Published: 2-Jul-2012
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Sipping cognac, the heady alcoholic aroma of Courvoisier tickling his nose, he let his erection pulse gently, tight in his pants; anticipation was so arousing. By now she'd be deep asleep, drawn under by the drugs put into her milk. By now she'd be under until morning. By now she'd be ready. Tonight is mine, he thought with a pulse of pleasure.
Anticipation thrilled him; her slender little body his to do with as he wanted, and he wanted; his desire strong. It had been months in the planning, his dreams suffused with images of little girls, of touching and loving them, of slowly undressing them to reveal immature little bodies, and actually feeling the naked body of a child, exploring, caressing, tasting. He'd planned carefully and then taken even more time to build up his courage. Now was the time.
Draining the cognac, his erection tighter in his pants, he put the empty glass down, stood and turned off lights one-by-one, slowly, teasing himself, enjoying the anticipation that tingled inside like taught violin strings. The ancient stairs creaked at his passing. Hall floorboards complained under the narrow runner carpet. Stopping at a heavy solid-wood door darkened with age, he opened it, leaning in silently to see the mother splayed across the four-poster bed, arms flung out. Stepping in he moved to the bed, taking her wrist to check her pulse; still erratic but strong, the effects of heroine and a sedative still flowing through overused veins, needle marks peppering her inner arm. Satisfied, he smiled and let her arm drop limply to the bed, turning and leaving.
His erection swelled as thoughts turned to the delights awaiting him; only seven years old, a child. . . his gift to himself on his fortieth birthday. The floor creaked at his passing, the eyes of ancestral portraits lining the walls followed his progress as if in approval, his movements now faster as he neared her door. He paused in front of the closed door. He noticed dispassionately how his heart rate had accelerated, anticipation making it race slightly. The solid-brass door knob felt cool and smooth in his hand as he turned it, slowly as if to tease himself. Yes, anticipation was enthralling. Had the drug cocktail worked? He'd planned and tested carefully, not wanting to damage the child permanently.
The door swung open on well-oiled hinges, silent, the room appearing bathed in moonlight. In the pale light he saw a small mound lost in the expanse of a large four-poster bed; his bed. Blond curls spread over a white pillow, the bed covers almost obscuring the child as she slept, face down, turned away towards the mullioned windows. He paused in the doorway to appreciate his present, his long desired gift to himself. Her diminutive size, enhanced by the large bed, thrilled him and made his blood race.
Silence roared, broken by an occasional creak from the old house as cold winter weather seeped in draining warmth. He studied the child carefully, pleased when he saw her breathing, a small movement of the covers. Sight enhanced sound. Now he could hear her small breaths. Would her breath smell fresh? Would her small button nose flare as she breathed?
Moving slowly he approached the fire burning its last embers in the hearth. Bending, with tongs he added several lumps of coal, stoked the fire and replaced the tongs. A flicker of flame burst from the glowing embers as life was extended. Satisfied, he stood and reached for the ruffled neck of his shirt, unbuttoning it slowly. Emerald cufflinks were placed on the mantle. Slipping suspenders off his broad shoulders he shrugged his shirt off. Moving to the burgundy leather and brass-studded armchair he draped his shirt over the back, hands now reaching for the buttons of his pants, his eyes turned away from the child awaiting him, enhancing his anticipation. Pants fell to his feet, erection finally released in his underwear, rising to stand out rigidly from his groin, deliciously aroused and throbbing with need. Slippers were removed, socks discarded, pants folded carefully to join his shirt on the armchair.
It was time.
Moving to the bed he sat on the edge slowly, the mattress yielding under him. His hand trembled slightly, excitement coursing through his veins. He'd waited so long for this indulgent luxury.
Reaching out he placed his hand on the child's back, over the covers, feeling her excitingly small body underneath. He sighed. Perfect. Like a blind man he traced her body hidden from sight, teasing himself at the sensual roundness of her pert little bottom and her short slender legs. He rested his palm on her back feeling her breathe, a small movement of her chest, calm, deeply asleep. His fingers trembled slightly as he combed them through her silky blond hair. Bending he inhaled her childish innocence, a light aroma, sleep-infused. Coolness touched the tip of his cock, a clear bead of precum leaking.
The room was silent. Light flickered from the revived fire, heat permeating the room. It was time, his time.
Reaching out, her face still turned away from him, he gently drew the covers down exposing her slender little shoulder and small back. The cream-colored nightshirt fit perfectly, delicate lace around the neck and cuffs, soft and draping, conforming to her childish body. A chill ran up his spine as he contemplated her, so small and innocent. He had an urge to hold his erection and stroke himself but resisted. Soon. Pleasure would come soon.
Lovingly he caressed her small back, sliding his palm down, pushing the covers ever lower until his hand rested on her perky little bottom. It was petite and rounded, alluringly small. To tease himself he caressed her even lower, feeling her slender little legs and drawing the long nightshirt up. The first touch of soft silky skin made him ache, his erection straining up, swelling and releasing more slippery precum to slide down the shaft.
Eyes now riveted he held his breath as he drew her nightshirt higher, collecting it as his hand slowly moved up over her slim thighs. Breath exhaled suddenly when little buttocks came into view. They were perfectly rounded, small and exciting, twin mounds separated by a short little valley. His blood pulsed when he gently caressed her beautiful immature buttocks, enthralled with how his adult hand almost spanned both cheeks. Her smallness excited him. She was perfect, seven years old, his ideal. How deep would he penetrate her? How tight would her immature pussy be?
His erection pulsed and leaked as he fondled her small bum. He wondered what his erection would look like nestled between her sexy little buttocks, the image driving his arousal higher. She was so small, so young, so pure and innocent. Surely his erection was longer than her short valley. He imagined the sight of his erection sliding through those petite rounded mounds and how big he'd be, how long and thick, how intensely exciting it would be to see an adult erection against a seven-year-old little girl's naked bottom. He pictured it, his heart palpitating as, in his mind's eye, he saw her small bottom covered in his thick white semen, cum jetting out and filling the valley between young buttocks and decorating her slender back.
His erection strained, his excitement urging him to act. This was it.
Taking her by the shoulders and holding his breath he rolled her insensate body over. Her hair spread on the pillow. Her face appeared, so young and sensual with a button nose, small bow-shaped lips, long lashes, and rounded cheeks flushed with heat in the room. He bent.
"Hello, my lovely," he whispered before kissing her small mouth gently. Her lips were tiny, her aroma strong. He trembled at the kiss, fighting an urge to rush. Yet arousal was battling and eroding his restraint. This little child was perfect. And, as he let his tongue gently caress her small lips, his hand caressed her body, sliding down over her nightshirt and feeling her slender youth underneath. His tongue eased between small lips and slipped into her small mouth as his hand felt the rise of her little pussy, her seductive mons hidden under cotton. Using his fingertips he traced her little pussy, exploring the seductive curves and deep valleys at each side, marveling at how prominent a seven-year-old pubis was.
Breaking the kiss, he reached for the hem of her nightshirt, drawing it up her legs slowly. His excitement built as each inch was revealed, each inch of smooth, young thighs. He paused at the sight, his body trembling. Nestled into her groin was the most perfect little pussy he'd ever seen. It was hairless, mounded and looked velvety soft. Shadows cast by flickering fire enhanced its shape; sensuously plump, seductively curved, narrowing and plunging between slender little thighs. His heart thumped hard at the sight of a small dimple formed by lush hairless labia and a tight cleft curving seductively down. Her pussy was spectacular, small and immature.
A deep, deep shudder shook him as he imagined penetrating her small pussy. How tight would she be? How deep would he go? Slippery precum oozed, his erection throbbing at the prospect of taking her, pressing into her.
Moving suddenly he stood and drew the covers to the bottom of the bed, his rampant erection bobbing. Bending he gently undressed his present, a little girl, a seven-year-old, rocking her limp body from side to side as he worked the nightshirt up and off her, lifting her light body off the bed and drawing her nightshirt over blond curls before letting her back down. He stood admiring the naked little girl. Tiny, naked, and sexy. Her innocence and youth excited him. Finally, finally he was going to experience sex with a child.
She was beautifully shapeless with tiny pink areolae on a narrow flat chest. She was very slender, baby fat having melted away. He could count her ribs and see how her stomach lay flat. Her slenderness made her pubis more shockingly large. It rose majestically from her lower stomach, narrowing and plunging between a small two-finger gap at the top of thin thighs, bisected by a tight virginal cleft.
Leaning over he kissed her tiny areolae and nipped tiny, tiny nipples between his lips before moving down, kissing her navel before settling his lips on her plump mons. Eyes closed he pressed his lips in savoring how her mound yielded, thick and sexy. He opened his mouth and sucked her mons, letting it fill his mouth, his body reacting with a shudder.
Moving up, he whispered to his little lover, "You're perfect, exactly what I desire, Sweetie." He kissed her small mouth gently, pressing his tongue between her lips, gently forcing it into her mouth as he guided her small hand to his erection, forming her little fingers around his aching shaft. "Feel this? It's for you. Do you like it?" he whispered, his pulse thumping at the touch of her small hand. Shuddering he showed the child how to stroke him, "Like this. This is how you make me feel good," he said, a surge of arousal hitting him.
When a wave of pleasure hit he stood quickly. It was too soon. He didn't want release this way. Moving to the foot of the bed he contemplated the naked child on his bed, her petite body so sexy, so alluring. Mine, he thought. She's mine, for my pleasure. His erection bobbed, slippery precum oozing out. Contemplating her he appreciated how, being so small and skinny, she had three bumps; two bony hip bones and her marvelously mounded pussy forming a triangle, her delicate little slit starting with a dimple and curving seductively into the gap between immature little thighs, sexy labia tightly closed.
Slowly he crawled up onto the bed, her little body moving as the mattress dipped. His eyes were glued to her crotch as he took her tiny ankles in hand and slowly parted her short legs, watching her little pussy with ravenous attention. As legs parted her labia clung together determinedly. Her short little cleft merged into the crack formed by two little buttocks pressed to the bed, her labia meeting at a slight depression, the entrance to the Holy Grail. His heart pounded. God she was so small, so delicate, so perfect.
Leaning down he kissed her pubis gently, loving how soft and warm her most private place felt against his lips. Dizziness briefly overcame him at the realization he was kissing a seven-year-old's pussy, an immature little pussy, his little birthday present. Lowering himself, his hard erection pressing to the sheet, he cupped her sweet little buttocks and kissed her cleft, letting his tongue trace it from bottom to top. He hunched automatically against the bed stimulating himself uncontrollably then gently pressed the tip of his tongue to her sexy little cleft, exploring untouched territory, illicit territory.
The moan escaped uncontrollably when soft sexy labia hugged the tip of his tongue. He shuddered when he discovered her tiny clitoris and closed his eyes, all of his senses converging on his tongue as he found the tiny, tiny entrance to her vagina nestled deep at the bottom of her cleft. She felt silky soft and smooth, her entrance a tiny opening that his tongue tip could hardly penetrate.
He kissed her little pussy before backing off, eyes now riveted to her little slit. With mounting excitement, his erection straining and leaking onto the sheet, he pried her labia apart to reveal her hidden, protected treasures. Her little clit glistened from his saliva, slightly reddened from his tongue. Her slit glistened, silky smooth. And, with a gasp of pleasure, he saw the tiny dark entrance to her vagina, impossibly small and incredibly arousing.
Need charged through his body at the sight, one he'd dreamed of for so long. His body shook with desire to penetrate her, take her, fuck her. Rolling away he moved to the side of the bed, standing, his erection rigid and throbbing. Taking her little ankles, he gently dragged her across the bed, pulling her until her bottom was resting on the edge of the tall four-poster bed, the perfect height for intercourse.
Lifting her little legs he moved forward, his erection slipping between her thighs, obscuring her little pussy to just out over her lower stomach. His cock jerked up and down at the sight. He loved how magnificently big he appeared. He shook with arousal as he considered how deep he would be if he fully penetrated her tiny body; almost to her navel. Would he be able to feel himself in her, feel the outline of his cock if he pressed his had to her stomach? What would it feel like to feel his adult erection buried in a seven-year-old little girl?
Fire of need burned through his veins. There were so many things he wanted to experience with this little angel; so many things he was going to experience. But first he needed relief from the aching desire that threatened to overwhelm him and make him cum too soon.
Pulling back, he grasped his thick shaft and slowly dragged the tip of his cock down across her little cleft leaving a trail of glistening, slippery precum. He loved how his crown appeared wider than her little pussy, how it filled the gap between her slender thighs. Pressing slightly he inhaled sharply as her plump labia bulged against the tip of his cock, refusing to yield to him. It excited him even more, his cock jerking and popping up over her pussy. Drawing it back down, pressing harder, her little labia bulged again and oozed apart to let the tip of his huge erection slide between, hugging his crown as if welcoming him.
He slid the tip down, feeling it snag on her perineum and slip lower to press between her little buttocks. Drawing it back up, he pressed slightly harder and groaned when he felt the tiny indent leading to her little vagina. He paused, cock throbbing, precum leaking. This was it. This was what he wanted; to fuck a little girl.
Lifting her legs up over his arms, his aching erection lodged to her tiny pussy, he held her slender little thighs and pressed forward, his eyes glued to where his seemingly massive erection was trying to penetrate her pussy with brute force, her labia stretching and fading to a pale color as they stretched to encompass his girth. Her little cleft was stretched open, her tiny clit dipping to press against his flared crown. He shook with need and arousal. The sight of his cock filling her tiny cleft was stunningly exciting.
Gritting his teeth he pushed harder, holding her small body tight. Easing off, he pressed again, his crown now being squeezed tight. Her lost innocence announced itself with a ring of red seeping out around his crown and still she hadn't yielded. She was tiny, her little vagina struggling to stretch and accommodate his girth. But slowly, gradually, he felt her entrance dilate. He felt his progress as her stretched labia oozed over his swollen crown. His heart thumped heavy in his chest and he began to feel pain in his erection. She was so damn small. With a deep breath he shoved sharply.
Suddenly her tiny pussy yielded to the onslaught, the flared head of his cock popping in to be gripped in a tight, tiny vagina. Her little cleft was obscenely stretched around his thick shaft, her clitoris pressed down. His cock swelled, agony lancing through him at her tightness. He shook, holding still, staring at the incredible sight of his erection penetrating a seven-year-old hairless, immature pussy. He trembled, enjoying the sight of him penetrating a little girl, so stunningly arousing. But need took control; a need to fuck the child.
Mesmerized by the sight of a child's pussy being penetrated, he held her thighs tight and thrust, groaning as his erection forced its way into her, a tight, tight sheath being stretched. He pulled back and thrust again, sinking into her a little more, her tiny vagina gripping his crown. The fury of arousal was upon him. He started fucking her, each glorious thrust forcing his adult erection deeper into her immature vagina, pressing ever deeper, wanting to bury himself in her. Desperation grew, fucking her, pressing deeper until he felt her cervix, a hard rubbery blockage preventing him from progress with just an inch to go.
He paused, sweating, and let his cock swell and pulse in her. He couldn't tear his eyes from the sight of her little pussy so stretched. It was obscenely erotic. With a trembling hand he reached for her stomach, pressing fingers in. Shudders shook him when he actually felt his cock inside her, the thick shaft and, almost to her navel, the tip of his crown. He massaged himself, feeling his fingers on his erection. He traced his outline thrilled with how deep he was inside her.
Enough. He needed to cum, his cock aching and pulsing. Withdrawing from her tight sheath her pussy almost inverted. Lips almost disappeared into her when he thrust firmly to thump into her cervix. He withdrew again and thrust, her tight, tiny vagina gripping him. His erection grew, straining and swelling as he fucked the little seven-year-old, fucking harder and more urgently as his long-awaited climax neared. He fucked her herd, slamming into her with growing ferocity until, suddenly, explosively, his climax erupted.
Throwing his head back he roared. He slammed into her burying his entire length inside her little pussy. His erection swelled, pain erupted at the tightness. Semen burned up and, with a gasp, exploded, jetting into her immature little womb. Hot cum bathed his crown as he withdrew and thrust, swelling again, semen burning up his shaft to explode again in an exquisite pulse, pleasure crashing through his body. The full fury of his orgasm took over. Holding her little thighs tight, her legs up, he fucked her hard, slamming his cock into her with each gloriously beautiful explosion of hot cum, pleasure punishing his cramping body, semen spurting hard. He roared, fucking her, shooting cum into her little pussy, filling her, cum spurting back out of her tight little vagina. He shook and exploded until his climax crested, his thrusts slowing, pulses of cum weakening, and finally, bathed in sweat, he came to rest, his cock softening slightly, chest heaving.
It had been perfect. It had been exactly what he'd desired. This little angel had satisfied his desires. . . for now. Bending, his cock still stretching her little pussy, he gathered her in his arms, lifting her to his chest. Holding her he moved onto the bed, drawing the covers up and, with the sensual feel of holding his seven-year-old lover in his arms, he let sleep take him. Post-orgasmic peace flowed through his body. He needed a nap to recharge. He had plans for this little girl and a whole night ahead to satisfy himself. He still wanted her to taste his cum. He still needed to take her from behind and decorate her slender back and ass with semen.
Smiling as sleep drifted in he wondered what her five-year-old sister, soundly asleep in the next bedroom, would be like. Could he fuck a five-year-old? She was tomorrow night's entertainment. He'd find out then. The anticipation excited him.
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