Published: 30-Jan-2012
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Nikito sat alone in the cell thinking about how miserable she was. It wasn't that much different than the loneliness that she felt in the orphanage. Here however instead of the watchful eye of the care tenders she had bars to keep her from escaping. The food was worse too. In an orphanage since she was 2 she did not remember her mother who died of a drug overdose. Now at 17 she was in jail for the latest in her string of mischievous deeds. The difference here was that this one was criminal in that the store owner of the store she was stealing from died of a heart attack. It wasn't her fault but rather her misfortune. In the eyes of the laws of Kobe the death during the commission of a robbery was punishable by life in prison.
She got up to use the toilet and then stopped and looked at herself in the mirror. She wasn't particularly very pretty. In fact she considered herself downright ugly. She finally pulled up her dress and sat on the cold metal seatless toilet. After she finished her business she took the tin cup and poured the cold water over her vagina to rinse the remains of urine from her thick, straight-haired bush. A loud clank and the cell became dark as the lights were turned out in the cell block. Such was the life of a prisoner awaiting trial.
One month later...
Having been convicted of murder Nikito had received the life sentence. Her public defense doing their usual poor job of defending the yenless. It was nearly 7pm, still an hour left before lights out in the cell block. Next week she would be transferred to the women's prison to serve the rest of her life behind bars. During the trial her criminal record consisting mostly of petty theft numerous times and defacing of public and private property was reviewed. The judge had deemed her socially unworthy of reform and passed the maximum sentence for her crime.
Nikito dejectedly listened to the cell block door opening at the far end and two sets of footsteps stepping in. The door squeaked shut and the rattle of keys. She lay on her bed staring at the light bulb in the ceiling behinds its protective wire reinforced glass. The two pairs of footsteps proceed towards her end of the block. They stopped near her cell.
Tearing her eyes from the light she saw spots as the looked at the two figures outside of her cell. The keys clanked again and the door was opened. Nikito stared at the figures as they entered her cell. She was confused, this now being after the trial there was no reason for any visitors, doctors, lawyers or anyone else coming to her cell. She was nothing now - not worth anyone's time to see.
The guard said something to the other person in English. At least Nikito thought it was English, she had never bothered to listen in school. One of the figures approached. It was a tall western man. He looked at her for a few moments as if assessing something about her. Then he reached down and raised up her thin cotton dress. Not being issued any underwear she was naked underneath. Nikito just lay there allowing them to do what they wanted to her. Not that she could fight anyway, she had learned that early on after several whippings.
The man reached down and spread her legs. Gently with his fingers her parted her thatch to reveal the soft folds of her vagina. He said something to the guard and then released her legs. He put one hand on each hip and flipped her over. Using his large, firm but smooth hands he parted the cheeks of her butt and peered at her wrinkled little brown hole. Nikito felt extreme humiliation every time she was examined here but she did nothing to resist, not even trying to clench her ass. She had learned the hard way that being a prisoner you did what they wanted you to do. If you didn't you were punished and they did it anyway.
"You are sentenced to life in prison for murder. However, you are young and quiet sexy. I can get you out of prison but you will still be a prisoner. The difference is that you will be my personal sex slave. Not behind bars rotting in prison but still not free. If you choose to go with me I can assure you that your life will not be as difficult but I can also assure you that you will not be free and shall have to obey my every command and fulfill my every fantasy. In some ways you will have less freedom than you will in prison in other ways you will experience an existence better than what you have coming now. Tomorrow you will be brought before a judge and he will ask you if you wish to serve out the remainder of your sentence or if you want to take the option to be sold as a slave. Do you have any questions?" the man asked. The guard translated into Japanese for Nikito.
Nikito could hardly believe what she was being told. Surely slavery didn't legally exist. She fleetingly thought about complaining to the guards that this was far beyond incarceration but then just as quickly realized that they would do nothing to help her. Even the small hope of another trial had dwindled to but a flicker in her future. The sort of future she envisioned was being locked up the rest of her life and being beaten regularly by larger inmates. And she had nightmares about guard sponsored rape parties like she had watched on television. Not that she was a virgin having been with a boy when she was but 13 years old but she didn't like the idea of being held down and raped by many men one after the other.
If this man was really telling the truth she knew she wouldn't get a second chance like this. Although she suspected some of the private pleasures he could take with her that he spoke of she wanted a confirmation of her suspicions. "You would rape me daily?" The guard translated into English for him.
"Yes. Both front and back. Probably only me however, I do not like sharing my twat with others." He said, the guard translating, even getting the slang translated properly if not somewhat a cruder reference in Japanese.
"How would you keep me from escaping?"
"You would be shackled most of the time. When you were not the only other means of escape would mean death. And I'm not above killing you if you threaten me, even once. You would only exist at my whim." He said.
"Will you whip me daily?"
"In the beginning yes. Later probably not. You will rarely be given any clothes to wear. In addition to being my sex toy you will serve me as a good servant. And sometimes I will whip you for no other reason than to hear you cry."
"Thank you for being honest. May I ask you a few more question?" Nikito prompted.
"Ask as many as you like today little Nikito." He said.
"Tomorrow, if I chose to be your slave then I would no longer be able to ask questions freely?"
Nikito thought a few moments realizing that this was her opportunity to find out as much as she could. She didn't relish the thought of being in prison for the next 70 years. "What would you do to me if I were to get a gun and shoot you but not kill you?"
"I would kill you. Probably slowly."
This was a chilling revelation. "What if I got mad and kicked you between the legs?"
"I would probably fill you up front and back with very hot chili pepper sauce, tied up and then whip you until you couldn't tell what was blood and what was hot pepper sauce. And I probably wouldn't feed you for a few days. I can say now though that I have no intentions of punching you or doing other permanent bodily injury to you. You may wish you were dead but you wouldn't die unless I wanted you to. I would never do anything so drastic as to cripple you or cause other permanent injury. However I will probably have you pierced and your pubic hair permanently removed so that you are always smooth for me. And should your breasts grow any more than they are I would have them surgically reduced. You will be maintained in good health with regular medical attention. And before you ask yes you would be given anesthesia for dental procedures. I think of myself as a stern master but not cruel." He said.
Medical care? Nikito was amazed, that sounded better than what she knew to be the norm for prison. He seemed to be speaking the truth so far. He admitted he would sexually abuse her front and back on a daily basis and didn't try to disguise it. He intended to have his pleasure with her. She tried to think of some of the worst sexual practices she could. "Would you make me have sex with animals?"
"Probably not."
"You said others would not be allowed to have me, but does that mean that I wouldn't be made to perform for some else's entertainment?"
"No, you are correct I may have you masturbate or otherwise display yourself from time to time for a guest. They would not be allowed to have sex with you."
"Do you have a wife or girlfriend?" she asked.
He paused for a moment and studied her face after the translation from the guard, "No. If you choose to be my sex slave you wouldn't have to worry about a wife or girlfriend. I would need no other since you would perform to the best of your abilities for me."
"You would put things into me?" she asked, thinking of dildos and plastic penises.
"Often." He answered after the translation from the guard.
Nikito and the man, Jim, talked for several hours through the translating guard. The next day she told the judge, when asked, that she willingly would trade her current sentence for a permanent slave status. The only way she could get out of being a slave was to be sold or killed - prison would never be an option again. And if her master died, for any reason even natural causes, she would be hanged at sunrise the day after the funeral. This last revelation concerned her for a few moments, she realized that Jim was nearly 30 years old and would probably die in 40 years. That meant that if he didn't sell her to someone else she too would die in 40 years. However, it still beat being locked up in a cell for the next 70 years.
Jim came and took Nikito, wearing handcuffs, away from the holding cell. It was early morning the day after she had agreed to be a slave. He brought her to a house that was surrounded by a high stone wall. He led her around by way of a dog leash attached to the dog collar that he put around her neck. He brought her to an older Japanese woman and handed her over. Here she was taught how to speak English, her every failure reinforced at the end of a cane. She learned quickly yet still had a very striped butt and legs. While here a lady worked slowly and methodically removing Nikito's pubic hair, hair beneath her arms and hair from her legs and ass area. Several square centimeters a day were cleared of her black hair. The area would be red for a few days and eventually clear up. The process was sometimes painful but Nikito adjusted to it and quit fighting after the third day. By the end of the first week her vagina was bare.
After nearly three months she had learned English, was silky smooth as a pre-teen and sported now healed piercing in both inner labia, both nipples and her septum. Then one day Jim returned. She stood at attention as he inspected her naked body.
"I like it very much." He commented to mistress Hashimata.
"Come along." Jim said giving the leash on Nikito's collar a tug.
"Yes master." She said.
Jim took Nikito to his home outside of Tokyo. It was an unpretentious house but was set on a vast wooded lot with high walls surrounding it. Two other women were there, both in shackles, and were introduced to Nikito as Mieko and Sarah. Mieko was obviously Japanese but Sarah was a light skinned, very skinny black girl. Both wore full metal shackles on wrists, ankles and about their neck. They had on sandals, short skirts and a short top.
"Nikito you are new here and will take some time to learn the rules. Sarah will be your instructor and will be punished for you the first week while you are learning. During the second week you will be punished for your own infractions by Sarah." Jim said and handed Nikito's leash to Sarah.
Nikito smiled at Sarah as the black girl looked at her with jealously. Nikito was now sure that these two other slaves must be the ones that Jim said she would have to perform for. When Nikito had been trying to think of what perversions Jim would want to practice with her she hadn't even thought of performing girl to girl sex.
Jim left the room and Mieko followed him. Nikito was left to Sarah's care. Sarah glared at the young girl for second and then, "Bend over you little slut." Nikito bent over and grabbed her ankles. Sarah lifted Nikito's skirt and whipped the new slave with the end of the leash until she cried out. "Now don't you dare make another noise." Sarah yanked hard on the leash forcing Nikito to follow her.
Nikito was led to a small room with a bed that looked like a doorless prison cell. Sarah made her strip naked. A chain was attached to her collar and locked into place and Sarah left. Nikito sat on the bed and cried well into the night until she fell asleep.
In the morning Mieko came in and brought Nikito to a shower and watched as the young girl washed herself. Nikito was locked to a table and given breakfast. Then she was allowed to brush her teeth. Mieko brushed her hair out and put small yellow ribbons in it. Looking in the mirror Nikito thought about how young she looked. Hairless all over and with small breasts she looked no more than 13 years old.
"Sarah doesn't like you. She feels that you are a threat to her somehow. I tried to explain to Sarah last night that our master loves all of us but she still doesn't want him to have you. I will try to help you as much as I can to learn the rules here. However our master sees that as Sarah's job. He is aware that she will intentionally fail to teach you things. He is very aware of her feelings towards you and will use your presence to have an excuse to punish Sarah. Eventually she will learn but in the mean time I'm afraid you are in for a rough time from her. I hope that you won't be difficult on your own as this will only make it worse than it already is. Since I was here first Sarah didn't have that to go through with me."
Nikito remained quiet realizing that things could get pretty bad pretty quick. Mieko suddenly stopped brushing Nikitos hair and brought Nikito by the leash to see their master. Nikito wondered how she knew that their master wanted her.
Upon arrival Mieko stood passively with her head bowed as Jim sat at a desk reading from a viewscreen. He stopped after about a minute and looked up and saw the two slave girls waiting. Clearing the screen he got up and kissed Mieko on the forehead. She was nearly a 50cm shorter than him. Nikito watched with interest as he gave her a rub on the buttocks and then turned to Nikito.
"Good morning my sweet little girl. Did you get a good nights sleep or did Sarah keep you up all night?" Jim asked.
"I slept very well my master." Nikito answered.
"And what did you learn?"
Nikito was suddenly at a loss. She felt like when she was in school and the teacher asked for a recitation of something she hadn't studied. However she felt panicky inside as she had no idea what it was that she was supposed to learn. Nikito bit her lower lip and looked to Mieko for help. Mieko shook her head no very imperceptibly. Nikito looked back to Jim. He was clearly expecting an answer from her. Knowing what Mieko had just told her about Sarah she suspected that Sarah was supposed to have taught her last night and didn't. A guess and she would be caught lying and certainly be punished and probably Sarah as well. Telling him that she hadn't learned anything would probably mean that Sarah got punished and would take it out on Nikito next week. She was caught between the proverbial rock and the hard place, neither answer would her master be happy with. Now it was just a question if she should answer at all.
"Nothing my master." She finally feebly answered.
"Not true my little one. You have learned rather quickly that lying is unacceptable and telling the truth is better. You have also learned that sometimes you have to make a difficult choice." He patted her on the head like a puppy and turned to Mieko, "Fill a white bag, hot and make sure it is soapy. Bring the mentholated linament." Mieko gave a quick nod and scurried off. Jim pressed a button on his wrist band and then took a seat in a large chair. Nikito stood and waited. Sarah appeared and looked at Nikito and then bowed her head and waited. It was as if she knew she was about to be punished. Nikito didn't know what Mieko had been sent to fetch but was sure it wasn't going to be any fun for Sarah.
"Sarah, are you aware of what disobedience you have done?"
"Yes master, I have failed to teach Nikito as you instructed and must be punished."
Mieko returned with a large white rubber bag with a hose dangling from it. From the steam coming from the open top Nikito could see that he held hot liquid. On the end of the hose was a large plastic nozzle of some sort that looked like a penis. Nikito guessed it must be nearly 3 cm in diameter and at least 20cm long. Jim took the small jar from Mieko and opened the screw top. He then dipped his finger into it. Sarah was watching and obviously knew something about it that Nikito didn't; she saw fear flash though the black slave's eyes. Jim dipped his finger into it and then brought out a small dab of the substance. He walked over to Nikito, "Spread your pussy lips."
She grabbed the two rings and pulled herself open for him. He then put the tiniest of dabs of the translucent paste on her pleasure button. It began to burn almost instantly. "Just a sample my sweet."
He then turned to Sarah who obediently turned around and grabbed her ankles. Jim then smeared her asshole liberally with the substance. Sarah began to wiggle but like a good slave didn't clench her buttocks closed. Mieko walked up and handed the nozzle to master. He opened the clip and let air out of the line and some of the liquid, milky white, hit the floor. Then he brought the nozzle up to Sarah's flexing asshole and pushed it gently in. Sarah let out a gasp as her asshole first stretched to accommodate the large nozzle and then contracted back to close it securely in. The diameter behind the head of the nozzle was only about half of what the head diameter was. Jim unclipped the hose and Sarah flinched as the hot liquid began to flow inside of her. Nikito watched with fascination, having never seen such a device being used on someone. Seeing Nikito's interest Jim commented, "This is called an enema. Depending on how hot, how much and what is in the water it can be either pleasurable or painful. Since Sarah has seen fit to disobey me and not teach you she is getting 4 liters of hot water with soap in it. The soap burns inside and produces very strong cramping, much more so than your monthly cramping. The nozzle is large and stretches her asshole open wide so that the mentholated salve will burn even more. Does it hurt Sarah?"
"Yes master, it hurts badly." The wiggling slave answered.
Nearly ten minutes later the bag had emptied and Jim shut off the clamp. Mieko patiently held the bag up the entire time allowing the burning soapy water to enter Sarah. Sarah's belly had a bloat to it and she could hardly stay bent over. "Lie down", Jim commanded.
Sarah obediently lay down on the hard matted floor. Mieko looked expectantly at Jim who nodded assent. Mieko sat down on Sarah's full stomach. The black slave let out a groan as she tensed her stomach muscles to support the other girls weight. The large nozzle still embedded in Sarah's ass kept her stretched open so the mentholated fire continued unabated. Lucky for Sarah that Mieko only weighed some 45 kilograms. Jim sat down at his desk and returned to the viewscreen reading he was doing earlier. Nikito watched as Sarah writhed in pain from the fullness of the burning soap enema and the weight of Mieko on her. Nearly half an hour later Jim told Mieko to go clean Sarah up and never stopped reading the book. He looked up from his book momentarily to see Nikito standing there and said, "Go watch."
"Yes master" she bowed and departed.
Nikito caught up to the other two slaves at the end of the hallway. Sarah was taking tender small steps trying to not have an accident while Mieko followed carrying the bag. They worked as a team as they entered the large bathroom and Sarah hunched over the toilet as Mieko removed the nozzle. A small dribble of water escaped as Sarah quickly sat down and then the flood began. Mieko went to the basin and washed the nozzle and then the bag. She opened a closet door and hung the set up beside the many, many other bags. Nikito stepped forwards to look into the closet. Mieko glanced at her and intentionally left the door open so the new slave could see the array of enema bags stored there. After a few moments she commented, "Master has used them all on me many times."
"Don't you try to avoid that?" Nikito asked.
"Not always." Mieko said with a smile. She then stood and patiently waited for Sarah to empty her bowels into the toilet.
Finally finished Sarah nodded, spraying herself with the bidet handpiece. She then stepped into the shower and washed quickly. Stepping out Mieko was waiting and dried the black girl off. Sarah then went to the counter and leaned forward, bent over and placed her hands on the edge of the counter. Mieko took a small container from the drawer and lubricated Sarah's asshole with the clear jelly. "Time to see the rest." Mieko told Nikito as she followed Sarah back to Jim's office.
Upon arriving at the office the three girls waited until Jim finished reading. He then stood up and Mieko took his robe off and folded it neatly and placed it in a chair. Sarah kneeled down and began to lick and suck her masters penis until it engorged with blood and was very rigid. When she felt he was as stiff as he was going to get she stood up and bent over at the waist and grabbed her ankles. Jim then entered her anally as she let out a low moan. Nikito now saw why Mieko had lubricated Sarah. True to what Jim had told her he would take his slaves in the back. He pumped slowly at first and then began to speed up. Sarah began moaning. Nikito was sure the black girl must be in pain. Finally her master let out a guttural moan and stopped, embedded deeply in Sarah's ass. Mieko then handed her master a round, long cone shaped device. He pulled out of Sarah's ass and pushed the cone into the slave girls asshole. As it hit home she let out a little yelp. From wha t Nikito had observed it was larger in diameter at the thick part than Jim's erect penis and surely must have hurt going in. It tapered down to a neck diameter of only about 2 cm and then flared out to a wide base.
Sarah stood and faced her master who now spoke to her as Mieko proceeded to clean up his penis. "Sarah, you are to teach Nikito the rules that she needs to know. You are not to act jealously in any way. If you fail today, tomorrow you will get the same plus a whipping. Do you understand me?"
"Yes master."
"Will you do as I ask?"
"No master." Sarah said.
"Why not?"
"Because she doesn't belong here master. I have done everything you told me to do and I have given you my love. I do not think it is fair that you should bring her here."
"I see. Well I think I have enough love for all three of you girls and your behavior isn't proper for a well trained slave. You'll just have to stand here and think about it until after lunch when we will discuss it again." Jim said. He then turned to Mieko who had by now finished. "Mieko we are having guests for lunch. Dress Nikito appropriately along with yourself and then prepare lunch. I left a menu on the kitchen counter for you. There will be 3 guests."
"Yes master." Mieko bowed and departed, motioning for Nikito to follow. Nikito watched as Mieko expertly prepared a sushi lunch for everyone, including herself and Nikito. The three guests were business acquaintances of Jim and Mieko served them all well. Nikito learned quickly and assisted. Both slaves were dressed in a modified Geisha outfit, the modifications being made to allow quick entry and exit. They did not put on the wigs or powder their faces but otherwise looked like modern day Geishas - except for the heavy stainless steel manacles they wore which were visible above their sandals and at their wrists. Nikito was introduced to the two men and one woman as they had noticed her and had apparently been a guest of Jim before.
That night Jim spent with Mieko again as Nikito slept in her room, chained to the wall.
True to her word, Sarah had not attempted to teach Nikito anything. Instead she was waiting for her master in his den in the morning with the white bag, a dish of shaved soap, a jar of salve and a whip. When he entered his den in the morning with Mieko she quietly went and filled the bag. She brought it to him and he checked the temperature and soapiness of it. Mieko greased her up with the burning salve as Nikito watched and then waited as Jim finished with a paper he was reading. He inserted the tip into the black slave girl as Mieko held the bag high. Even holding it over her head it was only at some 2 meters off of the floor. Jim had Sarah lay stomach down on the hard floor which increased the flow of water into her rectum. As the flow finished Mieko snapped the clasp shut and held the bag at waist high waiting on Jim.
"Stand up Sarah." Jim commanded and picked up the whip. "Now Sarah you know I love you very much and it disappoints me that you don't want to allow Nikito to become a good slave. Bend over."
Sarah bent over, with the nozzle still protruding from her burning asshole and grabbed her ankles. Mieko brought the hose up Sarahs ass crack and over her back, out of the way for the whipping. Her master laid thirty whacks of the whip on Sarahs quivering ass. She had begun to scream out after the second lash fell. Jim stopped after thirty and inspected Sarah. Her ass was an array of whelts raised by the whip. Some were bleeding.
"Now Sarah will you do as I ask?"
"No master." She said. Jim applied thirty more lashes to her ass and the backs of her thighs. He stopped and allowed her to quit screaming. He handed the whip to Mieko, "Give her 20 every hour."
"Yes master." Mieko said.
Jim took Nikito's leash and led her to the bedroom. Here he took her and made passionate love to her. Nikito, not being a virgin, had only had a few men in her but Jim was by far the largest. She was completely filled by him. Amazingly to her mind he didn't even break a sweat making love to her. Afterwards as they were laying there she could hear Sarah screaming. Nikito thought about Jim taking her anally and became scared. Aware that it would hurt she was afraid of what he might do to her if she resisted - yet somehow she knew that she couldn't help herself, she knew when the time came she would be afraid. Sensing something troubling her Jim asked her what it was.
"Master, when you make love to me in the back it is going to hurt."
"And you are afraid of it. We'll take care of that so that it doesn't." Jim said and got up. "Come here." She followed him into the bathroom. He prepared an enema for her in a smaller red bag. He just put a little soap in it but still fear went through her mind. "It won't hurt that much, it is only 2 liters and just barely warm." He sat on the toilet and pulled her over to him by the leash. She was bent over his lap and he lubricated her anus. It didn't burn like the salve the day before had. He inserted the tip and although she had not had that many things inserted into her ass before this one felt pleasant. Just large enough to know it was there but not large like a dildo which could hurt. She heard the click of the stop clip and then felt a warmth spreading through her belly. Soon she heard the sucking sound as the bag emptied. He stomach was full and bloated but it didn't hurt that much. Jim pulled her up off of his lap and removed the nozzle. She rubb ed her belly with her hands. "How does it feel?" he asked.
"Full and warm."
"Does it hurt?"
"No master. I thought it would but it doesn't." Nikito said.
"Good, now hold it for a few minutes and let it soften up inside. You'll feel an urge to go poop poo in a minute but hold it in. Then when the second one comes you can let it out." He said and attached her leash to a ring in the wall by the toilet.
"Yes master." She said reveling at the full feeling. True enough she soon had the urge to let it out but did as her master said and held it in. In a few minutes the urge passed and she relaxed. Jim had washed the enema set and hung it on a hook and left her alone. The second wave of cramps began and she sat on the toilet. She wondered what he would do to her if she held it. Thinking that she should follow instructions exactly she relaxed and the water flowed forth from her. She sat on the toilet for quiet a while when Jim returned.
"Are you empty now?" he asked.
"Yes master."
"Good, now squat down over the bidet and clean yourself." He handed her a towel when she had finished.
He had prepared another of the cones for her and had lubricated it with something that glistened. "This is a butt plug" he explained. "We'll start you with this small one and then gradually get bigger and bigger. By the end of next week you will have no trouble taking me anally. Now bend over." She stood bent over and grabbed her ankles and felt the tip of the plug pressing against her anus. She involuntarily clenched her ass.
"I'm only going to tell you this once so listen carefully. When you are to receive something in your ass you will relax and allow it to be inserted. Do you understand me?"
"Yes master." She said and attempted to relax. It took all of her self control to not clench her ass tight against what she knew was coming. She felt the tip begin to stretch her open and tried to relax. He pushed it in slowly and she felt the plug opening her wider and wider. Soon she thought she could take no more and was about ready to scream when it suddenly slipped inside and slammed against the flange. She couldn't close her asshole completely because of the neck diameter of the plug but at least it didn't hurt as much as the wide part passing had hurt.
"There now, you see it isn't that bad. Now you will wear it all the time and day after tomorrow we'll switch to a larger one. Someone will take it out and give you an enema in the morning. If you decide to be a bad girl and take it out on your own I'll put a dilator instead of a butt plug into you and you won't like it I can promise that. Now stand up."
"Yes master. I'll be a good girl master." Nikito said as she stood up and heard Sarah screaming again. As she stood the plug settled into a more natural position and her butt cheeks clenched tight around it.
Jim unsnapped the lock on her leash and led her into the den where Mieko had just stopped whipping Sarah. Sarah was still sobbing.
"Sarah, will you teach Nikito the rules?" Jim asked.
"Yes master. Please master allow me to teach her." Sarah begged.
"Good." Jim said and pressed a button on his wrist box for Mieko. "You can start by showing Nikito how to properly suck me."
Sarah knelled down in front of Jim and undid the sash on his robe. She then took his penis into her mouth and began to suck it eagerly. Mieko arrived and stood watching. "Sarah has decided to teach Nikito." Jim's penis was beginning to harden. He then tilted Sarah's head back slightly and looked her in the eye, "Would you like to enema me?" Her eyes met his and they had an understanding. "Mieko, go prepare a blue bag full please."
Mieko scurried off dragging Nikito with her. Once in the master bathroom she took out a blue enema bag with a long hose. To this she attached a strange device made out of latex with what looked like two balloons and two inflation bulbs. She adjusted the temperature of the water and then put in a little of a white powder. "This is baking soda, our master likes it very much. Here check the temperature with this." She said and handed the new slave a thermometer. Make it 41 degrees."
Nikito adjusted the temperature of the water flowing from the faucet until it was 41 and watched as Mieko put some of the powder into the bag. Water was added and then the air was let out of the assembly. Next Mieko grabbed a tube of lubricant and took the whole thing into the bedroom.
Jim was lying on the bed in a 69 position eating Sarah's pussy. Mieko handed the bag to Nikito to hold. Nikito watched as Mieko touched her master on the ass. He obligingly lifted his legs up around Sarah's head, and since she was on top he exposed his own anus to allow Mieko access. Mieko lubricated him liberally and then removed one of the inflation bulbs. She sucked the air out of the tube and the balloon on the end deflated even more, sucking up against the main tube. She then pinched it off with her fingers and reattached the bulb and then pushed the end of the assembly against Jim's asshole. Mieko twisted it slightly and pushed more. The balloon folded over itself and draped back down the main tube as the sphincter of Jim's asshole restricted its passage. Nikito was fascinated to watch it going in. Eventually Jim's asshole relented and Mieko pushed it in past the first balloon.
"You only want about 7-8 pumps on each one on this size retention hose." Mieko explained to Nikito as she began pumping first one bulb then the other. Nikito saw the outer balloon expand into a round ball and could only imagine the inside one doing the same. She saw that Jim's penis was very large and very rigid now and Sarah nearly choked on it as he brought her head down on it with his knees. Mieko released the clamp on the tubing and the flow started into Jim. Nikito held the bag up as high as she could. Mieko then had her stand up on the bed and lean against the wall to hold it even higher.
About half way through the bag Jim hit the sweet spot with Sarah as she began to reach orgasm. She continued with multiple orgasms with Jim licking, sucking and slurping on her bare pussy. Nikito watched as the bag continued to drain into her master. Nearing the end of the bag Mieko shut off the clamp just before it emptied. Sarah had been having a continuous orgasm for nearly 3 minutes now and was exhausted, still sucking Jim's blood engorged penis. Then she slowed down and took him into her throat as far as she could. He suddenly stiffened and brought her head down so far that she began to gag on him. He then slammed his legs down hard on the bed and became totally rigid, arching his back as he reached a thundering orgasm. Sarah clamped down on his penis and wrapped her arms around his ass as tightly as she could. Jim reared back his head and screamed. Sarah continued to suck on him but backed off some so that she could breathe and not gag. She coughed a little trying to swallow all of the hot sticky semen that was pouring into her throat. Jim craned his neck and gave her pussy another lick and sent her into one final orgasm. She kept her mouth on his penis but stopped sucking and moving. They lay in a heap for a few minutes and relaxed.
Then Sarah finished sucking the last of the semen off of him that had dribbled out of her mouth and he rolled her off of him onto the bed. "Thank you master." She said with sincerity that Nikito found startling considering the whippings the black girl had received this morning.
"You're welcome my sweet." He said and got up, the hose and bulbs dangling from his ass.
Jim went towards the bathroom with Mieko and Nikito following holding the enema bag and hose. Upon reaching the toilet Mieko released one of the valves and deflated the inner bulb. She then slowly pulled the balloon from her master's ass and he sat on the toilet. "Will master want a rinse?" She asked politely.
"No, I think I'm ok."
After lunch Sarah took Nikito and showed her many, many things. She showed the new slave about what to do to not get punished, how to give enemas and how their master liked certain things. He was very particular about his home and wanted it spotless. He was also particular about his slave's appearances and Sarah showed Nikito how to make sure she looked her best with as little makeup as possible. Around 5pm Sarah took Nikito into the bathroom and had Nikito give her an enema. She then emptied herself and gave Nikito a plug to put into Sarah's asshole. Afterwards Sarah explained that she and Mieko would wear plugs from time to time to remain open for their master. He had her anally the day before and she noticed herself a bit tight she explained to Nikito that she felt she needed to open up a bit more. The plug she selected had a neck diameter of only about 0.5 cm less than the widest part. Sarah explained that she needed that to remain open and get used to being str etched.
Nikito spent the night, alone with her master, making love all night. In the morning she awoke, chained to the bed and her master was not there. Sarah came in around 8 and brought Nikito to the bathroom gave her an enema and then re-plugged the young slave girl. The three girls ate lunch alone as master was away on business. When he returned late that evening Mieko gave him a massage and then he took Sarah to bed with him. The next morning Nikito's plug was upgraded to a size larger. She felt the difference but it wasn't too bad and she just yelped once as Mieko was putting it in. Immediately Mieko grabbed Nikito's leash and led her in to see master.
"Mieko, prepare some steamed dumplings for lunch please. Teach Nikito too." Jim requested.
"Yes master." Mieko replied and bowed.
Mieko then brought the still naked Nikito into the kitchen and began preparation of lunch. She had Nikito chained to the kitchen island rolling dumplings and was cutting the greens for the sauce stock. Sarah sauntered in and grabbed some milk from the refrigerator. She drank a glass full and then unsnapped Nikito's leash.
"Sarah, where are you taking Nikito?"
"Master hasn't had me in two days." Sarah said.
Mieko frowned at Sarah and said, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Master wanted me to teach her how to make dumplings."
"Don't worry about it, she is making them fine. Besides it looks like you have plenty anyway." Sarah said and led Nikito off to the den. Once there Sarah sat back in the sofa and pushed Nikito's face into her smooth black twat. Nikito obligingly brought her to a good orgasm. Sarah reached over and punched on the television. She clipped Nikito to the sofa and watched almost half an hour of TV before she heard some slapping noise coming from the kitchen. Knowing that Mieko used the flat part of the meat cleaver to crack garlic she didn't think much of it since she only heard about half a dozen slaps. The kitchen was some 3 rooms away and the noise was indistinct anyway.
Fifteen minutes later Jim came into the room and turned off the television. Mieko was behind him by a few steps. Sarah looked up in surprise not expecting punishment for anything. She then looked over to Nikito and wondered what she had done. Jim did not look too happy. Mieko came around and unclipped Nikito and led her away. Normally Mieko wore a short skirt and crop top, now she didn't have the skirt on. As she turned to lead Nikito away Sarah saw Mieko's butt, it was redder than normal. Sarah's eyes went from Mieko's ass to Jim's face.
"Sarah, I gave Mieko an order to teach Nikito how to cook dumplings. You took Nikito away from her lessons, ignored Mieko's conveyance of my order and then used Nikito for your own personal pleasure." Jim said.
Sarah suddenly realized she had been caught and it wasn't good. She rose from the sofa and by the look on Jim's face she was about to be punished. Not play but real this time. She really had done what he said and unfortunately for her hindsight was better than foresight. "Yes master." She said and began to walk to the punishment room.
Arriving in the cork lined room, which the door was already open to, she saw Mieko attaching Nikito spread eagle, face out to wall rings. Surely he wasn't going to punish Nikito too, it was Sarah who had misbehaved. Sarah took off her skirt, top and sandals and stood naked in the middle of the room. Mieko began running water in the sink to warm it up. Sarah expected an enema and a spanking and probably a bit more too. Thinking about it what she had done wasn't what she should have been doing. Now her moment of selfishness was going to cost her.
Jim walked into the room and saw Nikito ready as instructed. "Sarah, across the ball."
The ball was actually a large wicker half sphere. It resembled a large papa-san chair upside down but much larger. It was some 2 meters in diameter and was almost perfectly spherical. It had foot holes at various points and when someone was lying across it properly positioned provided easy access to genitals and anal area in addition to being a good spanking buck. Sarah had been on it a few times and didn't have pleasant memories of it. She crawled up on it placing her feet in the inner most set of holes which were some meter apart and lay herself across the top of it. Mieko repositioned Sarah's feet to the next wider set of holes spreading the black slave's legs apart at nearly a ninety degree angle to one another. Then using leather straps began to attach the slave to the wicker ball. After fastening Sarah's ankle shackles and a strap across each thigh and back of the calf Mieko walked around and attached a strap to each of Sarah's wrist shackles. Next a strap was threaded through the two side eyes of Sarah's collar and looped across the back of her neck. The two ends were brought through two inch thick ribs in the ball and tied off very loosely by Mieko. Sarah was a bit confused as to why she hadn't been tied tightly.
Jim re-entered the room and Mieko stood at attention, wearing only a short top and nothing else. "Sarah, your friend Mieko here tried to hide your misdeed from me. Watch."
Jim held up a leather strop that was 5 cm in width, some half cm thick and almost a meter long. Mieko turned around and bent over, grabbing her ankles. Jim gave poor Mieko's ass ten powerful whacks on each cheek turning them a bright crimson at the end. Mieko was crying uncontrollably but still managed to maintain her hold on her thighs. "Stay there my bad little Mieko." Jim then filled a red enema bag with hot soapy water and brought it over and hung it on a hook on the wall near to the eldest slave girl. He then greased her with something and inserted a medium size penis nozzle and started the flow. Being only 2 liters the enema went in very quickly. Mieko had managed to get her tears to sobs as the bag emptied. Jim shut off the flow and left it in her.
Taking a small bowl of something he walked over to Nikito. "As promised the first week Sarah would receive all of your punishment. However you need a taste of what I will give her. Stick out your tongue." Nikito slowly opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. Jim placed a very slight amount of the green substance on Nikito's tongue. Now close your mouth. Nikito did so and then suddenly inhaled very sharply and rolled he eyes back in her head. "Do you know what that is?"
"Yes master."
"Good. Now you will observe. I told Mieko to teach you to make dumplings. I came into the kitchen and found her by herself. She told me that you needed to go to the bathroom and Sarah had taken you when I asked her why she wasn't teaching you. I had seen you as I passed by in the hallway sitting on the floor watching TV with Sarah. I had just come from one bathroom and the toilet was still and dry and hadn't been flushed in a few hours. The other bathroom was nearby and I went to retrieve my pills before lunch. The toilet there was still and dry and hadn't been used recently. Curious I went up to the upstairs bathroom and it too had not been used. Upon returning to the kitchen Mieko, the poor sweet girl, realized she had been caught lying to protect you and Sarah. After a quick reminder she told me what had happened. I try to give the three of you girls a certain degree of trust and some freedoms. Your sister slaves here are under the same deal as you. After m any years with me I trust Mieko very much and it disappoints me badly that she would lie to me. I can only hope that it is her compassion for you that prompted her to do such a thing. Mieko, stand up, what do you have to say for yourself?"
"Master I am very sorry I lied to you and would ask you to punish me for doing so. Master I don't want to disappoint you. I wasn't thinking and was trying to keep Nikito from getting into trouble. I am so ashamed of disappointing you." Mieko said.
"And what would you like?"
"More water please master." Mieko said and bowed her head. Jim was somewhat surprised. Normally Mieko would request more spanking. True she only had a 2 liter enema in her now but he was so shocked by her request that he decided to see if she really wanted it. "Mieko, I think I have something better. Since you are truly sorry but feel you could use a bit more I'll give you something more but a bit better." Jim then went to a cupboard and took down a fifth of sake and poured it into the red enema bag still attached to Mieko. He squeezed the tube a few times to remove the air bubbles and then topped off the bag with more water. Opening the clamp the sake and water mixture emptied into Mieko's bowels. She could feel the burning sensation immediately and stiffened and rose to her toes with her hands stiffly at her side.
"Nikito, in a few minutes Mieko will begin to get lightheaded as the alcohol in the sake takes effect. It burns because it is alcohol and also somewhat acidic. With almost 3 liters of water to compensate she won't become alcohol poisoned but instead will get drunk. As you can see Mieko is very well trained as I hope you too will be one day. She will stand there and accept her punishment like the proper lady she is. As for you young lady you knew you were to learn and didn't object when Sarah tried to pull you away from your chore. As you have seen Sarah seems determined to disobey me and I can only suspect that she is really enjoying this opportunity to be punished. So watch carefully." Jim said and saw that the bag was half empty into Mieko. He then pulled the straps tight on Sarah's head.
"Sarah, you disobeyed an order I gave Mieko. You disobeyed an order I gave you to teach Nikito. You used Nikito for your personal pleasure. You've been trying to avoid teaching her things. I can guess that you want to see me punish her. I will next week. This week is your turn."
Jim then spread the black slaves ass cheeks and began smearing the green paste on, around and in her asshole. She began to clench her ass cheeks together violently and ended up screaming out, "Master! Shit! That burns!! Damned! Fuck you bastard!!" Expecting this Jim tied a ball gag around her neck as she was screaming and then brought the ball up to her mouth. Sarah fought it violently but was no match for the pain of Jim twisting very hard on her left nipple. She opened her mouth to scream and the ball of the gag sank home. Jim tightened the roller buckle on the back of the gag strap and the screaming was brought to a mumbling.
Jim turned to Nikito and said, "Wasabi is very effective when used to lubricate a disrespectful slave."
Nikito watched as her master clamped off the now empty bag attached to Mieko. Mieko was starting to look dazed. "How do you feel?"
"I am getting drunk my master." She said with a smile.
Jim then turned his attention back to Sarah who was alternating between clenching her ass cheeks together and whimpering. Jim took a white bag from the closet and went to the kitchen. Nikito could hear the ice dispenser operating. When he returned the bag was bulging. He then added some salt and topped the bag off with water. He attached a long medium size penis nozzle to the hose. It had a large attachment diameter and he had to stretch the large bags hose to get it over the end. The nozzle was at least as large as Jim's penis from what Nikito could observe. Next he let the air out of the hose. He greased it down liberally with more wasabi. After hanging the bag on the hook next to the wicker ball where Sarah was strapped down he took the nozzle and pried her cheeks apart. When the nozzle entered she tensed ever muscle in her body. The nozzle entered her anyway. Firmly but slowly he pushed it into her. After it was securely inside he took some duct tape and tap ed it into place. Releasing the clamp he said, "We'll see if this cools her down a bit."
Returning to Mieko he removed the nozzle carefully from her and replaced it with a butt plug. Then leading her to a bench he made her lay down on her back. He led Nikito over to Mieko. "Lets see you eat her. She'll enjoy it a lot since she is already drunk." Nikito slowly parted Mieko's legs and began to lick the other slave.
Jim watched this for a few minutes and then left the room. When he came back he was wearing a cock ring over his balls. He then took Nikito from behind while she ate Mieko. After he had relieved himself he got up and wiped off Nikito while she continued to give Mieko one orgasm after another. "Ok Nikito, that should be enough for a while. To the toilet with you Mieko, time to get sober." Mieko obediently got up and staggered to the bathroom. Jim removed the butt plug and she sat down and relieved herself. While Mieko was letting the alcohol out he returned and snapped the clamp shut on Sarah's now empty bag. While Jim busied himself with cleaning up some of the equipment Mieko finished and returned. Hearing this Jim filled a fresh two-liter bag with salt water and gave it to Mieko who then administered it to herself while Nikito and Jim watched. All the while Sarah was alternating between grunting and whimpering.
Mieko received another flush with plain water and then Jim told her to go to bed. After unstrapping Sarah from the wicker ball she was led to the toilet to release the vast quantity of water she held in her gut. Nikito stayed in the main room and could hear Jim talking quietly to Sarah in the bathroom but could not make out what was being said. When they returned Sarah led Nikito to the bedroom and they showered together and then went to bed where Sarah pleasured Nikito most of the night. Jim spent the night with the still drunk Mieko.
In the morning Nikito and Sarah went to the family room where Meiko was sitting gingerly on a pillow, her asshole stretched by Jim's manhood very thoroughly the night before.
"Mieko, are you ok?" Nikito asked.
"Yes I am. Master made love to me three times last night - all anally." She smiled.
"I'll be you hurt." Sarah said.
"Yes I do but it was so wonderful."
"Sarah, are you still mad at me?" Nikito asked.
"No, I was never mad at you. But it sure made a good excuse to get master to pay attention to me!"
Nikito was very confused.
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