Published: 15-Mar-2013
Word Count:
Angelequa Castellanos is a typical ten years old girl. Her mom and grand parents moved into the house across the alley from mine almost eleven years ago from Cuba with a stop in Puerto Rico. Five months later Angelequa was born so I've watched her grow from a baby to what she is today. She stands about five feet tall and weighs maybe one hundred and thirty pounds. Yes, that does make her a bit pudgy though her face really doesn't reflect it as much as does her stomach and chest. Like most of her ethnic makeup, she has long very dark hair, dark brown eyes, and cute dimples. About fifteen-months ago, her grand parents purchased the house next to theirs and moved Angelequa and her mother into it. This, I think, was with the idea that her mother had a steady boyfriend that her grandparents didn't like and would not allow in their home.
I really never paid much attention to her other then noticing more recently that she now wearing tight light colored pull-over shirts that accented her body, and more recently, could often been seen with a training bra under her shirt. It was a Tuesday afternoon that I walked to the back of my house intending to move the garbage cans to the alley to be picked up over night by the garbage men.
When I got back there, Angelequa was sitting on the top of one of her grandparents' trashcans idly starring off somewhere in the distance. Her legs were straddling the raised lid handle at the center. With her shorts very short, they afforded me the opportunity to look between her legs and see her white cotton panties stretched over her plump labia. Besides her shorts, she was wearing a light blue sleeveless pullover that gapped slightly at the armholes revealing her blue edged white training bra and considerable skin.
She seemed to be very much preoccupied as she sat there, so I asked, "What's the matter, you lose your last friend?"
Without looking at me, she said, "Uh huh."
"Who was it?" I asked her.
"Bobby Evans, he moved away today and now I don't have anybody my age to play with," she informed me.
Bobby Evans is fifteen and developmentally delayed. He appears to have the mental age of nine or ten years old. Because of this, he was more inclined to play with younger kids in the neighborhood. He also seemed inclined to congregate with a number of girls around the area.
"If you want to come back to the house with me, I'll treat you to some fresh made chocolate chip cookies and a cold glass of milk. How's that sound?"
"Good I guess," she responded.
"Go tell you mom where you're going and then come over," I directed.
"Mom's working and grandma went to the mall a few minutes ago. She'll be gone a couple hours," she volunteered.
"Okay, come on, let's go," I beckoned.
We walked through the back door and into my kitchen. There was no denying the cookies as fresh baked as their scent still sweetened the kitchen. "Have a seat at the table and I get something for us. "Do you want milk or soda with them?"
"I like milk with cookies," she replied.
"Okay, milk it is," I told her as I got the jug out, filled two glasses, and sat them on the table. I opened one of the cupboard doors and pulled out a bag with the cookies. I put them in front of her on the table next to the milk. "There you go, have a couple. I think I make pretty good ones," I offered.
As we sat there, drinking our milk and having several cookies, I tried to engage her in conversation, asking, "What did you and Bobby do when you played together?"
I noticed her face suddenly flush bright red and she become very fidgety. "I don't know if I can tell you. It's a secret between Bobby and me," she said.
"Well, you said Bobby moved away, so what difference does it make now to him then?"
"I don't know, I promised him I wouldn't tell anybody what we did," she repeated.
There were suggestions in the neighborhood that Bobby had a penchant for girls and sometimes acted on his sexual urges, especially with the younger girls. I had a funny feeling that their moving was a function of his desire for young girls.
"Come on, you can tell me. I promise I won't tell anybody what you say," I said to her.
It became obvious by the way she was picking at her cookie and fidgeting that I was on the right track. I decided to press her a bit more by offering my assumption.
"Angelequa, did you and Bobby do things that he made you feel strange?"
She thought a minute then responded, "Yeah, but after a while, I liked it too and sometimes I even asked him to do the things."
"You mean like take your clothes off and touch him and let him touch you?"
"Uh huh," she responded.
"What are you going to do now that he's gone?"
"I don't know, I guess nothing."
"Is that what you want or would you rather keep doing the things?"
"I'd like to keep doing the things, but I don't know who I'd do them with," she told me.
"Does it have to be somebody your age?" I asked her.
"Probably," she offered.
"What if it was somebody who was older, who would teach you more things and make sure you'll feel even better?"
"That would be nice, but who?" she asked.
"I'd be willing to try if you want. I know a lot about a bunch of stuff and I would even be willing to buy you stuff that you like," I offered.
"I don't know, having somebody older touch me makes me feel funny," she said.
"If the somebody is making you feel good and you like it, what does it matter if he's older or younger?" I asked her.
"I don 't know, it's just that I've never done anything with an older person before."
"I'll tell you what, let's go into the living room where people can't see in and let me try a couple things. If you like it, we can keep on. If you don't like it, you can go home and I promise, I won't say anything about what I know. How does that sound?"
"I guess it wouldn't hurt if you promise not to do anything I tell you not too," she added.
"What things did you and Bobby do?" I asked with the desire to learn how far I might be able to go.
"He liked to push two of his fingers inside of me down between my legs and go in and out. I like it too sometimes, well, most of the time," she admitted.
"Did he undress too, or just have you undress?"
"We both did."
"What did you do when both of you were undressed?"
"Bobby would make me rub his thing till stuff came out."
"Did you like that?"
"I liked to rub it with my hands and make the stuff come out, but I didn't like it when he made me put his thing in my mouth. It tasted nasty when his stuff got in my mouth."
"When he was using his fingers between your legs, did he ever hurt you?"
"One time it hurt and even made me bleed down there. He kept wiping me with a black towel until the blood stopped coming out. It hurt for a few days after that, but then the hurt went away. I only saw blood that first time though," she continued.
"Did he ever push his thing inside between your legs?"
"No, he said he wanted to, but he moved away before he could try that."
I was almost beside myself with the information she was giving me. It sounded like, if I was careful and I took my time, she would let me do just about anything I wanted with her. I was anxious to start.
Finally, I asked her, "Did your mom or grand parents ever tell you anything about Bobby or what the two of you did?"
"Mom told me that I should tell her if anybody ever touched me down between my legs, but that was after me and Bobby already started. It felt good, what he was doing, and I thought that if I told mom, she would make me stop. I didn't want that."
Wow, a ten years old girl who already had a taste for sex and was not afraid to lie to her mother to keep doing it. I couldn't ask for anything better, I reasoned.
"Can we go into the living room a little while and I'll show you some things you might like?" I said to her.
"Bobby and I tried doing things in his living room a couple times, but I didn't like it because it always had dog hair all over, so we went to his bedroom. Can we go up to your bedroom like we did his?"
I'm not going to deny giving a girl who is willing to let me play with her access to my bedroom. I'd be crazy I reasoned.
"Sure, come on and I'll show you up there."
I stood, put the glasses in the sink and the bag of cookies back in the cupboard, then took her hand and lead her through to the stairs and up to my bedroom. When we got there, I took a seat on the edge of the bed and stood her between my legs.
I pulled her close, wrapped my arms around her and gave her a tight hug. "Did Bobby like giving you hugs?" I asked.
"No, the only thing he liked to do was kiss and suck on my neck. I didn't like that because he would suck on my neck and make red marks there."
"Did you like my hug?"
"Uh huh."
I pulled her tight again and repeated my hug, and then I turned her to face me and gave her a light peck on the lips.
"Did Bobby ever kiss you?"
"Just on my neck," she repeated.
I kissed her a second time, but this time I lingered for a few seconds before I pulled back. "How was that?"
"Good," she reported.
Again, I gave her a kiss. This time, not only did I linger, but I also pressed my tongue against her teeth. When I felt her jaw yield slightly, I pressed it inside, found her tongue, and traded several soft tongue wraps.
"Wow, that was even better," she volunteered. "It even made my chest and tummy tingle," she added.
"So, you liked it?"
"A lot," she said. Then, as she was still breathing slightly hard, she asked if we could do it again.
I did, but this time wrapped one hand around her back and the other, I slipped down to her chest, cupped her left breast, and lightly kneaded it.
"I'll bet that was even better, right?"
She shook her head vigorously, up and down, in response.
"Again?" I asked as I looked intently into her eyes.
"Uh huh," she whispered with a slightly raspy voice.
Again, I gave her a kiss and rubbed her titties at the same time. This time, I could feel her tongue actively seek out mine and spar with me. All the time, I continued to lightly massage her breast. I even took the occasion to softly grasp her nipple with my fingers.
When I finally broke our kiss, she was out of breath. She had yet to learn to breath through her mouth rather then hold her breath.
"See," I said to her, "Neither of us have even taken off our clothes yet and already you're huffing and puffing. What do you think if that? Is it better then Bobby did?"
"Do you want me to reach under my shirt and take my bra off?" she asked.
"Do you want to?" I asked her.
"Yeah, unless you want me to take all of my clothes off?" she offered with some surprise to me.
"No, just take your bra off for now. Let's do things slow so you don't get scared," I suggested. "There will be plenty time in the future."
"I know I'm going to like doing things with you," she indicated. "I can't wait to feel your fingers between my legs. I know I'll really like that."
"What makes you think I'll do that for you?" I asked her.
She looked at me somewhat surprised and asked, "Well, you will won't you? That's what really made me feel good inside."
"Doesn't what we're doing now feel good too?" I asked her.
"Yeah, but I know if you put your fingers inside me that it will feel a lot better."
"Angelequa, I'd really like us to take things a little slower. I want you to understand each thing I show you and have you feel really comfortable with me doing it with you before we move on to something else."
"Does that mean I have to wait for you to decide when we do things?"
"If we're going to do things, I want to do it in a way that both of us enjoy and nobody gets scared or hurt. There's a lot that you don't understand or even are aware of yet."
Then, I got a real serious look on my face and said to her, "I won't do anything else with you unless you make a promise to me."
Before I could continue, she said, "You mean you want me to promise that I won't tell anybody about what we're doing, right? Mr. Mitchell, I promise, cross my heart, that I'll never tell anybody about us, really," she offered. "Can I seal my promise with you with a kiss?" she asked.
"If you would like to," I said to her.
She wrapped her arm around me and started kissing. At some point during our kiss, I felt her drop her right arm and her hand cup my penis. She seemed to have some knowledge of how to do it, because she then very softly rubbed them through my slacks.
"Bobby liked it when I did that for him," she said to me. "He liked it when I pulled his thing out and rubbed it till he squirted too."
I turned her around so her back was toward me and looked at the back-strap of her bra. The bra she was wearing appeared to have but one hook at the back.
"Okay," I told her, "You can take your bra off for me now."
She reached through the armhole of her sleeveless shirt and grasped the shoulder strap. She pulled the shoulder strap out and down over her arm. She then repeated the action on the other side, before twisting her bra until she could pull the rear hook area out of the armhole and unhook it then pull the flattened piece of clothing through the armhole and lay it on the bed.
I decided to show her some thanks for removing her bra by picking it up and kissing one flat cup. I crumpled it up and squeezed it tight under my chin. "That's pretty," I told her.
I maneuvered her around so that I could lay her down on her back on my bed. I then gently backed her up until she sat down. With my hand, I then gently lowered her to laying on her back on the bed with her legs extending over the edge and toward the floor.
Her shorts were soft jersey knit with elastic at the waist only. The leg holes were hemmed and very loose. I rolled toward her, and with my left hand, pulled her shirt up exposing one of her breasts. I then lightly kissed it. It was still small, very light colored, and only the very center was raised. It stood hard and erect, like a light tan eraser. The little bit of breast rise she did have suggested pleasure to come in the future, but I wanted it to be here now. Her breast was probably more a function of her weight rather then her approaching womanhood. Still, it excited me and I had to show her reverence to it by kneading and kissing both of them.
"I like that," she offered.
"Did Bobby do that too?"
"No, the only thing he did to them was pinch them and make them hurt."
"I'll kiss and suck them if you allow me," I told her.
"Do you take baths or showers by yourself?" I asked.
"Yeah, mom makes me take a shower every night before I go to bed."
"Does she see you with your clothes off?"
"Uh huh, why?"
"Well, I just thought it might be fun to have some sort of little mark that we could put on each other. You know, sort of like a secret sign or something."
"I think that sounds like fun, but I have to think how we could do it," she said to me.
I slid my hand downward from her chest tucking my fingers under the waistband of her shorts and over her panties. I wanted to go right down beneath her panties too, but I was still very committed to taking things slow enough that I didn't frighten her off, but still rapid enough to hold her interest and continue her desire to move forward.
I cupped her mound much as she did my cock a few minutes earlier. I first massaged only her mound beyond her vulva, then pressed my fingers into the cloth covering her pussy forcing her vulva to part, one labia on each side of her girl cleft.
"You can go under my panties if you want," she said offered. "Bobby did it all the time."
"That's okay," I said to her, "I still want to go slow so I don't scare you. When we go slow we both enjoy things so much more."
I continued to rub the gusset of her panties against the inside of her cleft, first in general, then after a minute or so, more in the area of her clitoris.
"Right there," she suddenly said to me. "What your doing feels real good right there."
"Do you know why?"
"Uh huh, you're pressing down on my cutie," she advised.
Without replying to her, I continued to minister to her, and in particular, where she said it felt good. One thing that I always loved was to see a young girl experience climax for the first time. It seemed that the girl would always remember the guy who did it for her and show him respect. I moved slightly on the bed so I could better minister to her clittie, but also kiss and lightly suck her breasts. When my lips went to her nipple, I heard a deep sigh escape her throat. Her breathing became more rapid and ragged.
It took less then another minute from the time I latched onto her tittie with my lips when I felt her begin to shake. "Oh, oh, that feels so good. Oh, god that's good. I've never felt this good before. Oh, oh..." then she fell silent.
A minute or so passed before she began to move. She turned her head and looked toward my face. "What did you do? I never felt that feeling before. It felt like my whole stomach was getting tied up in knots," she noted.
"Didn't you ever feel that when Bobby was rubbing you?"
"No, sometimes it got pretty strong, but never like that. Can we do that again," she asked.
"Remember when I said we would take things easy?" I reminded her.
"Well, that's what I still want to do. You just experienced your first big girl climax. We'll do it again each time we get together. I'll make sure we do, I promise."
"What do you want me to do now?" she asked."
"Let's get your bra back on," I said. "Do you want to take your shirt off so I can do it for you?"
"Will you kiss my titties?" she asked.
"Do you want me to?"
"Uh huh."
"Okay, I'll kiss your titties. Do you want to put your hand down to my pants and feel my thing while I kiss you?" I asked.
"Can I?"
"If you want," I said to her. Of course, I would have been really pissed if she hadn't.
One side of her shirt had slipped down and was covering that breast. She pulled the bottom of her shirt up so it was now firmly tucked under her armpits with both breasts exposed. "Now, do both of them," she instructed me.
I began kissing and gently sucking her breasts, making sure I didn't suck hard enough to cause any discoloration. I switched from sucking, to licking, and even to blowing raspberries several times on her titties. She seemed to really like it.
Soon, she reached over to my head with her hands and held my mouth against her right breast. Can you suck harder?" she asked me.
"Yes, but it will cause a red circle around your breast," I reminded her.
"Well then, can you maybe use your teeth and lightly bite my nipple, please?"
"Is that what you would like?"
She shook her head in the affirmative and adjusted my lips to meet her young tender nubbins. Using a bit of suction, I drew her nipple into my mouth and clamped lightly onto it.
"Yeah, just like that. It feels really good," she told me.
I lightly suckled for several minutes, repeatedly nipping at her nipple. Finally, I said to her, "We better stop or you're going to have one nipple that's flat and the other one stick out two inches."
This caused her to laugh heartedly. "If that happened, I'd really have trouble explaining," she said.
I sat up on the edge of the bed and pulled her up to a sitting position. I placed her bra against her chest and, as she leaned forward and connected the hook at the back. I gave each breast one more kiss before she allowed her shirt to fall down to cover her upper torso once more.
"Come on, let's go back down stairs and get you headed home," I suggested.
"I don't want to go yet," she insisted.
"Angelequa, you've been over here over two hours. You better get home before you grandmother gets home, don't you think?"
I guess, she said reluctantly as we walked hand in hand down the stairs. Do you want a cookie to eat on the way home?"
"May I have two?" she asked grinning.
"You did really good this afternoon. I'm proud of you. I guess you deserve two."
I walked her to the back door, pausing to get the cookies for her. She reached up with her hands and put her arms around my neck. Thank you, Mr. Mitchell. That felt good, what we did today. Do you want me to come back tomorrow?"
"Can you get out without causing your grandma to worry?"
"Sure, she goes to the bingo parlor almost every afternoon. I can come over while she's there like I did today."
"See you tomorrow then," I told her. With that, she walked out the door and was quickly out of sight.
Miss. UK Chicken-Hawk
Old Man
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