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The Danger of a Closed Mind (Alternate title: The Voluptuous Vixens From Venus)
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2006
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Story codes: scifi, mc, Fdom, humor, nosex
The last brilliant minds of Earth sat around the table in fierce debate.
"The notion that the planet Venus can support life," said the astrophysicist, casting a supercilious gaze as he adjusted his glasses, "is patently absurd. Temperatures that would melt lead! Pressures that would crush you flat as a pancake! Searing vapors of sulfuric acid that would burn your lungs out! No, it is silly idea. It is not even worth considering."
"Moreover, the concept of practical interplanetary travel," said the engineer as he shuffled papers about before him, "is a fantasy. To move anything more than a small probe or a few human beings would cost such astronomical expenditures of energy that it would be unfeasible, uneconomical, and unproductive."
"And none of this bullshit about our lack of preparedness!" thundered the four-star general, banging his meaty fist on the table. "The most technologically advanced army in history! An air force second to none! Forty thousand megatons of nuclear firepower! Nothing ain't gonna get through that!"
"In support of the sentiments stated by my most esteemed and intelligent colleagues," said the politician, flashing his most telegenic smile, "I must state that no fair vote has been conducted as far as I am aware to pass the yoke of government on to any new entity. I have seen no formal campaign, no lobbying, not even so much as a letter-writing campaign to suggest that anything has changed. My constituents continue to place their faith in me as their representative, and I shall continue to uphold that office to the best of my ability."
"Not to belabor the point, but as a matter of anatomy," began the biologist as she crossed one leg casually over the other, "it is foolish to believe that the evolution of an alien life form could track so closely to that of homo sapiens to such a degree that not only do the creatures look at least superficially like us, but are also compatible with us sexually and are capable of invoking the same physiological responses. The odds of such an occurrence are so astronomically against as to be immeasurable."
"Furthermore, the human brain is a complex organ," piped the neuroscientist, his eyes hard. "Far more complex than the most intricately designed computer! It is not simply a machine that can be programmed and manipulated at will! Anyone who can claim they can do such is no better than a phrenologist! Mind control? Bah! Nothing more than pseudo-scientific claptrap!"
A chorus of agreement rippled around the table, with many nodding of heads.
"If you are all quite finished," said the alien, a trace of amusement in her voice. "May I speak?"
A nervous silence descended upon the table.
The alien leader stepped forward. Her ample breasts bounced noticeably behind the tiny triangles of gleaming silver that held them barely in check. Her hips swung provocatively with each footfall, the narrow strip of shiny material at the apex of her thighs outlining every small intimate detail of her intimate folds. She flashed a sultry smile with her ruby-red lips, tossing back her mane of long, golden hair.
"A very fine debate," she said. "Worthy of your years of education. However, also woefully out of pace with the facts."
She lifted her hands briefly. Her loyal compatriots behind her stepped forward, each as dazzlingly beautiful and voluptuous as the next. "For instance, we do indeed come from 'uninhabitable' Venus. And I am sure you have seen the thousands of large 'unfeasible' spacecraft in orbit about your planet. Surely you noticed them when they neutralized your 'advanced' military. And there was nothing to put to a 'vote', not when we could conquer you instead."
She made an unobtrusive gesture. The others spread out around the room. Anxious glances were exchanged as each took position behind one delegate at the table. Each held something behind her back.
The alien leader's smile widened. "And as for anatomy ..." In two smooth motions, she parted with what little clothing clung to her body, leaving her naked. Her nipples were excited, slightly raised and hard. Moisture gathered in the pinkness of her pussy. "See for yourself. By your own standards, I am quite sexy and desirous. Can you say that none of you are reacting to my nudity? That you are not having ..." She leaned forward, letting her breasts dangle under her. "... physiological responses?"
The delegates shifted in their seats, looking as if the temperature had suddenly risen in the room.
The alien leader straightened and made another gesture. Each of her cohorts revealed a shiny gold band from behind her back.
"And your brains? Complex, yes. Incapable of being controlled? I suppose you're about to find out, aren't you?"
One of the scientists dared to speak. "Uh ... well ... I guess ... (ahem) all things considered ... there's a small chance we, uh ... might be wrong ..."
The alien leader laughed. "Oh, very good! It's always good to keep an open mind to new ideas. Too bad it came a little late."
She nodded once. One by one, the delegates were fitted with their Collars of Obedience.
"Bring them to the Pleasure Dome," she ordered with a wicked grin. "And let's see if we can open a little more than just their minds."
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