Published: 2-Mar-2013
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Young Inca boy with a guitar:
the dark waterfall of your hair
splashed over me as we made love;
your body, slim and arched, above
me darted in and out
of my well-trained and willing mouth
until the salt sweet sperm came; then
at peace, accomplices and 'men',
we licked each other's sweaty skin,
confessed our prides and told our sins,
-- a poet growing old, a young
confusion with a life-style - song -
and then sleep came and brought us dreams
of childhood, in each other's arms.
The gold of bodies does not melt;
preserves itself in what was felt.
Moroccan boys in mountain towns.
djellabas, snow-white or leaf brown
his slim white cocks that like sharp knives
cut my ass; then cool kif pipes;
Mexican boys, met on the road,
in jails, cantinas, briefly had
and disremembered; dusty faces,
small cocks, tight balls, great eagerness;
Argentines, Uruguayans, complex
city boys needing simple sex;
treacherous, delicate Indian lads
from beautiful, deadly Trinidad;
-- all of you are dimly with me yet;
I keep the faith; I do not forget.
The gold of bodies does not melt;
preserves itself in what was felt.
Brazilian boys with laughing cocks
earnest with need to get your rocks
off in some way, and set your seal
on woman, man or animal;
Dario, Fabrico, Adonai
-- you will not age, you will not die;
my mind will keep you always young;
brown-skinned and eager and well-hung;
kisses you did not have to give,
and gace, I, while I live,
will recall, and how you would lie
beside me afterwards, till the sky
went white, and the bem-ti-vi at dawn
woke us with his three-note song.
The gold of bodies does not melt;
preserves itself in what was felt.
This is not boasting, for who cares
these days ? I have made love in cars,
on beds and hillsides, in ruined churches,
on beaches, mountain-tops, under bridges;
like Jews who've nothing against Goys
I hold no brief against the man
who lies with girl, sow, ewe or ram;
and, growing older, only enthuse
for money, to keep on buying youths
to warm my old age with their hot hands:
the best loves are one-night stands!
The gold of bodies does not melt;
preserves itself in what was felt.
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