Published: 2-Jun-2012
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Author's Profile
Mine was just an average American family: Two parents (mom and dad), and two children (me and Alex, my older brother).
I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Jessica Hendrix and I just turned eighteen. My hair is true blond and my eyes are true blue. I weigh 110 pounds and stand 5'7" tall.
That would make Alex 21 now. Alex and I grew extremely close as children, although it was always Daddy who was better at rocking my boat.
Daddy is 43 now. He loves me very much and often expresses it by telling me that I'm Daddy's Little Angel.
Since I could walk, Daddy was always touching me. Actually it was more of roughhousing with me. Things a Daddy could do openly in public, from sitting me on his lap to save on seats at parties and such, to scooping me up in his arms and holding me as we would walk thru parks.
But, it turned into sexplay when I was eight. One night my parents came home from a party. It was late, but since Daddy was beyond drunk, he still wanted to party. I was awakened by the noise and went to the stairs to investigate. I watched mom refuse Daddy and retreat upstairs.
I ducked out of the way as she passed me and entered her room. I turned my attention back to Daddy. He was heading down the stairs. Out of curiosity, I followed and peered through the entrance to the living room. Daddy was sitting on the couch with another beer. Whatever he was doing interested me and I approached him.
"What're ya doin up, hun?" He slurred his words.
"I couldn't sleep," I replied. He smiled and motioned me onto his lap. I hesitated upon noticing that he was pants less and extremely exposed. When I slid onto his lap, my hand brushed against his hardness and he twitched excitedly.
"Touch it again, Hun. Make Daddy feel good," he urged again. He helped me as I wrapped my hand around him. He showed me how to stroke it up and down. "Daddy's Little Angel," he murmured. Daddy pulled me into a passionate kiss --different, and better -- than he'd ever kissed me before.
"Daddy's a good kisser," I giggled.
"Yes I am," he boasted proudly and then came all over my hand. When he finished, he scooped me into his arms, saying, "Time for Daddy's Little Angel to go to bed now."
As he tucked me into bed, I asked, "Can I be Daddy's Little Angel again tomorrow?"
He thought a moment, then replied, "Since you made Daddy feel so good, let Daddy make you feel good too." I nodded and he pulled the covers back, and then removed my panties. I felt him slip his hand between my legs and begin rubbing my exposed pussy. I watched as his limp cock perked straight up.
It did feel good to have Daddy rub my pussy, but it felt even better when he moved his head between my legs and began licking me. As he licked, he worked a finger into my hole. That hurt at first, but I quickly got used to it.
It went on like that for the next few nights. Daddy showed me how to use my mouth on his cock and swallow his juice so we wouldn't make a mess.
It wasn't until several weeks later that he got brave with me. It was the middle of the night and we were both completely naked. Daddy said he knew a way that we both could feel good at the same time.
"How Daddy?" I asked.
"Like this." He moved to hover over me. "Do you want to feel Daddy inside you?" I thought a moment and he urged again, "It would make Daddy feel happy. You do want Daddy happy, don't you, hun?"
"Yes, cuz I'm Daddy's Little Angel, right?"
"That's right." He eased himself on me. When the tip of his cock brushed my pussy lips I felt him twitch. As he slipped himself, head only, into me I saw him smile. Slowly he went back and forth using his cock to massage me. It felt good.
During the course of the week, Daddy would visit me at night and we'd rub our bodies together in our special way. It took almost 2 months, but Daddy was finally able to penetrate me completely with his long cock.
Since then, my view on life drastically changed. I became more self-confident and outgoing, even to the point of being openly flirtatious at times. I began to dress to attract boys. The teachers were at a loss to explain my behavior. When I lost my virginity to Daddy, I also lost my childhood shyness.
Things went on like that for the next couple of years. Daddy would come visit me at night and sometimes we'd get a chance to be alone together when mommy and Alex were gone.
One Saturday, while mommy took Alex to his karate championship match, Daddy and I stayed home. He made us a big breakfast and afterwards he suggested we bathe together.
After filling the tub with just right water, Daddy climbed in first then helped me in. I lay back against him and he encircled his arms around me and rested his hands upon my pussy. A few moments later, I looked up at him and said, "I love you so much, Daddy."
He raised a hand and stroked my cheek. "How much do you love me?"
Without answering, I pulled away from him to turn and face him. "This much," I whispered as I lowered myself onto him. I watched as he smiled in approval. I loved having Daddy inside me. Slowly I moved back and forth, my inner walls gripping him tightly. He held me close to him, our bodies purposely rubbing against each other, creating friction between us.
"My Angel, take me to heaven." He pushed himself into me, moving with me. He raised a hand to my breast and squeezed a nipple. The ripples in the water turned to waves as we built up to climax. It was exciting to feel my Daddy's hard cock thrusting deep into me.
"Daddy's coming, baby, hold on tight." He held me at the waist as he burst and shot his jizz into me. I felt it and my eyes danced with pleasure. He held me against him, remaining inside me as we caught our breaths. He kissed me passionately, and then whispered, "Thank you so much, baby. You've made Daddy very happy."
I smiled and laid my head on his chest as he leaned back. Every breath he took caused his dick to slightly move inside me, reminding me that it was still there -- lodged lovingly up my pussy. As he traced circles on my back, I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat -- that fluttered only for me.
We hadn't noticed that Alex had walked in on us. From his first glance, he saw perfectly that Daddy was resting his rod inside me. Alex backed away slowly and walked out immediately.
Daddy noticed the time and quickly shampooed and washed my hair. He vocally admired my goddess-like blond hair that fell just below my shoulders. He exclaimed that it was a pleasure to have it fall onto his face as I rode him tenderly -- despite that it was wet.
We climbed out of the tub and he quickly toweled me off and dried my hair. Before I left the room, I gave his pecker a little kiss, causing him to chuckle lustfully. Then, I left the bathroom and headed to my room to dress.
I entered my room, shutting the door behind me, and found my brother in the room with me.
"I saw you and dad," he commented directly. I didn't say anything and just stood there. "I want to play too."
I hadn't expected that. At 13, Alex had become vocal about what his mind is set to do.
"Wait here then and let me go talk to Daddy," came my bold reply. I left my room and entered Daddy's room.
"What is it, Hun?" He asked as I entered.
"Alex saw us and he wants to play too." I was nervous at how Daddy would react. "Are you ok sharing me with him?"
Daddy only smiled. "The question is -- Are you ok with sharing yourself with someone other than your Daddy?" I looked up at him, but didn't answer. "It's ok, Hun, we both know that you will always be Daddy's Little Angel, no matter how many other lovers you have." I smiled at him and he pulled me into a hug. I kissed his hairy chest as he pressed his bulge into my flat stomach. "Let's go talk to Alex," he said.
Alex rose up from sittin on my bed when we came in.
"My Little Angel tells me you want to play," Daddy began. He stood close to me, pressing his bulging cock into my side.
"I want to play with Jessie," Alex replied and moved his hand to his fly. I looked up at Daddy and he nodded with approval.
"I'll leave you two to get acquainted." Daddy turned to leave.
"You'll come back for me, Daddy?" I called out to him.
"Yes, Little Angel, Daddy will be back for you." And he left us alone.
I approached my brother and unzipped his fly for him.
"How long have you and dad been doing this?" Alex asked as he wriggled out of his jeans.
"Um, a couple of years, I guess," I answered. "I've never done it with anyone besides Daddy."
"Well, I'd have done this sooner if I'd known you'd let me," Alex said wistfully.
"You would have?" I replied, feeling excited with what was about to happen. He nodded.
Within moments, I lay on my bed underneath my brother. We climaxed a couple times before Daddy came back up.
"How is it going, you two?" He sat next to me. We both flashed him a satisfied smile. "Good, now how about letting me have a turn?" Daddy asked.
Alex slid out of me and switched places with Daddy.
"Daddy's back, Little Angel," He said and thrust all the way into me immediately. Alex watched as Daddy pushed back and forth inside me. He jerked and spasmed as he shot his juices into me. He collapsed onto me and held me to him tightly.
Reluctantly, Daddy rolled off of me and said, "We better go downstairs before your mother gets suspicious."
That night Daddy took the whole family to the movies. It wasn't as packed as he expected, but after buying our tickets and candy, we headed to the correct theater.
We found four seats together at the back against the wall. The arrangement was convenient for Daddy and me. Starting from the wall to the aisle, it was me, Daddy, Alex and mommy. As usual, I was wearing a short skirt which made it easy for Daddy to touch me with his hand during the movie. Alex did a good job of blocking mommy's view of us. Daddy slapped a hand over my mouth to muffle my moans as I came on his hand. He smiled proudly at me -- I did good, real good. I wanted so much to sit on Daddy's lap and feel his cock push into me, but that would give us away.
Things fell into a normal routine. Alex would fuck me before and after school. Then, Daddy would come and fuck me at night. And, on weekends, Daddy and I would spend time together. During the days, we'd act like nothing was different. Poor Mom never knew.
The night after I turned 11, Mom had gone out shopping with her friend. Alex was in the study doing his homework.
Daddy and I snuggled up on the couch in front of a Friday night movie. A blanket conveniently covered us, since he had his hand under my skirt and was rubbing me gently. Alex finished his homework quickly, and then came in to join us.
He took note of our position and smiled, knowing what must be going on. "Is dad making you feel good, Jessie?" Hearing him verbally say that perked us all up even more. Daddy moaned and shifted, poking his throbbing cock into my backside.
"Daddy needs his Angel." He spoke through lustful gasps. I twisted around to face Daddy as he slunk down on the couch. I pulled Daddy's pants down and his cock sprang from its confinement. He hastily jerked my panties off me and slammed me down onto him. Since I was a lightweight, he was able to lift me up and slam me back down again and again. Daddy was extra rough that night, but it still felt good.
"OH fuck, you're so tight and juicy for Daddy tonight," he cried out. I turned my head and noticed that Alex had stripped himself and was now jacking himself off.
Then Daddy did something new. He quickly motioned his son over to us. "Suck your brother while I fuck you, Angel," He suggested. Alex moved into position beside us. I took his cock into my mouth and began sucking him off as Daddy pumped me.
Both guys were about ready to come when we were startled out of our wits by my mother's scream. She was hysterical. There was no room to argue during her frantic rage. She vowed to get a divorce and sole custody of me.
She snatched me from their clutches and cleaned me up quickly. She didn't bother taking anything as she prepared to leave. Daddy tried to talk my mother out of her madness.
"You're the one who's gone mad, Garrett. How could you do that to your own children?" And with that she slammed the door behind her, loaded me into the car and sped off to her mother's home.
It was ironic that she was quick to deem me innocent in the whole affair. I was deeply in love with Daddy and Alex.
I was never allowed to see my Daddy after that night. At that point I made a vow. I vowed that at 18, the legal age, I would come back to my Daddy.
For the next 5 years, I became very rebellious towards my mother and authority in general. I cut school, hung with the bad crowd, and even got involved with drugs. I was very promiscuous, fucking just about every boy who asked. I even had affairs with a couple of teachers and some of the fathers of my friends. My mother didn't dare to bring her boyfriends home because I would try to seduce them. I succeeded more than once. I tried everything dirty in the book, hoping my mother would get fed up with me and send me back to Daddy. Not only did it not work, but also she resisted my game and never tired in telling me that she loved me. It was clear that sending me back to that "filthy man," as she now referred to Daddy, was the last thing on her mind.
At 16, I made a complete turnaround. I did everything I could to make my mother proud of me. She said she knew that I always had it in me to be a good girl. Inside my mind, I screamed that I'd rather be a Little Angel than a good girl, but nevertheless, I played the good girl. My grades drastically improved, I dropped my drug habit and started dating nice boys that my mother just adored and approved of. But I always reminded myself of my vow.
And that pretty much brings you up to speed on things. And now that I'm 18, I'm going home to see my Daddy. Won't he be surprised?
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