Arron's Chronicles, Part 2

[ Mg, gg, MMF, inc, pedo ]

by 7.92x57


Published: 7-May-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
FIRST things first I guess. This is an erotic story written for the enjoyment of consenting adults. If you are not consenting don't read it (now that made a lot of sense). If you are not an adult don't read it. This story contains pedophilia and incest. If this offends you or violates your personal moral code DON'T READ IT.

SECOND: While I have the soapbox I want to say something about the nature of fantasy. That is what this story is FANTASY. I do not condone or agree with the activities portrayed in this story. Anyone in real life who harms a child deserves to be castrated then shot. That said, what is harm? Is a consenting, loving, sexual relationship between a child and an adult harmful? If done with care it is not physically harmful but there are other kinds of harm. Is it emotionally harmful? Perhaps, perhaps not, in actuality it probably varies case by case. Children don't have labels, there is no tag that says 'I can handle sex'. So for that reason alone caring adults should not consider a sexual relationship with a child (uncaring adults are going to do as they damn well please).

THIRD: Now I wish to speak on incest. I have no problem on a moral level with incest. I even consider the idea erotic (go figure) on an abstract level. I only have problems with incest is when it involves an adult and a child. The adult whether he/she be a parent or uncle/aunt or whatever is in a position of authority over the child. That brings in the possibility of coercion. Even if this is not intended there will be an element of it there just because of the authority position. Most children want to please their parents. A child that is subject to sexual advances by a parent may acquiesce even if this is not something they wish to do. I would have the same problem if the adult were a teacher or a principle. Other than that I have no problems with incest. If a brother and sister want to play around under the sheets, as long as certain precautions are taken, more power to them.

LAST: I want to speak on the nature of eroticism. This is in two parts, the first ties in with the nature of fantasy above. I find many things erotic in literature, these include, pedophilia, incest, bestiality, torture, rape, water sports etc... Very few of these things would I find erotic if I was a participant. Let me state that again, not only would I not do them (for moral reasons) but the thought of actually doing them turns me off like a light. Curious, I enjoy reading about them but the thought of doing them is repellant.

Now for the second part, I have for many years read erotic stories, starting with filched copies of Penthouse Letters as a teenager then downloading them from BBS's and finally the internet. I have found many, many erotic stories that I have enjoyed immensely. I have also found a great deal of duds. To be erotic a story needs several things. It has to be believable both in the setting and the actions/reactions of the participants. A story where a child walks into a pool hall, raises her dress and takes on everybody in the place would not be erotic for me no matter how hot the sex, because I would not believe it. A story has to be descriptive. Adjectives and adverbs are important. Don't tell me that Jane dropped to her knees and fucked the dog. Tell me what she feels, what she says, how she moves. Don't tell me a child is cute. Describe her, what is her skin tone, what color are her eyes, her hair? How soft is her skin? What is she thinking?

Arron rose early the next morning. He tossed a few sticks on the fire then got some coffee started. He was frying bacon when Lena emerged from the tent as bare as the day she was born.

The child grinned at him then struck a provocative pose, one hand on her little hip. She held that for an instant then shivered and dove back into the tent. The temperature had dropped overnight and was now in the mid fifties.

When the six-year-old reemerged from the tent she'd pulled on her pajamas, parka and bunny slippers. The woods hadn't been kind to the bunnies. Left bunny was missing an ear and right bunny was only a few hanging threads from being completely blind.

Lena watched him turn the sizzling strips for a while then, miffed at being ignored, nuzzled up against him and demanded a kiss. He gave her a peck on the lips. She backed a step and looked up at him curiously, her big blue eyes stated quite clearly 'you can do better than that!'

He grinned and pulled her in for a longer smooch. Their tongues caressed one another briefly before the child pulled back. She reached down to massage his crotch through his jeans. "We didn't take care of this last night." She shot a glance at the tent then tugged down his zipper.

"Lena, your sister-"

"Pooh, she's still sound asleep."

She fished out his cock which had already started to harden then looked up him. "Wanna give me a milk shake before breakfast uncle?" Without waiting for an answer she parted her soft lips and allowed the head of his cock to slide into the warm cavern of her tiny mouth. She maintained eye contact as two inches of hard cock followed. The expression on his face made her giggle. The sensation that made around his cock was fantastic.

The bacon was forgotten as the six-year-old hit a rhythm. Her blond hair flashed in the sun as she bobbed on his cock. At then bottom of each stroke soft choking sounds emanated from her mouth as his prick banged at the entrance to her throat.

Unmindful of the grease on his hands, Arron began to stroke the child's soft tresses. "Sweet Lena! Oh like that honey! Just like that!"

She picked up the pace, her hair really dancing now. A wet sucking noise accompanied her bobbing head as the pace caused the vacuum seal of her lips to fail slightly on each stroke. The child's oral skills had increased dramatically since she'd first sucked his cock and she was bringing them all to bear.

"Oh shit baby! I'm cuming! Fuck! Here it comes!" He threw back his head and growled inarticulately as the savage pulses of cum burned their way down his prick. Lena's cheeks bulged and her throat worked as she worked to contain and swallow his huge morning load. A few strands of spunk escaped her lips to drool down her chin. Throughout it all her little blond head never stopped bobbing.

As Arron came back to earth Lena pulled his wilting cock from her mouth and kissed the head. She grinned up at him. "Am I a good little cock sucker Uncle Arron?"

He bent down and pulled her up to him. Their lips met in a long caress as their tongues dueled lazily. He pulled back and looked into those bright blue eyes. "You're good at anything you do honey but you're a fantastic cock sucker." He kissed her on the nose and set her to giggling.

He'd just set her down when a noise caused them both to turn. Rachel stood just outside the door of the tent. Her little T-shirt was rucked up around her belly button and her panties were at her ankles. She groaned and swayed as her fingers savaged her little twat. As they watched she gave a little scream and toppled over backwards to land on her rump with a thud.

They rushed to her together. Arron picked her up and brought her over to the fire. Lena busied herself brushing bits of grass and twigs from her sisters backside. The three-year-old had stuck her thumb into her mouth and simply stared with an unreadable expression on her pixie face as they ministered to her. Lena had removed all of the debris from her round little bottom and was now gently rubbing it. Goose bumps had started up on those little cheeks from the cold. "Is your butt sore Rache?"

Rachel nodded then pulled her thumb from her mouth. "Kiss it and make it better."

Lena met Arron's gaze for a second then dropped to her knees and began to plant chaste little kisses on the younger siblings little bottom. Arron had never zipped up, he was reminded of this when Rachel reached out one tiny hand and gently grasped his limp, swaying cock. The child turned it this way and that, examining it from all angles. She then looked up at him. "I wanna mi'k shake too unc'a."

Arron frowned but his cock began to stir at the thought. "Honey I don't know if your big enough to-" His words stopped as the child leaned forward and kissed the head of his cock. Her little tongue pushed out and began to explore the smooth helmet.

His cock, so recently and so expertly drained, was quick to respond. In truth the child's actions were clumsy and not very skillful but just the thought that those actions were being performed by a girl still shy of four was enough to turn his prick to iron.

Lena had stopped her own actions and was staring over her sisters buttocks as she too watched that little tongue.

Rachel tongued the head for another minute then licked her way down the now adamantine shaft. She played around in the forest of Arron's pubic hair for a moment then slid back up to the head. She backed off and stared at his prick for a moment then ovaled her lips and went back in. Her first attempt to actually get it into her mouth weren't very successful. He didn't have a huge cock but she had a very small mouth. She kept at it though and finally forced her lips down over the helmet. She rested for a moment with her lips locked in the groove behind the head of his cock then pulled off with a muted 'pop'. She met Arron's gaze for a moment then turned and looked at her awe struck sister.

"Kiss my butt some more and do it like you did in the tent that time."

Lena immediately reddened and became flustered. "I didn't do nuthin in the tent!"

"Did too! you put your tongue up my butt. I liked it." She didn't wait for a reply from her embarrassed older sister but returned to her confrontation with Arron's cock. Once again the head vanished into her tiny mouth. She remained that way until it became apparent to Arron that she was going to do nothing else. Gently, he grasped her small head and began to ease it up and down on his cock. So shallow was her mouth that she choked almost immediately, prompting him to stop. He stroked her hair, "Use your tongue honey, lick it", then took his shaft in hand and began to slowly jack himself off.

Lena fumed in indecision for a long moment then went back to kissing her sisters darling little butt. She was holding off a decision on rimming her siblings little tush with her fully aware but Rachel was having none of that. When Lena's lips strayed near her little crack the three-year-old wiggled and shoved her rump back so that her older sisters nose and lips slid into that soft cleft. The first time it happened Lena recoiled and backed off. When Rachel continued to wave that little fanny and whimpered around Arron's cock Lena leaned in and began to kiss again. Rachel gave another jerk and again Lena's face ended up in her crack. This time Lena didn't back off, within seconds she was actively pushing in deeper.

Rachel began to suck harder on her uncles prick, her tongue sliding all over the short length she could fit into her mouth. Arron slid sideways, his cock twisting in the child's mouth, and leaned forward to observe Lena's actions. The six year old had started to moan herself. She was eating her sisters ass for all she was worth.

The stimulation, both physical and otherwise, quickly overwhelmed Arron. Even though his nuts had drained not fifteen minutes ago he was rapidly approaching another powerful nut. He began to jack his dick frantically, his fist bussing Rachel's lips on each upstroke. He opened his mouth to warn the three-year-old that he was going to cum but events overtook him. His hearing faded and his vision blurred as rope after rope of burning cum pulsed from his cock.

Rachel took the first powerful spurt right in her mouth. Surprised she jerked back and caught the next across the face. She was still staring in shock when Lean pulled her tongue from her sister's butt and leaned over to swallow half of Arron's spurting dick.

When Arron returned to Earth Lena was licking the last remnants of his spunk from his fading prick. Rachel knelt to one side, her face dripping spunk and more drooling from her mouth and nose. With a roar like a bull in rut he pushed Lena aside and bore her tiny sister to the ground. As she squealed in surprise he fastened his mouth to her little twat and began to savage it. He'd barely started before he felt hands tugging at the three-year-old's body. Lena tugged and pulled till, with Arron's help, she'd rolled her sister and uncle till Arron was on his back with Rachel cunt down on his face. Lena then attacked her sisters vulnerable ass.

With tongues abusing both ends, Rachel went off like a bomb in less than a minute. She went completely rigid, arms and legs extended like a cruciform and screamed until her lungs were empty. Unable to draw another breath she convulsed twice then went limp.

Arron gently pulled the child to his chest then shakily stood. The girl's panties had come completely off during the festivities and had somehow ended up in the coals of the firepit. They smoked sullenly but had yet to catch fire. He pulled a thick towel from the clothesline and laid it on the ground before gently laying Rachel on it. He needed to get something warm on her but that could wait. He turned to Lena and growled, "Now its your turn!"

He caught a screaming Lena after a short chase and pulled her to the ground. He'd just half pulled, half torn off her pajama bottoms and panties and was getting ready to dine on her tasty little twat when a tiny dervish shoved him aside. Still naked from the waist down Rachel dove between her sister's pale thighs. The three-year-old was a maniac eating her sisters pussy like a child gone mad. Arron stood back and watched as the two of them rolled around on the ground, Rachel's face never leaving her sister's twat. In minutes Rachel's inexperienced but infinitely enthusiastic ministrations put her older sibling over the edge. The woods echoed with her screams as Lena came.

A little conversation revealed that Lena had not been quite as asleep as she seemed on several occasions when her sister had gone down on her. Childish intuition told her that Lena did not want her to know about it. Since she enjoyed it when Lena did 'that nasty thing' and assumed it would stop if brought out into the open she'd simply decided to play dumb. It was only catching Lena sucking cock that had led her to mention it..

Once everyone was dressed and fed they proceeded to the house site. The girls were too young to be of any actual help but Arron found some safe make work for them while he returned to the sawmill. Considering he was working alone he made good progress for a couple of hours, then the schedule began to slip. As the morning progressed the girls decided it was warm enough to do without clothes. Both were soon naked and frolicking around. It was a simple deduction to their childish minds that if they were naked then their uncle should follow suit. Once this had been accomplished interest in his cock was soon again at the fore. As the day progressed, one or the other was often nursing on Arron's dick with Lena coaching her baby sister on the finer points of giving head. When one of them wasn't sucking cock they generally were eating pussy or rimming ass. Now that the air had been cleared they had no hesitation or shame as they ravaged each other's pre-pubescent bodies. Even though Arron wasn't directly involved in these latter activities they were still extremely distracting. The two discovered the 69 position around noon and spent a good portion of the remaining day with their heads between each others shapely little thighs. By the time they finally made it back to camp at dusk girls were sated and Arron's balls were aching as if they had been beaten.

The next day started worse. It dawned humid and warm. As a result the girls decided from the start that clothes weren't needed. The two naked nymphs ganged up to suck Arron off before breakfast. On the way to the house site they fell into a noisy 69 on the front seat of the truck.

Despite the slow start he actually got more work done this day. That was because all of the heady sex finally caught up with the girls and they slept a good portion of the day. The respite also gave his a chance to think and with thought came the return of guilt. It wasn't the panicky, 'oh shit what have I done' guilt of a week or two before. He was beyond that. No this guilt was a sorrowful ache for innocence lost. Despite the fact that neither child seemed harmed by their escapades he knew they had been changed. No matter how sexy and desirable he found them to be he still would mourn that tiny whiff of childhood they had lost.

That night they ate a quiet supper then trooped off to the spring. They'd just returned when Arron's cell phone rang. He answered it and talked briefly before hanging up. He looked at the two children, now innocent and fresh in identical plush robes. "You're parents are flying back tomorrow. We'll leave in the morning to pick them up."

The rest of the evening was subdued. Even though the girls were rested from their naps and would normally be ready for play, sexual or otherwise, they sensed their uncle's dark mood and remained quiet.

The next morning they loaded up early and began the task of coaxing the Ram down the mountain. It was early and the girls had been up much of the night so they were soon asleep in their safety seats. They were halfway to the blacktop when a Forest Service truck going the opposite direction rounded a bend ahead. Both vehicles eased off to their respective sides, brush scraped and twanged as the trucks tried to make a one lane rut into two. They were about abreast when the young Ranger in the Forest Service vehicle waved Arron to stop. Arron felt a brief moment of panic at that but pushed it down. If they had a whiff of what he was doing with the girls he'd be facing a battalion of deputies with helicopters and shotguns, not one Ranger in a scratched up old pickup.

The man pulled abreast and stopped. "You're fixin' up the old Tuggel property ain't you?"

Arron didn't know the name of the previous owners of the land but nodded anyway. There couldn't be that many private tracts in the forest.

"Been wantin' to talk to you for a week or so." He shoved a hand across. "Bobby Weaver."

Arron took the proffered hand, "Arron Winters."

"Nice to meet you. You know by law the Forest Service has to maintain passable roads to any private land inside our borders." He leaned out the window and spat a stream of tobacco juice at the dirt between the idling vehicles. Only then did Arron notice a plug of tobacco in the smiling face the size of a baby's fist. "Now we always comply with the law. Given my current manpower situation I figure we'll have your road fixed up sometime before ohhh...2015." His smile broadened. "Now if that timetable ain't exactly expectable well there's stockpiles of road materials and equipment at a couple of places. Now you gotta understand that civilians just can't borrow guv'ment equipment. That'd be agin' the law." He wallowed the plug in his mouth around and spat another brown stream. "'Course if some material just vanished from time to time and the equipment was always there at our end of month depot check well I reckon nobody would notice at all."

Arron returned the man's grin. "I think I understand Ranger."

The Ranger nodded, "Good, good, glad we cleared that up. Stop by the tower office sometime and someone will get you a map showing where that stuff you ain't supposed to bother is. Wouldn't want you wanderin' in by accident and getting in trouble."

"Oh I'm sure I won't disturb anything by accident."

"Glad to hear it." They exchanged a wave and the two vehicles parted.

The girls finally awoke a couple of hours up the interstate and began to complain of hunger. A stop at a shabby old Stuckeys took care of that. They finally pulled into the airport a little after one in the afternoon.

With an hour or so to kill before Carl and Jenny's flight arrived they made the rounds of the few airport shops. He bought the girls a puzzle book and an overpriced ice cream cone each.

Jenny was first off the plane. She dropped her carry-on and swept her two girls into a joyous, giggling embrace. Carl's greeting was no less exuberant. The five of them clumped up and made their way to the parking lot.

Carl was tired so Arron drove. The humming of the off-road tires on the asphalt soon worked its magic on Jenny and the girls. All three were asleep before Beckley vanished in the mirrors. Arron and Carl talked but the latter was fatigued as well so conversation waned.

They had supper at a little place called 'The Wagon Inn'. Despite the promising country d‚cor the food was bad and the service worse. Carl wasn't planning on leaving anything for their surly teenaged server but Arron decided to give an object lesson if nothing else. He left a quarter mashed into the middle of his inedible meatloaf.

A grocery and fuel stop were added to the detour then they back on the road.

They were in the woods before dark. Jenny wanted a try at driving the truck so Arron took her place in the back seat and let her behind the wheel. She accepted suggestion and good natured ribbing from both her husband and brother-in-law, the ride was jarring and their were a few missteps but they arrived intact,

That night the girls slept with their parents. This worried Arron a little, if either girl let something slip then he was finished. This proved groundless however as everyone was smiles the next morning.

After pancakes and bacon Carl and Arron were back to work. Carl was running out of cracks so it was decided to gang up on the lumber cutting. Carl fetched trees from camp and then assisted in getting them onto the mill before going for another. In this manner they managed to reduce the remaining un-sawed trees to four. They might have finished but the heavy use had taken a toll on Arron's makeshift sawmill. Several welds broke and required a lengthy stop to re-weld and reinforce.

It rained hard the next day, making any work out of the question. Instead the brother's loaded up and drove down the mountain. They reached the Forest station in good time despite the weather. The same older woman that had given Arron his keys was on duty. She took one look at them and smiled before retrieving a map from behind the window. "Bo said he was sending y'all by to show you where that equipment you weren't to bother was located." She plopped the brochure down and opened it. Her finger tapped on a small area circled in blue ink. "It's just past gate twenty-one. Just drive on by instead of turning. It's less than a quarter of a mile."

They took the brochure and were leaving but she stopped them with an upraised hand. "He told me to tell you something else." She frowned in concentration for a moment then her face cleared, "Oh, yeah. He said that old five-yard dump truck has leaky hydraulics. The bed'll ooze down on you so don't trust it."

They drove back to camp. The remainder of the dismal day was spent in tents or the dining fly.

It was still raining the next morning though the severity had decreased. They held a debate at breakfast and it was decided to try to work. The Ram was harnessed to a tree and they made their slow way to the house site.

Arron gathered some hefty sticks and, using a hatchet, sharpened them into stakes. He trimmed these to length then pounded them into the ground around the generator. When these had been adjusted to his liking a plastic tarp was erected over them and fastened with twine and tie warps. Only when he was satisfied at its soundness did he carefully pull the wet tarp off the generator. The machine now sat under its own fly and could be used.

He performed a similar but slightly more complex operation to protect the mill's garage-door-opener feed. The saw's motor was an all weather type so it was not a worry.

By the time these preparations were complete Carl had hauled in two more trees. The two of them, wet to the bone, maneuvered the first of these into place then Arron started cutting as Carl went for the last tree.

Despite the wet the work moved along. Before lunch the two men muscled the last log into position and the mill began to whine again.

Jenny had managed to cook a hot meal with plenty of coffee. They wolfed down this restorative then headed back. Two more cuts, and the mills primary task was done. They stood back and sipped coffee as they surveyed what had been accomplished. Several score trees had been ripped into a substantial pile of rough sawn lumber. At least the piles of planks looked impressive under their drapes of multicolored tarps. A number of boards had already started to warp. This was not welcome but was expected.

The rain tapered off and finally stopped about dusk. The lot of them trooped to the spring to bathe and play. The woods were full of the sounds of water dropping from laden branches.

On the previous two nights Arron had only fingered the girls off and refused to let them service him at all. Worries about the past and future crowded in on him. This night he relented and ate the two girls to a pleasant cum apiece. They then ganged up to suck him off. Rachel could still not get any more than the head in her tiny mouth but she continually gagged herself trying to match her sister. Afterwards he held the girls as they drifted off to sleep.

As they sipped coffee and wolfed down sausage and egg omelets they eyed the morning sky. The low, slate gray clouds seemed to promise a return of the rain but it was dry for now.

Once on site they held a quick debate then climbed the hill and stepped out onto the old stone foundation. Using a tape they marked off drill holes at eighteen inch increments and marked them with a dab of orange spray paint. They then went to one of the lumber piles and pulled out several wide, two inch thick planks. While Carl went to work with power drill and masonry bit Arron fired up the mill and began to rip the tree-width planks into 2x6's. Most were wide enough that he could get three or four from each.

When he finally finished Carl was still drilling so he retrieved the side-grinder from the truck and, after climbing up onto the foundation, began to cut off flush the old rusty spike nails that had held the original house in place. Several of these were loose so he simple pulled them out and tossed them downstairs.

When Carl finished drilling they dropped long, self anchoring bolts into the holes.

The planks were brought up individually and drilled and cut to length in position. They were then dropped over the bolts and fastened down with a ratchet. The work was slow but they still had the first three floor joists in by lunch.

Jenny had worked wonders and in addition to hot stew their was fresh-baked pie for lunch. She was getting better at cooking over an open fire, especially the tricky art of baking.

The afternoon was spent securing more joists. They were just starting to hit a sort of stride when the need to frame up the opening that would allow stair access to the cellar broke that up. After discussion they skipped a joist and laid down its next neighbor instead. This left a thirty-four inch gap the width of the cellar. Short boards were cut and then butted between these widely spaced joists before being fastened in place with hefty wood screws. With the opening boxed in they then installed the missing joist. The two boards were cut to drop onto the bolts at the edge of the foundation. The other ends were tied into the stair opening with the big wood screws.

Dusk came on with only two boards left to lay. Anxious to actually finish they pressed on. It was possibly not the best of decisions. By the time the last joist was down the dew had settled. They and their tools were quite damp,

The rain finally returned just as they were trooping back from the spring. They dashed the last hundred yards to the dining fly. After a cold supper of sandwiches they dashed to their tents. Somehow sitting around a drowned fire pit in a downpour seemed less than cozy so they called it an early night.

They rain got harder till it was fairly thundering down. One advantage of this was the absolute impossibility of sound carrying more than ten feet. Taking advantage Arron and the girls stripped down and went at each other with gusto. After several false starts he pulled the sleeping bags together on the tent floor and organized a daisy chain. He put his head between Rachel's thin thighs and feasted on her bald baby pussy and round little ass. Rachel in turn had her pixie face buried in her older sisters slick little twat. Lena closed the loop by sucking Arron's cock with gusto. Arron hadn't shaved in several days and his stubbled face scratched Rachel's soft, smooth thighs, this caused her to squeal and scream but her sister's pussy was an effective muffler.

They achieved a kind of crude feedback loop. As Arron got closer to cuming his mouth and lips worked harder on the three-year-old. This in turn put Rachel to pleasuring her sister with even more enthusiasm. Finally the increased stimulation made Lena work Arron's dick harder. The result was that they all came within moments of each other. Lena screamed around Arron's cock and squeezed Rachel's head between her coltish thighs. The scream dissolved into gurgles as the cock in mouth fired pulse after pulse of aromatic spunk down her throat.

Arron groaned in Rachel's lovely little pussy, setting that little baby pussy to spasming in orgasm and causing its owner to shriek into her sister's hot little twat.

Afterwards their was much kissing and stroking. Slowly the squirms and giggles gave way to soft snores and silence. Arron slipped the girls into their sleeping bags then lay a long time listening to the rain.

It was still raining when morning arrived. They breakfasted on bagels and fruit. Then stood around and looked out at the water cascading off the dining fly. The brother's helped with cleanup and stood around some more but finally the inactivity got to them. They made the wet dash to the truck then fired up and turned down the mountain.

The rain had turned gullies into small rivers and everywhere the red and gray West Virginia clay was ice slick. Because of these hazards and the low visibility they picked their way through the forest. It took two hours to reach the Forest Service material yard. A gate with a chain and lock provided some concern till Arron bailed out and found that the lock had been pivoted into the closed position but the hasp had not been clicked home. He twisted the lock open and wormed the chain free before pushing the gate open. By the time he climbed back into the cab he was soaked through.

Inside they found a clearing with a single, open sided shelter and several piles of rock and gravel. The shelter had a half dozen empty bays so they simply pulled inside.

Only three pieces of equipment rested here. A battered old Ford dump truck of seventies vintage, a good sized Massey-Fergusen tractor of more recent lineage and a three axle trailer that would fit behind the former and carry the latter. The tractor had a loader bucket on the front and a box blade on the back.

They looked around and Carl soon sited a gray metal box bolted to one of the shelters creosote blackened shelters uprights. It had a lock but pivoted open at a touch. Inside were only two keys. Arron took the tractor keys then climbed aboard the machine. It fired right up. He tried the bucket and box blade before shutting down again.

The dump truck looked pretty sad till you looked close and then it still looked pretty sad but at least in a more rugged way. Galvanized had been pop riveted over rusted out areas of the cab then painted to match, however the tires were new or nearly so. He climbed up in the cab and took the key Carl proffered. The old bastard fired as eagerly as the tractor had and idled with a good strong rhythm. Arron climbed down and the two of them popped the hood and hoisted it up. Fumes from an exhaust leak rose up to gag them but the old Lima motor looked well maintained with good hoses and a new battery. A series of stickers on the firewall showed that the oil had been changed regularly.

He shut the truck down and then the two poked around some more. The trailer was rusty and battered but had decent tires. It had a military style ring hitch that matched a fitting on the back of the dump truck. The lack of a license tag and the bent and quite empty tail light housings demonstrated that it was not meant for road use.

At one end of the shelter they found two pipes sticking out of the ground. Heavy concrete filled pipes sunk around them protected them from carelessness. One was stenciled 'Gas', and the other 'Diesel'. Both were capped and securely locked nor was their any sign of a pump. Clearly fuel was not part of any unofficial agreement.

They held a brief conference before Arron re-fired the dump truck and backed it out into the swampy yard. He drove it over and parked alongside one of the gravel piles. The old shifter had so much slop that gear selection was a matter of luck and conjecture.

He walked back to shelter despite the still pouring rain. He was already soaked, more water couldn't do any further harm. He fired up the tractor then trundled over and began to load the truck. The small bucket and the fact that the rear wheel drive tractor would often spin and throw up divots of sod rather than dig into the pile of rock as was intended meant it took a while to load the truck.

When the gravel was finally mounded over the sides of the bed Arron drove the truck back to the shelter. With Carl guiding him he backed slowly up to trailer. Once in position it took both of them to lift the heavy tongue up and drop it over the dump trucks ring. He pulled the trailer out into the center of the yard then, after lowering the ramps, climbed aboard the idling tractor and ran it up onto the trailer.

There were only two binders but at least there was a length of stout pipe to use as a torque multiplier. Arron affixed them front and rear and set them tight. The ramps were then raised and secured.

Carl led the way in the Ram and Arron followed with the heavily laden dump truck. The machine bucked and surged and balked at anything asked for quickly. The steering was manual with a wheel nearly three feet across. There was enough slop to allow it to move six inches before there was any corresponding action on the part of the front wheels. The trailer had no brakes so it was constantly clanking and jerking at the slack in the old fashioned ring hitch. The brakes were power and good so he had no problem stopping even with the trailer.

They made decent time till they reached the ford. The water was up a good foot and running fast. Carl led the way in the Ram and made it without mishap. Once the pickup was clear Arron patted the old steering wheel and eased out the clutch. At a walking pace the old truck hauled its burden across the swollen creek without a complaint.

Carl wanted to try the dump so they switched mounts after both were back on solid ground. Arron took the Ram and led the way while Carl took the dump truck. There were a couple of false starts with Carl killing the engine twice but they were soon on their way. Arron kept a good watch on the mirrors but the old monster stayed behind him.

It was the final long hill that proved to be one hurdle too much. With brown water coursing down the gully in its center Arron took the hill at a run. He was concentrating on his own driving and was a way up before he noticed his mirrors held nothing but trees and mud. He stopped and backed down the hill to find his brother and the dump still near the bottom. As he watched the old bastard made another run at it, slipping and sliding it advanced about twenty feet before shuddering to a halt.

They held a conference and again switched mounts. To his chagrin Arron could do no better than his sibling. The old dump simply didn't have the traction to take the wet, steep slope. They pulled it off to the side and abandoned it. Lunch was past due.

The reached camp to find that lunch was more sandwiches though there was hot soup. Jenny insisted they change clothes even though both argued they were simply going to get wet again. They may as well have argued with a tree. An hour later, sated and dry they set out for where they had left the dump truck. As predicted they were soon again soaked.

After pulling the tractor off the trailer they backed the latter into a gap in the woods and dropped it. Arron then pulled the dump into the rutted lane and dumped the entire load of gravel right in the middle of the road.

He went to work on the tractor, taking shovels of rock and filling gullies and washouts. Once he had a good patch he used the box blade to grade it smooth. They didn't have a tamper or roller but repeated applications of the Massey-Fergussen's big lugs and bucket served almost as well. Carl pulled a shovel from the Ram and moved more rock with it than might be expected.

Quickly the big pile of rock melted away. By three it was gone and seventy feet of road was now not an embarrassment to the term. They talked about retrieving another load but that would have meant returning after dark. They decided against that though they did turn the truck around, re-hitch the trailer and load the tractor.

Supper was homemade pot pie. It was hot and it was good. After eating their fill they all trooped to the spring and whooped and played for several hours despite the still falling rain.

The girls went to bed while the adults sat under the dining fly and drank beer. When Arron finally decided to call it a night he found them already asleep he tucked them in then lay listening to the rain till sleep took him.

The rain stopped during the night but the next morning arrived cold and still dank. Gray clouds still hung low overhead. They'd decided to work on the house when they could so after breakfast they loaded up in the Ram and drove over. It was by now mid March so they had nearly two weeks before they had to worry about getting the Forest Service equipment back to the yard.

The mill whined and more 2x6's emerged to start framing up the walls. They decided to start with the south wall since it had no doors, nor were any fireplaces planned along it. They lugged the lumber up the hill and started framing it up on the ground. Several times they halted to consult the plan on Arron's laptop for the location of windows but the work still went quickly. The last nail was hammered in shortly before lunch. The drove back to camp for hamburgers and grainy chocolate pudding, the children's enthusiastic contribution, then went back to work.

Getting the wall in place proved to be more trouble than making it. The green lumber was heavy, that made the wall heavy, more so since the house was to have two stories and both had been framed together. First they tried tying ropes to each end and hauling it up by muscle power alone. This proved beyond them. Next the truck was maneuvered into position and its Cummins muscle added to the task. The wall flexed alarmingly forcing them to lower it again. Finally, temporary diagonal stiffeners were nailed across the flimsy structure. This did the trick and Carl carefully backed the truck as Arron directed with hand signals. Drilling and countersinking the holes to drop the wall over the protruding joist bolts proved to be as great a trial. With the wall canted out at fifteen degrees and the Ram's brakes bearing the load they marked and drilled, then marked and drilled again when some of the first holes were off. Some actually required a third drilling while others had to be reamed so wide that large flat washers were needed to avoid the nut pulling clean through the floor plate. It was a tedious and frustrating afternoon but as the sun vanished the first wall was in place and bolted solid. The bracing boards that had supported the structure during the lift were now pried off and used to brace it up.

They made their way back to camp and sat down to supper. Afterward they made a brief spring romp then gathered around the fire, the first they had enjoyed in two days. Jenny passed around coffee and hot chocolate. The girls were soon flagging and were sent off to bed. Once they were gone Jenny spoke up.

"You know Rachel's birthday is in three days. I'd like to surprise her with a little party."

Carl and Arron stared at each other. Both had forgotten the child's birthday. Carl spoke up first. "Well we could make a town run the day after tomorrow, pick up a cake and stuff like that."

Arron nodded. "We need some other stuff anyway."

Jenny smiled, "Great! I'll make a list."

Arron retired a few minutes later. He found a naked Rachel face down on his sleeping bag. She squeaked and squirmed as Lena tried to give her a Sigmoid exam with her tongue. He joined the party by hauling down Lena's panties and attacking her little twat and asshole. Using one hand he managed to jerk down his shorts and briefs. Once his cock was free he beat off as he serviced the six-year-old before him. Both children shuddered through several orgasms before a groaning Arron leaned forward and painted his load across Rachel's smooth little ass. Lena waited till the last spurt had left his cock then licked and sucked her little sister clean.

Breakfast was steaming oatmeal. Both men would have preferred something involving eggs but Jenny was worried about cholesterol levels so it was oatmeal. They ate two bowls apiece then made their way to the house site. The logical thing to do would be to proceed with either the east or west walls. Complicating those however was the fact that fireplaces on both the first and second floors were planned for those walls. No decision had as yet been made whether to purchase pre-made fireplace inserts or to try to site build their own. If they were to use inserts the dimensions would have to be known, if site built they could just make something up that sounded good and proceed. They decided to punt and frame up the north wall next.

In the spirit of 'smarter not harder' Arron cut the floor plate first then they laid it out on the front face of the foundation. Drilling and test fitting the mounting holes was much easier this way. They sawed and hammered away the morning, framing up the windows and door when they came to them. After lunch they went to work with muscle and truck. The work went much faster than the previous day and the wall was up, fastened and braced before the afternoon was very far along. The old foundation looked rather silly with two opposite walls in place but that was the way of it.

They decided to call it a day and headed back to camp. A round-robin discussion soon started around the fire involving the next days trip. It didn't take long before Jenny suggested that she and the children come along. The girls were still cheering this news when Carl suggested they use the early end to the workday to advantage and leave immediately. They could stay in town again and maybe take in another movie. That brought quick affirmatives from all involved and set off a mad scramble to get cleaned up and pack overnight bags.

They pulled out a little after three. When they reached the looted dump truck Arron hopped out and climbed up in it. He followed the Ram down the mountain. Damned if he couldn't hear '100 bottles of beer on the wall' over the growl of the old Lima.

When they reached the material yard Carl pulled the pickup under the now empty shelter while Arron made a wide turn that left the dump truck pointed toward the gate. The girls giggled and played while Arron and Carl got the binders off and unloaded the tractor. Carl wanted to try the latter so Arron stood by while Carl fumbled with the machines controls. With a few pointers he caught on quickly and soon the old dump was again groaning under a load of gravel. Carl ran the tractor back onto the trailer then helped Arron chain it down. All then piled into the Ram for the trip into town.

They arrived in Avery in time for supper at a newly opened premium steakhouse. The food was good even if they did have to wait twenty minutes for a table. They checked in to a Holiday Inn on the south side of town. Unlike their previous motel their was no Jacuzzi. There was a small indoor heated pool however. It was a novelty for the girls to have water that was over their heads and there were several sputtering near drownings. Neither child was an accomplished swimmer.

They dried off and showered in time to catch the late show at the drive in. It was an inane action flick with bad writing, bad acting and bad editing but lots of stuff exploded and there were several gun battle/car chase scenes so the men liked it all right.

Arron was paired off with the girls with Jenny and Carl's room across the hall. This presented play possibilities but the romp in the pool had exhausted the children and the movie had finished them off. Both were carried to bed.

After a rib-sticking Denny's breakfast Carl and Arron dropped Jenny and the kids at a mall then went shopping themselves. An industrial supply warehouse yielded up two new 55 gallon drums and a long shaft, manual pump. At the gas supply house these were respectively filled with gasoline and diesel and the Ram topped off as well.

At the home center the men looked at the drop in fireplace's and took some literature. Over a dozen models were available but only two were in stock. They looked the display models over and both agreed they were small, too small.

They left and on a whim dropped by the local public library. A check of the computerized catalogue revealed over a score of books on fireplaces. Everything from scratch building to restoration was covered. Arron pulled a couple of books on the former and leafed through them. The first was nearly useless but the second was priceless with formula's, diagrams and practical tips.

It took nearly an hour to fill out of the forms needed to get a library card. Arron griped about not requiring access to a nuclear missile silo but the middle aged black librarian, formidable in tethered half glasses and lab coat merely stared with faint hostility. A sense of humor was apparently not standard issue.

Book in hand it was time to meet the ladies for lunch. They chose a cafeteria with a sports bar style d‚cor and stuffed themselves on simple, good food.

Arron and Carl took the girls after lunch to allow Jenny to buy the supplies for Rachel's surprise party. They drug them back to the home center where Arron purchased a dozen bags of pre-sanded mortar. There was a stone masons tool kit on closeout so he grabbed that as well.

They met Jenny at the grocers and loaded her purchases into the coolers then turned south. It was mid-afternoon before they re-entered the forest and dusk before Carl dropped Arron off to pick up the reloaded dump truck.

As he swung the unwieldy machine into the gathering gloom behind the Ram Arron discovered another facet of its clunky charm. The old bastard didn't have a single working light. A stop was made but no amount of wire chasing or fender pounding could coax the headlights to life. They resumed their trek with Arron tucked close in behind the Ram. After several jarring near-mishaps they held another conference and developed a system whereby Carl would signal with his horn whenever a particularly bad stretch was coming up. Arron would stop and let the pickup get across. Once over the bad stretch Carl would put the Ram in reverse and illuminate the rough traverse with his backup lights. It was imperfect and the dazzle of the lights hid as much as their light revealed but it was better than nothing.

It was late when Arron abandoned the old dump truck just above their repaired section and piled into the Ram. The girls were long asleep.

Rachel's birthday dawned clear and chilly. The child seemed to have forgotten the significance of the day completely and ran amok with her sibling while the adults breakfasted. As planned Carl invited Rachel to join them at the work site, claiming she could help. The newly four year old swelled up with importance and shot her sister a triumphant grin before running to the tent to get dressed. Jenny had already briefed Lena so the six year old just grinned at her sister's back.

Once on site they puttered around for a while with play work then made up an excuse to drive back to camp.

Rachel was playing in the backseat so she didn't look up till they were nearly back. When she did she gasped and her normally sunny face lit up like a beacon.

Jenny and Lena had done wonders. Several score helium balloons floated above the camp, tethered to whatever would hold them. A huge banner stretched thirty feet between trees and proclaimed 'Happy Birthday Rachel.' The sides of the dining fly had been rolled up and the table cleared of its general clutter. An elaborately decorated little cake held place of honor. Four candles protruded from its surface.

They day was spent in romp and play. After the singing and cake Rachel was given her presents. From her parents she received new pajama's and slippers. Lena proudly stepped forward and presented her sibling with a gaily wrapped box that proved to hold a Viewmaster with a number of disks. This surprised Arron. He watched as the child clicked merrily away. He hadn't even been aware that toy of his youth was still in production.

When it was his turn Arron slipped away and retrieved two items from the Taurus. He came back and laid a brightly colored envelope and a foil wrapped box on the table side by side. It didn't take long for Rachel to notice and she was soon standing beside him. As everyone watched Arron picked up the envelope.

"I actually picked two presents for you honey, but you can only pick one of them. I'm not going to tell you what is in the box but I'm going to let you open this one before you make your choice." He handed the perplexed child the envelope.

She stared at it for a moment then at her uncle. The look of consternation still on her features. Finally she returned her gaze to the envelope and nervously tore it open. Inside was a single narrow strip of paper. She stared at it a moment before handing it to her mother. "What is it mommy?"

Jenny examined the check for a moment then met Arron's gaze before turning to kneel before her daughter. "It's a check for $100.00 baby in your name. It's written to a group of people who feed hungry children."

"Hungry children?", Rachel's nose wrinkled in incomprehension.

"Yes baby, not all people in the world have enough to eat. Children right here in this country go hungry every day because their parents can't afford food."

"So if I pick that those children will get fed?"

"Some of them will."

Rachel looked at her mother then at Arron before turning to stare at the mystery box with longing. Finally she threw her arms around her mother and buried her face in her chest. "I take that. I don't want no hungry children." She seemed on the verge of tears.

Jenny rocked her daughter. Her eyes locked with Arron's over that little dark head and she mouthed 'thank you' at him.

Arron let the mother/daughter embrace continue for a long moment then took up the box and cleared his throat. "I seem to have lost the receipt for this so you may as well have it too."

'It' turned out to be a pair of small but fairly powerful binoculars. Wrapping paper then cardboard flew as Rachel disemboweled the packaging. She was gleefully staring at the nearest tree though them when she suddenly stopped and lowered them. With a flash of inspiration unusual for one so young she spun on her uncle. "You meaned to give them both to me didn't you?"

Arron smiled, "Yes honey I meant to give both to you."

She stamped one little foot, "Then why make me choose?"

Arron dropped to his knees to bring his gaze level with hers. "Because I wanted to teach you something. I wanted to teach you to think of others before yourself."

She digested that for a long moment then threw herself at her uncle. Jenny and Carl beamed as niece and uncle embraced.

They went to the spring and splashed till all were wrinkly and worn out. Jenny sprung her last surprise after they came back. Among her purchases was an ice cream freezer. Given their lack of electricity she had chosen a hand crank model. Carl and Arron took turns on the machine till their arms ached and throbbed. The girl's enjoyed the result immensely however.

That night Arron and the girls enjoyed a little carnal fun with a determined Rachel repeatedly choking herself on Arron's prick. She still couldn't take as much as her sister but the attempts sure were fun from Arron's viewpoint. After he'd painted her tonsils he treated her to a full body tongue bath that left her relaxed and giggly. He and Lena then ganged up to service both ends, their tongues nearly meeting. The four-year-old experience a pillow muffled, shrieking cum that left her plummeting into the land of nod.

After tucking the birthday girl in Arron and Lena fought another round with lips and tongue that left both participants relaxed and sated.

The next day was warm and sunny. Arron and Carl were on site early. Arron started sawing more planks and almost immediately broke the mill. The repair welding took an hour and then they were back at it.

Now that they had decided to build their own fireplaces it was the turn of the east wall. This would actually be two walls. Since they wanted the weight of the fireplaces and chimney to sit atop the foundation they would simply leave a gap and frame up each side of it. The kicked around dimensions before finally settling on 48 inches as the width for the fireplaces. It was a little wide by contemporary standards but what the hell.

They framed both pieces up on the ground as before then used truck and muscle to hoist them up and bolt them in place. They then used nails and diagonal braces to tie each section into the north and south walls respectively. They also used scrap lumber to temporarily tie the separate sections together. Both would be eventually bolted into the solid stone of the chimneys, the scrap braces strengthened them a little in the meantime.

That night they had a long spring romp. Carl and Jenny departed early with eyes only for each other. They were hardly out of sight before the girl's were out of their bathing suits. Arron enjoyed a leisurely whack off as the two vixens ate each other to oblivion. Lena recovered just in time to slip her lips over the head of his prick. She stared into his eyes as she drank his cum.

The next day was cloudy and the temperature again dropped but there was no rain. Pushing ahead they started in on the remaining wall. Like the previous days work this would actually be two walls. The work went quickly with the air filled with the rap of hammers and the whine of the saw. They had the framing finished before eleven but then problems arose. Though it was still dry the wind had built through the morning. It was now gusting to thirty or so mph. Twice they tried to raise the first section only to see it nearly blown over the edge and dashed to pieces both times. Reluctantly they decided to abandon it for the day.

They had stir-fry with a faint Mexican flavor for lunch then set out to do road work. Arron dumped the fresh load of gravel just above their previous stopping point then watched as Carl went to work with the tractor. Convinced that his sibling had the hang of it he fired up the Ram and drove several miles down the road to where a tiny watercourse paralleled the road. Careful not to denude any one location he began the arduous job of lugging flat rocks up the bank and heaving them into the bed of the pickup.

He had the area behind the fuel barrels perhaps half full when he realized he could no longer hear the distant snarl of the tractor. He rested a long moment then climbed up in the cab. If Carl was done he could damn well help hump rocks.

When he pulled into view of the repair area fully half of the rock pile remained. Puzzled he threw the truck into park and climbed out. He was wondering if perhaps Carl had driven back to camp for something when he noticed a patch of grass on one side of the road torn out to the clay base. Several overhanging branches hung freshly splintered as well. He took two steps forward before he noticed the horizontal tractor lug peering over the verge like a thick table.

In a panic Arron scrambled down the slope. The tractor was on its side at the bottom of the weed choked ditch. Carl lay underneath it, jammed between the transmission and the rocky soil. Fearfully Arron checked for a pulse. He breathed a deep sigh of relief when he found one. A more thorough survey revealed that Carl was not tightly wedged beneath the transmission. The front and rear tires were holding the machine off the ground and creating a gap beneath it. Carl was held snugly but he was not being crushed. The floorboard was another matter. It was shoved hard into Carl's hip and was pressing him into the ground. Arron vaulted out of the ditch and sprinted to the truck. He was back with a shovel in under a minute. It took ten minutes of careful work to free Carl from his iron prison. Once he'd drug his sibling free Arron tried to revive Carl to no avail. He gave up after a minute or so and taking a grip under Carl's armpits staggered up the slope backwards, dragging his brother behind him.

Once he had Carl in the truck Arron faced another dilemma. To drive back to camp and inform Jenny would take precious time that Carl might well need. To not do so would certainly subject the woman and the girl's to a night of terrible anxiety. Worse, Jenny might come looking for them and come to harm in the process.

He was still feverishly kicking around the alternatives when he remembered the radio. They hadn't really used the little units much since they were purchased but Arron had dutifully kept the batteries charged. One of them was on the dashboard of the truck. Arron grabbed it, hoping against hope that its partner back at camp was on.

"Jenny, this is Arron. Can you here me. Jenny answer if you can here me!"

He released the button and wiped the sweat from his brow. It was still quite cool but he was dripping. The sweat had the sour smell of fear. He clicked the button again. "Jenny pick up, it's important. Jenny please pick up the radio."

Twice more he called. Swearing, he was about to toss the radio on to the dash of the truck when a giggly voice came through loud and clear.

"Mom's busy uncle Arron but I'll chat with you."

"Lena I don't have time to chat. Get your mother now!"

Something of his tone penetrated because the answer was a terse, "Ok!"

A minute passed then Jenny came on the radio, "Arron what is it?"

"There's been an accident Jenny. The tractor rolled over on Carl. I've got him in the truck and he's breathing. I'm going to head down the mountain with him. I need you to get on a cell phone and call 911. Have an ambulance meet me at the blacktop."

Expecting all manner of blubbering he released the button.

The only answer was a worried, "Roger. Be careful." He could hear the children beginning to wail in the background before she stopped transmitting.

He drove as quickly as he could without going airborne. He slowed on the truly bad patches to ease the pounding on his injured brother. Behind them the load of rock slithered and rumbled as they slid around the bed.

He tore across the ford in a sheet of spray and picked up speed on the far side. Beside him Carl groaned and mumbled but did not wake up. Tree's blurred into a green carpet as the Ram thundered down the narrow dirt lanes. Dirt and gravel flew as he slid through the corners.

Arron was focusing half of his attention on his driving and half on the condition of his brother. Carl was showing more animation, but still had not awakened. On occasion he'd mumble something that almost sounded intelligible. It was after a particularly loud outburst that Arron drug his eyes back to the road just in time to stand on the brakes. Shuddering and shedding dirt and rubber the truck protested its way to a halt. When the dust settled exactly eleven inches separated the grill of Bobby Weavers Forest Service truck and the macho proboscis of the Ram.

The two drivers stared at each other for a moment, both pale from how close they'd come to a backwoods head-on collision. The Ranger then threw his truck in reverse and cranked the wheel hard. Scattering brush and low lying branches the Rangers truck buried its bed in the heavy growth along the roads verge before taking off the way it came, fishtailing as it spewed gravel from both rear tires. The yellow light on top rotated in warning. Who the hell was supposed to see it was a matter of conjecture.

Arron took off in the wake of the Ranger, grateful for the escort even if the need was doubtful. He stole a glance at his brother. The belts had kept Carl out of the dash during the panic stop but he had submarined slightly, slipping lower in the seat. With one hand Arron tugged him to a more upright position.

When the dusty Forest Service truck bypassed the turnoff that led to the blacktop Arron slowed and almost abandoned the Ranger. The debate raged a scant second then he was accelerating to close the gap. They went on for a few hundred yards then brake lights flared in the dust ahead. Ranger Weaver turned into the material yard, Arron slowed and followed. In the big open space an air ambulance sat with its clamshell rear doors open and the rotors turning. Two white coated paramedics were rushing his way with a stretcher before the pickup halted.

The man and woman were professionals. Before Arron could unbuckle and climb out they had Carl out of the truck and on the stretcher. Bobby Weaver had come up to join him and as the two watched the stretcher was raised and slid into the chopper. The female paramedic followed. The male rushed up to Arron with a clipboard and fired off a series of questions. He answered the best that he could then the man was gone. A moment later the helicopter lifted off with a rising shriek, dust and bits of grass pelted the watchers as it pivoted and, nose down, headed north.

After the chopper had vanished beyond the trees Bobby Weaver turned to Arron. "What happened?" It was a simple, no nonsense question.

Arron shook his head. "I don't know. He was spreading rock. I headed down the road to do some other stuff. When I came back maybe 45 minutes-an hour later he was in the ditch with the tractor on top of him."

"He an experienced tractor operator?"

"No, I don't think he'd been near a tractor before a few days ago. This was only his second time on it."

"And you left him!" The burly Ranger bristled.

Arron looked down at the ground and felt more miserable, "He seemed to have the hang of it."

The Ranger, seeing Arron's obvious contrition, deflated. He sighed then clapped Arron on the shoulder. "Hell, we're all adults here and accidents happen." He motioned to where the Ram sat with the drivers door still open, it's idiot alarm going 'ding-dong,ding-dong' in protest over the key being left in the ignition. "You going into Avery to see how he's doing?"

Arron jerked a nod. "Yeah, I need to let his wife and kids know something."

The two men shook hands then Arron climbed into the Ram and pulled out of the yard.

He drove on autopilot, arriving in Avery shortly after four. He was going to stop and ask where they hospital was when his eye fell on one of the familiar blue emergency signs. He followed it and a trail of others to a small but modern facility set back in a grove of pines. There was a helicopter pad out front but no sign of the air ambulance that had carried Carl. Arron assumed the units were in demand in this rugged area. Doubtless it was already off on another errand of mercy. Of course it might not seem like mercy when the bill arrived.

Arron inquired at the Emergency desk. A pretty girl with a nervous smile and not a clue as to what she was doing fumbled with the computer for a moment before calling another one over. This one, middle aged but hard bodied, made a spare dozen keystrokes before meeting Arron's gaze.

"Carl Winters is out of the emergency room but he's in ICU. Doctor Berringer can tell you about his condition. If you'll have a seat I'll page him."

Arron took a seat in the nearly empty waiting room. A half dozen people sat around in various stages of animation. About half were children with an assortment of aches and booboos. The balance were parents of children with aches and booboos. He'd barely started on the financial form clueless brought him when he heard a deep baritone voice.

"Mr. Winters."

Doctor Berringer was 30ish, black, and had the fit look of someone who worked out regularly. Arron stood and took the proffered hand.

"First off let me say your brother is going to be fine. We did a CAT-scan. He has a very minor concussion but nothing to worry about. There was some bruising of the internal organs and two ribs were cracked. Again, all of that is fully recoverable." The doctor led the way as the two of them pushed through a set of swinging doors and down a hallway.

"If it wasn't for the bruising we'd let him go tomorrow. As it is I'd like to keep him in ICU for at least several days. Bruised organs have been known to start bleeding with little warning and there's no reason to take a risk."

They stopped at a four-way intersection. A different Intensive Care room lay at each corner with a monitoring station like an island in the middle. A large, wire reinforced window showed Carl lying on a bed. Various monitoring instruments were hooked to him and an IV dripped fluid into one arm.

"He wouldn't wake up," Arron said.

The doctor nodded. "Probably the concussion. I understand he woke up on the helicopter. We have him sedated right now. It'll be at least four hours before you can talk to him."

Arron thanked the doctor and began looking for a phone. Anxious to duck clueless and her forms he made his way to the admittance desk. There was a bank of phones near the door.

With the money in the phone and his finger poised over the keypad Arron realized that he did not know Carl's cell phone number. He stood stupidly for a moment then began to dial his own. The phone was in his tent, maybe it would raise enough racket to be heard.

He'd dialed the last digit and was listening to the clicking of the exchange when he remembered that he left his phone off to conserve the battery. He was about to hang up when it began to ring.

Jenny answered before the first trill had fairly begun, she must have gathered up both phones and kept a vigil on them.

"Hello, Arron? Is that you?"

"Yes Jenny, its me---"

She cut him off, "How is he?" There was no desperation in her voice but from the tone she wasn't that far from it.

"He's beat up a little but he's going to be fine." He went on to relay the doctors prognosis. As he spoke he could almost hear the tension flow out of the woman in the forest.

He concluded with, "I'm going to stay until he wakes up at least. After I talk to him I'll probably come on back."

After hanging up he ducked out the door. There was a Wendys across the street.

A nurses aide was walking Carl back from the toilet when Arron finally got in to see his brother. He helped the stocky woman ease the groggy man back into bed then stood back and grinned. "You don't drive worth a shit."

Carl sleepily returned the grin. "Man I don't have any idea what happened." He wiped a tubing and wire laden arm over his brow. The aide frowned as the movement disrupted her efforts to hook him back into the monitors. Carl continued, "Everything was going fine. Hell I was having fun. Then bang, all of a sudden the sky starts to tilt." He shook his head then winced as the movement incited protests from his abused body. "Next thing I know I'm in a helicopter with a sadist trying to stick a needle in my arm."

Arron nodded. "I came back and found the tractor in the ditch and you under it. Kind'a scared be bro. I don't have enough brothers to just toss one away."

Carl managed to grin and look contrite at the same time. "Sorry, did I booger up the tractor much?"

"I didn't notice."

"What the hell are we going to tell the Forest Service."

"They already know. I guess the 911 people called them."

Carl nodded. He sank back into the bed. His eyes were drooping again. Arron waited till he was asleep then gave him a gentle squeeze on the shoulder and slipped out of the room.

It was dawn when the Ram began climbing the final hill toward camp. The heater was off and both windows open to the 40 something chill in an effort to keep the fatigued driver awake. Tired as he was the small gathering of yellow rotating beacons was hard to ignore.

He eased the pickup to a stop alongside where Bobby Weaver stood. Beyond them a big boom truck was easing the stranded tractor from the ditch. Several other Forest Service vehicles sat about but no one else seemed to be doing anything useful.

He watched the activity for a moment then turned to the Ranger. "Don't you ever sleep?"

The Ranger grinned and shot a stream of tobacco juice into the ditch. "I'll catch up when I'm an old fart. How is he?"

"Banged up. He's going to be fine though."

"That's good."

"They want to keep him in Intensive Care for several days. The doctor said there's no reason to take chances."

"Hah! That means they discovered he has gooooood insurance."

They shared a laugh at that.

Bone weary, Arron begged off further conversation and urged the truck on up the hill. The camp glistened under a layer of dew. Nothing moved. He made his way to his tent. It didn't surprise him to find it empty. Pausing only to pull off his boots he crawled into his sleeping bad and surrendered to oblivion.

He was awoken around noon by Jenny calling his name. From the strident tone of her voice his sleepy brain surmised she'd been trying for some time. He struggled from his bag and crawled to the door of the tent. He unzipped it just enough to stick his head out.

Jenny was dressed in slacks and blouse. Hardly normal camp attire. A purse dangled from one are. "I'm going into Avery to see Carl. Can you watch the girls?"

Tired brain tried to shift, gears whined in protest and smoke rose from somewhere. Arron stared stupidly at Jenny. Tired brain clutched and tried again. Gears protested but finally meshed with a jerk. Arron stared stupidly at Jenny and blinked.

"Arron do you hear me!"

Tired brain picked another hear and tried again. Protesting, machinery began to turn. Arron mopped his face with one hand. "Sure Jenny I can watch the kids, no problem," he croaked. "That road is pretty rough though and you don't have very much experience driving the truck."

"I can handle it."

"Are you sure?"

She had been nervously wringing her hands now she dropped them to her sides and pulled herself up another inch. The look she gave him could have pitted stainless. "Arron Winters do you think I'm fragile or incompetent?"

He remembered her up in the branches of fallen pines lopping limbs like a beaver. "No Jenny I don't think your either fragile or incompetent."


They stared at each other for a long moment and then Jenny said, "Well?"

He'd missed something. Brain was not sure what. "Well what?"

She sighed, "The keys."

"Oh yeah." He fumbled in his pockets then handed across the keys to the truck. He still had misgivings about her going but before he could fumble up any more arguments she had said bye to the girls and walked off. He heard the Ram clank to life and then move off. The sound was gone in less than a minute.

Cursing, he pulled his boots on and staggered from the tent. The girl's were sprawled on a blanket in front of their parents tent. They had their crayons out and were each working on opposite pages of the same coloring book.

He stumbled to the fire pit. A blackened coffee pot still held some of the morning brew. He poured what was left into a chipped mug and settled down to baby sit.

Baby sit was exactly what he did. Worry over their father left neither child in a mood for anything more. That was good because Arron's guilt was back and nagging at him hard. He fixed a simple, early supper that all munched through with little enthusiasm. Afterwards they gathered towels and toiletries and trooped down to the spring. They washed then splashed a little but no one's heart was really in it so they trudged back to camp.

The girls made no real objection to calling it an early night so at dusk they all crawled into Arron's tent. They girl's might have remained awake for a while but if so Arron knew nothing about it.

The next morning he made pancakes from a mix and fried some sausage links to go with it. After breakfast he gathered up the girls and they wondered down to where the tractor had been.

To his surprise it was still there, though upright now. The dump truck remained as well, still parked where he had left it. He had half expected the Forest Service to take their equipment back and rescind their unofficial use agreement after the accident. He wondered over and examined the machine. Dirt and clumps of grass clung here and there where it had lain in the ditch but there seemed little damage. Closer examination revealed a crushed and punctured oil filter and a crumpled fender. The engine cover had also been bent. He examined the shovel and box blade but both of these seemed to have come through with no harm.

A rolled down paper sack sat on the drivers seat. He opened it. Inside were a new oil filter and a spray can of forest green paint. That was plain, you broke it, you fix it.

He wondered over to the ditch. He was puzzled at first by a large area that had been dug out with shovels, much larger than the small excavation he'd made freeing Arron. He was still scratching his head when the faint stink of diesel fuel wafted under his nose. The overturned tractor had leaked fuel and the contamination had been dug out. Arron remembered back to his youth when old motor oil had been routinely sprayed onto dirt roads to keep the dust down, times change.

He went back to the tractor. He had no tools but on impulse tried the mangled filter. It held fast a moment then began to slowly turn in his hand. Resistance dropped till he could spin it off. He lubed the gasket on the new filter with some of the oil still leaking from the old one and spun it down tight. A few tugs on the crumpled fender yielded no results but a little prying with a fallen branch managed to get it far enough out of the tire to allow the tractor to be driven. He checked the oil and fuel. There was still plenty of the former but the fuel was only a faint glimmer at the bottom of the tank. Still, it wouldn't require much to reach camp.

He boosted the girls onto either fender and fired the machine up. It protested and clanked brutally for a moment till the oil filter filled then settled down to only the normal amount of fuss. He selected second gear and high range and they were off. The girls giggled at the novel experience for the entire ride back to camp. If it occurred to either of them that this was the machine that had injured their father it didn't show.

Back at camp Arron used a hammer to beat out the fender and engine cover. Once he was satisfied he applied several coats of paint to the repairs. He also noticed that the battery had leaked some while the machine had been on its side. He washed the acid residue off then topped the battery with spring water. A coat of forest green on the areas damaged by the acid rounded out the work.

The wondered over to look at the house and then back to camp for a lunch of sandwiches and chips. They were just clearing away the debris when the Ram clanked up the hill and pulled to a stop.

Jenny was ecstatic. Carl was indeed alright and already pining to leave his bed. The doctors wanted to keep him at least another few days however and she had convinced him to stay. Her glowing optimism spread quickly to the girls, dispelling the last of their gloom. Soon they were racing and ripping through camp, once again a hazard to all and sundry.

Arron pulled the Ram up alongside the tractor and used the hand pump to top off its tank. He then drove out to the house site and tossed off the half load of rock he'd collected for the fireplaces. Those rocks had been to Avery twice now and he thought that quite enough travel.

Once back at camp he grabbed a cold beer then took the tractor back down the hill. The half-spread pile of gravel still waited though a number of tire tracks now decorated the verges. Using the loader and box blade he made short work out of packing it into the washes and gullies and spreading it smooth. He considered going for another load but the afternoon was wearing on and coming back after dark in a dump truck with no lights was not his idea of a good time.

They had a supper of stew and hot muffins with brownies for desert. As the girls were licking chocolate from their fingers Jenny announced that she would be going back into Avery tomorrow. Arron wisely said nothing.

They had a long spring romp, much longer than usual, first Rachel then Lena turned sleepy and grumpy. They were bundled up and sent up the hill. As Arron was pulling on his own robe Jenny approached. Her wrap gaped as she moved exposing a smooth thigh almost to her waist. The garment closed a second later hiding that treasure. He'd seen much more of her just minutes before in the spring but somehow this game of peek-a-boo got his hormones churning the way simple bare flesh did not.

She reached out and placed a slender hand on his arm and smiled at him. "I wanted to thank you for watching the girls. You've been very good to me and Carl and I wanted you to know how much we appreciate it, how much I appreciate it."

She took a half step closer, close enough that Arron could feel the heat from her body. Her fingers squeezed his arm before sliding slowly up to his shoulder. "You've worked so hard, so very, very hard." Her voice had dropped till it was a husky whisper. In the dim light her eyes twinkled like luminous stars.

Warning sirens went off in Arron's head and he backed a step, breaking the contact, "Jenny I-"

She stepped closer again and smiled, "Arron-"

He backed another step, nearly tripping over a root. "I'm pretty bushed. I think I'll call it a night", he blurted. Turning, he fled the spring. Branches whipped at him as her hurriedly made his way through the woods toward camp. Shit, he knew he was thick headed some times but he wasn't that fucking thick headed. His own sister-in-law had just tried to seduce him, fuck! By the time he reached camp his pulse was returning to normal and a little of his own hypocrisy was rising up to taunt him. 'You'll fuck around with your brother's daughters but not his wife. Fucking tower of virtue you are'. He made his way to his empty tent and lay awake a long time.

Jenny was distant and terse the next day. She slammed pots and pans as she prepared a quick breakfast. The girls seemed oblivious but the tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. The two adults had exchanged less than a dozen words before Jenny climbed into the Ram and headed back into Avery. Troubled, Arron watched her drive off. He shook his head as the truck vanished, 'Hell hath no fury'.

The girls were not troubled at all. On the contrary the assurance that daddy was going to be fine had fully restored their impetuous playfulness, in all regards. The clatter of the Ram's Cummins engine was still echoing through the trees when they started to strip. Rachel was naked first. She stepped up to where Arron sat on a log and pushed her bald little twat right into his face. When he didn't respond fast enough to that stimulus she started to hunch his nose. In the meantime, Lena had squatted down and unzipped his pants. In seconds her experienced fingers had slipped his cock from his pants. He groaned into Rachel's soft flesh as the hot, wet ring of the six-year-old's mouth slid over his cock.

He was only flesh, slowly his hands came up to caress and knead the four-year-old's soft, smooth, little buttocks as his tongue slid out to tickle the wet, smoothness of her baby pussy. As Lena's head began to bounce he pried open the delicious little cunt and began to probe the gooey interior. Lena's blond locks flew as she picked up the pace. Little choking sounds slipped out as her uncles dick hit the back of her throat on each down stroke.

Rachel was quivering and moaning but still had not cum when Arron's cock blew a load of hot spunk down her sisters sucking throat. Lena rode the flood, swallowing each pulse as it filled her mouth. When the flow finally stopped she let her uncles softening prick slip from her mouth then rocked back on her heels and licked the few stray drops from her lips.

She rested only a moment before leaning forward and shoving her face between Rachel's soft, four-year-old cheeks. Rachel squealed as her elder sisters tongue circled her little anus then forced its way inside. Molested at both ends, the tiny child was soon rocketing to an explosive orgasm that jolted through her small body and left her twitching as if she'd just grabbed a 220 volt line.

He eased her to the ground then shoved Lena onto her back. She squeaked as he lifted her legs then pushed her ankles back to her thin shoulders, exposing her little twat and ass. He attacked both like a famished man at a banquet. Soon the child was squealing as he repeatedly sucked and probed her tight little cunt and butt. As her squeals grew closer together he lifted her off the ground and draped her thin legs over his shoulders. Tilting her pelvis up, he pushed between those soft, smooth cheeks and drove his tongue deep into her six-year-old butt. Her ass sucked at his tongue as he drove it in and out. He slid his hands up her flanks. One went on to gently stroke her stomach and ribs while the other detoured to her tiny twat and began to fuck in and out.

Lena's screams had been growing louder but abruptly they quieted and took on a muffled tone. Keeping his face between Lena's cheeks, Arron looked up to discover that Rachel had recovered, more than recovered the little witch wanted more and had mounted her sister's face to get it. He watched the flesh of her smooth back tense and relax as she rode her older siblings tongue. He continued to eat bald twat but freed a hand to reach down and began whacking his dick. He watched Rachel to gage her how close she was to cuming then varied the strokes of his own hand and tongue to try and bring them all off together. He almost made it. The two children went one-two. The site of then writhing in ecstasy drove him over the edge. With a roar he dropped Lena's legs to the ground and stood. Whacking furiously he sprayed the two little girls with smelly cum.

The three of them finally trudged out to the house site. Both children were naked. Arron did have the presence of mind to insist they at least bring clothes with them. It wouldn't do at all for Jenny to return and find both her daughters naked. That would take more than a bit of explaining.

He found more make work for the girls then climbed up to examine the job site. Both parts of the west wall were still on the ground and that's where they were going to stay. Arron couldn't possibly erect them alone. After a moment he wondered over to the east wall. The gap where the fireplace and chimney would be caught his eye. He did have a half load of rock. He carefully stepped out onto the bare floor joists and pigeon walked over to the opening. Once there he squatted and thought. The solid stone of the old foundation would bear the majority of the weight but some portion of the heavy stonework, the hearth in particular, was going to rest on the wood of the floor. That seemed to call for reinforcement.

Decision made, he climbed down. He did a quick check and found the girls playing a short distance away, work forgotten. He grinned and started digging through the odds and ends of sawn planks that were piled around the saw. Once he'd made his selections he fired up the mill and went to work. He made a mental note to pick up a circular saw on the next trip into Avery. They had a lot of cutting ahead of them and no matter how proud he was of his home built mill he'd be the first to admit it wasn't very handy for the lighter work.

It took several hours with hammer and drill with frequent stops to check on the status of his 'helpers' but finally Arron had the wood prepared to his satisfaction. The three joists that would bear the load now had diagonal braces firmly nailed to their bottoms. These were in turn bolted solid into the walls a few feet down. The latter had been tricky balanced on a ladder fifteen feet above the basement floor but he'd managed. Finally he'd actually ripped some one inch planks and laid a small portion of floor, about the footprint of one oversized fireplace.

He gathered up the girls and they trudged back to camp. Arron was no culinary genius so he kept it simple. Peanut butter and jelly on white actually made a fairly palatable lunch, at least the girls didn't complain. The protests came when he would have ushered them all back to the house side so he could get back to work. The children were of a mind that lunch wasn't complete without a desert course, and the pastries they had in mind were fat pervert dick and bald baby twat. He didn't require much convincing and so another half hour slipped by while they daisy chained on a thick blanket beside the fire.

Once all had recovered Arron gathered up the masonry kit he'd purchased and the book he'd borrowed and herded his charges back out to the house site. He'd already read through most of the book once but browsed it again before setting to work.

One of the problems was cement, portland cement had lime in it, lot's of lime. Lime did not like heat. Anyone who'd ever tossed a chunk of limestone in a fire knew what generally followed. At best it snapped and popped alarmingly. At worst you could have a mini explosion violent enough to toss burning logs several feet, not the sort of thing you wanted in a fireplace. There was a special cement that could be used but they had none of it. Luckily the book mentioned a good alternative, it was cheap, abundantly available and would give the girls something genuinely useful to do that they would probably enjoy.

He talked to the girls and soon they were enthusiastically digging a mud puddle a dozen yards down the hill. The West Virginia soil was heavy in clay, which was just what the doctor ordered for gluing together a fireplace. A good hot fire would bake the clay rock hard, ensuring a trouble free bond for years.

He watched the girls long enough to make sure they were pulling the bits of loam, branches, and small rocks from the soil before mixing in the water then started humping rocks up the hill.

He decided to lay the hearth first and began to lay the flattest of the river rocks out on the freshly planked section of floor. It was sort of like working a jigsaw puzzle only here you got to cheat. When a rock didn't fit well a little work with the stone cutting kit generally improved its disposition remarkably. A deft touch was required, he broke several rocks before discovering that the blows had to be delivered just so. Even with this he had a nice, square hearth laid out by the time Lena struggled up the hill with the first bucket of clay.

Arron looked up and bit his cheeks to avoid laughing. The naked child was covered from the neck down in thick brown mud. She looked as if she'd been dipped. He solemnly took the proffered container. She seemed so proud that there was no way he was going to make a disparaging comment.

He carefully moved the rocks aside and smeared on a thick layer of the clay then began to carefully piece the stones back into position. Each one was pushed down till a good squeeze out spurted up at the joints then carefully leveled to its neighbors. Lena kept the buckets coming and Arron kept laying rock. The setting and leveling went much slower than the initial fitting and it was late afternoon before the entire hearth was down.

A few last passes with a trowel smoothed the joints and removed excess mud then he covered the fresh stone work with plastic sheet and gathered up his tools and helpers.

The first stop was the spring. So dirty were the girls that the entire pool was clouded over within minutes. Once all were clean they trudged back to the camp. Empty stomachs were growling so food was the first order of business. Arron stoked up the fire got some coffee going then fired up the camp stove. There was ground beef in a cooler and hamburger helper in a box. As a bachelor he wasn't entirely helpless, he managed to stagger through the preparation without major mishap. The girls seemed to enjoy the results, at least they pitched into it with enthusiasm and cleaned their plates.

Arron was looking forward to a beer and a few leisurely cigarettes around the fire. The girls had other plans however. Their stomachs were full and they were reasonably clean, in their play book that meant it was time for sex. "Cums," yelled Rachel as she shoved her bare little twat in his face. It was a request no self respecting pervert could deny.

It was still fairly warm but a cold breeze had come up so they adjourned into the tent. Arron left the door open and the late afternoon sun bathed the children's bare bodies as they teamed up to pull his pants down. Lena leered up at him as she slowly slid her lips over his hard dick, taking him into the tight, hot cavern of her six year old mouth. Rachel bounced on her toes and watched her older sister suck dick as Arron caressed the rounded softness of her snow white bottom.

He eased down till he was sitting on a sleeping bag. Lena followed his movement, keeping his prick inside her bobbing mouth. Arron gently caressed her silky black hair as their eyes met over his rampant prick. He reclined till his head found a pillow then swept Rachel atop him. The four year old giggled down at him as he picked her up and dropped her chubby thighs astride his face. The rounded whiteness of her baby pussy descending toward his mouth was one of the prettiest sights he had ever beheld.

The world went away for awhile. All that existed was the tasty little slot that he caressed and probed, the soft thighs that alternately clutched and released his face, the hot, wet mouth that was questing for its creamy reward.

"You fucking perverted son of a bitch!" The angry voice was a buzz saw cutting through the walls of nirvana. It trembled, its owner barely in control.

Arron's heart dropped. His tongue slithered from Rachel's pussy as the child stood and turned, "Mommy", her voice quavered in fear.

Jenny stood in the open door, a quivering tower of rage. Arron's pistol was gripped inexpertly in her hands but it was centered on his chest. Suddenly fearful for Rachel, Arron pushed her aside, out of the line of fire. Lena still squatted, his wet and now wilting dick in her hand. She stared up at her mother with a look of shock, her mouth open and gaping.

Rachel rose to her knees and began to sob, her gaze going from Arron to her mother and back again. Rachel's sobs finally brought Lena from her trance, with a glance at Arron she scrambled over his legs and went to comfort her sister. Satisfied that the children were safe he closed his eyes and waited for the bullet.

He felt nothing, only a vast empty void. Somewhere there was regret for the things that had passed and those that now never would. There were other warring emotions, relief and acceptance foremost. Relief that the thing he had dreaded had come to pass. Acceptance of the consequences. These things were far away however and actually troubled him little. The emptiness took center stage, he was a corpse waiting for release.

When it didn't come he eased open one eye. Jenny still stood in the door, her gaze on the pair of sobbing children in one corner. The pistol was still centered but it had begun to sag a little. Her face was a mask, rage was there but it wasn't alone. Arron tried to read her and found he could not.

As if sensing his inspection Jenny jerked her eyes back to him. The pistol came back up as well. They stared at each other for a long moment, hateful eyes meeting sorrowful ones. This pistol slowly came down again till it was pointed at the floor. "Get out!" Jenny hissed, "get the fuck out." Her voice was a low whisper on the last."

Without comment Arron rolled into a squat. He retrieved his pants then crawled for the door. Jenny stepped aside to give him a wide berth, as if he was contagious and she wanted no part of his affliction.

Outside he pulled his pants on and then turned back to the tent but the door was now shut. He stood for a long moment in indecision then turned and walked away.

The Ram's keys were on the picnic table but the truck was not in sight. With nothing else to do he scooped them up and headed for the road. He found the machine two-hundred yards down the hill. Jenny had dropped a wheel into the deep center ravine. That explained why they had not heard her approach. He took a deep breath and trudged down to it. He circled the stranded beast but it seemed unharmed. Dirt was thrown up around the back tires where she had tried to free it. He looked at the fronts but saw no similar pattern. Shaking his head, he locked in the hubs then climbed into the cab.

He only had to rock it twice before the Ram came free from its clay prison. Slowly he drove up the hill. His mind working at one issue, 'what now?'. By the time he had parked he had reached a decision. A trial would be bad for all concerned. It would be rough on Carl and Jenny but it would be a nightmare for the children. Nor could he walk away, Jenny would not allow that, neither would Carl once he was in the know. There was really one acceptable solution. There would be sorrow, at least on the part of the children but less than with the other paths. It was the best of a bad lot. All that remained was the mechanism.

Jenny still had his pistol so that was out. He wondered through camp trying for inspiration. Finally a thought occurred. He searched through his pockets till he found the keys to the Taurus. The car hadn't been started in months and was probably dead but it worth a shot.

The drivers door creaked when he opened it. A vagrant neuron took a note to put some oil on it and was laughed down by its fellows. The engine turned once and stopped. He waited a long moment and tried again. More enthusiasm this time, once twice, then it caught.

He gently worked the gas, allowing the dormant engine to clear its throat then backed up and pointed the nose toward the road. As the old wagon pulled off it left a dead square of grass behind and four patches where suddenly exposed worms and other crawlies writhed in the light. If he'd noticed he would probably have felt empathy for them.

He straddled the rut and eased down the hill. He pulled off behind the dump truck and left the engine running. Rummaging in the back produced lots of junk and one old dryer vent hose. It was a little large but he found several rags that would make passable gaskets. He slipped the hose over the wagon's burbling exhaust pipe then stuffed the rags in around it. The other end was just long enough to reach the crack he'd left in the glass of the rear door.

He got back into the car, locked the doors then reclined the seat. He tried to relax but his mind, till now dormant, insisted on flashing images before his eyes. Some were of Carl, Jenny and the girls but others were of places and people well in the past. He remembered the widowed campground owner in North Dakota. A tight lipped old battleaxe in her fifties, bitter and cynical. She'd eyed the vagabond in the battered old wagon with a jaundiced and untrusting eye but had excepted his offer to fix the place up in trade for a campsite. He'd slaved for weeks, fixing plumbing, repairing faulty wiring, replacing rotten wood. As he worked and sweated the distrust had slowly sloughed away. She took to bringing him drinks and sandwiches. In the evenings they talked, sometimes for hours. Within a month they were lovers. He'd spent a long passionate summer there. A vagrant in love with the world and a woman in her sunset years who'd thought love behind her. He'd screwed her silly for three wonderful months. When he'd told her he had to go she'd withdrawn again. Wrapped in her armor she hadn't even stepped from the office to watch him leave.

He remembered the girl in Niagara. A waitress, she'd took him home and kept him for a month. No-, that had been in Yellowstone. The girl from Niagara had been the one-. He couldn't remember, that was funny. He'd always had a great memory. A name floated up, Sandy, a face, it didn't really match the name. Sandies should be petit and blond with short bob hairdos. The Sandy his memory produced was big boned with an impressive chest and wide hips. Her face had been long, too long to be really pretty and surrounded by a halo of red hair. She'd cooked killer omelets and given head like a vacuum pump. He'd met her in-. Damn couldn't remember again. He was too tired to think. Needed a nap, that was it, a long nap then he'd remember. A long nap...

He dreamed, at least he though he did. At first it was nice with pretty colors but then the colors turned ugly and jarring sound roared in. He heard a voice, he couldn't understand it but it was excited and kept trying to tell him something. Then something smashed and the colors went red and sick green. He was being tugged, pulled somewhere but the colors wouldn't let him see. There was suddenly pain but he couldn't tell from where, first it seemed behind his eyes then it was in his hands. Each time he tried to localize it it went flitting away.

The voice was back, closer, almost understandable. It seemed to be crying. The colors muted then flared back. An imperative came, an order from the dark. He opened his eyes to find himself on his hands and knees alongside the car. Jenny was tugging at him, trying to get him to his feet. She was sobbing, saying something. Her hot tears were falling on his back. He turned his head and looked up at her then back down at the suddenly spinning road. With a lurch and a groan he spewed steaming vomit all over hard packed West Virginia clay.

Once his stomach was empty Jenny propped him up against the car and went away for a while. She came back with a damp rag and bathed his face, wiping away the sweat and filth. She was still sniffling but the words she said between now made sense.

"You dumb son of a bitch. You stupid, self centered son of a bitch. How could you do this to those children."

He assumed she was talking about molesting them but her next words put the lie to that.

"How do you think they'd have felt when we pulled your body out of the car. You dumb bastard."

Indignation flared from somewhere. He brushed her hand away, "That's why I drove down the damned mountain."

She smacked his hand down unmollified. "Oh, they'd have been happier at your funeral then huh. Two little girls staring at a waxy corpse in a polished box. Crying their little hearts out while strangers tsked and said quaint things like 'poor dears'. She spat the last out like machinegun bullets.

Arron flared back, his head throbbed like a gong and that probably didn't boost his tact. "You think they'll enjoy testifying Jenny? You think they'll like it when some ogress from Child Protection stands up with a little doll and says, 'did he touch you here?' Do you fucking think they'll like it when a reporter sticks a microphone in their face and asks if 'that monster' hurt them. I bet they'll fucking love that." He tried to stand but fell back down on his rump, his head flared anew. "You should have left me in the fucking car."

Jenny had rocked back on her heels and bit her lip. He'd scored a hit. "It doesn't have to come to that."

Arron tried again and this time made his feet. "You're right. You call the sheriff. Get him up here. I'll admit everything, sign a confession, whatever they want. Maybe we can keep it out of the press for the girls sake."

He took several shaky steps then turned to look back at her. "If I'm not in cuffs by tomorrow I'll pack and leave. But you can still have that confession whenever you want. Right now, I want to sleep." He turned and began to make his slow, painful way back up to camp.

When he awoke it was full dark and a chill had crept into the tent. His head throbbed painfully and his stomach emptily. He fumbled around till he found pants and a shirt then crawled out to stand on the cold, wet grass. The camp was dark, Jenny's tent sealed against the chill.

He found sandwich fixings and Tylenol in the dining fly. Working as quietly as possible he made up a ham and cheese and chased it and the pills with warm beer. He tiptoed past Jenny's tent and pulled a towel and a robe from the clothesline. He started to head for the Taurus for some clean underwear then remembered the damned car was still at the bottom of the hill. Fuck it, he'd do without.

He didn't realize till he reached the wood line that he'd forgotten a light. The walk through the forest was eerie and surreal but after a time he smelled sulfur and heard the gurgling of the runoff.

He'd already stripped and hung his clothes before a voice came from the darkness. "So the child molester needs a bath." It was Jenny, her voice was slurred.

He paused for a second, debating leaving, but he really did want that bath. He finished hanging his clothes then turned and eased into the hot water. "That's right. The child molester needs a bath."

She moved and he finally spotted her on the far side of the spring. "Think it'll wash the guilt away?" Something glinted in the moonlight. It was a bottle. He realized that she was drunk, very drunk.

He squatted till the hot water came up to his neck. "No Jenny, nothing can do that."

There was a splash as Jenny tried to slip off the rock she was on and fell instead. She came up giggling, bottle still in hand. "I was pissed when you turned me down you know. I actually feel better now knowing you only like 'em young. Guess I'm not that ugly after all."

"You're not ugly at all Jenny and I like adult women as well as any man. That's not why I turned you down."

"Then why?"

"Because you are my brother's wife."

She had been taking another swig from the bottle. She pulled it away so abruptly that liquor sprayed across the pool. "Hah", it was an angry explosion. "You won't fuck your brother's wife but you'll screw his pre-teen daughters."

"I never-I never had intercourse with either of the girls."

"Bullshit, Lena's hymens gone! I checked!"

"An accident with a finger. Didn't you ask her about it."

She waved the bottle around, "Couldn't get anything out of either one of them. All they did was cry." She looked back at him. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why didn't you fuck 'em. You're a pervert, you get off on that shit remember."

"I didn't because their too small and I didn't want to hurt them."

"Hurt them!," the shout echoed across the pool. "Fucking hurt them! You don't think having a sexual relationship with two girls 4 and 6 fucking hurt them. There are other kinds of hurt Arron Winters! Don't you think you've done harm?"

Arron looked down at the fractured moon in the water. "Yes," he said quietly. "I've done harm."

Jenny was quiet for a moment then she spoke. "Why did you do it?"

"I don't know Jenny. I tried to fight it. The girls are cute and," he looked up and met her gaze, "yes, sexy. It started as play and escalated from there. I could have stopped it. I wish to hell I had stopped it."

"Did you enjoy it?"


"Did they?"

He looked up and met her gaze but couldn't read her in the darkness. "Yes, they almost always initiated it."

She slapped the water hard. "But you were the adult and you knew it was wrong!"

"Yes," It came out as a whisper.

There was a swirl in the water as Jenny moved closer. He saw the swell of her breasts and realized for the first time that she was nude. "Tell me Arron Winters did you turn down my offer because you saw it as a betrayal of your brother."


She chuckled lowly, it had sultry undertones. "Carl knew exactly what I was planning. He encouraged it. At times we've been swingers Carl and me. We both enjoy the occasional threesome." She looked up to meet his gaze while a slender hand slipped up to caress his chest. "Does that change things."

Arron's cock was suddenly rock hard. He reached out to pull her in. "Damned right," he managed before their lips met.

They kissed furiously for several minutes, tongues dueled and teeth clicked. Jenny let out a tiny chirp of fright as he bodily lifted her and sat her on a slick shelf of rock. He'd enjoyed the children, he hadn't lied about that but he hadn't actually fucked in months. In no mood for foreplay he mounted her abruptly. Jenny sighed and clutched his back as he sank into her hair fringed center. He rutted like a bull in heat, no subtlety, just bare knuckles fucking. She took it for a minute or so then her movements began to match his. Their crotches slapped wetly as two people fucked each other to a mind blowing peak.

Afterwards Jenny slipped out of the little pool and padded over to where she had left her robe. She donned it then turned to face him. "What now?"

Arron shrugged. He'd found her bottle, there was a little left. He took a healthy slug. "I'll be gone by noon."

The next morning they all suffered through a silent breakfast. The girls sat on the far side of their mother, twin packets of silent misery wrapped in down parkas and sorrow. Nothing was said as he stood and left the table.

He started to pack but realized their was little he wanted to take. The tent was too full of memories and guilt. There was his gun but Jenny still had that, besides they might need it. In the end he packed a garbage bag with his clothes, hoisted his sleeping bag to his shoulder and headed toward the road. He thought he heard sobbing behind him but he didn't turn to look.

He threw his stuff in the back of the wagon then yanked the dryer hose from the tailpipe. He starred at is for a moment, a fat silver snake that would have ended his life. He shuddered and through the hateful thing into the woods.

Their was fine glass all over the drivers seat. Jenny had used a rock on the window. He brushed the worst of it out, with luck it wouldn't rain before he got somewhere to have it fixed. He'd actually slid behind the wheel before he noticed that the key was still in the run position. He switched it off and then tried the starter. Nothing, neither he nor Jenny had possessed the presence of mind to shut off the engine. It had run till the tank went dry then the ignition had drained the battery. It was perfect, just fucking perfect.

It was nearly evening when his cell phone trilled. He levered himself up from where he rested with his feet out the broken window.

"Arron," asked Jenny's breathless voice. "Where are you?"

"In the car."

He heard a sigh, "Okay smarty, where's the car?"

"Same place it was last time you saw it. It ran out of gas."

She laughed, it was the old sparkling Jenny laugh. The first he'd heard from her since Carl's accident. "I'll be there in five minutes pervert."

He was leaning against the fender when the Ram came clattering up. Jenny was behind the wheel. The girls were strapped into their seats in the back.

He'd barely climbed in before Jenny began to speak. "We've had a long talk, me and the girls. No one wants you to leave. What's done is done and can't be undone. All we can do is go on from here." She spoke rapidly as if the speech was rehearsed and she wanted to get it out before she forgot any of it.

Arron opened his mouth to speak but she rolled over him.

"The girl's agree with what you said. Curiosity got out of hand. I've talked it over with them, told them that children shouldn't-shouldn't do the things they've done with you. They say you told them that, told them it was wrong."

"Not exactly. I told them society thought it was wrong."

She looked at him sharply. "You don't think it was?"

"Sometimes I do. Sometimes it seemed very right." He shook his head. "I don't know Jenny. I don't think I'm an evil person. If I'd fully believed it was wrong I don't think I would have done it, any of it. At least I hope I wouldn't have."

They were silent for a while then Arron looked around. They were coming up on the ford. "Where are we going anyway?"

"They're releasing Carl, we're going to pick him up."

"Could've waited for morning."

Jenny shuddered and didn't look at him. "I want my husband, tonight."

Later, after they were on the blacktop and the hum of the tires had lulled the children to sleep they talked some more. Finally Arron broached the subject he'd dreaded. "What are we going to tell Carl?"


"I know but we've got to discuss this."

"No, that's what were going to tell him, jack shit."

"Jenny, he's going to wonder."

"About what?"

"Well, about why the girls are sleeping in your tent again for one."

"They're concerned for their father."

Arron nodded his head. That might work.

It was nearly midnight before they pulled into Avery. Jenny drove straight to a motel and they got a room. Then it was off to the hospital. Carl was waiting in the lobby in a wheelchair with a frowning battleaxe in attendance. He saw the Ram pull into the emergency loop and was out of the chair and through the door before the nurse could as much as mutter a protest.

Arron scooted over beside Jenny as Carl climbed in. "A McDonalds darling and step on it. I think I'm suffering a cholesterol deficiency." They shared a laugh as the truck left a bellowing matron with a waving clipboard in its wake.

The McDonalds were all closed so a Denny's had to serve. Arron went and placed a take out order while Carl and Jenny waited in the truck with the girls. When he emerged with the food the two were necking like teenagers in the front seat. "You two keep that up you'll fog up the windows," he said as he climbed into the cab.

Carl grinned. "Jenny tells me you've been doing some fogging of your own."

Arron's mouth popped open and he nearly dumped the food into the floorboard. Carl hugged his wife to him. "Wasn't she fun?"

Arron deflated like someone had stuck a pin in him. Jenny grinned at him over her husbands nuzzling head while Arron glared daggers at her.

At the motel they put the girls to bed. Neither had woken since they'd hit town. Arron was wondering awkwardly what to do now. Jenny obviously wouldn't want him in the same room with the girls but a third room was going to look awfully suspicious. Carl came to his rescue, with a knowing grin the younger man asked if Arron would like to spend the night with them. With relief and not a little bit of randy anticipation he accepted.

They were awkward at first, the three of them. They shared a nightcap then the lights went out. Jenny served as the master of ceremonies and thought up a number of imaginative and kinky icebreakers. Soon Arron was behind her munching her furry pussy while she balanced on hands and knees and felated her husband. She squealed like a schoolgirl when his tongue strayed up and began to quest at her ass. It swayed so much that he had to grab its enticing roundness before he could get down to serious butt munching. They fell asleep hours later after Jenny had screwed them both silly.

Arron drove as they pulled out the next morning. They needed some things and a day in civilization was not to be wasted. They dropped Jenny and the girls at a mall then the two men lit out for the home center.

A circular saw was the first thing on the list. Arron bypassed the cheesy DIY models and went straight for the contractor grade stuff. They were going to be doing a lot of cutting and cheaping out now would be false economy. They discussed it and finally chose a no frills heavy duty unit. A few odds and ends were added to the cart but the men were done in under an hour. It was well before they were to meet the girls so they stopped by a car dealership. The franchise served several brands and the showroom featured several pricey utes on mirrored platforms. The two amused themselves by circling the overpriced machines and pointing out this or that item that 'wouldn't last a week on the mountain'. An offended salesman approached and tried to defend his wares. He assured them that these machines were the equal of whatever they had now. The amused grins drew his gaze to the mud spattered Ram hulking in the parking lot. His mouth snapped shut and he slunk away to find someone he could bullshit.

They picked up the women at noon and grabbed a bite at a burger joint then it was to the grocer for an extended replenishment stop. When they turned south the spacious bed of the truck was nearly half full.

It was late afternoon before the Ram started up the final hill. Despite events he felt reasonably good. Things worked out. How they worked out was up to providence.

"What's your car doing there bro?"

Shit, the Taurus still rested alongside the track. Arron thought fast and spoke before Jenny could. "I was going to take it into town and trade it for a 4x4. Thought it might be nice to have two trucks. Damn thing ran out of gas right there though. I didn't realize it was that low. I guess the gauge stuck." He forced a chuckle. "I ran the damn battery down trying to start it before I realized it was dry. Then to top it off I locked the keys in the sucker and had to smash a window to get them out."

Carl shook his head. "Sounds like something out of Keystone Cops."

Arron met Jenny's gaze in the mirror. Her eyes were wide in admiration. "Ain't it the truth."

It was too late to get any work done so it was a spring romp then beer around the fire. It was still early when Arron excused himself and trudged back to his empty tent. He was a very long time falling asleep.

The next day was clear and bitterly cold. An icy wind sliced down from the north, cutting through layers of fabric like a knife. They shivered around the fire and fortified themselves with coffee before heading for the job site. Arron had actually protested Carl's intent to return directly to work. He thought his brother should take it slow for a few days at least. The younger Winters wouldn't hear of it. His time on his back had rankled and he was raring to go.

They reached the house site and Carl inspected the beginnings of the first fireplace. He nodded when Arron explained about the mud. The two agreed that getting the west wall up was next on the agenda. Rope was found and the two sections wrestled into position. With Arron giving hand signals the Ram grunted and snorted, first the southern section then the northern section rose against the clear cold sky. They spent an hour bolting them down then tied them to the neighboring walls and temporarily to each other.

Attempts to continue with the fireplace soon ran into problems. Arron began to chip rock for the sides and back of the firebox while Carl set to mixing mud. It was the latter that proved their undoing. The temperature was below freezing and ice crystals kept forming in the mix. They discussed building a fire to heat the clay but even if they did that it would freeze before it could dry and push the stones apart. Defeated they trudged back to camp.

A hot lunch of beef stew and muffins made the world seem right. By the time they had sopped the last from their plates it had been decided to spend the balance of the day on the road.

The tractor was still in camp. Arron wondered how Carl would react to the machine that had tried to kill him. He needn't have. The younger Winters strode to the machine and hoisted himself aboard. The old engine caught quickly even in the chilling cold. Amused, Arron perched on one fender and with a lurch they were off.

Arron eased the dump truck from the woods and hitched up the trailer. He then watched with baited breath as Carl lined up and ran the tractor up onto the latter. Bro made it look easy.

Together they wrestled a barrel into position and Arron dropped in the pump. After double checking to make sure it was gasoline he was pumping the hose went into the dump's tank. They took turns at the pump, it took nearly fifteen arm wrenching minutes to transfer twenty gallons of fuel.

The rumble of the old Lima made conversation difficult so the two men had only their thoughts for company during the pounding ride to the material yard.

They loaded up and got back in time to dump the load and spread it, but only just. Dusk was coming on by the time Carl pulled the tractor to the verge and shut off the engine. About half of the final climb was now passable to vehicles without any mountain sheep in their mechanical genes.

For the next week it remained below freezing so they concentrated on the road. The best they did considering the long haul to the material yard was three loads a day and that was a one time shot that had them starting before dawn and finishing well after dusk. Another near misstep with the tractor, this time with Arron aboard convinced them the risk of working into the darkness wasn't worth the reward. After that it was two maximum. Still they made good progress. The long final hill with its treacherous center raving was swathed in gravel, the grand canyon a thing of the past. Once onto the comparatively flat ground lower down things speeded up some. Here runoff was not that big of a problem and the gravel not so necessary. For long stretches they merely chopped back the brush and box bladed the packed clay smooth. Gravel was still needed but only for the badly rutted or washed sections.

There was less progress in the personal arena. Having the children sleep with them was hampering Carl and Jenny's sex life. Nor did they even get the occasional stolen moment when Arron took the girls to the spring. So far Carl still bought the line that the children were afraid to be parted from him since the accident and bore it with good nature. Jenny, who knew the lie of that tale took it less well. She had become snippy and short tempered. Several times during the week she took a solo trek to the spring late at night. Arron assumed she frigged herself silly but didn't ask. He was tempted to volunteer to accompany her once or twice but that didn't sit right. If Carl couldn't have the pleasure of screwing his own wife it didn't seem just that Arron step in. Especially since Arron was the cause of the situation to start with. The girls remained in the background. They weren't balls of abject misery anymore but neither were they their usual bouncy, flighty, giggly selves. Lena at least seemed to sense the gravity of the situation and somehow communicated that to her less experienced sibling.

By the end of the week the weather was warming and they were running low on both gasoline and diesel. A replenishment run was in order.

Before dawn the Ram clattered up alongside the stranded Taurus. While Carl inserted the pump into the depleted gasoline drum and began to transfer the last of the fuel into the wagon Arron rigged the jumper cables. The story he'd given about trading the faithful old steed in for something more robust was a good idea and he'd decided to pursue it. As he slid behind the wheel he noticed that someone had cleaned up the glass and taped plastic over the window. There was only one somebody it could have been.

The two vehicles proceeded together. The Taurus bottomed and banged a score of times but they had no real problems. Once on the blacktop they turned north and headed for Avery.

Filling the drums didn't take long, the balance of the day was spent kicking tires and peering under hoods. Arron was tempted to buy a new rig. He could easily afford it. But the frugality of his vagabond years marched to the fore. As the afternoon wore on he found himself dickering for an F-150 4x4 that some high school kid had endowed with too much lift, ridiculously oversized tires, and enough lights to guide a 707 to a safe touchdown. The sticking point was the Taurus, Arron knew it wasn't worth much but the salesman wanted to steal it. Both negotiators were on the edge of exasperation when the salesman came back from a conference with his sales manager with a final counter offer. Arron and his brother shared a look and a negative head shake before turning together and heading for their respective mounts. The salesman stared open mouthed for a moment then dashed back into the building. They were actually pulling out of the parking lot when the man came charging up, arms waving. It seemed the 'final offer' had not been so final after all.

Two hours of painful negotiation culminated in a deal made in five minutes. They spent much of the remaining afternoon filling out paperwork.

They stopped for burgers at a little mom and pop place. Across the street was a little 4 bay garage with an outside lift. Several hopped up pickups lurked outside. On impulse Arron braved the 4 lanes of traffic and trotted across, burger in hand. The proprietor was preparing to close but he was willing to listen. The two men talked for five minutes then shook hands. When the brothers left Avery behind they were both in the Ram. Arron's truck now sat alongside the garage. The mechanics would pull two of the three stacked lift kits from the F-150 and exchange the gonzo sized wheels and tires for aggressive but reasonable all terrain rubber. Arron was even going to make a profit on the deal. The mechanic knew he could re-sell the removed components to kids with more money than brains for a princely sum. He had agreed to toss in the labor and fork over $400 in the exchange.

It began to rain halfway back. It was light and sporadic at first but soon it became a full fledged downpour. Before they reached the turnoff for the State Forest it was snow so thick that the reflection of the headlights dazzled and blinded.

The white stuff made the already treacherous dirt roads positively evil. The Ram slithered and shook. After a particularly bad skid that almost tipped them into a ditch halfway to the camp Carl stopped the truck and insisted Arron drive. His hands were shaking when they exchanged places.

If it hadn't been for their recent repair work it was doubtful even the Ram could have made the final climb. As it was the snow was already thick on the fresh gravel and Arron had to saw the wheel and deliberately fishtail the truck to keep them moving forward and up. Carl had fully recovered from his own near catastrophe and whooped and cheered as his sibling fought them to the top.

Jenny and the kids were glad to see them. All came charging up as they pulled into camp. A late supper and hot coffee and chocolate awaited them. As they ate and drank the children whooped and charged around the camp with more animation than Arron had seen out of them since the discovery. He was soon to find out why.

Jenny and Carl were nuzzling on the far side of the fire and whispering to each other. What was said was inaudible but the occasional giggle escaped both parties. Arron finished his cocoa and rose, ready to call it a night when Carl looked up.

"You won't mind having your boarders back will you?"

"Huh?" It wasn't eloquent but it was the best tired neurons could provide.

"The girls, Jenny says they want to start sleeping with you again and well...", he looked down at his wife. She had oozed into his lap and was nibbling on one ear. Carl looked back up with a grin, "You know."

"Jenny said that huh?" He tried to catch her eye but she buried her face in her husband's hair and refused to look up.

"Yep," Carl answered. Missing the by-play.

The girls had stopped an animated snowball fight and stood staring at him. In fact everyone but Jenny was staring at him.

"Well since you put it that way I suppose I could tolerate the little heathens."

Carl grinned wider and started to thank him but whatever he was going to say was drowned out by the whoops of the heathens in question.

While the children rushed to get their things from their parents tent Arron wondered back to the dining fly for a beer. Suddenly he wasn't so tired. Once there he spotted a fresh bottle of Dewers. That would serve even better. Carl raised an eye when he seated himself with the bottle but that was all.

When he arose again hours later the blaze had died back to sullen coals and the cold was creeping in. Jenny, Carl and the kids were long abed. He capped the bottle and left it then made his none too steady way to the tent. The girls were asleep. Each tucked into their bags on either side of his. He tugged his boots off and fell atop it, only the cold gave him enough animation to pull the flap over.

He wasn't sure whether it was the banging of the pots or the pillow fight raging over his corpse that awoke him. Neither was very welcome, but neither were the bongos sounding off between his ears. He grasped a shrieking Rachel and tossed her at her sister, sending both over in a flurry of pajama clad limbs then groaned and reached for his boots. Donning them was difficult because as soon as the little hellions had disentangled themselves they moved in for a retaliatory strike. He managed somehow and strode out to meet the day with a giggling youngling hanging off each leg.

The snow had stopped during the night but it had left behind several inches of powder. The world glistened under its pristine coat. Only the occasional weed was long enough to break the smooth surface. He trudged toward the dining fly, his wiggling burdens dragging behind.

Jenny gave him a dirty look and scolded him for bringing them out into the snow in their pajamas before swatting them away. He started to protest that he hadn't 'brought' them anywhere but as soon as he was seated she slid a plate of scrambled eggs under his nose followed by a mug of scalding coffee. He suddenly found something more important to do with his mouth than talk. He'd just started in on the coffee when Carl slid in opposite. The younger Winters slammed the scotch bottle down on the table and grinned at his brother. "How's the head?"


Carl tucked into his own breakfast. "Yeah, well next time you throw a party invite me. Two can suffer as cheaply as one." He hummed as he forked eggs into his mouth.

They started in on the road again but the temperature had risen rapidly. By midmorning the melting snow had turned the clay slick and treacherous. Worse the tractor was cutting deep ruts in the soft surface, in some cases doing more damage than good. They chucked it and piled into the Ram. They played rockhound on the way back, stopping at several points to hump flat river rock into the bed. They had a decent load when they came clanking into camp.

The children had already constructed several snowmen and were busily mining the quickly melting mass for enough material for a third. Rachel waved as they climbed from the truck. She had just completed a large snowball and as they watched she slapped it onto the center ball of the latest figure. "This one's going to be a snow lady," she explained. "It's gonna have boobies like mom."

Jenny, who had been supervising the construction colored. A grinning Carl wondered around to the back of the bulbous figure, "Butt's too small."

He was quick enough to duck and avoid the snowball that followed his comment. The icy ball of slush caught Arron right in the ear.

When she saw the results of her toss Jenny threw both her hands over her mouth and bent nearly double as she tried to suppress her laughter. Carl grinned wider and looked from his wife to Arron. "Well what are you waiting for, get her."

Jenny shrieked as Arron came at her in a lope and turned to run. She never had a chance. As the children and Carl cheered him on he tackled his pretty sister in law and bore them both to the snowy ground. She was laughing when he reached behind her back and scooped up a handful of the wet snow. Turning her so her body blocked the children's view he then thrust the mass down the back of her insulated pants and into her panties, packing it into the crack of her shapely butt. As long as he was there anyway he went a little further and drug a cold finger down the furrow of her down covered twat.

She shrieked like a horse being gelded and came up off the ground. When she spun to face him he thought that despite recent intimacies he'd perhaps gone too far. The sparkle in her eyes said differently though.

As they were walking back toward the fire Carl asked, "Where'd you put the snow, she really yelled."

In answer Arron stuck his finger under his siblings nose.

"Whoa, bet that did shock."

They discussed what to do next over lunch and decided to work on the fireplaces. When Jenny heard that a good portion of the job would consist of nothing more than making mud she suggested that she and the girls accompany them and take over that task. The men agreed and they all piled into the Ram for the ride over.

It took a little while to get everyone up to speed but soon they were making good progress. Arron started to mud together the firebox for the east fireplace while Carl cut planks to lay the flooring and build the reinforcements for the west one. Once the wood was ready Arron took a break from laying rock and the two ganged up on the needed woodwork. In less than an hour he was back to stacking rocks and Carl was chipping rock for his hearth.

By sunset the inner, mud cemented, liner for the east fireplace was complete up to where it would need a beam or arch to support the front of the flue. The book included details of an all stone arch. Arron decided to go with the beam. The timber would dry, crack and eventually require replacement but at least you didn't need to be a master stone mason to install it. Carl had a good hearth mudded together and a start on the walls.

It was definitely time for a spring romp. They were all liberally coated with clay, especially the children who looked like they had rolled in it. They all stripped down for a communal bath and waded in. Since the 'discovery' Jenny had bathed the girls while Arron and Carl soaped down at the opposite end of the spring but now she grabbed her husband and pulled him to the far end. A word sent two naked hellions splashing Arron's way. What was the woman celebrating? There was no way of knowing, instead he tried and failed to keep a limp dick as slick, naked girl flesh slid and slithered over him. When a giggling Lena briefly ducked below the surface and took the head of his dick into her hot little mouth he panicked and gently pushed her away. He shot a glance at his brother and sister in law as the six-year-old pouted. To his immense relief the couple at the far side of the spring only had eyes for each other. Fuck, she'd scared him to death but damn if he hadn't almost blown a wad in her little mouth.

It started to rain shortly after supper forcing an early end to the evening. When Arron stepped into the tent he found both children naked and waiting on him, shit! He ignored them while he removed his boots and then stripped to his underwear. He then calmly leaned over and kissed Rachel on her forehead and slid her into her sleeping bag. She stared at him as he turned away and did the same for her sister. The girls shifted around a lot before going to sleep, once or twice he thought he might have heard a quite sob. He was still awake long after silence fell.

It was much warmer the next morning, the low sixties and the day just started. Carl confidently pronounced they'd just seen winters last gasp. Arron nodded, it was nearly April. As they ate Lena and Rachel moped around the pitiful remains of their vanishing 'snow people'.

They repeated the work arrangement of the previous day. Only this time both mud and mortar were required. Jenny proved equal to the task and she and her two helpers were soon running twin assembly lines for the production of the two different types of goop. By noon Carl's firebox was complete while Arron had nearly finished the mortared outer shell of his own. There was a three inch air gap between the two, creating what the book called a 'free flow fireplace'. It was supposed to boost heating efficiency.

Jenny ladled handed out the sandwiches then started the thermos around. "You know you all look silly walking back and forth on the joists, it probably wouldn't be so funny if one of you missed a step though."

Both Carl and Arron nodded. That would be an 18 foot misstep, definitely not funny.

"Well why don't you go ahead and put the floor in so you don't have to worry about that?"

Arron swallowed his mouthful of tuna fish. "Because it would catch rain and leaves and who knows what else. We'd rather not put that in until we have walls and at least a semblance of a roof."

Carl nodded.

"Well I just don't want another unscheduled helicopter ride or worse. I don't look good in black."

"I don't know there's that little cocktail dress." Carl grinned.

"Try not to fall."

"What cocktail dress?", Arron asked.

They got back at it after lunch. Arron rapidly completed his outer shell up to the level inner liner. Then wandered down to their mini lumber yard to scavenge a timber for the flue support. To his chagrin he couldn't find one. He'd ripped everything into planks. It looked like another tree was going to have to die. Instead he ganged up to help his brother. By late afternoon the west and east fireplaces were a matching set.

The effort exhausted their mortar supply. They had been using remnants from the lot purchased to patch the foundation and it was gone. Arron cursed his own shortsightedness but everyone else took it with good cheer.

That night Arron sat up late drinking beer with Carl. It was a ploy to avoid facing the girls again alone. They might be randy children but they were still children. When he finally crawled into the tent after midnight they were both asleep.

He stared at them a while trying to gage his own emotions. He still found them desirable but was ashamed of what he had done with and too them. Or was he? Was he ashamed of the act, or ashamed of getting caught. The thought that he might have diminished somehow in Jenny's eyes stung. He was male and like all of the breed wanted to appear strong and perhaps a bit macho. Playing sex games with children definitely was not macho.

Then again he had tried to kill himself over these children. He winced at the thought but didn't shrink from it as he had since the incident. Part of his personal creed had long been that suicide was a wimp's out. Something those that couldn't hack it performed. That brought him as much if not more shame than getting caught with the children.

There was a tendency among humans to tuck ugly or shameful incidents away, to hide and bury them in hopes they would simply vanish. They didn't. If one was lucky they simply lay like a lump, heavy and burdensome. If luck was bad they festered, becoming something malignant and infected. It was no coincidence that psychiatry was a multi billion industry.

It was another thing he had always considered a losers gambit. A man solved his own problems. As he lay back on the sleeping bag and drug the shame of the last weeks to surface. He turned the individual stones over, polishing them and shaving off the rough edges. Rationalization was not amongst his tools, acceptance was. The past was sealed away behind transparent walls tougher than the hardest steel. It could be viewed but not altered. When he finally drifted off to sleep Arron still had questions but he felt much better about himself.

They made a quick trip the next day. Jenny and the girls remained behind as the Ram rumbled down the mountain then up the road to Avery. At the home center they grabbed an even twenty bags of mortar, enough hopefully to finish the fireplaces then purchased a few useful knickknacks off the closeout table. They were preparing to head for the checkout when Arron noticed some long concrete objects shoved beneath the groaning sale table. They were concrete parking stops, apparently not a big seller since they were 80% off. Arron called Carl over and the two conversed with much gesturing and nodding of heads. When they left the store that had four of them in addition to the mortar. The pimpled youth in the tile department had looked puzzled when the two men wanted the stops chopped off to 48 inches, but had complied. Thankfully his appliance had been up to the task.

They stopped by the grocery store to fill Jenny's list then swung by the garage where Arron had left his truck. It was ready, within two hours of pulling into Avery their mini convoy was southbound.

Arron enjoyed jockeying the F-150 up the mountain. It didn't have the ultimate stump pulling torque of the Ram but its gas V-8 gave it a quicker response. The Ram was a big shaggy bear, the Ford a wolf.

It was only a little after noon when the two machines pulled into the camp. Everyone had to look at Arron's truck and clucked and made over it as if it were brand new instead of several years old. He played the part, showing it off like a proud papa.

The had a quick lunch then rushed to the house site to salvage what they could of the day. The shortened parking stops fit perfectly. They now had flue supports that would not require periodic replacement.

The two men wasted several minutes patting each other on the back then got back to work. The supports were mortared in then the complex job of cutting rock for the flue began.

That night they had steak and coal roasted potatoes. After supper Jenny took the girls off to the spring while Carl and Arron hit the beer. The men were well lubed before the ladies trooped back into camp.

Jenny took one look at the giggling pair and shook her head in mock disgust. She fixed the girls some cocoa then set about trying to catch up. Soon the adults were feeling little pain and quips and jokes were flying back and forth, the raunchiness only limited by the young ears avidly listening.

Arron had just popped the top on his fifth, or was it sixth beer when a soft, fuzzy warmth wriggled under one arm and beneath the blanket he'd draped over his lap as a ward against the evening chill. He looked down to meet a pair of liquid blue eyes. Lena matched his gaze for a moment before squirming her soft little butt more firmly into his lap and incidentally grinding it into his cock as well. She then pulled the blanket up around her shoulders then settling her head on his chest. The strawberry shampoo scent of damp blond hair wafted up beneath his nose.

Jenny had been in Carl's lap for the last half hour, now she glanced up. "Look, Arron's got a girlfriend too! Going to show her a good time tonight Arron?"

Arron grinned but inwardly froze. That damned fool woman wasn't drunk enough to blab in front of Carl was she?

She grinned at him, her eyes saying unreadable things. He was still trying to figure that out when a small hand grasped his own beneath the blanket. Before he could react Lena lifted his hand and slid it through the slit of her robe, placing it right in her bald little crotch.

Arron squirmed, despite the beer and his own vows his cock began to respond. Lena felt the stirring mass beneath her little rump and began to rotate her little hips on it. She tilted her head back and met his gaze briefly before dropping her head back to his chest. He caught just the hint of a smile.

He looked up to find both Jenny and Carl staring at him. His heart stopped briefly but his panic turned to puzzlement when they both burst out laughing. Jenny whispered something to her husband and then they both stood.

"We're off to bed son," Carl said, shooting a lecherous look at his wife. She gave a barely perceptible nod and Carl turned back to his brother. "You might drop in later if you get a chance." The invitation was clear yet vague enough to pass right over young heads.

Jenny began to fold the blanket she and Carl had been using. She kept her head down but addressed her brother-in-law. "The girl's haven't been sleeping too well Arron. Why don't you play with them a little before going to sleep. I'm sure it would do wonders for them." Her voice was the pristine sound of innocence but the implications rocked Arron like a double load of buckshot.

They got caught up in the whirl of last minute privy calls and Arron couldn't grab a private moment with Jenny till she was preparing to enter her tent. Carl was already inside, spreading sleeping bags and noisily fluffing pillows when Arron grabbed his sister-in law by the arm.

"What did you mean by 'play with them'?"

Instead on answering she planted a brief, passionate kiss on his lips, her tongue momentarily caressing his own. She pulled back and looked at him, "Save some for me." She ducked inside and sealed the flap before he could reply.

Arron entered his own tent to find both girls sitting on their sleeping bags in their pajamas. Their expressions were the neutral look of hope tempered by an expectation of disappointment.

He pulled off his boots then settled onto his own bag between them. Gently he reached out with both arms and encircled them in a strong, gentle hug. He nuzzled Lena's sweet blond locks then kissed her forehead their lips met a moment later. A tiny tongue and a not tiny one were soon wrestling for position.

He pulled away after a few seconds and gave Rachel the same attention. She kissed with even more passion than her sister, seemingly trying to devour him. He alternated between them, making out with first one then the other. His hands were not idle, caressing their backs through the soft fabric of their pajamas. It seemed natural when his caresses wondered further down, to their trim little girl butts. Both girls rose to their knees to give him access and his hands slid into their pajama's to caress the bare flesh of their sexy little asses.

He shifted his attention to Rachel when Lena pulled away from him and slid down. He felt her pull his legs apart and made no objection when his zipper came down. He was trying to give his youngest niece an oral tonsillectomy when Lena started tugging on his jeans. He lifted his butt to help her but kept kissing Rachel. The child's mouth was honey sweet.

He felt the sudden cold as his briefs were pulled down, exposing his rampant dick to the evening air. A wet warmth quickly followed as his dick slid into Lena's hot little mouth. He kissed Rachel with renewed passion and reached sown to caress Lena's blond tresses as the six-year-old began to blow him with an experience far beyond her years. She hummed as she bobbed, a delighted child that had found a favorite toy presumed lost.

He came in seconds, spewing his seed into Lena's swallowing throat and groaning his release into her sisters tiny mouth.

Afterwards he laid them out side by side and pulled their pajama's to their ankles. Alternating between them he made oral love to the two children's bald twats before flipping them over and stuffing his face between their soft bottom cheeks. When both were squealing and twitching, on the brink, he switched his attention fully to Lena and drove her over that wonderful, scary precipice with finger and tongue. He applied love bites to her tiny ass as she shuddered and came.

With Lena spent he attacked Rachel, loving her ass and snow white baby twat till the four-year-old screamed her cum into her pillow before going wet noodle limp.

With a bull like roar Arron rose. Jerking down his briefs he rubbed his again rampant cock over the smooth softness of Rachel's saliva wet cheeks before jerking twice and painting her sexy butt with cum.

Lena rose, seemingly from the dead. She smiled at him then leaned forward and kissed his cock. She then pushed him aside and began to lap the spunk from her sister's bottom. She kept at it long after the last trace of cum was gone, finally fastening her lips to Rachel's little asshole and probing deeply.

The days of abstinence had their say and despite coming twice in only the space of minutes the site of a six-year-old enthusiastically performing anilingus on her four-year-old sister soon had his cock hard again. He moved to Rachel's head and brushed his recovered cock across her soft lips. The four-year-old had her eyes closed but she opened her mouth at the touch of dick and he slid in.

Rachel sucked cock and Lena tongued butt. Arron admired both the service and the view for a minute then leaned over to where Lena was balanced on her knees' and jerked her legs from beneath her. A surprised squeal was muffled by Rachel's soft baby ass but the six-year-old made no other response as he jerked her around and spread her thin legs. A second later the circle was complete as his face slid between her thighs and his tongue between the lips of her hairless cuntlet.

It was a leisurely daisy chain and it was fifteen sexy, sensuous minutes before lips and tongues began to quicken their pace. They mounted the peak together, scaling its slick, perilous slope before tumbling over in a tangle of thrashing limbs and driving tongues.

Spent at last they lay some minutes before Arron pulled the girl's bottoms up and tucked each into their sleeping bags. Rachel had a rivulet of cum trailing from one nostril. He lovingly wiped it away then kissed her angelic face goodnight.

He lay down and awaited the guilt but it was tardy. He was asleep before it arrived.

Carl gave him a quizzical look at breakfast. "Was expecting you for a nightcap last night?"

Arron grimaced and swore to himself. He'd completely forgotten about the invitation to join his brother and sister-in-law. Shit! What if Carl had come looking for him and found him 'involved' shit! He was still formulating a reply when Jenny slid up with a fresh plate of eggs.

"Now Carl, Arron was pretty tired and I'm sure those hellions of ours gave him quite a workout last night." She grinned at Arron as she said it. She slid a pair of eggs onto each brother's plate before moving off to feed the girls. "We'll just have to take a raincheck for another time. Say tonight."

Carl grinned at him and after a moment Arron returned the gesture. Damn he was sliding deeper down the rabbit hole all the time. I was a nice trip though.

They got back to work on the fireplaces. Temporary timber supports were laid in and the chimneys began to march up. It was important to have full mortar coverage inside and not to have any gaps or protrusions that could serve as entrapment points for creosote. For this reason they took time every two courses to layer mortar onto the inside and smooth it around. After lunch they had to take an hour to knock together scaffolding. By dusk they'd reached the height of the second floor.

That night they sat around supper and discussed the plans for the next day. When Jenny heard they planned to proceed with the second floor much as the first, put the floor joists in then prance around on them till they got a roof on, the shit hit the fan. She had been nervous enough about them doing it on the ground floor, another ten feet was the breaking point. The two men argued for a while but when she demolished Arron's main objection, the wood warping in the weather, by pointing out that it was in the weather now they gave in.

The argument left a sour taste and for most of the remaining evening conversation consisted of grunts and one syllable utterings.

To her credit Jenny recognized that men need a good sulk after their macho pretensions were pierced and she kept the children company while the men commiserated about the 'follies' of the fairer sex. It was only after the girls had bedded down that she returned to the fire with three very cold beers.

It was an acceptable peace offering and soon the three were cutting up and laughing. The beers were soon gone and the Dewers came out. As a well buzzed mellow settled over the trio Jenny crawled into Carl's lap and folded herself around him. Soon they were very entwined with lips hungrily seeking each other.

Before Arron had a chance to feel jealous his sexy sister-in-law oozed over to him. Despite past intimacies he found it unnerving at first to passionately kiss his brothers wife while said brother looked on. That passed after the first long tongue lashing however and he was soon giving as good as he got while his hands explored her delightful soft places.

No words were exchanged but by mutual consent Carl and Arron were suddenly either side of Jenny. The two picked her up and carried her into the tent. The sounds of passion emerging from that fabric structure lasted well into the small hours.

It was after three before Arron slipped out and made his way to his own tent. The dew had settled and the still camp glistened under the pure white of a nearly full moon. The fire had died back to sullen embers, he skirted it and dashed through the morning chill. He unzipped the tent and ducked inside. His soaked feet already cold to the bone.

The girls lay cuddled atop Rachel's bag. Bother were in their pajama's but their general disheveled condition and the fact that Lena's hand was still in her sisters bottoms attested to a little after hours entertainment.

Arron carefully separated them, tucking each into their own bag. He then climbed into his own and slept the sleep of the truly trashed.

The girls awoke him the next morning with a spirited pillow fight over his recumbent corpse. He growled something unintelligible and tried to burrow deeper into his bag. It was a forlorn hope. As soon as the two hellions realized their chosen battlefield was alive after all they hastily signed a peace treaty and turned on him. He endured the buffeting for a long half-minute, hoping they'd grow bored and go find someone else to torment. When this didn't occur he emerged from his haven like a craggy unshaven bear.

With a bellow he swept a tormentor up in each arm. The girl's screeched in alarm and tried to wiggle clear but he had them. He pulled them both across his sleeping bag stomach down so that a blond head faced one way and a black one the other. Their pajama clad butts were two tiny round balls sticking up.

He was going to give them each a swat but they were very nice little butts. On impulse he pulled Lena's bottom down and stared at her little white posterior for a second. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on it then pulled Rachel's pajamas down.

He felt that the younger girl deserved equal time and planted a wet smooch on her ass as well.

The girls, realizing that sex play was in the air, quickly quit their wiggling. Lena twisted her head around and looked up at him expectantly.

He smiled at her wolfishly then brought a flat palm down on each butt with a resounding smack.

The sisters screamed in outrage and surprise as he dumped them both to the floor of the tent. He's risen and was pulling on his pants before they recovered.

Lena stood, her bottoms stills around her thin thighs, and placed her fists on her bare hips. "That was mean!"

Rachel said nothing but did jerk a nod of agreement with her sister's statement.

"So is waking someone up at this ungodly hour of the morning," he replied.

"We had lots of sleep!"

"Well I didn't," he fastened his pants and began hunting around for his shirt.

Rachel jerked her thumb from her mouth. "If you weren't sexing mommy all night you'd could'a slept."

Arron's mouth dropped open but before he could speak Lena rounded on her sister, "Rache!"

Rachel slapped a hand over her mouth and looked from Arron to Lena and back again. Slowly Lena turned to face Arron.

"Okay, how do you two know what I was doing last night?"

The two girls exchanged looks, it was Lena who finally spoke. "I needed to go potty. When I went to the 'trine I heard noises coming from mommy and daddy's tent. Sex noises. I came back and got Rachel and we sorta listened for a while."

"You eavesdropped?"

The six-year-old squirmed. "Not really, well not really really. You all were making enough noise we didn't have to. We just listened."

Rachel nodded. "Are mommy and daddy going to sex us?"

Lena turned on her sister again, "Rache!"

Rachel bristled, "Well we talked about it!"


Arron held up his hands. "Hold it, hold it. First you all 'just listening' was wrong. You should have come back to the tent and went back to sleep. Second, what I was doing with your mommy and daddy was private and between adults. You do remember 'privacy' don't you?"

Both children nodded sheepishly.

"Third, don't you dare mention anything to your mom and dad about sex, either of you. If you do it's going to create a mess I don't think anyone wants and I'll have to go away."

Rachel's face crinkled. "I don't want you to go away."

Arron knelt down and kissed away the incipient tears. "Then just keep your little mouth shut okay."

The four-year-old sniffed and nodded.

Rachel giggled, lifting the mood, "You don't mind our mouths open if your dick's in it."

Arron backhanded her on the butt and finished dressing.

Carl and Jenny were not up yet and seemed no where near stirring. Arron stoked up the fire and stooged around camp for a half-hour but there was still no activity from the other tent. On the theory that misery loves company he decided to send in his secret weapons and told the girls to wake their parents. The two giggling balls of energy vanished through the portal and soon groans and outraged protestations were heard from within.

When a disheveled Carl emerged five-minutes later he stared bleary eyed at his brother. "That was mean."

Arron grinned and hoisted a steaming pot of coffee. "I decided not to endure alone."

The two were on their second cup before Jenny emerged with her brood in tow. She shot Arron a look then stalked off toward the latrine.

Carl, fortified by caffeine and feeling somewhat human, grinned at his brother. "You're making lots of friends."

After breakfast the two men got to work on the house. The mill grumbled to life and Arron started ripping two inch thick boards into one inch thick ones. As fast as they came off the mill Carl drug them up to the house. There they were cut to length with the circular saw and then fitted and nailed. The floors were going in.

It went fast and by lunch half of the first floor had been planked. Jenny and the girls showed up with a hot lunch and they sat around admiring their work while they ate.

Toward the end of the meal Arron managed to get Jenny alone for a moment and told her about the girls' nocturnal vigil. When he finished his tale he asked her, "Should I tell Carl."

Jenny pursed her lips and looked toward where Carl was giving his daughters a tour of the partially built house. "No", she looked back at him, "Don't tell Carl about anything." As she was turning away another word escaped her lips, "yet."

Jenny joined in to help haul planks after lunch. At first the girls insisted on helping, even though they could not do much. When both picked up splinters in the first half-hour all interest in helping evaporated. Play was more fun, and it didn't hurt as much.

Fitting the boards around the fireplaces and basement access slowed them some but it was still light when the last plank way laid and nailed down. They stood around discussing the next day's venue till the sky began to redden then headed back to camp.

Supper was followed by a raucous and enjoyable spring romp. They splashed and played till quite late then made the shivering dash back to camp. Everyone gathered around the fire for hot chocolate then the girls were sent to bed. They talked for another hour before Jenny called it a night. Arron might have packed it in then himself but Carl was in a talkative mood so the two sat up till nearly midnight before trudging off to their individual tents.

The girls were long asleep, Arron made sure they were tucked in well then climbed into his own bag.

Breakfast was eggs and homemade pancakes. The ice was again running low so the fresh food was being consumed before it could spoil.

They reached the house site and quickly set to work. Arron wanted to have the walls as sturdy as possible before putting the weight of the second floor on them. As the first floor fireplaces and chimneys had now cured for a day and a half or better it was decided to tie the lower walls to them. The temporary wooden supports were removed then a come-a-long used to pull the walls tight to the masonry. The river rock was hard but they didn't want to risk drilling into a mortar joint so the two men spent a sweaty morning with drill and ratchet. By 11 nearly forty stainless bolts had tied the side walls into solid units.

They piled in the truck and rode back to camp for a lunch of omelets and fried potatoes then got back to work.

The second floor went slower due to the need to haul the planks up. At first they tried to spare the sweat and use the Ram and an improvised pulley to pull the planks up but that system proved too slow and cumbersome so it was back to muscle power. By dark about a quarter of the second floor was down.

After supper they sat around discussing the next day's plans. The ice was almost gone so it seemed like another town run was in order. The weather had been fine for several days and looked the same for tomorrow. The two men were bemoaning the loss of a days work when Jenny proposed an alternative.

Since it was only food and ice they needed a trip all the way to Avery was not required. Huttonsville had a small grocer but it had everything they needed. Furthermore she could do it. She'd take the girls and the men could work. They could even keep the Ram with all the tools packed in it. She'd take Arron's truck.

They kicked around the idea and agreed, with modifications. The F-150 did not have a back seat. Two child seats in the front would be awkward if not impossible. Jenny would take the Ram, she had experience driving it anyway. With that settled the men adjourned and got to transferring their gear from the Dodge to the Ford.

Arron finally entered his tent to find the girl's engaged in an enthusiastic 69. He quickly sealed the tent then simply admired the scene while he pulled off his boots and jeans. He then dropped to his knees and joined the fun.

Rachel was on top so he began to massage her little ass. The smooth flesh was wonderfully soft beneath his rough hands. He leaned down and planted small kisses all over her round butt before diving tongue first into her crack.

The four-year-old murmured into her sister's bald twat when his tongue began to circle her little butt hole. When he stiffened it and forced it into her ass she screamed, luckily sister pussy proved a workable muffler.

With the dual stimulation the littlest Winters soon reached her peak. She screamed into her sisters plump cunt, her limbs going rigid. She then went limp and slid sideways off her sister, the movement pulling Arron's tongue from her spasming ass.

Arron moved to take her place at Lena's twat but the six-year-old struggled up and pushed him back. Before he could protest her mouth closed around his cock. The sucked furiously, her head bobbing and her hair swishing forward to tickle his thighs and balls. He'd been turned on by tonguing Rachel's sweet butt and by now Lena was an accomplished cock sucker, in minutes he was ready to fire.

Lena sensed his readiness and pulled his dick from her mouth. She tugged him around by his cock and then jerked him off till he fired a massive salvo all over Rachel's smooth little butt. Lena grinned at him then turned to dine on cum covered baby butt. She shoved her own six-year-old ass up in the air and wiggled it in obvious invitation.

Arron shook his head in admiration them stooped to eat his second ass of the evening. By alternating between delectable ass and bald twat he soon had the child on the edge of her own orgasm. She had her own small tongue deep in sibling ass when she came on the tongue in her own.

He tucked the exhausted children in then crawled into his own bag. Fuck he was hard again now. He eased back the flap and started to stroke his dick, visions of smooth butts and puffy, bald twats danced in his mind. He was just starting to get into it when there was movement to his left.

Like a wraith a bare Rachel crawled over and pushed his hand aside. Her tiny mouth descended over his dick and she began to suck, her little head bobbing with the regularity of a metronome. He stroked her smooth back and round butt as she sucked. She didn't have the proficiency of her older sister but persistence was a technique in itself. Five minutes into the affair Arron groaned and clutched her little brunette head as he fired spurt after spurt of hot spunk into her tiny mouth,

The child swallowed his load then nursed on his prick till it began to soften. Then without a word she turned and crawled back to her sleeping bag. Arron heard her soft snoring a few minutes later.

Jenny and the girls set off immediately after breakfast. Then men waved them gone then climbed into the Ford for the ride to the house. They were soon at it and saw and hammer rent the tranquility of the forest. They day was a warm one and soon the sweat was flowing freely as well.

They broke at ten and had some cheese washed down with tepid beer. Both commented on how surprisingly refreshing even a lukewarm brew was after several hours of hard work.

They got back at it and were still hammering away when the Ram clattered up shortly before noon. Jenny and the girls climbed out, the latter two proudly, if inexpertly quickly set to laying out a picnic lunch on the ground.

The two men toweled the worst of the sweat away, washed their hands, and joined the ladies for lunch. Thankfully the girls had not had as much hand in selecting the meal as they had in laying it out. Somehow a lunch of tapioca pudding and chocolate chip cookies didn't sound appetizing. Fried chicken, potato salad, rolls and unlimited amounts of cold iced tea was just the ticket however.

They had a pleasant meal then lounged around on the blanket the girls had spread talking about the house and the future. Several times Arron caught both of the girls staring at him. When he met their gaze they'd turn away giggling and whispering in each others ears. He was inclined to write it off as childish frivolity but as they were cleaning up the lunch debris he caught a loaded look pass between Lena and her mother. What the hell was that about?

They got back to work and in two more hours managed to lay the last boards. The second floor was finished, at least the floor portion of it. There was plenty of light left so they decided to get on with the upper floor fireplaces. For the next two hours they humped an endless stream of river rock up and stacked it near where the fireplaces would go. They were feeling pretty good about themselves when Jenny and the girls showed back up. Jenny took one look at the makeshift ladder they were still using to access the second floor and pointed out that if they'd finished the stairs first they could've hauled the rock up in half the time.

Sheepishly they decided to call it a night and headed back to camp. Supper was homemade pizza. Just about every topping ever put on a pizza was there plus a few probably making their debut. It was hot, messy and very very good.

Afterwards a spring romp was definitely in order. They gathered their gear and trudged down for a welcome soak, soak being a relative term since the children had not worked all day and now wanted to use up their excess energy on the adults. They rolled and splashed and tossed and splashed for the better part of an hour then before Jenny gathered her brood and headed up the hill.

Alone, Carl and Arron relaxed in the soothing warmth. The younger Winter's even produced a six-pack of cold beer he'd been hoarding.

Carl belched, "too bad this spring doesn't have a thermostat."

Arron lowered his beer, "Why's that?"

"Bro it ain't going to be much longer before were going to be looking for a cool spot to splash around in at the end of the day."

The girls were making 'smores' when they finally trudged back up to camp. Rachel seemed to have caught on quickly. She had almost as much on her as in her. Carl shot his wife a dark look but Jenny just grinned and waved a travel pack of wet wipes.

Sated and full of sugar the children were sent off to ricochet around Arron's tent while the adults cracked a decent Rose' that Jenny had purchased. When the first bottle was gone a second appeared. It wasn't long before they were all feeling mellow.

Jenny and Carl were soon cuddling and giggling. From the looks Jenny occasionally shot his way Arron expected an invite to join the night's festivities but it didn't materialize. Instead Carl stood and threw his giggling, half drunk wife over one shoulder and bid his brother good night.

Arron sat and felt sorry for himself for a few more minutes while he finished off the second bottle then headed for his own tent.

He could see nothing in the gloom of the tent after stepping inside but he did hear giggling. He turned and zipped the door closed then crouched down and flicked his lighter. The sight that greeted him in the pale, yellow light should not have been a surprise but it was. He rocked back on his heels and shook his head, an action that set off more giggling.

Rachel and Lena lay atop their respective sleeping bags. Both were naked and had their legs spread wide, the better to present their bald little chocolate and marshmallow smeared twats to him.

He put the lighter away and quickly stripped, boots, pants shirt and accessories flying about at random. He was crawling toward Rachel when Lena intercepted him. She arched like a cat over her sister, her pale, sleek nudity glowing in the night. She kissed Rachel's flat chest then trailed her tongue down to play in the child's navel. She turned to look at him then spoke in an innocent little girl whisper that still managed to carry a trace of huskiness, "You don't get this pussy. This pussy's mine." So saying she raised her sister's thin legs and rested them on her shoulders then lowered her face to the four-year-old's plump, confection covered cunt. At the same time she thrust her own round bottom in the air and spread her legs so the bald roundness of her own chocolate coated twat peeked from between her thighs. Her sexy little bottom waved like a flag as she began to suck her baby sister off.

Groaning, Arron captured that captivating little rump and brought his lips to the cool smooth, softness of its rounded cheeks. He nuzzled and kissed before drawing a measure of six-year-old butt into his mouth and gently biting. He dropped his nose into the child's rounded cleft and drug it up and down her crack. His tongue followed, tracing the path from the small of Lena's smooth back to the artificially sweetened rise of her immature mound. He retraced his path, this time circling her little pink pucker before sealing his lips over it and giving a little suck.

He backed off and dropped lower. Lena squealed into Rachel's pussy when without warning he sent his tongue spearing between the lips of her own twat. He fucked it in and out a half dozen times then open his mouth and covered the whole of her tiny mound. He sucked each thick lips into his mouth and nibbled it a bit then got down to some serious child molesting. Lena moaned and squealed into her baby sister's cunt as Arron ravaged hers. When the chocolate and marshmallow got to be a bit much he moved back up to her tight little bottom and ate baby ass for a while.

Lena seemed to like that idea. She briefly raised her head and rolled Rachel onto her side giving her access to the four-year-old's bottom. The younger child groaned when her older sisters tongue slid between her soft cheeks and deep into her butt.

Lena began to hump her trim little ass at Arron's face, pushing his tongue deeper into her charms. Her squeals were nearly continual now and she was ravishing her sister's ass. Sensing she was close Arron used his tongue to push her resilient lips aside and went digging for her tiny clit. He found that small point of hardness and began battering it with his tongue.

The result was quick and decisive. Lena screamed into Rachel's baby sex and tried to shove her uncles head up her own tiny twat. He hung on as she crested, sucking her clit and fingering her bottom hole to draw out her orgasm.

Rachel had been laying quietly, only an occasional whimper betraying her own pleasure. Now she grabbed a pillow and pulled it over her face. As her sisters screams into her baby twat set off her own cum the four-year-old vented her pleasure into the foam filled sack.

Arron kept Lena up for long seconds then released her little clit. He dropped lower and licked up the tiny amount of tasty baby cum that oozed from her abused slit. The six-year-old collapsed like a puppet with cut strings, sliding off her sister's body to lie comatose on her side.

Arron surveyed the two children for a second then gently eased each back onto their own sleeping bags. He slid between them and rolled onto his back. His hand found his rampant cock and managed a dozen strokes before a pale hand reached out and stopped him.

"Mine!" Lena hissed and crawled up till her head rested on his thigh. She gently disengaged his hand from his cock then began to lick his balls. He stared at her as if he'd seen a shade emerge from a tomb for a moment then lay back and enjoyed her oral ministrations.

After basting his testicles thoroughly the child slid upward to give equal time to his throbbing cock. Her questing tongue slid over taut cock flesh in a meandering path that finally took her skittering across the precum wet curve of his cock head. She licked up all of the sticky seepage then sent the tip of her lapper questing into his urethra for more.

Finally she rose up and let her lips part, letting his thick cock force her jaws apart as it slid into her tiny mouth. She paused a moment with just the head inside and then began to bob up and down, her golden mane caressed his shaft and pooled on his thighs as she blew him.

Soon his dick was questing at the back of her throat. His head just kissing on each down stroke. He groaned, feeling his balls bubble in warning and anticipating a fantastic cum when she varied the routine.

On her next down stroke Lena paused with his head just touching the back of her throat. He felt her take a deep breath around the mouth filling mass of his dick. Then suddenly she was pushing again, trying to take him deeper. He felt his cock head pushing into the tight restriction of her throat as she tried to swallow him whole. She gained perhaps half an inch before her gag reflex proved to much. She choked and began to cough around his cock. Even as she tried to pull off the spastic massage of her spasming throat, along with the idea that this six-year-old had just tried to deep throat him, proved too much.

Arron groaned and fired a mighty pulse of sperm into her throat. That of course only made things worse for Lena. A good portion of cum went down the wrong hole. His dick slurped obscenely from her mouth as his little niece collapsed in a coughing frenzy. The remainder of his cum painted her face and fired into her hair.

As soon as he recovered Arron gathered the child up and rocked her as she coughed and shook. He fumbled behind him till he found a flashlight and turned it on.

Tears were running down Lena's cheeks and her hair and face were a cum covered mess. She had stopped coughing but was still having trouble drawing breath.

He spied a pack of towelets he kept shoved in the tent's utility pocket and pulled them out. He rocked and cooed the child as he cleaned the congealing spunk from her pretty face. The hair proved another matter, the towelets just weren't up to the task. He finally had to retrieve a damp towel and nearly sponge the cum from it.

By the time he had finished Lena had recovered. She looked sheepish when Arron tilted her chin up and looked into her eyes. He leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose. "You're a wonder honey, but what on earth made you try that?"

She shrugged her thin shoulders. "I just wanted too." She sniffed, "I'm sorry I messed it up."

Arron pulled her naked body into his arms in a gentle hug. "Oh baby, you didn't mess it up. It felt fantastic." He pushed her back and grinned at her, "at least for me."

After a moment a slight smile touched her lips, "you liked it?"

Arron mussed her cum damp hair. "I liked the feeling. I didn't like you curled up on the floor trying to cough up your spleen. There's grown women, lot's of them, hell most of them that can't do that. I think you better hold off till you grow a little."

"I wanted to see if I could do it, you know, deep throat you."

"And I appreciate it." He pulled her back into his arms and gently kissed her lips, "but I don't want you to hurt yourself trying."

"Can I try again sometime?"

He shook his head and grinned. "We'll see sometime. For now it's bedtime."

She cocked her head and smiled up at him. "By the way, what's a spleen?"

It was only after the light was out and the children gone to the land of nod that a thought surfaced at the back of Arron's sleepy mind. He'd never told her it was called deep throat.

A violent thunderstorm rousted the camp before dawn. Lightning stabbed and the rain came in solid sheets that obscured everything more than ten feet away. The gusting wind tried to tear the tent up and send it flying and drove frigid droplets of water through every seam an pore of the fragile fabric structure.

The girl's were terrified. Arron got them dressed then the trio huddled as nature bellowed and roared. More than once they heard cracking and thumping sounds as the wild tempest tore branches from the tree's and sent them crashing to the ground. One distant thud sounded loud enough to be a whole tree coming down. Lightning stabbed and strobed, the boom of the thunder a long tearing sound if the strike was distant. A heart stopping 'boom' when it was close.

The fury couldn't last and within forty minutes had tapered to a steady rain with occasional distant flash. Arron got the girls into their ponchos and the three ventured out into the dismal dawn.

Smaller branches and parts thereof were scattered through the camp. The dining fly was partially down, having collapsed over the table. All three of the tents seemed to have survived though the stretching of their sodden lines made them sag, they seemed tired and bedraggled.

Carl and Jenny joined them and the two men set to righting the dining fly while Jenny gathered the girl's for a trip to the privy. It didn't take long to repair the damaged fly, the stakes had pulled out and there was a rip in the screen but other than that it was fine. They got it restaked and were inside gathering all of the implements that they wayward fabric had swept from the table when the females returned.

The privy had vanished in the storm. They all trudged out for a look. There was nothing left but a water filled, and rather evil smelling hole in the ground. Not even the heavy timber seat or its support remained. Jenny took the girls off to the woods. Joking, the men folk set to building another crapper. The old one had been getting rather full anyhow.

By the time they had selected a spot and invested several hours labor and another tarp in it Jenny had managed to get a breakfast together. They ate then took time to fill in the old privy hole before setting off for the house site.

It had been a whole tree, a big one too. The old pine lay across the road, its root bundle rearing the height of the truck. They got out and surveyed the fallen giant then shrugged and clambered over it. They'd just have to walk the rest of the way.

Arron approached the house with apprehension. The unfinished structure was simply not that strong in its current state. It was with considerable relief that they emerged from the forest and found it still standing.

A quick survey found no damage at all. The skeletal dwelling had come through the blow with nothing worse than a scattering of tree parts across its rough floors. Most of the tarps that had covered the various power tools were MIA but two of these were found plastered against a basement wall of the house. Arron made a mental note to start securing the damn things.

A good portion of the day was spent in clean up. The tree blocking the road was sectioned then drug to the house site to await its appointment with the mill. Arron dried the electrical parts of the generator and welder as best he could then crossed his fingers and fired them up. After letting each run without load for several minutes he tried them out, both worked perfectly. He checked out the mills motor and drive with the same results. They had been very lucky.

They lunched on sandwiches then got back to work. By now the rain had stopped and the sun put in an appearance. They swept the puddles from the houses two floors and left the raw wood to dry on its own. With nothing more powerful than push brooms it took several house to remove the water from the basement but with persistence they managed to shove most of it out over the sill of the big door opening..

It was later afternoon when Arron slumped against one of the basements dank walls and lit a cigarette. Outside the Ram clattered to life. Carl and Lena were headed back to camp to get some towels to aid in the drying out process.

He had just taken his first luxurious drag when Rachel stepped up and in one motion opened his shorts and let them drop to the wet floor. He was still trying to formulate a response to this when the tiny four-year-old engulfed his dick and began to suck. Her raven hair bobbed pertly as she got into the rhythm. She looked into his eyes as she sucked, her liquid brown eyes empty of guile. Groaning, he closed his own eyes and listened to the Ram rumbling off into the distance.

Rachel had gained greatly in skill and soon he felt his nuts begin to rumble. The child was full stroking his dick, the head kissing the back of her throat on each stroke. Unlike her sister the night before Rachel didn't pause to prepare, one second he was enjoying her talented sucking, the next he gasped and opened his eyes as the child tried to jam his cock down her throat.

She retreated coughing after a moment. Luckily for her he wasn't on a hair trigger like the previous evening so she didn't inhale a lung full of spunk. Unlike the previous evening she returned to the attack. Arron gasped as he felt the silky membrane of her tiny throat slither around and massage his prick. Again she had to back off in a coughing fit.

Arron held his breath as she bore in for a third try. This time she paused with his dick in the back of her mouth. He saw her eyes cross as the child tried to focus on his pubic hair, her little brow furrowed in concentration. After a moment she inched forward till his cock again pressed against the back of her throat, this time however he felt that muscular tube ripple as she swallowed. Another half inch of dick slid in.

Her node flared as she took several breaths then she again applied pressure, another swallow and another length of cock vanished between her lips. Arron groaned and fought not to cum as her tight, hot throat encased him. More pressure was followed by another swallow and suddenly the tightness around his prick head eased. Like a piston in a well oiled cylinder the last inch and a half of Arron's cock slid easily past the four-year-old's lips. She came to rest with her nose in his pubic hair, her brown eyes twinkled up at him in triumph.

She enjoyed her victory for a moment then pulled back, he groaned as the entire length of his now throbbing prick slid out of her mouth. She regarded the glistening length for a second then after planting a chaste kiss on the head again engulfed it. She went the entire way, this time swallowing rapidly so his cock was treated to a string of muscle pulses as it slid into her throat. He groaned, bright colors flashing before his eyes and tried to keep his knees from buckling. Again she came off and again she drove in.

The third trip into her magic throat was one too much. As her esophagus again nibbled past his head he painted the child's tonsils with a mighty blast of steaming cum. Rachel took two more in her throat then backed off to let him fill her mouth with spunk.

As his balls emptied Arron's vision grayed out. With the last weak pulse his knees finally gave way and his bare butt slid down the rough stone to come to rest on the chill of the damp floor. His wilting cock pulled from the child's mouth and followed.

When he finally looked up it was to see a smiling Rachel looking down at him, the child's cheeks were slightly puffed out and she swayed from side to side in a toddler's dance. When she caught his gaze the four-year-old opened her mouth to display the milky lake of cum inside then swallowed it in a single gulp. She immediately belched, an act that set her to giggling. A moment more and she turned and wondered off across the cellar in search of further amusement.

Shaking his head Arron climbed unsteadily to his feet and pulled up his wet shorts. He had just re-lit his forgotten cigarette when the diesel clatter of the Ram again appeared in the distance.

Just before dark the rain returned, undoing the drying out part of their cleanup. Chagrined and a little disgusted at the fickle face of mother nature they made their way back to a cold supper. A spring romp always seemed to lift disgruntled spirits and that stinky little hole worked its magic again this night. They splashed and laughed until all were thoroughly wrinkled then headed back up the hill.

The rain had stopped as they played and with superhuman effort and a mayonnaise jar full of 87 octane Carl and Arron managed to get a fire going. It was soon blazing high as the wood dried out. Jenny prepared cocktails for the adults and cocoa for the girls. The latter was generally a before bed snack for the kids since it tended to make them sleepy. This night it failed to work, they were still zipping around the fire like a pair of spinning tops. A rare second ration of cocoa was issued to each and within minutes Lena was nodding on her father's lap while Rachel attempted to burrow into Arron's armpit. He managed to catch a triumphant looking Jenny's eye. She smiled and mouthed one word, 'Cognac'.

After the tired and now half soused children were put to bed Jenny fixed another round of drinks for herself and the men. She was in an amorous mood and flirted with them both but to Arron's surprise it was his lap that she finally oozed into. Through the crackling flames a grinning Carl saluted with his glass as his brother and his wife locked lips in a passionate kiss.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


great story but your taking too long between parts

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