Published: 28-Jan-2012
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Sally's bare feet padded softly into the room. Angie was completely still, breathing softly.
The little girl first untied the vibrator, and pulled it from between her sister's thighs. She looked in amazement at the swollen, sopping, glistening girl flesh in front of her. She could smell her sister's musk. Angie moaned softly as the cool air hit her sensitive flesh.
Next she released the rope holding Angie's legs bend double and her head bent back. This effort was greeted by a huge moan of delighted relief. Angie's neck muscles were so strained and sore that she couldn't hold her head up on her own, and it hit the carpet with a muffled thump. Sally unfastened the blindfold. Angie blinked against the sudden light and the stinging sweat while Sally unbuckled the ballgag and tugged it gently out of her sister's mouth.
"Mmmmm.......oooohhhhhh," groaned Angie, licking her parched lips. "Oh, shankoo!" she said, trying to get her lips and tongue to function properly. The bound girl lay quiet, working her sore jaw while her little sister untied her legs.
"Can you stand, Angie?" asked Sally.
"I.....I think so," answered her sister. "Can you help me?"
Angie's arms were still bound tightly between her shoulder blades, and her legs were stiff from the bondage, but she was young and strong, and was able to stand with her sister's assistance.
Sally quickly untied the ropes circling Angie's torso above and below her little breasts. Her sister's nipples which had been so red and hard were now soft and pink. Sally untied Angie's arms, and the 13 year old girl groaned with relief when she was finally able to lower her arms and relieve the strain in her shoulders.
Now completely free, she looked at her little sister with wide eyed wonderment. "Oh Sally!" she said. "Oh God....holy shit!"
Sally giggled at her sister's use of a naughty word. "Are you ok?" she asked. Angie smiled, and gathered her little sister between her tired arms and gave her a big hug.
"Oh Sally, it was....amazing!" she gushed. "Where's Mom?"
Angie rushed into the next room, and gave her Mom a big hug. "Oh told me that a woman's orgasms felt good, but I was never expecting this!"
Jan laughed. "You liked it?"
"Liked it?" answered Angie. "It was.......was.....," Angie grasped for the right word in a teenager's vernacular.
Two hours later and Angie was cleaned up and Mother and daughters were enjoying a big pizza together.
They had a fun time, and talked about family stuff, and girl stuff, and school stuff, but there was something unspoken between them.
Little Sally loved her newly found power over her Mother and sister, but was unsure where, when and how their games could be played, and when they could not.
Angie wondered when they could do it again, and whether she could do it with boys.
Jan wondered whether she was going to hell.
Back home, it was bed time for little girls. There was school tomorrow, and in the morning alarm would go off, and the girls would shower, fix their hair, dress quickly, and grab a donut on the way to the school bus.
Sally lay in bed with the covers pulled up to her chin. She was wearing her "Sponge Bob" pajamas, and she clutched her teddy bear tightly to her chest. It was late, and she should be asleep, but she kept thinking about recent events. She enjoyed tying up her Mother and sister, and glad that she was able to bring them such pleasure.
Sally reached tentatively to her left, until she touched her sister. Angie was sound asleep, dead tired from the events of earlier in the day. She always wore the old, worn T-shirt that was her father's to sleep in. Angie's wrists and ankles were tightly tied. She was blindfolded with one of Jan's scarves, and another scarf cleaved her mouth in a tight gag. A little stream of drool dribbled onto the pillow, making a wet spot. The girl whimpered softly in her sleep. Her dreams were wonderful.
Sally rolled over to her right, and cuddled against her Mom. Jan was also tied hand and foot, blindfolded, and gagged with a ball gag. The ball was not too large, but it was buckled tightly enough to pull her lips back from her teeth. Jan smiled in her dreams. She dreamt that Sally became a world famous Dominatrix who hung with the Hollywood crowd, and went to all the right parties. She married a rich client, retired, made babies and took up golf.
She dreamt that Angie experimented with Lesbianism in college, but met a handsome dominant guy who was in Med School. They were married, and he tied her up and made love to her every Saturday night for 50 years.
Sally lay between the two bound females. She listened to them breath, and murmur through their gagged lips. She could hardly wait until next weekend.
She hugged her teddy bear and fell asleep.
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