Jeff's Chronicles, Part 1

[ Mg, Mgg, Mggg, gg, ws ]

by 7.92x57


Published: 13-May-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
FIRST things first I guess. This is an erotic story written for the enjoyment of consenting adults. If you are not consenting don't read it (now that made a lot of sense). If you are not an adult don't read it. This story contains pedophilia and incest. If this offends you or violates your personal moral code DON'T READ IT.

SECOND: While I have the soapbox I want to say something about the nature of fantasy. That is what this story is FANTASY. I do not condone or agree with the activities portrayed in this story. Anyone in real life who harms a child deserves to be castrated then shot. That said, what is harm? Is a consenting, loving, sexual relationship between a child and an adult harmful? If done with care it is not physically harmful but there are other kinds of harm. Is it emotionally harmful? Perhaps, perhaps not, in actuality it probably varies case by case. Children don't have labels, there is no tag that says 'I can handle sex'. So for that reason alone caring adults should not consider a sexual relationship with a child (uncaring adults are going to do as they damn well please).

THIRD: Now I wish to speak on incest. I have no problem on a moral level with incest. I even consider the idea erotic (go figure) on an abstract level. I only have problems with incest is when it involves an adult and a child. The adult whether he/she be a parent or uncle/aunt or whatever is in a position of authority over the child. That brings in the possibility of coercion. Even if this is not intended there will be an element of it there just because of the authority position. Most children want to please their parents. A child that is subject to sexual advances by a parent may acquiesce even if this is not something they wish to do. I would have the same problem if the adult were a teacher or a principle. Other than that I have no problems with incest. If a brother and sister want to play around under the sheets, as long as certain precautions are taken, more power to them.

LAST: I want to speak on the nature of eroticism. This is in two parts, the first ties in with the nature of fantasy above. I find many things erotic in literature, these include, pedophilia, incest, bestiality, torture, rape, water sports etc... Very few of these things would I find erotic if I was a participant. Let me state that again, not only would I not do them (for moral reasons) but the thought of actually doing them turns me off like a light. Curious, I enjoy reading about them but the thought of doing them is repellant.

Now for the second part, I have for many years read erotic stories, starting with filched copies of Penthouse Letters as a teenager then downloading them from BBS's and finally the internet. I have found many, many erotic stories that I have enjoyed immensely. I have also found a great deal of duds. To be erotic a story needs several things. It has to be believable both in the setting and the actions/reactions of the participants. A story where a child walks into a pool hall, raises her dress and takes on everybody in the place would not be erotic for me no matter how hot the sex, because I would not believe it. A story has to be descriptive. Adjectives and adverbs are important. Don't tell me that Jane dropped to her knees and fucked the dog. Tell me what she feels, what she says, how she moves. Don't tell me a child is cute. Describe her, what is her skin tone, what color are her eyes, her hair? How soft is her skin? What is she thinking?


There is no Provost South Carolina but it could be anytown in the coastal south.

Before anyone points it out, I know the Lusitania had a riveted hull.


Provost South Carolina was a boring little burg I reckoned. I blew in one Saturday morning fully intending to be gone by Monday. I didn't really have a need to be anywhere else, a shit job driving a dump truck in Valdosta and a cruddy little efficiency apartment were all that was behind me but I damned sure wasn't going to spend a minute longer than necessary in a dump named Provost!

I was here to settle my Aunt Lois's estate. I hardly knew her at all. I had a vague childhood memory of a stocky fiftyish woman with a laugh like a donkey braying and a habit of setting the bulk of my prim relatives to either gasping or tittering depending on how scandalous her latest tale was. I don't think I met her but the once but I was apparently the only relative that hadn't ticked her off or disappointed her in some way in recent years so she had left her entire estate to me.

I got off the interstate and negotiated a dozen miles of rough two lane asphalt, it wasn't pitted or anything, just rough. It looked like they'd dumped poorly crushed seashells into the mix. I was a sometimes biker and shuddered at the thought of going down on that surface. It would be like a cheese grater.

A big wooden sign appeared with a smiling tanned woman holding a slice of pie, 'Welcome to Provost' it proclaimed in tall white letters. Just beyond was a smaller, more regulation marker that said 'Provost, POP 38,000'.

I grabbed a late breakfast of stale danish and coffee at a convenience store, they had local maps so I grabbed one of those as well. I ate over the hood of my truck while perusing the map.

The lawyer settling the estate had sent a fat certified letter and a set of keys. I dug the letter out. The house was on Landing rd. I examined the map till I found a Landing pike, pike..road, they meant the same thing but you'd expect more precision from a lawyer.

Getting there proved to be something of a challenge. Landing pike was just about the easternmost road in town, it was easternmost because it followed the contours of a great salt water marsh that stretched most of the way to the sea. I noticed a lot of the east west roads that linked up with Landing pike were coded with an odd orange dotting. I found a legend but it only said 'provisional closure'. I went back into the store and quizzed the clerk, an 18 something with braces and a very large chest.

It turned out that yes; she did know what that meant. The city and county had been putting together a huge park for the last five years. It was supposed to process the runoff into the march or something like that but I was told it was also a dandy place for rollerblading. Those 'provisional' roads didn't exist any more.

That forced me to turn around and drive five miles back the way I had come. It was a nice day though so it didn't greatly peeve me. When I finally turned east I soon passed the main entrance of the big new park, this end was mainly sporting fields. A bunch of kids in color coded uniforms chased soccer balls across manicured grass. I could hear some of the bellowing parents through the sealed windows, even over the whine of the air conditioner.

Landing pike was a tiny dirt one lane that meandered off through cattails high enough to make it seem you were driving through a tunnel. Halfway down I had to ease over to let a grader pass as it smoothed the surface. From the signs the big park actually butted up to the road in most places. I only passed three houses but these were in disrepair and were encircled by chain link fences with no trespassing signs. I saw clearings where another half a dozen probably stood before the park ate them without a belch. I figured the same fate waited the three still standing.

519 Landing pike was a weathered clapboard two story affair. It stood on eight foot high stilts so it had the height of a three story house. The roof was galvanized steel. There were several outbuildings, at least three boats, a dusty car and a dustier truck. There was no chain link in sight.

I got out of my truck and stood in the shade of the big, rambling structure. I waited for the spark of memory but it didn't come. I didn't think I'd ever been here.

The shady area beneath the house held a plethora of junk, everything from aluminum siding to old tires. I sighted a few big pieces of shop equipment like a table saw and a lathe. There was an air compressor and a Lincoln arc welder old enough and heavy duty enough to have zipped up the Lusitania. Either the aunt had collected a lot of junk just for the sake of junk or the old bird had been hell on wheels.

I climbed the steep stairs to the front door and tried the keys. They worked and I stepped into the kitchen. Immediately sweat began to bead on my forehead. The house was sealed; it was stuffy and very hot. I started looking for windows to open but spied an old fashioned dial thermostat first. I approached without much hope. I didn't even know if the place had air and I doubted the power was on. Just to show me up for the cynic I am the dial had a little tab that said 'cool-heat'. When I slid it to the cool setting and cranked the dial south of 80 degrees something clicked. Dust swirled as a horse of a blower cranked up and cool air began to blow from louvers high on the walls.

More hopeful I retreated back to the kitchen. I noticed there were actually two refrigerators, both so old they had positive lock latches, the type that used to kill kids by the score. I popped the first and found it full of mostly rancid looking food. It was cold but the old girl had been dead nearly two months now. I closed the old monster with a thunk then opened the second. It proved to be loaded with wine coolers and what looked like several cases of Anchor Steam Ale. Damn, I shoulda' got to know the old bird before she kicked off. She just might have been a lot of fun.

I grabbed a beer and popped the top then retreated down the stairs to allow the a/c to do its thing. I poked around under the house a bit. It would take weeks to inventory the stuff but in minutes I had found a roto-tiller, two lawn mowers and a huge deep freeze that thumped noisily away. I would have checked the latter but it was padlocked. The area under the right end of the house was clearer. There was a long wooden bench built here. I assumed it was for potting or something but I was wrong. It held several bench vises and a goodly selection of tools. Some form of small motor was disassembled on the bench. The new parts boxes scattered around it said 'Cushman' in mostly faded print. At the far end of the bench was a setup I recognized as a homemade rig for flushing and evacuating air conditioning or refrigeration systems. There was even a big green can of now nearly unavailable Freon. Damn, either aunty had shacked up with Mister Fixit or she truly had been a one in a million broad!

I risked the house for another beer. It was still hot inside but had noticeably improved. Back down the stairs I heard the sounds of children laughing. I wondered around to the back. The park butted right up to the property here with no barrier between the two but a single signpost. On my said it held a sign that said 'Long Water Park' in parkish looking brown. The far side held another sign, 'Private Property, No Trespassing'. There was a big playground that started only a few dozen feet on the park side of the line. A half-dozen kids played on the various apparatus while a couple of milf types sat watch on a bench. One of them fanned a baby carriage. I could see the asphalt ribbon of a jogging/biking path beyond the playground. Water glinted somewhere on the far side. I ogled the milfs and a few of the little girls. I got a few flashes of panties from the latter but had to turn away when one of the ladies looked my way. 'Let's not get a reputation as a pervert here even if you are one', I thought. I returned my attention to the property. There were three outbuildings, one larger and two smaller, all three were padlocked.

When I turned back to the house I realized that both floors had balconies. The lower was only a house length back porch but the upper wrapped around the sides in a widow's walk arrangement. The roof overhung it. I went back inside. It was still a tad on the warm side but I no longer felt like I was in a sauna. I started to explore.

The lower floor held the kitchen, a big living room, a single bath and a bedroom. There was also a laundry tucked under the stairs that led to the second floor. The furnishings were a mixture of new and old and didn't match well. The heavily brocaded couch just didn't fit with the modern glass and stainless end tables. There were curio cabinets tucked here and there with the normal collection of useless little trivia and ornaments. These were something of a letdown. Hell, after what I'd found downstairs I half expected to find a collection of pocket knives or perhaps artillery shell fuses. I went up. The second floor held three more bedrooms and another bath. The tub in this one was an old claw foot affair.

Only two of the upstairs bedrooms were fitted as such. The bigger one had a heavy canopy bed heaped with quilts and a feminine vanity that was all scroll and gilt. It held a surprisingly extensive collection of cosmetics and perfumes considering that their former owner had apparently rebuilt engines in her spare time. The third bedroom was a library. It held a threadbare but comfortable looking recliner, a floor lamp and bulging floor to ceiling bookshelves along the walls.

I went downstairs and grabbed another beer, then rolled a joint and smoked it in the cool of the kitchen. The back wall of the living room faced the park. There was a door here onto the balcony. I tried it and it opened. I stepped out and leaned on the rail as I sipped my beer and enjoyed my rising buzz.

The playground was nearly abandoned, the milfs and their brood had moved on. The sole holdout was a solid little girl I figured at maybe 7 or 8. She wore a yellow sundress that was slightly on the short side. I recognized her as one of the lot that had been playing earlier. She was setting on the top rail of a complex jungle gym arrangement and turned nearly in profile to me. She wore glasses that looked on the thick side but her face looked moderately pretty behind them and she had smooth legs and thighs, not the sticks you see on many girls that age.

She must have sensed me looking because she turned her head toward me. We regarded each other for a moment then she seemed to find something more interesting off to the left. Her head went that way even as her little butt swiveled till her body nearly faced me. Slowly, almost casually, her legs drifted apart till her white panties and cotton clad crotch were on plain display. She had a prominent little camel toe showing through the thin fabric. It was all very nonchalant but I could see her peering from the corner of her eyes to see if I was watching. After a second a hand drifted down to scratch her little cunny. I grinned to myself; it wasn't uncommon for children her age to start experimenting to see what effect they could have on the male of the species. Sadly, it wasn't all that safe in today's society...for either party. I waited till I was sure she was looking and extended my tongue and wagged it in the universal sign of a sex act I doubted she'd ever heard of...or imagined. 'Take that you teasing little shit'. I expected her to maybe turn away and blush but she just stared. Her mouth hung slightly open and I could see her blink owlishly behind those glasses. I chuckled to myself, finished my beer, then wandered back into the house. I had to adjust my pants. Damned if the little trollup's display hadn't got to me. I needed to get my fucking ashes hauled.

I was exploring the kitchen in more detail when I spied a large wad of keys hanging on a nail. I grabbed them on a whim and headed outside.

One of them proved a match for the padlock on the deepfreeze. I opened the big chest up and found it packed with neatly wrapped bundles. Each was carefully labeled with the contents and a date. Fish and shrimp seemed to predominate but there were a few steaks too. I pulled one of these out and set it aside to thaw then resealed and locked the freezer. At least I had found supper.

I headed out back to try the sheds. I had to work my way halfway around the key ring before the heavy Slage on the big shed yielded. The sagging door drug on the ground but I got it open readily enough. Racks had been built along the walls. These held at least a score of fishing poles, everything from light fly rigs to the big surf jobs. Most had reels attached. There were also several nets both of the dipping and casting variety and a small fleet of Coleman lanterns and coolers. A small bench held several big tackle boxes and more reels. A plastic bag was lying on the bench. It held a new roll of high quality twenty-pound test line and several big plug lures still in their blister packs. I checked the receipt. It was dated only a few days before Aunt Lois's death. Well, that explained all the seafood.

I closed up the shed and locked it. I was heading for the next one when I realized I was not alone. The girl from the playground stood in the grass not a dozen feet away. We stared at each other for a moment then she blurted, "Do you live here?" . Off balance I stared at her for a further second then shook my head. "No, honey I'm just looking the place over."

"Oh", there seemed to be disappointment in that simple expression. "So you're gonna leave soon?"

Puzzled by the conversation and maybe a trifle intrigued I dropped to my knees to equalize our heights. "That's right. I'll be gone in a few days."

She noticeably brightened and took a step closer, then another. She was close enough now that I could smell a slight scent of soap overlaid with maybe a hint of sweat. Well it was a hot day.

"So you're gonna be here all day?"

"That's right."

She smiled, and swayed, the motion caused her little dress to swirl around her shapely thighs. "I though maybe you were leaving in just a couple of minutes or somethin'"

I smiled, I guess 'soon' had more immediacy for a child her age.

She bit her lip then got an unreadable look in her eyes. She looked back toward the playground then took another stop closer. I now had to look up at her. "Do you like to do things with little girls?" Her voice dropped to a near whisper, "nasty things." With that last utterance she lifted her dress till the hem was at her belly button. She'd lost part of her attire. I was staring at the smooth hairlessness of a little girl pussy.

It was some seconds before my brain started working again. I knelt and simply stared. When the shock finally wore off it was replaced by fear and not a little arousal. I gulped then glanced toward the park. No one was in sight but the trees cut my sightline to the jogging path pretty severely on the left. Someone could pop out at close range; close enough to plainly make out what was happening in the yard anyway.

My rational mind screamed at me to scold the child, to tell her to lower her dress and to tell her off in such a way that she wouldn't be back again. rational mind was not in complete control. I raised my hand and very slowly reached out and caressed that pretty round twat. The child didn't back away; she beamed down at me and even leaned into my touch.

"Kiss it." She said after a moment.

My heart was going like a trip hammer but my cock was hard as well. I leaned forward and planted a chaste closed-mouth kiss astride her little slit. She stared for a second then turned around, her dress still up.

"Kiss my butt." A hint of husky eagerness had crept into her voice.

Her ass was round and flawless. It was a little on the large side for her age but it was undeniably sexy. I caressed her thighs then leaned in and just bussed both cheeks. The flesh of her ass was soft and warm against my lips.

She turned back around and to my relief, and not a little regret, let her dress fall to cover her. We regarded each other for a moment then she licked her lips and spoke.

"So, do you like to do things with little girls?" She paused and went on in a rush, "I mean, would you like to do things with me. It's okay if you think I'm ugly and don't wanna. I know I'm not real pretty."

My fear receding slightly I leaned forward and kissed her fabric covered belly. "Oh, honey, you're not ugly. I think you are very pretty and very sexy." I took a deep breath and let it out. "I would love to do things with you, but I can't. It's not safe. I would go to jail for a long time if anyone found out." The simple statement didn't satisfy either my libido or my sense of self preservation. They were both lining up to kick me in the caboose.

She beamed behind her glasses. "That's okay. I won't tell." She marched past me and headed for the house. "This is a neat old house," she tossed over her shoulder as she went.

I stared after her, my mind whirling. I turned and looked back at the park but no one had appeared. After a second I rose and followed the swaying yellow clad form.

I caught up with her in the shadows under the house. She was wondering around fondling this and that. I followed along behind, my mind in turmoil. I didn't doubt she meant it when she said she wouldn't tell. She wouldn't, at least she wouldn't tell a parent or another adult. Children like to giggle and brag among themselves though. I could well imagine a whispered confidence a week from now or maybe a month. Maybe the friends she told wouldn't tattle either but there'd be another whispered conversation and then another and somewhere along that chain an adult would be told, or maybe just over hear. The little secret wouldn't be hard to track to the source and when put to the question my cute little friend would collapse like a house of cards.

She'd found an old armchair and sank into it. Neither of us spoke. I examined her in detail. Her hair was black without even a hint of curl. It just touched her shoulders and framed a face that was plain but well proportioned. She had just the hint of a double chin. The thick glasses magnified already large eyes that were dark brown in color.

She squirmed under my gaze but let me inspect her. After about a minute she raised enough to tug her dress to her waist then dropped her bare butt back to the cushion. She draped her legs over the chair's arms, spreading herself wide. Her hands went to her crotch and rubbed her prize for a second then she separated her perfect little lips displaying her bright pink furrow with her hooded clit at the top and the small opening of her immature vagina at the bottom. "You can kiss it on the inside if you want. You can lick it too. It feels real good when it's licked." She licked her lips and I could see color rising in her cheeks.

I found this strange combination of shyness and bawdy boldness alluring. The fact that a child her age was willingly, fuck, almost eagerly, exposing herself to me was a turn on that had little to do with the view itself. That view was something though.

I had ogled little girls from my late teens till present day. Once, when I was nineteen an older girlfriend had left her five-year-old in my care for several hours. I'd ogled the well formed little blond for months. She had sensed I found her attractive I think and had started putting on little shows for me, dashing out of the shower wet and naked, parading around the house in her skimpiest panties, that sort of thing. That night, after her mother had left, the little girl dashed to her room to get ready for bed. A minute later she was in my lap wearing her shortest nightgown and no panties. All through the local cable channel's nightly 'creature feature' she'd alternately squealed and giggled as she gyrated in my lap. My hands had roamed her back, buttocks and a few times her soft little cunny without complaint from either party. At nineteen I lacked the courage to try anything further. The girlfriend and I had gone our separate ways a few months later. Now I felt like I was nineteen again, the same gnawing fear and surging desire warred and raged.

The fear might have won but a memory forced its way to the surface. I'd been through a down period a few months back, having just parted with another girlfriend. One night after most of a fifth of tequila I'd started cataloguing the regrets in my life, there were many. A little alcohol fueled analysis had revealed that most were from the times I'd played it safe, refused to make the leap, not taken the chance. I'm not a shrinking violet and have a number of lumps to attest to the times when I didn't play it safe but I didn't regret them, not a one! I once spent two months in traction, lost a job and yet another girlfriend after taking an ill advised high speed ride on a mountain road during a rumbling downpour. The pegs had been kissing the pavement on each tight turn. I'd finally given her just a touch too much go juice and the borrowed machine had gone down. It had gone over a two-hundred foot cliff and if I hadn't fetched up hard against the guardrail I would have followed. I still have the occasional ache from the crash to this day but I never think back on that ride without remembering the thrill of the rain in my face, the eager roar of the engine and the exhilaration of the cut rock slashing by so swiftly in the liquid beam of the headlights.

That memory urged me to my knees. It brought my hands up to grip those sturdy but very soft and very warm thighs. I kissed the tender seam where the child's left leg met her crotch then licked the length of it. She moaned as I gave equal time to the right. I kissed just above her plump mound then licked up to her belly button, edging her dress higher with my nose. I returned to her thighs and sucked a measure of soft flesh into my mouth. She writhed, trying to swivel her still spread slot under my tongue. I could smell her little pussy. It was a heady scent made up of soap, sweat, maybe a bit of pee and a lot of overheated little girl.

I relented and planted an open mouthed kiss on her splayed cunny, sucking some of that pinkness into my mouth. My tongue went into gear, I laved that spread valley between her clitoris and her vagina then quested upward to try and find the former in its fleshy sheath. She had a big hood and her tiny pearl was buried deep. I'm not sure I found it on that foray but the attempt was appreciated from the response it got. I retraced my path and circled her vagina before poking at it with my tongue. I'd expected to get no more than the tip in her but the little opening spread wider. I pushed on against some resistance but managed to push the full length into her. Her hymen was missing. Her taste was faintly metallic but still good. I could feel the muscular tube pulsing around my tongue.

When I tried to pull out the little girls hands abandoned their holding action and went to the back of my head, holding me in her. At the same time her soft but surprisingly muscular thighs slammed on my cheeks. I fought against her and eased out till I was just at her entrance then pushed in again. She tugged painfully on my hair and her legs tried to crush my head. I started making regular round trips into that sweet well and the stocky pre-teen began to hump and grind my face with gusto. She was giving off little moans interspersed with low noises that sounded almost like she was muttering to herself. A stolen glance upward revealed that her glasses had fallen from her face. Her head was back and her eyes were closed. She looked beautiful at that moment.

I returned to the task at hand, eating a pre-teen pussy for the first time. I sped up and the little girl kept pace. I pushed inward, smashing my lips on hers and adding suction to the action. My head was now wobbling all over my neck as the sturdy little hips swiveled and I went along for the ride.

I circled a thigh and brought my fingers to the fleshy clit hood. I spread my lips and pushed deeper, letting the hardness of my teeth contact the soft cunny flesh. Now I could feel just the tip of my tongue caressing the child's immature cervix on each gyration. I gently pinched at her clitoris while stabbing softly at her insides.

She came silently, lifting her butt off of the chair and squeezing my head in its very soft prison. Just a trickle of little girl cum was produced but I sucked it eagerly down.

She was still and stone rigid for several seconds, further oral and digital efforts on my part produced only slight shudders. Finally she began to relax, her bottom eased back to the chair and her thighs released my head.

I disentangled her hands from my hair and eased her back in the chair when it looked like she would simply ooze to the floor. I gave her a parting kiss on her pussy then gently pulled her dress down to cover her. Her head was back against the cushion, her eyes were closed but her mouth was open. A tiny streamer of drool hung from her bottom lip.

I left her there and climbed the stairs to the kitchen. I found a cherry coke amongst the rancid food in the first refrigerator and grabbed it before getting another beer from the second appliance.

The child was starting to stir when I came back down. I kissed her forehead then plucked her glasses from the chair and gently replaced them on her face. Her eyes came open and she sat up with a groan. Her eyes blinked when I kissed her nose then her lips. She eagerly accepted the soft drink and slurped noisily from the can. I took a pull of my beer and regarded her. No, I would not regret this. I might pay very dearly for it but I would not regret it.

I settled into thought for a minute and when I again looked up I could see the child staring coyly at me from across her soda can as she sipped. I was still trying to decipher that look when she slid from the chair. Her drink clanked down on a nearby tool box and she knelt at my feet. A hand shot out and grabbed my semi-hard cock through the thin material of the light shorts I was wearing. She felt along its length, hefting the mass and handling it a little on the rough side. She giggled when it began to harden in response.

"Wow, you've got a big one." She giggled again at the look on my face. "I like big dicks." She squeezed the shaft and giggled again.

I was still trying to formulate a response, something along the lines of 'just how many dicks have you seen?' when she deftly unfastened my shorts. She separated the two flaps and then tugged them in opposite directions hard! My zipper whizzed down with a faint 'zing'. I felt stitches pop when it reached the bottom on its travel.

"Whoa girl. Are you trying to tear my pants off?"

She grinned up at me, "Yep, I like tearing pants off. Sometimes I cut 'em off." Whatever else she was going to say was forestalled when my shorts slid to my ankles, since I was going commando that let my cock flop free. The child's eyes widened behind her glasses and she licked her lips. "That's a nice one mister." She grasped it in one hand and gave a few experimental tugs. My circumcised dick is an honest six inches, I suppose it could be called 'nice' but despite her earlier statement it certainly didn't qualify as 'big'. Of course I guess size is relative. To her it was big.

"Have you seen many?" I managed to get out between the groans.

A drop of precum had formed on the head of my prick. The little girl looked up at me, "U-huh." Her gaze dropped back to my cock and she went on in a soft voice. "I'll tell you about it later." She then leaned forward and deftly licked the head of my prick clean.

My gibbering brain was still trying to process the fact that a child had just licked my cock when her lips parted and she vacuumed three inches of me into her mouth. It was hot and wet. She applied a strong suction. I felt the soft, slightly rough surface of her tongue working over my trapped member along with the occasional touch of her teeth. My fucking knees were getting week.

She seemed to sense the precariousness of my balance because the urged me around till I could drop into the old chair. Never once did my prick leave her mouth. Once I was seated she placed herself between my knees and really went to work. Her hair swayed back and forth, just brushing my thighs as her head bobbed on my cock. She kept up the suction and the tongue work as between three and four inches of dick sawed in and out of her mouth. On each down stroke I could feel my spongy head kissing the back of her throat.

She began to growl, a low guttural nose that seemed to emerge from her throat. She was getting into it, speeding up as she became more turned on. She'd sucked cock before, and more than one cock too. Whatever small amount of hesitancy she possessed only involved obtaining a dick, she damned well knew what to do with one when she got it! Through my surging pleasure I noticed her dress billowing and saw that her left hand had vanished beneath it. She was diddling herself while she gave head!

I let my head flop back against the dirty upholstery and surrendered. I've had good blow jobs and bad blow jobs, the kid's technique alone put her in the 90th percentile. The fact that she was maybe all of nine pushed her easily into the top slot.

Things were about to happen. I could feel the sap rising, I began to hunch as ancient instinct told me to plant my seed. Through the endorphin haze I was feeling a stray bit of responsibility made me blurt out, "I'm going to cum!"

I don't know if I expected her to pull off or not. I wasn't thinking real clear at that point. She didn't though, just kept right on bobbing away, if anything the suction grew stronger. Fuck this kid could suck!

My vision grayed and an intense orgasm, more intense than any I'd had in years washed over me as my prostate fired all tubes. I could feel the powerful spurts of semen as they rocketed the length of my cock and into the little trollup's mouth. A small amount of spunk escaped her and oozed down her chin. She was growling loudly now, a continuous sound like a cross between a kitten purring and a blender. The tone rose and fell with each diminishing burst of my cum but it didn't stop till I was dry.

She nursed my spent prick for a few seconds then popped it out of her mouth. She grinned up at me, there was cum on her lips and it dripped in a viscous flow from her chin. "You, cum a lot. I like that too." She kissed my dick then cuddled it to her face.

When I could stand I pulled up my pants and headed back up stairs. I had intended to get another beer for me and a soda for her and come back down but she followed right on my heels. We ended up camped on the brocaded sofa. We were no sooner ensconced than little hands again tugged my shorts to my ankles.

Over the next half hour we talked. All through the conversation her hands roamed my cock, feeling, hefting and caressing. She also took plentiful breaks from the information flow to kiss, lick and suck it. She did really seem to love my cock!

I found out some things about her, her name was Nina; she was eight, not nine. She lived in a big community housing project that butted up to the southern end of the park. I found she had lots of friends in the housing project and several from the old trailer park that was on the far side of it. Her mother was a waitress/barmaid that worked afternoons and nights at a popular place south of town. She generally went out with the 'girls' after work and often didn't return alone. Nina generally did as she pleased during the day when her mother was asleep. While her mother was at work a neighbor woman had technical charge of her along with a half a dozen other neighborhood kids but it was pretty lax oversight so she generally ran free then too.

She'd learned about sex early on from listening then sneakily watching her mother bang the men she brought back to apartment. Her mom also had a number of pornos and at the advanced age of five she'd taken to watching these with the volume all the way down as her mother slept. She's whiled away many a morning with her nightgown up, watching some silicon boobed blond bob away on an improbably sized cock.

When she was six her mom had a steady man for several months. He worked days which meant he and the child were alone together at night when mom worked. When he made a move on her she was primed and ready to accept. He'd been the one that showed her how good it felt to have her cunny licked. He'd introduced her to his cock and the esoteric art of sucking the same. He'd had this thing about her taking his cum, not wanting her to do it. He told her only big girls could handle that. He would always pull out and whack off on her chest or her puffy little pussy. She was very proud of the few times she had managed to best him and get a mouthful of spunk. I idly wondered if the man really did have an objection to her drinking his load or if he had been trying a little reverse psychology to create a little cum eater.

He had also been the one to take her cherry. At first he'd used his finger and then a thin little dildo to open her up. He probably planned to eventually try and fuck her but her mother had thrown him out first. That left her in something of a fix.

The apartment had a pool and that's where most of the kids hung out in the summer. She'd corralled a few of the younger boys and got them alone for some 'play' time but most of them couldn't even get their little dicks hard, those that could pop little boners never came when she sucked on them. Most of the teen boys were only interested in the teen girls and looked through her like she wasn't there. Over time she'd noticed the shy ones though, the ones that hung back from the horseplay and the frolicking. Her first conquest was a pudgy fourteen something that the other boys were always picking on. She'd lured him to her apartment early one morning. The boy thought he was going to play a video game. He was hardly in the door before his pants and briefs were tugged to his knees, He yelped and tried to fight the suddenly deranged child off but his struggles stopped when his respectable boy cock was slurped into her little furnace mouth. He held her head and moaned as she sucked the cum out of his spurting prick. She made no objection when he wanted to bring friends around for her 'services' and within the week she was sucking off half a dozen middle-school boys. She was less than successful when it came to her own pleasure. The boys would finger her but almost universally refused to go down on her.

That particular itch was scratched somewhat a month later when one of the boys unceremoniously drug her into a stairwell and mounted her without warning (or permission). He was awkward but he did manage to get it in. She grunted in pain as her still tiny vaginal passage was spread and used for the first time but quickly grew accustomed to it. Unfortunately the boy shot off in a dozen strokes and left her dripping and still horny.

It wasn't long till they were all fucking her. Several of the kids were home alone during the day and she spent many an hour bent over the arm of a couch or spread-eagled on a messy bed as boy after boy rooted his way to paradise in her bald pussy. Sometimes they would fuck all day, some boys taking her three or four times, they would stand around playing with themselves to get hard, or have her lick and suck them while another boy pounded her cunny. She lost track of who was doing her and didn't really care anyway. She saw many faces for the first time as they bent over her to fit their cocks into her. That was ok, she would spread for anyone. The thought that she had a right to decide who got to fuck her, or stuff their stiff little dicks in her mouth was quite foreign. If they were there with a hard dick they could do her.

The problem in fact was mouths, not hers, there's. The little shits just couldn't keep them shut. Nina soon realized she had a developing situation, and not a good one. Older girls were pointing her out and tittering to themselves, older boys began to make rude and pointed comments in her presence. Even a few of the adults around the complex began to look askance at her. She wasn't dumb; she could follow that trail to its inevitable end. She shuddered at the thought of her mother finally learning of her new pastime. She did the only thing she knew to do; she cut the boys off cold turkey. No more pussy, no more blowjobs, no more afternoon orgies.

That left her with a problem though, an itchy, aching and increasingly wet little problem. This was about the time that the park had originally opened. It wasn't complete yet but the construction fencing and the no-trespassing signs came down. She was exploring this great expanse one day when she spotted a man watching her swing on the monkey bars while he fondled a bulge in his crotch.

That puzzled her, older boys didn't like girls her age did men? She could only think of one way to find out and being the direct sort of person tried it. She dropped off of the bars, walked over to the suddenly nervous man and simply asked if she could see his dick.

There was no one else in sight. Perhaps thinking he was lewd and daring for exposing himself the man unzipped his pants and covertly eased out his cock. A second later he found out what lewd and daring was when the first-grader kissed the head then swallowed several inches of his tool.

He panicked, pushing the child off of him and zipping up. He started to walk away then seemed to think better of it. He came back and the two of them walked to a more secluded area. Once hidden in a small, out of the way copse of trees, a copse of trees that could only be accessed by a boomy metal bridge, his dick came back out and Nina happily sucked him to a creamy conclusion.

She soon found other men to play with. She learned to look for signs, the way men looked at her, or at other little girls, the way they acted. She had quite a few regulars, men who would show up to do her again and again. Some brought friends, that was ok, men seemed to know how to keep their mouths shut. Most just wanted her to suck them, but a few were willing to slurp on her bald little box. A few of the lesser endowed ones had fucked her, she found it amusing that some of these grown men had cocks smaller than the middle school boys that had broken her in.

She had more to tell but by now my cock was rock hard again and I was leaking copiously and breathing hard.

"I've never had one this big in me" she commented as she gave it another tug.

"You're small honey. It probably wouldn't fit." It was a pretty lucid statement considering my condition at the moment.

She leaned and smooched the head, smearing precum across her lips. "I s'pose we'll find out."

That got my attention, "We will?"

She gave me a look, "Duh! Why do you think I've been getting it hard again?" With that she rose. She pulled her dress to just below her nipples then straddled me face to face. We both looked down as she grasped my revived prick and drug it back and forth in her slot before positioning at the dimple of her vagina.

I started to say something. I'm not sure what but it was probably a caution or a warning, something like 'we really shouldn't do this' or 'honey you're too small'. I'm sure I tried to say it. I'm also sure it was half hearted at best. It doesn't really matter because I'm not sure the words ever reached my lips. They were still in the processing department when the child began to push down and that elastic little hole began to dilate over the head of my prick. The feeling of her expanding and sliding down the domed part of my head was indescribable. She moaned once, in pain or pleasure I don't know, but she kept pushing. We were both well lubricated and that little hole kept expanding. I moaned myself when her snug entrance snapped into the groove behind my glans. Fuck! I thought her mouth felt fantastic, the inside of her tiny eight year old pussy was a swampy furnace. I caressed her little ass as she paused to get used to my girth. No more words of wisdom were processed; no fears of repercussions went through my mind. All that existed was the moment, the moment and me and this darling child who wanted me to fuck her. When she started pushing again I was ready and eager.

She couldn't take all of me, sensibly she didn't even try. When my head nudged up against the spongy portal of her cervix nearly half of my length was still outside. That was ok, what was in her felt fantastic. Her eyes were closed as she experienced this new feeling, fuller than she had ever been before. I leaned forward and kissed her nose then her lips. She recoiled slightly, her eyes coming open as I licked her lips then tried to push between them. My hands left her ass and slid up her body to her face. I gently pulled her back to me and our lips met again. I licked her lips then pushed past them to caress her gums and teeth. Her permanent teeth hadn't come in yet and there were several gaps where her baby teeth had been pulled. I explored these gaps then pushed on to find her tongue. I lifted it, pressing it to the roof of her mouth then explored its root with my own lapper.

She kept her eyes open as I explored. Once or twice she tried to pull back but I held her. Her face seemed to have a look of mild revulsion at first, that changed as I reconnoitered the far corners of her mouth. Slowly her eyes closed and her own tongue began to move. We tussled gently, out tongues wrestling as her snug cunny grasped my throbbing cock.

It was some minutes before she tried to move on me. This form of kissing was apparently new to her, I guess none of her boys or the men from the park were interested in kissing her. I have always found kissing a woman to be an integral part of making love; I didn't see why it should be any different if my lover was a tiny girl. After an adjustment period Nina seemed to agree. We kissed for long minutes pausing only for brief breaths before returning to the fray. Before a minute had passed it was generally the child that was eagerly pushing forward to renew the contest.

Finally she pulled back and licked her lips. Wordlessly we regarded each other, then she grasped my thighs and slowly pulled herself upwards, her soft tissues had melded themselves to my intruding dick and there was a tickling sensation as viscous bonds tore. She pulled up till only the head was in then slid down again. Fuck, I could have died then and my life would have been complete. She did it again then again, our lips and tongues came back together as her little hips and legs drove her up and down on my cock. I joined her, hunching to meet her downward strokes. She began to give little moans, purring into my mouth as we fucked.

She sped up, our lips parted as that hot intrusion of her center demanded more and more of her. Her head dropped to my chest. Her dark hair tickled my chin as her little hips worked harder and harder. I was having trouble keeping time from my positional disadvantage and went still, letting the child drive herself onto my throbbing prick.

After several minutes she was flagging. Sweat was dripping from her forehead to spatter on my thighs. Her breath was beginning to come harder but she still tried to drive faster. On her next down stroke I clasped her to me and then slid to the floor. I laid her on her back and then braced my arms on either side of her and started to drive into her still hunching body. She squealed as I quickly ramped up, I was careful not to push too deeply but I was still kissing her cervix on every inward plunge.

She came for the first time seconds later. Her thighs squeezed me as her snug tube rhythmically massaged my length. She stared in wonder at me and little stuttering half words escaped her mouth. I fucked her through her orgasm and kept going. I could feel my own balls churning, only the masterful blowjob she had given not an hour before kept me going.

She had gone still, her eyes were closed and only the rise and fall of her chest attested that she was still alive. I rose to my knees and clasping her thighs to me. I rutted into her now pulling her onto me as I drove into her. Her legs were now either side of my face. I turned my head and began to kiss and lick her left shin. She came again as I began to nibble but that might have been happenstance.

I was close myself now and sped up. Now my sweat rained onto her. Somehow I still had the realization that it was a child I was fucking and didn't impale her womb on my cock. I could feel the sweat running down the crack of my ass and dripping off of my balls.

I was on the edge and wanted to take my little lover with me to that chasm one last time. I wrapped my right arm around both her thighs to maintain my leverage. That freed up my left hand to go hunting for her clitoris, I gently pinched her fleshy hood and began to roll it between my fingers. I still didn't feel anything that I could swear was a clit but she gasped and shoved herself at me. Her butt came off the floor and her tight little pussy convulsed as her strongest cum yet rolled over her like a tidal surge. The feeling of her sweet portal trying to throttle my cock put me over and I pumped a massive load into her as my vision seemed to gray and a distant roar throbbed in my ears.

I recovered for a second then got my hands beneath her at the neck and butt. I shakily stood with her clasped to my chest then backed to collapse on the couch. We sat with me still in her. I could feel the cum draining from her pussy, it bathed my balls before running off to stain the intricate fabric of the couch.

When my shriveled member finally plopped free I eased her to the sofa and made my way to the bathroom. I found a washcloth and then discovered that while the power might be on the water wasn't. I wet it in the toilet tank and wrung it out. Back in the living room I bathed the child's face and neck before descending to mop the sweat and cum from first her thighs then her little cunny.

I left the cloth in her lap and went to the kitchen. When I returned with a soda for her and a beer for me she was again among the living and was using the rag to catch the cum she was squeezing from her bald, well used pussy. She gratefully accepted the cold can and took a long drink. She looked at me, the glasses making her eyes seem huge. "It's never been like that before." She whispered, "Never."

I went to my knees before her and leaned forward to give her a little buss but she surprised my by throwing her arms around me and crushing her lips to mine. She backed off after a five count but continued to clasp me. "That was the bestest ever. You can root me lots and lots!" I smiled at her and tried to ignore the cold trickle of cherry coke running down my back.

From a window I watched her walk back to the playground. She retrieved her panties from where they had been stuffed in an uncapped support tube for the seesaw. After looking around to make sure she was unobserved she stepped into them then went skipping off down the path. When the trees swallowed her I finally turned away. Only then did the fear come back. A stray neuron urged flight. It wanted me to get back in my truck and put as much distance as I could between me and Provost South Carolina. The rest of the pack shouted the cowardly little shit down. First, if the child did tell it would take very little effort to figure out who I was. The old house came with a huge paper trail pointed right at me. I might be able to bluff it out, my word against hers, that kind of thing, of course that would depend on when she told. At the moment a wealth of my genetic legacy was still squishing around inside that delightful little pussy. In any case, taking off now would look real bad no matter when the hammer actually fell.

I got another beer then rolled and smoked another joint. The buzz soothed my jitters. I went downstairs, pissed on an azalea that looked like it could use the water then resumed my interrupted exploration. The first of the smaller sheds held lawn mowers, the plural was intended, there were at least half a dozen machines packed into the space including two elderly looking riders. Several were obviously dysfunctional with obvious parts like engine shrouds and carburetors missing. The rest were heavily dust covered making their working state suspect at best.

The last shed held a pump and pressure tank. A largish iron pipe went from the pump inlet through a couple of elbows and into the ground. A newer looking pressure gage on the tank read zero. Suspicion growing I looked for and found an electrical switch box. The heavy lever switch was in the on position. I turned it off then opened the box. There were three fuse positions but only the center gang was occupied. I pried the antique cylindrical fuse from its clamps. The metal caps on either end were heavily tarnished. The waxed paper that made up the middle was blistered and discolored. It was obvious that the fuse had blown.

I found a box of replacements on a shelf and snapped one into place. When I closed the switch the pump kicked in with a powerful whir. The pressure gage on the tank began to climb off its peg. I stayed and watched till it shut off at 80 psi then made my way back to the house. My suspicions proved true there was now water pressure, the old place wasn't on the mains.

I brought my bag up from the truck then showered and shaved in the downstairs bathroom. Clean, I threw on a pair of gym shorts and descended from the house. I found a battered grill and a moth-eaten bag of charcoal. I couldn't find any starter fluid so I substituted gasoline from a battered safety can, don't try this at home kiddies. Sated on beer, I had a soda while the coals burned down. I cooked the steak to medium well then climbed back upstairs and ate it with a store brand sauce I found unopened in a cabinet. I would like to have some bread and vegetables but what there had been of either was bad.

Supper done, I looked into the old ladies entertainment facilities. The TV was an old nineteen inch portable, the rabbit ears protruding above it told me not to hope for cable. There was no DVD player but there was a VCR and a decent stash of tapes on a shelf. The tapes were arranged in alphabetical order, to my surprise several were pornos, fairly tame pornos but still pornos. The fact that they were simply integrated in with the rest of the collection was unusual as well. In my experience most people hid them away or at least secluded them from the more mainstream stuff.

I ended up watching a couple of John Wayne flicks while sucking my way through a four pack of raspberry wine coolers, it made a change from the beer. I stepped out onto the balcony for a last toke then climbed to the second floor. I slept in the guest bedroom. That big, frilly canopy bed just didn't seem right. Besides, I didn't know if the sheets had been changed since the old girl kicked.

I lay awake a bit, the eddies from the pot and the day's events roiling through my mind. How did I feel about what I had done with the child? I'd always know I was a letch, I'd found kids, cute female ones anyway, sexy since my late teens. Still, I'd never done more than fondling till now, and that only the once. I had never really bought the line that exposing kids to sex at an early age did terrible harm, sure, rape could trash a kid for life but it could do the same thing to an adult. Consensual sex though, naw, never bought it. The problem was that while I wasn't sure the establishment was right I wasn't sure they were wrong either. Certainly they could trot out a seeming endless stream of horror stories on demand. I suspected that for ever maladjusted wreck that had been 'molested' as a child there were two or three that were just fine and even looked back on the experience fondly. I couldn't prove that though and it wasn't the kind of thing you could do research on. Hell, if an academic type was to even hint he wanted to try such a study he would be run out of the country. Even if he did manage to persevere the current rabid climate would discourage anyone from coming forward.

So how did I feel? I wasn't proud of it but I wasn't really ashamed either. I suspected that part of the reason for that was that I had not been the master of my own fate. The kid was a randy little thing and she set her sights on me. From then on I had just been along for the ride.

Now what? Well, if word got out I was toast, no doubt about it. I doubted whether anything I said in defense would matter. They'd lock me up, throw away the key and that would be that. My country had a greater percentage of its population in prison than almost any other. The fundamentalists explained that by saying we were a wicked people. It never seemed to occur to anyone that maybe we had just made too damned many things illegal. In any case, I was again not the master of my own fate. If the child talked she talked. With that thought sleep finally came.

I awoke from a lurid dream to a pretty damned lurid reality. Sunlight streamed through the gauze curtains, it backlit the tiny blond child, between my knees, who was inexpertly but enthusiastically sucking my cock. Nina stood beside the bed; she now wore a faded pink t-shirt with the patchy logo of a local barbecue chain on it and a denim miniskirt. Her left hand held the hem of the little skirt above her waist. Her panties had gone missing again and her right hand was busily squelching two fingers in and out of her hot little cunny. She didn't seem to be aware I was awake yet. Her eyes were on the action at my crotch.

I groaned and turned my gaze that way myself. The child blowing me was elfin. She was thin and tiny; I doubted she was a day over five. Fine blond hair streamed down her back, it framed a pretty face characterized by a tiny, snub nose and huge blue eyes. Said eyes were now on me, she had ceased her labors at my groan. We stared at each other, her with two solid inches of now hard cock in her mouth. Drool ran down the shaft to pool in my pubic hair.

I turned back to Nina and found her staring at me too. She'd stopped diddling herself but was still exposed. She had a pensive but not fearful look on her face. She bit her lip.

"We knocked and stuff but you didn't answer so thought that maybe you had hurted yourself or sumthin."

The elf came off my dick. "Nu-uh, wadn't no WE. YOU said that he knowed we was coming and it was ok." She looked at me with an expression that said she might cry at any moment.

Nina shot her a scowl but didn't contradict her. She met my gaze for a moment then looked down, "I hoped it was ok." She said quietly.

I glanced from one child to the other while the wheels in my head spun without much traction. I mean, this was a pretty unique situation! How the fuck did I handle this? It didn't help that I was not yet fully awake and was maybe a tad hung over.

What I finally did was groan again and roll out of the bed. The elf scampered off the end of the mattress and skipped backwards as if she was afraid I would attack her. Nina stood her ground but she seemed unsure as well. I strolled past them both and into the hall. My goal was only one door down. I stepped into the john and blissfully emptied my bladder.

After flushing I splashed some water on my face then toweled off and went back to the bedroom. The two girls were still there. I wasn't sure if I was glad or not. I'd half expected them to bolt. They stood whispering at the foot of the bed, both heads snapped up when I reentered the room.

The elf squeaked and struggled a bit when I grasped her under the arms but when all I did was sit her on the bed and then drop down beside her she calmed a little. I looked up at a still pensive, though not really repentant looking, Nina.

"Nina, how did you get in here?" I knew I had locked the door.

Sensing no overt anger in my voice she brightened a bit, "Well, at first I checked under the doormat but there weren't no key there, so then I started looking around in the rocks at the bottom of the stairs for a fake rock. I've seen lots of those, people sticks keys in them so's they can get in if the locks themselves outside. Anyway I looked a bit and found one and there was a key in it." She looked abashed again, "We did knock first."

The elf nodded; apparently that was a true statement.

I was still naked and, despite my fading affront at the invasion, was starting to find the situation stimulating. My dick shifted as it began to slowly engorge. I reached out and grasped Nina's hand and pulled her forward till she stood between my knees. I snaked my hand under that little skirt and drug my finger through her little slot. She 'mmmed' and pushed her bare mound at me as my finger traced the length of that special place. She was damp but it was more of a sticky damp than a wet one at the moment.

I abandoned her and turned my attention to the elf. She squeaked again when I picked her up but this time didn't struggle. I sat her astride my lap, facing me with my now semi-hard cock trapped beneath her. She was wearing a white t-shirt and tight jeans that were a tad long for her. Her little feet were bare.

"And what is your name honey?" Our noses were only inches apart. She really did have a very pretty face.

"Bobby Jean", she said softly, "but everyone calls me Jeanie."

I slowly stroked her long blond tresses. They were soft and smelled faintly of baby shampoo. "How old are you Jeanie?"

"Five, but I'll be six next month." Her voice was as soft as her hair.

I began to stroke her back, she had prominent shoulder blades and I could counter her vertebrae without effort. She truly was tiny. "And, what were you doing when I woke up?"

She tried to look abashed but spoiled it with a giggle as my hands continued to massage her. "I was sucking on your willy."

"That's a little girl word! It's called a dick!" Nina interjected.

The tiny child swiveled her head around and stuck out her tongue at the older girl. "I am a little girl and I call it a willy!" She giggled at her own wit and after a second Nina joined her.

My hands worked their way to her front and began to caress her flat chest and taut little tummy. "Do you like sucking on willies?"

She pushed slightly into my hands, increasing the pressure. "Uh-hmm, they're neat the way they can be all soft and little and then get big and hard and then get small and soft again."

"Have you ever seen a willy shoot stuff out of it?"

She giggled at that, damn she giggled a lot. It was a sexy little tinkle. "Yep."

"She's sucked three or four boys at the trailer park but she won't let them cum in her mouth." Nina said.

The younger girl made a face at that, "No way, that's yucky!"

I kissed her little nose. "That's okay. Lot's of grown women feel the same way." My hands had ended up at her waist. I unsnapped her jeans and slowly pulled her zipper down before massaging my way back up her belly and chest.

"They do?" She glanced down at her unfastened pants but made no protest or comment.

"Yep, they do. It's like anything else. Some people like peanut butter, some people don't. Sometimes the things you like change as you get older, sometimes they don't. When you are gown up you might like cum, you might not." As I spoke my hands again descended her slender body, only this time one of them didn't stop and continued into her pants. I felt the t-shirt stop, a narrow band of bare flesh, and then the warm cotton of her panties.

"There's a girl in the 'partments that caint eat peanut butter. It gives her 'vulsions" The last was punctuated by a sharp little hiss as a finger made its way onto her puffy little mound and began to rub circled over it.

"She's allergic to peanuts." I said. "Anything with peanuts in it will make her sick. Peanut allergies are dangerous. People can die from them."

"They can?" It was sort of a distant question. Her eyes had narrowed and I could tell she was losing interest in the conversation. I suspected where that interest had gone and increased my finger pressure and started to trace her slit to confirm my hypothesis. Her head went back slightly and she bit her lip.

"Yeah", Nina broke in, "Her name's Carla and the ambulance had to take her to the hospital once because she ate a candy bar that had peanuts in it. She didn't even eat the whole thing, just took one bite and she still got real sick!"

My finger worked its way back up to the waistband of Jeanie's panties. I applied the tiniest of pressure and it slipped beneath the elastic. I gently moved back onto her mound, bare finger on bare pussy. When she felt my finger in her naked slit the child gave a little sigh and her head went back further. Her eyes were nearly closed now. She wiggled a bit, not really pushing onto the intruder but not pulling away either, just wiggling.

Nina prattled on. "Can you imagine that? Having to go to the hospital just 'cause you had one bite of a candy bar. Her mom and dad were real mad!"

I leaned forward and kissed Jeanie's exposed throat. I licked her adam's apple then the little hollow below it. When my tongue met the collar of her shirt I grasped it in my teeth and slowly tugged it to one side. I kissed her right collarbone then licked it before finally taking it between my teeth and gently gnawing. Below, my finger pressure increased and the digit slipped between the child's soft lips and into the pink insides of her furrow. I found the taut rimmed entrance to her vagina and circled it before gently prodding the opening. That earned a tiny squeak and a fresh wiggle.

Nina had been directly behind Jeanie and unaware of what was going on to the front. She had however noticed the lack of interest in her last statements. She stepped around me and the child in my lap and came up alongside my left leg. "Oh wow", she said as she took in the molestation in progress. Her skirt came up and she began to rub her own slit as her eyes tried to follow the progress of my finger beneath the tent of the younger child's panties.

I withdrew my finger and both hands cupped child's denim clad hips. Her head came forward and her eyes slowly opened as she came back from wherever it was that my naughty finger had been taking her. I kissed her nose again then bussed her pouty lips. "Stand up honey." My hands on her bottom encouraging her, she slowly stood with her feet just outside my thighs. The bed wasn't the firmest of surfaces and her hands went to my shoulders for balance. She stared down at me, her blond mane brushing my brow. My prick had actually softened a bit under the confining weight of the child's butt. Now it hardened again, jerking up and left to snap against my stomach. That brought a giggle from both children.

I was now at eye level with the child's belly button. I eased her shirt up and kissed that little dimple before sending my tongue into it. She giggled at that and at the chaste little kisses I applied to the flesh of her taut little stomach. She went silent when my hands began to pull her pants off her round little bottom. I gently worked them till they were past her hips then slid them down her legs. Her thighs and lower legs were slender but not the bony appendages her build had led me to expect. They were shapely and well formed. They were also a lovely golden tan. I suspected she spent a lot of time at the pool.

Nina pitched into help. I held the tiny child by the waist while the older girl lifted first Jeanie's left then her right leg to get the pants off of them. Before me was a tiny five-year-old clad only in shirt and panties. The panties were brief bikinis, just a triangle of white and red striped fabric that shrank to a finger's width where they crossed her narrow hips. They were snug, outlining her little mound and the deep cleft in the middle.

I thrust my nose into that cleft and rubbed the length of it. She smelled clean and fresh. I kept going up and kissed her belly button again then gave it a deep lick before dropping back onto her fabric covered prize. I rubbed some more, pushing her panties a little into her slit. She said nothing but I noticed she was beginning to ever so slightly hump my nose.

I started to kiss all over that delightful roundness, just little pecks at first but gradually letting my mouth open to suck at the fabric and the soft flesh beneath. This ended with my mouth open wide, my lips sealed over almost the entirety of her girl place. I sucked lightly and let my tongue out to explore the fleshy lips and the valley that just barely separated them, beneath the thin material.

She had stopped moving when I started kissing her but when I began to suck and lick she started to press against me, pushing her cunny against my mouth. Seconds later her little hips began to rotate, gently grinding her mound on my face.

I grew more aggressive with my tongue, pushing at the cloth that covered her, trying to herd and bunch it. I concentrated on her slit, gaining some depth despite the fabric. She matched me, pushing against my mouth, trying to increase the penetration. First one small hand then the other left my shoulders; they went to my head where they began to ramble through my hair.

Nina was hard at her slit again, her eyes glued to the junction of my mouth and her little friends panty covered crotch. The stiff denim of the skirt must have been causing problems because her hands briefly went to the back of it, she gave a little shiver and it slid to the floor leaving her bare from the waist down. Both hands flashed back to her cunny, one played in her fleshy hood while a finger of her other one quickly vanished into her depths. She licked her lips and sighed as she finger fucked herself.

I abandoned Jeanie's mound and quested up till I found the elastic band of her panties. I took it between my teeth and started back down, taking the fabric with me. When I had gone as far as I could in the center I moved to her right hip and tugged at the band there then it was on to the left. Slowly, I moved here and there, pulling and tugging. The child looked down through the curtain of her hair but her only sound was an occasional low hum as she watched me working to make her naked with only my mouth.

The panties were hanging up in the rear; Nina sensed this and dropped to her knees. Her mouth went to the waistband there. Her tiny incisors scraped the younger girls butt as we worked together to strip the five-year-old. Through Jeanie's legs I could see the older girl. One finger still squelched in and out of her itchy little hole.

The top of the tot's mound appeared. It was shocking white compared to the golden hue of her belly. The skin was smooth and without flaw. A few more tugs and the top of her slit emerged. Nina's fat clit hood thrust proudly from between her outer lips. In contrast, Jeanie's was not in evidence at all. Her slit started as just that, a slit in the puffiness of her mound. With one final tug the panties gave up and slid down the child's legs to puddle on my thighs. Her little pussy was an inch from my nose, bare in all of its glory.

It was perfect, a little half moon of exquisitely soft flesh split by a deep, mysterious cleft. I kissed it, and then used my lips to nibble at the edges of her thick labia. I gently pushed my nose into the crease then tilted my head a tiny amount to ease the portal open. I inhaled then, through my nose. The scent was of soap, a well wiped hint of pee and something else. The something else was the magic smell of little girl vagina. It wasn't bubbling over, it wasn't even that hot yet, but it was definitely warm and getting warmer.

I put my tongue to work. At first I just caressed the outsides with the occasional foray into the cleft. I soon began to explore that valley in earnest though. My trips up and out became fewer and fewer. The little girl began to move again, pushing against and pivoting on my mouth. I applied pressure and my lapper slipped inside. She was warm there and her taste was stronger. She whimpered and made balls of my hair as I climbed to find her hidden clit hood. It was still tiny, unformed, but she trembled and mewed as a probed it. I moved down till I found her vagina. My tongue confirmed what my finger already knew; it was small, with a taut, well defined rim. I pushed a bit and just the tip of my tongue went in. Her taste was clean, the slightly metallic taste of little girl pussy. I began to fuck her with just the tip of my tongue, the trembling increased and she began to tug at my hair in earnest.

Wanting a more stable position, and to preserve as many follicles as possible for my old age I wrapped my hands around the tiny girl's buttocks and back and hugged her to me. I then stood and pivoted before laying her on the bed. All the while, my nose had been tucked into her wet cunny, a feat I highly recommend. I rucked up her shirt and kissed her belly and flat chest till she finally let go of my hair then I worked my way back down to her sweet little pussy.

She clearly enjoyed what I was doing but didn't ramp up as fast as Nina had the day before. For the first five minutes or so her only response was an occasional shudder. Then, slowly her legs began to flex up and down to either side of me. A bit more time passed and her tiny butt began to buck off of the bed as she tried alternately to pull clear of my tongue and drive herself onto it. When her little girl cum finally rolled over her she undulated like a fish, pushing hard against my mouth and balling up fistfuls of bed sheet. Aside from a deep gasp she never made a sound.

I kept licking after she collapsed but gentler now, just soothing her little cunny. She produced a tiny amount of little girl cum and I lapped that up happily. I felt the bed shudder and a moment later Nina crawled up beside her younger friend. She looked from me to Jeanie and then back to me again. Her mouth was hanging open slightly and her eyes were wide behind those thick glasses. She said nothing but she was breathing heavily. One finger was still busily squelching in and out of her own little slot.

My cock was beyond hard, it was practically throbbing. A long ribbon of precum had drooled from the head and formed an unbroken strand that reached the disheveled sheets. I stood and moved behind Nina, her round bottom, small, but large for her frame, was in the air. I bent and kissed first the left then the right cheek. I licked them, wetting her soft, white butt with great Lassie licks. When her ass glistened I spread my lips wide and sucked in a mouthful of bottom flesh, this was treated to a tonguing and the gently nibbling of teeth. I moved across the older girl's ass, repeating the maneuver, I was sucking hard, leaving red, mouth sized blotches in my wake.

I don't know if she was getting anything sexual out of my actions, she 'ohhed' some and squeaked a few times when I got particularly aggressive with the teeth but the never tried to pull away. Her busy little finger never slowed either. I could smell her simmering pussy even over the slight scent of her wet bottom.

I gave each cheek a final bite that earned a pair of surprised squeaks then slowly pulled them apart. She had a deep crack that was the same pale white as the rest of her rump. Her asshole was a perfectly smooth pink funnel near the lower end. I drug my nose the length pf that valley, ending in that pretty little dimple. I smelled nothing but the faint smell of soap. She was either very fastidious or she had bathed since she'd last pooped, the latter I figured. It was still early morning after all.

She made a little 'oh' when my nose poked her bottom. When my tongue made that passage and then started to screw itself deep into her butt she yowled like a cat and tried to pull away. I held her by the hips and pushed deeper.

"That's my pooooooper!" She wailed, trailing into a moan as I relaxed the pressure then rammed in again.

I was too busy eating eight-year-old butt to answer at the moment but I thought, 'and it's a damned delicious pooper too!' 'Rimming' had always been one of my favorite activities when I found an attractive female bottom. When it came down to cases though, there just weren't that many pretty assholes out there. Bulged up hemorrhoids or protruding ass lips are a pretty big turn off for me. Nina had one of the prettiest assholes I had ever seen and I couldn't get enough of it.

A minute later she shuddered in orgasm, her moons pushed back against my face. My tongue had battered her sphincter into submission and was almost an inch into her ass. I felt her bottom nibbling and sucking at my tongue as her asshole spasmed in time to her cum. Damn that felt sexy, my dick throbbed in time to the squeezes.

She collapsed onto her face and shoulders but I held her hips off the bed. I ate her unresponsive butt for a little bit but I really needed to do something about that dick before it split right down the side. I dropped down and sucked her pussy for a moment; it was swampy with her juices. After orally reconnoitering her vagina it was time to send in the troops. I drug the head of my cock up and down her slit till it slipped through her smooth, hairless and very slick lips. I quested a bit till I found her tiny opening. Damn, it was small! I began to apply pressure and felt her girl hole dilate then slid so sweetly up the domed head of my cock. I moaned as the head fully slipped in. Fuck, she was like a sauna inside, wet and overheated. I pushed forward till I nestled against her smooth cervix. All of the lubrication and the stimulation made it a very smooth and very sexy trip.

I began to fuck the child but slowly. She was still pretty oblivious and I didn't want to pop my cork before she came around enough to enjoy it, and that cork was on a very fucking short fuse at the moment!

I felt movement on the bed and then Jeanie's blond head popped up. She didn't look one-hundred percent but she was back with us. She scooted around and slid off the bed to stand beside me. Her big eyes were on my cock sliding in and out of Nina.

I cupped the back of her pretty blond head and pulled her to me. We kissed for a few seconds, she didn't object but I sensed her interest was elsewhere. When I released her she dropped to her knees, her eyes only inches from where cock and bald pussy joined.

It was another minute before Nina began to respond. The first signs were clenching fists on the sheets, then, minutely her bottom began to move in counterpoint to my cock, pulling away when I did then coming back to meet me. I groaned as her cervix started to smack the end of my cock harder and harder.

Little whuffs began to escape her mouth; these morphed to tiny grunts and then groans. She came up onto her hands, her head hanging down. Her little hips began to swivel as she rammed her pussy back onto the cock that was molesting the fuck out of her.

Jeanie hadn't moved but both of her hands were now busy between her legs. She was going at her twat furiously but didn't seem to be getting the stimulation she hoped for. She sped up, her little hands a blur on her pretty little pussy. Little moans of frustration began to escape her lips.

Inspired I grasped the child below the shoulders. She squeaked in fright as I picked her up and stood her on the bed, one spread leg either side of Nina's torso. I palmed her tiny butt cheeks and pulled her to my face. She hummed and gripped my head as my mouth again made acquaintance with her five-year-old cunny. I alternated between swiping at her hidden clit and probing her tiny entrance. I actually poked into the latter far enough to probe the surface of her cherry. She began to squeak, her little hips went into gear and she started banging her mound off of my nose. She also went back to pulling hair. What is it about girls and hair?

I ate her for a bit more then another randy neuron fired. I picked her up, squeaking in surprise and tossed her onto her back on the far side of the bed. I then grabbed her by the ankles and pulled till her feet were just outside Nina's knees. I put my hand on Nina's head and pushed her toward the five-year-old's glistening pussy. She resisted a bit. I used enough pressure to overcome it but not enough to really force her if she was dead set against it. Slowly her head descended. Jeanie was watching, a wide eyed look on her face. She bit her lip in indecision, perhaps mirroring the look on her friends face. Nina paused with that tiny twat an inch from her nose. I eased the pressure. I'd planted the seed but the final call was hers. I kept up a steady fuck rhythm and waited to see what she would do.

Finally she dipped and planted a little kiss on that pussy. That earned a giggle from little Jeanie. She reached out and stroked her older friend's hair. Either the stroking or the giggling eased Nina's reluctance. The next kiss was not so chaste and the one following that had some tongue action in it. Slowly, but with mounting enthusiasm the dark haired girl started to eat pussy in earnest.

I had a conceit that I could manage it so we could all get off together. It didn't work out though. I was simply too fucking hot. I tried to slow down my hips but my prostate had already issued the master arm command to my balls. I was going to blow; the only question was how good a blow was it going to be. With the fuse already burning I sped up till my dick blistered in and out of Nina's needy little cunt then the top of my head blew off as burning lava pulsed the length of my cock. The child's little pussy couldn't hold it and spunk squelched past my still pumping cock and ran down her thighs.

I wanted nothing more than to simply collapse but I still had a job to do. I shook the after cum cobwebs from my head and eased my softening prick from the little girl's bald slot. I replaced it with my fingers and began to furiously masturbate the child. Her hip began to rotate faster. I wet my thumb in the cum that slicked her inner thighs then rotated my hand up and eased the digit into her ass. She squeaked into Jeanie's pussy in surprise. Her head rose from between the younger girl's sleek thighs and turned to look back at me in owlish question. I smiled devilishly and bottomed three fingers in her pussy and a thumb in her ass. Her mouth hung open and her body quivered as she tried to process this new sensation.

I gently pushed her head back toward the younger child's cunny. She got the message and went back to slurping hairless pussy but her attention was centered on the invasion in her own nether regions. I sped up, my fingers squelching in and out of her cum slick twat while my thumb rotated in her pretty bottom. I sent a finger on the other hand to molest and massage her fleshy clit hood. Her hips went wild and a constant 'oh, oh, oh' escaped her mouth.

She came seconds later. Her head rose from Jeanie's spit slick cunt and her back arched backwards till I expected her vertebrae to pop. She held that taut pose for seconds then she simply folded sideways like a puppet with the strings cut.

That was one down and one to go. Nina's mouth had begun to ramp Jeanie up again then left her hanging. She whimpered at the loss of the older girl's tongue. Ever the suffering martyr I dove into the child's lovely little box face first. I worked my way from the top of her slot with its hidden clit hood down past the impossibly tight entrance to her vagina then around between her silky cheeks to her anus. The latter had the slightest bitterness of shit but I didn't care at that point. She cooed when I serviced her pussy. When I found her asshole she squeaked and slammed her bottom against my face.

For over a minute I ate and rimmed and licked and kissed. Jeanie's little body began to quiver and undulate with more authority and little whimpers and gasps escaped her mouth as my mouth visited some new perversion on her body.

Abruptly a hand pushed my face clear of the child's crotch and Nina's disheveled head pushed in. She went back to sucking pussy with a vengeance,; little growls escaped her throat as she tried to consume her friend's hot little cunny.

Barred from pussy I went for ass and the two of us sandwiched little Jeanie. With enthusiastic tongues molesting both lower openings the child didn't have a chance. In seconds she was coming far harder than she had the first time. A low keening, almost a whistle, escaped her mouth and the muscles in her thighs and trim buttocks convulsed. She undulated like a fish, once, twice, then a big final finale before collapsing back onto the bed.

I pulled back but Nina was still sucking twat. Jeanie's hands tried to push her away but the younger child had no strength left. I gently pulled the older girl free and kissed her on the lips. Her glasses were missing, knocked off her face by her friend's orgasmic gyrations. I hugged her and licked the inside of one ear then the two of us simply regarded the well molested five-year-old before us.

After a suitable time for recovery we adjourned to the lower floor. I got the girls some sodas and we simply sat around for a bit. Jeanie prattled on about how good our dalliance had been, 'the bestest ever' were her actual words. When she started talking about Nina's oral servicing I noticed the older child squirmed and looked distinctly uncomfortable.

I drew her to me and was startled to find tears in her eyes. I wiped then gently away and kissed her nose. Jeanie prattled on with the self centeredness of her age but she was background chatter at the moment. "What's wrong honey?"

Nina sniffed. "I shouldn't' a done that. It was nasty! Everyone is going to hate me now."

"You don't think sucking a dick is nasty."

"That's different," she sniffed, "I'm a girl."

"Still, No one is going to hate you."

"Uh-huh, Dirty Jenna does that an' everyone hates her! She's real nasty!"

I tilted her head up and kissed her lips. "I'm sure they don't hate her."

She jerked free, "They talk about her all the time about how gross she is. I don't want people talking about me like!"

I struggled for what to say to her. The politics of children were as alien to me as the surface of Venus. Was one sex act more acceptable to the pre-teen set than another? I stroked her hair till I hit upon a solution to the affair, a solution amendable to all particularly me.

"Then don't tell anyone. I won't tell and if you and Jeanie don't say anything then no one will know."

Jeanie had talked on for a bit but had gradually become aware of our conversation. She now wrapped Nina in a hug and buried her head in the older girl's shirt. "I won't tell I promise!"

Crisis averted for now I found some unopened crackers and a jar of peanut butter. It must have gone particularly well with cherry coke the way the two girls ate and drank. After our repast Nina drug me to the sofa and yanked my shorts down. After pushing me back into the cushions the two children went to their knees before me and the brunette resumed her interrupted blowjob lesson.

At some point in the session I idly asked, "So, who's Dirty Jenna anyway?"

"I'll bring her around later", Nina tossed off then went write back to coaching Jeanie on how to toss me off.

The little blond was not a very good pupil, constantly sassing the teacher, but she did seem to be getting better. She did turn my cock over to the older girl for the finale and made appropriate 'yuck!' sounds when the eight-year-old took my load in her mouth then opened said mouth to display it before swallowing.

The girls departed shortly afterwards leaving me a near wreck. I'd had my balls drained more times in the last twenty-four hours than in the previous month. I sat and recovered for a bit then tottered off for a delayed shower. It was only as I was lathering my hair with something with way too much jasmine in it that I realized that I hadn't asked Nina for the key she had found. The little shit hadn't offered either.

I dressed and decided to get some work done. I found some largish garbage bags beneath the sink and attacked the food fridge. Pretty much the entire contents went in the bag. Only the canned sodas were still good and there were only three of those left. I raided the cabinets next; anything that I either didn't like or was out of date went into the bag with the other nasties. I sealed the bag and deposited it on the landing then attacked the inside of the old box with paper towels and some spray cleaner I found in a cabinet.

I lugged the garbage bag down the stairs. I paused at the bottom. There was a bedraggled looking rock garden that surrounded the base of the stairs. It was a vaguely oval area fenced by cheap tin edging and filled with 'river rock' or whatever was actually in the plastic bags that the hardware stores advertised as river rock anyway. A few scrawny flowers and more than a few healthy looking weeds poked through. I searched a bit and finally spied a rock that looked just a bit off. It proved to be plastic. I turned it over to find a little door on the back side. I worked the catch with a thumbnail and the compartment popped open. As I suspected the little key sized pocket was empty.

I lugged the garbage bag to the truck and tossed it in the bed. I then went back up stairs for my keys and wallet. After locking up I fired up the truck and drove back toward town. It was Sunday so I knew the local solid waste department would be closed. That was ok. I drove till I found a big chain grocer then cruised around back. As I suspected there were several dumpsters and no guards. It was the work of seconds to stop and heave out the bag then I was on my way again.

Maybe feeling a little guilty about using the store dumpster, I parked in the lot out front and went in. I felt a bit silly about that as I got out of the truck. If I wanted to grovel in self blame the last day had given me a hell of a lot better reason than using someone else's dumpster! I got a cart and started loading up on veggies and staples. I ignored the meat department; I figured I was good there. I was in the soda isle when I wondered just what I was doing? I was going to see the lawyer tomorrow then I was gone right? Right? I waited, but an answer did not come welling up from within. Fuck, I needed to see a realtor, and then get in touch with the local Salvation Army to pick up all the junk, that would take time. Hell I might even take a day or two off, a little vacation before I did those things. I mentally patted myself on the back at the clever rationalization then humped a case of cherry coke into the cart. I added a case of grape and one of root beer for good measure.

Back at the house I put the food and drink away then rummaged under the house till I found some boxes. I carried these into the late aunt's bedroom and beginning loading them with cosmetics, perfumes and various sundry female toiletries. I cleaned out the closets and drawers too. The former yielded up dresses, shoes and several 70's style pant suits. There were also several pairs of well worn jeans. The dressers held shorts, shirts and lingerie. I felt kind of creepy handling the latter. I think most guys get kind jittery handling women's underwear, especially old women's underwear.

I still had some space left so I started cleaning off some knick-knack shelves. I didn't double wrap the stuff but I did try not to break anything. I stacked the boxes in the living room then went back upstairs and started to dismantle the canopy bed. It was a for-real period canopy bed, not the modern reproduction I'd taken it for, and not designed for easy disassembly. That forced a trip underneath the house for tools. I got it apart, or at least as apart as it would come without destructive measures, but it took far longer than I expected and my stomach was rumbling before I was finished.

I'd spied a fish house during my garbage and victual run and it sounded pretty good at the moment. I gathered together the tools I'd used on the bed, grabbed my keys, locked up and headed down the stairs. I had finished putting the tools away and was headed for the truck when a disreputable pink bicycle with no tire on the front rim and a familiar blond moppet onboard rattled around the house and came to a stop.

Jeanie and I regarded each other for a moment then she let the bike drop to the ground and walked over. With my keys out and my hand on the door of the truck it was obvious even to a five-year-old that I was in the process of leaving.

"Where ya going?"

Still somewhat off balance by her sudden reappearance I responded lamely, "I was just popping out for some fish and chips."


I nodded, that had been name on the sign. The building had the look of a well known chain fish house but the colors were wrong. I figured they had lost or more likely given up the expensive franchise and were going it alone.

"Oooh goody!" She clapped her hands. "I love Scooters!" With that she ran to the passenger side of the truck. Before I could utter a word she had climbed in and buckled up. She then sat and stared at me. Her expression said it all, 'what's the hold up?'

I shook my head and climbed into the truck. I reached across her tiny body and closed her door which she had left gaping wide open. Still in a state of bemused bewilderment I started the engine and backed out.

All through the drive I stole glances at the tiny blond child in the passenger seat. She had cranked down the window and spent most of the ride with her head thrust as far into the slipstream as the seatbelt and her small stature would allow. Her gold/white mane caught the sun as it billowed and waved. Her gaze took in the passing scenery with the simple joy of childhood. From her expression I doubted a single dark thought intruded into that pretty head.

That eased my own thoughts a little bit. I had more or less reconciled myself to the risk to me from recent events; well as reconciled as you can get with that hard, icy little chunk of fear that resided somewhere deep down. What still nagged at me was the fear of harming the children. Fuck, I was no boy scout. I'd been kicked out of school at the age of seventeen for dealing drugs. My pop, a generally drunk sometimes deckhand on the Mississippi barge trade had beaten the shit out of me and thrown me out of the house. On my own I'd hustled my way across a wide swath of the Midwest. I'd been in a number of minor scrapes with the law. With a chip on my shoulder I'd also become somewhat of a brawler and had left a trail of busted heads in bars all along my wake.

What I had never done was harm a child. Nina and her ilk were no shrinking violets, any kids who started blowing the neighborhood at five or six weren't all that freaking innocent to start with. Nina at least had been sucking men off in the park for nearly a year and even fucking some of them. Okay, so I wasn't corrupting the children, at least not alone, but I was damned sure abetting their continued education. I looked over at Jeanie's blissful face. I thought I could live with that for now.

We grabbed our fish and chips at the drive through and headed back to the house. Jeanie spent the trip gigglingly sneaking hush puppies from the big bag that sat on the bench between us.

We sat up on a big picnic table that rested under the house. I evicted the junk that was heaped on it to other heaps then managed a half assed cleaning job with paper towel and spray cleaner then it was chow time. Jeanie set to her food with gusto, she didn't eat as much as I did but she came close enough that I wondered where she was putting it in that tiny elfin body. She finished by sucking on her soda straw until all she was getting was air then topped that off with a belch that would have done a bullfrog proud. That produced a giggling fit that ended up in a case of the hiccups.

I let her gently sip my drink till the attack was over then took it back. "Jeanie, what are you doing here?"

She spread her arms, taking in the wreckage of our meal, and grinned, "eating." My scowl and raised eyebrow produced another giggle. She stifled that when the scowl deepened and looked down, her finger began to play in a pool of condensation on the table.

"Nina an' me was planning to come back after supper an' I think Nina is planning on bringin' Jenna too. I wanna come back with 'em but...." She bit her lip then squinted up at me. "That's like forever away and I wanna suck on your willy some more now...and I kinda hoped you'd do that thing to me some more know...lick me."

Fuck, what had I gotten myself into. I was becoming the center of a bunch of kiddy nymphos! Children didn't have long memories. I knew if I cut this off now I'd fade quickly from their consciousness. The longer it went on the greater the chance of a stray word reaching the wrong ears. The smart play was to cut and run now, send Jeanie packing, tell Nina and her entourage that play time was over, do my business and get the fuck out of this burg. Valdosta wasn't paradise, and I knew, absolutely knew that every worn out bleach blond barmaid I banged from now on was going to compare unfavorably to the tight sheathe and enthusiastic hips of a near sighted eight-year-old, still, I would be free, not locked in a concrete box for the rest of my life.

I might have done it; for once my rational mind had control. Then Jeanie's little hand slid onto my fabric covered cock and gave it a gentle squeeze. The little shit had snuck up on me while I was lost in thought. She stood at my side and massaged my hardening meat. When she realized she had my attention she asked a simple question. "Can I do it again now? I wanna try while no one else can case I don't do it good."

So much for fucking rationality. I pulled my zipper down and dropped my shorts to my ankles. Jeanie knelt in the dirt and kissed my cock before sucking it into her hot little mouth. She bobbed away with enthusiasm but was still lacking in skill. Since I was already damned in the eyes of society and the law I thought I might as well help her improve a bit. I started gently coaching in the use of lips and tongue and even the careful scraping of teeth. I told her when to suck and when to suck harder. She proved a passable student when the lessons weren't delivered with a healthy dose of pre-teen sarcasm and in minutes had me ramping up. She was enjoying herself and needless to say I was too, so much so that the main event crept up without much thought on my part. I did croak out "I'm coming!" but only as the first fiery pulse burst in her mouth.

She jerked back as if scalded, half spitting and half coughing up spunk. The second pulse painted half of her face from her bangs to her chin. I took the beast in hand and turned slightly to finish jerking my load out onto the damp earth. Only when my nut was finished did rationality return. I knelt and swept up the coughing child and settled onto the bench with her sidesaddle in my lap. I rocked her and cooed my apologies as her spasms diminished.

When she had sufficiently recovered she swept a stray globule of cum from the corner of her mouth and fixed me with a glare. "You not suppose to do it in my mouf!" she lisped.

I used my shirt tail to wiper her cheek and chin clean. "I'm sorry baby; you did so good that it snuck up on me.

She brightened immediately, "Really? I did that good".

"Really, you did great."

"Better than Nina?"

"Just as good," I lied." She had improved but Nina was a cocksucking pro. Little Jeanie had a ways to go to even be in the same room. She did give it her all though. "But promise not to tell her I said so."

She squirmed a bit at the restriction but after a final cough a grin lit up her face. "Okay, it's a secret."

Fuck, I certainly hoped she knew how to keep a secret, or Nina's wrath was the least of my worries.

She wiggled from my grasp and stood on the bench beside me. Her dirty jeans sagged a little and her shirt was a tad small. The two garments conspired leave a gap in the middle and put an inch wide strip of trim, tanned little girl belly right at eye level. The display was centered on the tiny dimple of her cute little belly button. She was so close I could see just the lightest down of blond hairs adorning the brown flesh. I could smell her too, little girl sweat, fabric softener and maybe just a hint of something more.

I glanced up at her face and found her looking down at me. She said nothing but the hopeful, expectant look on her pretty elfin face spoke volumes. I held her gaze for a second then brought my eyes and lips to that enticing strip of bare little girl. She sighed when I kissed her trim belly that changed to a giggle when my tongue slid into her little dimple. She tasted good, spicier and somehow more exotic than in the morning. It might have been sweat or perhaps it was just the thrill of molesting her here, beneath the house, where anyone could wander over and peer at us,

I worked the fastener on her jeans with my mouth, growling a little as I did it. I pulled the flaps back with my teeth. A few more tugs and her pants were over the little bulb of her butt and slid down to pool around her ankles. I had planned to give similar treatment to her panties but Bobbie Jean lacked the patience for that. She pulled them down then kicked both them and her pants off. In seconds she stood before me bare from the waist down.

Determined to reign the impatient little minx in I started kissing and licking high on the outside of her left thigh. I worked my way to her knee then crossed to the inside and went back up. I left butterfly kisses along the way and ended by licking the seam where her leg and crotch met. I crossed to the other leg and did the same.

She sighed and wiggled a bit but she seemed willing to let me proceed at my own pace. I gently picked her up in a modified bear hug and laid her face down lengthwise on the table. The tiny whole of her was laid out before me like a buffet. She turned her head to watch me and pillowed it on her arms. I received the sweetest of smiles as she settled down to let me molest her at my leisure.

I started at her feet, licking and kissing the arches then nibbling on the none too clean calluses of her heels. I moved up slowly, an inch or two on one leg then crossing over to repeat the sequence on the other. I kissed, sucked, licked and gnawed, the latter with the tiniest of pressures. Jeanie twitched and moaned a bit and giggled a lot as she enjoyed the attention.

It took nearly five minutes for me to reach the backs of her knees. She was sensitive there and kept flinching but I noticed that the giggles were getting fewer and the moans more common. I moved up her thighs working my way from out to in then repeating with the other leg. I didn't think I'd ever encountered anything as soft and smooth as her flesh. She was in motion now, her shapely legs moving ever so slightly as her lovely ass clenched and relaxed.

That ass was the next objective. I paused at the seam where leg met butt. This was another sensitive spot and she squeaked as I probed with my tongue and nose. Again I moved from out to in, finally pushed her legs apart slightly with my head. My nose was only about an inch from her sweet hairless pussy. Her scent was strong in that tight little space. I pushed forward a tad and gave it just the briefest of licks; I started up her other thigh as she tried to force her prize onto my tongue.

I moved onto the sexy roundness of her bottom. It was small but plush and curved, not the board flat butt many girls her age had. I kissed and licked her cheeks, dragging my face across the spit slick wetness that resulted. I nibbled some too, dragging the sharp points of my teeth across that adorable ass but never hard enough to cause actual pain.

Only when I was done with the cheeks did I start molesting her cleft. I took it in stages, first just dragging my nose the length of it without any penetration. My tongue joined the festivities on the next pass and I pushed a bit deeper, still not enough to hit bottom but spreading cheek. Only on the fourth trip did just the tip of my tongue touch the rounded bottom of her sexy butt crack. So slight was the contact that I didn't even touch her asshole and only noted its presence by the loss of contact as her flesh dropped away into that tiny pink funnel.

I planned more of the same for the next pass but the randy five-year-old was getting impatient, this time she pushed up, forcing her ass onto my tongue. She felt my lapper on her hole and proceeded to try and impale herself with hip action alone. I held my tongue stiff and steady and presently she was doing her level best to orally sodomize herself on me. She has some luck, her asshole sucked and nibbled as she pulled it on and off of my muscular appendage. Damn that was hot!

Done with teasing I put my hands to her hips and gently urged her to her knees. I turned her slightly toward me then spread her slender thighs. She was open before me; it was time for the main course.

She let out a long hiss of affirmation as my mouth finally met her sweet cunny. She'd been horny and ready after sucking me, the long; gently molestation of her lower parts had cranked her tiny pot from simmer to rolling boil. She shoved her bald sexy cunny onto my face, swiveling her hips to place my tongue where she wanted it. Sometimes that was the tight portal to her still virgin vagina at other times it was the fleshy home of her tiny clit. She even dropped down a few times and lined her asshole back up with the invader, pushing onto it till my face was hard against her butt and the tip of my tongue was trying to batter past her muscular sphincter.

I held steady and let her do as she liked for about a minute, she was frantic though and lacked the patience to stay with one sensation long enough to truly savor it. It was the impatience of extreme youth, she wanted it all and now!

I finally took pity and grasped her smooth, sleek hips to hold her steady and went to work. I kissed her cunny all over then lipped her thick outer labia into my mouth for a bit of gentle nibbling. My tongue started to explore her exquisite pink insides. I toured up and down her slot before zeroing in on her vagina. Damn it was tiny; I fucked at it but could only get the very tip of my tongue inside. Her hymen was merely a softness at my furthest reach. I couldn't get far enough in to put any pressure on it. I moved up to the fleshy folds of her undeveloped clit hood. I went berserk for a bit, pushing at this and tugging at that before settling down for an all hands search for her little nub. It took a while but I finally found a tiny nodule of hardness buried under all of that flesh. It was lost in the comparatively vast expanse of its hood. I teased it, trying to get my tongue under and around it. After a bit I formed a seal with my lips over the entire area and sucked.

Her little bottom stopped wiggling when I started to tongue her vagina; instead she started to push back, trying to further the penetration. When I moved up to her clitoral area her hips went into gear again, she circled under me and alternatively pulled away and drove back. A gentle whuffing sound and the occasional low 'oh' were all that escaped her lips. When I actually found her little bud and started to play with it she went stock still for a second then went into overdrive on my face. Her round butt slid and rolled over my nose. Her voice was a now a low hum with an occasional whimper thrown in. When I sucked her foreparts came off the table, her back arched in a great rigid bow, her butt clenched until the cheeks hollowed and her cleft clamped my nose. She was cumming and cumming hard! A hiss like a leaking inner tube escaped her lips as she slowly oozed down to lie bonelessly.

Her orgasm actually took me by surprise and I was a little nonplussed. Hell, I still had a few more things I wanted to try. I quested back in but she whimpered and twitched away from me. I guessed she was hypersensitive at the moment. Oh well, I moved up and started to screw my tongue into her asshole. I went deep, forcing her relaxed sphincter open. She simply laid there and took it for a bit but when I began to fuck in and out, completely withdrawing and letting her close up before pushing in again, she began to react.

At first she only moaned but then she started to hunch a little. After a bit she came up onto her knees and started to circle her lovely bottom around my impaling member. I kept my tongue in her bottom but I sent a finger to caress her smooth slot, just the outside for now. It was slick with my saliva and maybe a bit of her own secretions.

I sped up, my tongue pumping in and out of her asshole with a popping sound. She started to bounce on my face, her round little bottom smacked into my cheeks with greater and greater force as my mouth did obscene things in its lovely valley. I applied pressure and my finger sunk into her cunny. I held it fairly steady and let her own motion carry the pink inner flesh back and forth against it. She was breathing hard now, sweet little puffs of exertion accompanied by the occasional high pitched moan.

I added lips to the mix, briefly sealing them to her pink anus and sucking around my tongue when she was on the in stroke. The first time I did it I earned a squeal and a brief pause in her gyrations as she processed the new sensation. It was a very brief pause though, less than a second later her bottom slammed into me hard, her tailbone hit my nose with enough force that I had to fight through the need to sneeze! I licked and sucked some more and soon we were really off to the races!

I found her vagina and inserted just the tip of my finger. I had to let my arm 'float' to keep her from deflowering herself on the digit. I'm not sure she would have even noticed as hot as she was but that wasn't something I was ready to do. My other hand snaked around her thighs and attacked her slit from above, questing for her hidden clit.

She came for the second time in a rigor like body lock that outlined the muscles beneath her flawless skin. Her back arched and a low hum escaped from somewhere inside her. The orgasm rolled over her like a wave leaving her sated and all but unconscious. Her bottom slipped away from my face as her legs relaxed. Only the hands at her cunt held her off of the table.

I eased her down before rolling her over and gently picking her up in the classic baby carry position. I picked up her pants and her panties then emerged into the light and carried the half naked child up the stairs.

I eased her to the couch then retrieved a soda for her and a beer for me. I sat and watched her as I sipped my brew. It was some minutes before she was fully aware but finally she stretched like a cat, the muscles on her coltish legs and flat stomach moved under the flawless tanned skin. She rolled upright and grabbed the sweating can of soda that sat on the coffee table. She took a generous drink then peered at me over the top of the can. "That was the best yet, does it always gets better?"

I smiled at her, "I don't think it always gets better honey. Some times it's better than at other times but it's always good."

She took another sip then stood, "I hafta pee!"

I directed her to the downstairs bathroom and she edged off, covering her little sex with her hand till her back turned to me. I admired her little ass as she trotted down the hall. Her sudden shyness after what we had just done just added to her almost impossible cuteness.

I was playing with the rabbit ears on the TV when she came up behind me. It seemed she'd left her shyness in the bathroom. Her hand slipped around my waist and fondled my cock. "I want to suck it again, and you can do it in my mouth this time but don't tell Nina, she said softly.

I turned and lifted her up. Her legs went around me and my hands went to her bare bottom as we kissed. I carried the slight blond to the couch where she did and I did...though she pulled off after the second spurt, allowing the rest of my cum to paint her chin and neck. She didn't choke this time though.

She said she needed to go so I cleaned her up and sent her on her way. I watched as she walked the battered bicycle to the park trail then pedaled out of sight. My emotions were turmoil.

I went out again. I found a general store that was open and purchased several big cardboard boxes, the kind with the flowery prints that are trying to pretend they are not cardboard boxes. They came knocked down and shrink-wrapped. They only had five, I took them all. I was on my way to the register when I noticed they had an end cap devoted to bicycle parts. I grabbed a twenty inch tire and tube; they looked about the right size.

Back at the house I laid out another steak for supper then set to assembling boxes. I then started cleaning off the curio shelves and knick knack racks. I went through the videos and most of these went into a box as well. I supposed they all would eventually but I needed something to watch till.....till what? The correct answer was till I got this place sold and got me back to Valdosta. Why then had a stray neuron made a note to get a DVD player and a better television?

I dropped onto the couch and thought through a beer and a fat joint. Neither one helped much, when I got up and started filling boxes again; my thoughts were still as muddled as before. Fuck! I was on dangerous ground but these kids were so fucking sexy! Fuck! Shit! Earlier I thought I had reconciled myself to the risk I was taking. Now I had the freaking jitters again. My emotions were swinging like a freaking pendulum!

I backed the truck up so the bed was beneath the house then lugged all of the boxes and the canopy bed down and loaded them aboard. Since I was already there I started poking about down there. Anything I could plainly identify as junk went aboard. I loaded two rusted out grills, three broken chairs and half a rusty bicycle, the frame on the latter looked to have been flame cut in half? I rounded out the lot with thirteen freaking bald tires of various sizes. Did the woman every throw anything away?

When the truck was full I hauled out the one serviceable grill and heaped on the charcoal. I had to use gasoline for starter again; I'd forgotten to pick up any fluid. I got it going then sucked my way through several brews while the coals burned down. Once it was ready I threw on the steak and a couple of small foil wrapped potatoes.

After eating I had another beer and another joint for desert. I sat on the picnic table and thought some more. I didn't reach any resolution but just the thinking helped the jitters, of course it could have been the beer or the joint as well. I remembered some distant teacher droning on about it being piss poor scientific method to alter more than one variable at a time in an experiment. Fuck it, I wasn't a scientist.

I went back into the house. With nothing to do I ended up in the 'library'. I perused the shelves. The collection was widely varied; there were cookbooks, books of crocheting patterns and fat envelopes stuffed with sewing patterns. There were also books on welding, carburetor overhaul and even a tome on building a freaking do-it-yourself forge! Spread widely through the collection, were a large number of novels. I recognized a number of classics but the great mass were unfamiliar. Reading was the one thing I wished I had more time for. I generally kept a battered paperback in the cab of my dump truck but that was a stolen ten minutes here while a foreman screamed at some laborer or five there while a ham-fisted loader operator played a deafening symphony on the body with his bucket. To actually sit down and while away hour after hour lost in a book was something I'd rarely found time for.

I eased a dusty novel from the shelf at random and dropped into the recliner. I had the time now. The book drew me in and I read until the fading light from the windows made it difficult. I wondered downstairs and peered at a clock. I was surprised to find that several hours had flown.

In the back of my mind was little Bobby Jean's statement about that Nina planned to return apparently with an entourage. I figured the actual chance of that was waning with the sun. 'Good', my rational mind said. My cock wasn't so sure about that, fucking letch was getting using to its share of kiddy sex. I readjusted the troublesome member and grabbed a beer from the fridge.

I was just plugging one of the few video's that hadn't gone into the boxes into the vcr when there was a knock at the kitchen door. I opened it to find a grinning Nina holding the arm of a heavier child. Jeanie brought up the rear, her blond mane swished as she twisted from side to side. She shot me a smile from behind the other children and licked her lips.

Well what the fuck could I do? I let them in. Nina was wearing a one piece sundress of red with white polka dots that came to mid thigh. Jeanie was dressed as I had last seen her only hours before. I turned my gaze to the third girl.

I assumed this was Jenna. She seemed of an age with Nina, perhaps a tad younger. She was a hair taller but noticeably heavier. Her skin was pale, almost white while her hair was the blackest I had ever seen; it almost seemed to have a blue cast. It was cut in an unimaginative bowl style. Her round face sported a largish nose, bushy eyebrows, a double chin and glasses thicker than Nina's. She wore a black peasant top that was too small and showed the proto-titties her weight gave her. A matching dress in the same shade reached to her ankles. All she needed was a scowl and some black lipstick and she would be the perfect mini-Goth. Her magnified eyes were black and seemed to bore into me. All together she was not what I would call an attractive package but she was striking.

Nina strode in like she was the queen of the manor, the other two trailed behind. Jenna seemed a tad nervous. I caught her glancing furtively my way several times. Nina paused in the living room then turned and motioned toward the new girl, "This is Dirty Jenna", she tossed off by way of an introduction. She managed to emphasize the 'Dirty' part of the name pretty well. I glanced at the subject of the title; if it offended or shamed her she hid it well.

Nina started down the hall, "C'mon Jenna." The little troupe fell in behind. Puzzled, I brought up the year.

Nina was heading for the stairs when Jeanie stopped her, "That door's another bafroom."

The older child altered course, she grabbed Jenna by an elbow and practically propelled her through the door. There was no tub in this bathroom, just a free standing shower stall. Nina swept the curtain back then turned to the new girl. "Take your clothes off and get in." She ordered.

Jenna's eyes went to me and her face colored, after a moment of hesitation she began to strip.

Despite my continued bewilderment I watched with interest as the child's body was exposed. All the naked kiddy flesh I had been exposed to for the last day was definitely bringing out the letch in me. She unbuttoned and removed the blouse revealing a rounded belly and puffy proto titties, her skin was very pale, she clearly didn't get much sun.

The skirt slid down her hips to puddle at her feet. Her thighs were thick and jiggled a bit as she stepped clear of the garment. She wore tattered panties that had once been white but were now a dingy gray. They encased a jutting butt that was huge for her frame, definitely a bubble type, but it was still round and alluring.

She glanced at me then dropped her head before sliding her panties down and stepping out of them. She started to step into the shower but Nina stopped her and faced her toward me. She used her foot to push the bigger girl's legs apart then pulled her hands clear of her crotch, baring her puffy pussy to my gaze.

"Do you think she has a pretty pussy?" Jenna's hands went to her face, they couldn't hide the scarlet flush of her embarrassment.

I nodded, mesmerized, "Yes, she has a very pretty pussy."

Jeanie pushed her way forward and dropped to her knees. Using the index finger of both hands she peeled the older girl's thick labia apart, displaying her fleshy clit hood and the dark portal of her vagina. Her furrow was bright pink. The five year old grinned up at me, "Is it pretty on the inside?" she giggled.

My pants were getting tight. I nodded again, "very pretty." It came out as a near whisper.

Nina turned the older girl around to display her butt. It was an attractive ass despite, or just maybe because, of its heft. Nina smacked a cheek hard enough to set it jiggling then pulled the moons apart to display the pale pink funnel of the girl's asshole. I groaned and adjusted myself, to the tittering amusement of Nina and Jeanie.

Nina stood and pushed the heavier girl into the shower. She fumbled under her dress before kicking her panties aside and following. The two children, one naked and one fully clothed except for the underwear she had just shed, regarded each other for a moment then Nina spoke, "Get on your knees." It was delivered in a child's commanding tone but there was too much uncertainty in the tone for it to carry much weight.

The bigger girl bit her lip and looked at me; the flush had now spread to her upper chest. She looked thoroughly miserable. I am not much into torment and was about to answer that silent entreaty and call a halt but Nina preempted me by speaking again.

Her tone had softened and was almost a plea this time. "C'mon Jenna, you know you want to. You said you'd like to see and maybe play with a man's thingy. Well, he's a man and he'll let you look and play but you got to let him watch too." She paused for breath then went on. "He's cool, he won't tell anyone."

Jeanie chimed in, "Yeah, he won't say nothin'" I noticed the little urchin had shed her pants and was in the process of losing her panties.

Jenna looked at me again then at the other two girls. Slowly she sank to her knees. Nina, hiked her dress and stepped forward. She shot me a grin, "Watch this", then to Jenna, "open up." The heavy girl opened her mouth and closed her eyes, a second later my cock tried to tear its way out of my pants as Nina began to piss in the kneeling girl's mouth.

I had never been in to watersports but watching these children performing the depraved act turned my cock into an iron bar. Jeanie noticed and giggled, she stroked it through my shorts as Nina used Jenna's mouth for a toilet.

Her urine was a light yellow, not dark but not clear either. It filled the pale, pudgy child's mouth. Some escaped to run down her chin but not that much. Most went down her throat. Her adam's apple bobbed as she swallowed as fast as she could.

When Nina was done Jeanie muscled her aside and took her place. She had a different technique and sealed her smooth twat to Jenna's lips. The older girl drank furiously but couldn't keep up and pissed sprayed from her nose. This set off a coughing fit. Jeanie seemed proud of herself and finished her piss in the girl's dark hair, wetting it pretty well. When she recovered Jenna licked both bald cunnies clean, she brought enthusiasm to the task and both recipients were moaning in enjoyment.

Nina and Jeanie finished stripping and all three girls squealed and pranced when the shower was turned on. They played musical corners, each trying their best to stay out of the spray while pushing the others into it until the distant water heater finally began delivering warmth.

I found towels and we adjourned to the living room and the couch. Jenna didn't sit long though. When I returned from the kitchen with soda's for all I found she had been evicted to the floor. She knelt with her head between Nina's thighs; her tongue was deep in hairless pussy. Jeanie sat with spread legs, rubbing her little prize as she waited her turn.

Not wanting to disturb them I took a chair with a good view and pulled out my hard cock. Jeanie gave it a glance. She caught my gaze and surreptitiously licked her lips before returning her attention to the pre-teen dyke display next to her.

Nina came with a squeeze of her legs and a grunt like a satisfied piglet. Her hands were tangled in Jenna's hair and pulled on her head as her butt came off the couch and pushed her cumming pussy into the heavier girl's mouth. Hips and arms did their level best to crush the pudgy child's head.

Nina's butt had barely settled back onto the brocade when Jeanie grasped a handful of Jenna's hair; the five year old then roughly pulled the older child to her own slick little slot and shoved her face into it. Jenna didn't seem to overly mind the handling, her tongue and lips got busily to work in any case. Jeanie sighed and sagged into the cushions, one hand now gently stroked Jenna's black mane.

Fuck! I was falling deeper down the rabbit hole. It was a hot fucking hole though; I started to jack my cock. So much fucking precum was drooling down the head and coating the shaft that I had to wipe my hand on my shorts!

Nina didn't help much, recovered she slipped to the floor behind Jenna and began to spank the heavier girls butt. She started lightly but began to ramp it up almost immediately. "Nasty cunny licker, Dirty Jenna likes licking girls. Dirty, dirty, dirty Jenna!" Each 'dirty' was accompanied by a pop from her hand that sat Jenna's big cheeks to jiggling and left red impressions. Jenna's response was to shove her butt into the air to make it more accessible and to go even harder at Jeanie's pussy. Muffled snorts came from her mouth and nose as she tried to tunnel her face into the five-year-old's slit. Jeanie began to gasp and yelp as she was orally assaulted. Her hand's abandoned Jenna's head and began to pound the cushions as she shoved her bare little prize at her molester.

Fuck! I began to stroke my cock faster. Two things were obvious as hell; Jenna was into pain and humiliation, she was also no stranger to pussy. Her experienced little tongue rapidly pushed Jeanie over the edge and the youngest child experienced an intense cum against the older girl's mouth.

Everything paused for perhaps a ten count then, leaving Jeanie in a near stupor, Nina drug Jenna to me. She dropped to her knees, pulling the older girl down with her. "This is a man's thingy Jenna. It's called a cock or a dick.

The bigger girl showed a flash of spirit, "I know that!" she snapped. Her eyes met mine and she blushed brightly as she quickly dropped her gaze.

"Good", Nina said, "Suck it!"

Jenna didn't seem surprised at the demand. I had sort of seen it coming myself. Nina wasn't much for subtlety. The bigger girl regarded me; well she regarded one throbbing wet part of me anyway. After a moment she leaned forward till her nose almost touched my prick. Her tongue came out and just tasted the sheen of precum glistening on the head before pulling back within her lips. It must have not been too objectionable because she came out for a second lap, then a third.

"I said suck, not lick!" Nina didn't stamp her foot, hard to do that when you're on your knees, but the tone was there. Jenna cast her a lazy sidelong look that was almost comically sardonic then leaned forward and let her lips ooze over the head of my cock.

I groaned, the feel of her mouth on my superheated prick was soft, warm luxury. The sound brought her eyes back to my face. I smiled and brought my hand to her head, not in the demanding way that Nina or Jeanie had but in a soft caress. She smiled around my cock before dropping her gaze and pushing steadily forward.

To my and Nina's amazement she didn't fucking stop! I felt my cock kiss the back of her throat but she just angled her neck and kept pushing. The head of my prick slid down the smooth ramp she provided and popped into her esophagus. It kept going till the child's nose was buried in my pubic hair.

Fuck, she'd taken my whole cock. A fucking eight year old was deep throating me! I felt her throat work around my dick as she adjusted to my girth then she pulled off just far enough to grab a quick breath and went down again. Once more her lips mashed my pubic hair flat. I groaned when her tongue slipped out to bathe my balls.

To my frustration she refused to hit a stride, she would take my cock to the root then come up and pause, her eyes would meet mine, after several seconds she would go down again. Her ability to take my entire length was amazing but other than that her technique left a lot to be desired.

Without conscious thought my hips began to hunch, fucking up off the cushion to spear her gullet. When I did that she stopped completely. I forced myself to stillness and after a moment was rewarded with a single teasing stroke that again caused me to lunge up. She promptly stopped again? Ok, so I'm slow on the uptake sometimes, it took four repetitions before it occurred to me that the child might want me to fuck her mouth.

I tested that hypothesis with a slow screw that ended with her lips mashed to my groin, she groaned in her throat. I did it again, then again, she smiled around my cock, the pre-teen slut got off on having her throat banged!

Keeping my cock in her mouth, I slid to the floor. She lowered herself onto her belly so she was at the perfect cock sucking height with me on my knees. I slid both hands into her black hair and grasped her head before driving into her throat almost violently. Her eyes glittered at me and she hummed in approval.

What followed didn't last long, I fucking raped the eight year old's mouth and throat. Spittle flew as my crotch slammed into her mouth with bruising force time and time again. The room went away; Nina and Jeanie vanished like a mist. My intellect contacted into a tiny dim ball then vanished with a pop. I became a cock, and all that existed was me and the muscular tube I was driving into.

I roared like a bull when I came, my balls emptying what felt like a quart of cum deep in Jenna's throat. Long after the last of the fluid had oozed out my cock still twitched as my prostate kept trying to pump a dry well. Only when the last feeble spasm had passed did I fall back onto my buttocks, my head would probably have slammed into the floor but the padded chair caught it first. My softening cock pulled from Jenna's mouth with an obscene 'slurp'. Jenna took a deep breath and shuddered. Her face looked a bit red but she seemed to be no worse for wear.

'Fuck' I thought.

"Fuck!" Nina said.

"Wow" Jeanie said, she had apparently recovered during my rut and joined the audience.

Jenna wiped her face and took it all in, then she giggled.

Once the shock had passed the girls were all over Jenna. Nina in particular wanted to know how the bigger girl could take me down her throat like that. When Jenna couldn't produce a magical set of instructions the questioning changed. Now Nina wanted to know where Jenna had learned to do it. Jenna made noises about learning with candles but it sounded weak and evasive to me.

Jenna now was one up on the others, that didn't set well with Nina; it didn't set well at all. The smaller girls got on their hands and knees and demanded some butt loving. Jenna blushed a bit but readily fell to eating little girl ass. She went back and forth between the two, alternately rimming and tongue fucking each of them. She even hummed some as she did it.

Nina abruptly pulled away and stood. "I gotta poop." With that the naked nymph dashed from the room. Jenna switched to Nina's bottom. She forced her face between the girl's cheeks as her rigid tongue vanished into the muscular portal of Nina's anus. When I came up to get a closer look she blushed a little but it was clear that her earlier near mortification was gone. She even pulled the other girl's cheeks apart to give me a better look at her buried lapper. Her tongue slipped out and she kissed Nina's wet asshole then gave it a brief suck. She giggled again when my hand went to my again stiffening cock.

Nina came off of her hands. She turned on her knees till she faced us then paused for a second; a naughty glint was in her eyes. As we watched her expression morphed into a near smirk. She stood and grabbed Jenna by the wrist, tugging the bigger girl to her feet.


Curious, I followed the children from the room. I didn't know what was happening but I was beginning to know Nina. I was willing to bet it wouldn't be boring.

Jeanie was just reaching for the toilet paper when we entered that bathroom. The little room stank rather badly.

Nina pushed Jeanie's hand away from the roller then grasped the younger child and turned her around. "Bend over," she whispered.

Puzzled the little blond rested her hands on the tank and thrust her soiled bottom out. She looked slightly embarrassed.

Nina looked at Jenna, "Go on, you did it in the woods that day."

Jenna bit her lip and looked very unsure. Her gaze went from Nina to me and back again.

Jeanie seemed to have picked up on what was going on, "Nina we promised..."

Nina cut her off. "You promised, not me!" She bit her lip and went on in a softer tone. "'sides, the promise was not to tell and we aint tellin', we're showin'"

Jenna looked like she didn't know whether to cry or bolt. She had a wild look in her eyes. I was still in the dark but there was a glimmering in the distance that just might be the dawn. In any case I decided to call a halt to the proceedings. I wasn't going to see a child bullied into anything.

Nina beat me to it. Seeing Jenna's countenance her own features softened a bit. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

Jeanie looked over her shoulder at that. Deciding that a decision had been reached she started to straighten up but Jenna reached out and pushed her back down again. The bigger girl then took a deep breath and gently spread the little blonde's cute cheeks. We all got a brief glimpse of her dirty little bottom hole before Jenna's tongue began to lick it clean. Fuck that was nasty! My fucking dick was like a fucking iron spike.

Jenna licked for over a minute. At Nina's urging she even stuck out her tongue to show the brown track down the center of it. When she was done Jeanie's pretty asshole was immaculate.

Back in the living room I fucked Nina as Jenna once again ate little Jeanie. After fifteen minutes there were three satisfied bodies draped across the couch. I groaned and pulled my spent tackle from Nina. I had a job to do. There was one bit of business unattended to.

Jenna squeaked when I picked her up. She weighed quite a bit more than Nina but I managed turn and drop her onto the couch between the other two children. I spread her thick thighs and brought my face to her pussy. It smelled clean, apparently the 'dirty' part of her didn't extend to her own hygiene. I was thankful for that. I thumbed open her thick lips, they peeled apart with a tacky resistance that told me she was wet, very wet. Her insides were bright pink and glistened with her arousal.

I fell to eating her with gusto. She grunted and snorted as I rooted her to paradise. She was nosier than either Nina or Jeanie though she didn't squirm as much as the latter. On my first trip into her vagina I found it surprisingly elastic with her virginity nowhere to be found. I filed that away and quested up for her clit. It was big; a throbbing pea that I teased from its sheath and gently sucked between my lips, again the size was in contrast to the other children.

In minutes Jenna was cumming hard. She wrapped her chubby legs around my head and screamed at the rafters as her orgasm rolled over her.

As the girls gathered their clothing and dressed I noticed that Jenna's haunted look was coming back. Several times I found her glancing at me. Before they departed I managed to get her aside without the others noticing. I kissed her nose and hugged her, "I think you are a pretty, sexy little girl. Thank you." She seemed a bit more composed after that. Okay, so she wasn't exactly pretty, I'd been half honest anyway.

I drug myself up to bed. It had been a long day. My fucking balls throbbed!

Monday dawned overcast and breezy. I showered then drove down to an IHOP and had breakfast. I unloaded the decent stuff from the truck at the SPCA. The rest went to the dump. The lawyer's office didn't open till nine so I drove around till I found a street crowded with used car lots. Just what is it with the 'Pre-Owned' moniker anyway? What's freaking wrong with 'USED'. Do they think people don't know the difference? I kicked tires, ducked salesman and seriously admired a nearly new F-250 with more bells and whistles than your average air superiority fighter.

I developed an almost instant dislike for Dieter Lassiter. His was the middle moniker on the gold trimmed door of Manning, Lassiter and Caulper. I was ignored by all denizens of the office until I mentioned my name to the receptionist, then it seemed that nattily dressed sycophants oozed from every crack. In minutes I was seated in a sleek chair that had more going for it in the looks department than in the comfort one, a cup of 'organic' coffee steamed at my elbow. Twice I had to fend off a pastry wielding young man whose sexual orientation was seriously in question.

Lassiter was somewhere between thirty and fifty with a deep tan that probably came from lamps and a thick black mane that almost certainly originated in a bottle. He had a slight paunch and what seemed like an acre of too white teeth. After a bit of small talk the lawyer accepted a folder from the receptionist.

"I was very sorry to hear of your loss, very sorry," he oozed.

I shrugged, "I barely knew her. So it's hardly a loss."

You could almost see the shutters click behind his eyes as a new program was loaded, 'no emotional attachment, shift to plan B'. I found it odd, I'd dealt with lawyers before. As a species they were cool and succinct, wasting no emotion, even fake emotion on the client...unless they wanted something. What did Dieter Lassiter want?

He shook his head, "Well, I have to tell you son, your aunt was somethin' of a fixture in this town. She surely was. I admired her, I truly did. I never met a woman as purely....focused as she was." I got the impression that 'focused' hadn't been his first word choice.

I took a sip of the coffee, it wasn't bad but I've had better out of a beat up thermos served off the running board of a Kenworth.

Lassiter squirmed for a bit but when it became plain that I wasn't interested in chit-chat he opened the folder. "Your aunt's estate is pretty straightforward. She had a good head on her and made arrangements before she passed on. There'll be no need for probate but of course the taxes will have to be settled." He looked up but went on after getting no response.

"Said estate consists of plat 1267548 as recorded with the county Registrar of Deeds and all structures, appurtenances and other real property currently located there. The street address of said property is 519 Landing road." He looked up, "There are also several vehicles and a bank account associated with the estate but if I could I'd like to talk to you about the house." I would find out what he wanted. "Pike", I said.


"It's landing Pike, not road."

He stared for a second then cleared his throat. "In addition to being the executer of your late aunts estate I am also an agent for the County for the acquisition of land for a new park we're building."

"Long Water."

"Ahhh, you've hear of it, good. There is substantial interest on behalf of the parties in the acquisition of all property on Landing ro...pike. I negotiated with your aunt before her death but she wasn't much interested in selling. Now I'm sure....."

I cut him off, "How much?"

He cleared his throat again. "Two-Hundred thousand."

I sank back in the chair. Problem solved, right? I had envisioned having to spend days arranging for a realtor to list the place then wait months for it to sell. I would have to respond to the inevitable low-ball offers then finally journey back down here for the closing. This was a neat short-circuit to that little string of misery. It's what I wanted...wasn't it?

I thought about the money. It was probably a fair offer. They house was old, it wasn't trendy, it would creak in the wind and the rain would boom on that metal roofing. What would I do with the money, buy a place? Where? In all likelihood I'd simply party it away. I might buy a new truck or something but the odds were better than even that five years from now I'd still be living out of a cramped hotel somewhere near the latest job site.

I looked back up at the lawyer. He had an expectant half-smile on his face. "The rest of the estate?"

"The offer...?"

"Will wait."

He frowned but his face dipped back to the folder. "The remainder of the estate consists of a vehicle, a 1969 Plymouth Satellite, a vehicle a 1973 Ford pickup truck, a vehicle a 1974 Demcraft boat, a vehicle a 1972 Chrysler boat, a vehicle a 1997 Gheenoe boat." He looked up again, "The rounds out the real property the only remaining item is your aunt's bank assets."

"And that amounts too?"

"You will of course have to get with the bank for a total figure for all accounts but the round figure is about $920,000."

I swallowed, "Pardon? Could you repeat that?"

He did, the number didn't change. My mouth went dry, holy shit!

He droned on about taxes and filings and signatures required. It finally dawned on me that he was awaiting an answer from me.

"I'm sorry?"

A look of annoyance flickered across his features but was quickly smothered. "I was saying that you need to make a decision on the house before we can finalize the inheritance. We have an in house accountant but the numbers will change depending on if you sell the house or not."

I stood, "Hell, prepare it both ways. I'll pay for the extra expense."

I started for the door but stopped. I turned back to see him looking nonplussed. Obviously he was not used to others cutting an interview short. I smiled, "By the way. How much of a bonus do you get if you deliver every house on Landing Pike to the park people?"

He inflated a bit but before he could reply I went on. "I'm sure the contract is public record."

He licked his lips and drilled holes in me with his eyes. The room temperature seemed to have dropped several degrees. Finally he spoke, "$500,000."

I nodded and ducked out of the office. I left my cell number with the receptionist and stepped out into the muggy Carolina morning. Holy shit!

I spent the remainder of the morning at the bank. The good Mister Lassiter was wrong or his figures were a bit dated. A senior account specialist took me into a private office and led me through the aunt's portfolio. Some of it was in various funds with a bit of fluidity but she was fairly sure that if everything was liquidated the total value would be in excess of a million.

I had lunch at a hot dog stand and floated back to the house. Fuck! I smoked a joint then sucked down several ales for dessert. Still jazzed I stepped into the park and strolled for a while. I saw a bunch of kids in both chaperoned and the more natural running wild configurations but there was no sign of any of my growing lilliputian harem.

Back at the house I sat down to some serious thinking. Another joint and several more recreational beverages helped somewhat. The money changed things; the money changed a lot of things. If I had sold the house the proceeds wouldn't have been enough to live on, not for the rest of my life anyway. I would still have had to work. If I kept the house things only got worse, then I would really have had to work and with no education, not even a freaking high school diploma it would probably have been impossible to stay above water.

Now though, a cool million properly invested would last the rest of my life. Hell, I could live off of the interest even grow the principle enough to keep up for inflation. I never had to work again. I looked around at the old house. In the past I'd fantasized about the good life, a lottery win, a wealthy widow, hell, a well planned bank heist had wondered in a time or two. I'd always imagined myself in Vegas, or Lake Tahoe, maybe the Florida Keys. Maybe, just maybe a dumpy little town named Provost wasn't so bad though.

End of Book I

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Wow, a very enjoyable read, and I do gladly wait for your next chapters.
there are quit a few things that can be allowed in this jondra.
I would enjoy really working out some great aVENUES FOR HIM TO TAKE.

How about settling the estate, he comes out with better 600.000.00. he then looks at the house, and starts to fix it up.
he goes on to fix jennies bike. and he get some other used bikes for the girls. they bring him a few other kids. a ten year olf boy, and his twin sister, both have been abused, but love to be ass fucked, while sucking dick. jeff gets a supprise when a eleven year old hermaphdite shows up, with janna who tells him that they are cousins. and have been lovers for three years.

while thanks again...


Looking forward to Part 2.


Nice story, but the ending was too much. Not only does this guy get all the kiddie pussy and blowjobs he wants, but he gets a million too? A better ending would be he fucks the shit out of the five year old. I like the part where the little one gets a mouthful of cum and gags.


I hope Book 2 is soon to be posted! If your open to suggestions, with the water sports, I'd like to see the girls fight over which one he gets to flood. Another thing that is rare with pedo stories is fisting. Seams that even with older women and a small one, only once in a while are they aware enough to stick their hand all the way in. Just an observation on my part. Again, GREAT STORY - and I can't wait got book 2!

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