Published: 25-Mar-2012
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It all started on internet. I found a chat site where people posted dirty pictures. Although I am only 11-years-old, I like watching naked and nasty pictures.
Ever since I found a dirty video among mom's boyfriend's stuff about a year ago, when I was 10, I have known how to masturbate - - or 'rubbing my button' as I called it. I just looked at the video and did what the lady did with her fingers.
I was so nervous the first few times. At first, I thought I was making myself ill somehow. It felt good and all that, but I had this feeling in my tummy that I was doing something I wasn't supposed to do. Anyways, I looked through all the sex information sites on the internet and read until my eyes were sore. There I learned it was perfectly normal to rub yourself, and that everyone did it, although when I looked around at my classmates in my classroom the next day, I doubted that they were doing it.
Anyway, that wasn't what I was going to tell you about. I was in that chat room for adults, watching all the dirty pictures coming up in front of me on the screen, rubbing my little hairless slit, smelling my fingers now and then, and I felt a funny feeling in my tummy. My sign-on name (SN) was 'Tina11yrs' but I had to change that to 'Tina11' because I was being harassed by all these men and women who were telling me I was too young to be in the room and stuff. Some didn't even bother to type me a private message, but instead wrote in the main window, calling me a pervert, saying that I was a guy and ordering me to leave. So I changed my SN and everyone seemed to be happy.
I was just there to watch the pictures and didn't want to be bothered talking with others, so I simply ignored the few private messages that popped up. Those who just asked if I was horny or if I wanted to fuck or stuff like that weren't very interesting anyway and those who wrote insults calling me a dirty old man deserved to be ignored.
I chatted with a few boys my own age, including one I knew from school (I had heard about the site from an older girl at school, so I guess others must have known of it too)! He didn't use his real name and because he didn't know it was me, he sent me a picture of him showing his penis. Hee hee hee, that was funny. It was all hairless and had an awful lot of foreskin, not like the other pictures that were posted in the chat room. Anyways, I chatted with him for a while until he became nasty saying dirty boring stuff. Then I called him by his right name and said I knew who he was and he logged out fast as hell! Hee hee hee.
When I was in these chat rooms, I could rub myself for hours and hours, stopping when I started to get that crampy feeling and then continue when it passed.
It was during one of those intermission moments, as I was waiting for the cramp to go away while smelling my fingers, when I got a private message asking if I liked the pictures that was on the chat. I replied that I did and then he asked if I wanted to see more. I told him okay and he sent me a private message with a girl with no hairs like me, getting a penis in her bottom hole. It was strange seeing a girl get a penis in the wrong hole.
He asked if I liked it and I told him it was a bit weird. He told me it was normal - - that everyone did it. He sent a few more pictures of the girl getting it in her bottom hole and I started to rub my button again. Then he asked how old I was. I lied and told him I was 19 but he just laughed in return. He said it was okay if I told my real age and that he wouldn't 'spill the beans' to the chat moderators.
I told him I was going to be 12 in June but when I asked his age, he just told me he was much older. I told him it was okay for him to say his real age and that I wouldn't 'spill any beans' either!
He told me he was 43. I got that uneasy feeling in my tummy again. I knew I wasn't supposed to talk to a man that old. I mean you have read all those stories in the newspapers. He told me it was okay and that he wasn't a nasty maniac or something like that. Then he started asking me different questions about me. How I looked, what my interests were, where I lived and stuff.
It seemed that we lived in different suburbs to the same city. Then he started to ask some questions that were a bit uncomfortable, like if I had gotten any hairs between my legs and how big my boobs were. I have a bit of a complex of my tiny boobs. In fact, they had only started to grow this summer and were tiny.
I told him I didn't have any hairs yet but that I didn't want to answer how big my boobs were. When he asked me why, I told him the truth, that all the boys in my school only liked girls with big tits. He told me they were immature assholes and I couldn't agree more! He told me lot of stuff that made me feel good about myself, like that there were many guys that liked girls with small tits or no tits at all and that hair between your legs only itches.
Then we started talking about sex. That was a subject that made me feel uneasy. I was afraid I would say something stupid because I didn't have any experiences of sex. I just knew what I had seen in the pictures and in that video.
He didn't seem to care that I wasn't experienced. He asked if I touched myself and I told him I like to rub my button while watching pictures. Then he sent me some more pictures of the girl getting a penis in her bottom hole and he asked if I ever tried to put something inside myself. I told him I tried a little and he asked if I ever put anything in my ass. I told him no and he asked if I wanted to try. Now I was starting to become really exited. He seemed pretty cool for being so old and he didn't seem to mind at all that I just was only 11. I told him maybe I would, and he told me to get some Vaseline or oil or skin cream. I got some baby oil and he told me to rub it on my bottom hole, which I did, and then to put plenty on my finger. He told me to rub my hole, just like I rubbed my button. I started doing it and it didn't feel bad, but it didn't feel anything special at all. Yet it still was exiting, especially when I was watching pictures at the same time that a grown up man was instructing me.
Then he told me to start poking my ass. I did it and he told me to try to relax and go a bit further every time. We kept chatting and he kept encouraging me all the time. Sometimes it stung and he told me to pull out - - that we weren't in any hurry. We kept doing this for like 40 minutes and by that time, I could push my whole finger in and out of my bottom, without it hurting a bit. Just a tingling feeling as my knuckles passed in and out of my little hole. It sure was tight.
Then he started talking about how he wanted to do this to me with his finger and I started rubbing my button as I moved the finger in and out my bottom hole. He told me to keep going but I was feeling those cramps coming up again and I told him but he told me to continue anyways. I tried but soon it felt like I was going to pee so I pulled my finger out and rested. He told me I shouldn't have stopped because if I had kept going I would feel even better, but I told him it was okay because it really had felt good. He told me he was glad I had enjoyed it and then he asked me if I had a dildo.
Actually, I had no idea of what that was. He laughed and told me it was a rubber penis that could vibrate. He said I could stick that inside and that it would feel really, really good. Well I didn't have one and neither did mom (at least I didn't think she did). Then he asked if he could buy one for me. He could have the store send it home to me. Stupid idea! I mean, wouldn't mom wonder what kind of parcel I got and who sent it and worse, what was in it? He agreed that it was stupid but that he still wanted me to get it somehow.
He suggested I could meet him and he could give it to me. My heart almost stopped. I would never dare to meet him!
Then he suggested we could meet in a coffee shop where there would be lots of people and he could pay for coffee and chat with me for a while, and then give me the vibrator. I still felt a bit uncomfortable about it. Then he told me I could just show up at the place and get the parcel and just leave. No strings attached. I thought about it for a while and then he decided that we would meet the next day at 3:00 PM at Wayne's Coffee Shop. I said okay.
The next day I woke up early. I regretted setting up that meeting with him. What if he was a murderer!?! I went to my computer and looked at some at those pictures that I had saved from the day before. I remembered the finger in my bottom hole and how good it felt. Besides, I knew sex toys were very expensive and that I could never afford to get one myself. Not only that, but you have to be 18 to get into those sex shops.
I decided to go.
At 2:30, I got to Wayne's Coffee Shop and sat down by a table facing the entrance, with a glass of water. I looked around and almost all the tables were full. Lots of people if he would try to do anything weird.
I sat there waiting, sipping my water, staring at the door. At 2:55, still staring at the door, sipping my fourth glass of water I had to go to the toilet badly! I kept staring at the door when I felt someone tapping me on my shoulder and then saying, "Tina11?"
I almost peed my pants! I turned around and there was this dark-skinned, older man, smiling at me.
He looked Arabic and I saw lots of black curly hair sticking out from his shirt. He had a pot-belly and was hairy like a gorilla!
"Is your name Tina 11?" he asked again, smiling widely.
I managed to stammer a quiet yes as he sat down, still smiling. I felt my face go red. This was a mistake. He called the waitress, ordering two coffees and two cinnamon buns. He took out a pack of cigarettes and offered me one. I looked up at him nervously but he just kept smiling, urging me to have one, so I did.
I had smoked before, at sleepovers, and parties and stuff. He lit his cigarette and offered me a light; I felt somewhat mature with him lighting it for me. He told me he had been there since 2:00 and saw me come in at 2:30 but wasn't sure it was me. I giggled. He chuckled too.
The coffee came in and I remembered I had to go to the toilet badly!
Before I went, he asked if I wanted anything in my coffee. Although I didn't drink coffee, I didn't want to seem immature, so I told him milk and two sugars, as casually as I could, before running to the bathroom to empty my bladder.
When I came back, I felt a bit more relaxed. He didn't seem so bad. As we chatted along, he confessed he had been really nervous about meeting me and I told him I had been really nervous too, and we laughed about it. The coffee didn't taste so bad and as we talked, I became more and more relaxed, until he suddenly took out a gift-wrapped box.
My heart jumped. My face turned bright red. He just smiled. He told me he had bought it earlier today and hoped it would fit. We both started giggling.
When he asked if I wanted any help using it, I got a tremendous tingling feeling in my tummy, but I lowered my head and shook it a little to say no. I guess he could see how nervous I was, so he asked if we could meet on internet in fifty minutes and then he would help me. Before we parted, he gave me his box of cigarettes and told me they might come in handy.
I ran all the way home, turning on the computer and added him on my yahoo and waited. Forty minutes later, his name appeared on the screen.
Mohammed43: Hi Tina! R U Ready?
My heart beat faster and I had goose bumps. Guess it was from drinking that coffee.
He told me to take all my clothes off and get the baby oil. I had forgotten to open the box so I ran through the kitchen all naked (I was home alone) getting the baby oil and the box.
Back at the computer, I opened the box. Inside it, there was a dark brown rubber penis. It also had two batteries, which I nervously inserted. Then I turned the remote and it started to vibrate. He asked if I liked it and I told him yes but that it was a bit big and that it would never fit inside my bottom hole. He assured me I would stretch, but before we tried it out, he wanted to send me some more pictures that I could watch as I rubbed my hole with oil. I couldn't believe the heat that was radiating throughout the center of my body, caused by my nervous excitement.
He sent me private pictures with girls my age having sex. I had never seen those before and it got me very exited; so much so, I pretended that I was in those pics as I fingered my bottom. It felt really good.
After we did that for about thirty minutes, he told me to oil up the rubber penis and rub the tip against my bottom hole. By now I was excited enough to be willing to try things. Going gently at first, it felt somewhat nice with that soft slippery penis head rubbing up and down my bottom cheeks, but whenever he told me to push, I felt that it would be impossible to get it inside; my bottom hole was way too tiny! Just the thought had me taking deep breaths every time he suggested that I do it.
He told me to get the package of cigarettes he gave me and look for two handmade ones. I found them and he told me to try and smoke one. When I lit it up, I smelled a funny odor, and he told me it was herbs. Marijuana and stuff, which I knew about but never tried. I knew it was wrong, but it made me feel so grown up that he would treat me this way. He said they wouldn't do any harm just make me relax a bit. I swear that just the excitement had me wet at that point! I inhaled and he told me to keep the smoke in my lungs for as long as I could.
Soon I started to feel a tingling sensation in my chest and I felt myself relax more and more. He asked if I wanted to give it another try, so I put more oil on the rubber penis and started poking my bottom hole with a steady pressure. He told me to press as if I was taking a piss. When I did it, I felt my hole opening a bit and half the slippery head of the rubber penis slid in. I felt a sharp pain and gasped for air as I pulled it out. I told him it had hurt and he said it was probably too big for me and that he should have gotten a smaller one.
But he was still very proud of me to have been able to take half the tip at my first time trying it.
I didn't have much time before mom would get back from her job and he told me I should slide the rubber penis up and down my slit over my button. That felt great! He wanted me to describe how it looked with the brown penis rubbing up and down my hairless puffy lips. That got him very exited and he told me I was going to make him cum.
He told me to turn on the vibrator and hold it on my button. I turned it on and took a deep breath. The sensation was fantastic. It felt so much better then just rubbing with my fingers. I started to feel those cramps again but he told me just to hold it to my button no matter what. He said I had to hold it there when it felt like I was going to pee. (I didn't care at that point if I peed on the floor, it started to feel sooo good! Suddenly my tummy contracted and my legs got stiff. My body curled and I almost started to cry. I dropped the rubber penis on the floor and had my very first orgasm! And I didn't pee!
After that session, we repeated it five times in the next few days over the net. I still couldn't get it up my bottom hole but just using the vibrations on my button made me cum every time! Then one day he told me he had gotten a slimmer vibrator for me, but this time he wanted me to come to his place to get it. He had more joints for me to smoke too. At first, I felt reluctant of going there but he was quite persuasive and told me I didn't have to do anything at his apartment. Besides, we were becoming close friends. So we decided that next day I would skip school and take the tube to his place. I was sooo nervous about it!
The next day I stood in front of the building, which had the same number as on the small piece of paper I held in my hand. I went inside and looked for the name Mohammed Al Fakiir on the board on the wall.
M A Fakiir Floor 8.
I went inside the elevator and pressed number 8. At this point, I don't think I have ever been so nervous in my whole life. The elevator stopped and I walked over to the door with M A Fakiir written on it. I stood there for about 3 minutes. I sensed the aroma of spices coming out from the mailbox lid. I put my shaking finger on the doorbell, and then paused. I didn't dare push it. Then I heard someone coming up from the stairs, singing and coughing. I knew this was a bad neighborhood so it was probably a junkie or a wino. I quickly knocked on the door and almost immediately it opened and Mohammed let me inside and closed and locked the door behind me.
"Anxious today, are we?" Mohammed smiled, referring to my hasty knocking.
I just gave a shy smile. I didn't know what to say.
He told me to get inside and relax on the sofa and he would fix us a drink. He asked if rum and coke was fine, and I just nodded. What does an 11-year-old know about rum being alcohol? I heard the coke part and that sounded okay.
I sat down on the big leather sofa in front of the TV, listening to the Arab humming for himself as he mixed the drinks in the kitchen. I looked around the room. He had lots of ornaments on the walls from his country and the whole flat smelled of spices and incense.
Mohammed came back with two glasses on a tray, put them down on the table, and sat down beside me on the sofa. He handed me the drink and told me to take a big gulp and that it would make me grow hairs on my chest! I thought he must have had a lot of rum as a kid as he was hairy all over!
It was a very strong drink so I coughed at my first zip. He then gave me a straw and told me it would be easier drinking when I had this.
Then he took out a box and opened it. There it was! the rubber penis! Same color as the last one, dark brown, but this time it was much thinner and pointier. Mohammed watched me hold it in my hand, smelling it, feeling it. He asked if I liked it. I just nodded. He took out a joint and started smoking. He then handed over the joint to me but I wasn't sure I wanted any, and that I probably should be getting back home.
He looked very disappointed and told me he thought I might wanted to stay and smoke some and talk and perhaps watch some nasty videos. When he said nasty videos, I looked up.
Mohammed smiled. "Would you like that, Tina? You want to watch dirty videos with me?" He paused and saw my nervous apprehension. Then he added, "Tell you what, sweetie; if you watch some dirty videos with me and smoke some, I'll let you take a video home with you, as a gift. You can also have some joints and even some rum, and plus that, you get the new rubber penis to take home with you. Please Tina, I have got veeeery dirty videos to show you. I know you will like them a lot Hon."
Mohammed kept talking as he went over to the TV, turned it on, and hurried back to the sofa picking up the remote to the VCR. I could have gotten up at any time and left, but that inner excitement was there again.
The image flashed a bit, and then a very grainy film came up. It was of an Arabian man holding a little boy about 8 or 9 years old in his arms, hugging him. Mohammed looked at me smiling.
"I bet you never have seen any like this Tina. Sweetie, it is very hard getting videos like this!"
I just stared at the screen as the man was taking the boy's clothes off. The boy's tiny penis was hard and sticking straight out. The man took off his own clothes and his penis, his huge brown penis, was pointing in a curve upwards.
Mohammed just chuckled and looked at me staring at the screen.
"You like this, hah, pretty Tina? I bet you like it a lot! Here, smoke some now pretty Tina. Relax baby."
He handed me the joint but I said I didn't want any. Mohammed took the remote, pointing it at the video. "If you don't smoke, you don't watch."
I looked at him and he was giving me a sly smile. I smiled too. He was teasing. I took the joint and smoked, holding it long in my lungs as he taught me.
On the screen, the big man was rubbing his curved brown penis on the boys little lips, parting them and then pressing his knob inside the boy's mouth. I saw how the boys eyes grew wide as the man held his head with both hands and pushed deeper. The boy gagged, which made Mohammed chuckle again.
I giggled too. I don't know why. Guess the joint made me relax.
When the man pulled his penis out of the boy's mouth, there was a long string of spit attached to it. Then the man lifted the boy and turned him over, onto a few pillows, so that his little butt was sticking up in the air. The man rubbed some oil on the boys bottom hole a pushed his finger inside which made the boy go stiff.
Mohammed looked at me and said, "See Tina, just as you did."
I smiled a bit to him and Mohammed stroked my cheek with his hairy hand.
"Just keep watching Pretty Tina, the best part is yet to come."
On the TV, there was a close-up of the man rubbing his big penis on the boy's bottom hole. After he had rubbed for a while, he then held his penis and pushed its head against the boy's little hole, while at the same time grabbing the boy's hips with both his hands.
Mohammed moved closer to me, put his arms around my shoulders, and whispered, "Watch this Tina!" I was feeling so excited from the video that I didn't even give a second thought to what might be happening with me.
The man on the screen suddenly gave a hard push and the whole head of his big penis slid into the boy's little hole. Then the man quickly held both hands on the boy's shoulders, pressing him down against the bed, and started to push his penis deeper and deeper into him. I was shocked and stunned as I watched the big man starting to fuck the little boy hard.
I felt a tingle in my body and I felt Mohammed move still closer. "Look at him fucking the boy Tina, look how easy it is for the little boy. Look now Tina, he is gonna shoot sperm on the boy, look now!"
My heart was beating harder and my breathing had increased, as I watched how the man fucked the boy harder and faster. Suddenly he pulled out, grabbed his penis, and started to move his hand up and down the shaft, and soon the purple/brown head grew wider and started to spit out white slime on the boy's bottom.
Mohammed moaned as the screen faded to black. "Want to watch another film, Pretty Tina?"
I nodded hurriedly, and Mohammed ran to the video changing tape. I felt a bit shocked. I had never seen anything like that before. I was also starting to feel the effect of the alcohol and the joint. I felt hungry. Really, really hungry. Mohammed looked over at me and asked what the matter was. I asked if he had any to eat and he smiled.
"Feeling hungry for some sweets, sweetie? Maybe you want some ice cream?"
I nodded and Mohammed told me to stay put as he hurried out to the kitchen and soon returned with a big bowl of ice cream. He watched me eat the whole bowl within a couple of minutes. It tasted so good.
Then it started to hurt. My tummy was cramping and I bent forward, holding my tummy - - moaning.
Mohammed looked concerned. "You ate too fast honey," he said shaking his head.
The pain was growing worse and I started to cry. Mohammed looked serious, hugged me, and said he felt very sorry for me. He told me I should go to the bathroom and try to ease the pressure. I went to the bathroom and sat there for like 10 minutes without anything happening. I couldn't shit.
Mohammed knocked on the door and asked if I was all right. I pulled my pants up and said it still hurt a lot and that I hadn't been able to do anything. He thought I might have a blockage inside and said that we might have to go to the hospital. I started to sob again and felt really scared.
Seeing my fright, Mohammed came over to me and hugged me, rocking me and patting my hair. He said that we might not have to go to the hospital if we took care of it ourselves. He asked if I knew what an enema was. I didn't, so he told me that he could put a small rubber hose in my bottom and fill it with warm water and then it would flush out the blockage inside and it would stop the hurting. It hurt so much by then that I would have agreed to almost anything. After I told him I would try it, he hastened to his bedroom, getting a black bag with a hose attached to it and a nozzle at the end.
He filled the bag with warm water and poured some olive oil in it. Then he putted a pillow on the floor telling me to kneel on it and bend over.
I did what he said and I felt him putting his fingers in my waistband of my pants. I stiffened and turned around, shocked, and he smiled and told me that I had to have my pants down if he was going to be able to put the hose in my bottom. I felt so stupid when I bent over and felt him rub some Vaseline on my hole. It was somewhat exciting too, but I was very nervous and my tummy hurt like hell.
I felt him push the nozzle inside and I whimpered a bit. He rubbed my shoulders telling me to relax. Then I felt the warm water starting to run inside me. It didn't hurt but felt very awkward. I felt my tummy grow heavier and started to bulge. Mohammed kept rubbing my shoulder as I felt more water run into me. Now my tummy bulged so much that it started hurting. I told Mohammed to stop but he just hushed me and told me I had to take a bit more. I was starting to wail when he finally stopped the flowing and pulled out the nozzle, telling me to hold my asshole shut no matter what. He told me that some water had spilled on my panties and my pants so he took them off to dry them. It was so embarrassing.
Lucky me that I had this large t-shirt on, covering my bottom. After about 5 minutes, Mohammed told me to sit on the toilet and let go. He helped me up and led me over to the bathroom. I sat down and out gushed the warm water. What a relief! It just kept flowing and flowing out of me and the tension was letting go.
Mohammed came back with a pill he wanted me to take. It was a big red capsule and I had a lot of trouble swallowing it.
The Arab left me for about 10 minutes letting me alone there, emptying my bowels in peace. I started to feel more and more relaxed. I closed my eyes taking deep breaths. Mohammed came in and asked if I was done. I just nodded. He took some paper and whipped my tush and then he took my hand and led me over to the sofa where he placed a blanket over me. He also got under the blanket and asked how I felt. I felt really tired and relaxed. He asked how my tummy felt and I told him that the pain was gone. He turned on the video and snuggled up next to me.
I knew he was sitting a bit too close to me but I felt so relaxed and warm inside. I also felt a bit drowsy when the screen flickered and the image of a naked African man came up. Behind him in a big comfy chair sat a naked girl that looked to be around 9 or 10 years old. She was completely relaxed and her head was bent back as if she was sleeping, but her eyes were opened.
The black man had a huge limp penis dangling between his legs. He pulled on it a few times, and then turned around and spread the girl's legs; he then lowered himself and started to lick her little pink hairless slit.
Mohammed held me closer and sniffed my hair, and then whispered in my ear that the black man was a good friend of his. I felt Mohammed's hairy hand stroking along my leg and then he placed his hand on my thigh and started stroking back and forth. The camera zoomed in on the black man's thick lips kissing all over the little girl's slit. Mohammed asked if I liked what I saw as he let his big hand slide between my legs and started sliding up and down my slit with his finger.
I just nodded. I felt so confused. I knew I didn't want him to molest me like that, but there was something in me that made me unable to stop him.
The black man pushed one finger up the girl's vagina and you could see how her body jumped and you could hear her squeal. The Arab moaned quietly but excitedly in my ear that she was a virgin and that the man just broken the girl's cherry with his finger.
Mohammed then took my hand and placed it on his hard penis. I gasped for air. His pants were off and I had never noticed when he had pulled them off. He told me to hold it, so I did. He started to move my hand up and down then, telling me to continue as he started probing my bottom hole with his finger. It stung a bit but he was ignoring every sign of discomfort I showed. He pushed deeper and I turned to him and made a noise that I didn't like it. He just gave me a warm comforting smile and told me to relax and keep stroking his penis.
He reached over and took the vibrator from the end table and started to lick it; making it wet with spit. Just watching him do that was exciting me. Then he moved one arm under both my legs under my knees lifting them up exposing my vagina and bottom hole. He started to poke my anus with the vibrator.
He was whispering hotly, "Tina darling, take a deep breath now honey and push like I told you to do before. Otherwise, it will hurt when I push it in you. Be a good girl now..."
I did what he said and he smiled as he put a steady pressure and I felt the dildo entering me. It hurt!
I was softly complaining, "No no no" but he just kept pushing. It was a real strange pleasurable hurt and I tried to relax as I felt it moving deeper within me. I almost was liking the hurting.
"Goooood girl, gooood girl..."
Finally, he stopped and let my legs go so I was sitting on the dildo. I started to sob and he held me tight, comforting me. Then he let his hand slide down between my legs again, and he began rubbing my button. He told me to watch the video where the black man had put the huge head of his penis inside the little girl's vagina.
My mind was confused and excited and with him giving me all of this painful pleasure, I turned to the TV. The little girl was wiggling as the black man pushed deeper, while rubbing her chest. He held still and finally the girl calmed down. Then he pinched her left nipple making her squeal and begin moving again. The black man started to moan and started to squeeze both her nipples so that she would move even more. He turned his head facing the camera yelling "Now man!" and the camera zoomed in on the little girl's impaled vagina and you could see sperm gushing out around his huge black penis.
I had trouble keeping my eyes open and felt Mohammed putting his lips to mine, sticking his tongue into my mouth. He lifted me up and turned me around so that my bottom was sticking up in the air and I felt the rubber penis starting to slide out of me. Mohammed took hold of it before it slid out and started pushing it back in again, then letting it go so it would start sliding out again and pushing it back in before it managed to slide out completely. I don't know for how long he did that because I kind of lost track of time but suddenly I felt it slide completely out, falling down on the sofa. I heard the Arab turn the vibrator on, telling me to hold it against my slit.
That felt good. The vibrations were going through my whole body.
Then I felt Mohammed's fat hairy tummy against my back and his penis against my anus. He started to push and I started mumbling, "No no no..."
He just kept pushing, and whispering, "Yes, little Tina, good girl. Don't cry baby."
I started crying. Not just because of the pain but because I felt there was nothing I could do about it.
Mohammed pushed harder and started to grunt in my ear. As he was pushing his penis in and out of my little hole he kept telling me how good I was and what a special girl I was for making him feel good. He took the vibrator and started to rub my button with it to ease my pain. That worked somewhat but not enough to make it feel good.
Then he started to hump faster, telling me it would soon be over, and how he promised to make it feel good for me next time. Then he went all stiff, and I could feel his penis expanding in my anus and then I felt his warm sperm filling me as his penis started pumping.
The Arab went all heavy on my back. His sweaty hairy body was tight pressed against me. He told me how good I had been and that I should rest now. Just before I closed my eyes, I saw the black man on the screen shooting his sperm for a second time in the girl's stretched vagina. The girl looked like she was in pain. I knew how she felt.
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