Published: 14-Nov-2011
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My name is Nikki, and my daddy REALLY loves me. Not like those other girls daddies. Those daddies don't let their 5yo daughters model for grown men in private. Those daddies don't encourage their little girls to make grown mens nasty fuckpoles throb. All those little girls don't get dressed to make pedophiles hungry for babyrape. But I do, because my daddy really loves my sweet lil ass...
There's more reasons why my daddy is the best. He buys me really hot slutty clothes, lets me wear loads of makeup, let me get my ears, nose, bellybutton and my lip pierced. He lets me swear lots, and even teaches me really nasty words like fuckslime, rapeslut, hairless babycunt and such. He shows me how to flash my little smooth puffy fuckslit, how to striptease, how to jack, lick, suck and gag on nasty perverts thick fuckpoles. Thanks to daddy I know how to spread my babyslot wide and show perverts my drooling pink candyholes.
If you need more proof of how much daddy loves me, you should ask a few of my best friends from school. My daddy loves me so much he's taught me how to share my interests, like gettin molested and raped by violent pedophiles, with all my best friends. The biggest trick to that was seducing their daddies so they wouldn't stand in the way. Hell, I made them help instead! Daddy loves it when all my friends come for a sleepover weekend, and we all smoke ice together and have sluttiness competitions, like which of us can make daddy put down the pipe and rape us first. We lick our lips, talk about how tight our little babysnatches are, fingerfuck each other, tell him how hard we cum when he slaps us across out nasty little made-up faces and calls us babywhores, beg him for brutal rape-sessions and all that kinda thing *giggle*.
What I like bestest though is when daddy takes me to the club. Sometimes I'm the only preteen girl in a mansion full of pedophiles, dressed in a tiny see-thru white croptop, a teensy eensy tartan flip-skirt that covers fuckin nothin, my tiny leaking puffy horny babyslot drooling right through a pointless see thru g string about 3 sizes too small, calf high stack heeled boots and white thigh-high fishnets. Add my full lips, too much bright red lipstick, my enormous blue eyes made up with lashings of mascara, eyeliner and pale blue eyeshadow, and my dyed candyfloss-pink ass-length hair up in long, high pigtails. Think about what goes through the minds of 50 odd convicted child abusers, all high and pumped full of viagra, naked, who turn away form the big tv's playing kiddyporn to look at me, grinning, staring at their now-dripping fuckslabs and giggling...
It makes my little hairless slit drool preteen girlcum when I make nasty old rapists hungry for preteen pussy, nearly as much as it does when daddy helps me kidnap and rape little random fuckdolls. My daddy is the best. I love my daddy, and he loves me!
Sadistic Daddy
I especially love the thought of the fun you'd have with daddy with an unwilling playtoy for the two of you. You would be able to get girls younger and even older. Imagine how much fun it would be to torment some pre-teen would-be babysitter and forcing her to enjoy having a little bisexual rapist make her cum against her will. Perhaps enslaving her to help you get other little toys.
Bad Candy
Bad Candy
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