A Tinker's Damn, Part 1

[ Mg(12), lolita, mast, oral, anal, blkml ]

by 4sworn


Published: 17-Mar-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

A Tinker's Belle

Belle Wheeler stood beneath the old sign announcing Green's Pharmacy and went over her plan, along with various contingencies and escape strategies if something went wrong. She was confident that she could improvise, but years of experience had proven how important it is to have a plausible story straight in your mind should improvisation become necessary.

Belle had just turned twelve years old, but without makeup - as she was now - and wearing her hair in pigtails with her budding b-cup breasts closely wrapped in an ace bandage below her light blue summer dress, she appeared much younger, around nine. Belle could, with adequate preparation, adjust her apparent age anywhere between nine and eighteen. Whatever age she appeared to be, however, she was always stunningly, strikingly beautiful. Her flaxen blond hair hung down to the small of her back and framed her oval-shaped face, cute upturned nose, and perfect smile. These she had inherited from her mother's Irish Traveller family. Her dark eyes and Mediterranean skin - just a shade lighter than Sophia Lauren's - were inherited from her father's Romani roots, and gave her the appearance of having a year-round tan and exotic look. Belle was a gypsy on both sides of the family - one Irish and the other Indian by way of Romania. The effect, in total, was nothing short of astonishing, and her lithe body and ebullient personality meant that the only people who didn't turn to look at her a second time did so through sheer force of will. She had the kind of beauty that attracted attention. She was accustomed to being noticed.

That the pharmacist was a man was to her advantage, but Belle was, by necessity, completely on her own in this. Neither her mum, her stepdad, nor her brothers and sisters would be on hand to cause a distraction if her plan went awry. But Belle was nothing if not confident - especially when it came to getting what she wanted from buffer men, she giggled to herself. The sole customer in the store walked out, and it was 11:30 AM. Well, no time like the present, she thought.

The bell on the door tinkled as she walked in to the pharmacy and made her way to the counter in the back, and she stood before the high counter.

"Excuse me, mister," she said loudly, drawing the attention of the tall, fairly attractive balding man dressed in a long white coat and sporting large-framed black spectacles. He had an attractive mustache and goatee, and kept his dark hair well groomed. He was tall and thin, and Belle found him handsome enough for her purposes.

"What can I do for you, young lady?" asked the pharmacist. She noted a glint of interest as he looked at her, a slight widening of his irises, and a delicate flush came to his cheeks. He licked his lips unconsciously and gave her a wide smile. Belle pulled the list and the prescription from her back pocket.

For this initial encounter, Belle had decided to put on a thick, trailer-park Texas accent. "My mamma tol' me to pick up these for her, but I don't know where they are. Can y'all hep me?" Belle gave the pharmacist her best Shirley Temple smile, as she handed the list up to the pharmacist.

"Well, let's see what we can do" smiled the pharmacist. The pharmacist looked at the prescription and the shopping list and nearly gasped. The prescription was for a ninety-day supply of birth control pills. The shopping list contained a carton of cigarettes, tampons, a fifth of Irish whisky, and an assortment of items from the "Family Planning" section, such as a "personal massager" and assorted lubricants ranging from cherry-flavored to heat-inducing. How a mother expect a child to purchase these items, he had no idea. He had half a mind to call child-protective services on the woman.

"Hmmm. Looks like your mommy has a big night planned. I'm sorry, honey. She's just going to have to have this prescription filled herself, because we need to have her ID. And besides, I couldn't sell ..."

"She gave me her ID," Belle interrupted, pulling it from her small purse and handing it to him, "and the money." She handed the ID to the pharmacist. "Here it is. It would really help if you could sell them to me. Momma works late every night, and she needs these things tomorrow. You see, Daddy is coming home from the Army hospital tomorrow - he was in Afghanistan - and she wants to be ready right when he gets home. We ain't from around here. We're from Texas. We're here while Daddy goes through his rehabilitation up at the Army hospital. It's going to be great to have Daddy home again, even if he ain't got but one leg!" she cried.

The pharmacist looked at the list again, and then at Belle, considering. "I'm sorry, honey, but you can't sign for your Mommy's prescription. It's against the law. I'd help you if I could, Sunshine, and I'm real sorry to hear about your Daddy. But it's the law; there's nothing I can do."

Belle looked up at the pharmacist and worked herself slowly toward tears, bottom lip fluttering uncontrollably. "M-m-my D-daddy got his leg blowed off by an IED in Afghanistan. Mamma has been working so hard because Daddy's been discharged, and disability ain't enough for Momma and four youngins to live on. Daddy has been at the Army hospital, and whenever Mamma's not working, she's visiting Daddy. Please, mister, kin ya help us out, just this oncest?" Now Belle let the tears start to flow.

The pharmacist hesitated. He wanted to help this pretty little girl, well, she's damned sexy if you really want to know, but he could get into a ton of trouble if anyone ever found out. He was pretty sure that these items weren't for her, because the list was too crazy for a child to come up with. It was more likely that her mother was just an idiot, on drugs, or was having too much trouble dealing with her husband's injury to be thinking straight. The pharmacist made up his mind. "I'm sorry honey, but I can't help you. Your Mommy is just going to have to come in and pick these things up herself." The pharmacist handed the ID, list, and prescription back.

Belle allowed her tears to flow harder and then slowly subside. So we switch to Plan B, thought Belle, which she was generally hoping for anyway. Now all she needed was 20 minutes without hearing the damn bell on the door ring. Well, she would have to trust in her luck.

"It's okay," she sniffed. "I know you'd hep if you could. But Mamma's gonna to be real mad at me. She gets so mad these days. She's under a lot of stress, and she really wants Daddy to have a good homecoming is all." Belle let out another anguished sob, watching the man's face intently. She could tell that he had made up his mind not to sell her the items on the list, even the birth-control pills, which was what she really wanted anyway. Her first period had not been welcome. She briefly considered asking if he could just sell her those, but no becomes easier to say after the first time. And she had something much more difficult to say no to, anyway.

I'm sorry, Mister, but I gotta go pee real, real bad." Belle gave the man a look that was somewhere between forlorn and urgent. Belle already knew that there were no public restrooms at the small drug store, because she had cased the store's layout a couple of days before.

"Well, honey, you can come back here and use the private bathroom. I'm not really supposed to let anyone behind the counter, but I guess that it will be alright," he said, happy to help the girl out in some way.

The pharmacist opened the door to allow Belle behind the counter, and walked her back to the restroom. "Right in here, honey. Let me know when you're done so I can take you back out, okay?"

"Thank you, mister," said Belle, wiping away the tears. "Hey, what's yall's name, anyway?"

"Mr. Green, and who might you be?" he replied, opening the bathroom door.

"Ma name is Sarah Flannery," Belle lied, careful to use the surname from the stolen driver's license. "I'll be done in a minute. Thank you, Mr. Green," she smiled. Elijah Green smiled back at her.

Closing the door, Belle opened her purse, pulled out her lipstick, blush, and rouge and removed the elastics from her hair. She carefully applied her makeup in the mirror and brushed back her long blond hair, suddenly gaining six to eight years in apparent age. She pulled down the shoulder straps of her dress and removed the ace bandage that had been hiding her budding breasts, stashing the bandage in her purse. She took a pair of blood-stained panties out of her purse and removed her own panties and put them in the purse. Belle fixed her dress applied a couple of mists of perfume and checked the mirror once more.

And then she sat down on the toilet and screamed.

Mr. Green was immediately pounding on the door, yelling "Are you okay, Sarah?" Mr. Green tried the door handle, finding it unlocked. He flung the door open to find Belle sitting with her blood-stained panties around her ankles.

"I'm bleeding! " shrieked Belle. "I'm bleeding from here!" Belle hiked up her dress and slowly spread her legs to display the offending part of her anatomy, reaching down with both hands to spread her pussy lips apart. "Can you look at it for me?" she whispered shyly.

Mr. Green sucked in a breath, and his cock immediately hardened uncomfortably. She was older than he had thought previously. Obviously, she was having her first period. Mr. Green couldn't think straight. All he knew in the world at that moment was intense desire, like a fire ignited in his blood. There she sat: So beautiful, so innocent, and right there for the taking.

Elijah had been attracted to children since puberty, but he had never acted on his feelings, except once when he was 15 with an eight-year-old friend of the family on a camping trip. He had felt the girl up while he thought that she was asleep in the tent, but she had gotten up and told her parents. The family had left the next morning, and he had been so ashamed that he never touched another female until he married his wife at the age of 24. But now, looking at this beautiful child, he knew that he had to have her.

"Oh my," said Mr. Green. "Let me have a closer look and see whether you're injured."

He bent down and put his face near her girlhood, drawing in her aroma. He lightly ran his fingers over her labia, separating them. Her little snatch was drenched and seeping with her natural lubricant. "I don't see any cuts," he said as he ran his fingers up and down her vulva.

Belle inhaled sharply on the up-stroke and let out a soft moan meant to inflame Mr. Green. The sound had it's intended effect, and Mr. Green hesitantly touched her clit with the finger. "Oh god!" moaned Belle. "Ahhh... Oh god! That feels so gooooood! Can you kiss it and make it better?" she cooed.

Mr. Green gained confidence. It's actually happening, he thought, and he started to very gently kiss and lick Belle's smooth, hairless twat, slowly gathering momentum until he was going at her with wild abandon, thrusting his finger in and out of her pussy. Mr. Green couldn't have stopped if he tried. This was the sexual experience that he had dreamt of, in secret, his entire life. As he licked the bucking, nubile young girl, he drew nearer and nearer to cumming in his pants. The thought of bringing this gorgeous little girl to her first orgasm had Mr. Green nearly crazed. Belle thrashed more violently on the toilet as she neared orgasm, breathing heavily and moaning "It feels so good. Uh, uh. Something's happening. Ahh. Ahhhh!"

Belle felt her vaginal muscles contract. He's actually really good at giving head, she thought with a satisfied smile. Belle reached down into her purse and pulled out her iPhone, as Green continued to assault her pussy with his lashing tongue and thrusting forefinger.

"Mr. Green," breathed Belle.

Elijah looked up.

"Say 'Cheese," Belle intoned as she snapped a picture of Green lapping at her pussy. Startled, Mr. Green lurched back against the bathroom wall. "Jesus! What the fuck?!!" he cried.

Green sat for a moment and tried to figure out what this all meant. His cock had shriveled so much that it might have crawled up into his asshole. He was suddenly very afraid. "I'm sorry, Sarah. I'm sorry. I ... I shouldn't have done that. It was wrong. I'm sorry," he blubbered.

Then he looked up at the camera, thought about the photo on it, and his eyes narrowed.

"Before you get any bright ideas, Mr. Green, I think that you should remind yourself that this is an iPhone, and that photo of you with your tongue in my quim is backed up on iCloud, and therefore, on my Mac. And do you see this birth mark on my left thigh? It shows up quite nicely in the photo. So taking this phone will do nothing for you, and if anything happens to me, the cops will find that photo on my computer, and you'll just be adding to your child rape charges." Belle's accent and diction had both changed as her need for pretense was now over. There was still a bit of a southern drawl, but it seemed much more educated.

Mr. Green looked Belle in the eye and growled, "You set me up, you little bitch."

"This," she waggled the phone, "is just insurance. What we have here is what you call a transaction. You have some things that I want, and I have something that you want," said Belle, fingering her hairless pussy. "Now, Mr. Green, you will get me everything on that list, and because of the extra trouble, I'll also take two bottles of Oxycodone, and whatever large bills you have in the register."

Mr. Green looked up at her. "Oxycodone is a controlled substance. I have to account for every pill. I'll lose my license. I'll go to jail."

"You should've thought of that before you stuck your tongue in my gash," Belle chided. "Look, Mr. Green, break-ins happen all the time at pharmacies. Maybe someone broke in and robbed you. Maybe it happened after you went home tonight. Maybe the thieves stole all the Oxy, and it all ended up in my hands, when I come back around three months from now."

Green looked at the floor, realizing that he didn't have many options. "I'm fucked."

Belle treated Mr. Green to a mischievous grin and continued to masturbate herself - having power over grown men made her very, very horny. "Not yet, Green, but if you want to be fucked by a twelve-year-old girl - and I know that you do - and if you want to stay out of jail on a kiddy raper rap, you'll give me everything I want. You know what they do to kiddy rapers in prison, Mr. Green?" asked Belle, rhetorically. "The stories would shrink your pucker.... Or maybe it's the other way around ... gape it," she corrected herself wryly.

"I'll give you whatever you want, Sarah," said Green.

"Good, then go lock up for lunch and bring me everything on my list. And bring two bottles of Irish whiskey, one for me to take and one for us to share. And bring a glass," ordered Belle. "And then I'll suck your cock, and, if you're a very good boy, maybe I'll let you fuck me in the ass," winked Belle, scooting forward on the toilet and snaking her finger down to circle her pink rosebud. Green got hard again, and the desire to possess his Sarah enflamed him yet again. "But If you want to fuck my pussy, you'll have to bring a condom because I ain't gettin' pregnant."

Mr. Green rushed off to gather the items on the list, and was back in seven minutes sans lab coat, holding two bags, a bottle of Irish whiskey, and a glass. "Pour and drink," said Belle as she counted out $420 from the first bag and ensured that the second bag contained all the items she had asked for, including, she noticed, a box of Magnum condoms. Green downed a shot of whiskey and grimaced, poured another, and then handed it to Belle, who downed it smoothly. "Again," said Belle, smiling.

After four shots each, Belle stood in front of Green and lightly touched his hard cock through his pants. "One more thing, Mr. Green," said Belle looking up at him. "I want the whole episode on video, as a keepsake. Don't worry, I'll e-mail you a link to an encrypted copy of the video for your own use, along with a password."

Belle started the video on her iPhone, focusing the picture on Mr. Green's face. "After all, you'll want to remember this too, won't you, Mr. Green?" Belle made loving eyes at Mr. Green, handing him the phone and massaging his dick some more.

Green thought for a second, then sighed. What the hell? he thought. "In for a penny, in for a pound," he replied, taking the phone and ensuring that Belle was framed properly as she slowly pulled her dress over her head, smiling brightly.

This would be another hot video to add to her expanding collection - must be forty by now - she thought, dating back to when she was eight. Too bad so many of her experiences prior to that weren't captured on video. And now she had another grown man totally under her control. She knew that these videos were valuable, that their existence gave her power over the men and provided her with money in exchange for her silence. Giving the men access to the videos was a bit of a risk, but it was worth it to have them thinking about her constantly, enslaved, willing to do anything for another taste. Plus, she could change the password any time one of the men did something to displease her or if she felt any danger.

Later, she reasoned, the videos would be wonderful keepsakes of her sexual exploits before the age of majority. They would be something to share with her own future daughter, one day, after she decided to conceive. And, Belle just really, really loved the sex, when you got right down to it.

Without further ado, Belle unbuckled Mr. Green's belt, undid his pants. unzipped his fly with her teeth, and got right down to it.


I sat watching that very video (#39 actually, we found when we organized the videos by date) with Pearl, my six-year-old daughter, sitting next to me, wearing only her white cotton panties. Pearl had been asking to see the videos more often of late, and more often when her mother was out.

"Is that Mommy?" asked Pearl.

"Yes, of course that's mommy, honey. Don't you recognize her?"

"Mommy looks pretty," said Pearl as she watched her mother deepthroat Elijah's cock and listened to his deep groans of ecstasy.

Pearl always got excited when she watched videos of her mother having sex. She shoved her hand down her panties and furiously frigged her little nubbin, her eyes glued to the screen. She got mad sometimes when Mr. Green was holding the camera. "The camera's too shaky!" complained Pearl to the 21" iMac screen, as though she expected the screen to apologize and fix the problem right away. The frame did sometimes jerk around, only to steady to show Mr. Green's large dick pistoning in and out of Belle's asshole.

"How does it fit in there?" demanded Pearl, who had discarded her panties and was probing her little butthole with her finger.

"Your mommy had a lot of practice, baby doll," I responded.

"When do I get to practice?" Pearl asked sullenly.

"Someday, baby. But not today," I replied.

"You always say that," groused my daughter. "How come I can't practice with you, Daddy?"

I stood up and did my best impression of the werewolf from the old black-and-white movie. "Because if we did, then your Daddy could never let you have any other boyfriends! I'd have to eat them all up! And then I'd have to eat you!" I waved my paws at my daughter, and she shrieked in mock horror as I stalked her naked form around the room. When I caught her, as I always did, I gave her a big raspberry on her stomach and tickled her ribs. She giggled hysterically.

"Stop Daddy!!! Stop!" she cried, her tears of laughter beginning to flow down her cheeks.

I stopped tickling her and gave her a big kiss on the forehead. "Daddy loves you, baby," I told her. "I love you too, Daddy." Pearl reached up and pulled my face down to hers to kiss my lips sweetly. She had always been a demonstrative child like her mother. For the first time ever, however, I noticed that she was masturbating herself as she kissed me. She always played with herself while watching her mom's videos, and Belle and I had decided long ago to treat it as the most natural thing in the world, barely noticeable. It would give her a healthy sexual outlook, Belle always said. But this was different, and I was a bit worried. I was more worried by the fact that I was a bit aroused in spite of myself.

Pearl and I looked back at the screen just in time to watch Belle pumping Elijah's big cock with both hands, her tongue sticking out to gather in the last of the sperm leaking from his cock. Elijah's grunts were guttural. She licked a thin layer of sperm around her lips with her tongue and then swallowed the remainder, licked her lips a second time and swallowed again. Belle stuck out her tongue and said "All gone."

Belle took the phone from Elijah's hand and pointed it up to his face. His expression was a complex mixture of surprise, gratitude, fulfillment, love, and a tinge of melancholy, as though he realized somehow that this moment was the absolute pinnacle of his life, and he would probably never feel this good again. I wonder how many times I've had that same look on my face after cumming in Belle. But there was never any video evidence of Belle and me; she absolutely forbade it. "There's a difference between business and pleasure," she said anytime I asked her about making a video together. I often fired back that she appeared to be having a good enough time in her videos.

Every video ended with Belle interviewing the male lead.

"For the record," said Belle. "What's your full name?"

"Elijah Waterhouse Green."

"And your address?"

"1xxx5 Coventry Circle, Bethesda Maryland, 20815."

"What's your family status?"

"I'm married to Denise Green, and I have two children, Bobby and Becky."

"What's your annual income, Elijah?"

"It depends on the business, but I usually can afford to take out around $150,000 per year."

"What's your e-mail address?"

Elijah stopped to consider. "xii12...@yahoo.com," he replied finally.

"Is that your real e-mail address?" asked Belle.

"Not yet, but it will be as soon as I can get to my computer."

"Smart boy," said Belle. "I knew there was a reason I liked you. What's your cell phone number?"


"Do you love me?" she asked.

"Yes," said Elijah with a wistful and faraway look in his eyes.

"Last question, Elijah. What would you deny me?"

Elijah looked straight into the phone's camera lens. "Nothing."

"Good answer, Elijah. Have another 3-month supply of birth control pills ready for me when I come back in August. And don't forget the Oxy. I'll be sure to send you a copy of this video, and I'm sure that you'll be wanting it."

The Replay Video button appeared in the middle of the screen.

Pearl was already distracted; she had put her panties back on and was laying on the floor playing with her Nintendo DS. She was always bored by interviews at the end of the videos. But sensing the end of the video, she looked over her shoulder at me, and she gave me the same look that Belle had given me when I first met her at the age of 15 - a look that says that you can run but you can't hide. I remember joking with Belle that she made believe that it was possible to stuff a 38-year-old woman into the body of a 15-year-old girl. And now I was starting to fear that someone had stuffed a 17-year-old girl into my daughter's 6-year-old body. She was, after all, her mother's daughter, and her mother had become sexually active at the age of six. I guess that's what scared me most.


A Tinker's Damn will be continued in Part 2 - A Tinker's Treasure

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Great story .The problem with age of 'consent' laws , while they MIGHT SOMETIMES 'protect' innocence from actual rapists, I find it impossible to believe that all little girls are 'innocent ' .Laws like that just allow girls like this to take advantage of them . If the girl were to just betray the man and report him on a whim,all she would need to do is cry that he forced her .( Do loli's still get into trouble for blackmail?)


Thanks for your review! One of the themes that I wanted to explore was just that one - the expectation that the adult is always wrong. The twist is that the adult becomes a willing participant in the situation. This might have been clearer had Belle given Mr. Green a choice. Maybe I'll revise along those lines. Suggestions?

The reviewing period for this story has ended.