Intercourse, The Penguin

Kenny N Gamera
"Never again, Kenny. I'll keep you safe."

She stood up and pulled me to her. I pulled herto me. Together, we cried.

"And that concludes Part Eleven of the BCC radio dramatization of "Beggars Can't Be..." by Kenny N Gamera. And now Radio Four will explode..." which the radio proceedes to do with a bang much louder than the actual flash and smoke would suggest.

Mrs. I-Can't-Recall-Now-But-It'll-Come-To-Me-In-A-Moment turns to her friend and sometimes lover, but not this week because her husband is on a business trip, Mrs. Not-This- Week-(and so on).

"I hate it when Radio Four explodes."

"At least it wasn't Radio Two."

"Yes. That is so much messier. The transistors always get stuck in the cat."

"Yes, yes."

A pregnant pause settles over the room.

Finally Mrs. Not-This-Week... announces, "I hope that pause doesn't give birth in here. It's bad enough with the radio exploding, just imagine the mess after it has all those little pauses."

"Yes, yes," agrees Mrs. I-Can't-Recall... "and it is always so hard trying to give the litter away. Wait too long and there's another batch or twelve. The little buggers are like foreigners, can't keep their legs apart."

"Yes, yes."

"Well, what do we do now."

"Let's see what's on the tely."

"Ooooo! I think it's another penguin!"

"It doesn't look like Danny DeVito."

"No, but it does look like Burgess Merideth."

"Why, yes it does! I wonder what it is doing on the tely?"

"It's sitting."

"I can see that!"

"Then why did you ask?"

"It was either that, we'd get another one of those pregnant pauses."

"Ooooo! We wouldn't want that! Not with a penguin on the tely."

"Still, I wonder where it came from."

"It wasn't the zoo. It doesn't have property of the zoo stamped on it. It's shirt says 'Gotham State Penn,' though."

"Maybe, it only stole the shirt to make us think it's from Gotham instead of the zoo."

"I don't know...though it doesn't look the least honest." Mrs. I-Lost-Track-of-Who's-Who's steps up to look closer. "Maybe it is from the zoo. Where else would a penguin come from?"

"Katie McN's underwear drawer!"

"Why'd you say that?"

"I panicked. Besides something has to come from there. There's certainly no underwear in it."

"Still, I don't trust it. It might be hatching plots."

"Ooooo! That'd be bad; especially if that pause doesn't leave soon."


"What's that?"

"It wasn't me. It must've been the penguin."

"Ooooo! I hope it hasn't started to hatch a plot. I just had the budgie steam cleaned and I don't want to have to shampoo East Angela again."

"I'll go shoo it away."

"Be careful...this is a sex story"

"I don't see how there hasn't been any sex and it is page three already." Mrs. Now-I'm-Hopeless-Confused-And- I'm-The-Writer steps from the battered Chesterfield and goes to the television and penguin. "Now, shoo!"

She waves her hands at the escaped super villain who just sits there swinging his legs as he smokes his cigarette holder.




Suddenly it becomes page four. The Penguin grabs Mrs. Now-I'm... and with powerful muscles forged in the penitentiary weight room, forces her down onto her knees in front of the television and his parted legs. He holds her down with one hand and uses the other to undo the jumper of his prison pants. Thirteen inches of super villain cock jumps from the fly and bumps the hapless woman in the face.

"See," Mrs. Oh-I-Give-The-Fuck-Up shakes her head reproachfully, "told you this was a sex story."

"Well, it's not a very good o...," starts the stupid twat who would know a good sex story if it bit her on the bum before the felonious fake fowl forces his furious fuck tool to her tortured tonsils. With both hands, the villainous vulture of victimization makes the critical cunt continue to pleasure the pulsating pillar of his powerful penile pole.

"You're right, it isn't a very good sex story. It sounds like a campy comic book story from the sixties."

Listen, I'm having a difficult enough time writing this without my characters trying to be reviewers. If you don't mind, I do want to finish this in the next few minutes. It'll go a lot better if I don't have this constant naysaying of every word I type.


See, he's enjoying himself.


You're not supposed to! He IS raping your mouth.


No! you may not play with your clit! Stupid mouthy characters, anyway. I have half a mind to just quit here and let him rape you forever and forget the punch line.


It is too a good one.

There is a knock at the door.

You! go answer it!

"Alright! Alright! Give some people a keyboard and a word processor and its one big power trip." Mrs. Not- Being-Orally-Raped-At-The-Moment gets up and goes to the door.

She opens it and says, "Yes."

"I have a gang rape for you." The delivery man, a short man with a overly thick mustache with streaks of gray, points at his clipboard with a ball point pen. "Could you sign here, mum?"

"No thanks, we already have one."

She slams the door and returns to the chesterfield. She sits down in front of her friend and her rapist. She pounds against his thighs as he continues to pull her head up and down over his dick...

"Ooooooo! This has gotten much better."

...Her air cut off at unpredictable intervals, the woman tries to both breath and control her gagging neither with great success. Wildly, her arms flail at the man attacking her throat for his own pleasure.

As she swings, a blow misses the target and strikes the television set. In particular, it hits the on switch. After a moment, the set springs into life and the standard BBC annoucer comes on to say...

"It is now nine-seventy-two and time for the Penguin on top of your television to explode."


With one final yank, the escaped comic book bad guy pulls the face of the pepperpot into his bulging tummy. Without a tad of mercy, his spunk flows into the woman's throat. She swallows as best she can.

"Oh! That was predictable," says the other, crossing her arms and putting her chin on a fist.

The villain pushes her face off from his cock. He forces her up and turns her to face away from him. She is then made to bend at her waist. With a flick her skirt is thrown over her back exposing her white bloomers.

"What now!"

"WhaWhaWhaWhack! Isn't in obvious. I'm about to fuck you in...

<in chorus>
The End

© 2002 Kenny N Gamera