Published: 17-May-2012
Word Count:
Emily Martin was not the swiftest girl in the neighborhood, but she was, by far the best looking. She ad just turned fourteen and every guy around the lake had his eyes set on her. She was blond, blue eyed, about feet six and one hundred pounds. She worked at the swimming pool during the summer so she stayed at their cottage while her parents went into Marshall to work. I had heard about the claims of some of the other guys and I was bent on trying to find out if they were true. They said she was easy. At fourteen, a girl like that was worth many tries.
I was at the pool when she blew the horn indicating the pool was closed for lunch, a happening that occurred each weekday between twelve and one PM. The few of us there gathered our towels and shoes and headed out the gate. When we were all outside, she closed the gate and locked the chain.
"You going to your place for lunch?" I called out to her.
"Yeah, probably," she replied.
"I've got half a deluxe pizza and some leftover chicken wings from Carlisle's, I offered.
"What flavor are the wings?" she asked.
"Some of them are honey mustard and the others are garlic butter," I told her.
"The honey mustard sounds good," she told me. "Are you offering?"
"Sure, if you want, come on and we'll eat together."
She walked beside me the block to the cottage I share with my grand parents. They were both working like her parents, so it was just the two of us. I opened the door to the kitchen and we walked inside. I dropped my towel and slip-flops at the door to the mudroom and set about reheating the food.
Emily on the other hand was venturing from door to door checking out our place. Finally, she came back to the kitchen and asked? "Where is your bathroom?"
I walked over to the mudroom door and stepped inside. Immediately to the right there was a door. I opened it and motioned.
"Oh good," she said to me. I should have gone before I closed the pool. I turned and walked back into the kitchen allowing her to pass me at the mudroom door. She walked into the bathroom and I heard the clank of the cover against the tank. I don't know what I thought I was going to see, but when I looked over, she was pulling her one-piece bathing suit down and was ready to sit on the toilet seat. I was slightly in shock that she didn't bother closing either door.
I heard her pee splashing in the bowel for a little bit then quiet. I looked over again to see her reach out and pull some tissue from the roll and press it between her legs then withdraw her hand empty. She reached down a second time with her hand, did something, then stood. I stood mesmerized as she propped her right foot up on the toilet seat and opened a small paper tube. She placed it between her legs where I couldn't see it. When she withdrew her hand, it was empty.
"Have you ever seen a girl put a tampon in?" she asked me.
About that time the microwave beeped signaling our food was ready. She pulled her suit back up, flushed the toilet, and turned and washed her hands.
"No, I said to her, I've seen them a couple times in the trash when the janitor cleans out the ladies room a the pool, but, ... no."
"I'll have to show you sometime," she offered. I put the wings on a plate and put too others at the table. "What do you want to drink?" I asked her.
"Water's fine with me. I drank too much soda already today," she continued.
The two of us sat on adjacent corners of the table and ate our lunch. She was busy talking to me, but I had a hard time listening as I still had the vision of her putting that thing in her pussy.
When we finished, I tossed the bones into the waste basket and put the dishes in the sink. When I looked at the clock, it was barely twelve-twenty. We still had at least thirty minutes left and I had some ideas.
"Do you want to head back to the pool, or do you want to do something else?" I asked her.
"We can stay here a little while yet, if you want," she said. "Is there something you'd like to do?"
My mind was on overload from the vision I had seen. "You could show me that thing." I suggested.
"Ok, can we go somewhere where it's more comfortable and people won't see us?" she asked.
"Do you want to go in my room?" I asked.
"It's ok with me," she quickly agreed.
I led the way into my room. When we got inside, she pulled her straps from her shoulders and slid them down her body. A few seconds later she was standing completely naked before me.
"Like it?" she said when she saw me starring at her.
"I sure do," I said excitedly.
She lay back on my bed, pulled her knees up, and spread them wide. "If you look between my legs you can see a white string. That connects to the tampon I put inside me."
"Why do you do that?" I asked."
"It's the time of the month for my period and I don't like using the pads. They smell and get all wet between my legs when I go into the pool. The tampons go up inside my and keep me clean and dry."
"All I can see is the string," Harry told her.
"Take your fingers and gently pull my pussy lips apart. You can see where the string goes.
Harry pulled them apart lightly and looked. How did you get that thing inside? All I can see is a tiny hole where the string is coming out."
"Spread me a little wider and I'll show you something," she told him.
Using her stomach muscles, she bore down and forced the tip of the tampon to stick slightly out of her tunnel. "There, can you see it?" she asked.
"Yeah, I can see the very end of it now," he reported.
"Now watch," she said, as she relaxed and allowed her pussy muscles to close around the tip of the little white thing.
"I've never seen anything like that before," she told Emily. "It's neat," he added. "Could I see you put one in sometime?"
"I guess I could show you that. Today's my heaviest day. I don't have any more tampons until mom gets home tonight. Tomorrow I'll put one in early so that we can come over here at lunch and I can change it. You'll be able to see my period on it," she told him.
Harry saw a number of round red spots on her body in the area of her stomach. "What's those little round red spots on your stomach and here on your pussy?" he asked.
"That's from that stupid Ned Thompson. Bob Bailey took me to get a hamburger at Wendy's then to the grain elevators. Some of his friends met us there. They know I'm a little slow and they like to take advantage of me. Ned kept pressing his cigarette to my stomach. He even did it to my pussy lips right here," she indicated with her finger. It sort of smelled with he burned my hair down there. He's really mean to me anytime he's around."
We've got some burn cream in the medicine cabinet, do you want me to put some on them. A couple look like they're blistered."
"Sure, that'd be nice."
Harry got the cream and dabbed some on all the burns he saw. When he was done, he asked the girl if it felt any better, to which she told him "it did." If you come over tomorrow, I'll put some on again for you," he told her.
"You're sweet, Harry," she said to him. "Do you want to spread my lips and kiss my clitty before we go back to the pool?" she asked.
"Sure," he said. The fourteen years old spread her legs and with her hands, spread her lips wide. Right there, kiss it right there," she said to him. When he had, she allowed her pussy lips to spring back to their usual place. "We better get going back to the pool," she told him. "I can show you more tomorrow.
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