Welcome to my guest author web page! For Chris Hailey's stories and information about the latest updates to the site, please see the site's home page.
Dear Stepdaddy
Death Dependent
Eric The Red
Little Darling
Perverted Peggy
Rake Hell
The Wolf
Belacqua's stories
Belacqua: Quincy, Part One Posted 11/4/2016
Story codes: Mg11
A man and an eleven year old girl move into yet another new home.
Rowan and Ruthie Posted 1/29/2015
Story codes: exhib, nosex, ped, preteen, g-solo, voy
The first story from Belacqua, a new writer at the Chris Hailey's Erotic Story website, this story is about a babysitter and two girls with a very interesting way of expressing themselves.
Rowan and Ruthie Part 2 Posted 6/10/2015
Story codes: Mfg, oral, ped, preteen
The continuing adventures of Jake, Rowan and Ruthie. Rowan sits up front, argues with her sister, and grows up a little. Ruthie doesn't sit up front, admits she likes Jacob, and sees something she shouldn't. Jake comes to a shocking realization, carries a suspicious box, and eats some ice cream.
Belacqua: Rowan And Ruthie Part 1 of Part 3
Story codes: Mfg, oral, ped, preteen
Claire's stories and poems
street love Posted 2/16/2015
Story codes: poem
The poet observes a young couple kissing on the street and feels a special connection to the girl.
Stepdaddy's advice column, Dear Stepdaddy's
Be sure to also check out Stepdaddy's erotic stories and poetry as well, at Stepdaddy.
Death Dependent's stories
Death Dependent: The Girl in the Next Room Part 19 Posted 8/8/2016
Story Codes: Mf, FM, oral, spank
Things begin to change, hopefully for the better.
Death Dependent: The Girl in the Next Room Part 18 Posted 10/4/2015
Story Codes: Mf, oral, spank
Our Hero sets up a new business enterprise, and Kayleigh has an interesting request.
Death Dependent: The Girl in the Next Room Part 17 Posted 10/3/2015
Story Codes: MF
Our hero and his new friends craft a plan and share their ladies.
DeathDependent: Girl in the Next Room Part 16
Posted 5/29/2015
Story Codes: Mf, ff, orlilial
Our hero get's to meet his daughters latest friends and a business arrangement begins to be made.
DeathDependent: Girl in the Next Room Part 15
Postedli 5/19/2015
Story Codes: MF Mf dry humping oral.
Michael Candy and Kayleigh rest after a night of depraved fun. Well if by rest you mean trying something new.
DeathDependent: Girl in the Next Room Part 14
Posted 5/11/2015
Story Codes: Mf, ff, gang, solo oral
Our hero and Kay/aThe Beautiful Automatonleigh go to the Daddy Daughter orgy. Good things happen on the first night in a crowd.
DeathDependent: Girl in the Next Room Part 13
Posted 5/10/2015
Story Codes: No sex
Our hero gets introspective.
DeathDependent: Girl in the Next Room Part 12 Posted 3/23/2015
Story Codes: MF, Ff, Mf. Oral
Our hero and his ladies have an audition to join a new group.
The Girl in the Next Room Part 11 Posted 1/12/2015
Story Codes: Mf, facial
Our hero takes another step forward in the pimp business and moves in with his ladies/whores.
Death Dependent: The Girl in the Next Room Parrt 10.
Posted 12/10/2014
Story Codes: Mf, Mf, mast Mff oral first
Our hero and his ladies sell a girl's virginity.
Death Dependent: The Girl in the Next Room Part 9.
Posted 11/7/2014
Story Codes: Mf Mf Ff oral swallow mother/daughter
Michael is sold on the idea of moving in with Candy and Kayleigh. A morning celebration takes place.
Death Dependent: The Girl in the Next Room Part 8.
Posted 10/24/2014
Story Codes: Mf, Mf, Oral, anal, prost.
Kayleigh get's a new client the business expands and an idea is broached.
Death Dependent: The Girl in the Next Room Part 7.
Posted 10/20/2014
Story Codes: MF Mf MFf oral, mother/daughter, creampie
Kayleigh comes home from her sleepover to find mom and Michael waiting. They try out their new combination act on him to rave reviews.
Death Dependent: The Girl in the Next Room Part 6.
Posted 10/14/2014
Story Codes: Mf, oral
Kayleigh stops by to show off her new outfit then tells our hero shes been invited to a slumber party.
First of May
Posted 8/22/2014
Story codes: mF, oral, first
In a world similar to our own society has a better way to teach young people about the joys of sex. Come learn with them.
Death Dependent: First Of MayPart2
Posted 10/14/2014
Story codes: mF oral, anal
A little more about the world they live in, our hero gets introduced to taking a woman's bottom and talk of pregnancy.
The Girl in the Next Room
Posted 8/12/2014
Story codes: MF, Mf, mf Oral, anal, prost, mast, first
A man meets woman who has turned her slutty nature into her profession. Soon he finds her young daughter shares mom's proclivities; how will it all work out?
The Girl in the Next Room Part 2
Posted 9/12/2014
Story codes: Mf Ff oral creampie
Wherein we get a mom-daughter threesome bareback sex and a career change for our narrator.
The Girl in the Next Room Part 3
Posted 9/19/2014
Story codes: Mf oral creampie
In this chapter our hero sits down with his young charge and discusses the finer points of pimping her and why she has such a need for sex.
The Girl in the Next Room Part 4
Posted 9/22/2014
Story codes: Mf Mf oral prost
It happens Kayleigh finds her first customer. It's a business start up of the best kind.
The Girl in the Next Room Part 5
Posted 9/29/2014
Story codes: Mf oral prost
Kayleigh stops by to show off her new outfit then tells our hero shes been invited to a slumber party.
Eric The Red's stories
Popping Ashley's Little Cherry, Chapter 6
Posted 6/24/2014
Story codes: Mg(9), incest, father/daughter, ped
Ashley's 9th birthday arrives and everything comes full circle in a thrilling climax.
Popping Ashley's Little Cherry, Chapter 5
Posted 6/15/2014
Story codes: Mg(9), incest, father/daughter, ped
Having faced up to who and what he is our daddy suddenly finds outside forces my threaten his happy home.
Popping Ashley's Little Cherry, Chapter 4
Posted 6/9/2014
Story codes: Mg(9), incest, father/daughter, ped
Our humble narrator's internal conflict over sex play with his daughter finally comes to a head, and we learn that there is more to this situation than meets the eye.
Popping Ashley's Little Cherry, Chapter 3
Posted 6/6/2014
Story codes: Mg(9), incest, father/daughter, ped
Our narrator gives in to his lustful desires for his young daughter, but how far will he go?
Popping Ashley's Little Cherry, Chapter 2
Posted 6/5/2014
Story codes: Mg(9), incest, father/daughter, ped
Having once had sexual contact with his young daughter, a man struggles with his unnatural desire.
Popping Ashley's Little Cherry, Chapter 1
Posted 6/4/2014
Story codes: Mg(9), incest, father/daughter, ped
A man hasn't seen his daughter since she was a baby, when his ex-wife drops her off and never returns.
ForeverYoung's stories
ForeverYoung: A Submissive Kind of Man
Story codes: F/b inc d/s oral submission poem
A song is just a poem set to music. Having been a
songwriter all my life, I just couldn't resist adding a
chorus to this 'poem'. I suspect that many of you will
find a tune that fits very well. Of course any similarity
between this and a tune by a venerable old rock group is
purely coincidental...
ForeverYoung: Charlene Dover
Story codes: m/f15, ex, voy, teens, humor, poem
Strange things happen at 2am. I knocked this little 'funny' out in about 5 minutes.
ForeverYoung: Just Nine
Story codes: Mg9 inc cons first love poem
A little girl gently introduced to erotic play with her loving father.
LadyOfSin's stories
Lady of Sin: Dangerous Desires
Story codes: MF MM dom/sub violent rape
A bored minister's wife encounters an exciting new man online, and it changes her life. Warning: this story involves violence and rape.
Lady of Sin: Guess who is in your mouth
Story codes: MF, oral, party game
The ladies play a fun blindfold game at a Christmas party.
LadyOfSin: Mr. Vanilla Posted 8/31/2015
Story codes: poem, sumbissive
Another poem for the pen of LadyOfSin, Chris Hailey's go-to erotic poetess. This is about a woman who is dissatisfied with her plain love life and longs for something harder.
Lady Of Sin: No Touching in Miami.
Posted 4/29/2015
Story codes: MF, oral, dom/sub
"A man and a woman who meet online leave their families for a weekend together. But their affair has an antagonizing rule."
Lady Of Sin: Angelica Posted 8/18/2015
Story codes: Mg4, oral, first, prost, ped
A father has to earn some money to pay the mortgage...
Posted 6/16/2014
Story codes: poem
"Barely a woman, grown up just for you"
Make Me Swallow
Posted 6/5/2014
Story codes: poem, oral
"I'm a naughty girl who deserves a good mouth fuck."
A Release
Posted 6/3/2014
Story codes: poem
A beautiful erotic poem about sex and orgasm.
Little Rachel Learns a Lesson
Posted 5/15/2014
Story codes: Mg, inc, inc, stepfather, daughter, oral
Rachel's step-father decides to teach his defiant step-daughter a lesson for having spied on her mother and him while they were having sex.
Little Rachel's Bath
Posted 4/2/2014
Story codes: Mg, inc, inc, stepfather, daughter, spanking
A step-father is frightened of the feelings he has for his defiant step-daughter, but nonetheless finds himself needing to discipline her.
Lazy Saturday for My Little Princess
Posted 3/31/2014
Story codes: Mg, first, nc
Your little girl is bored and wants you to take her to the park. But you have other things in mind, first. Warning: This story contains nonconsensual sex between a man and a young girl. If such things offend you, please do not proceed.
Little Darling's stories and poems
Santa Sexy Posted 12/15/2014
Story codes: Santa, poem
A naughty Christmas carol sung to the tune of "Santa Baby."
Daddy's Girl Posted 9/1/2014
Story codes: Mf, incest, dad/daughter, oral, first, poem
Little Darling continues to grace us with her poetry, this a story of a girl learning to please her man--her dad!
Shakespeare on my Knees
Posted 8/28/2014
Story codes: Mf, oral, poem, sonnet
A girl helps her uncle in a special way with his recitation of Shakespeare.
Skipping Rope Rhymes
Posted 8/23/2014
Story codes: Mf, oral, first, poem
A little ditty about girls chanting a naughty jump rope song.
A Man and a Maid
Posted 8/21/2014
Story codes: Mf, oral, poem, sonnet
"A man and a maid walk down 'tween the trees..." Little Darling has written a sonnet in response to the sonnet "Beautiful Mess" by Chris Hailey. Let her know what you think!
Muse's stories
Cat Came Back
Posted 4/13/2014
Story codes: Mf(17), oral
Seventeen year old Catriona returns to visit her neighbor, six years after she first helped him babysit his babies.
Oberon_Jett's stories
A Pervert's Tale, Part 1
Posted 5/19/2015
Story codes: Mf, voy, public, mast
A shopping "accident" leads to a perverted addiction. First in a series.
Office Help, Part 1
Posted 5/21/2015
Story codes: MF, voy, nc, grope
An absent minded action leads to an interesting predicament. First in a series.
Perverted Peggy's poems and stories
Another Lonely Night
Posted 2/16/2015
Story codes: poem
On a lonely night, the poet's thoughts turn to a special girl.
Rake Hell's stories
Rake Hell: The Panty Monster Posted 10/21/2015
Story Codes: f-solo, Mf-implied, incest, mast, cum, panties, father, daughter, innocence
Little Katie investigates the mystery of what keeps happening to her panties every night, and conclude that it must be a monster stealing them! One night, she lies awake and waits for the monster to appear.
Rake Hell: The Long Weekend Part 1 Posted 2/13/2015
Story codes: f(12)f(12)f(11), oral, strapon, f-mast, M-mast, rom
content="Zach is asked to babysit for his preteen neighbor Kaitlyn when her parents go away for The Long Weekend, Part 1, and Kaitlyn invites two of her friends over for a sleepover. The girls begin to explore their developing sexuality before setting their sights on unsuspecting Zach.
f(12)f(12)f(11), oral, strapon, f-mast, M-mast, rom
Rake Hell: The Long Weekend Part 2 Posted 2/13/2015
Story codes: f(12)f(12)f(11), f-mast, M-mast, tease
Kaitlyn, Emma, and Brooke put their plain into motion as they slowly wear away Zach's defenses with their seductive play.
Rake Hell: The Long Weekend Part 3 Posted 3/30/2015
Story codes: f(12)f(12)f(11), Mf, ff, oral, creampie, implied Mfff
Zach's worst fears and sexiest fantasies are confirmed by he is seduced by each of the three girls he is babysitting, Kaitlyn, Emma, and Brooke.
Stepdaddy's stories and poems
March 17, 2017
Stepdaddy gives us the third chapter in his new classic, Biofeedback:
Stepdaddy: Biofeedback: Chapter Three "Molestation Withheld"
"In which Don Weathers follows the doctor's orders and denies himself -- and hence Bethany -- any sexual congress for several days. She doesn't handle it very well!"
Story codes: forced abstinence, mast
March 6, 2017
Stepdaddy gives us the second chapter in his new classic, Biofeedback:
Stepdaddy: Biofeedback: Chapter "Two The Patient Shows Improvement"
"In which we learn more of Bethany's course of biofeedback conditioning treatment, and discover that her pussy -- and her mind -- are 'coming' right along."
Story codes: Inc, Mf(14), medical
February 20, 2017
Today, Stepdaddy publishes the beginning of his newest story series, Biofeedback. The main page, which serves as the table of contents, and as well as the Prologue and first chapter:
Stepdaddy: Biofeedback: Main Page
Dr. Leo Cohen runs a private clinic aimed at helping young ladies suffering from sexual molestation. His approach is unorthodox -- rather than remove the girl from the victimizing situation, he removes the sense of victimhood from the girl's psyche. This story might be considered mind control but everything in it is actually psychology plausible and has been applied to other (more wholesome) purposes.
Story codes: Mf, inc, daddy/daughter, ff, twins, interracial, doctor/patient, secret men's club
Biofeedback: Prologue
"In which we learn fourteen-year old Bethany Michaels, who has been subjected to unwelcome sexual abuse at the hands of her stepfather, is under the therapeutic care of Dr. Leo Cohen. We also learn his methods are a bit... unorthodox."
Story codes: Inc, Mf (14), non-con
Biofeedback: Chapter One "Afterschool Special"
"In which fourteen-year old Bethany recalls the previous afternoon's 'session' with her hated stepfather Don Weathers... and recalls not entirely hating it."
Story codes: Inc, Mf(14), oral
Stepdaddy has been writing and posting for years, but only in 2014 did he start filing on ASSTR. He writes primarily stories in which adult men inappropriately enter into sexual relationships with teenage girls. A degree of realism is usually intended, especially including the fact that these men must take pains to avoid having wives, police, society, etc. discovering their misdeeds. Incest and pregnancy sometimes occur.
Be sure to also check out Stepdaddy's advice column, where he addresses important topics related to the budding sexual needs of teenage girls, and other such topics! DearStepdaddy.
Stepdaddy: Advent: A Calendar of Cum Posted 12/17/2016
Mf, inc, stepfather/daughter, gokkun, humor
This is an unusual story, let me tell you in advance. The protagonist gets off on a fetish the Japanese call "gokkun", which is basically feeding girls cum. His version involves his thirteen year old stepdaughter, who ingests a great deal of his cum unawares on a daily basis. This Christmas will be his crowning achievement.
Stepdaddy: Stepfather of the Year Posted 11/19/2016
Story codes: Mf, incest, Stepfather/daughter, humor
Dear Stepfamily Magazine: This letter is in response to your call for nominations in your April issue. I would like to nominate my husband, Dick, to be named your magazine's Stepfather of the Year.
Stepdaddy: Dogwalking Posted 11/11/2016
Story codes: poem, bestiality
A lovely erotic poem about a young girl and her after-school job.
A Celebration of American Adolescents. Posted 10/1/2016
Story codes: Mf, incest, humor, school, babysitter
Twenty-six erotic haiku devoted to American babysitters, mall rats, teacher's pets, and Daddy's girls.
An Enigma of Discipline.
Story codes: poem, Mf14, spanking
A poem which asks: "Why does my neighbor only spank his stepdaughter when her mom isn't home?"
Stepdaddy: The Need for Strange.
Story codes: Mf, humor, incest
"For every absolutely gorgeous piece of ass in the world, there is some guy who is sick and tired of fucking her"....Our "hero" reflects on
and reacts to his need to fuck "strange pussy." Why now? Well, his
delectable 14-year-old niece has just moved into his home. This being a
Stepdaddy story, you can count on a reasonably realistic seduction, an
age-inappropriate sexual assignation with a nubile teen, and a bit of a
- Stepdaddy's "A Piece of My Mind" Series: Twenty-two year old Rachel has recently graduated college and is certain of her intellectual, social, and cultural superiority to her blue-collar friends and family. These humourous stories explore just how far her haughty self-regard gets her. Best read in order for the humor's sake, but each story is a complete sexual escapade in itself.
- Part One: Stepdaddy: A Piece of My Mind #1: A Piece of My Ass.
Story codes: Ma/Fa, NonConsensual, Reluctant, Humor, Incest, InLaws, MaleDom, Spanking, Humiliation
When twenty-two year old Rachel hunts down her brother-in-law one Saturday morning to give him a scolding "piece of her mind," things don't quite go as planned.
Stepdaddy: A Piece of My Mind #2: Peace of Mind.
Story codes: MM+f, Consensual, Reluctant, Humor, Cheating, Incest, InLaws, Light Bond, Gang Bang, Interracial, Cream Pie
A more outlandish, sexier, and funnier continuation of Rachel's adventures. The snooty bride-to-be convinces herself of the necessity to pull a train on her despised brother-in-law and his friends to guarantee her own "peace of mind" regarding her fiance's bachelor party.
Stepdaddy: A Piece of My Mind #3: Pieces to Mind.
Story codes: Humor, slut wife, incest, father/daughter, bondage, prostitution, spanking, fisting, squirting, teachelir/student, lesbian dominance/submission
Rachel's adventures in self-delusion reach even more outlandish and erotic extremes. Read along as she justifies a variety of slutty adventures under the guise of feminism and sophistication. In addition to the codes provided, pregnancy and bestiality are hinted at, but not realized on stage.
Stepdaddy: Devotion (2016)
Story codes: poem, Mf, incest, Daddy/daughter
A teen girl versifies upon the object of her devotion.
Stepdaddy: Tinsel Posted 12/19/2015
Story codes: Mf, daddy/daughter, poem, Christmas
A father shares in the blessings of the season with his eighth-grade daughter.
Stepdaddy: Used to Believe in Santa Claus Posted 12/18/2015
Story codes: Mf, inc, uncle/niece, poem, Christmas
One Christmas Eve on Uncle Mike's lap, new traditions are forged for this 12-year-old sweetheart.
Stepdaddy: My Brave Little Girl Posted 11/3/2015
Story codes: Mf, incest, father/daughter, non-consenting, blackmail
An intruder forces me, at gunpoint, to deflower my little fourteen-year-old girl, and then he intends to take his own turn. My reaction is not exactly all it should be. There is a bit of a twist to this one.
Stepdaddy: A Lesson in Simile and Metaphor Posted 11/2/2015
Story codes: Mf, teacher/schoolgirl, poem
A sweet seventh-grader helps make these grammatical distinctions.
Stepdaddy: Altar Girl Posted 10/6/2015
Story codes: poem, Mf, reluc, first
"What can Stepdaddy say? This poem scans /x/x/x/, it rhymes aabbcc etc, and it porns Mf reluc!"
- The Arrangement series
The Arrangement, Part1: Let's Make A Deal.
Posted 7/31/2015
Story codes: Mf, Inc, F/d, oral, reluctant
The story that started it all! Updated edition of Stepdaddy's ve/li
ry first smut offering, in which a rather selfish stepfather exploits his hold over a sexy 15-year-old schoolgirl.
The Arrangement, Part2: A Change of Routine..
Posted 8/4/2015
Story codes: Mf, inc, Fd, first, reluctant/blackmail
After months of "heroically" limiting his abuse to oral gratification, a stepfather claims the virginity he has been so carefully attending. And despite the fact that his 15-year-old stepdaughter is by no means eager for this development, I'm afraid you'll be cheering the selfish bastard on as you read!
The Arrangement, Part3: Justice is Served..
Posted 8/25/2015
Story codes: Mf, inc, father/daughter, preg, manipulation
In this final installment, our "hero" manages to turn his cum-stuffed stepdaughter's attitude around to one decidedly more receptive.
Stepdaddy: Recursion.
Posted 3/23/2015
Story codes: M/f, reluctant, father daughter incest
Thirteen-year old Lisa knows she cannot be to blame for the night her father took her innocence -- but is it her fault that he keeps coming back?
Stepdaddy: Laundry Day 2015.
Posted 2/17/2015
Mf(14), uncle/niece, poem
Finding a teenaged niece's recently worn panties in the hamper leads to an inappropriate response. Oh dear.
Stepdaddy: Young Lang Syne 2015 , Posted 12/29/2014
Story codes: poem, Mf, incest, father/daughter, first, preg, reluc
When his wife falls asleep before the New Year's kiss, a man finds a delightful substitute.
Stepdaddy: Christmas Pudding, Posted 12/15/2014
Story codes: Mf, Latina, reluctant
A man muses on the blessings of the season -- not the least of which is the cozy grip his thirteen-year old ward's well-trained vagina has on his happily-imbedded penis.
Second Knuckle.
Posted 11/12/14
Story codes: incest, uncle/niece, poem, first
the first couplet: "A sweet-niece gasp made an uncle chuckle: Took
his finger to the second knuckle!" sets the tone for this poem,
which explores irregular family relations in an irregular meter.
Stepdaddy: Mistaken for Pain.
Posted 10/14/2014
Story codes: Mf (14), inc, reluct, father/daughter
The look on my fourteen-year-old daughter's face could have easily been mistaken for pain, as the petite eighth-grader struggled with both little hands to insert the knob of my blunt, swollen prick into the well-prepared but resisting confines of her nearly hairless cunt.
Posted 8/20/2014
Story codes: Mf, first, preg, reluc, poem, humor
A light-hearted ditty about a papergirl who comes to collect the subscription fee, but departs with something else instead.
Driving Heidi Home
Posted 8/10/2014
Story codes: Mf14, babysitter, first
Our fourteen-year-old babysitter is developing nicely, and is at that age where, as the child of a single mother, she is looking for a father figure -- or something. I devise a scheme to lead her down a path she doesn't see coming, but that she doesn't much resist, either.
A Father's Sin (2014 edition)
Posted 7/24/2014
Story codes: Mf, incest, first, preg, poem
A light and lecherous poem about a young girl's strict father -- and the exceptions he allows in his own case.
In Loco Parentis
Posted 7/3/2014
Story codes: Mf(13), first, alcohol, pregnancy
Angie is a 13-year-old Ukrainian girl adopted at birth by our family friends, the Browns. When her parents travel back to Ukraine for several weeks to try to adopt a younger brother for her, she is left under the guardianship of my wife and me. When I have to pull her out of a high-school beer party late one evening, my parental responsibility is put to the test. You tell me after reading -- although to my surprise I turn out to be a bad man, do I nonetheless make a good Daddy?
I Have My Dad to Thank
Posted 6/3/2014
Story codes: M/f, inc, anal, first, humor
A naive young teen asks her father for help -- she wants to learn an exercise to de
Posted 8/10/2014velop her butt. He has a few ideas.
Latchkey Kid
Posted 5/5/2014
Story codes: Mf, nc, preg
Our protagonist engages in a dangerous and anti-social game: he travels the country attempting to seduce -- and better yet, impregnate -- young teen girls through deception, manipulation or coercion. But will his latest target, thirteen-year-old Mary-Margaret O'Donnell, bring his adventures to an end? There is rape, but no (other) violence, in this story.
Grade Inflation: Eighth Grade Fellation
Posted 4/17/2014
Story codes: M/f, Teacher/Student,/a consenting, oral, spanking, light bondage
Two very different eighth-grade cuties -- a cheerleader and an honor roll student -- independently set out on the same day on similar missions: to suck teacher cock in exchan Posted 10/6/2015ge for grade improvements. We follow their intertwining stories -- so similar in conception, yet so variant in execution.
I Haven't Got a Say
Posted 4/17/2014
Mg, poem, inc, fath, dau
A poem about a girl whose father visits her in her bedroom at night.
Now You're Gonna Get It!
Posted 4/08/2014
Story codes: Mf, inc, fath, dau
When my fourteen-year-old daughter slips an ice cube down my back, we both know she's gonna get it -- punishment as only a Daddy can provide!
Undies Worldwide (2014 Revision)
Posted 4/01/2014
Story codes: poem
An ode to female underpants the world over.
Stepdaughter: Spanked and Fucked
Posted 3/26/2014
Story codes: Mf(14), inc, fath, dau, reluc, spanking
This story involves a fourteen-year-old stepdaughter, and guess what? She gets spanked...and she gets fucked. What? Never fear, as a Stepdaddy effort, you can rely on there being a bit more to the story than just that!
Just Say Uncle
Posted 3/20/2014
Story codes: Mf(14), cons, reluc, inc, uncle, nbr/liiece, spanking, 1st
A man and his fourteen-year-old niece play a 'harmless,' age-old game of playful dominance and submission. This is the story of a long, slow seduction, with plenty of erotic description and action along the way.
Making The Grade Posted 3/20/2014
Story codes: Mf, poem
A naughty little poem about a seventh grade girl working hard to get a good grade.
The Wolf's stories
The Wolf: Make Me a Promise Posted 10/13/2015
Story codes: Mg9, oral, first, ws, preg
Our second offering from our newest author, The Wolf; a love story about a man and a girl and the promises they make to each other.
The Wolf: A Girl Named Error Posted 10/2/2015
Story codes: Mg8, first, oral, sci-fi
The debut story at my site, from one of my favorite authorDeathDependent: Girl in the Next Room Part 16s; The Wolf brings us a fantastic, sexy science fiction tale about a girl born into a mistake, and how she changes the world.
this guy's stories
March 10, 2017
Part two of this guy's series "Being a boy babysitter" has been posted. What happens when a boy is hired to babysit...
this guy: Being a Boy Babysitter, Part 2
Story codes: m-solo, b-solo, mb, mF, ped, ws, fake cum, rom?
To read part one first, head to this guy: Being a Boy Babysitter, Part 1.
February 23, 2017
Today, this guy so kindly provides us with part five of the Adrienne series:
this guy: Adrienne Part 5
Set in the summer of 1966 in a small town in rural northern
Alabama. JD and Adrienne spend some time at the swimming hole...
Note, this story is written in dialect. As such it will probably not
translate properly and may be a bit challenging for people who are not
fully fluent in English.
Story codes: mg, intr, loli, smk
this guy: Being a Boy Babysitter, Part 1
Posted 2/3/2017
Story codes: mbb, inc, ped, oral, molest?
What happens when a boy is hired to babysit...
this guy: The Creampie Game
Posted 1/11/2017
Story codes: mf, creampie
Two guys discuss playing a game with girls...
thisguy: Gloryhole Surprise, Part 2
Posted 12/06/2016
Story codes: M?, gloryhole, unsafe, creampie
A man gets a series of surprises when he stumbles across a gloryhole in an abandoned restroom in an old mall...
thisguy: Gloryhole Surprise, Part One
Posted 11/10/2016
Story codes: M?, mm?, gloryhole, unsafe, oral
A man gets a series of surprises when he stumbles across a gloryhole in an abandoned restroom in an old mall...
this guy: Hard Swimming Part 2
Posted 9/8/2016
Story codes: MM, hes, mast
The following year the two boys talk about what could have been
the previous summer in the pool with the young girl. They end up daring
each other to do things they might have done with the girl and get really
this guy: Hard Swimming Part 1
Posted 8/17/2016
Story codes: mmg, ped, hes, molst, exh?
Two boys position a young girl in a corner of a public swimmingpool and feel her up. They get so excited they fill their bathing suit swith cum without even touching their dicks...
this guy: Double Docking
Posted 7/26/2016
Story codes: mm, docking, un-cut
Two young guys cum in each other's foreskins, like they saw on the internet.
Baby You Can Drive My Car
Posted 7/6/2016
Story codes: Mg, loli, prost?
A county inspector encounters a topless young girl in an
abandoned resort / amusement park; he gives her a ride and gets some action
for his troubles...
Nikki's Story, Part 2
Posted 6/14/2016
Story codes: bbg, threesome, preg
Nikki finally has sex with the two boys who knocked her up...
thisguy: A Pedo's Dream
Posted 5/26/2016
Story codes: Mf, humor, incest
A sequel to 'A Pedo's Orgasm', the perfect girl is on
vacation and the pedo is coping as best he can...until he finds the perfect
girl in his bed with him...
A Pedo's Orgasm
Posted 5/11/2016
Story codes: Mg, pedo, 1st, cons
A pedo gets his first piece of preteen tail...
thisguy: Awesomesauce
Posted 4/22/2016
Story codes: Mg cum
Getting a young girl to like cum...
Adrienne, Part 4
Posted 3/21/2016
Story codes: mmg, intr, ws, loli, alc, oral, prost?
Set in the summer of 1966 in a small town in rural nbr.orthern
Alabama. JD and Adrienne enA Man and a Maidbrcounter a surprise in the swamp. Adr/h2ienne
enjoys some unusual beverages...
Note, this story is written in dialect. As such it will probably not
translate properly and may be a bit challenging for people who are not
fully fluent in English.
this guy: All-day Condoms.
Story codes: m-solo, mF, Fdom, public orgasm, exh, humiliation, safe-sex
A male
Finding a teenaged niece's recently worn panties in the hamper leads to an inappropriate response. Oh dear.brhigh school student can't keep from having an orgasm in
class. He learns about "all-day condoms" from an older
boy and is
introduced to an outrageously hot girl. She uses him for her pleasure
this guy: A World Away, Part 6.
Story codes: mFFf, scfi, timetr, Fdom, mild viole, Posted 12/29/2014nce, nc?
John Smith spends a stormy night in the room under the temple
with the two leather clad priestesses and his captor who returns bearing
gifts...including a/a very special fruit...
this guy: A World Away, Part 5.
Story codes: Ff, mF, inc, scfi, timetr, tease, Fdom, toys, drugs?
Our hero, John Smith gets to experience first-hand (literally) what the two leather clad priestesses do in the temple...
this guy: A World Away, Part 4.
Story codes: mff, scfi, timetr, cons, Fdom
The male high school student is taken into an underground chamber under the temple, he meets a young leather clad temple priestess...
this guy: A World Away Part 3 Posted 11/11/2015
Story codes: mf, scfi, timetr, cons, Fdom, bd
Still tied up, the male high school student is given to a leather clad temple priestess...
this guy: A World Away Part 2 Posted 10/20/2015
Story codes: mf, scfi, timetr, cons, Fdom, bd, ws
Still tied up, the male high school student is forced to do disgusting things to survive the forest and has another go at his female captor...
this guy: A World Away Part 1 Posted 5/19/2015
Story codes: mf, scifi, timetr, cons, Fdom, bd
A male high school student walking in a park falls through a hole in time... off a cliff, into dense forest where he encounters a stunning female. She takes him prisoner, feeds him, and fucks him...
this guy: Real Frat Girl
Story codes: Mf, un-safe, oral, alc
A male college student who isn't getting any joins a fraternity and meets a party girl. They have lots of fun after the frat party.
This Guy: Something Neat Posted 10/3/2015
Story codes: MFg, ped, reluctant, cum
A girl receives her first facial cumshot thanks to her cousin and her cousin's boyfriend.
This Guy: Adrienne Part 3 Posted 8/17/2015
Story codes: mg, intr, smk, loli, oral
Set in the summer of 1966 in a small town in rural northern Alabama. JD and Adrienne learn a bit about each other while heading to the swimming hole... by way of the swamp.
Note, this story is written in dialect. As such it will probably not translate properly and may be a bit challenging for people who are not fully fluent in English.
By the Babbling Brook Posted 7/20/2015
Story codes: bbg, inc(?), voy, ped
A man stumbles across three preteens having sex and secretly watches / films them.
A World Away Part 1 Posted 5/17/2015
Story codes: mf, scfi, timetr, cons, Fdom, bd
A male high school student walking in a park falls through a hole in time...off a cliff, into dense forest where he encounters a stunning female. She takes him prisoner, feeds him, and fucks him...
Andrew's Story, part 2
Posted 3/24/2015
Story codes: mbg, inc, mast, ped
Two weeks after he shot my fifteen year old cum all over Aidan and Alice while giving them their bath, Andrew had the most amazing day...
Andrew's Story, part 1.
Posted 3/3/2015
Story codes: mbg, inc, mast, ped
A fifteen year old guy uses the underwear of his little brother
and sister as cum rags. When they don't have a problem with it, things go
on from there.
ThisGuy: CumScouts Part 1.
Posted 10/14/2014
Story codes: bb, mast, ped, oral
Two twelve year old boys explore each other...
Cum Scouts Part 2.
Posted 10/28/2014
Story codes: bb, 1st, wet-dream, anal, sleep sex, nc
a night of firsts: first wet-dream, first time fucking, first anal...
Cum Scouts Part 3.
Posted 11/18/2014
Story codes: bb, oral, anal
the boys celebrate a good day of sales, learn about masturbation, and try some new things...
Cum Scouts Part 4.
Posted 12/09/2014
Story codes: bb, mast, ped, oral
Two twelve year old boys have some fun in bed then shower together...
Cum Scouts Part 5.
Posted 1/05/2015
Story codes: bb, mast, ped, oral
Two twelve year old boys have some fun in bed then shower together...
this guy: Cum Scouts Part 6
Posted 2/02/2015
Story codes: mbb, ped, oral, mast, ws, self-suck
Jeff's older brother shows the boys two new ways to get off...
this guy: Cum Scouts Part 7
Posted 4/21/2015
Story codes: bbmm, mF, preg, inc, oral
Another lesson: and two more hard cream-shooting dicks...
this guy: Cum Scouts Part 8
Posted 6/4/2015
Story codes: Mb, ped
Learning about Pete.
this guy: Cum Scouts Part 9
Posted 9/15/2015
Story codes: mbb, oral
Pete helps the boys get some more money so they can go to Scouts camp....
This Guy: Adrienne Part 1
Posted 8/22/2014
Story codes: bg, intr, lolita, inc
Set in the summer of 1966 in a small town in rural northern Alabama. Adrienne, a young mixed race girl (black and asian), new to town gets some from a local white boy (a descendant of a Confederate Colonel locally famous for saving the town during the Civil War) who already has three lovers (two of them his sisters). Note, this story is written in dialect. As such it will probably not translate properly and may be a bit challenging for people who are not fully fluent in English.
Adrienne, Part 2
Posted 9/4/2014
Story codes: bf, inc
Set in the summer of 1966 in a small town in rural northern Alabama. JD's big-sister confronts him about the pink pair of little-girl panties she finds while cleaning the basement.
Tight Little Leggings
Posted 8/19/2014
Story codes: Mg, ped, loli
A horny guy uses a preteen girl's stunning ass to make himself cum on a tram... then she take him to a public restroom...
How'd I Get Pregnant? Nikki's Story
Posted 9/12/2014
Story codes: b(12)b(12)g(11), preg
An eleven year old girl catches two twelve year old boys swimming in their underwear. They try kissing, and it goes on from there until she's pregnant, though still (technically) a virgin...
Pixie's Translations
Pixie has translated a couple of my poems into German:
Tucker's stories
The Bribe
Posted 8/13/2014
Story codes: Mg, oral
A young innocent niece is a willing participant for her uncles less than innocent games.