Now what do you think when you see a story by Kenny N Gamera. Besides, "oh no. not again." or "I wish he'd just go away." or "Key-rice, can't that boy get a proof reader." You probably think "humour." Okay, I admit to writing some humour, but I still don't think of myself as a humour writer. That's why not everything is on this page. What is here is the stories that I meant to be funny rather than things that people only think are funny.
Thank You and Good Day,
Kenny N Gamera
Bottoming from the Top
- I was researching into BDSM at the time I wrote this and came across the phrase 'topping from the bottom.' Well, if there are pushy bottoms how about a not at all pushy top. So was invented the entirely, completely wimpy Wass and his wife Sam.
Cheerleaders Need New Uniforms
- I wrote this one in two parts on ASSD as a burp to a request for stories about young girls with older men. One scenario that the requester suggested was junior high school cheerleaders trying to get uniforms out of the school board. I doubt that he wanted this story, but someone liked it enough that I decided to do what I swore I would never do; I rewrote it. The revision includes the anal scene that I ran out of time to do. The original version can be found in text format here at my ftp site.
I'm not through with the girls either. Shannon appears in "Last of the Moe Peek-ins." The whole squad is featured in "Chess Club Sex Slaves"
Free Babes on Cam
- Like many, many of my stories, this one was writen years before I bothered to type it in. Finally in 2003, I decided to post it in honour of Dr. Seuss's birthday. Up to this point it is my single most popular story in terms of feedback. Eli the Bearded calculated the word to vocabulary ratio at 6.7.
Got Beer
Harping with Kenny
- There is this joke that floats around the net about how to please a woman (long list of words) and how to please a man (show up at the door naked and with beer). So the first part of the story should be obivous. When this got onto ASSD, someone commented on the pleasing of women, "what? Hit her on the head with a Thesaurus." Thus was born the rest of this burp.
Souvie, bless her soul, proofed this for me.
Intercourse, The Penguin
- I didn't even try to pretend with this one. I just started typing and let the rubber chicken feathers fly where they may. You don't understand it? Good, it's not meant to be understood; it's meant to be completely silly. I was going to write a sequel, but I came to my senses. By the Way. It is from the "Exploding Penguin on the teley" sketch.
No, I Really Didn't See That
- My claim to shame. 1) I can't believe I wrote this. 2) I can't believe I posted it. Blame Denny Wheeler for posting a news article while trying to fill Gary Jordon's hopper. I wrote this one in response and posted it to ASSD as a burp. Sigh! Why oh why!
Amoung my friends who have read my stories, it is called the fish story. At least one of my favourite readers has this a her favourite story.
One Morning at 214 Clitlick Street
- The interplay between Mrs. Swampwater and the delievery agent got stuck in my head one day at work. I needed to get it out. I was watching way too much of my Monty Python tapes at the time, so that is where the flavour comes from.
Repossessed Teacher
- This was the first non-"Beggars" story I posted to ASSM. The character Alex is based on a friend who has a bad habit of being an amateur lawyer. He digs himself into holes by explaining how he isn't breaking rules when you call him on something. By the way, this is the first Kendra Gamera. Stories of these two characters fill my hopper. I need to get off my ass and write them out. The title is a play on "Owned Teacher " by thumb, who 1) I appologise to and 2) I hope is doing well.
In an October 2002 discussion on POV at ASSD, Jeff Zephyr stated that sometimes with third person, the narrator is part of the story as an observer; this is a case in point. I got in trouble with my proofer at the time by literally pulling the narrator out of the closet towards the middle of what was a third person narrative and switching to first person.
Secret Revealed
- I was at work, and there was an annoying boy band song on the muzak. The lead singer was whining some lyric about wanting it "that way." Naturally, we know what "that way" means, because we know all about that sex story stuff. In my head, I heard a boyfriend and his reluctant girlfriend. He was begging for anal; she wanted nothing to do with it, because... well, read the story.
It's a flash at 172 words.
Triple Play
- Just a quickie, I wrote instead of watching the Red Sox and Yankees play Game 2 for the American League Crown in 2003. This is in the same format of the the story "Minesota Twins."