Lil Boss Bro, Part 2

[ t/t, oral, anal, humil ]

by Aabaaad


Published: 14-Jan-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
If the laws of your region forbid you from reading stories of sexual interaction between male teens, then scoot.

I was woken the next morning to the sound of someone whining and crying. I rolled over and looked at Jimmy, to find him on his stomach, Jeffy on top just fucking his ass like a bunny. He didn't even stop, just looked up at me and grinned, still thrusting hard into Jimmy's jiggling ass. I says Hey, and Jeffy says Hhheyyyy, kinda catching a breath in the middle. Jimmy was letting out little cries every time Jeffy bottomed out. This was MOST interesting. Finally Jeffy got this weird look on his face and yeowed, then collapsed on Jimmy's back, breathing harshly. I sat up and asked him if he was ok, and he just giggled and told me he was SO all right, and did I wanna get rid of my morning stiffie. I thought about this for, oh, four or five seconds anyway, then got on top of Jimmy and stuck my dingus into his ass. He went AHHH and his head came up when I got in. He started kicking his feet again as I pumped away, just like he had when Jeffy was doin' the deed. His ass moved around a bit, like it was trying to get away, but I kept on keepin' on. I found it felt better the harder I pushed, so my pubes kinda bounced off the skinny ass underneath as I whaled away, feeling stuff I'd never felt before. This was my first real fuck (So tell me how many you'd had at my age) and I figured I was going to enjoy it..and I did. It didn't seem very long until I popped and collapsed onto Jimmy's back just like Jeffy had.

I lay there for a minute or two, catching my breath, then looked over at Jeffy. He was sitting, with his back against the bed laughing fit to die. I didn't think I was that funny, and started to chew on him a bit, but he shook his head and said it wasn't me, idiot, it was his jerkoff brother. This was gonna be So much fun, cause bro had no choice and he didn't have the guts to quit, cause he was scared what the guys at school would do to him if they found out about his computer files.

When I was finished, Jeffy unlocked the chain around Jimmy's neck and told him to get his worthless ass into the bathroom. He had him sit on the shower chair and we tied him to it again, like before, his feet tied to the back rungs, off the floor, so he couldn't move it around. Jimmy started to beg Jeffy not to give him another shower, but got stopped in mid beg, as it were, by Jeffy smacking his face, and yelling at him not to say a fucking word without Jeffy's permission. That kinda shut him up until we turned on the cold water really hard, and stood laughing as Jimmy yelped and wiggled in the chair. Jeffy grabbed my arm and said c'mon and we went and left Jimmy and his shrinking dink and went out to the kitchen, starting to hunt for something to eat. We fed ourselves, doing some toast and orange juice and a couple of cut up cantaloupe, all while Jimmy sat shivering in the can.

By the time Jeffy and me went back to the bathroom to get Jimmy, he was sitting with his teeth chattering. We got him untied and didn't even dry him off, just grabbed his cock and pulled him down the hall and into the living room. Jeffy had him lay down on the floor, and then using a pair of scissors, snipped the duct tape holding his arms behind him. We ripped off the tape, pulling arm hair and all with it, enjoying Jimmy's little cries as the gluey stuff came off reluctantly. Then Jeffy made him stand up and start hopping up and down on the spot, his arms rigid at his sides, until he dried off. It was hilarious watching his cock and balls jiggling like a bowl of jello, and we laughed and pointed and said things to Jimmy as he bounced along. After a while, Jeffy thought Jimmy was dry enough, and ordered him to stop. Then he told Jimmy he was going to take us to the park this morning, and just a minute while he got something for him to wear. He came back in a minute or two with a pair of his old tighty whiteys and tossed them to Jimmy and told him to put them on. Of course, they were too small for Jimmy, his crotch hair showing above the waistband and the crack of his ass partially visible from behind. Then Jeffy told Jimmy that we wanted some money. We wouldn't look wherever Jimmy had it, but he knew it wasn't all in the bank, cause then people would ask questions, so he had it stashed somewhere.

He named a sum that made me choke and told Jimmy to go get it. (I know, I know, you all want to know how much..right? Sorry, but that's business, you know? I'm sure you understand.) Jimmy just stood and stared for a moment, then sighing padded off to his room. In a few moments, he came back with a handful of bills, giving them to his little brother, who cut the pile in half and gave one portion to me. Jeffy said thanks, and from now on he and I would get a certain amount every week, come hell or high water. No excuses. So Jimmy was to keep on what he was doing and it damned well better be profitable, and did Jimmy understand. Jimmy nodded sadly and we had us an income.

Then Jeffy went down the hall into his mother's room, came back with a small medicine type bottle with a rubber ball on the top of an eyedropper thingee. He went to the kitchen cabinet under the sink and took a sponge out of a package. He wetted the sponge and squeezed it out, then came back to the living room. He told Jimmy to open his mouth, and popped the sponge right in. Then he took the eyedropper and squeezed a liquid onto Jimmy's bottom lip, cheek to cheek. He had Jimmy close his mouth normally (well as normal as he could with his cheeks bulged out like a chipmunk), and told him not to move his lips until he had permission. He turned to me, holding out the bottle, saying it was the stuff doctors used on skin and flesh to close wounds without stitches. His mother had brought some home when Jeffy had done a one and a half gainer off his bike and opened up the side of his face. Grinning widely, he watched Jimmy for a couple minutes, then told him he could move now. Oh the look, the look, when Jimmy realized his lips were glued together. He really tried to get them apart for a little while. We were just laughing our guts out when he tried to say something and all that came out was mmmmmph. Funny or what?

Jeffy picked up Jimmy's car keys off the coffee table and tossed them to him, saying let's go. Jimmy's eyes got really, really big when he realized he was going out in a teeny pair of whiteys, that barely covered his gonads and had the wind whistling up his crack. To make it worse, Jeffy told him to get down on his hands and knees and crawl out to the car. We giggled ourselves silly watching this skinny jerkoff crawl down the front steps, his crack flexing with every, uuhh, step? crawl? whatever! Anyway, off we went to the park. This is a county park, and is about eight or nine miles from the house, just on the other side of the city. It is close enough to have bus service, and is well wooded, with a man made lake in the middle. There are also large open expanses of lawn with picnic tables scattered around for folks to do the family thing. What is was, was a place where any teen with or without a car could go and hang on the weekends, and most of the summer for some. Lots of quiet places to be off by themselves if they wanted, or mingle with the civvies if they desired. They had a takeout place on one end, and washrooms scattered around so it was a full service park, and was used heavily.

The first thing Jeffy did when we got to the park, was have Jimmy park in a bus zone. Jimmy looked puzzled but did as he was directed. When we got out, he kinda held back until Jeffy got a little sharp with him, and he stood looking SO like a dork in his little teeny whiteys beside the car. Jeffy led the way and Jimmy and I followed along as we crossed the driveway and across a parking lot, Jimmy tenderfooting as the gravel bit at his soft soles. We crossed an big open area and settled on a picnic table on the far side where we could see up to the lake, and across the parking lot to where Jimmy's car sat, pretty good view of anything happening in the open. Jimmy's face was red as a fire truck, really embarrassed, which of course, amused us to no end. Jeffy dropped his back pack on the table, reached in and pulled out the super, super glue. He had Jimmy hold out his right hand, palm up, then put the liquid in a line up each finger, then ran a line around the entire palm, finishing with an X in the middle. He told Jimmy to reach behind himself and grasp his left wrist. Jimmy did as he was ordered, but I think he was getting a little panicy now, his eyes were starting to tear up, chubby cheeks and all. Four minutes later Jimmy was effectively self trussed as the glue melded his hand to his wrist behind his back. Laughing steadily, Jeffy went back into the pack and pulled out a length of rope, had Jimmy back up to the picnic table, and tied his ankles to the bottom of one leg. So there he was left standing with his mouth unable to make noise, his hands unable to do anything, and his legs unable to walk, his cock and balls all but hanging out of a pair of way-to-small underwear. Can you see it? huh? Great huh? Well hang on, cause it wasn't over yet. To finish it off, Jeffy took another short piece of rope, pulled the front of the underwear down and wound this rope round and round the base of his cock and balls, pulling them tight, then pulled the shorts up again. It looked really funny cause the rope really made his package bulge out, and the shorts were stretched really tight, so you could see his balls AND the rope from the side, and the ass crack just got longer. Ok, now you got the whole picture. We stood admiring Jeffy's work, agreeing that it was a pretty picture, with pussy boy looking like...well..a pussy boy. Gales of laughter here.

So Jeffy says to me to hang for a while and buggers off towards the takeout place on the other side of the park, so I sit on the table, my feet on the seat and chat at Jimmy a bit. From behind I can see he's really trying to get his hand unglued from his wrist, but that stuff was just fantastic, didn't give an inch. In a little while I was a bit bored, so I get down and go around in front of Jimmy and see if my finger will fit in his belly button. Well, didn't that just make him wiggle and squirm, twisting his body desperately trying to escape the sonic digit. I thought this was just all right and started wiggling it a bit. Yep, he seemed to notice. He started saying things that didn't get out, but I was sure he was saying bad, bad things to me. The good part was that as a side effect his dork started to swell. Like there was room. All of his balls came into sight and the bottom of his shaft with the rope wound around, as ol faithful popped up and out. Oh my, wasn't it just funnier than a roomful of clowns.

I was still making him wiggle when Jeffy got back, holding a bottle of water. He took in the scene and started laughing, telling me I had potential for sure. Then, with a big grin, he held out the water bottle for me to touch. Man, it was just ice cold, he must have gotten it out of the chilled dispenser. I knew what was gonna happen next, so I went back up on the table and grabbed Jimmy's hair, and pulled him arched back over the top. He squawked a bit, shaking his head trying to get away from the hair pull. He squawked a hell of a lot more when Jeffy uncorked that ice water and poured it all over his standing up pecker, soaking the shorts and making Mr Johnson scrabble for cover. Ahhh, Jesus, my sides were hurting by now. Just about then, Jeffy had me turn Dufus's head towards where his car was parked. A friggin tow truck was picking it up on the hook. Seems Jeffy had made a phone call to the security company for the park and complained about this car parked in the bus zone. The look on Jimmy's face was just precious. Oh my, oh my, I told you Jeffy was an idea guy. Poor old Jimmy watched helplessly as his ride went out the driveway, figuring a hundred dollar release tag at the yard, not that he couldn't afford it.

We laughed at Jimmy for a while, then Jeffy opened his pack again, and made a show of fumbling around in it. Ahh jeez he says, telling Jimmy that somehow he'd left the release agent for the glue at home, darn it. Sorry, his fault. Anyway, he says, now we've got money he thinks we'll catch the bus downtown. Seein's how Jimmy appeared to be broke, and no where to keep money anyway, he guessed Jimmy was gonna have to walk all the way home, but don't worry cause Jeffy'd make sure the keys were safely in his pocket. It wouldn't take to long to get on his knees and pick the ropes on his ankles, but he guessed the cock rope was going to be out of reach. It was ok, the shorts should dry in a while and his pecker wouldn't be so visible through the wet fabric. Have a nice day.

Jeffy, did up the straps on his pack and we turned to go over to the bus stop, where we could watch Jimmy as we waited for the bus to arrive. Jeffy stopped, and said to Jimmy, who had tears rolling down his cheeks, that this was just the beginning. Things like this was going to happen all the time now, and Jimmy better get used to it. We were going to have SUCH a fun time with him, over and over. He was Jeffy's bitch now.

We went over and sat down in the shelter, watching Jimmy drop to his knees and start picking frantically at the ankle ropes with his one unglued hand. Laughing ourselves silly, we got on the bus and headed downtown with full pockets and full chests, filled with POWER. Ten four.

We spent the day downtown, doing the rounds of the arcades, picked up a few DVDs and I got some new jeans, and a couple of tees. Jeffy was looking at a whole new stereo system, when I pulled him aside and had a little chat. So here's the deal. We can buy small stuff that kinda fades in with everything else, but if we go and start buying really expensive stuff, adults are gonna notice and sooner or later we'll have to answer some VERY hard questions and they'll take the money, and we'll have nothing but a lot of trouble. Jeffy got a bit huffy, and wanted to know what the hell was the use in having money if you couldn't use it, so I told him the idea was to keep the money so we COULD spend it. Got it? On the other hand, unlimited pizza and chicken, and subs were ok, and some clothes could get by the customs inspectors (parents). Had to be careful with shoes, cause they usually sit right by the door where everyone can see them. DVDs and computer things are ok, cause parents don't know squat about those anyway. Whole stereos, or computers are a no-no, cause folks notice new. Buuut, parts for these things might be ok if they aren't to big, or stand out. Besides, you never know when you're gonna need a few bucks, you know, for smoke or drag, or X, and stuff. If you have a playstation, games are ok, just don't pile them all in one spot, so dad can count them. Anything you can't bring home has to go in the school locker, and you're fucked come summer, cause you gotta find another spot for it, so new shoes, that will get worn can go there for a while. Once he understood the basics, he got all right with the program. I also didn't know how long this 'beating brother love' was going to last, and I wanted to have something left over if it died too soon. (See, told you I was a thinker).

The other thing that was bothering me was what to do with Jimmy. I wasn't sure the glue thing was a good deal, I mean, funnier than hell, but I didn't think it was very safe, and we hadn't checked to see how good the release agent worked. Jeffy shrugged and said we'd deal with it when the time came. See? That's just what I was talking about. When the time came might be way too late.

Sooo..when it came time to go home, I had Jeffy come over to my place, and after dropping off our stuff in my room, we scooted over to the garage and stomped up the stairs, and knocked on Ron's door.

Ron was home. He's usually home cause he works out of his place. He started setting up web sites when he was seventeen , and went from there. He must be making money, cause he just got a new Vette last month, and that's cool. Not as cool as a tricked out Civic maybe, but pretty cool. Ron opens the door and says hey. We say hey, and go in. He's smiling, and I think he almost gave me a hug, but stopped in time. (I guess it'd be ok with Jeffy, cause Jeffy hangs with us quite a bit.) So he asks how we're doing and what's up, and I tell him we're fine and what does he know about slaves? I know he knows about slaves because I walked in one night and his friend Sandy was tied up on the coffee table with no clothes on, and a gag and collar and everything.

He looked a little surprised, and looks at me kinda funny, and asks if I have a slave. I tell him that we do, kinda, and we want to know stuff about being a Master.

WRONG question!!!!!!

You know when you ask your dad why the car's not running, and he gives you a two hour lecture on the workings of the internal combustion engine? Well, that's what we did with Ron. He started up, and you couldn't find the 'mute' button. We ended up telling him everything about Jimmy and what we'd done to him. He told us about responsibility and obligations (What is it that makes a great guy go adult when he turns twenty?) and all sorts of stuff. He laughed at the thought of Jimmy walking home almost bare naked, but reamed us about the glue and the gag. What would happen if he started to choke, or would they get the airway clear? And on and on.

I noticed Jeffy's eyes were going out of focus, and gave him a rib-elbow to get him to pay attention.

Anyway we learned a whole lot, and Ron told me to load the files I had to his computer, so Jimmy couldn't get them all if he decided to fight back. Bestest bro or what?

In the end, we figured we'd gotten a dog out of the deal, cause it seemed we had to look after a new slave just like a puppy. Feed and water him, let him go potty, get him used to doing what he was told, punishing if he did bad, and petting when he did good. Jeez, we thought it was all tie and fuck, and thump and fuck, and tickle and fuck...ah, you get the idea. So Jeffy and I went back to my room and talked it over. We decided we'd take some of the things from Ron, and most of the things from us. You know, compromise. So we could... ummm.. feed and fuck, punish and fuck, fuck and fuck..never mind! So we kinda laid around for the rest of the day, generally doing not much at all. We put on shorts and lay out in the sun, then ordered a pizza around supper time and put in a vid to watch. The dufus rolled in about five-thirty looking like a beat puppy. Mouth and hand still glued, underwear sorta covering him, and a bit of a burn on his back...sun'll do that after a while I guess. Something else we hadn't thought about. His cheeks had little trails down them like he'd been crying a lot and he was snotted up pretty bad. All things considered, we thought he looked altogether hilarious.

Jeffy went and got the release agent, and luckily, it worked without too much trouble. In no time at all, he was kneeling in the kitchen sucking back about a gallon of water and his stomach growling something awful, cause he hadn't eaten all day. His feet were filthy and a couple of blisters on his soles had burst, so we figured we'd better let him get cleaned up. We sent him off to get a shower and sat down waiting for the pizza.

Jimmy came back to the living room after his shower and found we had things set up for him, a heavy chair (damned heavy) facing the couch. We had him sit in the chair and tied him, hands behind, ropes around upper chest, and waist, knees bound and ankles tied, with a rope pulled to the back of the couch so his legs were straight out, heels resting on the couch. He was practically immovable, only able to wiggle his fingers and toes a bit. We checked out his soles and found they were not as bad as we had thought, and were still ticklish around the heels and toes. To give him credit, he hadn't opened his mouth since he came in the house, even though his stomach kept introducing itself, growling on a regular basis. The rope around his privates was still there, although a little wet, doing it's job. The pizza arrived and I went to get a couple of sodas while Jeffy paid for it. He decided the only place for the hot box to be convenient for us was on Jimmy's lap, right over his cock. He opened it up while Jimmy squirmed against the ropes, his pecker being overly warmed by the box, the smell of a fully dressed wafting up to torment poor hungry Jimmy. Awwww, wasn't that just darn mean of Jeffy? Jeffy helped himself to a slice, and asked Jimmy if he wanted some. Jimmy nodded, likely afraid to talk even with permission. Jeffy grinned and told him he was sorry, but there was just enough for him and me, but maybe he'd find something for Jimmy later, before he was chained for the night. Jimmy just looked sad and nodded silently.

We put in another movie and watched it while Jimmy sat facing us. We tickled his feet now and again, and he was giggling and squirming until we couldn't hear the movie any more, so Jeffy turned it off.

He told me to hang, he'd be right back and went down the hall. When he came back he had a couple of paint brushes in his hand. I thought we were going to work his toes, but Jeffy moved up and, taking the box off Jimmy's lap, started to run the brush up and down his shaft. I thought that this might be interesting and started brushing the sack. Well, didn't Jimmy just start wiggling as Mr. Johnson started climbing up his tummy. We worked at this for a while, and I was getting bored, but Jeffy says not to stop. He'd read about doing this on the net and it said to keep on for a long time, so I shrugged and began again. After a while, Jimmy started breathing VERY hard. we thought this was worth a chuckle or two, and Jeffy started asking Jimmy if he'd like to cum. Jimmy just groaned a bit, so we brushed a little harder, Jeffy running the brush over Jimmy's head, just to watch it twitch. By now Jimmy was in full squirm and just amusing us to no end. He began to whimper as the heartless brushes licked his privates without a stop. Up, down, up, down, lick the tip, up, down, up, down. Poor Jimmy was just wanting to cum like he'd never wanted to before. His feet were thrashing tugging against the ropes, trying to get his legs up to block the brushes, but, nothing was working for him, except his dingus. Jeffy told him that if he begged hard enough and long enough, we might stop, or maybe not, but he'd never know unless he tried. In a few more minutes Jimmy was begging for Jeffy to let him cum, whimpering a bit between begs. Jeffy talked to him steady, telling him what a piece of pooh he was, how he was just a faggot bitch and how he wanted us to fuck his ass, and how he should start begging us to do all these things to him, which he accommodatingly did almost immediately. Jeffy laughed at him and told me to keep strokin', and got up and went down to his room and came back with a camcorder. He told Jimmy to keep on begging, telling us the things he wanted us to do to him.

Jimmy was pretty inventive, I gotta admit. He was telling us things that were on his computer, and babbling steadily, all of which Jeffy got on tape. Then Jeffy told him if he wanted me to stop, he had to tell us what he wanted the hunks at school to do to him, and make sure to say all the names of these studs. Yep, just like a runaway train, Jimmy just rapped on and on, taking up a hell of a lot of time on the 'corder, thrusting his piece at the brush to try and get a pop. He was wiggling something awful, pulling at the ropes so hard that marks were starting to show up on his chest and even his knee ties. He was sweating something fearsome now, his forehead and chest shining under the lights. As for me, I was getting right into tormenting this jerkoff, who had made Jeffy's and my life miserable from time to time. Every time he jerked and whimpered, every time he pulled against the ropes, I did one more brushing, each one for a smack he had given Jeffy for nothing but a bad temper. Was I enjoying this? Fucking A.

So Jeffy got a shitload of Jimmy begging, and Jimmy got a shitload of.....shit!

He was outright crying now, so Jeffy had me stop and we sat down on the couch and watched him for a while. We figured we'd cheer him up a little so we went to work on his feet, which were just sitting there not doing anything except hanging off his legs. Didn't seem to help cause he started screaming, and still wiggling, and still crying, but we were having fun, and the thought was in the right place.

We did that for a while, just watching his feet thrash around, then Jeffy went and got some clothespins. We tied his big toes together and started putting the clothespins on the others, one at a time. Jeffy, never one to keep all the fun in one area, got up and clipped a couple onto Jimmy's nipples. Jimmy didn't seem to care for this treatment, cause he really hollered when they started squeezing his tits.

We played with his feet for a while, then Jeffy went back and started stroking his shaft again, slowly and lightly, the other hand tickling the head from time to time.

By this time ALL of us had a big ol throbbing hard-on. Jeffy and I stopped pestering Jimmy for a while, and just sat back and enjoyed our erections, letting them subside and rapping a bit. Jimmy was a sight for sure, all covered in sweat and with the tears making trails on his cheeks and everything. Poor Jimmy had had a bad day all the way round and we were kinda at a wall about what to do next, so we sat back and gave it some thought. Jeffy just sat there looking at his brother with the meanest look on his face. I got the idea he wasn't having as good a time as he made out. Shit, payback is one thing, but it's hard to really HATE your own brother, and not feel sorry for him. I asked him if he thought Jimmy had had enough for one day, and he just shook his head. Then he said for me to call Ron and ask if we could come over. I didn't know what he was up to, but his head scoots off north every once in a while, so I out with the cell and buzzed MY bro. Ron said sure we could come over, and how was the slave deal coming, and I told him that's what we wanted to talk about, and he said to bring it on. I told Jeffy we could go over and he said to untie Jimmy.

We had him free (except for his hands, which we retied behind his back) and up on his feet, sore toes and all. Jeffy tossed a thicker rope around his neck and off we went. Jimmy kinda pulled a bit at the door, being naked and still erect and everything, but Jeffy turned and smacked him a half dozen times, one right after the other, and Jimmy got really obedient. That's how we went up the street, Jeffy and me walking together and Jimmy just following along in the altogether (joke, joke). We went up the steps on the garage and walked into Ron's place. We had Jimmy kneel in the middle of the living room and sat down to talk to Ron. He asked what the problem was, and I looked at Jeffy, seein's how this was his idea. Jeffy just kinda sat for a moment or two and didn't say anything, then started up. It seems he really didn't want to HURT Jimmy all that much, but he wanted to, like, embarrass him every day. Ron said that he wanted to humiliate Jimmy, not embarrass, and Jeffy said that yeah, that was the word, humiliate, and he wanted to make Jimmy put out for us any time we wanted cause that really humiliated him, but did it really since, according to the computer, this is what he wanted.

Ron laughed, and I shook my head, not at all sure what he had just said. Ron said, yeah those things would humiliate the hell out of Jimmy, and it was ok if he wanted it, cause he'd be easier to control, but the real question was, what did Jeffy get out of it. (a great hard-on?) Ron said that Jeffy wanted control, cause that's what turned him on. So if Jeffy was feeling guilty, he shouldn't, cause Jimmy wanted it to happen to him, and Jeffy wanted to do it. So use Jimmy all he wanted. He was the Boss-boy, the Master, and he could do what he wanted, but he should be sure it was something he really wanted, and not just do something cause he thought he had to. If he didn't want to do anything at all to Jimmy for a whole week, then that was all right cause Jeffy was the boss, and Jimmy had to go along with whatever was wanted of him. You following this? Yeah, me neither really. I think it all came down to Jeffy not having to hurt Jimmy, just to hurt him. It should have some meaning.

Jeffy sat getting his mind around all this, and Ron sat back and waited. That's the thing about Ron, he's a great listener, and he won't rush you if he see's you need some time to figure. All this stuff was said right in front of Jimmy and he didn't say a peep. Just sat there looking at the floor, so being the disturber that I am, asked Ron what about Jimmy?

Ron said we'd get to Jimmy in a bit, but he wanted Jeffy to have things straight first.

Jeffy looked over and said he thought he had it now, and thanks, and what about fart-face?

Ron smiled and asked Jeffy if he could talk to his slave for a bit. Jeffy looked a little confused, then said yea, go ahead. Ron said that Jimmy should pay attention, and Jimmy looked up at Ron and said Yes Sir. Ron asked how Jimmy liked being Jeffy's slave-boy, and Jimmy said it was humiliating, but exciting too, cause he didn't know just what Jeffy was gonna do.

Boy, didn't that take Jeffy and me by surprise.

Ron asked if Jimmy was willing to continue being his little brothers boy-toy if the computer stuff was returned to him. Jimmy said no, it likely wouldn't work if he didn't HAVE to obey Jeffy, cause he was bigger and could just smack Jeffy if he got smart. But this way he HAD to do what he was told, cause he really couldn't afford to have that stuff get back to school. Really, really, couldn't, so Jeffy had him by the short hairs, and it worked that way.

Ron nodded and said that's what he thought.

Jeffy and I must have been some sight, looking at each other with our jaws covering our belly buttons and all. Fuck..Jimmy was really INTO it. Who'd a thunk it? Wasn't that a bitch? Ron looked at Jeffy and asked if he followed that, and Jeffy said he sure did and he understood a lot more stuff now. He said he was gonna take his slave home now and thanks for the help.

Ron kinda smiled and said Jeffy was welcome, and he should get his slave a collar to wear. Jeffy said he would tomorrow, after jerk-off went and got his car back.

So everybody got up and we went back to the house, with our willing (sort of) slave-boy in tow.

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