Loving The Bi Life, Part 1

[ cons, 1st, mast, group, bi, oral, voy, exhib, les, inc, Mmff, ff, Mf, toys, video, rom ]

by Antush


Published: 29-Jun-2012

Word Count:

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This is a work of Fiction. All characters and/or other entities in this story are completely fictitious, and do not exist. Any similarity to actual, living persons and/or other entities is strictly accidental and/or wholly coincidental. This is also a work of Fantasy Fiction, and is not necessarily set in this Reality.


This story is not necessarily set in this Reality. In the world of this story, The Pill works with 100% efficiency; there are no Sexually Transmitted Diseases or Venereal Annoyances; condoms are optional; A surprising 10th Amendment Law makes Nudist Family Sex Camps perfectly Legal. and revokes Minimum Age of Consent. Societal Norms haven't quite caught up to the very real sexual appetites of their Youth. We're on the leading cusp of the Youth Sex Revolution.


  • Kristen Evans, 13
  • Erin Minihan, 13
  • Nikki Garrison, 14
  • Jeanine Spillard, 14
  • Keri Johnson, 20
  • Asia Hales, 16
  • Natalie Felt, 16
  • Bekka Wright, Brandon's sister, 12
  • Megan Kelly, 12
  • Caitlain (Caty) Kelly, 11


  • Tony Coxon, 23
  • Liam Minihan, 14
  • Ryan, Neighbor boy, 14
  • Kyle, Neighbor boy, 14
  • Jan Nobles, Neighbor boy, 14
  • Brandon Wright, Bekka's Brother, 16
  • Keith Jordan, 22
  • Jake Williams, 15
  • Jon Ely, 16


  • Jim and Anna Evans
  • Bob and Jan Spillard
  • Dave and Justine Garrison
  • Bill and Kathleen Minihan

Tony, Kristen, Erin and Liam each sighed contentedly at the same time, and then giggled while they kissed, and lapped up each others' cum from pussy's, cocks, mouths and bellies. It had already been a long, hot afternoon for them, and they were enjoying the delicious aftermath of their first coupling poolside at Tony's house. Why it took so long for them all to be naked together occurred to each of them throughout the day.

Tony, and Kristen, had been together since earlier in the summer, when Tony moved in next door. Erin is her best friend, both just marking their thirteenth birthdays, and both were about to enter High School, having been advanced a grade for scholastic achievement in grade school. Liam, 14, is Erin's older brother. None of them had expected Liam that afternoon, but everyone was happy that he came... and came.

Tony's cock still pistoned slowly in and out of Kristen's tight, shaved thirteen year-old pussy, while Erin licked at Kristen's cum-covered clit and pubic mound, occasionally running her tongue over Tony's cock, as it pulled more of their cum from Kristen's cunt. Tony had pulled his cock out of Kristen's pussy just in time to spray a rope of his cum into Erin's mouth, one across her cheek, and the rest sprayed across Kristen's body. Before she could swallow and get his slick, wet cock in her mouth, he had shoved it, still spurting, back into Kristen's inflamed young cunt, fucking her tight, shaved pussy in long, hard, fast strokes, while Erin licked at her clit, bringing her quickly to another loud and explosive orgasm. Cum poured from Kristen's pulsating pussy, gathering like foamy, opalescent rings around Tony's shaved cock, as he fucked her. Erin lapped up each little ring. She loved the taste of their mingled juices, she'd loved them since Kristen first got Tony and Erin together for their first threesome a few weeks ago.

Erin had known about, and started sharing Kristen's cum fetishes since they first started becoming young women, around age 11, sprouting tits and pubic hair, getting their periods together, noticing boys, and experimenting with their own blossoming sexuality together. One of Kristen's favorite things to do with Erin was to collect their girl cum in shot glasses. They'd compare who came more, and discuss the feelings, sensations, taste, and simple quality and durations of their orgasms... But, of course, all this is getting waaay ahead of the story.

How It All Got Started

"OK, wait a minute. Let me get this straight for a second," said Erin, working through Kris' story. "You woke up to the sound of the truck, looked out and saw this totally hot guy moving in next door, and just decided right then that you were going to give your virginity to him, just like that?" Erin snapped the finger of her free hand. They were both masturbating, naked, on cam, Friday morning, early June. School had just ended for Summer Holiday. Erin was at her family's cabin by the lake.

"Before I even knew his name was Tony. Yep. I stood there naked in my window fingering myself just like this, and I knew right then that I was going to make it happen."

"Oh, my GAWD that is SO hot, Kristen," Erin squealed as she pressed two fingers hard on each side of her slick, young sensitive clit, and gave it a long stoke, "Mmm... And then you proceeded to tease him until until he couldn't help but get naked with you. So where did it happen? In his bedroom?"

"Well, it started there, as it was the only open space for lunch, but as we finished eating lunch, I licked his nipple, and then we kissed, and started eating each other instead, and that's when we started getting naked. Then we went outside."

"Mmmm, I wish I could have seen that. Outside, fucking for the first time in the middle of the day is just my perfect fantasy. Oh, Gods I wish I could have been there. Is he a good kisser?" asked Erin, now toying with her hardening nipples, while she continued rubbing her clit in those hard, long strokes. She was watching Kristen masturbating, and marveled at how wet they both were getting.

"Oh, Erin, you'll know Monday, when you get the chance to be with Tony-- he is SUCH a good kisser. His mouth and tongue are quite possibly his best sexual feature. It was like his mouth knew every inch of me the moment we kissed. I mean.... hmmmm... OK-- I thought you and I knew a lot of tricks, but he knows more things to do to a pussy than either of us, or the Porn Industry have even thought about. I'm editing more videos right now."

For two years straight, Kristen had video-recorded all of her sex acts, every naked minute, lounging, masturbating, and now, much more. No one but Kristen knew that until Tony moved in across the street when she was really getting into local computer networks, and certain hacking skills. Today was no exception-- she was recording the two of them masturbating on cam. Kristen knew that Erin would want the video of Kris losing her virginity with Tony, and Erin now needed to be in on the secret.

For some time, now, when they would sleepover at each others' house, Kristen would always bring out her laptop computer loaded with a new sexy slideshow of boys jacking their cocks and cumming, or teen girls fingering themselves, getting fucked, sucking cocks, and swallowing lots of cum. Some of the videos were of their schoolmates and neighbors, which Kristen had hacked from their computers and cell phones. Kids are sexual beasties, and love to "SEXT" each other, and Kristen was brilliant with computers and networks.

Late at night, after everyone else was asleep, and plenty of sharing of their guy and girl fantasies, and perhaps a nip or two from the liqueur cabinet, Kristen and Erin would watch the pics and videos, ultimately getting naked and fingering their pussies to mutual orgasms. By that summer before High School, as they both turned 13, they were lovers in every way, while they each looked for boys to experiment with.

Liam did everything he could to spy on the two when Kris stayed at their house, or worked out with Erin in the Basement gym.

He couldn't help but hear their giggling, and talking openly about boys and sex, and their fantasies; and he could easily hear their moans and shouts of pleasure through the thin wall and the bathroom they shared. He would get naked as soon as the girls locked themselves into Erin's room, and masturbate all night while he listened to them. He would stroke his 14 year-old cock, imagining himself naked with the two sexy girls, never failing to cum as soon as his fantasies turned to Erin. He had never worked up the courage to just walk in naked in the middle of the two girls getting sexy.

He'd been masturbating to them since he hit puberty, and the girls started growing tits. He took tons of pictures of them poolside in their bikinis. He had only managed to catch a few shots of them naked, when they forgot to close the bathroom door fully. To those precious pics, Liam masturbated night after night. He had wanted to fuck them both for the past three years. That Erin was his little sister wasn't an issue-- it was a very hot feature for Liam. As siblings, they were very close. He had always hoped that they could get closer... closest. Kristen was simply one of the cutest, sweetest, smartest, and talented girls he'd ever known. He did his best to flirt with her every chance he got, and dreamed of fucking her along with Erin.

He and every boy between 11 and 15 that he knew wanted to fuck Kris and Erin. He always shared fantasies of fucking Kristen with the guys, but sometimes came to blows with boys who spoke too sexually about Erin, though, and was always there for her defense. He'd always hoped to be her first.

Over the days before Erin's 13th birthday, Kristen had made a very special slideshow for her, and gave it to her the night before she turned thirteen. It was the first Friday in June, and she and Erin woke up just after Erin's parents left for work. It was the day before Erin and her family going up to their lakeside cottage for the week. Both girls knew that Erin's parents wouldn't be home until close to 11:00 that night, as Bill and Kathleen were saving up for a very special, long Anniversary Cruise. They'd been working late for close to a year now, and the girls took advantage of the empty house often.

Liam tended to keep to himself most of the time, coming out of his room to make a meal or grab a snack, or beverage. Often, he'd just go with his buddies straight out from school, and come home in time to make it appear to his parents that he had been home all the time.

The girls woke up naked that morning, their bodies entwined. They kissed each other good morning, donned some clothes, without bothering with undergarments-- Erin put on some super-short, cutoff sweatpants and a cropped t-shirt, and Kristen just pulled one of her dad's extra-large t-shirts over her naked lithe form. It covered her well enough so that she didn't need panties-- unless she bent over, or sat down. The two of them went downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast.

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