Published: 23-Dec-2012
Word Count:
I like young girls; I have liked them since I was probably nine or ten years old. I can remember the first time I was with a girl alone, one-on-one, it was Natalie Wilson. She was a couple years older then me and a couple inches so taller. She had dark hair and eyes, freckles, and quite skinny at the time. I would learn a few days later that she had the cutest titties, still tiny, but little puffy cones of love she liked me to suck. The one thing that always sticks in my mind about Natalie was that even at her tender age, she could cuss with the best of them, and made no bones about what she said.
One day she almost caught me in Mike Samson's tree fort. I had my pants down around my ankles, rubbing for all I was worth. At the same time, I was looking at one of those grainy black and white pictures of a naked woman that one of the guys contributed to the fort.
Thank God she knocked over the bucket we used to raise and lower sodas and snacks to the tree fort or she would have caught me red handed, my cock in hand. I had just zipped my pants when she came through the hole in the floor.
She looked over at me and asked, "You the only one here?"
"Yeah, what's it to you?"
"Just wondering. What were you doing, jacking off?"
Suddenly I had to think. If I said yes, she had me, and if I said I wasn't, I'm sure she'd know I was lying. I decided that an offense was the better route and shot back, "What do you know about jacking off?"
"More then you probably think," she said to me.
"Yeah, so you think you know what a guy does, huh?"
"I know, my brother Latham does it all the time."
"Yeah, sure, and I suppose he lets you watch him do it?"
"Sometimes, and sometimes I give him blow jobs instead."
"You probably don't even know what a blow job is," I snapped back.
"Yeah I do, it's when a person sucks a guy's dick. Guys can be cock suckers too you know," she informed me.
Now, I was getting to think, what's with this girl, she's either done a lot of reading and damn smart, or she's been doing a lot of something else and knows all about what she's talking about. Either way, I began to think I would like to find out more. Either way, I was pretty sure I'd be able to score at least a feel if not a lot more.
"You want to play around?" I asked her.
"What's play around mean?" she fired back.
"Show and tell," I said to her.
"What do you plan with your cock?"
"What do you want me to do with it?" I questioned.
"Not put it in me, that's reserved for special people in my life," she countered.
"Who's the special people?" I questioned.
"Some people," came her response.
"Do you do it with your brother?"
"Anybody else?"
"Are they all in your family?"
"I'll not tell you," she hissed.
"You do it with your brother and your father?" I asked very incredulously.
"I don't have to tell you what I do," she insisted.
"I can figure it out. You do it with both your brother and your dad, don't you?"
"That's for me to know."
"You do, I can see it in your face," I told her.
"Uh huh, and I like it too," she informed me.
"Do you do it very often?"
"Enough to keep them both happy," came her answer.
"Does you mother know about what you do with them?"
"Uh huh, she fucks Latham too."
"How old is he?"
"Fifteen," she told me.
"How old are you?"
"I'm twelve."
"How old are you, little boy?" she asked with a tad of sarcasm.
"Ten, will you let me see your pussy?"
"If you let me see your cock," she stated.
"Do you want to do it here, now?"
"Sure, why not," she told me. "Take your pants off and I'll take mine off too."
She didn't waste any time pealing her pants and panties off. She used the toes on her right foot to flick her pants onto the table standing in one corner. She then bent over, picked up her panties, and handed them to me. "Here, you want to smell them? My dad and brother both get off on doing that."
"Your dad actually smells your panties?" I asked her.
"Sure, why not? They're scrunched up with my pussy all day. He really likes it when some of his cum leaks out and makes my panties sort of crusty."
"What's cum?" I asked showing my ignorance, but I wanted to learn and she sounded like a good one to do it for me."
"It's the stuff a guy puts in a girl to make her pregnant. You know, that stuff that shoots out when you rub yourself till you cream. She looked over at my cock and said, "You do rub yourself, don't you? It's hard enough now to do some girl in if she wasn't careful," she said to me.
"You mean I could make you have a baby?"
"You bet your booties. Once a girl starts menstruating, she has to be real careful with that sort of thing. Latham pumped in me a couple times before I had my first period and mom had fits. She said a girl could get pregnant even before she had a period if the guy got her just at the right time. I don't have to worry much about that now as long as I remember to take my pill ever night."
"Does that mean that you can do it any time you want and not have to worry?" I asked her.
"Mom and dad are super cautious with me. Mom keeps close track of my periods. There's always ten days when she makes dad or my brother use a rubber or something else even though I remember to take my pills. It's added protection she says. She says she don't want me being like her."
"What do you mean like her?" I asked Natalie."
"Dad was out of town for two weeks in March and I was in the dangerous time so my brother was using mom more then me. Later that month, she didn't have her period. It was the same month she had some tooth problems and was taking some medication to get ready to have some dental work done. She thinks it interfered with her pills."
"Does that mean your mom is going to have your brother's baby?"
"Yelp. Latham got our mom pregnant bigger then shit. Dad says he's going to make Latham quit school and get a job. Mom says it's dad's fault for leaving her when she was fertile so she's going to blame it on him and not my brother."
"Man, that's kinky, your brother getting you mom pregnant. What are you going to call their baby? Will it be your brother or sister, or will it be your niece or nephew?"
"Mom says it will be my brother or sister. She says anything else would put her and dad in jail. None of us wants that."
She took my hand, pulled out my right index finger and wiggled it between her pussy lips. Then she moved it up and down from the top of the slit to what seemed to be almost at her butt. It was warm and wet; it felt good.
"Now," she said to me, "move your finger between my lips and feel what it feels like down there."
I started up around the top and found what she called her clitty. It felt like little growth or something sticking between pussy lips where it shouldn't be, but she liked it when I messed around with it so I kept on. Every time I hit the little button, she jumped and jerked. Finally, moved down a little more and found what I thought was her butt and pushed my finger in a little.
"That' my vagina," she told me. "That's where a guy starts a baby in a girl," she explained.
She took hold of my hand and pressed my finger inside her vagina. "See how far you can get it inside me. That's where a cock goes in me. That's where guys want it. As a matter of fact, that's about all most guys want, to stick their dick into a girl's pussy and dump their cum in the girl, then brag about it to their friends," she said sarcastically.
"Natalie, I promise I won't say anything to anybody about what we're doing. I really mean it."
"You do jack off, don't you?" she asked me.
I looked at her sort of sheepishly and nodded my head.
She looked at me and smiled. "Don't be ashamed, most people do. I saw my brother jack off for the first time when he was probably ten or so. I was about the same age when I started too. They call it jacking off when it's a guy, girls's jill themselves. Before Latham got mom pregnant, she did it almost every morning. She would come over to my room and do it while dad was taking his shower. I watched her while she did it. After she cummed, she would go over and get in the shower when dad was done.
When I wanted to start, she helped me to learn how. She even rubbed me so I could get as much stimulation from it as possible. Sometimes we would even do each other at the same time. She usually climaxed before I did though."
As she continued to talk, I slowed down feeling her up. I guess she decided I was done so she took my cock into her hand and started to run me up and down. I was already hard from playing with her pussy. It didn't take long for me to feel like I was about to pump.
I said to her, "I'm almost ready,"
She shocked me when she bent over and put my cock into her mouth. It felt so good that it made me blow my load. The first wave of my stuff came up from between my legs. I could feel it shoot through my cock and out into her mouth. I could feel me pumping and at the same time feel her using her tongue around the head of my penis. Nothing at all came out of her lips until I was done and she pulled off of me.
She held her head sort of up and puckered her lips. She then squirted my stuff out in a small stream. There wasn't a whole lot of it, but I was shocked to see she had it in her mouth and even more how she spit it out.
"How did it taste? I asked her.
"My mom says she likes the taste. I think it tastes yucky. I don't like it much. I won't let Latham shoot in my mouth. I do let my dad, but only because he's my dad."
"Why did you take mine into your mouth?"
"I wanted you to feel what it felt like. I probably won't do it again though," she added.
She looked at her watch and said to me, "I have to get home before long. Dad will be getting home and I want to be there for him. If you want to meet back here tomorrow, I can show you some more stuff," she offered.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Like maybe showing you how to eat me, and other places girls like boys cocks. Do you want to?"
"Does that mean I would be sucking on you?"
"Uh huh. Maybe if you're good, you could even make me climax."
"What do I have to do that make that happen?" I asked her.
"I'll show you tomorrow. I might let you do some other things too."
"Like what?" I asked her."
"I don't know. We'll have to see."
"We better get dressed so I can get home," she told me. "Feel how went you made me," she said and pointed to her pussy lips.
"She took my underwear from my hand and dragged it through her smooth hairless pussy. "Here, now you can go home and smell my pussy while you rub yourself. I think you'll enjoy that."
She handed them back to me. Both of us dressed while we were looking at each other. When we were ready, I moved toward the ladder. She stopped me saying, "You go down first. You might get to see something really good if you look at me right."
"I did get a quick view as we went down. Half way down she hesitated briefly, spreading her legs and pulling her panty crotch aside. When we reached the bottom, she adjusted her panties, looked at me with a grin on her face, and said, "Remember to smell me when you rub yourself tonight."
"I sure will," I said to her.
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