Wednesday, November 20 2002
The birthday party was great, but we left earlier than we wanted because I had to go to work the next day and I was still feeling unwell from cold. Ella also has classes this morning. I think they should have made the party this weekend instead. But it was fun too, lots of music and dancing and birthday cakes! I saw some old friends which was nice because they haven't met Ella until now. There were about fifteen people at the part, not all of them girls but most of them.
Someone recently asked me about my job and what I do exactly. Well for one thing I'm not very computer literate, although Ella has taught me a lot since she moved in. She learns about computers in school which I never did because I studied arts and we didn't need to learn about them. My work is about designing different costumes and sets used in theaters which is what I like to do because I can be creative in my work. I meet some young girls at work but not very often. Yes I've even designed dresses for them. We don't really make dresses, we only decide how they should look and draw everything the way we want them to look. We have professional people who make them for us. Once I worked on a play for children and it was lots of fun. We had to make all the costumes for them, everything from shoes to hair ribbons. The best part was when we had to take their measurements. Most little girls who are actresses are very expressionable and fun to work with. They are very pretty and precocious too. But that was the only time I worked with many of them at once. Usually I see only one or two girls and not very often. Most plays or operas are for adult actors. What I like about the job are those little moments when I actually make something pretty for those girls and have fun with dressing them up in costumes.
I've heard from Miss Nikki too. We spoke on the phone yesterday afternoon for a half an hour. She's coping with school alright and has her friends who help her with homework. I asked her about the girl I wrote about earlier in my diary, the one she kissed on the cheek. She said they'll have a sleepover at her place the following weekend. She's also back to her karate class but she's not as enthusiastic about it as before. She's talking now about joining a soccer club because one of her girlfriends has moved from karate to soccer and she wants to be with her. I think it would be more fun because then Ella and I could go and watch her at soccer matches every weekend. They are fun to watch because there are lots of little girls running around the field in their little shorts!
I also spoke with Ella about our New Year vacation. She's happy with going hiking and she doesn't mind if Nikki comes along with us. She thinks her dad is also making some plans for them but she's not sure about it yet. What complicates it is a coincidence that she has a birthday on December 27th. I think our first anniversary since we met will be in January. I can't believe we've been together now for that long.
That's all for now. I should go because I've been writing this for too long and Ella keeps calling me to watch some movie with her. She rented some videos and she wants to watch them with me.