Screen Debut

[ M+/g, nc ]

by asbo

Published: 23-Jan-2011

Word Count: 2953

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the stupid little cunt actually showed up. Again.

Pretty soon she's gonna regret doing it. But frankly, if you're that dumb, you deserve all you get. And she's going to get the full treatment. Every bit of it lovingly committed to video - this year's CP blockbuster.

I still can't believe how fucking easy it was.

Forget all that crap about grooming - she practically threw herself at me, the dumb fuck. So what if she's only a kid of eleven? She's got three holes that'll take a cock and that's good enough for us. This movie's gonna fetch a few thousand if we get it right: cover our ex-s and make a few bucks for our trouble. Whatever else you might think of them, they don't mind paying for quality over there in the Mid East and Japan.

How did I do it?

So freakin' easy. The papers and the bleeding hearts go on about the dangers of kiddies in chatrooms but why take the risk looking there? Why waste hours chatting to some undercover Fed pretending to be some kid and get your IP address traced and all? And have every word recorded in some database? And anyway a lotta kids are wise to all that - they get it rammed down their throats at school.

Nope, you don't need that bullshit.

You just have to know what you're looking for, is all. And invest a bit of time in these so-called friendship sites where the kids post their stupid blogs and copy each other's sparkly pictures and stuff. There's plenty of 'em, all much the same: MySpace, Piczo, Zorpia, Orkut, Bing Box -I can reel off a whole string of them. Christ, I've got multiple identities in all of 'em.

So you look around, check out their stupid pages, and before long it's easy to pick out the genuine kids from those amateur pervs who pretend to be 14 and who just wanna chat to each other and wank. 'Ageplay' they call it. Yeah, right - get a life!

It's like looking in a mail order catalogue - you look at their pictures and the shit they write to each other, pick out a few of the younger, dumber ones and test the water.

I don't even do that pretending crap any more - you know, making out to be some teenage boy with a hormone problem and wanting a girl to talk to. There's no point. So many of these dumb little girls, they really do get a kick from flirting with a grown-up guy, so I put up a profile pic or two with a bit of cock and watch which dirty little sluts take a peek.

Then I send a PM and say wanna chat, and a lot of the fuckers are all too pleased to give me their MSN or Yahoo addy and that's so much better. One-on-one private conversation, different IP each time, through a proxy. Man, they even let ya swap pictures and everything.

It's a cinch.

This kid, her name's Charlotte - cute ain't it? Well she and I only chatted what, half a dozen times? She thinks I'm nice. Trusts me. She sends me electronic hugs for apparently 'I don't talk to her like she's a kid' and she likes it when I say shyly that she's got pretty legs and you can almost hear her blushing at her keyboard, loving every minute and creaming her little panties. Oh yeah, that's because I know what I'm doing.

Two nights of chat and I had her life history, chapter and verse, and I kept insisting she was pretty and like any broad, young or old,, she just couldn't help taking in the flattery. Didn't matter that she knew I was old enough to be her father. She said she didn't like boys but I was different. She's right there - soon as we get her into that motel room, she's gonna learn exactly what I'm like.

And how much bigger and harder and rougher I am.

You have to know how to handle them. So the more I said she had to be careful online, not to open up to strangers, or agree to meet, the more the dumb bitch decides to trust me. So then she breaks all her own rules to keep me sweet.


I'm cool, I'm mister fucking nice guy. I'm not like some teenaged moron trying to bully her into stripping on webcam. No way - we talk politely and I take my time. And reel her in.

And she can't get enough. Just enough innuendo to tease her, make her think she's all grown-up, and she says she would let me kiss her if I wanted. Late one night, she lets me tell her how much I'd like to kiss her as well, maybe even play with her titties and she goes all coy and I can imagine her in her bedroom, eyes wide open and rubbing her thighs together with the illicit pleasure of talking dirty with a proper grown-up when her Mom and Dad are downstairs watching TV.

Fact is, she was so damned eager, at one stage I thought she might even be a cop, but nope, she's the real deal all right. Naive, suggestible and desperate to impress me.

I even went through the motions to tell her it wasn't right, that I was beginning to like her too much and it was wrong for us to be friends, and of course that just made her want it more. That was enough to make her curious enough to see what I was like, and to test herself to see if she'd actually go through with seeing me.

Which is why she's here.

Man, she's just like her cute online pictures - gangly, short, with baby tits and the greatest, slimmest, firmest little ass that ever filled a pair of tight pink shorts.

That's her over there, finishing her burger and fries - the one with the blonde ponytail and skimpy vest. Can't wait to see what my crop does to that delicate tan of hers.

So anyways, with enormous 'reluctance', I agreed we could meet, though it had to be in a public place, so nobody would think the worst. She agreed that was very sensible, because she said I might not actually be as nice as she thought.

Don't you just love a touch of irony?

She'll find when she's tied down to that motel bed with her ass stinging from an hour's thrashing and fucking.

OK, so we met up the first time. Last week. In the mall next to her neighborhood. It's a trek coming across three states, but whatever. A long way for a quick meet, to give her a coke and listen to her tedious little chitchat for twenty minutes. But it had to be done. I needed to become her new best buddy and get her that DVD from the Disney store so now she feels like she owes me.

Y'know, all the time, she keeps telling me we have to keep it a secret, because her folks would go apeshit. Yep, I says, best not to tell anyone, it'll be our secret and she grins and I wink and all the time, I'm looking at her and thinking she'll look great in a set of straps, held down whilst Joe or Ramon are taking turns in her ass.

The guys should be ready by now, done setting up the cameras and shit in the adjoining room. Getting horny too I bet.

This time I'd suggested we could go and see a movie and the devious little cunt even set up her own alibi for her folks' benefit. Lamb to the fucking slaughter. And I ain't lying. We are going to a movie. Just not the one she thinks.

In this one, she's the star.

She thinks I'm taking a leak before we go, but I needed to ring the guys and check they're ready.

I better fetch her.

"Hi, Princess! How's the burger? We should be going if we're gonna catch the two o'clock showing."

Man, I love that cute smile, especially that gap in her teeth. Christ, it’s as much as I can do not to rip off them shorts and have her right now.

I told her we might hold hands in the cinema and she blushed and giggled.

"Here you go; hop in. It's not far from here. You don't know this town do you? The cinema's nicer than the one where you live. Just a couple minutes drive."


I'd gotten her to get a local bus here and met her at the station. Slipped her a few bucks for the fare. So thoughtful of me.

"Yeah it is a nice car, ain't it? You look real pretty sitting there in the back. Like a movie star!"

Go on, darling, find that funny. Make the most of it. We're nearly there.

"Hun, I just remembered I got you a present but I left it in my room. Wanna come in with me and get it? Won't take a minute."

Charlotte nodded enthusiastically, though just for a second I could see a flicker of doubt pass over her sweet young face. Before she hopped out and followed me, out of the parking lot and around to the quiet block at the back of the motel.

"Sit y'self down on the bed, hun, it's in my case, somewhere..."

I even left the door ajar, so as not to alarm her.

With a flourish, I passed the small gift-wrapped package to her and stood back, watching as she tore off the paper, smiling as her baby blue eyes lit up in delight as she discovered the iPod within.

"Reckon you could find a use for that?" I grinned and she beamed up at me.

"Oh wow. Thanks," Charlotte gushed and I sat down beside her and murmured, "Do I get a little thank you kiss?"

I offered my cheek but when she pecked I deftly wound my arm around her and returned a faltering, affectionate kiss on her lips. Her skin was warm, and so soft, and I decided I might even let her keep the player if she performed well enough later. A little compensation for an ass so sore she would barely be able to sit on it, and cum leaking from every hole.

Then I pretended to be shy. She lapped it up.

"Oh, there was something else," I stuttered, fumbling for a second, expensively wrapped parcel. "I'm not sure I should have gotten this: I hope you won't think I'm being overfamiliar?"

Her excitement was tangible - she couldn't take her eyes off the delicate mauve tissue paper and matching ribbon.

"If you don't like it then it's OK, I can take it back," I said quietly, but her slim fingers were already picking at the knot.

"Awesome!" Charlotte exclaimed, holding the chic black dress to her front. I remembered when I chose it and how I had flirted with the cute assistant in the boutique.

"I know it's not very young and trendy," I explained with put-on awkwardness, "but well, you know I think you're the most beautiful and elegant young lady and I thought it might look just great on you."

She was chewing her lip, admiring the simple yet expensive present and unable to conceal her eagerness to wear something so unlike her usual childish clothes.

"Try it on?" I smiled, nodding towards the bathroom door.

Whilst she changed, I carefully slipped my hand inside her shoulder bag and switched off her cell phone and dropped it in my pocket. Almost ready.

I have to admit she did look stunning when she shyly exited the bathroom door and slipped self-consciously across the motel room. A real child-woman. Her long strands of blonde hair cascading over the shoulder straps of the grown-up dress and the tailored bodice giving her a very slight waist and bust. Yet the skinny, tanned legs beneath the demure hem just above her knee were very much those of an active young schoolgirl, complete with the marks of a recent graze, and her face, lit bright with pleasure, displayed the same captivating innocence I had been lusting over for the past few weeks. Very sexy yet still very young - just the way she should be for the movie. I held out my arms and she gratefully shared a friendly little hug. I steered her next to the bed, and kept hold of her hands, stepping back to admire her.

"Jeez, Charlotte, you look fantastic!" I enthused, to her total delight. I reached under the pillow and pulled out another, smaller package, equally well-wrapped. I feigned acute shyness.

"There's one last one. I couldn't resist. And I hope you don't think I'm being too forward. You know we're just pals, nothing more?"

My earnest expression and her excited wish to see what on earth else I had to give her, provided sufficient reassurance.

"It's a tad cheeky," I smirked. "But I think these go so well with the dress. Go and see."

Again I nodded to the bathroom and she scuttled off with a grin, clutching the soft package.

"Oh - my - God!"

Her exclamation from the bathroom was one of sheer pleasure.

"Come on then, let's see,", I chuckled, calling through the bathroom door in response to her explanation. After a few more minutes, the door cracked open.

I glanced down, admiring the thinness of her legs, now encased in faintly patterned black stockings and very attractive indeed. Once more I guided her to stand in front of the bed.

"Do I get a quick peek at the rest?" I smiled. "Don't worry, I'll stand over here so I don't get carried away with passion! We're just friends, remember?"

She paused. I had to prompt her.

"Just slip the dress off quickly and then you can change back and we'll still make the movie."

The double entendre, lost on her of course, almost had me giggling.

It was enough. She reached up her back and eased the zipper, then slipped the dress off her shoulders.

"Wow! Don't move! Just a couple seconds more. Man, you look fantastic!"

And she did. I've always had this fantasy thing about skinny little girls in black bra and pants and lacy-topped stockings. Charlotte just about fulfilled it.

As she was replacing the dress, I casually flipped open my own cellphone and made the call. There was no need to talk - ringing was the signal and almost before I had put the phone back in my pocket, the boys were coming in through the door. It felt like I was going to burst the buttons of my jeans.

"Hey man, how's it going?"

Charlotte was startled and shot a worried look at me. She was still lost in her delight at her new clothes and the last thing she was expecting was a tall, muscular Latino to be striding into the room. Ramon was leering at her, already trying to picture her tied to the bed, bucking and thrashing and choking on the gag as he laid into her buttocks with something or other.

Followed by Joe, short and balding but a great cameraman and with a real talent for making the most of a single take. He would have set up three cameras and I knew his meticulous editing would squeeze every possible second from the rushes. We made a good few bucks from his last cut.

Oh didn't I say? No, this is by no means the first time we've done this.

"Boys!" I grinned, "this is a great surprise! Like you to meet Charlotte. We had planned to go to the pictures this afternoon but as you're here, why don't we do something we can all enjoy?"

The colour visibly drained from the little girl's cheeks. She stared open-mouthed, trying to make sense of what was happening, but before she could summon up a question, I had her upper arm firmly in my hand and the four of us were already making our way out of the room, along the passage and into the adjoining room. Ramon locked the door behind us. Charlotte's sweet little face was creased with worry.

"It's OK, hun," I murmured as I propelled her into the room. "These are two of my best friends and I just know we're all going to get on just fine. It's OK, they'll keep our secret too!"

She took in the contents of the room. A typical motel bedroom, identical to the one we had just come from. Except for the lights, and camera and tripod. And the array of leather straps and ropes positioned so neatly on the dressing table. Next to the speculum, dildo, crop and cane. And the gag and small whip. She recognised enough of these instantly to be terrified and she wheeled around and would have made a dash for the door but I still had a firm hold of her arms and Ramon was blocking the door just in case.

"Sit down, Charlotte," I instructed, my voice edged with a harsh coldness that she had not encountered before and could not disobey.

"Now listen to me very, very carefully. We're not going to see a movie. We're going to make one instead. And you're going to be the leading lady. Now if you want to be home, safe and sound with Mom and Pop, in time for supper, I suggest you do exactly what I tell you..."

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Great story and very descriptive especially referring to a skinny girl in black bra and pants mmmmmmm just my fantasy


and now we wait............ great read...


Great story, can't wait for sequels.


Really interesting story about how to lure little girls into a porn movie. Not really much action, but I can see a part two filling in the details. I enjoy stories like this about how to get into little girl's pants, and mouths, and the rest of them. Like to see this kid really raped and abused in the next chapter.


Wounderfull, I would like to see more, would like to see her go home pregnant.

Mr. D.

MORE,MORE' Please give us part two. And even part three.


I hope this continues. I am dying to find out what happens to poor, trusting Charlotte.


I like how you brought the reader into the story,[that's her over there with the blond pony tail]as if we are there with you part of your crew.Would like to see part two,see what happens to Charlotte.
Like to see her abused,may be after they finish they slip her out in the middle of the night and take her home for more fun rather then letting her go right away. That could be part three of this story.

old perv

loved this story. i can just imagine a little eleven year old girl tied to the bed and used by three randy men,wow, can't wait for part two.

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