Published: 10-May-2012
Word Count:
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John woke with a start to the warm tropical breeze caressing his skin. The French doors leading onto a small balcony stood open. Megan's soft, warm body was pressed intimately against his own. Smoothing the silken blonde hair away from the child's face he pressed a kiss gently to her cheek. Disentangling his body from the slender arms and legs wrapped about his torso he wandered out onto the balcony. The warmth of the morning sun was almost intoxicating. Not a cloud could be seen in the azure blue sky. It looked like yet another perfect day in Paradise.
As John started to leave the balcony a middle-aged woman and a young teenaged boy waved from the path that lay between his property and the beach. "Hello neighbor!" the woman called out. "I'm Joneta Pierce and this is my son Tyler, we live right next door. Lifting a basket wrapped in red cellophane she added, "House warming gift."
"Come on up," John called with a broad smile. Having donned a silk dressing gown, he met the couple downstairs after shutting the bedroom door. Megan was worn out from yet another night of passion. John could not seem to get enough of his sexy daughter. He never missed an opportunity to show her that love in any way he could - especially if it involved being buried deep in the most lusciously tight cunt he had ever experienced. She had recovered well from their first encounter and often asked to be made love to. John was more than pleased with their developing relationship.
He led Joneta Pierce and her son into the comfortable sitting room that overlooked the beach. Patio doors stood open to allow a cooling breeze to stir through the room. "Hello and welcome," he said to the couple as they sat together on a wicker loveseat. Joneta was dressed in a comfortable, loose shift that seemed popular among the female residents of the island. Tyler wore a pair of loose gray shorts with no shirt. His skin was tanned a lovely golden brown from daily exposure to the sun.
"How is your darling daughter doing? Is she awake yet?" Joneta queried. As John examined the gift basket she offered, "A few homemade goodies."
"Thank you!" he replied as he offered the couple some cold iced tea. "Megan is still asleep."
"Worn out, huh?" Tyler quipped with a broad smile.
"Tyler! Shush, don't be so forward with our host!" Joneta chastised. She pinched the young boy's thigh quite firmly just beneath the hem of a pair of gray shorts that he wore. With an indignant yowl the young boy settled back in the loveseat to rub the resulting weal.
Chuckling softly John stated, "Yes she's worn out. I'm sure you've had a few of those nights too, eh Tyler?"
The young boy blushed furiously at the man's words. Fidgeting about next to his mother, John noticed that the young man kept his groin covered with both hands after the teasing barb. Perhaps lustful imagery had piqued his libido?
"I'm so sorry," Joneta apologized. "Orgasm training isn't going very well for him. It's almost as difficult as potty training."
"Orgasm training?" It was John's turn to be curious. "How exactly have you been training him? I assume Tyler is your lover."
Joneta nodded as she pushed a strand of straw colored hair behind one ear. "For only six months, since Tyler turned 13. He was the one who actually pursued the relationship after his father, my husband, passed away last year. He's the best lover I've ever had."
As John and Tyler's mother continued to talk, he noticed the young boy continually fidgeting. One hand remained cupped over the crotch of the gray shorts. Finally the boy tugged his mother's sleeve insistently, face flushing a deep red.
"Mom!" the young teen whispered insistently.
Joneta scowled at her son then gave the boy yet another sharp pinch as he tugged at her sleeve again. "Stop it Tyler! This isn't the time or place."
"What's wrong, Mrs. Pierce?" John inquired casually. From the couple's actions he almost knew what was going on. A vicarious thrill shot through him as the young boy turned an even deeper red. "If there's anything I can do to help..." he trailed off as the boy groaned loudly.
"Pleaassse! It hurts!" Tyler whimpered. "I c-couldn't help it...thinking about Mr. Forrester and Megan. Owww...please, can I take it out at least?"
"If you're in pain Tyler, do what you need to do in order to relieve it," John spoke with a wicked grin at the boy's mother.
"I'm so sorry," she apologized yet again. "You don't mind do you? Tyler is special for several reasons. Let me show you what I mean."
At his mother's behest the young teen stood eagerly. She brushed the hand cupping his groin to the side. John's eyes grew wide at the size of the bulge in those shorts. Tenderly the mother pulled the elastic waistband down until a cock any grown man would be proud of was finally on display. A prick fully ten inches in length, heavily veined, and nearly wrist thick slapped against the youth's belly. The head was purplish and painfully engorged. Copious amounts of precum dribbled from the piss slit. Already a wet stain had formed on the front of the boy's shorts.
Tyler sighed softly as the encumbering clothing was removed. A sizeable hairless scrotum hung low between the boy's thighs. Only a scant amount of hair lay at the base of the 13-year-old's cock. "It feels as if it will burst!" Tyler groaned, hips writhing lewdly, as he stood in front of his mother. "Please!"
Joneta glanced at her host with deeply blushing cheeks. John stated, "Oh come now, Mrs. Pierce. Surely you're not going to let the boy suffer? I remember what it was like to be a teenager with rampant hormones." He sat back in the chair with legs crossed. This would definitely be interesting.
"You're sure you don't mind? I never know when Tyler will reach the limits of his endurance."
"Not at all. You wouldn't mind if I observed? My first chance to see a mother and son couple," he chuckled.
As she scooted her bottom a bit further out on the sofa the object of Tyler's rampant lust smiled. "Not at all..."
The young boy dropped eagerly to his knees between the widespread legs of his mother. She tugged the loose shift up around her waist to reveal the fact that she wore no panties. A trembling youthful hand guided the massive cock to the moist, shaven folds of his mother's pussy. With one hard thrust and a strangled sob of relief, the boy buried the thick tool to the balls. Joneta cried out sharply with only a brief wince of pain marring the smoothness of her forehead. As the youth began to piston the thick length of cock in and out of his mother's cunt, it emerged glistening with juices. Burying his face against her bosom he sobbed with obvious delight.
" good! So good inside you...ungghh! C-can't...can't hold it!" Slender hips worked frantically, muscular thighs trembled as he fought to hold back.
"It's all right darling, let it go," Joneta whispered. She lifted Tyler's face to gently kiss his lips as one hand stroked the boy's sweaty face. Her son froze in place at his mother's words.
John knew Tyler was cumming inside his mother's pussy at that very moment, filling it with potent incestuous seed. The boy grunted and groaned, panting rapidly as his mother tenderly caressed his quivering body. Carefully crossing his legs to hide his own generous erection, John watched as the boy finally pulled free of Joneta's tight cunt. Thick streams of creamy boy cum ran down the woman's taut buttocks. Tyler began to eagerly lick the sticky mess up with his tongue until his mother cried out, hips arching as she reached orgasm.
"I-I...oh my!" Joneta panted as she pulled the shift down. "Perhaps we should go now, Tyler?"
"Thank you for the gift, Mrs. Pierce," John said as his visitors rose to leave.
Tyler carefully adjusted the shorts over his still erect cock as he and his mother walked toward the door. John saw the couple out. He had no doubt the couple would spend most of the day locked in a lustful, incestuous embrace. The pair murmured parting greetings as they passed through the home's main door then ran hand-in-hand along the path toward their own home.
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