll just pull it all out."
With that, he sat on the ground and began plucking two or three hairs out at a time.
"Get away from me kid, or so help me, when I get loose from here, I'm going to..."
Suddenly the boy's father appeared before her and said, "What are you gonna do. Suck his prick for him? Lay down in the grass and let him fuck you?"
Marcy immediately shut up, the farmer went back to work, and the boy continued plucking. Marcy began to cry once again, not only from the pain, but the shame of having her pussy slowly denuded. Finally he finished his chore and sat back with satisfaction. Marcy's entire vaginal area was ruby red, as a result of the painful pulling and her slit was on full view. After a moment the boy got up close to her vagina, and commented on how fat her labia were. With this he reached up and grabbed one of her lips and began stretching it down as far as he could to the despair of Marcy, who cried out in pain. When he had stretched it as far as he could he let go and the lip bounced back into place. The boy laughed heartily at this, and for the next few minutes he alternated, stretching first one lip and then the other, letting them go like rubber bands. Finally tiring of this, he yelled "See ya" and went back to help with the building.
As the sun rose further in the sky, Marcy began to realize that she was beginning to burn all over her front. Around 11:00, Edna brought down sandwiches for all the workers, ignoring Marcy totally this time. While they were stopped, Edna mentioned they were all welcome to harass Marcy in any way they saw fit. A few of the men came over at different times and played with Marcy's tits, a few of them sucking on her nipples for long minutes and feeling her up with their fingers. Marcy, once again, was embarrassed by all the physicality, feeling these men were violating her sheltered existence. Her tears flowed down her face, but the men just laughed at her.
By the time the men left late in the day, Marcie was a mess. She was sunburned on her front, and, between the beating the day before and the bark from the tree, she looked like she had a darker sunburn all over her back, as well. Ernie had to help her up the drive to the house, and once inside she just collapsed on the sofa from utter exhaustion.
"Oh, no you don't, Miss High and Mighty. We got supper to get ready, and you're gonna help. Set the table, and then you can pour the drinks, and get the rolls out of the oven. No loafin' for you!"
Marcie knew better than to argue, so she dragged herself off the sofa and helped get the dinner ready. Every once in a while either Ernie or Edna would give her a hard swat on the butt, giving Marcy another reason to burst into tears. During dinner she explained how hard it was to hold herself up the way she had been tied to the tree, and she'd appreciate it if they could arrange some other way for her the next day. Ernie allowed as how he'd have to think about that.
The next morning, Ernie had Marcy out by the tree before the first of the helpers arrived. This time he had her kneel on the ground by the tree and tied her arms and legs behind the tree. This was still uncomfortable for Marcie but at least she wasn't hanging the way she had been the day before.
The men set right to work as they arrived, and by noon they had the frame up and had begun nailing the sides on. Edna brought the water once again, and, once again, Marcy had two ladles of ice-cold water poured all over Marcy's head. Again, the men got a huge kick out of her look of helplessness and shivering cold.
A girl of 9 or 10, who had come with her father to help, came over to Marcy in mid-morning and asked why her pussy was so red. Marcy told her it was none of her business, and to go away. Instead the girl came over and with her bare toe began running it back and forth between Marcy's labial lips. The fact that her toenails needed cutting caused Marcy a good deal of pain, as the nail rubbed against the sensitive tissue between the lips. The girl then zeroed in on Marcy's nipples and began twisting them. Marcy cried out in great pain, as her nipples were twisted to the right and then to the left. By the time the girl finished and went back to helping on the barn, Marcy was groaning in pain, and the area around her nipples was a dark pink.
As they broke for lunch Ernie explained to the men that any of them that wanted blow-jobs were welcome to partake of Marcie's hospitality. He then came over to Marcy and explained to her that if any of the men complained about her teeth getting in the way, or if she bit any of the "boys", he would take her out after everyone left and flog her front and back 100 times each.
No sooner had he finished than a line formed behind him, and a number of flies could be heard unzipping. Having never even considered giving anyone a blow-job, Marcy was astounded to find that she was to be the giver of at least 10 blow-jobs, unless some of the men came back for more.
She attempted to keep her mouth closed, as the first man placed his prick next to her mouth, but by holding her nose closed she had no choice if she wanted to breathe, and he was imbedded seconds later. The next twenty-five minutes were a blur for Marcy, as she gagged and choked, time after time, until the last man walked away satisfied. She thought she was finally done, when the young girl came up and said she'd like some of that too. Since Ernie was standing right there, she opened her mouth, which was dripping with cum, and began tonguing the girl's twat. The girl never did climax, but she obviously was enjoying Marcy's tongue action, because she stayed planted in front of Marcy's mouth for over 10 minutes.
It appeared that one more day of work would complete the barn building, so the men left late in the evening with the understanding they'd be back to finish the following day. Once again Ernie had to help Marcy get to the house when everyone had gone. Edna made her take a cold shower to get the caked-on sperm from her front. The coldness was probably easier for her to take than a hot one would have been, but she was shivering when she got out and her body was covered in goose-bumps once more. She dried off quickly and fell into a deep sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
The next morning Ernie had Marcy fed and out at the tree by 6 a.m. This time he tied her to the tree so that her back was facing the barn. He tethered her arms, so that her breasts surrounded the tree trunk and her legs were tethered at the ankles. Any movement on her part would cause the bark to rub painfully against the inner part of her breasts and abrade her bare, already sore, vaginal mound. When the men arrived, Ernie pointed out he had Marcy in a position so that everyone could give her a final farewell stroke or two with the horse whip before setting off for home. Edna came down with the water pail and did her daily anointing of Marcy's head, before leaving the bucket with the workers.
The men were able to finish the barn by noon, and had it painted a bright red by late afternoon. Sometime in mid-afternoon, the teenaged boy came over and played with Marcy's tits for a while, squeezing them painfully at times and then set about giving her as harsh a spanking as his hands were capable of. He had sufficient strength, probably because of working in the fields, to cause Marcy to begin crying halfway through the spanking. By the time he finished, her bottom cheeks were a bright red, and she was bawling noisily.
This treatment was nothing compared to the farewell whipping she got from the men at the end of the afternoon. They lined up waiting patiently for the men ahead of them in line to leave their mark on Marcy's behind. Most took two or three strikes, but some decided at least five was fair game. Most aimed for horizontal strokes on her buttocks, but a few tried for vertical cuts aimed at the cleft between her cheeks. Three or four of them found their mark causing Marcy to howl at the top of her lungs. By the time they were finished and Ernie had untied her, her whole backside was covered with red stripes and ugly purple splotches. He helped her into the house, where she was told to start helping with preparing supper. After supper, which she ate standing up, she asked to go to bed, and, once again, fell into bed, lying painfully on her stomach. It still only took her minutes to fall asleep.
The next few days were uneventful, or at least less eventful than previously. Marcy's painful body began to heal, and, with the exception of an occasional spanking on her buttocks or her breasts, for what were truly trumped up offenses, she was left alone. Of course she still had not a stitch of clothing to wear, but other than keeping her busy working, both Edna and Ernie left her alone.
About a week after the barn was finished, Edna decided they should ask young Sam over to dinner. Sam was the son of Ernie's best friend, Noah, who had died of a heart attack at age 43 the year before. She called and set a date for the following evening.
"Oh, you'll like Sam, Marcy. He owns the feed store his daddy left him when he died, he's good looking, and real smart. Now you be nice to him. He'd be a good catch and as handsome as he is and pretty as you are, you'd have some fine lookin' kids."
"I'm not interested in meeting boys, Aunt Edna, especially with marriage in mind. Besides, I'm too young to get married, even if I wanted to."
"Not in West Virginia, you're not. And if you think Ernie and I are gonna support you till you're ready, which doesn't seem to be ever, I got news for you. It ain't happening. So you better change your attitude right now!"
"Well, don't I have some choice. I haven't even met the guy, and you're trying to marry me off."
"As I see it, niece, you got two choices. If he likes you, marry him. If he don't, I'll buy you a dress and set you out on the corner of the main street in Charleston, and you can fend for yourself!"
Sam arrived, and, other than being totally shocked at meeting a nude Marcy, the evening progressed well. Ernie explained why she was in her current condition, which satisfied Sam, but he had difficulty taking his eyes off her totally naked vaginal lips and her breasts, which bounced so adoringly as she was helping get the food on the table. During dinner he was able to carry on a conversation, but his eyes seldom left Marcy's tantalizing boobs.
After dinner they moved to the living room, and again he watched Marcy's breasts dance about as she removed the dishes, before she came in to sit next to him on the couch, interestingly contrived by Ernie and Edna, who took the other remaining seats. They chatted about the seed store and how well it was doing, before Ernie asked, out of the blue, if Sam would like to share a toke. He was all for it, so Ernie got one from the chest, lit it and began passing it around. Everyone took a few puffs and passed it on. Before long, the cigarette was down to the last few puffs, and Marcy was floating. The others were somewhat dreamy, as well.
Ernie asked Sam, again out of the blue, what he thought of Marcy. He indicated he was very attracted to her, though he found it a little daunting to be sitting next to a naked girl.
Edna said, "Well, why don't you kiss her, Sam?"
"I think I will."
He leaned over and planted his lips on Marcy's, and she was dreamy enough that that seemed all right, until he shot his tongue into her mouth. Suddenly she reverted to her old self and bit down hard on his tongue. He gasped and immediately removed his tongue, but his anger flared up at once. He grabbed her, flung her over his lap and began peppering her butt with powerful smacks. Ernie and Edna were delighted. Marcy was not. As the spanking continued, she began to cry, then wail, as the blows just kept pounding her soft skin. Long after her poor rump had turned an ugly red, Sam was still spanking her and she began to beg.
"Oh, please, stop. I'm sorry. I really am. I'm sooory! Pleeeease stop! Oh, it huuuurts. Please!"
Eventually he pushed her off his lap, and she landed on the floor, sobbing.
"Good boy, Sam. Show her who's boss. She needs somebody to learn her how to behave. You did just the right thing."
Marcy lay on the floor with tears coursing down her cheeks, hiccupping and gasping for breath. Sam pulled her up, but she chose not to sit, for obvious reasons. She asked if she could leave and go to bed.
"Absolutely not! We have a guest. You sit down there next to him and let him kiss you again. So help me, you bite him again, and we'll all three spank you! Now, you sit down!"
Marcy sat down very gingerly. Sam moved over to her and taking one of her firm breasts in his hand, he again kissed her, moving his tongue into her mouth. This time she let him have her whole mouth to explore, until he pulled off and complained about her non-participation in the kiss. A warning from Ernie brought his lips back to hers, and, hesitantly at first, but then with more gusto, she stuck her tongue far back into Sam's mouth. In the meantime, Sam continued to play with her breast, and eventually he could feel her nipple hardening and pressing into his hand.
"Why don't you two lovebirds grab a blanket and go on outside. It's a beautiful night, lots of stars, and plenty of things to explore."
Marcy looked at Edna as if she'd just been shot, but when Edna went and got a blanket and pulled her up off the couch, she felt she had no option but to go with Sam, who was waiting at the door.
Sam found a grassy spot out behind the barn, set the blanket down, and indicated he wanted her to lie down. As she lay down, her thoughts were racing.
"Oh, God, here we go. He's going to want to kiss and God knows what else...Oh, hell, he's half lying on me... Here comes the Goddamn kiss... Ugh!.. Tongue in mouth...Yeah, Here's mine, you son of a bitch...Now he's playing with my tits... Stop squeezing so hard, buster. They're not grapefruits, you know... Oh, shit, now he's kissing my nipples... Oouuu! That feels kind of good, but I can't let him know...Oh, God, his hand is moving down to my pussy...Get away from there, you bastard...Oh, shit, that feels good, yeah, that's the spot...Oh, God, I can't help myself. I've got to moannnn....Wait a, please leave my hole alone...Jesus, he's taking his pants off, and his underpants...He's hard. God, that's big...Not as big as some I had to suck last week...Is he going to want me to suck him off?...Oh, no, he's spreading my legs"
"No, please. I'm still a virgin."
"Gotta lose it sometime, baby. Might as well be now!"
With that, Sam drove his penis into Marcy's virgin hole with force. She cried out, and then began crying for her lost maidenhood. Sam drove on, and within minutes he had shot his load. They both lay there quietly, he in satisfaction, she in despair and hatred for what her life had turned into.
Sam gave her his handkerchief to clean some of the blood and sperm that seeped out of her vagina. He folded the blanket and together they returned to the house, he forcing her to hold his hand all the way. When they opened the front door, Ernie and Edna were still up, and they looked at the couple with sly looks. It was obvious that they had been making love, because the gooey mess was still running down Marcy's legs.
"Well, did you kids have fun?"
"Yeah, Marcy's quite a girl. I'd like to have my mama come around to meet her, if it's okay with you."
"Why do you want your mama to meet her?"
"Well, I think I'd kinda like to marryMarcy, but Mama always helps me with any big decisions. It's always been that way for both my sister and me. Tell you the truth, she a very strong woman. She was always the one who punished my sister and me. She'd spank us for the least little thing. I think she really enjoyed punishing us. Still does, sometimes."
If Marcy was averse to getting married before, this sealed it, but she knew it wasn't her decision to make.
It was arranged for Sam to bring his mama by on Saturday. He'd get his sister to run the store while they were visiting. One more godawful French kiss and Sam was gone.
See, Marcy, I told he'd be a real good husband for ya. Now, you go on to bed and get some sleep. You look tired."
The following Saturday afternoon, Sam's car drove up to the house. Sam jumped out and ran around to the passenger's side and opened the door. Out stepped Mama. She was a statuesque, buxom, handsome woman in her mid-forties. After introductions, Mama sat on the couch with Sam. Edna and Ernie took the other two chairs, leaving Marcy standing awkwardly, naked, as usual. She was actually glad not to be seated, because she had received a harsh spanking from Edna for being sullen an hour earlier.
"So this is the little chippy Samuel is interested in marrying. I'm glad he asked me to come and help him decide. I just need to make sure this is not a pure case of lust on his part. Now, girl, come over and stand here in front of me, so I can get a better look at you."
As Marcy stepped hesitantly over to Mama, she rose, so that they were standing almost nose to nose. Mama moved her hand up to Marcy's chin, and, grabbing it, she turned Marcy's head to the right, then to the left.
"Pretty enough, although I can see a stubborn streak in her that would definitely have to be dealt with."
Mama's hands moved down to Marcy's breasts and she squeezed them, manipulated them, shook them, and then moved her fingers to the young girl's pointy nipples."
"Nice size tits. She should be able to produce sufficient milk for her babies, nice nipples for them to grab onto, not to mention nice playthings for Samuel. At least, maybe you can leave your sister's breast alone now, Samuel."
Sam smiled and nodded his head.
Mama then sat, so that she was staring at Marcy's hairless pussy.
"I think it's shameless when a girl has to advertise her sexual attributes by cutting off the hair on her vagina. Only trollops do that. Ah, well! Her hips are a good size for childbirth, also. Turn around girl!"
Marcy thought about pointing out that she hadn't been responsible for the missing hair on her pussy, but then thought maybe it would help Mama decide she was not the right one for her son.
"Damn it, girl, I said to turn around!" She smacked Marcy's left hip with her open palm.
Marcy jumped at the slap and turned quickly, so that Mama was now looking directly at her dark red buttocks.
"It looks like somebody has been a bad girl. Why were you spanked, girl?"
Ernie broke in, saying, "Edna gave her what for, for being moody. I think she thinks she's better than the rest of us."
"Definitely something she needs to have beaten out of her. I believe you did the right thing. She probably needs more of the same before she becomes convinced. Now, bend over, girl, and spread your legs."
Marcy knew of no reason for such an order, but knew better than to argue, so she spread her legs and bent over. Mama looked long and hard at Marcy's little anus and the cute fat lips of her vagina, before smacking her on one of her red cheeks.
"All right. I think that'll do. Turn around."
When Marcy had turned to face Mama once again, Mama's hand grabbed Marcy's crotch, painfully digging her hand into her soft pussy.
"I think I know the answer to my next question. Are you a virgin, girl?"
Marcy, grimacing from the painful hold Mama had on her mound, said, "No ma'am. I lost my virginity last night to Sam."
"Well, I doubt that was the first time, but, if it was, that's all right. You may move away, now."
Marcy moved to the other side of the room, and Mama stood.
"I still have my reservations, Samuel, but it's possible we can straighten her out with sufficient discipline. I give my approval. How would next Sunday be with you, Edna."
"That would suit us fine. The sooner the better. We'll go ahead and get her a dress for the wedding, and call Justice of the Peace Henry to see if he's available then."
Everyone saw Sam and Mama to the car, except Marcy, who remained in the house. As they drove off, Marcy burst into tears. It was too obvious to her that she was about to go from the frying pan into thefire, and there was nothing she could do about it.
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