Getting to Know Step-Mother, Part 3

[ Fmf, spank, hum, nc, oral, teen, sad, les, Fdom ]

by Banshee

Published: 18-May-2013

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1

Helen grabbed Barb by the arm, pulled off her coat, and literally tossed Barb, trembling in fear, onto the couch. She then strode over to the naked teen and getting her glowering face as close to Barb as she could and grabbing her right breast and squeezing it painfully, she spat out her words.

"You have really done it now, you little ungrateful bitch! Not only did you interrupt a very nice sex session, you stole my coat and, worst of all, you tried for the third time to leave your loving family! I don't know what it'll take to convince you that you're here to stay, but I'm sure gonna find out! This time you're getting the cane eighty times, front and back, forty on each side! Andy, bring me the cane from the closet."

Andy fetched the cane as Helen pulled Barbara to the coffee table and pushed her, facc down, onto the table. Barb was still trembling and haltingly pleaded with Helen for some mercy.

"Please, Ma'am, don't do this! Please...please...I'm so sore all over already. I don't think I can take much more."

"Well, we're gonna find out, chickie. Sam, grab her arms and pull them to the end of the table. Andy, you grab her legs and hold them at this end. Okay, ten on the upper back, ten on the lower back, ten on that tender ass of yours and ten on your thighs."

Helen took a few practice swipes, the swishes making Barb tense each time she heard one. Finally the first one landed near her shoulder with every bit of force Helen could engender, and Barbara screamed at the top of her lungs. There followed nineteen more forceful blows down her back, each one bringing a heartfelt screech from the wretched victim. When Helen started on Barbara's buttocks, her screams became even more pitiable, as her cheeks, already reddened by frequent spankings during the day, began to take on a bluish-white tint, as well as the reddish ridges that accompany most hard canings. By the time Helen moved down to punish Barb's thighs, the beleaguered teen was only uttering little squeaks with each application.

"Okay let's turn her over, and I'll trade places with you, Andy. My arm is about done for the night. You do the first twenty, starting with her thighs, and Sam can take the last twenty."

Sam, of course, was still naked and the evidence of his excitement was in full evidence. Although Andy was in pajamas, the tent at his midriff indicated he was no less excited, as he took the cane from his mother and they exchanged places. Andy couldn't wait to apply the wicked cane to Barbara's thighs and his first strike was every bit as forceful as any his mother had given.

SPLAT! "Oh, God, please stop...nnn more..." SPLAT! " hurts so much..." SPLAT!

On and on, Andy continued to plaster his step-sister's legs, each blow leaving a red stripe between two raised brownish lines. Then he moved up to her vaginal area. Although her legs were held tightly together at first, he still managed to redden the slitted area between them. Then Helen managed to spread Barbara's legs by a couple of feet, and Andy's cane found his target with more telling results. Barbara's cries became much louder, and the tears flowed unabated down the sides of her face. By the time Andy had finished, the lips of her vagina were not only bright red, but they appeared to be considerably more puffy than usual.

"Your turn, Sam."

Sam exchanged places with Andy and took the cane from him. His erection was, by now, in full force, and he smiled as he placed himself at Barbara's middle. He, too, used every bit of force in his arm, as he applied the first of his twenty strikes to Barbara's stomach. As she had been doing from the start, Barb tried to twist away from each blow, but the hands holding her arms and legs gave her almost no leeway. Her stomach and lower rib area was soon covered with five bright red splotches. Sam, instead of applying ten strokes to her lower area, decided to give Barb's tits a full fifteen. He began with the undersides of her breasts, but her puffy nipples were so large that his third blow caught the lower portion of the brown protuberances. Sam applied a full ten blows to the particularly sensitive buds, bringing shrill squeals from the suffering victim.

The final three blows were saved for the upper portion of her breasts, and, by the time Sam had finished, his penis was exuding little drops of precum, and Barbara was moaning in plaintive little wails. Sam helped Barbara off of the coffee table and assisted her to her bedroom. Rather than applying any salve to her suffering captive, Helen again, smiled derisively down at Barbara and spoke with venom.

"Now, if you want to see what else I can do to that body of yours, you just try escaping one more time, dolly. Get some sleep and we'll talk some more tomorrow morning."

Helen turned, grabbing Sam's hand and leading him back to her bedroom to complete their lovemaking, and Andy went to his room to look at his SM magazines, while he wanked away at his pecker. Barbie lay in pain for hours before she fell into a fitful sleep, awakening with a start every time she moved even slightly.

Barbara was so wasted that Helen even let her remain in bed for two days, bringing her soup and crackers once a day. After two days, Barbara was still in a good deal of pain all over, but Helen decided she had lazed enough, and there were chores to be done.

Chapter 2

About two weeks later, Barbara had recovered enough to do her daily chores, and the daily spankings, at least one, sometimes two, were back in force, as well as regular blow-jobs, which now included occasional rounds with Sam, when Helen was sated and Sam was still horny. Barb's pain had diminished considerably, and the stripes and ridges all over her body had turned to yellow and dark blue marks. After a phone conversation, Helen made a point of letting Barb know that she had contacted her last teacher, Ms. Henderson about obtaining the books she would need to continue her home-studies. She mentioned that Ms. Henderson would be coming by the house in the evening to drop a couple off.

Barbie immediate thought was that if she had the opportunity, she could speak to Ms. Henderson about the terrible treatment she had been given and get her to go to the authorities, unless, as often happened, Helen locked her in her room when guests arrived. At any rate, this would be a wonderful opportunity to break free at last.

That evening, Andy had gone out to the movies, and Barb was in her room when the doorbell sounded.

"Jean, how good to see you. It's been ages. Come on in and have a seat. How about a glass of wine?"

"That would be great, Helen."

"Let me run into the kitchen and pour us a couple of glasses."

Barb heard Helen go into the kitchen and immediately ran out to the living room, in her usual state of nakedness. As she reached the living room, her modesty took hold, and she placed one hand over her slit and the other arm across her breasts.

"Ms. Henderson, you've got to help me. I'm being held prosioner here and they're doing terrible things to me. Please help me."

"My goodness, you're naked, Barbara. Don't you think you'd better go get some clothes on, dear. You shouldn't be running around naked."

"WE KEEP HER THAT WAY, don't we, Barbie-doll. I don't believe I gave you permission to come in and speak to Ms. Henderson, did I?"

"I'm trying to tell Ms. Henderson the terrible things you've been doing to me since Daddy's death! I want her to go to the authorities so I can leave this terrible place!"

"My gosh, Helen, she's got bruises all over her body."

"Yes, that was from a couple of weeks ago when she tried to leave us, and was going to steal my good coat as she was leaving! She's tried to leave our loving home two or three times now, so I have no choice but to keep her naked all the time. She brought it on herself. Now, suppose you sit down over there, you little slut, while Jean and I talk about old times, and then we'll deal with your situation. SIT! NOW!"

Barbie hesitated a moment, but when it was obvious Ms. Henderson wasn't objecting she moved over to a chair and sat.

"I don't believe I've seen you since graduation, Jeannie. Tell me what you've been up to."

Well, after graduation I traveled through Europe for a while. I found a wonderful companion who was also bumming around the continent, and we hit it off immediately. We fell madly in love, and when we got back to the States, she decided to move here from Detroit, she became my sub, and we were together for over ten years. She was a wonderful lover and we would have stayed together forever, I think, but she contracted ovarian cancer and died two years ago. Since then I've been looking around, but haven't found anybody to replace her."

Barbie began to sense that all was not well in her quest for freedom. She took a good look at her, and she hadn't changed since she was last in school. This was a fairly homely housewifely looking woman, small-breasted, in a plain brown dress with lace around the collar, black hose and four inch black shoes. Everyone's spinster school teacher.

"What a shame you weren't able to convince Dotty Gooding. Just to give you a little background, Barbie, not that you deserve it, but Jean and I were sorority sisters and roommates together at Lambda Epsilon Zeta together. In our senior year we rushed a freshman named Dotty, and Jean took an immediate liking to her and took her under her wing. Dotty thought she was heterosexual, but Jeannie convinced her she wasn't, or at least tried to. We had some interesting sessions in our room, and we often had to punish Dotty, because she was a bad girl, like you, or refused to do things she was told to. I remember a couple of beatings she got that were almost as bad as the last one we gave you. You remember, Jean?"

"Oh, yeah. The first one was after I caught the little sneak down at the soda shop with some boy, sipping a coke through straws from the same glass. I peppered her ass with my belt over a hundred times as hard as I could hit her. All the other girls in the sorority knew what was going on and looked the other way. The second time was even worse. She bit me hard on my pussy when I was trying to put her through a training session. You were in the room at the time and I got you to hold her down, while I laid into every inch of her body, front and back. She couldn't go to classes for a couple of days, but she shaped up after that. She developed a very talented tongue over the rest of the year. I really missed her, when she never came back after the third term."

"Now then, Barbie-honey, what was it you were saying about Ms. Henderson helping you get out of here? I think you owe her an apology for taking up her time with all that twaddle. AND, you have a rather severe spanking coming, for, once again, trying to leave us. I'll bet Ms. Henderson would be happy to do the honors, wouldn't you, Jean?"

"Well, I don't know that I should. Teacher/student relationships and all that."

"But she's not your student any more, right? And she really needs a good ass-pounding, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Shall I spank her or do you have something else you use?"

"As a matter of fact, I just bought a ping-pong paddle for that very purpose. I'll get it while Barbie-doll gets over you lap. NOW, BARBARA!"

Barb began crying immediately, as she rose and moved over to Jean, sitting on the couch.

"God, look at those nibbler nipples. I have got to have some of that before I go. Over you go, Honey. Let's not make this any harder."

With a moan, Barbara, resigned, slid over Jean's knees. Jean made a point of making Barb spread her legs apart. She looked down at the expanse of flesh being presented and began rubbing and patting it.

"Nice tush, honey, although I will say it's a tad reddish and looks a bit swollen."

Oh, please, Miss, I hurt there so much already. Please don't spank too hard."

"Well, we'll just have to see, won't we?"

At that moment, Helen arrived with the ping-pong paddle, handed it to Jean and sat down to watch the punishment ensue. It was obvious that Jean had no intention of "pulling her punches", as she raised the paddle well above her head in preparation for the first blow, and, when she brought it down, the splat it made on the helpless left cheek seemed to echo through the house.

Barbara screamed even louder than the sound of the blow, and so it continued, on and on, for seventy-five fearsome blows. By the time Jean stopped, Barbie's face was blotched with red spots, tears were streaming down her face, and she was hiccupping and gasping for breath. Her buttocks were livid with occasional red dots of blood where the rubber spikes on the paddle had opened tiny holes in her skin.

On the other hand, Helen and Jean looked at each other and smiled.

"Okay, little girl. Let's turn you over, so I can have a go at those luscious suckers of yours."

Barbara struggled painfully to turn her body over to face her tormentor and lay in total submission across Jean's legs.. Jean immediately latched on to Barbara's large left puffy nipple and began kissing, sucking and biting on the proffered brown flesh. When the bites became the prominent part of Jean's ministrations, Barbara began to squeal and the tears started forming in her eyes again. At the same time Jean's hand stole down to the open gash between the teen's legs. Her attention to the now erect nipple continued unabated for several minutes, as she alternated from one to the other. She finally raised her head in surprise.

"My God, she's still a virgin."

"Yes, I've been saving it for a special occasion, which, I believe won't be too much longer. Now, if you'd like, you could check out Barbie-doll's abilities in the tongue department."

"Oh, definitely! It's been weeks, and Mama's horny as hell. Come on, little girl, down on your knees, while Jeannie get her panties pulled down."

Barbie was able to catch herself before she was unceremoniously dumped on her butt. With a sigh, still crying, she sank to her knees and watched Jean ceremoniously pulling her panties down and shucking them onto the coffee table. She noticed that Jean wore a garter belt with suspenders under her panties, something she had never seen before, except in clothing catalogs. Then raising her skirt to her waist, she sat back down and presented the teen-ager with a well-trimmed bush shaped like a valentine, with the bottom just touching the very top of her vagina. The rest of her slit was hairless. Her excitement was immediately evident, as the hood of her clitoris was strongly evident, as moist drops of lubricant had already begun to appear below.

Jean drew Barbara's head to her vagina, and, realizing she had no other option but to cater to Jean's demands, began to run her tongue up and down Jean's slit. Holding her head tightly between her legs, Jean let her head fall back against the sofa and began sighing loudly. As Barb's ministrations became more thorough, the sighs became pants. Her tongue delved into Jean's fuck hole, and Jean began bucking her hips against Barb's head. As the pressure on her head increased, the teen's nose was enveloped by the outer lips of Jean's vagina, and she was beginning to have problems breathing. Fortunately, it was about that time that Jean screamed "Oh, shit!" and began having an earth-shaking climax.

Barb had only a moment to take a deep breath before Jean yelled "Again!!" and pulled her head back for further attention. By the time she had brought Jean to her second climax, Barbara's face was covered with a viscous slime. Jean lay back for some time, recovering from her deep pleasure, before sitting up with a totally satisfied grin on her face.

"God, that was good, Helen. Thanks so much. Not quite as good as Dotty used to do, but I'm sure, with practice, our little gash-licker will get better and better!"

"Well, we'll have to set another date for the two of you to have more fun real soon."

Jean recovered her panties, stuffed them in her purse, and left. Barb stayed kneeling even after Jean had left, wondering how life could get any worse for her. The tears began to flow again, as Helen returned from bidding Jean farewell.

"Lose the tears, Dolly, or I'll give you something to cry about. Now, go wash your slimy face and brush your teeth. When you're finished I'll tuck you in and lock your bedroom door. You've been way too venturesome lately."

Chapter 3

It was the day before Halloween, and Helen had gone into town to purchase "some costumes" for the party she was giving. Andy was in the living room watching tv, and Barbara was in her room, when the front door bell opened. Barb could hear the ensuing conversation, and she knew it didn't bode well for her.

"Hi, Andy! You told us you had a package here you thought we'd be interested in, so we came to find out what it is."

"Hi, Art, come on in. Hey, Sandy, Jack. Enter! Yeah, I think you'll find this fun. Barbie, get in here, now!"

Barb knew better than to go against Andy's wishes, so she ran to get out to the living room, again trying to cover her nakedness with her hands. Coming around the corner, she saw Andy and three newcomers, a very plain but overweight girl, and two guys Andy's age. The new boy's mouths fell open, when they glimpsed her nakedness, even though they were being deprived of seeing the parts they were really interested in.

"Hands at your sides, bad girl! What have I told you about trying to hide your treasures! That'll cost you 20 smacks right off the bat."

When Barbara dropped her arms, the boys were even more awestruck, continuing to look with wonder in their eyes..

"Gaw, look at those knockers, and the nips at the end!"

"And what about that hairless cunt. Geez!"

Sandy, though overweight, was flat as a pancake, had a face full of acne and had been taunted by many of her classmates for years, for being a bit of a geek. She suddenly sensed an opportunity to show her superiority over someone who couldn't fight back. She strode over to Barbie and hauled back and slapped her fiercely across the face. Barbie was taken totally by surprise, gasped and retreated a step. Grabbing this girl, who was probably two years older than she, by both nipples, Sandy brought her face close to Barbie's and spoke in the most threatening voice she could summon up.

"You're nothing but a little slut, running around naked. You think you can get boys by showing off your tits and pussy, whore."

Sandy squeezed the already painful nipples even harder, evoking a squeal from her subjugated victim.

"Nnnnoo, you don't understand. It's not like..."

Without giving her subject any notice, Sandy pulled her right knee back and brought it full force against Barbie's defenseless bare vagina. Barb screamed and sank to her knees, moaning. Sandy let go of the now reddened protuberances, looked down at her prey with disdain and backed up a few steps to watch Barbara as she rubbed her hands against her aching slit, trying to bring some kind of comfort to her pussy.

"Shame on you, Barbie-doll, trying to stimulate yourself in front of my friends like this. Of course, you've just racked up another 20 smacks on your butt for using that "no" word."

Sandy was suddenly fascinated by Andy's threats of punishment.

"You mean you spank her, too, Andy?"

"Oh yeah, Mom and I have to spank her at least a couple of times a day. She's not allowed to say "why" or "no". If she does she gets twenty switches or spanks, whatever we're using at the time."

Sandy moved over to the kneeling girl once again, standing directly over her, as Barbara continued moving her hand over her sore cleft and crying softly.

"Well, I'm getting the impression you like being spanked. Is that it? Do you enjoy having Andy pound your butt? Well, don't just sit there like a dummy, answer me!"


"Don't give me that "Uhuh" stuff. Answer me "yes" or "no!"

"I don't like it."

Frustrated with Barbara's answer, Sandy hauled back her foot once more and let go with a kick to Barb's stomach, then backed up to watch the girl grab her midriff and fall onto the floor, writhing in pain. Fresh tears streaked down Barbie's face as she rocked back and forth, moaning. When she had recovered sufficiently, Andy announced it was time for her punishment. All three of his friends volunteered to assist, so he announced that each of the four of them would get to give her ten spanks.

Arty was the first to sit on the sofa, and thus to get a crack at Barbie's backside. He motioned for her to get over his lap, which she did, hesitantly, and he immediately started in spanking her, though he was somewhat gentle with her. Perhaps he noticed that her poor buttocks were already excessively red from being worked on by Andy and his mother earlier. Barb had been crying from the stomach kick when she placed herself over his lap, so no one really knew he had not hit her as hard as he could have.

"My turn," shouted Sandy, and, as she sat, Barb moved off of Arty's lap and began to move onto Sandy's.

"Uhuh, I want your arms behind your back and you bending over in front of me."

Barbie followed instructions and bent over so that her upper body was a couple of feet above Sandy's legs."

"I'm telling you now, you keep your hands behind you. You bring them up to protect yourself and your spanking starts all over again."

Sandy then hauled off and slapped Barb's left tit as hard as she could. The breast bobbed back and forth two or three times and immediately a large pink blotch appeared on the side. Sandy's next blow was aimed at the right breast, and this time her hand caught the mass of her nipple, which caused Barbie to cry out, but she was able to keep her hands behind her. Sandy alternated between breasts, but each blow was at full force. On the sixth hit Barb's hands sprang out instinctively, but she was able to hold them at her sides before she actually protected herself, and she immediately swung them back behind her. By the tenth hit, Barbie was crying out at each swing, and her poor boobs were turning a dark red hue.

Jack got her next and wailed into her butt with all the force he could engender. Barb was in such pain that she began to put her hands on her cheeks to prevent Jack from doing further damage. Andy's solution was to have Sandy grab her arms and pull them straight ahead, and Arty grab her legs, which he managed to pull apart enough so that he had a perfect view of the area between them. When Jack had reached the end of his ten spanks, Barb was again exuding mucous from her nose in great quantities, her tears were streaming and she was moaning unanswered pleas.

Finally it was Andy's turn. His mom had shown him her new ping-pong paddle, and he decided to try it out. After his ten smacks were completed, Barb had reverted to the hiccups and gasping for breath that indicated she had reached the end of her endurance. Her crimson buttocks shown up at him, and he began to massage her butt roughly. In spite of that Barb was so wasted she remained lying on his lap.

"What else do you do with her, Andy?" This question came from Jack, who had gotten an inkling from Andy at school that Barb was also being used as a sex slave.

"Well, she's learning to give blow-jobs, but she's not real great at it yet. Want to see what she can do?"

Both boys had their trousers and shorts down at their feet and were seated next to each other on the couch before Andy had pushed Barbara up to take her place at their feet. Knowing arbitration was out of the question, she knelt before Arty and took his hardening prick in her mouth, not wasting any time on subtleties like licking or kissing the shaft beforehand. She was hard at work trying to bring Arty off as fast as possible, when she felt her hair being painfully yanked up. Jack had decided it was his turn. He pushed her head down to his penis head with the admonition that she'd better give him a grade-A blow-job. She had just begun to take his already-erect penis into her mouth, when the front door flew open, and Helen walked in hauling a few packages and shopping bags.

Both boys jumped and Barb's head came off Jack's prick to see what had happened. All of the kids looked at Helen sheepishly. She just smiled, put down the packages and stood looking at the scene before her.

"Don't stop on my account. Hell, I've seen a pricks before, so there's no reason to be embarrassed. I see Barbie-doll's not satisfied with just one anymore. Well, whatever turns her on! Come on Barbie, show them what you can do."

Barb returned to her task and even though it took her a little longer because of Helen's presence, she was able to bring both boys to quick climaxes, managing to swallow the abundant deposits of both. The moment was still dampened by Helen's attendance, who asked if Sandy would like the same treatment.

"God, no, I'm no dyke. I'd rather use my hand than have some gay girl eating me out. Come on guys, let's split."

So Andy's two friends straightened their clothes and with Sandy in tow exited quickly.

Helen ordered Barb to her room, where she was more than happy to go, and then showed Andy his costume for Halloween night, before going to her bedroom to change clothes.

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Little Girl Discipline

Just execellent stories. Every time poor Barbara thinks it can't get any worse, it does. Loved Chapter 2; even the person she goes to for help loves spanking her and using her afterwards. The punishments are very inventive and the pace relentless.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.