Published: 3-Nov-2012
Word Count:
I met Marli when she was ten, about a month or so from her eleventh birthday. She was my daughter's friend and had been invited to sleep over one Friday night, and her mom was just dropping her off. I'm generally very careful how I conduct myself around little girls, so as to avoid any suspicion, but when Marli showed up at the door with her mother, I had to force myself to speak - she was just so beautiful, I completely forgot myself. Looking back, I could easily imagine that my jaw literally dropped when I first saw her. I quickly gathered my wits and exchanged inane pleasantries with her mom, who wanted to make sure I was normal and not some creeper. If she only knew. Unfortunately her mother was hideously ugly with the run-down look of a lifelong party girl who was at one time beautiful. After getting a look at her impossibly hot daughter, I'd have been tempted to invite mom in for coffee, wine, marriage, whatever. But with a face like an old catcher's mitt, that wasn't happening.
Once mom had satisfied herself that her daughter was in capable hands, I could focus on Marli, and I could finally examine her in detail. She had straight brown hair and beautiful big brown eyes. She had a small waist, and since she was on the cusp of puberty her hips had just begun to widen, giving her just a hint of the feminine form which was just around the corner. Her tummy was muscular and flat and she had ridiculously long and deeply tanned legs which led up to her best feature; an absolutely perfect ass. Marli's family was poor, and as a result she was forced to wear whatever clothes had been passed down from her older sister or share clothes with her younger sister. Today's outfit was a close-fitting white tank top and a pair of lemon yellow short shorts that were so tight they looked like they'd been painted on - I was amazed her mom let her out of the house like this. They hugged every curve of her perfect little butt beautifully, and I could clearly see the outline of her panties through the threadbare material where it wedged deep into her crack. Had they been a half inch shorter, her ass would be hanging out. With my cock already springing to attention, I knew it was going to be a long day.
Now, the other thing I must tell you about Marli was that she was physically affectionate. My own daughter wasn't really big on parking herself on laps or sitting close to grownups, and I never forced the issue, since for some reason despite being enormously and hopelessly attracted to little girls, I've never even been remotely attracted to my own child. Marli was as different as could possibly be. Within an hour of hanging around me, she was sitting on my lap like she'd known me for years or cuddling up right next to me. I'd never met a kid like this - there was simply no concern of any kind about physical contact. If she sat next to me, you couldn't fit a piece of paper between us. If she wasn't right next to me she'd put her feet on my legs. She wasn't flirting; that was just her way, as if she had to be in close contact with another person at all times. It was wonderful and tortuous at the same time. I just adored her.
My daughter and Marli sat on the floor playing video games. Laying on her tummy, Marli's legs were widely splayed as she focused on the game and not on the show she was giving. Apparently her mom hadn't spent too much time on teaching her daughter proper ladylike decorum - not that I was complaining. I could clearly see the shape of Marli's pussy as those incredibly tight shorts rode up into the cleft of her sex and up her butt. They were so short I could even see the little hollows at the tops of her inner thighs. With the two girls enthralled in the game, I had as much time as I needed to examine and memorize every detail of Marli's crotch for the furious masturbation session I had planned for later.
But in my lust I got careless. With me staring at her ass like my life depended on it, I didn't notice the game ending. What I did notice was Marli snapping her legs closed and rolling over, which instantly broke my trance. I looked up at her face and she was staring right at me with a look of confusion...maybe anger? I turned thirteen shades of purple and moronically tried to look innocent, as if there was a chance of that. I was caught. I looked back a few moments later and Marli was looking at the TV again as a new game began, but now she seemed to be smiling ever so slightly. Was that because of me or something that happened on the screen? I had no idea, but I did my best to behave myself from then on, stealing furtive glances instead of gawking at her like a horny teenager. It wasn't easy.
After dinner, the girls busied themselves painting their nails and chatting about their fascinating lives. The plan was that we were going to watch a movie, so after I cleaned up the kitchen I told the girls to change for bed and report back when they were finished. My daughter was in her own bedroom getting changed, and that left Marli using the bathroom. When she came out, she had changed into a much more modest outfit. This time she was wearing an oversized sweatshirt and a baggy pair of shorts. My heart sank just a little. I was really going to miss the show from earlier.
With the girls happily munching on the popcorn I had prepared, I started the DVD and excused myself to the bathroom - I didn't figure I'd miss much except previews. There on the bathroom floor was Marli's overnight bag. I resisted as long as I could before grabbing the bag and snooping around in it. The ordinary things were in there: a small stuffed animal, a toothbrush and tomorrow's outfit, including a fresh pair of white panties and a bra (a trainer, since she had absolutely no need of a real one). I examined the panties I'd found but to my disappointment they were so clean, they looked like they'd been purchased ten minutes ago. But stuffed down inside the bag I caught a glimpse of the shirt she had been wearing earlier, and beneath that, the shorts (size 3T, which, if you know sizes, should give you an idea just how tight they were on her. The T stands for toddler, for fuck's sake - they were made for a three year old!). I pulled the shorts out of the bag - I wanted to see if there was any possibility of getting a whiff of her pussy. I didn't hold much hope that a ten year old would transfer the scent of her pussy to a pair of shorts, but I had to find out. Then, to my overwhelming joy I found wrapped tightly in the shorts was the pair of panties she must have been wearing underneath - orange with purple trim. They were still warm. And even more incredibly, they were wet.
Raising them to my nose, I fully expected that, Marli being just shy of eleven, had simply peed her pants a little. Completely understandable with all the giggling and wrestling going on between the girls that afternoon. With my brain anticipating the odor of urine but not caring, I inhaled deeply and my eyes snapped open. This was not pee. This was most definitely not pee. My cock bolted to attention even before my olfactory senses had fully processed the unmistakeable scent of sex; of arousal. I opened the panties to examine them. These were clearly a much older pair than the others, with little stains of varying ages. But prominent above all of that was a dark oval of wetness that held the most intoxicating scent I'd ever experienced in my life. Now with less interference I sampled again, breathing deeply the intimate aroma of Marli's most secret place. My dick was now an iron bar, straining uncomfortably at my zipper. With Marli's panties still to my face, I released my cock with my free hand. I had planned on doing this later after the girls had gone to sleep, but with these new developments this simply wasn't going to wait. In short order, I had worked up what seemed like a half a gallon of sperm and fired it angrily into the bathroom sink while simultaneously trying to reach orgasm on the inhale and not scream in release on the exhale. It wasn't easy, but I think I was quiet. At least now, with my lust happily on its way to the city's water treatment facility, I could conduct myself like a gentleman around Marli for the evening.
As I put myself back together in the bathroom and reluctantly returned Marli's panties back to her overnight bag, I could swear I heard a creak just outside the door. When I returned to the girls they were sitting where I'd left them, but Marli had that same slight smirk again. Nothing about my daughter's appearance led me to believe that Marli had been anywhere but right next to her the entire time, so I dismissed the creak as imaginary.
The girls had decided to wait for me before starting the movie, so I grabbed a beer and got comfortable on the couch while the opening credits began. The girls were still on the floor, the bowl of popcorn arranged between them. The shorts Marli had on were black athletic shorts, at least two sizes too large - probably borrowed from her big sister. They were big on her but they weren't long. Had they fit properly they'd probably be very revealing but as big as they were, she was swimming in them. Well, at least I wouldn't be caught staring at a preteen cameltoe again. Thank heaven for small favors.
After finishing the popcorn, the girls arranged themselves on the floor in front of the TV. Other than her legs, which were lovely, Marli wasn't putting on much of a show anymore, so I actually watched the film.
At some point, Marli had rolled to her side and put one leg up when she bent her knee to scratch her foot. Whether she did this intentionally or not I don't know, but I nearly choked on my beer when I saw that she was not wearing panties and, thanks to her sister's huge shorts, I could clearly see her bald pussy slit. Before I had time to adjust for a better look she had closed her legs again, but the image was permanently burned into my brain.
Later the girls decided to join me on the couch to be more comfortable, my daughter on one side, Marli on the other. Marli had started to warm up so she took off her sweatshirt, revealing a light pink tank top, this one apparently borrowed from her younger sister (she has two sisters and a brother), because it was very small; only reaching down to her belly button (an adorable innie, if you were curious). Stealing a glance when she had to fix her hair after removing the other shirt, I could see that while she had no boobs at all yet, her nipples were just starting to puff out ever so slightly. Yum.
Still I could think of nothing but the fact that Marli had no panties on. Every time she moved I tried to carefully sneak a peek up her shorts but to no avail. I had no choice but to bide my time.
My patience was rewarded when Marli sat away from me, then turned to put her bare feet in my lap. I became instantly hard at her touch but was in no immediate danger of revealing my condition as long as her feet stayed where they were. If I was cautious I could see the side of the mound of her pussy as the material of the shorts had raised up in front but the best parts were blocked. Thinking I could advance the cause a little, I tickled her feet, causing her to giggle and pull her feet back, showing me the briefest flash of her pussy before it was gone again. With mock anger, she then informed me that I was now obligated to give her a foot rub. I pretended to protest, but eventually accepted my punishment and started to massage her cute little feet with her freshly-painted blue toes. I'm not a foot guy; I've never found them particularly attractive and guess I still don't, but there was something decidedly sexual about doing this...especially when she gave the slightest little moan at one point during my efforts.
In time, I noticed that Marli's breathing had become deep and regular - she had fallen asleep. With my own daughter asleep in a ball on my other side and Marli's feet in my hand, I set her foot down on my leg, but much closer to my cock, which meant that her legs were now spread, albeit slightly. Looking up her shorts, I could see her pussy again, but it was too dark to see any detail. In frustration, I ever so carefully moved the shorts open. There. With all of the lights still on in the room, I had an unobstructed view of her perfect little pussy. I could barely make out the first traces of downy fur. Looking a bit lower, I saw the unmistakable shine of glistening wetness at the innermost line of her slit. I swallowed hard and gently pushed her shorts out of the way just a little more, hoping to improve the view. When I did this, I also opened her legs a bit further, and now I could see just how wet her pussy was. I looked up at her face to make sure she was still asleep, and found she was looking right at me. But this time she didn't snap her legs shut; she kept them spread, looking directly into my eyes. I couldn't hold her gaze and looked down, but her legs stayed put.
"I'm so sorry." I said.
"For what?" she asked.
"Marli, I don't even know how to answer that. We both know I was looking up your shorts. It was wrong and I'm sorry." I really did feel bad. I wanted her desperately but with no desire to spend my remaining days in prison and never see my daughter again, I had no intention of doing anything beyond looking. I'm a pervert, but I'm not stupid.
"It's okay. I saw you looking at me earlier, too." she said.
I played dumb. "What?? When?"
"When I was playing Wii." she replied. Her legs still hadn't moved.
"Well, you're very beautiful. I guess I couldn't help myself." I admitted.
She smiled. Then taking a breath, she said, "I also heard you in the bathroom. I have an older brother." The implication was obvious. Well fuck me - now I look like a goddamned creeper. I decided to try and regain some standing.
"You know, it wasn't very nice of you to spy on me like that." I tried to sound stern while whispering. My daughter was still out cold on the other side of the couch and I didn't want to wake her.
"I'm sorry." she said. Her legs closed a little.
"I'm sorry too...I'm so embarrassed." I really was, too.
"Why? My sister told me everyone does it." she said.
Everyone? Sensing an opening, I asked, "Do you?"
Eyes down, knees now together. No answer. I'll take that as a yes, thank you very much.
"Well, you got to hear me earlier. Fair's fair." I pressed. No arguing with playground rules when you're ten. "So do you?"
"Sometimes" she said quietly, looking down.
I'll take Raging Boners for 400, Alex.
Resisting the temptation to ask for specifics and embarrassing her, I simply said, "It's nothing to be ashamed of. Like you said, everyone does it."
She nodded. No answer.
While I wanted to know every single detail about every masturbatory experience she ever had in her young life, I knew better than that. Instead I said nothing. Her feet were still in my lap, so I gently took one in my hands and rubbed her feet some more.
About five minutes passed, but she didn't resist the foot massage and seemed to be warming to me again, so I broke the silence, "Did it bother you that I was looking at you like that?"
As if startled, she said, "No! Not at all!"
Then more quietly, she added with a shrug, "I liked it."
"Really?" I asked. A nod from Marli.
"Can I look at you again?"
She nodded again, but didn't move. So I waited a moment, then tried my luck with her feet and moved them apart just a little. No resistance, but the shorts had moved to a place where my view was completely blocked.
"I can't see with your shorts like that." I told her.
Without a word, she reached down and pulled aside the leg hole of her shorts wider than I'd ever have asked her to, completely exposing her entire vulva. I took a sharp breath - stunned at how hot she was.
"You are so sexy." She smiled that such a grownup term was applied to her, and brought her knees up a little, improving my view, but not removing her feet from my lap.
"Wow" I said in a whisper.
As if emboldened by the positive reaction from me, she spread her legs even more, and for the first time her foot came solidly into contact with the titanium rod that had been quietly throbbing in my shorts for the last twenty minutes. I gasped at the touch.
She had avoided eye contact during her little show, but with that touch she looked right at me. Her mouth opened slightly and she just sat there, watching me, as if waiting for an answer to a question nobody asked.
"I can't help it. That's what you do to me." I offered. She smiled again and looked at the tent in my shorts. I took the opportunity to adjust myself, relieving the pressure and pain of my previous positioning, but making my erection much more obvious. This did not go unnoticed by Marli.
"Can I see it?" She asked. "You've seen mine." The playground rules apply in both directions, apparently. Cute.
Remembering my daughter right next to me, who sleeps like the dead but no way in hell am I risking having her wake up to find her best friend examining her dad's dick in our living room, not that it would have been any easier to explain what Marli was just doing.
"Well I don't want to wake ________ up. Tell you what...if we move someplace else I'll let you see." Apparently I'm stupider than I previously thought.
"Okay!" she replied eagerly.
Placing a blanket on the little ball that was my sleeping daughter, I turned off the lights and the television so she'd stay asleep with no disturbances. Then I beckoned Marli to follow me upstairs to my room. In for a penny, in for a pound, I guess.
Once in my room, I closed the door and locked it. I'd bet a house payment my daughter wouldn't have even budged for at least eight more hours, but there was no point risking having her just stroll in. I turned on a dim lamp - mood lighting for those evenings when I have company. She hopped up on my bed and scooted to the center, then turned to wait for me. Sitting down next to her, I ask, "Are you sure?"
"Yes," she replied, "I've seen pictures before." she added, trying to sound grown up. Like it's no big deal that she's about to look at a grown man's cock while locked in his bedroom at nearly 1 o'clock in the morning. Sure! Happens all the time!
So I opened my shorts and took my dick out, which was still hard...harder than I think it's ever been. In fact, I'm fairly convinced I could have broken boards with it, if I knew anything about martial arts.
While I guess I was hoping that she'd take it in her mouth and start sucking me furiously, that's not what she did. Instead she...studied it. She didn't touch it, but she just examined it carefully...almost clinically. Fortunately I keep things somewhat neat down there, so I didn't scare her with nasty 70's porno pubes, but she looked at it from different angles, then looked down at her own belly once or twice before making a face of what looked like disappointment.
"Something wrong?" I asked.
I just love one-word answers. They're my favorite. I thought I knew what was troubling her but there was no way I was putting it out there. My guess was she was thinking it wouldn't fit. Now, I'd love to tell you I have dick like a tennis ball can, but that would be lying. Sadly, I'm brutally average. Probably even on the thin side; a fact I would never have been thankful for before. But the fact that she was even considering having my cock inside her was promising, assuming I was reading her correctly.
I told her, "Well you got to look really close at me. My turn." I paused briefly. "Shorts off this time."
She hesitated and said, "I'm not wearing panties." Thank you, Captain Obvious.
"Yes, honey, I know. ........remember?" I said through my eyebrows, smiling broadly. She got the joke and smiled, feeling a little stupid but letting it go.
She laid back and pulled her shorts off and sat back up. At that point I realized I was looking at what is quite possibly the most perfect female currently alive on the planet. And she's on my bed. And she's naked from the waist down. And...she's ten. And in the briefest of moments my self and I had a discussion about what to do next. I won't bore you with the details but my brain (well, the larger of the two) won out and I decided to put a stop to this right now before I did anything stupider than I already had. Yes. This had definitely gone too far already.
"Okay now lay back and spread your legs a little." I said.
Well that was unexpected. Apparently the little guy has veto powers.
Marli looked nervous but laid back, watching me watching her.
"You are so beautiful." I said. I meant it.
She smiled and relaxed a bit, parting her knees slightly. I took the opportunity to get really close to her pussy. It was a perfect little slit with the small nub of her clitoral hood just visible at the top, and the slightest widening at the bottom. Her legs were only slightly open, so I asked her to spread them a little. She did, but only a very little. So I asked her to spread a little more, and she opened herself to me almost obscenely; as if she was trying to touch her knees to the mattress. The motion completely displayed her whole vagina, including her inner labia, which were previously hidden - they were light pink, glistening and appeared swollen. Her clitoral hood was much larger than I previously thought now that it is fully exposed and seemed to stand out prominently. Briefly I wondered to myself if that means everyday activities are more stimulating for Marli as opposed to a girl with a tiny clit tucked way up inside, as some have. Regardless, Marli's little pussy was beautiful; even her tiny little butthole was perfect.
Since I was so close to her, I took a chance and blew gently on her clit and she reacted by jerking backward as if she'd received an electric shock. Her legs started to close but I gently stopped her. "Have you ever kissed a boy?" I asked. She shook her head no. I then asked, "Did you know you can be kissed here?" indicating her vagina. Marli then made a concentrated face as she contemplated the meaning of this, but I think all she could think about was that she pees from there.
"Would you like me to show you?" I asked. And to my great surprise she agreed. So I lowered my face to her sex and now I could smell the same heavenly aroma I recognized from earlier, when I smelled Marli's dirty panties in the bathroom. Somehow, the scent was even better when it comes direct from the manufacturer.
I started out by lightly kissing her mound where it met her tummy and the insides of her legs, which made her giggle. Still, I methodically worked inward toward her vulva and when I got there, I could feel the heat radiating from her and I could see her wetness. With a broad, soft tongue I gently tasted her. She was a mix of tang and musk and I could smell the soap on her skin as well. Marli took a sharp breath and said simply, "Oh."
Smiling a little, I continued my work, doing my best to avoid the clit - no sense rushing things. After a while, I could tell that Marli was adjusting her hips a little, trying to steer her clit under my tongue without making it too obvious. After being coy and holding off a little bit more, I let her get what she wanted and I wrapped my lips gently around her clit while softly flitting my tongue across it inside my mouth. At that point her little moans became bigger moans, and she breathlessly told me, "Ohrighttherethat's...... please..... don't.... sssssssssst-" her words were cut off as she held her breath, instinctively postponing her impending orgasm. At that point I brought my hand to her pussy and ever so gently pressed a fingertip into her wetness. Another fingertip I touch firmly to her asshole, not entering, just pressing at the center.
That did it. Unable to hold it back any longer, Marli fell into an incredibly powerful orgasm. Her pussy clamped down on my fingertip, and her asshole was spasming frantically. I could tell it was a good one. Her hands found my hair and she pulled me tighter to her, grinding my mouth into her pussy. She was moaning loudly, clearly having forgotten (or not caring) about her friend sleeping downstairs on the couch. With the finest moment of my life currently in progress, I'm not sure I cared either. Let her scream. I continued working at her clit with intensity, trying to prolong her pleasure and still gauge the moment when it goes from feeling good to being too much and I have to stop. Soon I could feel her slowing down and her legs starting to close as her movements became more controlled. With one last deep lick to get every possible molecule of her cream as I made her part of me forever, I pulled away, and found her looking at me through half-closed eyes, smiling.
"Good?" I asked.
She nodded with a look of what can only be described as amazement meets adoration. Her eyes look heavy.
Another nod.
Without a word and without putting her shorts back on, Marli crawled nearer to me and clung to me, wrapping one leg around and between mine, and putting her arm around my chest before nuzzling into my neck. I wrapped an arm around her and smiled to myself when I found her back was damp with sweat. She was asleep in seconds. Well so much for me. It dawned on me that this is the problem with a girl Marli's age; she simply has no concept of the agony she was about to put me through by falling asleep and leaving me without relief. But then, how could she know? If she did, naturally she would never do such a thing, but she didn't, and that moment wasn't the right time for the discussion.
With my hand on her butt like we've been sleeping together for years, I tried to drift off. There was no hope of self-relief; her leg draped over mine made it impossible, and while I could have just pushed her off me and masturbated again without waking her, I was so loving the fact that this flawless little girl was half naked and pressed tightly against me I didn't dare move for fear she would never return to this same exact position. Better to suffer just to keep her next to me. At least she didn't have shorts on...
Philip Spence
The ending is supurb. I have to go jerk off now.
Mindy Angel
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