Published: 29-Jan-2012
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"Heidi, come here right now!" Mrs. Snowden screamed.
"Coming mother." Heidi answered from the other room. She knew she was in trouble for something yet again.
Walking into the living room she saw her two younger brothers covered head to toe in finger paint. The walls and carpet were also covered.
"I stay gone for no more than an hour buying groceries for you children and I come home to this mess."
Heidi went to the kitchen and got a wash rag and began to clean the mess off of the boys and took the paints to the kitchen. Her mother walked out of the room. Heidi, 15, had been left in charger of her two younger brothers ages 6 and 7. They were respectfully silent while she cleaned them up. They knew full well that their sister was in trouble. After cleaning her brothers up and the mess on the carpet she tried to clean up the walls. Too late for Heidi, the paint had already dried. She scrubbed harder and harder and eventually tore through the wallpaper. Just as she did her mother, of course, walked into the room. Heidi looked up in fear.
"To your room young lady." Mrs. Snowden said.
"Yes mam."
Mrs. Snowden then took the two boys to their bedroom and put them down for a nap. Heidi went to her room, aware she was going to be punished. Her punishments since she had turned 13 seemed to have got a lot worse. She was aware that her now 20 year old sister with three children who died of a drug overdose was probably partly to blame for how strict their mother was now on Heidi and her two brothers. Their father worked two jobs to be able to have enough money for the family and to allow Mrs. Snowden to stay home and home school the children. It certainly wouldn't do for the children to attend a public school with the uncleansed heathens not of the same peculiar religion.
Heidi sat on her bed and waited.
"Take off your panties." Her mother said going to the bathroom.
Heidi stood and removed her cotton print panties and laid them on the bed. With her mom in the bathroom it could only mean one thing - she was about to receive an enema before her spanking. Depending on how bad her mother thought she was she would sometimes receive an enema as punishment or a spanking for a lesser offense. The spanking was much quicker and Mrs. Snowden reserved the enemas for more severe punishments. If Heidi were really bad, and in this case Heidi realized that her lapse in attention to her brothers was deserving of it, then her mom would give her an enema and a spanking.
Heidi sat on the bed trembling as she listened to her mom running the water in the tub to get it hot. That meant the full red bag. If her mom ran water in the sink the water faucet wasn't high enough to completely fill the red bag. In the tub there wasn't this problem and it could be filled completely. It was summertime and the water out of the faucet on the cold side was plenty warm already. If her mom were letting it run she was about to get a hot enema. Soon enough the bag was full and she could hear the snap of the hose clamp as her mom bled the air from the hose. Mrs. Snowden walked into Heidi's bedroom carrying the bag - and the dreaded large nozzle. It was nearly six inches long and had side holes. Not what her brothers got for sure. A tear rolled down Heidi's cheek.
"Get into position Heidi" her mother ordered, hanging the bag high up on the four posted bed.
Heidi stood up and then bent over and grabbed her ankles. Mrs. Snowden lifted Heidi's cotton dress and parted her daughter's cheeks. With the other hand she wormed her finger into her daughters soft tender anus and spread the lube around. Then the plastic nozzle quickly slid in and Heidi visibly stiffened. The click and the torrents of hot water began to run into the young girls insides. Heidi began taking deep breaths immediately - it was very warm water. Mrs. Snowden didn't say a word and waited the four minutes until the bag drained into the errant daughter. With the hose clamped off the nozzle was removed.
Heidi screamed out as the first splat of the plastic paddle hit her young cheeks. Her mother laid a good 25 whacks on poor Heidi's ass while the girl remained bent over with her stomach full of two quarts of warm water.
"You know you are supposed to watch your brothers carefully. When the bell chimes two you can let that out." Mrs. Snowden said.
Heidi fought back the tears and struggled to hold in the hot water. Her mother would require a waiting period each time as part of the punishment. It was now just past 1:30 in the afternoon and she would be holding it for nearly thirty minutes. Not so bad really she thought. She had held it a lot longer before.
A month later ...
Heidi was caught naked with her brothers. They were spanked hard. Heidi got a full two quart enema with a little soap in it and then her mother surprised her by inserting a device into the young girls ass. The thing reminded Heidi of one of the nozzles she had seen at the grocery store for stopping up the old style glass bottles. Heidi's father had made it at the machine shop where he worked. Heidi's mom greased it up and inserted it into Heidi's quivering asshole and then tightened up the bolt. Heidi could feel it expanding inside and began to cry. "Stop it, it isn't that big. Now put on your panties and go outside. We'll take it out before supper."
"Yes mamma." Heidi answered and straightened up slowly, the water and soap sloshing inside and her ass hole throbbing around the large rubber intruder and her cheeks still stinging from the spanking. Heidi sobbed all the way outside. In the backyard her two brothers were playing in the sandbox. Heidi didn't want to sit in the swing so instead walked around the side of the house. Across the street she saw her neighbor, Keith. Keith is much older than Heidi. She started going over to talk to him several years ago and she would go watch him work in his garage. He had a woodshop and was frequently outside sawing away making furniture or something for his house or a gift. He hadn't been out much in the last year, ever since his wife and 3 kids had left. Heidi had asked him about it once and he told her that when she got a little older he would explain it to her but for now just know that his wife had left him and he felt abandoned.
Heidi walked gingerly across the street, knowing that she would have to have the sloshing soap enema inside of her for the better part of an hour until suppertime. She stopped just outside of the garage and nearly doubled over with a cramp.
"Hi", Keith said, he apparently hadn't seen her cramp.
"Hi." She walked into the garage. He was setting up something on the workbench that looked like a large comb - only the teeth were a good half an inch wide.
Keith hears the young girls stomach gurgle and she clutches it. "Are you feeling ok?" he asks.
"I've got cramps."
"Oh. Did your mom talk to you about growing up yet?" Keith asked as he changed a bit on a router.
"Yeah, she told me about having my first period. This isn't that."
"Are you sure?" Keith asked and looked at her. She could just die every time she saw his pretty green eyes.
"Yes, I'm sure."
"I've got some pink medicine in the kitchen if you want some." He said.
"That won't help."
"You seem awfully sure about it. Do you know why your stomach is upset?" Keith asked and then picked up a board and measured it.
"I'm sure alright. My mom just gave me an enema."
"Oh. Well that would certainly explain it." He said.
"I was being bad and she gave me one for punishment."
"Oh. Does she do that often?" Keith asked, his dick stiffening. A fact that didn't go unnoticed by the young Heidi.
"Often enough. Usually I just get a spanking but if I'm real bad she gives me an enema too."
"Bummer. Enemas can be bad if you aren't in the mood for it or if you have to hold it for a while."
"Really? You know about enemas?"
"Sure. Did you get soap too?"
"Yes." She said dejectedly.
"How long did she make you hold it?" Keith asked.
"I'm still holding it."
Keith let out a whistle. "So what are you doing over here? Not that I mind you being here but I would think you would want to be a near to the toilet as possible about right now."
"I do, believe me I do. However I have to hold it for at least an hour and she doesn't want me in the house whining and crying. And if I walk around it isn't as bad as staying in one place. Besides, she put something in me to keep it from coming out and she locked it."
Keith's boner was complete. "Wish I could see it." He joked. She thought about it a second and then stepped to the side, behind the garage door that was shut and out of view of her house. She then lowered her panties to her knees, raised up her dress and then bent over and stuck her ass out at Keith.
Keith wanted to drop her right on the spot! Her young pussy had a wild and scraggly bush hair on it and right between her cheeks sat a round black thing with a bolt in the middle. Screwing up his voice and trying to sound calm he bent over and got a really good look, "Does it hurt?"
"Yes. It is better now but when she first put it in I thought I was going to die! What does it look like?" she asked.
"You mean you've never looked?"
"No, this is the first time she put this in me. Usually she gives me the enema and makes me stand in the corner or kneel over the coffee table or something."
Keith reached into his toolbox and brought out a mechanic's inspection mirror. "Here look." He said helping her adjust it so she could see the plug. "Looks like it has a simple hex head screw."
"You can take it out?" Heidi asked.
"Sure, if you want to. But you might get in more trouble. And I would be too." Keith said.
"How so?"
"Well when you go back home in an hour and your mom goes to take it out and it isn't there."
"Then you'd have to put it back before I went home."
"True, could do that. What if she watched you let the water out and there wasn't any?" He shot back.
"Oops. That would be a problem." Heidi said thinking as fast as her 15 year old mind could think. "What if you filled me back up just before I go home?"
"That might work. However, didn't you say she put soap in it? If that is the case and she doesn't see the soap in the water then you might get into trouble."
"It's not fair! It's just not fair!" she whined.
"She spanked you good." Keith said and ran a hand quickly across her bum.
"Yeah, I thought she would never stop. Guess that is what I get for showing my brothers where babies come from."
"Your mom caught you naked?"
"Yep. Won't do that again." She said. Standing up she pulled up her panties and dropped her dress back down while Keith put up the mirror. As he turned around she was right there, under his nose.
They stood that way for a second and she looked up at him. Keith wanted her in the worst way right now. Never mind that he was 33 years old and she was so young. Heidi took a step closer. Keith put his arms around the girl and held her close. She stank. Even with seeing her butt naked the smell was enough to turn him off. Heidi put her arms around him and gave him a squeeze. Her stomach let out a loud gurgle and a cramp hit. She held onto Keith until it passed. Keith had noticed she had moisture on her slit earlier. "When you hold an enema do you ever feel funny in the front?"
"You mean in my vagina? Sure, it feels tingly. Sort of like when I rub it a lot in the bathtub. Is that what it feels like to have sex?" her young mind curious.
"Yes, only a whole lot better." Keith said and let go of her. Stinky or not she was sure to get him hard again talking like this.
She stood on her toes and kissed Keith on the mouth. He grabbed her head and kissed her back. She eventually got the idea and parted her lips. "I better go home, my stomach is getting worse."
"Good luck." Keith said as she walked out. He thought about it a few seconds and the closed the garage door and went into the house to take matters in hand.
Two months later...
Heidi's mom notices that Heidi likes to go talk to Keith and that she considers him her friend. He gave her some little woodshop items he has made and she treasures them. One day when Heidi is supposed to be watching her brothers while her mom goes to the store they manage to get into their moms room and take most everything out of the dresser. Heidi gets an enema and gets the dreaded black stopper plug in her asshole. Then Mrs. Snowden takes Heidi by the hand and leads her across the street, paddle in hand. "We'll see how you like getting spanked in front of your friend Keith."
"NO! No mama! No! Please not that!" Heidi pleads. Her and Keith have talked often about the punishments that Heidi gets and Heidi secretly delights in watching him get aroused. One time she saw IT through the leg hole in his shorts! She doesn't mind showing Keith the plug but she isn't too sure she wants him to see her being spanked. And her mom will probably do it on the bare.
"You should have thought about that when you were watching TV!"
Mrs. Snowden knocks at Keith's door, aware he is home because his truck is in the driveway. He answers the door in his shorts and a T-shirt after the third try.
"Keith, I need your help. Heidi here has been misbehaving again."
"What can I do for you Mrs. Snowden?" Keith asks, confused as to why his neighbor and her daughter are here. He sees the paddle in her hand.
"Well Heidi seems to have gotten used to me spanking her and since my husband isn't around I would like for you to paddle her for me. Maybe if she feels it a bit more she will take it seriously. May we come in?"
"Of course." Keith says and steps aside to allow them to pass.
"Heidi, bend over now." Mrs. Snowden commands her daughter. She then hands the paddle to Keith and proceeds to pull Heidi's dress up over her waist, exposing the girl from the waist down. Heidi isn't wearing any panties today Keith notices.
"If you would be so kind as to give her a good hard ten whacks please?"
"No mom! Please don't!" Heidi pleads. Her mom just pushes her head back down.
Keith is confused. On one hand he wants nothing better than to give the young Heidi a spanking to see her butt glow red. On the other hand she is a friendly little girl, alone in the world and so lonely. Spanking her like this will likely destroy that friendship. "What did she do?" he asks trying to stall.
"She let her brothers run wild again. They tore apart my bedroom and ripped some of my clothes. They have already been punished. However I have told Heidi many times to keep them out of the bedroom. My husband keeps a gun in there and they had it out on the bed. You may begin now."
"Well that is pretty bad alright." Keith said and resignedly gives Heidi five spanks on the right cheek. He mercifully makes them quick together. She jumps up screaming, forgetting the pain of the enema inside. After her mother yells at her some more he does the same to the left cheek.
Mrs. Snowden reaches for the paddle. "You know you really should have the gun locked up." He said handing the paddle back.
"But then it won't do any good if we need it." She answers, Heidi is still sobbing loudly and rubbing her flaming butt.
"There is a solution for everything. In this case a $40 lock box takes care of the problem. Follow me." Keith then leads Mrs. Snowden to his bedroom. He shows her the lock box and deftly opens it so quickly she can't even follow what buttons he pressed on the keyless lock. He shows her the gun and the locks it back.
Returning to the hallway and the still sobbing Heidi, Mrs. Snowden promises to get a box for their gun. She then looks at Heidi and tells her to stand in the corner. "If you don't mind can she stay here for an hour? I have to run to the grocery store."
"Well, I guess it is ok." Keith answers.
"Just send her home about six. Thank you very much. Maybe next time she will think harder before she decides to neglect her responsibility." She says and leaves.
Keith locks the door and then goes to the garage and gets a wrench. Returning to the hallway he leads Heidi to the bathroom. Having her bend over he removes the butt plug from the young girls glowing ass. "Please don't be mad at me Heidi." He says.
"I'm not. You only did what she wanted you to do. Besides it is kinda of fun. She thinks I hate having you spank me."
"You don't?" he asks, surprised.
"Nope. You swing harder than she does but it excites me having you see me get a spanking!" the precocious girl says.
Keith eases the plug out while she is standing in the bathtub and she lets out a little yelp. She then hobbles over to the toilet and lets out a long, loud jet of water. The bathroom reeks of shit and peppermint. Heidi had got a good look at the bottle and told Keith what her mom used. He purchased a bottle and tried it on himself. Quiet invigorating, but he didn't tell Heidi that. At a quarter until six Keith gives Heidi a one quart enema with fresh soap and reinserts the butt plug. She cries as it is tightened down, even though he is careful to not tighten it more than it was to begin with. She hops from one foot to the other and grabs her butt and cries for a few minutes.
"Does it always hurt like that?"
"Yea, and especially with the soap." She finally settles down and looks at the clock. It is now six o'clock and time for her to go home. She gives him a good long kiss and returns home.
The following month Heidi's father gets killed in a machine shop accident. Keith attends the funeral. Heidi's mom then has to take a job and put the children into regular school. A few weeks later Heidi is once again taken to Keith's for a spanking. On her 16th birthday Heidi is allowed to have a sleepover party which results in another punishment for the young girl after she gets caught playing naked with her girlfriends and they all took turns sticking things into their young pussies.
One day after Heidi has been particularly bad she is given a two and a half quart soapy enema, plugged and told to go to Keith's, her mom gives her the paddle to bring back. Mrs. Snowden calls ahead and tells Keith to give her twenty hard swats. Keith answers the door to see the fidgeting Heidi standing there holding a paddle.
"She finally let me come by myself!" Heidi chirps as she comes into Keith's house.
"So you intentionally let your brothers play nasty with each other in the bath?"
"Of course. She has bible study tonight!" Heidi exclaims rubbing her full belly.
"She told me to give you 20." Keith says deadpan.
"Oh shit!"
"However she also said to keep you here until nine tonight. Did you get plugged?"
"No. Well I guess you had better get to it." Heidi dropped her panties, bent over and let Keith spank her ten whacks, very hard, on each side - stopping to rest between ten and eleven. She was crying fiercely when he finished.
"Sorry." He said.
"That's ok!" she then kissed him and grabbed his crotch. Solid as usual. She then prances off to the bathroom to let out the enema. Keith follows her in and takes her dress off while she is on the toilet.
"Take a shower when you are finished." He says and strips and jumps in first. Heidi is amazed at the size of Keith's cock as he closes the shower curtain. When he steps out it is soft again. He then wraps the towel around himself and goes into the den. Heidi takes a shower and then goes into the den, naked, to see what Keith is doing. She goes and jumps into his lap on the sofa. He smells of her freshly washed hair and approves, she can smell nice if she wants to. With just a little prompting from Heidi she gets Keith to make love to her for the first time. Having been coached in the intricacies of her hymen by Keith she had thoughtfully broken it last month during her period. Her mom, of course, was unable to tell that her daughters blood was both menstrual flow and the blood from a torn hymen. Lucky for Heidi that her mom didn't suspect that Heidi had borrowed her mom's dildo.
At 9 Heidi returned home, trying her best to conceal the glow of a fully loved woman!
Several months later...
Heidi was making herself something to eat and her brother walked in and started pinching her. After telling him to quit several times she jumped once while holding a knife she was using to cut open a pineapple. She inadvertently stuck her brother in the arm with the knife. Plead as she did her mother was still not convinced that she didn't do it on purpose. After telling Heidi she would deal with the girl later she rushed the two boys off to the hospital, knowing better than to trust Heidi to watch the other one after having just stabbed one. She instructed Heidi to go to Keith's house with the enema bag and have him give her an enema and a spanking and be waiting when her mother returned home. Knowing that the hospital emergency room always took a minimum of 3 hours Heidi sat around for a while before going to Keith's.
After about half an hour later Heidi goes to Keith's and tells him of her dilemma. She then takes a shower and they fuck for several hours. Taking another shower to wash off the smell of sex, Heidi eventually resigns herself to at least looking punished but decided to go ahead and have Keith punish her. So after receiving thirty whacks with the new paddle Heidi's mom bought for Keith he fills the young girls ass with a quart of soapy water and then inserts the butt plug that Heidi brought from home. She yelps loudly as it pushes in the plug and then dances around for several minutes until the initial cramps subside. She gets home only moments before her mom and is sitting on her bed with only a thin cotton dress on.
"Did you do as I told you young lady?" Heidi's mom enters the room. Heidi is standing in the corner as she had been instructed.
"Yes mama."
Mrs. Snowden then raises Heidi's dress and inspects her daughters butt. "Humm, guess you did get a whipping, didn't you. How many?"
"Forty, just like you said mom."
"Ok, come let that out then." Mrs. Snowden waited on Heidi in the bathroom and then reached around and pulled the butt plug out of Heidi's ass. Her daughter then gratefully sat on the toilet and started to release the water. She grunted and squeezed her stomach to raise the pressure and reduce the stream volume like Keith had told her. After a long while of watching Mrs. Snowden was satisfied, "Well at least you are learning from Keith how to behave and aren't lying to me anymore. Take a shower and go to bed."
"Yes mamma." Heidi answered politely. She secretly reveled in the way that even though her paddling and enema from Keith had hurt some she was getting to where she enjoyed his ministrations to her.
A year later...
Heidi's mother had left all of the punishment of Heidi up to Keith since the stabbing incident. Mrs. Snowden had her hands full raising the two boys anyway and was more than relieved that Keith was taking over responsibility for seeing that Heidi behaved. Although Heidi's behavior wasn't all that much better at least she didn't seem to be getting worse. In her naiveté she never once suspected that Heidi was fucking Keith's brains out. Now 17 her breasts were very nicely sized and her hips had taken on a more rounded appearance. Keith quit dating altogether, content with his hobbies and fucking Heidi. It was the best in the world - plenty enough sex without the commitment. True he didn't have a girl he could take out to the movie but who cared, there were always rentals.
To avert suspicion of him being gay with his friends and co-workers Keith had been lucky enough to run across a 3rd cousin, Celia, he met at a relative's funeral who would stand in as his girlfriend. In exchange he stood in as her boyfriend. They both agreed to do this for each other and enjoyed pretending to have a relationship. After Celia had been ribbed about not having a boyfriend by her co-workers they accidentally saw her out with her cousin one evening when he was returning a cooler she had left in his car at the funeral and just assumed it to be her boyfriend. Things suddenly got easier for her socially, people quit trying to 'fix her up' with people. Realizing that the 'attached' state was good for her she asked Keith to double as her boyfriend when needed. She attended one of Keith's company picnics on his arm and the same held true for him. They had agreed after the third date that they weren't going to be in love with one another but that they felt they cou ld be good friends and certainly enjoyed fucking one another for sport.
On a very stormy night Mrs. Snowden left Heidi at home and took the two boys to the grocery store with her. Having worked quiet a bit of overtime that week she had not had a chance to go after work. After about two hours Heidi began to wonder where her mother was at and called Keith. Keith said to give it some time as the hard rain had flooded several streets. Two hours later Heidi was on the phone again with Keith. The rain had let up some and Heidi walked across the street to Keith's after leaving her mother a note on the counter. Keith drove her to the store where her mom usually shopped and they searched the nearly deserted parking lot in vain. Two stores later they returned to Keith's house. It was now 10pm and they were watching the local news back at Keith's house. The news was showing a few wrecks around town when Keith looked out the window and noticed that Mrs. Snowden still had not returned home. After calling the nearest hospital Keith was shocked to hea r a confirmation that a Mrs. Snowden had been admitted to ER nearly four hours ago. There was no record of either of the two boys there.
Keith and Heidi then drove quickly to the hospital. Her mother was in PACU, recovery, after a two hour surgery. The hospital liaison came over to talk with Keith and Heidi.
"Mr. Snowden?" she asked, Monica Rodriguez was on her nametag.
"No, I'm Keith. I'm Mrs. Snowden's neighbor. This is Heidi, her daughter."
Turning to Heidi, "I'm sorry Heidi but your mother is very, very sick. She was in a car wreck tonight and is badly injured." Looking at Keith, "Do you know where Mr. Snowden can be reached?"
"He died a year ago." Keith answered.
"I'm sorry. We looked through her purse and couldn't find any address book or anything. We've called her house and got no answer."
"Heidi wasn't home, we were out looking for her mother. Do you know where they brought the boys?"
"Boys?' Monica parroted, playing dumb.
"Yes, Mrs. Snowden went to the store with her two sons in the car." Keith said, Heidi now broken out in tears and leaning on his shoulder.
"I'll check." Monica sat and looked at Heidi. She then looked at Keith trying to assess if he could handle the news. "Do you know of anyone we can call that Mrs. Snowden would want here?"
"What about your aunt Mabel?" Keith asked Heidi. She shook her head yes, sobs wracking her young body. "Do you have her number at home?" Again a positive nod.
"How far away do you live?" Monica asked Keith.
"About 4 miles."
"Well you could go home and get the number, Mrs. Snowden won't be out of recovery for at least another hour yet."
Keith called Mrs. Snowden's only sister Mabel from the Snowden house. After speaking with her for a half an hour he was told that Mabel would arrive tomorrow in Houston on the first flight from Cincinnati. He was also told that Mr. Snowden's only brother had been killed overseas smuggling drugs and that other than herself everyone else that was related were third cousins or further. Keith and Heidi returned to the hospital, it was now midnight. They went up to Mrs. Snowden's bedside in ICU. Monica appeared minutes later, having been alerted by the nurse.
"Momma!" Heidi said as her mother opened he eyes slowly.
"Heidi, my Heidi. I am not doing too good. Dear girl there is so much I wanted to tell you."
"Momma?" Heidi asked, aware that her mother had taken on a strange mood that did not bode well.
"Keith. Come closer." Mrs. Snowden said from her bed.
"Momma, where are the boys?"
"I don't know Heidi." She opened her eyes and looked around. Monica stepped forward hesitantly, aware that she should say something but not being very experienced at breaking this sort of news to a family. Keith realized it first.
"Are they ..." he started to say. Monica shook her head slowly yes. Heidi then caught on and began to wail. Finally through the drug stupor she was in Mrs. Snowden realized that the boys had died. She closed her eyes and began to cry.
After a few minutes Keith left the room to leave the mother and daughter alone. Monica followed him out. "So you are not kin to either of them?" she asked fishing for information.
"No, no. Just a neighbor. The father was killed last year at work. Since then Mrs. Snowden has had to take a job to support the two boys and Heidi. Lately Heidi has been spending a lot of time at my house and the two boys are usually at daycare. God. What on earth can possibly happen to that poor family next." Keith sat down and shook his head into his hands.
"Did you find the sister?"
"Yeah. Her name is Mabel Wallace and she lives in Cincinnati. She'll be here tomorrow. Only close relative from what she said. Seems that other than the sister the rest are distant cousins. Makes sense now."
"What does?" Monica asked.
"Last year at the funeral mostly were his co-workers and a few friends. Hardly any relatives. Both sets of grandparents are dead as is his brother. How bad is she?"
"She is probably not going to make it. Her liver is shredded from the wreck. She was in a head-on collision and the police estimated she was going almost 30 and the other car was doing 55. The two boys didn't have their seatbelts on and were thrown through the windshield from the backseat."
"Poor Heidi." He said.
"I'll call child services." Monica said.
"No need, her sister will be here tomorrow."
"True, but even if the sister agrees to take in Heidi she'll need the papers. It is far easier if they get the mothers release than to have to do it after the fact."
"She is that bad off?"
"I'm afraid she isn't going to make the night."
"Yeah, guess that would make it easier. Child services will come out tonight?"
"They'll be here in an hour or less."
After being told by Monica the situation Keith went down and got a cup of coffee. He then went back to Mrs. Snowden's bed in ICU and Heidi motioned him over. Mrs. Snowden had already been told by the hospital her situation and she had told Heidi who was still crying.
"Keith, I need to ask a favor of you. It'll be my last."
"What do you need?" he said aware that she was aware of her situation.
"I need for you to raise Heidi for me." She said gravely.
Keith just looked at her for a few minutes. "What about your sister?"
"Mabel already has 5 children, without any inheritance I couldn't ask her to take on another."
Keith thought about it and decided that even if it was some trouble that as a human being he would at least humor her on her deathbed and pretend to go along. There was always court later. "Of course I would take good care of her."
"Thank you so much. You have been a good neighbor and a true friend for Heidi. She needs a father figure to look up to. Now more than before." Mrs. Snowden said, her eyelids fluttered and she fell to sleep. Heidi cried and cried thinking her mother had died right then and there until Keith pointed to the heart monitor.
The children's services person on call arrived about twenty minutes later and Keith and Heidi gave her enough information to fill out the papers. Mrs. Snowden awoke again and signed the papers, witnessed by a nurse and the child services representative. Keith signed his name, taking guardianship of Heidi.
Stepping out into the hallway afterwards while the mother and daughter talked Keith found out that they could transfer Heidi to Mabel later if Mabel agreed. Keith left Heidi at the hospital that night and Monica, working the night shift took Keith's number down and told him she would call when the time came. Mrs. Snowden expired at 03:45 that morning. Keith arrived at the hospital just in time to comfort the distraught Heidi.
Mabel arrived as promised that afternoon. Heidi spent time with her for that day and the two took care of the many details of her dead family. That afternoon when Keith returned home Heidi came running out and asked him if he would come over to her house.
"Hello." Keith said as he entered. Mabel was sitting at the dining room table reading some papers. All around her were many stacks of papers.
"Keith, aunt Mabel has been going over all of moms records today." Heidi said.
"Yes, it seems that Ralph had some paid up insurance policies. However, other than that my sister was broke. The house has 20 years left on the 30 year mortgage. She didn't have current insurance on the van so that won't even be payable. Lord only knows what she expected to happen if she got into a wreck with the state liability laws."
"Mabel there is something that I need to ask you. It seems to me that Heidi would be perhaps better off living with her aunt than with me. At least she would have her cousins. Not that I wouldn't take good care of Heidi but it just feels wrong that I should be her guardian rather than a blood relative."
"I've thought about that since yesterday. I thought about it all night and didn't know what the hell I was going to do about it. You see I'm not very well off myself. My husband and I just barely get by now. We have 5 children. My sister and I discussed it once - just what we would do in this very situation. Given no other alternative we both agreed we would take on the others children. However I fully expected to take on 3. I still can't believe what has happened."
Keith looked at Heidi who was attentive and looking at him. Then he looked back to Mabel. "It is ok with Heidi being here, we talked about it today. You are well enough off that you won't have any trouble taking care of her. Lord knows that I could use the life insurance money but I won't try to take it away from her, my conscience wouldn't let me do that. It seems my sister found a perfect solution last night. She wanted you to take Heidi. It was her dying wish."
"I ... I , well I just agreed because I thought it was better than the alternative." Keith stammered.
"It is. If she was living with me I know for a fact that there is no way my husband would keep his hands off of the money. She would have her cousins for sure to finish growing up with but I'd have to boot her out when she turned 18." Mabel said.
"What I meant was it seemed better to accept responsibility for her last night than to take a chance on her ending up in a foster home."
"That too. Heidi will have a much better life with you. Look I've only seen the poor girl about 4 times in her life. She knows you MUCH better than she knows me. And I do say, MUCH better." Mabel said.
"Heidi?" Keith asked looking from her to her aunt and back.
"Yes Keith, I told her everything."
"Everything?" he asked.
"Yes, everything. Look we had a long talk about it and Heidi loves you and you love her, even if you won't admit it to yourself. She is much better off with you than in a foster home - or with me."
"But she is only 17!" Keith exclaimed.
"So you are saying you don't love her?"
"I didn't say that. I'm just saying that, well..."
"You're saying you don't enjoy having sex with her?" Mabel pushed.
"It's ok Keith. I do love you. I've never said it before because I was afraid. But now I belong to you and it is ok to say it." Heidi said.
"Look Keith, Heidi won't be 17 forever, enjoy it while it lasts. In a year she'll be old enough to leave or .. whatever. No one will bother you."
"But the children's services will eventually figure out I'm a single male with custody of a 17 year old girl."
"By the time they figure that out she'll be at least 18. Besides that her mother signed the papers, there isn't a whole lot they can do about it." Mabel said.
"But ...." Keith started to say and then shut up, dumbfounded.
"Heidi, you better work on packing some of your stuff since you'll be moving in with Keith."
"Yes mam." The girl said and scampered off. Keith then looked at Mabel.
"Look Keith, I know you and her are fucking and that you've been giving her spankings and enemas. I wish I could get my husband to take care of me that well. She told me about you going down on her too. A piece of advice, don't ever stop that. As she gets older she'll enjoy it more than she already does. And if she doesn't let me know I can find you a hundred women who would line up for that. I'm going back to Cincinnati on Wednesday after the service and probably won't see you again for a while. Heidi has no one in her life now but you - take good care of her."
"What about the house?"
"That is Heidi's problem - and yours by default."
"Was there mortgage insurance?"
Mabel had a look of astonishment. "Yes there would have to be, wouldn't there!"
"It was a balloon payment deal but since the original mortgagers are dead now the policy would have to pay off. Well then that is even more money for Heidi. And with no other family except me she will get to keep it all, uncontested."
"That being the case I guess she gets the college of her choice. Might even be enough to be a doctor if she wants."
"You'll have to convince her of that. I never agreed with my sister's choice of a husband and certainly not the religion she had taken up with him. Her and I disagreed on a lot of things. Now maybe God has set up a way for things to be right for Heidi. She has an extraordinary lover and someone smart enough to raise her right. She is still young enough to be convinced to become a doctor if that is what you want her to be. Or if it is your choice you can simply make her your sex slave like my sister was."
"Your sister didn't exactly strike me as the sex slave type." Keith said flatly.
"Well I don't know how much of what she told me is true but from what Heidi has told me about the punishments they went beyond enemas and spankings some time. Heidi saw a lot more than she should have when she was younger. I think in recent years things calmed down a bit as Ralph became more and more of an alcoholic."
Heidi pranced back into the room carrying a large suitcase. "I'm ready for tonight."
"I'll stay her for the next few days if you two don't mind and go through the clothes and stuff. I'll arrange it all and if you'll help me tomorrow, Keith, we can make a run to Goodwill. I'll section off some garage sale stuff and you can have a sale in a few weeks. I'll take care of calling the mortgage company, banks and such on Monday for you. You'll probably have to take off work in a week or so to sign papers as Heidi's guardian."
"Ok, thanks Mabel."
Heidi went across the street with Keith. She unpacked her suitcase and put some of her clothes in his closet while he cleaned up the kitchen - a bachelor tended to let the sink ferment every once in a while. Well, actually most of the time.
Heidi, already used to Keith's house and having been with him many times already knew where everything was located. She took her shower and prepared herself for bed. Keith walked in as she was brushing her teeth. Something she had done many times before at his house. It was different now for him to watch her however. After a few moments he took off his clothes and stepped into the shower. When he got out he noted that Heidi had picked up his clothes and put them somewhere. Drying off he saw that most of the lights in the house were off. Stepping into the bedroom he saw Heidi in his bed with the sheets pulled up and a smile on her face. He crawled in beside her.
"Keith I feel strange." She said.
"Me too." They snuggled up for a while holding each other very close and fell to sleep. In the morning Keith awoke with the nubile girl snuggled up on his chest. As usual he had morning wood. Slipping a finger into her tiny teenage twat he found she was already wet. He moved her around and slid in with her still asleep. She fluttered her eyes open as he bottomed out. She just watched him as he stoked away, enjoying the feeling of his very hard dick.
"Mabel was right, you are a good lover." Heidi said.
"Really? And what would you be comparing that too?" Keith asked after he collapsed on her, post-climax.
"Nothing. But Mabel told me that the best advice she could ever give me is to love you always and don't bother looking for another man - you would be all I ever need. She told me that after what I told her about you and I making love that if I ever tried to look elsewhere I would just be heartbroken and very, very disappointed that I left you. She should know, she's been married to four different husbands. And she told me yesterday that she has had sex with over a hundred men."
"Interesting aunt you have."
Heidi and Keith held each other for a long time. Keith could tell that she was thinking about something and asked her.
"Keith ... would you give me an enema?"
"Of course love. And when I finish filling your sweet little ass up I think you need a spanking. Now?"
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