Published: 10-May-2012
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My bike jolted as I took a shortcut across the railroad tracks and veered back onto the bike path. This was a pleasant area. Older homes and apartments, some ran down but not trashy or junky. The people were good too. The average income wasn't high but these were decent hardworking people, not trash or dug dealers.
I'd just moved into the city of Oakland a suburb of Pittsburgh a few months before and was still getting to know the area. Nine years of nowhere jobs and night classes were finally paying off. With the ink still wet on my degree I landed a job with a chemical company in the old steel town.
I'd loaded my battered old Justy wagon with some trepidation. My idea of Pittsburgh was a noisy, polluted, crass sort of place. I'd been pleasantly surprised to be surprised. The city was noisy, but it was the bustle of happy people, not the clamor of trip hammers. Most of the neanderthal era steel mills were gone. The smoky stacks had been dynamited one by one. The mills that were left were clean, efficient and modern. They'd been joined by a plethora of other high tech industries.
These had in turn brought in a younger, gayer crowd. The gray streets I'd imagined had taken on color and parks, museums and bike paths had sprouted. It was a whole lot like Seattle, only without the rain.
The bike path entered a wooded section. I pumped harder, working up a sweat. I was only a mile or so from home and could already taste the beer.
I slowed as I approached my neighborhood, cooling down and enjoying the fine spring air. The houses here were mainly duplexes, with the odd single family home wedged between on postage stamp lots. As a Chemical Engineer, even a newly frocked one, I could have afforded better. After years of hand to mouth living though the idea of having disposable cash was attractive. I'd decided not to spend all of my money on a fancy house or upscale apartment. I had no one to impress and my needs were actually quite modest. I still had that clapped out old Justy too.
A block from my place a group of ragtag children stood in a circle. As I got closer I could tell a lone girl stood at the center of that ring. She was 8 maybe 9 and heavy for her age. Oddly the extra weight added definition to her thighs and butt, giving them a shape beyond her years. Only a puffy face and a slight protruding belly went into the negative column. Right now quite a bit of that shape was on display at least in the lower quadrant. All of the children were in shorts or swimwear and this girl was wearing a faded one piece in a flower print that was at least two sizes too small. It pulled high on her thighs and left a lot of smooth white buttocks exposed.
At the moment the child's fat chin was quivering as she tried to hold back her tears. In the cruel manner of children the ring was taunting her.
"Fatty Patty", a toe headed boy crowed.
"Big butt cow!" another chimed in.
"We don't want you to swim with us Patricia. We might catch sumthin'", this from a sweet looking little girl of maybe 7.
"She splashes all the water out anyway."
"Yeah and she's got boogers."
"And a beer gut. My dad says she looks like she swallowed a watermelon."
The target of the abuse twisted this way and that to face her tormenters. The tears glistened in her eyes but she stoically held them back.
The squeal of my brakes brought the festivities to a halt. As one the mass of children swiveled to face me.
"I think that's enough."
Caught by an adult the little torture circle looked abashed for a moment. Then the same boy who had made the 'Fatty Patty' taunt spoke up.
"We don't got to listen to you."
I gave him my best hard stare. Several years of life guarding for the YMCA had given me a good hard stare.
"No you don't. But I'm sure you're parents will when I tell them what I saw this afternoon."
Most of the group looked scared at that but toe head wasn't willing to concede yet.
"Yeah well you don't know our parents."
"That's true but I don't have anything to do this afternoon. When do you have to be home son? I'll just sit right here and wait for somebody to call you to supper."
The boy bit his lip and looked sullen. "I'll have my dad call the police. I'll say you were following me."
"Yeah", another voice piped up, "They put guys that follow kids in jail."
I smiled and pulled out my celphone. "Now that's a real fine idea. Why don't I just call the police right now. I'm sure they can find out who your parents are and that way I don't have to hang around."
I raised the phone and started to dial, that was the last straw. Like a dam breaking the children began to drift away in ones and twos. Toe head wasn't the first but he wasn't the last either. In less than a minute me and Patricia stood alone.
I looked down at the chubby girl. Damn from this close I could see that her thin, worn out bathing suit was pulled tight up against her fat, bald little cunt. The material had actually crept between the plump little lips. Her pre-teen pussy was almost as plain as if she were naked. I willed my dick down and fought my gaze up to her eyes, hoping she hadn't noticed where my attention had been. "Are you ok."
She was blinking rapidly, the tears so long restrained began to flow.
Without thought I dropped the kickstand and swung off the bike. I pulled the child into a hug, she quivered against me. "There, there it's okay honey."
"I'm ugly and fat," she sniffed. "Just like they said."
I pushed her back and looked at her. "You're not ugly honey. I think you're very pretty. You are a little overweight but that doesn't make you ugly."
"You're just saying that."
I tilted her chin up so she met my gaze. "No I'm not. I think you're pretty and sexy."
She brightened immediately, "You think I'm sexy?"
I smiled and kicked myself in the ass. Now why the fuck had I said that. If you do want to get in trouble in puritanical America just tell a child she's sexy. It's the Salem witch trials all over again.
"Where do you live honey, I'll walk you home." Nice save.
Patricia bubbled on about inane kids stuff as we walked the half block to her house. At her driveway I gave her an affectionate pat on the head and then rode off. The girl rapidly dwindling in my mind till she was nothing but another potential whack-off fantasy.
I have plenty of those, at twenty-seven I am single and not dating. It's not that I don't want feminine companionship, I do want it, badly. I'm not ugly, plain maybe but not ugly. I'm not buff, not like the muscle hounds that do all the health club commercials but I'm not out of shape either. I bike daily and watch my diet, which is enough to keep me trim.
I've seen women look at me, and I think I've seen interest and that brings us to the crux of the problem. I don't know how to talk to women. They terrify and fascinate me. I've been that way since I first knew what a girl was for. I never had a date in high school or college, never went to a dance. I couldn't and can't talk to women. I'll lay my plans, rehearse my spiel, polish my technique and when its time for the rubber to hit the road I freeze, every time.
I'm not a virgin but my few unsatisfying sexual encounters have been either with prostitutes or women I've picked up in a bar when I was drunk enough to suppress the terror of actually talking to a woman.
I bumped into my yard and dismounted. After unlocking the front door I rolled the bike inside and hung it on the wall. A shower and a beer had me feeling human again, I grabbed another brew and booted up my computer.
Over the years since puberty my awkwardness around the opposite sex had insured that my right hand and porn had become my best friends. At first the porn was fairly tame, in my early teen years a flash of nipple from a contraband Penthouse was enough to give me a boner like a bar of iron. As I grew older I grew jaded. Nudity no longer cut it, no matter how attractive the women. Likewise for straight sex, a couple screwing on a bed to a canned orgasm was a real snore.
Luckily I had discovered the internet and its almost limitless supply of perversion, watersports, bdsm, bestiality and finally pedophilia had been added to my growing collection.
It was the latter that was my favorite though sadly it was also devilishly hard to find. I'd seen ads for kiddy videos from offshore web sites but always chickened put, the image of an FBI sting drifting before my eyes.
I switched the computer over to the correct directory and pulled out my cock. I had hundreds of stills and about two hours of video, most well watched. As the first grainy movie began to play I began to stroke. As the eight-year old moppet's head began to bounce up and down on a hairy cock my mind painted Patricia's puffy features and plump figure into the scene. I came hard and quick.
I worked late most of the next week and it was Thursday before I could get my bike out for a spin. I took a bruising bash through the woods then after lunching at a little vegetarian place that catered to the mountain bike crowd, headed home.
It was dusk before I approached my neighborhood. Hoping for another glimpse of Patricia I turned down her street.
I wasn't disappointed. She was sitting on her front stoop, pudgy chin resting in one hand, looking bored. She perked up when she saw me and hopped to her feet. She was wearing a short skirt that showed a lot of curvy white thigh. As she ran down the walk the light breeze picked it up and shot me a glimpse of white cotton little-girl panties.
I stopped the bike and smiled. She came up and we chatted a bit. When I told her how pretty she looked she beamed, dimples showing in her fat cheeks. She then did a pirouette that sent her skirt flying and left me with an image of that bubble butt snugly encased in cotton. As I made my good-byes and headed home my dick throbbed like a railroad spike.
It became a ritual over the next several weeks for me to stop on her street after my ride. Patricia was always waiting and always happy to see me. We would chat, sometimes for only a few minutes, once for half an hour. I made it a point to compliment her on her appearance each time.
It was a Saturday, three weeks after our first meeting when I squealed to a stop before her house. Patricia hopped joyfully to her feet. To my delight she wore a thin pair of cotton shorts, so short that they cut across just below her crotch and left a good portion of butt cheek exposed and thin enough to plainly make out the outline of her bald twat. I saw no panty lines.
She had taken perhaps three steps toward me when a muffled voice from inside the house stopped her. She shot me a soulful, cow eyed look then turned and entered the house. Hardly had the screen door banged shut behind her when a woman emerged and headed down the walk toward me. 'Oh shit' I thought.
The woman was in her late twenties with bleach bottle blond hair going to black at the roots. Like her daughter she was overweight, at least a hundred pounds. She wasn't gross with it though, managing to become more curvy rather than bulging. With her big tits and wide hips she exuded an air of sultry sluttiness as she sashayed toward me. An effect emphasized by her tight jeans and studs in her nose and lip.
She smiled as she approached, easing my anxiety somewhat. She had a stud in her tongue as well. She thrust out her hand. "I'm Lucy."
I took the offered hand and introduced myself.
"I wanted to thank you for taking the time to talk to Pat. We haven't been here that long and she doesn't have very many friends." She paused for a moment, appraising me. "She told me what you did to the group of kids picking on her."
I looked down at the ground then back up. I shrugged. "I don't like seeing anyone tormented."
She nodded and gave me a frank wide eyed stare. Her face was very cute, like her daughters. "She says you told her she was pretty."
I mumbled something about self esteem that seemed to satisfy her, then she dropped the bomb.
"She said you also told her she was sexy."
'Oh shit!'. My face colored. How to play this? Act affronted, deny saying it and ride off, never to come back? Laugh it off as a joke? Roll into a ball and whimper? I forced myself to meet her gaze. "I shouldn't have said that. I apologize. It wasn't an appropriate thing to say to a girl her age but it slipped out."
My relief was palpable when Lucy grinned wider, displaying even, white teeth. "No harm done. I just wanted to make sure she wasn't telling me tales." She bit her lip and then looked me up and down. "Pat really likes you and I do want to thank you for taking the time for her. Why don't you drop by for supper this evening say around six." Her face was slightly apprehensive now, an overweight if pretty woman who was used to being turned down.
I nodded. "I'd love too. Thank you."
Her smile lit the neighborhood.
I rode home on cloud nine. Hardly was I in the door before my cock was out. I didn't need porn this time. I dropped to the couch and whacked furiously, images of Patricia and her sexy mom playing before my eyes.
The day seemed to drag. I did some laundry and puttered around the house but couldn't keep my mind on anything. At four-thirty I showered and dressed then coaxed the old Justy down to the local super-mart.
I didn't know much about dinner dates and I knew less about wine but I did know that a gentleman traditionally brought wine to a dinner date. Thus I perused the wine isle for twenty minutes before finally buying a Merlot with a fancy label and a price tag to match.
I dropped the car at the house and then walked the block to Patricia and her mom's place. I was ten minutes early when I rang the bell.
Patricia answered in a frilly pink, little-girl dress that barely covered her butt. Her hair had been washed and styled with goldilox style tubular braids. A pair of pink ribbons matched her dress. She smiled up at me causing her dimples to emerge from her plump cheeks.
She turned, showing just a glimpse of tightly stretched panty and led me into the small house. The living room was clean but cluttered. Women's magazines were heaped on a scuffed coffee table. An old but comfortable looking couch faced a large television in a modish black lacquer entertainment center. Mismatched end tables held lots of cheap pewter sculptures, the kind where crystal is included somewhere. Unicorns and mythical mages seemed to predominate.
As soon as I stepped through the door the smell of tomato sauce and spices wafted to my nose. I hadn't eaten since breakfast and despite my apprehension my mouth began to water. It smelled good, very good.
Patricia led me to the couch then dropped down beside me with all the grace of a sack of potatoes. The move caused her short skirt to ride up, leaving her cotton covered cunny exposed. I must have stared overly long because when I looked up Patricia colored and pulled her dress down. Shit, my dick was getting hard.
Lucy stepped from the kitchen and took my breath away. If her daughter was cute in her outfit Lucy looked like a wet dream. She was wearing a tight, black knit dress that displayed all of her ample curves. It came to mid thigh but had a slit on each side nearly to her hip. The neckline plunged, showing a delightful acreage of cleavage.
She pretended shock at my open mouthed stare (I'd had little experience with women dressing sexily just for me) then smiled. She did a 360 and stopped facing me.
"You like?"
I nodded, my mouth still hanging open.
She giggled and scooped up the wine before heading back to the kitchen. "Dinner will be a little while. Patty can entertain you while I finish up." She seemed to throw an extra wiggle into those wide curvy hips as she vanished from sight.
We sat awkwardly for a moment then Patricia jumped up and ran down the hall that connected to one side of the living room. Her round little bottom jiggled under the fluttering hem of her short skirt. Before I could wonder much at her absence she was back with several books. She dropped down and snuggled up beside me.
The books were all teen romance type stuff. Pretty advanced for her age. A few were worn hardbacks but most were the cheaper all paper variety. Many had been signed by the authors which is what she wished to show me.
As we sat going through her treasures my hand naturally slipped around her waist. The combination of her leaning closer to point out this or that combined with truly enthusiastic wiggling caused my hand to slip lower by increments till it rested on the outward curve of her hip, directly atop the frilly lace of her skirt. In truth I didn't fight it much though I did keep one nervous eye on the kitchen door.
A book, precariously balanced on one of my thighs, began to slide toward the floor and the bubbly pre-teen lunged across me to grab it. When she did her dress rode up under my palm. Suddenly I had a handful of warm, round eight-year-old butt. It was soft and silky and only a thin layer of threadbare cotton separated it from my now sweaty palm.
Patricia definitely noticed the contact because she stopped in mid-word and stared at me owlishly. Inwardly cringing I awaited the scolding recrimination but after a moment the chubby little girl merely smiled and smoothed her skirt down over my hand. She picked up her monologue where she had left off without a hitch.
Fuck, she didn't mind me feeling her up. This was heady stuff. I cast a nervous eye on the kitchen door then began to concentrate on the wonderful, sexy ass that rested in the palm of my hand.
I kept still at first, then slowly, tentatively began to caress that young flesh. Damn, her butt was fine. I was glad for the heap of books in my lap. They hid a raging boner. I began to kneed that hot, fat little bottom, my hand creeping lower till my fingertips encountered her humid cleft. I pressed, pushing my fingers and the thin cotton of her panties into her crack.
Patricia was aware of my advances, several times her voice faltered as my explorations proceeded but she made no protest.
I brought my other hand up and rested it on her thigh just below her skirt. I let it rest a moment then began to massage and caress as I crept closer to her crotch. I paused for half a minute when I encountered the hem of her little girl dress then cautiously ventured beneath it. I kept on, making love to her inner thighs with my hand till one questing finger encountered the cotton encasing her girlhood.
I lightly traced the fat lips of her bald cunny through its fabric prison. It was like a small butt, smooth and round. Her slit was tightly sealed, the lips of her baby twat coming tightly together to protect their treasure.
Patricia stopped talking and leaned back against my chest. Her face was flushed and her breathing heavy.
My finger began to slide up and down her gooey groove, it might have been my imagination but I thought I felt just the hint of moisture.
A noise startled both of us. I had just enough time to jerk my hand from beneath Pat's frilly dress before the curvy form of her mother appeared in the doorway. Patricia started as well, sitting up so suddenly that a cascade of books slid to the floor.
Lucy stood with one hip out thrust and surveyed the situation, Patricia's flushed features, her labored breathing, and my hand still cupping her plump little butt.
I cringed, awaiting condemnation and outrage but Lucy merely smiled, "Dinner is ready."
The food tasted as good as it smelled, it was a tangy pasta with some kind of lemon garnish that added a lot. I had trouble concentrating on the meal however, at least the first part of it. Had Lucy not noticed my hand under her daughter's dress? As the conversation rolled on with no trace of recrimination I began to relax, she must not have noticed.
After clearing away the dishes we adjourned to the living room and began to demolish the wine. Even Patricia was allowed a small glass or two. Soon she was nodding and Lucy sent her off to bed.
Me and my sexy hostess were both a little tipsy when the bottom of the bottle finally appeared. She grinned, hopped up (this action itself causing that slit to do amazing things) and vanished into the kitchen. She returned in less than a minute with two tumblers, a sliced lemon and a bottle of tequila. The evening was officially going downhill.
We were on the couch a short while later chatting about inanities. With the first warmth of the liquor flowing through my veins I slid my arm around her. She smiled and leaned closer. In less than a minute our lips met.
It was tentative at first but soon we were both sucking face hungrily. She moaned into my mouth as our tongues dueled in that no-man's-land between our teeth. My hands slid up and around her ample back. The soft knit of her dress slid smoothly across the even softer warmth of her skin. I caressed her back a moment, my hands gliding from her shoulder blades to the knobby projections of her spine. One hand slid lower till it encountered the outward curve of her ass.
We backed off after a minute or so of solid lip-lock and stared into each other's eyes. After a moment I leaned forward and kissed her cute nose. I bussed her briefly on her bee-stung lips then dropped down to kiss and then lick the hollow of her throat. I might not have known how to talk to women but my body knew what to do when I caught one. I was on autopilot. Lucy moaned when I shoved my face into her cleavage.
I mouthed and sucked the upper slope of her breasts before sending my tongue on a recon mission between them. With my teeth I pulled on the fabric of her dress till a nipple popped free. I fastened my mouth to it and sucked as it hardened in my mouth.
She moaned and pushed forward, trying to shove more tit into my mouth. The force overbalanced me and I fell backward onto the sofa pulling her atop me. Her weight was nothing more than a comfortable softness and I kept sucking those sexy tits. My hands slid down till they encountered the soft flesh of her thighs and then slid back up across her round ass. I slid them down till they encountered the slits in the fabric and massaged the soft skin exposed there. Slowly I slid under the slits and upward, tunneling beneath the flap of fabric covering her ass. She wore nothing beneath the dress and the feel of hot, sexy butt made my cock lunge.
I switched tits and sucked some more. Her breasts were soft, warm pillows on my face, the nipples hard little nubbins that provided a feast for tongue and gently nipping teeth.
After a while I pulled on that big, sexy butt. Lucy got the message and sat up astride me. She eased forward till her thighs were either side of my ears and her sexy muff was suspended over my face. I pushed the soft fabric of her dress aside and got my first look at her twat. The outer lips were puffy and round, her inner labia barely protruded at all. A light dew of arousal glistened in her slit. The whole was baby butt bald.
I gave a tug and pulled her cunt to my face. Her smell was musky and strong, not unpleasant just earthy and primal. I kissed each smooth, fat lip before trying to suck the whole into my mouth. I sent my tongue out and found her throbbing clit. I beat it up a little then ventured into her slit. Fuck she tasted good. I detected just a hint of cherry douche, a fine touch that. She'd prepared for sex.
I'd intended to eat her to orgasm, I've been told by some of the few women I've slept with that I'm better with my tongue than my cock, but Lucy wasn't playing that game. I'd just gotten started good when her twat pulled off my tongue with a sucking sensation. She knelt, straddling me, for a second then swung off to stand beside the couch. Our eyes' met for a smoldering moment then she licked her lips and attacked my zipper.
My belt landed somewhere in the middle of the floor then my pants and briefs were tugged past my knees. My cock flopped free. I'm not overly endowed but have an honest six inches with a respectable girth. Lucy smiled like a lioness then bent over and swallowed me in a gulp.
I groaned and arched my back as my prick slid down her silky throat. She held me deep for a second then rose up till only the head was in her mouth. Her stud rasped enticingly over the sensitive helmet as she lapped at the dick in her mouth. A few seconds of this and it was down the hatch again.
I reached put to stroke her hair as she bobbed up and down. Shit, she was good. I knew I wasn't going to last long in that hot mouth. When she took me all the way in again and then began to swallow around my prick while her stud rasped across my balls I thought the jig was up.
Abruptly her mouth came off my cock. She straightened, took two steps and straddled the arm of the couch with her big butt facing outward. She swept her dress aside with one hand and then turned to stare at me. Her tongue lathed her lips in anticipation.
It was an invitation I had no wish to ignore. I stood and shucked my pants and briefs then stepped up behind her. Fuck, that ass was beautiful. I gently stroked it then nudged my cock up and down her crack before dropping down to the target. Her bald mound was a swamp. Lube now slicked the inside of her thighs.
A shock went through us both as my prick touched her twat for the first time. I ran the head up and down her sexy bareness till her juices dripped from my balls then nudged her petals open. I'd intended to ease inside slowly, savoring the first penetration but I was not the master of events. As soon as Lucy felt my cock nudge inside that sexy butt lunged backwards. We both groaned as I slid in balls deep.
I stayed there a moment, leaning forward to kiss her neck and lick at one dainty ear. My hands slid around to hold those big tits. I began to nibble at her earlobe as I withdrew and sunk in again. She moaned and threw her head back. My mouth followed the line of her jaw then our lips met in a deep soul kiss as the fucking commenced.
We were both too turned on for subtlety and were soon rutting like a pair of mongrels. She was a bitch in heat and I was a stiff cock without a thought in my head but to dump my nut. I released her tits and dropped down to grip her around the waist. Our flesh slapped together faster and faster as we fucked like bunnies. Her big butt jiggled wonderfully as my stomach slapped into it at the bottom of each stroke.
Lucy threw back her head and howled as she came for the first time. I was close and the clamping action of her spasming twat almost pushed me over the edge but I held on and kept screwing. My male ego was pleased that I'd gotten her off. I picked up the pace as she leaned her head back against my shoulder. Her mouth was open and inarticulate little sounds issue forth with each drive of my dick.
Her cries picked up as she neared her second orgasm. I was determined to join and speeded up yet again. Sweat stung my eyes as my dick became a blur. Lucy's smoldering cunt pulled and sucked.
The crescendo came quickly. She screamed her second cum and this time the clasping of her clenching pussy set me off. My bull roar joined her voice as I dumped her tight pussy full of steaming spunk.
Like a machine with the power cut, we ramped down slowly. I made another half dozen thrusts then rested against her, my softening dick still trapped in her velvet box.
Afterwards we cuddled on the couch. I nuzzled her cheek and kissed her cute nose before dropping down to suck gently at her bee-stung lips.
She smiled up at me, "Now that was a great fuck."
"It was pretty good for me too my lady. I hope we didn't wake Patricia"
"Really?" Here eyes' twinkled in mischief. "It wouldn't have turned you on to look up and see her standing in the doorway diddling her little cunny while she watched us rut? Did you mean it when you said she was sexy?"
I was still struggling for an answer to that when she slid from beneath me and stood, straightening her dress. She grinned down at me, "Come on."
Puzzled, I rose and padded after her. We went down the hall and paused at Pat's door. Lucky eased it open and stepped into the darkness. I hesitated a moment and followed. I didn't know where this ride was going but I had zero desire to get off.
Patricia was lying on her side and stomach, the sheet knotted around her. Enough of her was exposed to prove her sleeping attire consisted of only a pair of worn panties.
Lucy grinned at me then reached down to fist my cock. She released me and stepped around the bed. Gently she eased the sheet aside to expose her daughter's panty covered bottom. She began to stroke that fat little butt then looked up at me. "C'mon over and have a feel. You seemed to enjoy it earlier."
Shit, she had noticed where my hand had been. Like a robot I stepped around to stand beside her.
"Don't worry, she sleeps like a log."
Together our hand's molested Pat's bubble butt for a moment then Lucy knelt beside the bed. The cotton, little girl panties were old and threadbare in several places. Lucy's nails found one of them and there was a ripping sound as she tore open her daughter's panties. She pulled again, tearing till only the elastic waist and leg bands remained amid tattered fragments. Pat's smooth, white, eight-year-old ass was bare to our gaze.
Lucy grinned up at me then dipped down to kiss her daughter's butt. My cock lurched. Fuck! She planted several kisses then licked the length of that juvenile crack.
Her hand found mine and she gave a tug. I sank to my knees alongside her. She planted several more kisses on her daughter's ass then leaned aside and looked at me with a smoldering grin.
I leaned down and brought my lips to that butt I had been fantasizing about for the last month. The flesh was soft and oh so smooth. I trailed my lips across the roundness and then down into her crack before moving up and over the other cheek I retraced my path planting kisses as I went then let my tongue out for a taste.
Lucy pulled gently on Pat's legs, scissoring them open. Suddenly her bald little cunny popped into view between her chubby thighs. Lucy nuzzled my ear and whispered huskily, "Lick her pussy. Lick her little baby pussy."
Fuck me I did. Under her mother's hot gaze I traced Pat's fat little lips with my tongue. Her twat looked like a small butt, with no trace of clitoris or inner lips. I soaked the smoothness with spit, several times pausing to pry the lips open with the tip on my tongue but always stopping at just a taste of the spices within.
Lucy's head pushed mine aside and she began to eat her daughter's pussy. Her tongue fluttered across the lips before pushing in between and penetrating to a good depth. Fuck! She was licking her daughter's hymen.
She pulled out and used her hands to spread Pat's soft ass cheeks. Lucy stared for a moment then grinned at me. "She's got a pretty asshole."
Before I could respond her head went down again. She kissed all around her daughter's lower opening then began to spiral in with her tongue. For thirty seconds she rimmed that little pink hole then stiffened her tongue and pushed into her sleeping daughter's ass. Once, twice, three times she pushed her muscular tongue into that sexy little butthole. The last time she went deeper, forcing the broader part of her tongue past that little sphincter.
Pat groaned and stirred in her sleep. Reluctantly her mother withdrew. She planted a last kiss on her daughter's chubby bottom and then pulled the sheet back over her charms. She stood and took me by the hand tugging me toward the hall. "This time I want it up my ass!"
Pat seemed delighted to see me at the breakfast table the next morning. She gave me a quick hug then settled down to shovel scrambled eggs into her mouth. Between mouthfuls she spoke, "Mom, I need some more panties. Mine are wearing out." Lucy was at the stove. She kept her head down, "Okay dear, we'll see about it."
We had fucked into the small hours, Lucy and I. I awoke with aching balls, head, and conscience. I couldn't tell how Lucy felt about what we had done the night before but she had spoken very little since we awoke so I figured about the same.
I excused myself after breakfast and set out for home. I hoped to see Lucy again but figured the guilt of what we'd done under alcoholic influence would come between us. I'd probably never hear from her again. I chalked it up as one hell of a one night stand as I unlocked the door to the house.
I slept some more then puttered around the house doing nothing much. I was settling in to watch a late afternoon movie when the phone rang.
I answered with ill grace. I figured it was a damn solicitor. I hate those bastards with a passion normally reserved for lawyers and liberal supreme court justices.
"Hello!", I growled.
"Well nice to hear from you too." It was Lucy.
I quickly apologized, explaining myself.
"I guess I'll forgive you this time. Look I've got something to ask you would it be alright if I dropped by for a minute?"
I said it would and gave her directions. I pondered for a moment then began to make an effort to clean up the mess that is my homes normal state. It was a hopeless task. All I'd managed to do when the doorbell rang was to get the dirty underwear out of sight. What can I say. I'm a bachelor.
Lucy was wearing jeans and a tee. They looked like they'd been sprayed on and showed her ample curves to delightful protection.
I cringed as she surveyed the disaster that was my living room but relaxed somewhat when she turned back to me with a smile. "I've got a proposition for you that might help us both out."
It turned out that she'd been offered a better shift at work. She was a waitress. The problem was Patricia. The new shift would be night and evening work. She was working days now while Pat attended a day camp sponsored by the city. The new shift meant more money but the day camp shut down at five. Her proposal was having Pat stay with me in the evenings. I wasn't to think of it as baby sitting, more like having an evening maid. Pat was an accomplished house cleaner she said. She went on that I might even consider giving the girl 10-20 dollars a week for spending money if she did a good job.
We kicked it around a bit with me finally agreeing to a weeks trial. What can I say I'm easy. The thought of seeing that sexy little pre-teen more probably had a bearing as well. Lucy grinned and gave me a quick kiss then she was gone.
I worked late the next day, having completely forgotten about the agreement so I was surprised when the Justy wheezed into the driveway to see Patricia sitting on my stoop. Shit, I kicked myself in the butt for forgetting. Gonna have to talk to the boss. I got out of the car and went to apologize to my new housekeeper.
She stood as I approached. She was wearing a knee length raincoat which I thought odd since no rain threatened. I shrugged it off and let her in, following her through the door.
I dropped my keys and briefcase on the coffee table then headed for the kitchen, asking over my shoulder what she wanted to eat. When I didn't get a response I turned to ask again and stopped in my tracks.
Patricia stood in the center of the room, surveying my mess with a near awe look on her face. That wasn't what grabbed my attention though. She'd removed the raincoat and draped it over a chair. Underneath it she wore only a ridiculously tiny French-maid outfit. The tiny skirt barely covered her twat and left the lower cheeks exposed when she was standing still. Any movement bared her plump cotton encased cunny and did delightful things to the rear view as well.
Pat noticed my stare and smiled, her dimples winked cutely. "You like my outfit?" She pirouetted, giving me a fantastic look at her charms. "Mommy said this is what maids wear. She made it for me."
I tucked my tongue in, picked up my jaw and nodded. "You look very pretty in it."
She practically beamed.
Lucy hadn't lied about her daughter's cleaning abilities. The child set right to work. At first she was constantly asking where everything went but after a while she got a feel for my storage habits, when I store that is, and began to deduce on her own.
I tried to work some on the computer but the sight of pat constantly bending and twisting in that skirt was too much distraction. Twice during the evening I had to go to the bathroom and jerk off.
It was a little after eleven when Lucy finally rang the bell to collect her daughter. As Pat slipped past her out the door Lucy looked at me with a grin. "So how did the first evening go?"
I looked to make sure Patricia's, again raincoat clad, back was to me then pulled Lucy in for a quick, passionate kiss. She looked surprised but not offended. As she turned to go she said, "By the way. I'm expecting a reciprocation on my dinner invite."
The next several days were damned interesting. I started coming in earlier so I could be home by the time Pat arrived. By Wednesday she had worked a miracle on my house. Surfaces that had once groaned under several months worth of junk mail and other debris now glistened under a fresh coat of pledge. Bits and pieces of various projects were now boxed, organized and neatly packed on the shelves of my closets. The floors had been swept and mopped.
Seeing the house cleaned up reminded me just how shabby my furnishings were. Most had been purchased in thrift shops as quick expedients when I moved in. In the press of work replacements had quickly been forgotten. Now I started thinking about maybe getting some new stuff.
Of course a clean house wasn't the only result of the three days. I damn near wore out my dick whacking off. Patricia's chubby ass and bald twat peeking out beneath that tiny skirt had me in a state of near constant arousal.
I had a surprise when Pat showed up on Thursday. She doffed her raincoat and did a little spin. In place of the cotton little girl panties she normally wore were a pair of black lace bikini panties. They weren't quite a thong but with only a pouch for her fat little twat in front and a high cut that left a good portion of creamy cheek exposed in the rear they didn't miss that category by far either.
She was so proud of them. Standing in front of me she held her skirt up to let me get a good front view then turned around and did the same with the rear. She looked at me over her shoulder. "Aren't they pretty? Mommy bought them for me."
I gulped and smiled at her. "Very pretty honey. And you look pretty and sexy in them."
It was only the second time I had told her she was sexy. She beamed.
There was very little for her to do now. She swept and mopped the floors again then washed up the few dirty dishes. She then came back into the living room where I was channel surfing and asked what else needed doing.
I laughed and told her to have a seat. She dropped down beside then snuggled in close. I leaned over and kissed the top of her head and when she looked up I gave her an innocent bus on the lips.
I found a movie we both liked and we settled in. I slid my right arm around her chubby frame and pulled her in close. Soon my hand was wandering. She sighed as I caressed her thigh. Slowly I moved higher till I encountered that tiny skirt. I paused there a moment then wandered beneath. When I came to her tiny panties I caressed the soft lace for a moment then slid down to massage the inside of her thigh just a fingers width from her silk covered pussy.
I sensed her look up at me but I kept my eyes on the TV. After a moment her gaze returned to the screen. She shifted a little then her legs parted slightly to give me better access.
I transferred my fingertips to the opposite side and caressed the soft flesh of her inner thigh. I withdrew after a moment and traced her panty line till I was sliding down the soft flesh of her big round little-girl butt. Working slowly I eased my fingers between the upholstery and that soft, sexy ass.
I wanted better access so I leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek then slid both hands around her and lifted her onto my lap. Now both hands could get into the act. As my right hand continued to massage and caress her butt my left rubbed her thighs for a moment before sliding beneath her skirt.
She was at ease and made no complaint. As fingers again began to dance in her crotch she leaned back against my chest. Her hair just brushed my chin.
I rubbed both thighs then eased a finger out onto the puffy sexiness of her silk covered twat. Another followed and I began to slowly rub her little pussy. Shit! She was sexy. My cock hardened and rose to press into the cleft of her buttocks.
After a time I started to concentrate on the sweet slit between those puffy lips. I rubbed up and down, slowly increasing the pressure till the lips parts slightly and finger and silk ventured slightly inside.
She was making soft whimpering noises and breathing hard. Her little butt shifted around my cock creating delightful sensations. My right hand was still caressing her right cheek right up to her panties. Now the fingers slid beneath her panties and quested across that soft roundness till I encountered her humid crack. She lifted slightly and I leaned back further, pulling her with me. I slid one finger up her crack till it slid into the tiny dimple of her bottom. She started as my finger slid across her anus but calmed down and when I kissed the top of her head.
She looked up at me and I dipped and kissed her cute nose. She giggled. As my fingers continued to molest the innocent child I kissed each of her eyelids. My lips met hers in a little closed mouth kiss then slid up her jaw line. I kissed her dainty earlobe then upward to kiss inside her ear. Slowly my tongue slid out and began to explore its intricate folds.
I could now feel definite moisture seeping between her little cunt lips. I speeded up my two finger massage of her cunny. A soft 'oh' escaped her lips as my right fingers again encountered her little asshole and began to massage and tease it.
I mouthed and tongued her ear as my fingers continued to play with her bottom and pussy. Patricia began to move, hunching her little pussy up and down on my fingers. Her little moans were coming faster and sharper now. I increased the pressure on her bald little twat and sped up again. .
Abruptly she lifted her butt completely off my lap and went rigid. Her mouth opened and a shriek that shook the windows issued forth. She was cuming, probably for the first time in her life, and cuming hard.
I kept my fingers at work for long seconds, holding her on that wonderful scary peak, then eased off and let her come down.
She collapsed bonelessly into my lap. I hugged her to me and showered her face with kisses, telling her what a sweet girl she was. When she had returned to Earth and finally opened her eyes I gave her final gentle kiss and told her to watch the movie while I took a shower.
In truth I did need a shower but there were more urgent matters to attend to. I closed the bathroom and stripped off as the water warmed up. I stepped into the tub and pulled the curtain closed behind me. I wet down my hair then dumped a dollop of shampoo into my hand. Most actually went into my hair but the remnants were used to lube up my iron hard dick. Groaning I took matters into my hand and was soon stroking for relief.
I was just getting up to speed when I felt a brief breeze and the shower curtain billowed. Someone had opened the bathroom door. There was only one someone here other than me. I had just enough time to turn my back to the curtain before a chubby little figure in a tiny French-maid costume slid it back.
"Maids are supposed to help people take baths too. I saw it in a movie." When I said nothing she leaned over and grabbed the soap and slowly began to lather up my back.
Being nearly caught had caused my cock to lose much of its stiffness but when she finished lathering my back and moved down onto my ass It came back quickly. She soaped up the muscular masses of my buttocks then I felt a small hand slide down onto my thigh. The hand slid between my legs and fingertips brushed my balls. The contact was tentative at first but she slowly grew bolder. In short order she was weighing my bag in one small hand. Gently she enfolded on testicle then the other. Behind my back I heard her giggle.
I fought a small war with myself then slowly turned to face her. Her beaming gaze met mine then her eyes strayed lower. They widened and she gave a little gasp as she took in my again rampant cock.
A hand came up then stopped. She looked up at me and at my slight nod reached out and touched the head of my prick. She jerked back at this first contact then with a giggle reached out and traced the length of it. I let her explore my cock and soon she was trying to get her hand around it. It wouldn't completely reach but she could grip it.
She held my dick for a moment. When it seemed she was going to do nothing else I gently covered her hand with my own and began to slowly masturbate with her hand. She colored and giggled again but she picked up the rhythm and when I removed my hand she continued to whack.
I groaned and surrendered to the child's handjob. She picked up on my groans and began to pick up the pace. Soon her little fist was flying up and down my prick. She stared at it, her tongue poking from one side of her mouth in concentration.
I felt my balls tighten and knew I was about to blow. Not wanting to cum on the child I pulled my prick from her gasp and turned toward the back of the tub. Two strokes and I was spraying a massive load all over the mildewed tile. Patricia stood and stared in fascination as my dick spewed spurt after scalding spurt.
When Lucy clicked up my walk we were both on the couch. Pat jumped up and met her mother at the door. The two embraced them the plump little girl pulled on her raincoat, shot me a grin and stepped past her mother into the darkness.
I stood and walked up to where Lucy grinned at me. "How did you like my little surprise?" She asked.
She yelped when I pulled her to me and crushed her mouth with mine. We kissed with fervent passion for long seconds then I yanked her fully into the house and pushed her over the arm of a recliner.
Her uniform slacks were beltless polyester. The type of sexless garment tailored to show nothing of the shape beneath it. In Lucy's case it was hopeless she just had too much shape to hide. I found the catch and opened her pants the nylon zipper rasped as it was nearly ripped open. A second later the pants were at her knees. She wore pantyhose beneath and these followed as quickly.
I was wearing only the white plush robe I'd donned after my shower and a pair of briefs. I swept the robe aside and dropped the briefs only far enough to free my dick. Without any preliminaries I lined up and sank balls deep into Lucy's bald sex. I grasped her hips and began to drill for oil, fucking with wild abandon.
Through the window I could see Patricia on the curb, waiting for her mother. Lucy moaned and wiggled against me as I picked up the pace. The slap, slap of our bodies was the only other sound.
Pat stomped one foot and turned to look impatiently at the house. I fucked faster, my dick a blur. I could feel Lucy's pussy spasming around my dick. Fuck lube was running down her thigh.
Patricia shook her head and started back toward the house. When she was halfway up the walk I felt Lucy's silky twat clutch at me in orgasm. She bit the backrest upholstery of the recliner to stifle her cries. Her clenching cunt set off my own cum and I blew her bald twat full of cum.
Lucy barely got her pants up before Patricia pulled open the screen door. "What are you guys doing in here?"
"Nothing hon, we're just talking. I'll be right behind you."
As Pat turned and trudged back toward the street Lucy pulled me into a clench so tight our teeth clicked audibly. She smiled as we separated. "I have to surprise you more often."
She did too. The next afternoon to be exact. When Patricia stepped through the door she seemed nervous and unsure of herself. I told her I had some cookies and milk and to hang up her raincoat and join me in the kitchen.
When she appeared in the tiny nook that passed for that area in my house she was walking very carefully and seemed even more nervous.
"Are you alright honey? Is anything wrong?"
She shook her head in negation and minced for a chair but I came around the table and stopped her. I took her little chin in my hand and raised her face to mine. "What is it?"
She said nothing but I had a hunch. I dropped to my knees and before she could protest lifted that tiny skirt. Bald twat stared at me. She was wearing no panties at all. My dick lurched as I looked up at Pat's fearful face.
"Oh honey that is so pretty. You look even sexier this way."
She brightened, "Really?"
"Really, really." I pushed her away gently. "Turn around."
She did, taking it on herself to raise her skirt so I could get a full view of her fat little butt.
"Oh Patricia you have such pretty butt."
She looked back over her shoulder at me, "Is it sexy?"
I leaned in and planted a kiss on it. "Very sexy."
She giggled and turned to face me, "you kissed my butt."
"I like kissing sexy things. Let's eat those cookies."
After we finished the milk and cookies Patricia insisted on cleaning and putting away the dishes. She then cleaned up the little clutter I had made since last night and swept the floors. I had finally managed to convince that floors do not need to be mopped daily. As I watched her work I marveled, and not just at the frequent glimpses of sexy little girl butt I got, but at her work ethic. She actually seemed to be proud to be my maid.
After she finished we played with my computer for a while then ended up on the couch with another movie. Patricia settled onto my lap of her own accord. I kissed the top of her head and hugged her to me. I was looking forward to fingering that bare little twat but was actually feeling a little inhibited knowing she was bare under that tiny skirt.
Patricia was having none of it. She spread her legs. When I didn't immediately react she picked up my hand and dropped it onto her thigh.
Okay, I got the message. I caressed her thigh briefly before easing beneath her skirt and letting my fingers play over her puffy twat. Fuck she was sexy. I pulled my hand out and licked my fingers to lubricate them then slid in under her dress again. I massaged her little cunny for several minutes then teased open her lips and ventured one finger inside. It was tight, damn tight. I began to gently fuck a fingertip in and out of her, going a little deeper each time. In a minute I was in up to my second knuckle. I was going no deeper because the tip of the invading digit came up against the taut surface of her hymen.
She had been leaning back against my chest, enjoying the leisurely pace of her molestation. When my fingertip touched her maidenhead she sat upright and looked down at where my finger vanished into her body then twisted to look up at me.
I smiled at her and kissed her nose as I gently backed away from her cherry. I began to finger fuck her in slow, shallow strokes. She was lubing now and my finger slid in and out easier. I tried adding a second finger but she was still too tight for that.
Abruptly I pulled out of her completely and gently slid her off my lap. She looked up at me quizzically. I simply smiled and kissed her gently on the lips before sliding off the couch to kneel in front of her. I slid my hands up those smooth thighs till I was grasping her buttocks and eased her forward till she was sitting on the edge of the cushion.
I kissed each of her pretty knees then began to kiss and tongue bath her thighs, trying to miss nothing as I worked my way up. She was ticklish here and began to fidget as I moved further up. I began to alternate feather light licks with harder, deeper laps, pausing often to suck her soft flesh into my mouth.
When I passed the hemline of her skirt she began breathing hard and wiggling more. She began to hunch at my face, trying to shove her bald little prize into the path of my questing tongue. I smiled to myself and deftly avoided her cunny even as I moved closer to it. When I gently drug my tongue down the folds that separated her thighs from the soft, sensitive flesh of her crotch I heard her gasp and a hand fell onto my head and was soon trying to tug me.
I relented and let her guide me. Her pelvis rotated and then her twat rose to meet me even as her hand pulled down. I kissed her little cunny then blew a zoober on it. The latter brought a shriek of outrage but I silenced it by dragging my tongue up her hot little slot.
She tasted good, musky with just a hint of the oily, fishy taste that mature women develop. She gasped and pulled at my hair when I forced the muscular tip of my tongue inside her and licked the intact surface of her hymen. I gently set up a pussy eating rhythm that had my tongue lathing the outside of her fat little twat then dipping inside for a half dozen shallow strokes before pulling out to start anew. She began to tremble and her soft, plump little thighs squeezed my head in time with my lapping tongue.
I quested upward for her clit but the hood was still enclosed by her plump outer lips and she was too tight that high up for me to make much headway. She enjoyed the effort though, from the way she pulled my hair I'd have bald spots if she enjoyed it much more.
I added gentle love bites on fat little outer labia to my routine and she began to climb the walls. When I looked up her head was thrown back and her mouth was hanging open. She was breathing very rapidly.
I dove in for the kill, picking up the pace, lick, stab, stab, stab, lick bite. I let her keening little squeaks and the squeezing of her thighs be my guide, modifying my assault to heighten her reaction.
It was a tactic that paid dividends. In less than five minutes she was trying to crush my skull like a zit and pulling on my hair hard enough to make sure it was a bald zit. I doubled my pace and in spare seconds she tipped over into a shattering orgasm.
I eagerly sucked out the tiny amount of little girl cum she produced. It wasn't much but the taste was ambrosia. When I had licked and sucked her dry I eased her back on the couch and gave her plump, hairless pussy a kiss before pulling her little skirt down over it. I then stood and went to the kitchen.
When I returned with two cold sodas she was just starting to come around. She looked at me vacantly at first then struggled up to accept the soda from my hand. She drank half of it then settled back and closed her eyes. She passed into the realm of sleep so quickly that I had to lunge for her glass.
I found a blanket in a hall closet where she had carefully folded and stored it and gently covered her then traipsed to the bathroom and jerked myself into the sink. Relieved, I tucked myself into the recliner I had fucked Lucy over the night before and slept myself.
When I awoke it was nearly dusk. Patricia stood by my chair. She had a thumb in her mouth and her skirt pulled up over her waist. Her free hand was slowly rubbing her bald little slot. She stared at me with an expectant look but said nothing.
I smiled and leaned over, grasping her around the waist with both hands. It was a struggle but I lifted her and swung her over so her feet were on the chair arms and her drooling little slit was in my face. I then dug in and ate her to a shattering orgasm that left her a boneless, quivering lump of pudgy flesh pooled in my lap.
I fixed us a light supper of sandwiches with soda for her and beer for myself. I then set up my old Nintendo and we played games for an hour or so. Later I watched the news while she dozed on her stomach before the TV. Her tiny skirt had ridden up, leaving most of that plump, little-girl butt bare. The varying light from the TV played on it in the darkened room, making it appear as perfect and white as alabaster.
I slid off the couch and crawled to her. I leaned down and gently traced the curve of one bubble cheek with my nose. The flesh was cool to the touch and slightly bumpy from goose bumps brought on by the evening air. I kissed the opposite cheek, my arousal growing, then took a long slow lap across both with the flat of my tongue. This was good butt.
Patricia murmured but remained asleep as I lathed both of those plump cheeks with saliva. When her fat little buns glistened I used my nose to pry her cheeks apart then drug my snout the full length of it. Her smell was not offensive, she was clean, it was instead a dank, musty smell with a metallic undertone. Her high cheeks were like silk on my lower face.
I zeroed on her anal pucker and poked at it with my nose. The opening was tightly sealed and I made little progress by that method. I probed at it with just the tip of my tongue. As I gently rimmed her she stirred a little more. I wet her little bumhole down well then began to apply pressure. Ever so slowly her muscles relaxed.
She came awake with a jerk as my tongue pushed into her ass. Disorientation held her for a second then she craned her neck and looked back over her shoulder.
"Ohhhhh, Th-th-th that's n-n-nasty. Oh! You sh-sh-shouldn't do th-th-that." She was silent a moment then, "D-d-d-don't s-s-st-stop. Oh that's n-n-nasty."
She dropped her head, pillowing it on her arms and slowly began to hump her plump little butt at my ass-raping tongue. I reached between her legs and began to diddle her fat little cunny while I dined on her butt. She really began to get into it then, moaning and thrashing about. I shoved a finger inside and began to gently stroke her cherry but withdrew after a moment. She was moving about so much I feared she'd take her own virginity on my finger!
I sped up my multiple attacks and the child went berserk. I finally had to pull my finger from her twat and sue both hands to hold her butt still. I drove deep, drilling for oil in a series of tongue dives that sent her screaming over the top. She went limp and I got up and went to see if any of the neighbors had called the cops.
When Lucy showed up me and Pat were playing a game of Parcheesi on the floor. Patricia jumped and ran to meet her mother, her bare little bottom doing marvelous things under that ridiculous skirt.
As Pat donned her raincoat I considered jumping Lucy's bones again but a whack off session after eating her daughter's ass and two beers since had left me with an empty gun. Lucy looked haggard anyway, rough night at work I guess.
I took my bike out for a bruising trail bash the next morning. So bruising I ended up walking it back with a flat tire and a bent rim. I hadn't escaped without damage either and it was after eleven before me and the bike limped onto Lucy and Patricia's street.
Mother and daughter were out front doing a bit of gardening. Both were wearing painted on nylon shorts that left a bit of cheek exposed. An elderly neighbor across the street was ogling them while pretending to water his lawn. I wondered which one her was ogling the most.
Pat jumped up and ran down the walk to meet me. She pulled up short, "You broke your bike."
I reached out and tussled her hair, "Yes, I broke my bike."
We chatted as we walked to where Lucy stood smiling.
"I wanted to give you a dinner invite. Say about 6:30."
Lucy smiled as Pat jumped up and down in anticipation, "That sound good."
I showered then loaded the injured bike into the Justy. I could've taken just the rim but the chain was skipping badly in several gears as well. I dropped the beast off at the bike shop then headed for the local supermarket. One thing I was not was a cook.
Luckily the place had a pretty well equipped deli. I ended up dropping seventy-five bucks for a roast with all the trimmings and two bottles of wine. On impulse I picked up some candles at the register.
On the way home I spied a liquor store and popped in to pick up a bottle of Tequila. I hoped I had some lemons.
The remainder of the afternoon should have been taken up by housecleaning but thanks to my sexy little maid there was nothing to be cleaned. I tried to watch an old western but simply couldn't generate much interest. I ended up surfing for porn till I heard heels on the walk.
I met them at the door and damn near fainted. Mother and daughter were in identical white sheath dresses that came to the knees and hugged like a second skin. A slit came to mid thigh on each. It was obvious that neither wore anything beneath them. Lucy's nipples stood out like bullets. Shit, they'd worn that all the way over here. I looked out the door past them expecting to see several car crashes and at least three busy bodies furiously dialing the cops. What I saw was Lucy's battered Tempo sitting on the curb.
Mollified I let them in and made small talk while laying out the food. Pat still felt the need to play the maid and did much of it. She even brought me and her mother a glass of wine each as we chatted on the couch.
Dinner was alright, not grand but alright, supermarket deli folk are not great cooks. After the meal the wine flowed freely. Pat was allowed one glass and sneaked several more. By nine she was a giggly mass of protoplasm wiggling around on the floor. I scooped her up and carried her to my bed then rejoined her mother on the couch.
This time there were fewer preliminaries, in minutes Lucy had lost her dress and I my pants. My curvy guest knelt between my knees and proceeded to give me royal head to completion. I then ate her pussy and delectable tush to an orgasm that forced her to bellow her pleasure to the night.
As we rested up for round two we cuddled on the couch. Lucy rested her head on my sweaty chest and toyed with my sticky dick.
"Did you enjoy my other surprise?"
"I thought it was Pat's surprise."
Lucy giggled, "It was my idea. My little darling was horrified. She thought you only liked looking at her panties."
I shifted uncomfortably. Despite Lucy's casual manner I was still uncomfortable with discussing a lust for a eight-year-old girl with the child's mother!
Lucy kissed my sweaty chest and looked up at me. "You do like looking at her bald little twat don't you. You like that white, round ass too."
My cock twitched, Lucy went on.
"Did you get a good look?"
I met her gaze and nodded.
"Tell me about it? What did you do? Did you finger her?"
I nodded again.
Was she awake this time?"
"Did you eat her?"
I colored but jerked a nod after a moment.
Lucy dug a finger into her own fat mound. "Oooh, that's so fucking hot. C'mon what else?"
I licked my lips. "I tongued her butt."
Lucy licked her lips, "how did she take it?"
"She liked it, she wanted more."
Lucy's eyes got big and I thought she was going to cum on the spot. Her finger dug deep. "Shit!" Abruptly she rolled to her feet and grabbed me by the cock. I had no choice but to rise and follow as she headed for the bedroom.
We stood in the doorway and stared at the sleeping child for a moment. She lay on her side and stomach, her white dress stretched tight over her fat little ass. It had ridden up, the slit baring one plump thigh to within an inch of her crotch.
Lucy released my dick and stepped forward to trace her fingers up one pudgy, eight-year-old thigh. She dropped to her knees and licked the ball of one foot then licked across the sole to tickle the toes. My cock began to stir again as she trailed her way around her daughter's ankle and then began to lick up the shapely calf. The higher she went the more frantic she became. She kissed the hollow of the child's knee then started kissing and licking her way up a pudgy thigh, small growls exited from deep in her throat.
When she reached the end of the slit in the dress she grabbed the two flaps of fabric and yanked. Threads popped but the garment held. She yanked again and the dress tore. She ripped it almost to the neckline, exposing her daughter's smooth back and round ass.
She looked at me and grinned. "Tongue her ass again, wake her up with your tongue up her butt!"
"Wake her up?"
Lucy stood and walked to the head of the bed. She climbed on, her weight tossing her daughter about on the mattress. "Fuck yes! The little slut can't eat my pussy asleep."
Hearing that caused my prick to harden more. Without protest I knelt and buried my face between the lush, pillowy whiteness of Patricia's delectable eight-year-old backside.
I curled a finger and began to stroke at Pat's fat little cunny while my tongue circled her anal pucker. Up front, Lucy lifted her daughter's head and began to masturbate herself with the child's nose.
I detected just a hint of dewy moisture and eased my finger into that plump, bald, baby pussy putting pressure on her tight little asshole at the same time. The muscle twitched but held. I bathed it with spit then drove in harder, battering my way into Pat's buttery eight-year-old butt. My finger found her hymen and stroked it as a vagrant thumb rubbed her tiny clit.
I don't know if it was my stimulation below or her mother's action on her face above but Pat came awake to find herself with a face full of bald mommy twat. She struggled for a second but Lucy's death grip on her head wouldn't let her pull back. After a second the stimulation her pussy and ass were getting finally registered and she quit fighting.
"Open up baby, stick out that pink little tongue and lap mommy's pussy," Lucy cooed. "Get that little lapper up mommy's twat. Mommy needs a little slut cuntlapper."
Hearing the perversion pouring from Lucy's mouth made my dick throb and I began to rub myself off on the mattress as I serviced the child's ass and twat.
Deciding that Patricia's sphincter was relaxed enough I pushed my face deep between those pillowy cheeks and forced my tongue deep into her ass. The feel of several inches of my tongue sliding past the tight portal of an eight-year-old's anus almost made me cum on the spot. Startled, Pat groaned into her mother's pussy and shoved her butt against my face, pushing me deeper.
I started to tongue fuck her ass, pulling out till only the tip was inside then driving deep, so tight was her butt that each down stroke took long seconds to slide sensuously inside. As I tongued her I trapped the child's tiny clit between my thumb and forefinger and began to alternately rub and squeeze it.
Pat went slowly berserk. Her chubby thighs bucked up at me, sliding hotly across my chest. The muscles in her back tensed and relaxed. Her sexy butt cheeks clasped and released my face.
I knew when she started to lick her mother's pussy. Lucy almost made sure the neighborhood knew.
There was a 'smack' alongside my face and Pat's chubby right cheek juggled.
"Naughty little girl! Little girls aren't supposed to eat their mother's pussy's." Lucy's hand cracked on Pat's other cheek. "Naughty, slut little girl. Naughty, naughty, naughty!" With each 'naughty' Lucy's hand came down again, by now the blows hard and stinging.
Pat came hard. Her ass clamped down so tight on my tongue that for long seconds I was held immobile unable to advance or retreat. She bucked up, trying and nearly succeeding at bucking me and her mother off the bed. Twice more she convulsed, each less violent than the previous then went limp. My hand was covered with warm little-girl cum and maybe a little piss.
Lucy pushed me back then flipped her daughter onto her back. I had just a glimpse of glowing red, well spanked cheeks. With a ripping tug Lucy tore the child's tattered dress from her and tossed the ruined rag aside. Her face a mask of lust she climbed astride Patricia's pretty face and ground her shaved pussy into her daughter's mouth. She grasped the child's legs and pulled them to her.
She looked at me. "Eat her ass some more! I want her pussy!" With that her face dipped between Pat's smooth, white thighs.
Far be it for me to refuse and order to molest a pre-teen child. Especially when the order came from the child's own mother. I took a mouthful of fat, red cheek and bit hard enough to leave teeth marks then sent my tongue back up that sexy baby-bum.
Together we molested fat little Patricia viciously. Each of us fed on the depravity of the other till we were damn near consuming the child's ass and pussy. Pat, barely having recovered from her first cum was soon soaring toward another. She whimpered and moaned into her mother's plump, bald twat as she was orally raped. Her little hairless little cunt was lubing so much that Lucy couldn't keep up. Rivulets of little girl pussy cream overflowed her puffy, reddened twat to coat her bottom in a glistening sheen. I didn't mind. It was the perfect seasoning for pre-teen baby ass.
Within minutes the child was again on the edge. Lucy and I seemed to communicate almost telepathically. I replaced my tongue with two stiff fingers then used my now available mouth to bite her tiny, throbbing clit. At the same moment Lucy took a puffy little nipple between her thumb and forefinger and twisted.
It was too much. Pat bridged, her back an almost perfect arc and bucked her mother off her face. Her legs, released, slammed down on my shoulder with painful force, boxing my ears in passing. Devoid of stimulation she bucked one more then again went limp.
I eased her legs to the mattress then leaned forward to check her. My sexy little maid had actually passed out!
Lucy and I locked gazes over her daughters sweaty nakedness. The sexy temptress licked her lips, there was a wild look in her eyes. "Fuck me! Now!" she hissed.
My thoughts exactly. Pat's unconscious form was pushed to one side then I shoved Lucy forward and mounted her doggy style. At once we began to rut like a pair of alley cats. This wasn't making love, even sex was too mild a word. This was nasty, hard core fucking. Lucy alternately whimpered and growled as I drove into her overflowing, overheated pussy. Our bodies smacked together then squelched apart, the bed groaning in protest beneath us.
It didn't last long. It couldn't as turned on as we both were. In two score rapid strokes I was firing a boiling load of cum into Lucy's tight cunt. She was with me, her hot, wet twat spasming around my dick as she screamed her release to the neighborhood.
We lay and panted a moment then Lucy grinned back at me. "I could use a beer."
We slipped out of bed leaving Pat's still form undisturbed though Lucy did plant a kiss on one damp ass cheek.
We had the beer then a quick mutual rinse in the shower. Afterwards I found us a pair of robes. We were giggling and cuddling on the couch when Pat appeared in the door. The child's hair was disheveled and she still had a 'I just got hit by a truck' look in her eyes. She was self-consciously clutching a sheet around her body in place of her destroyed dress.
Lucy got up and met her daughter halfway across the floor. She enveloped the child, hugging her and kissing the top of her head. All concerned mother now she led Pat back to the couch and ensconced her between us.
"Did you like that baby. Did you like your hot little cums?"
Pat looked up at me. Having her mother in on the fun and games was a new twist. Getting no direction from me she shyly looked up at her mother. Biting her lower lip she jerked a nod.
Lucy engulfed her again, rocking the child. "Oh baby, it's nothing to be ashamed of. We all like sex. Sex is good and the nastier it is the better it is." She kissed the tip of Pat's cute nose then slid her hand through a fold in the sheet to briefly caress a plump thigh.
With a grin at me Lucy stood and moved to sit on my opposite side. Now I was between them. With a flip of a wrist she tossed open my robe, exposing my still damp dick to all.
"Baby this is a prick. This is what a man has in place of a pussy. Have you ever seen one of these before?"
Pat nodded. "I played with it till it squirted once."
Lucy shot me a look.
"Umm, she jerked me off in the shower a couple of days ago."
"You bastard, you didn't mention that!"
I smiled sheepishly, "It slipped my mind."
She giggled at that. "An eight year old girl whacks you off and it slips your mind. We have to see about finding you some more memorable experiences."
She started to caress my cock, gently running her fingertips across the helmet and down the shaft. She found a vein and traced it till it vanished into the hairy next of my balls. She supped each of my nuts in turn then slid back up the shaft, taking me in hand.
"Pricks are nice baby. Feel of it."
Pat hesitated a moment, looking from me to her mother then sheepishly reaching over to take a grip just above Lucy's. Lucy began to gently stroke and after a moment Pat followed along. Me, I slumped back into the cushions as mother and daughter began to jack me off. My dick had been soft but I felt it stir at this kinky double stimulation.
This continued for a minute or so during which my cock regained a semi-hard state. Lucy then again spoke to her daughter. There are other ways to get a man to squirt hon." Holding her daughter's gaze she leaned forward and planted a kiss on the smooth dome of my helmet. "You can kiss there dicks." She whispered. repeating the action with another light brushing of her lips then leaning back and looking at Patricia expectantly.
Pat looked from my cock to her mother's visage. After a moment the child licked her lips then leaned over and planted a quick smack on my prick. She jerked back quickly but finding nothing objectionable leaned back down and gave it a longer kiss a second later. Sitting up, she grinned at both me and her mother. A giggle at her own naughtiness escaped her lips.
Lucy bent down again, "You can also lick their dicks." So saying her talented tongue snaked out, its wet tip tracing the thick rim of my cock head before rising to flutter in my piss slit.
She sat back and waited. Pat hesitated less this time. Her little head went down and I felt the exquisite agony of an eight-year-old tongue playing across the head of my prick. The recipient of that lapping throbbed, steel returning to the structure.
Lucy went on, "There's another thing you can do with your mouth honey." She looked at me. "I think it's time Pat learned to suck cock don't you." Her voice dropped to a husky whisper. "That way she can pay you back for slurping on her bald little twat on those long evenings when you two have nothing to do."
Just hearing such a proclamation from the lips of the child's own mother finished the tempering process. My dick grew another half inch in the same number of seconds. It slapped against my stomach, rock hard and bow string taut..
Lucy chortled, "Oho, you like that idea huh?" She gave my dick a short stroke and met my gaze. "Does the idea of a second grader taking your dick in her little slut mouth while her mother watches turn you on? Are you that perverted?" My dick answered the question, twitching again and getting harder if possible.
Lucy leaned in and kissed my cock. She gave it a quick tongue lashing then the head vanished into her mouth. Her head bobbed three or four times then she withdrew and angled my wet, hard cock toward Pat.
Patricia looked at the two of us then at my prick as it throbbed in her mother's grip. Slowly she moved in, moving her head from side to side like a cheetah circling its prey. She imitated her mother first kissing the head then giving it a few licks. When her puffy little lips parted and the head of my cock entered the hot cavern of her little mouth I groaned. If it hadn't been for load I'd dumped in Lucy's twat earlier I'm sure Pat would have got a cream surprise at that moment.
Pat rested with the head of my dick in her mouth for a second then performed three shallow dips, each time taking maybe an inch and a half of cock. She then pulled off and grinned nervously.
Lucy moved in and bobbed a few more times, this time taking more dick. Again she offered my cock to her daughter. This time she coached as little Pat sucked my dick. "Take it deeper baby, all the way to the back of your pretty little mouth. Suck on it a little and use your tongue."
Back and forth they went, mother and daughter trading off on my dick. By the fourth or fifth set little Pat had lost her diffidence and seemed to be getting into the nastiness of what she was doing. She kept my dick longer each time and was taking me deep enough to gag several times.
They traded off once more then Lucy handed me off again to her fat little eight-year-old daughter. "Finish it baby. Make him cum. Good little girls like cum, they drink it. Cum's good for you. It'll give you tits like mommy's. Be a good little slut baby and eat his cum."
Pat hesitated a second at the talk of my cuming in her mouth but only a second. She then went back to sucking dick like a trooper.
I was close and Lucy knew it. She put her hand on the back of Pat's head and began to drive the child's face onto my prick forcing her to pick up the pace. She also forced her to take more cock. Gagging sounds rose from the little girl's throat on each plunge.
That was the final straw. I arched my back, pushing my throbbing dick into Pat's throat while her mother kept her from withdrawing and even pushed her down further. With a bellow I launched boiling cum down the eight-year-olds gullet.
Lucy let me spurt several times down the child's throat then pulled her daughter's head up so I was filling her mouth. Rope after steaming rope of rank male spunk shot into the little-girl's mouth, filling it till her cheeks puffed slightly and her tongue was swimming in it.
I fell back, pulling my spent prick from Pat's mouth. A thin streamer of cum followed, bridging the gap between us. In an instant Lucy clapped her hand over her daughter's mouth, preventing her from spitting.
"Swallow it baby. Swallow all that tasty cum. It's good isn't it. I'm sure you'll be getting a lot of it from now on." She tilted her head and grinned up at me. "Maybe it'll be more memorable than just a handjob."
It took several seconds but finally Pat swallowed my load in two rhythmic gulps. When her mother removed her hand she gasped and coughed several times. Lucy immediately moved in kissing and cooing, "That was so good baby. Mommy's so proud.
Only eight years old and already the makings of a first class cocksucker."
She kissed and made over for another minute then pushed her toward my crotch again. "Lick on that dick some more baby. Get it hard while mommy makes you feel good." So saying she tugged until Pat slid off the couch and was on her hands and knees with her head between my thighs. Lucy slid down behind her daughter. The sheet billowed up then drifted down to lie on the eight-year-old's back, leaving her plump, creamy white buttocks exposed. Lucy then moved in till the lower half of her face vanished behind those tender, succulent pillows.
Pat looked up at me and I reached down to stroke her hair. I didn't make any move to pull her to my crotch. I felt her start as her mother's tongue began to flutter over her immature, hairless charms.
The child closed her eyes and began to rock against her mother's face. She held that pose for maybe a minute. Finally she opened her eyes and smiled up at me then moved in on my cock. I continued to stroke her fine hair as she slurped up my semi-hard prick and begin to lazily suck and tongue it.
Over the next several minutes her enthusiasm grew as her mother's mouth worked its magic. The plump little girl's head began to bounce with more authority on my dick and she made small mewing sounds around it as she screwed her sexy butt into her mother's face.
Suddenly the plump child stiffened and screamed around my dick. At first I though she'd cum but the pace was wrong. I knew enough about her sexual responses now to know when her peak was and she hadn't been there, approaching yes but not there.
I was still trying to puzzle it out when Lucy held up a bloody finger. Fuck! She'd busted Pat's cherry! I couldn't see her mouth, it was buried in bald-eight-year-old twat but her eyes smiled mischievously at me over Pat's twin snowy moons.
The child began to mewl again as her mother's mouth soothed the hurt and soon she was once again shoving her ass at her mother's face. Lucy ate her for another minute then rose and moved up alongside her daughter. Her hand trailed behind, still abusing her pre-teen daughter.
She kissed Pat on the cheek then moved her head up close to mine. It was a stretch but her fingers never left her daughter's pussy.
"Fuck her!," she hissed in my ear. "Get behind and take her doggy style! I want to see her fucked!"
My cock lurched in Pat's mouth at the thought of that. It's not that I hadn't thought of fucking the plump child. I damn well had. I'd regretfully decided she was too young for that step however. Now the little girl's own mother was urging me to do just that!
"I don't think she'll like that Lucy. It'll hurt, a lot more than your finger," I whispered back.
"At first but she'll learn to like it."
"It's the 'at first' I'm worried about." Should I fuck her? I damn sure wanted to. I stroked Pat's hair then cupped her chin preparatory to pulling her off my dick so I could put the question to her. Lucy read my intentions and grabbed my wrist.
"Don't ask", she hissed. "Just do it! Rape her!"
My mouth dropped open in shock. I couldn't have heard that correctly. She repeated it, I had heard it correctly.
"I want to see my little girl raped. Take her hard and make her scream! Ream out that bald little pussy and don't stop till your cock's bouncing off her cervix!"
Oh Fuck! My dick lurched as Pat, unaware of the whispered conversation going on over her head again took my dick to the very portal of her throat. She'd begun to hum.
I looked down at her. Could I do this. It seemed a betrayal of trust. Fuck! It was a betrayal of trust. I looked at Lucy. Her eyes smoldered, she was deep within her own sexual fantasy and she was dragging me along for the ride. My dick throbbed at the thought. Shit, I was weak. Raping a little girl while her mother cheered me on. My cock raged at the thought. I was going to do it I couldn't pass this up.
I kissed Lucy on her perverted cheek, "Keep her warm. I have to piss." I started to rise but Lucy pushed me back into the sofa. Grinning she finally pulled her fingers from her daughter's bare muff and straddled the child's back. She then grabbed the eight-year-old's pretty head in both hands. "Do it in her mouth! Piss in her fucking mouth!"
Pat heard this and tried to look up at her mother but Lucy's strong hand's held her head rigid. Instead her eyes found mine. We locked gazes for a second then I closed my eyes and released my bladder.
Pat started to fight when she felt and tasted my hot, rank piss streaming into her mouth. She was no match for her mother's strength though. Her mouth filled quickly and soon she had a choice between drowning and swallowing. She held the decision till her cheeks bulged but then began to swallow. I kept pouring it in, reveling in the perversion of the act, using an eight-year-old child as a toilet. Fuck! My dick was so hard it was choking down the stream.
That only deliciously drew out the experience however so little Pat had to spend long seconds drinking from my hard dick. Lucy had began to hump her own bald, seeping twat against her daughter's smooth back, rucking the sheet up till it was a bunched rope at the pre-teens shoulders. Already a glistening strip of pussy slime covered the child's back.
Finally the stream slacked off then stopped. I sent a couple of more spurts into Pat's chubby cheeked toilet mouth them pulled my cock from her mouth and stood.
As I vacated my position Lucy swung a leg over Pat's back and nimbly pivoted on the other to drop down in my place. Pat had started to gag and cough the second my dick left her mouth. She was still doing so when Lucy gripped the back of her head and yanked her pretty face into fat, bald, mommy twat.
I stepped to the rear and surveyed the pre-teen's sexy round butt and fat protruding cuntlet. I saw no blood around the puffy little lips, just snowy white baby pussy. Fuck! I wanted this!
I dropped to my knees and kissed both fat little ass cheeks then brought my saliva slick cock up and rubbed it up and down the equally slick groove of Pat's cunny. Her puffy lips felt fantastic against the sensitive head of my dick. Despite cuming twice in the last hour I was ready to go again.
I positioned my cock and started to apply pressure. Slowly the tightly sealed halves of Pat's bald little peach spread, allowing the tip of my cock in. Well before the head was fully seated however I felt her cuntlet reach its elastic limit. It's easily exploitable elastic limit that is. Any further advance was going to cause pain.
Lucy had leaned over Pat's pale back and, while still holding Pat's face to her own wet twat, was staring at the juncture of me and her daughter. She met my gaze and licked her lips. "Do it, wreck that bald baby cunt!"
Fuck! That pushed me over the edge. I grasped the front of the child's plump, shapely thighs, took a deep breath and lunged!
Her fat, protruding little pussy never had a chance. In an instant two inches of iron hard pervert cock had forced its was past her puffy lips and pierced her immature passage.
Her body spasmed at the violation of my entrance but initially Pat made no sound other than a mommy pussy muffled 'huh'. That changed a long second later when the shock finally released its hold on her vocal cords. She screamed her pain into her mother's twat. An act that caused Lucy to close her eyes in sexual bliss and pull her daughter's face deeper into her drooling cunt.
I waited till she screamed her lungs empty and while she was gathering her breath lunged again. Several more inches of dick slid home. Fuck! She was tight. I lunged again, burying another inch. I had two inches of dick to go, could I get it all in? I really wanted to feel the head of my prick against little Pat's immature womb.
I rested for a moment, stroking the eight-year-old's fat bubble butt while she sobbed into her mother's bald twat. I leaned down and pulled her hair aside and kissed the child's neck then I straightened and tried to drive in deeper. Nada, I just shoved Pat's face deeper into her mother's twat. Fuck she was tight, we were locked together. I tried again and gained maybe a quarter inch. Time to shift gears. I pulled back and felt the exquisite sensation of an inch and a half of dick sliding out of the hot, velvet vice of the child's sullied cuntlet, the room air on my wet shaft felt cold.
I took a firm grip on Pat's thighs and gave a mighty shove while pulling her onto me. My dick slid in like an oiled piston, and this time I reached top dead center. It felt great, so tight was Pat's cunny that it almost hurt but it still felt great. My balls were against the child's bald, tightly stretched cunt lips and at the head of my cock I could fell the spongy barrier of her cervix. Even Pat screaming anew into her mother's wet sex couldn't detract from the moment.
I rested for a moment then began easing out. Each fraction of an inch was delicious agony. With half my dick out I began to ease back in. The next stroke was easier and the next even more so. I fucked little Pat, short stroking her tight, bald pussy. At first she cried each time I changed directions but after a while this died down to snuffling whimpers.
I began to speed up and increase the length of my strokes. Her little pussy had loosened but it was still incredibly tight. I leaned forward and kissed the child's sweaty neck. My hand caressed a soft, damp butt cheek as I raped the eight-year-old.
I fell into a rhythm, sawing about three-fourths of my cock in and out of Pat's little slot. Above my head I heard Lucy cooing to her daughter. Her big thighs massaged her daughter's head as she urged the child eat her pussy. I leaned forward and drew my tongue up the little girl's back. When I reached her shoulder blades I kissed each prominent point, they were surprisingly pronounced for a child of her heft.
My balls were beginning to send warning signals. I picked up the pace, my stomach began to smack into Pat's buttocks, making the soft flesh jiggle. I cocked back my hand and smacked her right cheek, hard. The jiggle of the flesh and the red imprint left behind increasing the disturbance in my nuts.
Groaning I took a grip on Pat's thighs and really started to pound her immature twat. She had been nearly silent for long minutes but now she started to whimper again. It only urged me to further effort. Sweat flew from my face as I pounded the child, shoving her face deep into her mother's sex with each stroke. For her part Lucy had begun to rotate her big hips, jacking herself off with her daughter's sniffling face.
My cum rolled over me like an avalanche, it started in my toes then climbed my legs to settle into my balls. From there it exploded outward to race through my chest and down my arms, almost electric in it intensity. I threw back my head and howled as I fired burst after burst of spunk into Pat's no longer virgin slot.
I was just starting to come back down when Lucy got her own cookies. She arched her back, lifting her big, sexy butt off the sofa while both hands washed her twat with Pat's face. She hung there for long seconds, her eyes fluttering then sank back to the sofa. After a minute her eyes opened and she smiled at me over he daughter's sweaty back. "That, was fucking awesome lover!"
Pat gurgled something but Lucy just pushed her deeper into her slimy sex. "You'll get used to it hon. Probably even start to like it." She giggled at my confused look. "Well you pissed in her mouth. Besides, I always have to go after sex."
I felt like shit the next day. From the first moment my eyes opened it all came rolling in. What the fuck had I done! Guilt was the major part though fear was present too. I could see the long cruiser pulling to the curb and the serious looking officers coming to the door. I'd be led out in cuffs as the neighbors gathered and whispered, 'child molester', 'pervert', 'pedophile'.
The day was a nightmare. I could concentrate on nothing. I had to get out of the house. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. The old widow across the street was watering her lawn. She looked right at me, accusation in her eyes. I panicked and fled back inside. I fell asleep on the couch long after midnight.
Monday was as bad. I had to get to work so that gave me something to concentrate on. Once ensconced in my cube however things went to shit. Every time footsteps approached I expected to see a grim faced detective rounding the corner. Every whispered conversation among co-workers was about me, every jangling phone was a question about my whereabouts. By lunch I'd had enough. Feigning illness I kited.
I spent the afternoon in a park. A pair of mimes played in refrigerator boxes while bohemian underachievers toyed with chalk on the walks. I tried girl watching, a favorite pastime of males everywhere but that reminded me of how I'd gotten into this mess. I tried visiting the amateur art exhibition, but an oil of innocent children at play sent me reeling. I tried communing with nature but the happy shrieks from the nearby playground accused me. In the end I spent the long afternoon feeding pigeons in a disused part of the preserve.
As the shadows lengthened and the park emptied I knew I had to go home. I made my way to the nearly vacant parking lot and coaxed the Justy onto the freeway. It was late when I turned onto my street. I turned into the driveway, as my lights swept across the front of the house I froze. A plump, familiar figure sat hunched in a raincoat on my front stoop.
The fact that Pat is now waiting on his doorstep could be his saving grace. Call me a romantic, but although he finds Lucy hot and and a wonderful fuck, I think he holds far more profound feelings for little Pat -- and perhaps he could tell her that and try and get Lucy to understand that what she did to her daughter was wrong, and that even if it made her feel good, pain and humiliation isn't the answer.
Pat and Lucy seemed to both like the mutual pleasure, so that could continue, but the whole pain/humiliation thing just degrades little Pat.
All the same, great story and I look forward to a sequel.
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