Published: 23-Jan-2012
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"Mommy?" called Sally in the Kitchen Friday morning before school. "Yes, Honey?" answered her Mother.
"If......," the little girl hesitated. "If you think you want to be tied up again this weekend.....if you want.......I will help you." The child looked up at her Mom with bright, loving blue eyes.
"Oh Baby," smiled Jan. "That is so sweet of you." The single mother hugged her daughter close to her. "I don't know........" Lost in thought for a moment, Jan suddenly snapped back. "Anyhow, right now you have to finish getting ready for school, young lady."
"Yes, Mommy," said the little girl, scampering off.
After school Sally was sitting in the family room watching TV when Jan walked in and sat beside the little girl.
"Honey?" she said, taking the little girl's hand in her lap.
"Yes Mommy?"
"Would you still like to help tie Mommy up tonight?" she asked softly.
"Sure, Mommy," she answered, "If you want me to."
"If we do this, it will be our little won't tell your sister or anyone else?"
"No Mommy....just you and me playing Cowboys and Indians by ourselves!"
"OK," said a deeply conflicted Jan with a deep sigh. "Angie will be home from Cheerleader practice soon, and then we will have dinner. She is going bowling with the church group, and won't be home until 9." She looked at her daughter. "You can help tie me up at 8...and then right to bed."
"OK, Mommy."
Sally, unlike her Mom, was not the slightest bit troubled, and loved having a secret with her Mom from her big sister. Jan was more quiet than normal through dinner, but the two girls laughed and argued as they normally do, and paid scant notice to their Mom one way or the other. At 7:15 the honking of a van's horn called Angie to join a gaggle of teenaged kids in an evening of bowling and flirting. "Bye Mom!" she called as she left. "Bye Brat."
"Ready, Honey?" asked Jan.
"Sure's going to be fun!" said the little girl.
The two of them went upstairs. Jan went to her bedside table, reached inside a drawer and tossed a couple of items on the bed. "Back in a minute," She told her daughter.
Sally sat down, and her eyes were drawn to the red ball with the strap through it. She knew it went inside her Mother's mouth, but she didn't really know why. "Cowboys and Indians didn't have rubber balls," she thought to herself.
Jan used the bathroom, then stripped off her clothes, and slipped into a long nightgown. She noticed her hard nipples slithering around under the sheer cotton. She shook her head, her excitement overpowering any feeling of guilt at being tied up by her own little girl.
"Mommy, can I ask a question?" said Sally as Jan reentered the room.
"Sure Honey, anything."
"Why do you put a rubber ball in your mouth?"
"That is called a "gag"," said Jan with a smile. "Remember how last week I was really tied up for a long time, but you didn't know it, because I couldn't call for help?"
"Yes Mommy," answered the little girl. "If I hadn't opened the door, you would have stayed tied up all day."
"That's right, Honey," said Jan. "When a girl his gagged she can't cry out for help....that is what makes it fun and exciting."
"Sure, Baby. Pretend you were a princess, and had been kidnapped. How would you feel if the handsome Prince came to rescue you, but walked right past you because you were tied up, and gagged, and covered by a blanket?"
"I would be scared!" said the little girl.
"That's right," said her Mom. "You would want to call out to him "Save me!"....but you couldn't because you were gagged."
"That would be exciting!" said Sally "Yes my Love," smiled Jan. "Being helpless and a little scared is what makes it exciting!"
Little Sally rolled the ball between her hands, thinking. "But Mommy, if Daddy tied you up, he would know where you were, wouldn't he?"
"Yes Honey," said Mom. "But what if he left you tied up for a very long time, and you wanted him to let you loose.....or what if he tickled your feet, and you wanted him to stop.....but you couldn't tell him? Couldn't beg for mercy?"
The little girl nodded. "So.......," she said slowly, "its fun to be a captive....and be......." The little girl searched for the right word. "Helpless?"
"You are a smart little girl," said her Mom. "When you are bound, and gagged, and completely helpless, your captor can do anything to you, or just leave you, and you can't do anything about it."
"I understand Mommy, said Sally. "I will be sure to gag you so that you can't say anything!"
Jan smiled. Sally was eager, but inexperienced. She remembered the first times that her husband Bob had tied her. The ropes were loose, and she had to bite down on the gag to keep it from falling out of her mouth on its own. She pretended to be captive, so as to not hurt his feelings!
"Sure Honey," she encouraged. "I'm sure I will be totally helpless." The woman stood, and patted her daughter on the shoulder. "Before you make me a captive for the night, Mommy needs to go to the bathroom."
Sally giggled and played with the chains, locks and cuffs until her Mother returned.
"Honey," she explained, "since this is your first time, I will fix myself up, and show you how to do it. All you will have to do is come and unlock me in the morning, OK?
A small frown of disappointment flashed across the little girl's face. "Ok, Mommy," she answered. "Show me what to do."
"OK, first the ankles." Jan sat on the edge of the bed, and laid the shackles between her feet. Quickly the first steel band swung open, captured the dainty ankle, and was locked shut with a small padlock. Once the second one was locked on, the woman's feet were connected by a foot of heavy chain links.
"See Honey, all the padlocks are just a like, and the same key opens them all. The key goes on the table beside the bed."
The little girl knelt beside her Mom, and fondled the heavy chain. "What happens if the key is lost?" she asked.
There is another key in my jewelry box on the dresser," her Mother answered. "Do you remember how last week I used a combination lock on the chain between my ankles and handcuffs?
Sally nodded.
"Well, since you are helping me, and it is hard for a little girl to remember the combination for the lock, I am going to use one of these same little padlocks all the locks will work with the same key, OK?
Again, Sally nodded.
Jan swung her chained ankles up on to the bed. "Ok, Honey", she explained. "Now I will gag myself, then put on my handcuffs, and fix the chain between my cuffs to my ankles."
"OK, Mommy."
Jan picked up the ballgag, with a final explanation. "See where the little hole on the strap is a little stretched out?" she said, showing her daughter the leather strap.
"Yes, Mommy," answered the girl. "The 4th hole."
"That's right. That is the hole that I always use, so that the gag is tight enough that I can't spit it out." Jan looked at her daughter. "Understand?"
"Sure Mommy," answered Sally. "It's no fun being gagged if you can spit it out whenever you want to.
" we go." Jan wedged the ball between her lips, and quickly pushed the buckle through the 4th hole. She picked up a pair of handcuffs, and captured her left wrist, then threaded a loose chain through the chain linking her shackled ankles. She picked up a little padlock, cuffed her right wrist, and flopped down on the bed with her back facing her daughter. Bending her knees, she drew her ankles toward her cuffed hands until she could grasp the chain, which she quickly threaded between her wrists, and secured with a padlock.
Once secure, she rolled over to face her daughter. "Mmmmmph?" she asked, raising an eyebrow in inquiry.
"Sure Mommy, I see how to do it," said the girl. "Let me pull up your covers, and kiss you good night."
Sally drew the light blanket up to her Mother's neck, and bent to kiss her sweetly on the cheek next to the gag strap.
"I'll see you in the morning Mommy," said the little girl, turning out the light.
"Mmmmm," said her Mommy.
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