
[ bg/MF, bond, cons, ds, inc, ped, spank, voy ]

by AnonX


Published: 22-Feb-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I had asked my parents to buy me the latest version of Gameboy, but they refused. They said they didn't have the money, but I didn't really believe them. To me, it seemed like just an excuse. I was eleven years old, and my sister Becky was ten. We lived across the street from a mall, and our parents let us go hang out there on our own - we lived in a small, event-less town, and there wasn't really any reason to worry that something would happen to us. One day I was at the mall with my sister. We were in a store that sold Gameboys, and I was looking at them in awe. Finally my sister said to me, "Look, if you really want one, I'll buy it for you, just don't tell Mom or Dad you got it from me." I looked at her in shock. But she just said, "Pick out five games."

"You have money for this?"

"I wouldn't be offering if I didn't, would I?"

"From where?"


"Where did you get the money?"

"Look, don't ask questions. If you want it, I'll buy it for you. If not, then let's go to another store." 'This I've got to see,' I said to myself, not really believing that she had the money for it. But I picked out my five favorite games and handed them to her, along with the Gameboy box. She took them to the checkout counter. "You don't have money to pay for all that, do you little girl?"

"Of course I do! How much is it together?" She opened her little purse, took out a wad of hundred- dollar bills and counted them out until she passed the price. The saleslady was in shock. "Where'd you get so much money from?" she asked her. "From my Granny of course," Becky lied. We haven't had a grandmother in years, and even when we did she didn't give us money like that. "Look, Mike, I don't want Mom and Dad knowing about my money, so you've gotta keep it hidden, okay?"

"Sure, but where did you really get it from?"

"I can't tell you. Don't worry, I didn't steal it or anything. I just got a job once in a while, but I'm not supposed to tell. Anyway, let's go eat - my treat." Then she paid for my meal at McDonalds. I was careful to keep the Gameboy hidden when my parents were around. Becky was really cool about it - she never asked for favors in return or anything. Every few days after that she'd say to me, "Let's go to the mall," and she'd buy me whatever I wanted there. She got me books and magazines, games for my Gameboy and for the computer, and of course, food. Let me explain something. My sister and I were very close. So it was strange that she wasn't telling me where her money was coming from. And it was strange that I didn't know about her job for so long, before she offered to buy me the Gameboy. And I'll explain something else too - my sister was a big tomboy. She was into watching sports like football and baseball, and disliked anything feminine. The only feminine thing about her was her long hair, which she always kept in a simple ponytail. Other than that, she always dressed in baggy jeans and a baggy T-shirt. And never anything pink. I think I hadn't seen her in a bathing suit in at least three years - even when my family went camping, she didn't go in the water with us. As far as me, I liked boy things - I liked watching sports and stuff, but I wasn't really good at them. I wasn't very muscular. And I was very self-conscious about the way I looked. When I went swimming, I'd wear long baggy swim shorts and a baggy shirt on top. A month or two went by. Becky was very generous with me, and bought me stuff at the mall all the time. She still managed to hide her fortune from Mom and Dad - I don't know how! When I asked her where she got her money from, she just avoided the question or asked me not to ask her. Eventually I just accepted it. Then one day she asked me, "Mike, would you like to see my work?"

"I thought you didn't want me to know about it."

"Yeah, well they said I could bring you tomorrow if I want to. Actually, they want you to come. You might be able to get some money out of it too."

"Okay, sure, but do you work? I never noticed you missing from home!"

"You know my Tuesday-and-Thursday night bowling tournaments? Well, I haven't been going to them for about a year now. There are people there who I pay to cover up for me."

"If I come with you, Mom will wonder where *I* am."

"I'll take care of that," she said. That evening over dinner, Becky said, "Mom, can Mike come with me to bowling tomorrow? Jake's sick and our team's short a player."

"Sure, why not." *** Becky and I went to different schools, so she told me to meet her after school at the local ballet academy. The ballet academy was housed in a large building that used to be a high school - now the only part of it in use were the ballet studios. When I got there, I didn't see Becky waiting outside, so I went inside to look for her. I felt pretty uncomfortable walking through the sea of little girls in all sorts of leotards and tutus. As I walked down the hall, clearly out of place, some of the little girls laughed and asked me where my leotard was. I was about to leave when I heard Becky calling me, from the end of the hallway. She took me through a door, down some stairs, through a bunch more hallways (I was clearly lost by now and would never find my way back out without her), until we finally came to a strange looking steel door. Becky pressed the intercom button and stated her name, and the door began to open automatically. "Come with me," Becky said with a smile. As soon as we entered, the door slammed closed behind us. "Don't worry, they'll let us leave when we need to!" she laughed. Becky led me down another corridor to a room with an open door. We entered the room and were greeted by a very tall and muscular man. "Becky, you're late! Our client's waiting for you!"

"Sorry, Tim, I tried my best but my teacher kept us all after school to finish a project."

"You know I don't accept any excuses -you'll be punished for this accordingly. Who's this?" "My brother Mike - Sam said I should bring him along today. I haven't explained anything to him about the show yet - do I have time to show him around?"

"Are you kidding? You're already late! I'm sure he'll figure things out on his own. Jake - get Becky ready."

"Yes sir," said a younger but equally muscular looking guy. Tim, the first guy, said, "Mike, you wait here until we tell you where to go. You can help yourself to water from the cooler over there, if you want, and there are magazines on the coffee table over there." Becky grabbed my arm and whispered, "Don't worry about me, Mike, it's all an act, nobody gets hurt." Before she managed to finish her sentence, Jake came and picked her up by the waist, slung her over his shoulder and carried her out of the room. Saying I was nervous would be quite an understatement. I waited there maybe twenty minutes. Then Jake came into the room.

"Mike, you can see your sister now, if you'd like - she's on break. Go through that door, follow the hallway to the end, and then ring the buzzer on the green door. I'll buzz you in when you get there." The room beyond the green door was pitch black - I couldn't see a thing in there - and because of that I was reluctant to enter. Then I heard a voice. "Mike, are you out there? Come in - don't be afraid of the dark - the light will come on when the door's closed." After entering the room, the door mysteriously swung closed by itself, and then the light came on. I would have screamed, but I was too scared and surprised. In the center of the room, suspended from the ceiling by a thick chain, was a cage made of thick black bars. The bottom of the cage was maybe a foot off the ground. It was tall enough for a person to be able to stand up inside, but thin enough to prevent that person from being able to turn around. Inside the cage was a child - apparently a girl, wearing a very small bikini. Her back was towards me. The bottom of her bikini covered her butt completely but very tightly, and the sides of the bottom, connecting the back to the front, were nothing but two very thin straps, about an inch apart. The back of the top of the bikini was made of two thin straps - one running across just below the girl's armpits, and the other running across the back of her neck. The cage appeared to be firmly closed, its door held in place by a very big padlock. As if being locked in such a cage wasn't enough, the girl was further restrained: her wrists were fastened by steel handcuffs to opposite ends of the top of the cage, and her ankles were fastened the same way to the ends of the bottom of the cage, forming an X. There were a couple of straps running across the back of her head. Seeing the girl trapped like that made me very nervous. I was wondering who the girl was, hoping it wasn't Becky, when Tim said, "So, Mike, how often does Becky let you see her in a bikini? Well you can look all you want now, there's nothing she can do to stop you!" Tim gave the side of the cage a push, causing it to turn around so that Becky was facing me.

"Come closer," he said. "She won't bite - she can't - she's gagged!" he laughed, but I didn't. I was worried about what they were doing to Becky. I noticed that Becky's bikini bottom was riding up in her pussy - my friends called it a "camel toe" - when we were younger, we'd laugh at girls at the local pool whose bathing suits did that to them, until they noticed and embarrassingly pulled the material flat. Even if Becky knew the material was doing that to her now, there was nothing she could do to fix it with her wrists locked like that. A thousand thoughts were going through my mind and I didn't manage to voice any of them yet, I was so nervous.

Tim said, "Go ahead and touch her, Mike, I'm sure she doesn't mind. After all, you're her brother."

"Let her go!" I screamed. "Why did you do this to her?" Tim laughed and said, "Whoa, Mike, calm down, don't worry about it - we didn't do anything to her that she didn't want us to. You see, this is all a game - Becky's an actor - she doesn't mind it. We don't hurt her or anything - we take really good care of her! Our clients pay thousands of dollars to watch preteen bondage shows - and she takes most of that home in her pocket! You can ask her yourself - Becky, do you like being locked up like that?" I noticed Becky nod her head "yes". "See? She's okay with it. So go ahead and enjoy what you see - she doesn't mind. And YOU don't even have to pay for it! You know what -I've gotta go to the office for a few minutes before the next show starts - I'll take her gag off and you can talk to her in private. If I were you, though, take advantage of the situation and give her a good feel while you can and she's not able to stop you! Becky, head forward!"

Becky leaned as forward as she could, and Tim reached up and removed her gag. "You can take her blindfold off yourself if you want - it's just tied behind her head. The rest of the stuff's locked with keys, though, and I'm taking those with me." Tim left the room and locked the door behind him, leaving us locked inside. When he opened the door, the lights went off, and when he closed it again, they came back on. "Becky, what's going on?" I asked, removing her blindfold as quickly as I could. "Mike, I told you before, it's all an act! You don't have to worry about me - this is actually fun! And believe me, it's worth the money!"

"You actually like it?"

"Yeah, it's really fun watching all those creepy old men staring at me. I know they'd love to rape me, if I wasn't protected, locked inside a cage. Sometimes they pay more and then Tim lets them tie me up themselves, or torture me in other ways. But he or another one of the guys is always there to make sure they don't do anything bad to me. It's fun!"

"But you're almost naked - I don't think I've even seen you in a simple one-piece bathing suit in years!"

"Yeah, well here they have a uniform!" she laughed. "Anyway, what do you think? Do I look good?"

"Yeah, you look too good. I feel bad for you." She laughed again. "Don't feel bad! I told you, it's fun. Look, can you do my a favor and scratch my back for me?" I scratched it. "Do you know that your bikini's riding up - your vagina crack's visible." She laughed. "Yeah, I know, it happens all the time. The outfits they give me to wear are so thin and tight, and don't have linings, so that happens a lot. I complained about it at first but they told me that it has to be like that, that the clients like it that way. I straighten it when I can, but usually once my hands are tied, if it's not already riding up, someone pulls on it so that it does it again."

"Should I try to straighten it for you?"

"You can if you want to, but don't worry about it. Take a good look and enjoy." I tried pulling at the top of her bikini this way and that - I noticed that it was REALLY tight against her skin, and that instead of freeing the fabric from her vagina, I only managed to pull it in farther. The lights went out as the door opened. The door closed again and Jake was in the room Becky said, "Jake, can you let me out for a few minutes? I really need to scratch my crotch."

"Sorry kiddo, but no can do. Your next act's about to begin. Why don't you ask your brother to scratch you?"

"I can't do that!" I protested. "Why not? It's itching her!"

"But I can't touch her there!"

"Mike, I see you didn't sign a consent form when you came in here. The rules of this place are that clients can touch our actresses anywhere they want, including butt and chest, as long as they don't remove the actress' swimsuit - top or bottom; the vagina is the only place that's out of bounds and can't be touched, except by family members. If a family member comes here to watch a show, they're allowed to touch the vagina as well, and family members can also remove the girl's bikini top if they want to, even if the actress protests, even if other people are watching as well. And if they pay double, they can remove the bottom as well, as long as no other clients who aren't relatives are watching. Becky agreed to these rules and signed on them when she came to work here. All family members are included in this rule: parents and grandparents, children and grandchildren, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts - even if they're only related by marriage, cousins, and cousins of cousins. So, you're allowed to touch her wherever you want."

"I can't believe this. You have family members that come and watch these shows? You mean that they know their relatives are here acting?"

"Sure, it happens all the time! Fathers and daughters come in together all the time - the father wanting to borrow our equipment to discipline his daughter. Brothers and sisters come too. Sometimes a client comes not knowing that their relative acts here, and when they give us their name, we give them the option of viewing a show with their relative acting. In those shows the actress is usually kept blindfolded the whole time so she doesn't know who's watching the show. If she feels her vagina's being touched, or her bathing suit being removed, she knows that some family member's doing it to her, but she might never know who it was, if the relative doesn't reveal it to them afterwards." Becky spoke with a giggle. "It happened to me once or twice - I guess it wasn't you, Mike, watching the show, then!" "Of course not!" She laughed. "I think it was Uncle Al, it kind of felt like him, but I can't be sure." "I'm taking you to your next show in three minutes, so if you want him to scratch you, get him to do it now." Jake left the room again. "You really want me to scratch you there?"

"YES, PLEASE, it's really itching me!"

"I never thought you'd want me to touch you there!"

"Don't worry about it - start at the top, in front."


"A little lower... yeah, that's it. A little harder. Good, now move lower. More, more, yeah, stop there. Scratch harder. Good, now go even lower, good, now right on the bottom, right between my legs, oh yes, that's exactly what I needed. Do it more, push your finger in deeper, yes, keep going, oh yeah, that's great, a little more, aaaaaaaah. Thanks, that was great. Now give me a little scratch in my butt-hole - it would be easier for you if you went around to the other side..."

I couldn't believe I was doing this! I scratched her the way she asked me to, being careful not to touch her anywhere except where she specifically asked me to. Jake came back in. "Okay, Becky, ShowTime. Except there's a little change of plans - the client wants you to start out hog-tied with ropes, inside this dog carrier."

"Great," she said, "That's the starting position I hate the most!" "I know, sorry, but you don't have a choice."

"What do you mean she doesn't have a choice?" I demanded. "She's not a slave!"

"Don't worry, Mike, it's okay, it's not so bad," she said. I watched as Jake unlocked her wrists and ankles. She brought her arms and legs together and stretched a bit as Jake unlocked the padlock on the door of the cage. I noticed her pulling her bikini out of her pussy as she jumped out of the cage. As her feet hit the ground, Jake gave her left butt-cheek a nice long pinch. She tried to pull his hand off, but he put his other hand on her chest, right where her breasts would be if she had any, held her tight against his body and said, "Don't even try, sweetheart, resistance is futile!" He took his pinching hand off her butt, only for it to return a split-second later with a loud spank. "Ouch!" she yelped. "I'll be good - I promise!"

"That-a-girl," he said, and took his hands off her. She turned around and faced me -she was smiling. "See, Mike? It's all an act - it didn't hurt or anything like that. Jake's spankings are real loud but they don't hurt."

"Assume the position, Becky, we don't have time to waste." Jake was getting the ropes ready. "Yes, master," she said with a giggle, and climbed up on the table and lay down, face down. Jake started quickly and expertly winding the ropes around her ankles until they were sufficiently disabled. Then he did the same at her knees. Jake said, "Mike, could you get me a few more ropes off the shelf over there? I took short ones by mistake." I felt like a family traitor assisting him in tying up my sister, but I did as he asked since Becky seemed to be complying willingly. After Becky's wrists and elbows were bound together behind her back, Jake raised her feet to her hands and tied them together as well. Then he said, "Check the knots." Becky began to struggle a bit, and then stopped. "They're fine - I'm not going nowhere!" she laughed. Jake tied a bandana over her eyes. "Can you see anything?"

"No - I'm blind," she said. "Good, now for the part you hate the most. Open up!" Becky let out a sigh and opened her mouth. Jake put a piece of rope in her mouth, winding it around her head and mouth a few times before tying it tightly behind her head. Becky made a few noises but they weren't recognizable. Jake said, "Good, I see the gag's working!" Jake went and opened the door to the small dog carrier. Then he walked back to the table where Becky was. He pushed her over so that she was now lying in her side instead of her stomach. Then he took hold of the top of her bikini bottom, both in front and in back, and pulled it about an inch towards her head so that it pulled up into her butt and pussy. "Very nice!" he remarked.

"She doesn't like that!" I said. Jake laughed. "So what? WE do!" Then he gave her another pinch on her butt-cheek, lifted her up in the air, and stuffed her, rather roughly in my opinion, into the small dog carrier. He closed the door and locked it with a padlock, and then put a dark cloth cover over the whole case. "You can't watch this show," he said. "The client's paying to have her all to himself. But the next one you should be able to watch. This one's only lasting twenty minutes."

"I thought you said that one of the workers stays with the girl at all times to make sure they don't do anything to her that they're not supposed to!"

"Yeah, Tim's going to be there with her. They just don't want anybody else in the audience with her, that's all. You can wait here - there's a TV over there - she'll be returning here after this show, before the next one." Jake carried the dog-carrier out of the room. The door locked behind him. I did my best to try and not think about what might be happening to Becky. But I wasn't able to concentrate on the TV show. About ten minutes after Becky had left, the door opened and a pretty young woman wearing a business suit walked in. She looked at me and said, "Wow, you're a cute one! But I thought tonight was girls' night?"

"I'm not an actor - I'm just here accompanying my sister."

"Oh, okay, so where is she?"

"In a show -she should return in about ten minutes."

"Oh, you don't mind if I get changed for my next show here, do you? Don't worry - you won't see me naked!"

"Go ahead, don't mind me," I said. I tried not to watch her, but it was hard. The woman removed all her clothes until she was wearing nothing but a very small white bikini. I actually couldn't tell if it was a swimsuit or underwear. Then she opened a closet and took out some clothes. She rolled a pair of dark pantyhose up her legs, and then put on a short, tight, black leather skirt with slits up the sides. After that she stepped into a pair of tall black leather boots, with lots of buckles on the sides. She put some kind of tight black leather top on, that only just made it past her boobs. The top squeezed them in a way that made them look a lot bigger than they did before. She put a leather jacket over that. Then she put on a black leather cap and an assortment of big chunky jewelry. I watched as she did her makeup. Then she opened another closet (that was locked with a key), took out a pair of handcuffs, which she slipped into her belt, and a long black whip, which she rolled up and held in her hand. "There, I'm done," she said. She came around and stood in front of me. "So, what do you think?" she asked with a smile. "Do I look scary enough?"

"Not really," I said. "Your smile still looks friendly." Within a split second she made a deafening crack with her whip against the wall, and with a really scary face on, yelled at me, "How's this?" That startled me. I tried to recompose myself, trying to remember her pretty smile from before. "Yeah, that's scary," I said. She laughed, her smile returning. "Good, it should be. See you around, kid!" She rustled my hair with her hand, and then left the room.

Moments later, Jake entered the room with Becky. She wasn't tied up this time -she was walking on her own. After placing her in the room with me, Jake left, the door locking behind him again. Becky appeared to be drenched from head to toe. She was clutching a large towel around her tightly, but the towel appeared to be totally soaked as well. "Can you get me another towel, Mike?" she said, shivering. "They're in the cupboard over there." When I brought her the towel, she took it and the other one drop to the floor. She was completely naked. She began drying herself, making no effort to conceal her nakedness from me as she did so. "Where's your bathing suit?" I asked. "Turns out that client was a family member. I have no idea who it was - I was kept blindfolded the whole time, and he didn't talk. But as you can see, he stripped me completely. I think he ripped my bikini off with his teeth - that's how it felt! The sicko! I bet it's Uncle Al! It's gotta be him - he always looked at me funny in the pool, when I was little, and would always 'accidentally' touch me in places he shouldn't. At least he's paying me for it, now! But I bet Aunt Val doesn't know about it!"

"I can't believe you agree to this!"

"Mike, for these twenty minutes I acted, I just made three thousand dollars! Who cares if he saw me naked, and touched me a little too much? He didn't hurt me, and he didn't rape me! So who cares?"

When she finished drying off, she let that towel drop to the floor as well. "So, Mike, tell me honestly. Do I look good? Does it really feel good to see me naked?" She held her hands out to the sides and spun around slowly, giving me a good look.

I gulped. "I dunno, I guess so. You're thin and pretty." Remember, I was only 11 and just beginning puberty, so it didn't really effect me that much. She said, "You should look here - this is where they like to look the most!" Then she spread her legs wide, put her hands up behind her head, and bent over backwards until her hands were flat on the floor. I was looking right into her vagina - her spread legs were keeping her lips open. After a few moments she said, "And I bet you didn't know I could do this!" Without taking her hands off the floor, she brought her legs together a bit, and then gave a kick. Her legs went flying into the air until they were sticking straight up in a perfect handstand. Her naked butt was towards me now. She bent her head back so that she could see me, and then began to walk towards me, on her hands, until she was only a few inches away. Then she opened her legs again and let them down until they were sticking straight out to the sides, 180 degrees, in a perfect "splits". Again, I could see straight into her vagina. A few moments later she put her legs up again, and then, still standing only on her hands, turned herself around so that her front was now towards me. Then she did the "splits" thing again. "You can touch it if you want," she said, friendly. "After all, you're my brother! And if Uncle Al touches me there, YOU sure can!"

Against my better judgment, I felt it a bit with my fingertips. "I used to have pubic hair, but they got me electrolysis to remove it completely. That's also why I haven't had to shave my legs or armpits in a long time - I dunno if you noticed." I touched her a bit, and she said, "That feels nice. Here - let me show you something - can you hold me up a bit so I can lift a hand off the ground?" I put my hands on her hips, just below her legs (which were still being held out in the "splits" position). She lifted her left hand up. "The best place to touch me," she said, "is right here. It's my clit - that makes me feel the best." I felt her a bit more, and then she stood back on her legs again. She lifted up her hands and ran them through her long hair.

"Becky, I'm really surprised at you, I mean, until today, I can't remember the last time I even saw you in a DRESS, let alone in a bathing suit! You always wear baggy jeans and baggy T-shirts! And now you're letting me see you naked, and asking me to touch you, as if it's as normal as can be?!" She laughed and kissed me on the cheek. "And you were worried about my bikini riding up my pussy! Isn't it great that a brother and sister can be this close? Mom and Dad would kill us if they knew about this, but as long as they don't know, and I'm making good money and having fun, and nobody's getting hurt, I say this is a great arrangement!" Then I said, "Shouldn't you be putting something on? I mean, Jake or that other guy could walk in here any second, unannounced!"

"And you don't think they saw me naked during the show with uncle Al, or whoever it was? And see that camera? There are security cameras everywhere here, even in the bathrooms. At first when I got here I did my best to keep covered up as much as I could, but now I'm used to them seeing me naked, and I don't even bother trying to hide it. Anyway, I don't think there's any clothes in this room that would fit me." "Where are the clothes you came in?"

"How should *I* know? The first thing they do to me when I check in to work is give me some kind of bikini to wear, and take away my clothes and hide them until they set me free for the day." I told her about the woman who came in while she was at her show, and about the closet that she took clothes out of. "It doesn't matter, anyway. Even if there are clothes in here that would fit me, I'm not allowed to wear anything that they haven't specifically told me to wear."

"What do you mean 'not allowed'? What would happen?"

"That's the only time the workers here are allowed to strip me naked against my will -if I wear clothes that I wasn't supposed to. I did it once by mistake, and it wasn't pleasant! Three of them came and held me down and took off all my clothes, then they tied me down to a table, spread-eagled, face-up, covered my whole body with chocolate syrup, and let two dogs lick me clean! When the dogs had finished, they poured a whole garbage-pail full of ice-cold water all over my naked body - there were even ice-cubes in it! It was horrible! Then they dried me off with a really hot hair dryer. Only then did they untie me, but then they locked me inside a glass in the office, and I had to stay completely naked for the rest of the day. And I didn't even get any money for that day. They videotaped the whole thing - I watched it once, it's incredible! But you know what -even though I suffered at the time, and I was screaming for them to stop until they put a gag in my mouth, deep down I enjoyed it. It gave me a weird rush - I don't know how to explain it - I actually like being tied up. A few times I've actually thought of breaking the rule again just so they'd do it to me again, I'm really curious to see if they'd do it the same way, and if I'd enjoy it again. The only thing that prevents me from doing it is knowing that I'd lose all the money I would have made that day. "So, normally after a show I'm still dressed in whatever I was wearing, 'cause the workers here aren't allowed to take my clothes off or to make me take them off. Only if I do a show with a family member who strips me, and the relative doesn't bother to dress me or leave me with clothes at the end of the show, they take me back to my room naked, wrapped only in a sheet, or towel, if I got wet. If I wanted to, I could stay wrapped in a towel now, until someone came and gave me something to wear. I did that at the beginning. But now I figure - what's the point." A voice came over an unseen intercom. "Nice speech, Becky! We appreciate your new policy as well!" Becky laughed. "My pleasure," she said. A moment later a man who I hadn't yet seen came into the room. "Hi Becky, nice pussy," he said. "Thanks, Sam, glad you like it," she said, tipping her hips to the side. "Would you give me the splits show like you gave him?"

"Oh no, Sammy, you know that show's only for family members!"

"Then would you at least agree to let me spank you?" I saw her wink at me. "Okay... I mean, NO! PLEASE, NO! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" It was obvious that her resistance was an act as Sam roughly grabbed her completely naked body, and sat down on a chair bringing her over his knees. She was still wiggling and struggling to get free, but he held her down firmly, and began bringing his hand down, loudly slapping her bare butt-cheeks. "Ow, stop, please stop!" she pleaded, but he continued. Finally he said, "Becky, if you want me to stop spanking your cute little pink and sore bum, stop resisting me and let me spank you twenty times without you moving a muscle."

"Okay, okay," she said and lay limp across him. He released his tight grip and spanked her swiftly twenty times. "Tim said you deserved that anyway for showing up late today." He pushed her off his knees and she slumped down, curled into a ball, on the floor. "I've gotta use the john - I'll be back in a minute to dress you for your last show of the day." As soon as he left the room, Becky got up and smiled at me and gave me a hug. "Are there marks on my butt?" she asked. I looked. "No, I don't see any."

"Don't worry, Mike, I hope you know by now that it didn't hurt a bit, my protests were all an act. They know how to spank loudly, but without it hurting. And *I* know why *he* had to go to the bathroom in such a hurry!"

"Do you ever see THEM naked, or have to touch THEM?"

"No, never. It's not allowed. Even if the clients want to jerk off in the middle of a show, they have to leave the studio and go to a bathroom to do it, even if I'm blindfolded anyway. Those are the rules." Sam came back into the room. His hair was a mess, and one of his shirttails wasn't tucked in. "Mike, you know, if you want your sister to treat you properly, you really should give her a thorough bare-bottom spanking at least once a day. Right Becky?"

"Of course, Sam!" she laughed. "Okay, let's get you guys ready. Mike, the clients would like you to act as well, in this show. Do you mind?" That made me nervous. "I don't think I should," I said. Mike laughed. "Don't worry, you won't be tied up or spanked or anything. The audience of this show is an old couple, husband and wife, who would like to see you act out a family feud, a sibling rivalry, whatever you call it. They want to watch while you handcuff her and give her a spanking, that's all. We'll pay you a thousand bucks. You can handle that, can't you?" I looked at Becky. "Please?" she said. I understood now that they ordered this show ahead of time, and that's why she brought me here today. "Okay, I guess so, if that's what Becky wants." She gave me a kiss. "Thanks," she said. "This will be fun."

"But I don't really know how to make good knots, or how to spank without it hurting."

"Spank me as hard as you can - my butt can take it!" she said, facing away and wiggling her still-naked butt at me.

Just then the door opened and the woman who had been there before came in, still wearing her scary leather outfit. Sam said, "This is Nancy. She works here. She's going to take you to another room and help you get into costume, and teach you a bit about handcuffs and whips and whatever else you'll need to know. Don't worry, your costume won't be anything immodest like your sisters' costumes! Don't be afraid of her - she's in costume from her last show, but under those tough clothes she's a nice, sweet person." Nancy led me out of the room. As I left the room, I noticed Sam locking some kind of leash around Becky's neck and fastening her wrists to the collar as well. The other end of the chain was fastened to the ceiling. It didn't feel right leaving her in such a vulnerable situation, alone with a strange man, completely naked like that. But as I was glancing back at her nervously, Nancy gave me a firm push out of the room, and the door shut with a loud click of the automatic lock. She led me across the corridor into another room with a similar type of door. Inside the room there was more or less the same equipment that was in the previous one. As the door shut, locking us in, Nancy asked, "You don't have a problem with leather, do you? Because the wife who's gonna be watching you asked that we dress you completely in leather. Is that okay?"

"As long as it isn't skin-tight like yours!" I said. Nancy laughed. "I'll do my best," she said. "Are you wearing boxers or briefs?"

"Boxers," I said. "Hmm, that might be a problem - I don't think they'll fit right under the leather pants. Let me see..." she looked through a closet. "This looks like it will fit you. You can wear this instead of underwear, I don't think we have any boys' underwear here." She handed me a shiny black boys Speedo bathing suit.

"It looks to small," I said. She laughed. "These things stretch," she said. "Wait a minute... here. These are the pants that I think you'll wear. They should fit you nicely." She handed me a pair of black leather pants. "You don't have to change in front of me - there's a bathroom right here." She opened the door to the adjoining bathroom.

"Get the Speedo and the pants on first, and I'll figure out what to do for a shirt after." I asked her, "Nobody's going to force my pants off me and look at my in the Speedo, are they?" She laughed. "No, don't worry! Tonight's girls' night. Only the girls are stripped, bound, ad disciplined. If you want that to happen to you, come back tomorrow - it'll be boys' night." I was about to step into the bathroom to change when I remembered something. "Wait, I can't change there - Becky told me there are hidden cameras!"

She laughed. "You can really tell you're a newcomer! Anyway, your shirt's long enough -it'll cover your bits - just keep it on until you finish changing your underwear." I entered the bathroom and closed the door. I put the Speedo on, being careful to keep myself covered with my T- shirt. I always wore boxers, and when I went swimming I wore baggy shorts, never Speedos. The tight constricting feeling was quite strange. It didn't really hurt, but it felt weird, maybe a little uncomfortable. I felt myself over the smooth slippery material. It felt so... different. Nice. I didn't want anybody to be able to see me in the Speedo, and for that reason I wanted to keep my shirt down while I put my pants on as well. But I was really curious to see how I looked in the Speedo. Letting my curiosity get the better of me, I took my T-shirt off, and modeled the Speedo for myself, in front of the full-length mirror on the wall. I had never seen myself like this before. I thought I looked cute. I had a small, cute, rounded butt. The Speedo covered it very tightly, and you could see a vague outline of my butt-crack. But it wasn't pulled in obscenely, the way they made Becky wear her suits. My bulge in front was quite visible. I wasn't that big, yet, but you could clearly see that I was a boy. I was nowhere near as smooth as Becky was in her crotch, with which I had become all too familiar that day! I thought to myself about whether I'd appear in public like that, only in a Speedo. I tried to imagine walking around my mother and aunts and cousins, having them ogle my butt and dick the way I looked at girls in their swimsuits. The thought made me feel kind of sick, and I decided against it. After tonight, I'd go back to wearing my regular baggy boxers and shorts. I pulled the leather pants up my legs.

As I did so, I noticed what looked like a small hidden video camera, on the floor just below the sink! So my shirt probably didn't help me any, after all. They were smaller and tighter than I would have liked - they fit my butt pretty tightly, even riding up a bit, and they didn't do much to hide my bulge in the front. The legs weren't as tight fitting, although they, too, fit a lot closer than my pants normally did. The legs ended mid-calf, far from my ankles. I thought about asking for pants that didn't fit me as tightly, but figured that compared to the stuff they were making Becky wear, this was nothing, and I shouldn't complain. So I put my T-shirt back on and left the bathroom.

"Finally," Nancy said. "I was worried about you! What took you so long? We don't have much time. Well, anyway, give me your own pants and shorts." She took them and put them in a white plastic bag. "Sit here," she said, and lifted me up, sitting me down on a counter. I was surprised that she was able to lift me, but then I realized that in her profession she was required to be very strong. Without asking me or explaining anything, she removed my socks and put them in the bag. Wait here while I get your shoes - we wouldn't want to lose anything!" I had left them in the bathroom. She came back, and my shoes were in the bag as well. "Hands up!" she said as she pulled my shirt off and placed it in the bag. I felt a little funny sitting there in front of her with no shirt on -usually I thought of myself as being too skinny and didn't want anybody to see me shirtless. But she didn't ask me. My T-shirt went into the bag as well. I saw her tie a knot in the bag, scribble something on it with a black marker, and toss it into a drawer that turned out to be the opening of some kind of laundry-shoot.

"They'll keep that safe for you until your done for the day," she said. I felt a little violated being controlled like that, but didn't say anything. She lifted me off the counter and placed me down on the ground. She circled me a few times, looking at me closely. "Those pants fit you quite nicely. I'm glad to see that you don't have any blemishes on your chest or back. Would you mind if I saw you just in your Speedo, without your pants on? I've had a real hard, long day, took a lot of beatings from clients - it would really warm my day if you let me."

"Sorry, Nancy, but I don't really feel comfortable with that."

"Come on, yours won't be the first I've seen - we've got hundreds of boys coming through here! Well, I hope that you'll change your mind later. Now, for your top you're going to wear this." She fit a small black leather vest over my shoulders. It was sleeveless, of course, and very short, ending around the beginning of my stomach. There were no buttons or clasps or anything to fasten it in the front, and truthfully, even if there had been, the ends didn't meet in the front, anyway. There was no way to keep it closed, and it flapped around constantly, revealing my whole chest. If I were a girl, this would have been quite problematic! "There, you're all set. You look adorable!" She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Shouldn't I be wearing a little more?" I asked.

"Why? You look great! Your client's gonna love this outfit on you. Now we don't have much time, so let me teach you the ropes about the ropes! Let's see, I don't know if I can teach you to make tight knots in such little time, so lets stick with the things that lock. Like handcuffs. Here's how they work." I felt a push, a tug, heard some clinks, and before I knew it my wrists were firmly cuffed behind my back. "Hey," I said. "Sorry, it was too tempting. But anyway, before you cuff someone, you should know what it feels like to be cuffed yourself. I'll take them off in a minute. First, though, I'll demonstrate on my own wrist." She showed me how to lock the cuff, and how to unlock it with the key. Truthfully, I already knew how to do it, but she showed me anyway. "That's all there's to it. There are cuffs of different size, and we have them marked for your convenience, so you can grab them easily. These ones are for children's ankles," she said, "and they lock the same way. Watch."

"No, don't," I begged. But she got down on her knees and locked one cuff to one of my legs, then pushed my legs together and locked the other cuff on my other leg. "Please unlock me," I asked, trying my best not to cry. "In a minute. Don't worry - I won't hurt you or anything." She showed me a simple ball-gag, first locking it closed in the air to show me how it's done. Then, when I opened my mouth to protest, she stuffed it inside and locked it behind my head. "You're going to be doing this to your sister in a minute, so you need to know how it feels yourself." I felt so ridiculous, and very nervous. "Don't worry, it'll be okay." She rubbed my neck, shoulders and back in a comforting, soothing way, and I calmed down. "Now I need to teach you about spanking." I tried to voice a protest but with the gag in my mouth I couldn't. "And I know that you said you didn't want me to see you just in the Speedo, but I forgot that I have to teach you spanking, so I really don't have a choice. Sorry." She undid the button and then the zipper of my pants, and then pulled them down to my ankles. They were so tight that they didn't fall down by themselves, even after they had been undone.

"Let me see," she said, circling me slowly. "You look REALLY CUTE! Wow! I was right! You'd really be a star here on boys' night, you know! You should really consider it -you'd make a lot of money - the boys make more than the girls here, you know! Anyway, let me teach you how to spank properly." She picked me up by the waist and carried me over to a chair, where she sat down and placed me over her knees. As my hands were cuffed behind my back, they naturally rested over my butt. Noticing this, she said "This will never do!" and she locked some kind of chain around my neck and attached it to the chain of the handcuff, forcing my hands to remain as close to my neck as humanly possible. "That's better," she said. "We can't have those blocking the nice view, can we?" She rested a hand right on my butt. I had never been touched like that before.

"Now here are the secrets of giving a proper spanking. In a show like this one, you want the spankings to be loud, but not to hurt. Like these," she said, and she began spanking me. It made me jump at first, because the slaps were really loud. But then I realized that it really didn't hurt - Becky was right about that."

"If you hold your hand like this," she said, putting her hand in front of my face so I could see its position, "it'll make a nice loud sound but it won't hurt - just like this." She gave me a few more painless slaps. "But if you hold your hand normally, like this, it can hurt a lot. Like this," she gave me two whacks - and they really hurt a lot! I jumped at them, and would have begged her to stop if I was able to speak. After that she sat me back down on the counter. My pants were still down around my ankles. She gave me instructions about the rest of the equipment I might need to use, including the locks that were used on the cages (thankfully she didn't lock me in a cage), the whips (that also made really loud sounds but didn't hurt), and the chains and other things used to restrain victims in all kinds of strange poses. And she showed me a bondage booklet, showing all kinds of bondage positions and techniques.

"If you come to work here, you'll have to become very familiar with that booklet. But for now, just look it over a bit, that should be enough. Oh, remember - even though our whips and spankings don't really hurt, our clients want them to hurt. Not a lot, but enough to make you yelp and beg for mercy. That's what they come to see. So if you're on the receiving end of painless spankings or whippings, act like it hurts a lot. And if you use the techniques I showed you spanking your sister, and she cries and begs you to stop, don't worry about it - pay no attention - she's just acting the way we taught her to. If, though, a client pays to be able to spank you themselves, which occasionally happens, we can't guarantee that it won't hurt. One of us will be there to make sure they don't give you too much. But, remember that usually the clients don't have much experience spanking, and they don't know if it's hurting or not, so they'll start out lightly. And if you make a big enough deal out of their light spanks that don't really hurt, they'll think that they're already hurting you enough and won't spank you harder. That's my word of advice, what I do when it happens to me. And, if it DOES hurt, you're allowed to cry - they like it that way anyway. But just think of all the money you're making, and that'll make it feel worthwhile."

Nancy lifted me down off the counter and unlocked me, starting with the gag and then doing my neck, wrists and ankles. I bent down to pick up my pants, and she said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to put your pants back on you. Sorry, I'll do that for you!" She bent down and pulled my pants up my legs and up over my butt (a little too high, in my opinion), fastened the button, and then brought the zipper up. "There you go. So, how do you feel? Was your first bondage experience so bad?"

"I'm okay," I said. "Good, so maybe you'll consider coming to work with us on boys' nights - I really enjoy working with you. Now, about this show, the old people really want you just to follow their instructions. You'll be locking Becky up and spanking her and torturing her in other ways, but just do whatever they tell you to. Sam will be there to referee, and to make sure nothing's done against the rules. Just follow your instructions, and have a good time!" Nancy led me out the door, down the corridor, to another room. Becky was already waiting for me in there. "The door on the other side of the room is the entrance to the stage. Wait here, and come through that door when it opens." After Nancy left, Becky asked me, "How did it go?"

"Okay," I said, not getting into details. "I know Nancy," Becky said. "She can be pretty tough and strict - I've had her discipline me on stage a few times. Usually the men do it to the girls, but some clients like to see girls disciplining girls."

"Have you ever done it to someone else?" I asked. "No, not yet. They told me that for the time being, I'm enjoyed best if I'm kept on the receiving end, whatever that means! Anyway, in this show don't worry about me and do to me whatever they tell you to - I can take it."

"I'm surprised to see you wearing a dress!" I said. It was way too modest compared to the bikini she was wearing before. True, it was very short and tight, and had an open back. But compared to the rest, it was quite modest. It was made of royal blue velvety material, and she wore opaque white tights on her legs. "Yeah, well, this is the way the want the show to start. But don't worry - I doubt I'll stay this covered very long. You're going to have to undress me. I'm going to pretend to resist you, so be ready. Catch me in a headlock or something like that and pull the dress off. It's best if you pull it up over my head - that makes the best effect. And take the dress off before you take the tights off - they love to see the top of tights. I'm wearing a one-piece bathing suit under the dress, also with an open back, like the dress. But I guess that's obvious. After you do whatever they want you to do to me in the one-piece, they're gonna tell you to take my swimsuit off. Under it, I'm wearing a bikini, similar to the one I wore before. Only I'm not wearing a top - only a bottom, because otherwise the straps would show on my back. There's going to be a bikini top somewhere on the stage, on a table or something, so when you take my one-piece off, put the bikini top on me at the same time. But if they tell you to take my bikini off, don't listen, because I'm not wearing anything under it."

A bell rang and the door to the stage opened. "Push me onto the stage," she said quietly. "I'm supposed to protest." I pushed, and she faked protest. After we got on the stage the door automatically closed behind us. Sam was there on stage. "Let me go! I don't want to be here!" Becky whined. She was a good actor.

Sam spoke. "Mike, you're now on stage. This mirror you see before you is actually one-way glass. There's an audience sitting on the other side, who doesn't want you to be able to see them. They can see everything you do here. They're going to give you instructions over a loudspeaker. Just do what they tell you. You know the rules - I'll be sitting here on the side making sure everything goes well." Becky whined again. "Let me go, you sick perverts! Let me go!"

"Shut up!" I said, getting into character and grabbing her wrists. We began to struggle together a bit.

A voice came over the loudspeaker. "Flip her skirt up so we can see what's under it." Her hands went down to hold her skirt down.

"Stay away! You're my brother! You're not supposed to do things like this to me!" I gave her a painless slap on her face. When her hands flew up to her cheeks, I lifted the skirt of her dress up, giving the audience the look that they wanted. I could see it as well, in the large mirror of the one-way glass. Becky turned around to try to push me away, and I kept hold of her skirt, so that the audience got a nice view of her other side as well.

The show went pretty well. I think I acted well. I was told to lift her skirt up and spank her over my knees, to pinch her and slap her here and there, and to put my hand on her crotch. I did exactly as I was told, and she screamed and protested it all. When I was told to, I took her dress off, over her head the way she told me was best. Then I took her tights off. I was enjoying this, and I think I was getting a boner, but my tight clothes held it in. I did all kinds of stuff to her, putting her into all kinds of weird bondage positions, touching her all over, running my finger through her butt- hole, just the way they told me to.

While I had her bound to a frame, standing in a spread- eagle position, gagged and blindfolded, with a belt locked around the top of her head locked to the top of the frame preventing her from moving her head up and down, they told me to take her one-piece suit off. I went to get the keys to the locks, but the voice said I should do it without unlocking her.

"You can cut the suit off with scissors," the voice said. Sam handed me a pair of scissors. I found the bikini top that Becky told me would be on stage. It was supposed to be pulled over the head, and had a strap that looped around the back of the neck. Another strap was to be tied behind her back. This was going to be a bit difficult, I thought, covering her chest before removing her bathing suit, when she was fastened in a position facing the audience, and couldn't move her arms or head at all. I wanted to put the first loop over her head first, so that it would be dangling over her chest before I removed her one-piece, but I couldn't because the first loop wasn't supposed to be tied, it was permanently connected.

"Don't worry about her chest," Sam suggested from the side. "Since you're her brother, you're allowed to take her top off anyway." But I didn't want to do that. Then I got an idea. I used the scissors, and snipped that strap in two, and then tied it around her neck. It was probably tighter than it should have been since it wasn't meant to be tied like that, but I figured she'd rather it be tight than be naked. Next I tight the other strings loosely around her back. This appeared to cover her nipple area adequately. Since I was going to be cutting the one-piece off her anyway, there was no reason I wouldn't be able to slip it out under the bikini top. And that's what I did. I snipped the top of the shoulder straps and pulled the top of her one-piece down through the bikini top. Then I tied her bikini top tighter around her chest. I pulled the one-piece down some more, and then cut across the crotch-piece, and down one side, and removed it completely, tossing it down on the floor. The voice told me to pull her bikini bottom up so that her butt-crack and "camel-toe" would be visible. I did it without giving it much thought, strange how I had been so upset by that before. I tortured her some more in the bikini.

Then the voice said, "Put the sound blockers on her ears." I didn't know what they were, and Sam showed me a device that looked like a big headset. I put it over her ears. Sam said that would prevent her from hearing, completely, and he showed me how to lock it in place so that even if I unlocked her cuffs she couldn't remove it. The voice told me to do just that - to unlock her wrists and ankles, but to leave her blindfolded, gagged, and deaf. Then they told me to do different things to torture her. She tried to stop me each time, but since all her senses but touch were disabled, she couldn't tell what was coming; everything came as a surprise, before she was able to try and stop me. Then the voice said, "Take her bikini off."

"No," I said. "I know that's against the rules."

"No it isn't - you're her brother - you're allowed to."

"Do I have to?" I asked Sam. "No you don't, that's your choice."

"Then I won't."

"We'll give you an extra thousand dollars," the voice said. "Each?" I asked. "No, just for you. She doesn't have a choice in the matter, does she!"

"I'll have to ask her first."

"No!" the voice boomed. "Leave her the way she is. Just take off her bikini and do as we say. If you do, you'll get a lot more money."

"I don't know if she'd want me to," I said. "That doesn't matter - you know that a family member's allowed to take off her clothes even AGAINST her wishes!"

"Honey," a woman's voice said over the microphone, "This is why we asked that her brother be in this show with her - so that he'd be able to remove her clothes. We've seen her shows before, and we'd so much like to see her naked." The woman's voice sounded like a kind old grandmother. That this would be one of her interests seemed very strange. "We'll give you an extra two thousand dollars. Just do it." I thought about how easy-going she had been about walking around naked, and figured that she didn't really mind it. So I took her bikini top off and tossed it on the floor.

"Suck her nipple," the female voice said. I did. "Now take the bottom off," the male voice said.

"I think this is enough," I said. "Anyway, normally relatives are only allowed to take the top off - I'm not paying anything for this."

"We're paying more than enough for everything. Take it off. We'll give you three thousand extra, but no more. Just do what we say." I felt bad for Becky, but couldn't resist so much money. So off her bottoms went. Then they had me hog-tie her again, using the cuffs. They had me lock her knees apart, chained to two hooks that appeared on the floor, so that her thighs were nicely spread, giving a clear view into her pussy. Becky wasn't able to communicate at all, as she was still gagged, and the large blindfold wouldn't let me see her facial expressions. She resisted me a bit as I hog-tied her. Tired of having to fight her all the time I slapped her bare butt hard, forgetting to use the painless technique, and she immediately stopped resisting and allowed me to hog-tie her. They had me finger her crotch all over, telling me to pay special attention to her clit. Then they told me to stick a finger up her vagina.

"I can't do that!" I said. The eleven-year-old that I was knew way too much about female anatomy than I should have. "Don't worry," Sam said. "She's not a virgin."

"What do you mean she's not a virgin?" I began to get angry. "No, she IS a virgin, but she doesn't have a hymen. We had a doctor remove it so she'd be more flexible. You can put your finger inside - it won't bleed."

I was anxious to get this show over-with already so I just did what they said. After that, they told me to stick two fingers in at once, and then three. I could feel her pussy- lips squeezing my fingers as they entered and exited her. I was surprised I could fit so much in there! Then they had me put fingers in her butt, and I could see her pussy lips quivering as I did so. I think she moaned lightly through her gag. Then they had me lick her pussy all over. They told me to lick her clit a lot, and then they told me to stick my tongue up her pussy as far as I could. I don't know why I listened to them - I felt bad about it afterwards. It had a strange taste, I don't know how to explain it.

Then I was told to start the water treatment. I was told to lift her up and put her inside a huge clear-glass container, filled with a hot, funny smelling liquid. I have no idea what it was. She was still hog-tied - and I wasn't strong enough to lift her off the ground by myself. A door opened, and then an old man walked onto the stage. From his voice I could tell he was the one speaking in the microphone. After that an old woman came on stage - I figured it was his wife. The woman said, "Let's put you someplace safe," and picked me up off the ground, and hoisted me over her shoulder! I was so shocked, that I didn't realize, until it was too late, that she put me inside a vacant cage that suspended at the side of the stage, and locked the door. "Now you won't get hurt," she said, and walked away.

Through the bars of the cage I watched what they did to Becky. The man picked her up, effortlessly, into the air, placing one hand one her naked crotch, and the other on her back. He tossed her into the liquid, waited a moment, and then fished her out with a net. I could see that she was completely drenched as he put her down on the stage floor. The voice said, "Sam, can we give you an extra two thousand to see the dogs?"

"Better yet," he said. "Especially for you, because you're such good clients, we got you real tigers! You'd better go back to your seats, they're hungry!" I watched as the couple returned through the door, taking their seats on the other side of the one-way glass (I guess). Becky was lying helpless in the middle of the stage. I assumed she didn't know about the lions, since the sound-blockers were still on her ears. Four big ferocious- looking lions came roaring onto the stage. Seeing me there in the cage, one of them started to roar at me and angrily tried to open the cage door. I was so scared, and was now thankful I had been locked inside against my will. After a few moments the lion gave up on me. I noticed they were all looking at poor Becky, now, slowly circling around her. Finally, one of them roared, followed by the rest of them, and then they began licking her all over, from head to toe. At one point one of the lions nudged her with its snout and rolled her over onto her other side. They licked her all over for maybe ten minutes, and then a man came onstage and called the lions. They followed him out the door.

The woman came back onstage and asked Sam for a key, then let me out of my cage.

"You were very good and brave," she said to me, patting me on the butt. "You can finish performing the show now."

They had me unlock Becky, leaving all her headgear on. Becky appeared to be thoroughly exhausted now and didn't resist anything, just went slowly wherever I dragged her. They had me lay her down, face up, spread-eagled, on a table. They didn't tell me to tie her down this time. They told me to clean her off by spraying her with a hose. The water was ice-cold, and caused her nipples to stand up. She quivered as I did this but didn't try to stop me.

"Now put her to sleep," the voice said.

"Huh?" I said. Sam came and handed me a cloth. "Be careful not to breathe this in - it has ether on it. Hold it over her mouth and nose for thirty seconds and she'll fall fast asleep. Don't worry, it's perfectly safe, and she'll wake up soon after." I didn't like the idea of it, but did as told. When I placed the cloth on her face, she apparently realized what it was and tried to push me away with her hands. But I held it to her face firmly, and within a second or two her arms fell back down onto the table, and you could tell she was asleep.

"Hold it there a little longer," the voice said. "Okay, that's enough. Now take off all her head gear." I did. Becky was quite unconscious, and still completely drenched. They told me to move her back into the spread-eagle position, and I did. Then the couple came back on stage and looked at Becky closely, with big smiles on their faces.

"Thanks for the show," they said. "It was great. You did great! We hope to see you back here again, soon! Now, Sam will give you your money just like we promised you. Go on back stage - we need a few minutes alone with your sister before she wakes up." I didn't want to leave her like this, but the stage door opened and Nancy came onstage. She took me by the hand and led me off stage. The door closed behind us.

"Don't worry," she told me. "They won't hurt her, they're good people." We waited there about ten minutes, and then Sam came in, carrying my naked sister, who was still quite unconscious.

"Let's go back to your dressing room," he said, leading the way. "Wait here with her until she wakes up. We'll come in when she does."

"How long will it take?" I asked. "Oh, probably about another twenty minutes. If you think she's cold, there's a blanket in the cupboard over there. I did my best to dry her off when those people left the stage."

"What did they do to her?" I asked. "I'm not allowed to tell you that," he said. "But don't worry, nothing bad."

"Will you tell her?"

"Of course not - that's the whole excitement of the ether - that she can never know what they did to her while she slept."

"You do that to all your actors?"

"No, the client has to pay an extra five thousand for that. It requires us to have a doctor here, just in case."

Becky finally woke up, and I was surprised that she was happy. She sat up, taking the blanket off her, making no effort to cover her nakedness from me.

"Phew," she said. "I'm glad THAT's over!" We talked a bit about the show. She complimented me on my good performance, saying that I handled her well. I filled her in on some of the details that she missed due to her situation. And I asked her if she would have consented to the stuff I did to her.

"What difference does it make?" she asked. "You know the rules - you're a relative, so you're allowed to do that to me whether I like it or not. But I'm glad you did it. The truth is that some of those things I wanted you to, and some of them, if you had asked me, I would have said 'no'. But after the fact, I'm glad you did it anyway. 'Cause I didn't get hurt or anything, and it's a lot of money, so - why not?"

Nancy and Sam came into the room with our bags of clothes. "You guys did great," he said. "I'm so proud of you both. Mike, you're welcome back here whenever you want to perform again, with or without your sister. And you know, we pay well!" He handed us each envelopes filled with hundred dollar bills.

"Mike, we need your clothes back, so would you mind changing into your street clothes? You can keep the Speedo - that's our gift."

Becky was already naked, so she didn't need to leave the room to get changed - there was no point. In front of us all she pulled on her underwear, jeans, and baggy T-shirt. I took my bag of clothes towards the bathroom to change. "Oh, don't be silly," Becky said. "You saw me COMPLETELY naked! And more! And you're still scared of us seeing you in a Speedo?" Filled with all kinds of mixed emotions, I took my pants off right there, in front of them. I decided to skip putting my boxer shorts on, and just wear the Speedo home instead of underwear, to not complicate matters. I handed the pile of leather to Nancy, and she put it away.


"How was bowling?" Mom asked as we walked in the door.

"Fine," we both said.

"Did your team win?"

We answered simultaneously, I said "No" and Becky said, "Yes." Then Becky made a quick recovery. "We played three games, losing the first and winning the other two."

"You got back a little late tonight." Yeah, well we all went out for pizza after the bowling.

"That's nice. Well, goodnight you two."

"Goodnight Mom," we both replied.

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Loved it! Made me imagine a couple of kids that age I know myself being actors. Very nicely written. Hope there's more to come!


That was a great story. Well written, good plot, good characters. I had not read a fun and hot story like that for a while. Well done! I hope you write more, would not mind having Mike back in leather and restraints, heh


Wild! I was hoping for a little more description of the 'actors' to make them come alive in my imagination, but the story was really different and exciting. Thanks.


i loved your story hope to read more


Why do I think that their parents know what is going on! I hope to see more of this story.

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