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Perceptions and Deceptions
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2009

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Story codes: mf, mF, Mf, MF, ff, fF, fsolo, teen, inc, oral, voy, mc, nc, toys, humil, magic

Perceptions and Deceptions -- Chapter 66 of 69


Victor's bellow barely rises above the screeching wail, a sound like a banshee's premonition of death. The Book writhes in his hands like a wild, wounded animal, its cover twisting and warping. The eye throws a poisonous green cast upon Victor's face.

"I HAVE THE PENDANT!" Victor screams, his voice raspy and losing its sense of command. His body betrays his weakness and exhaustion, as if he has just fought a battle only to be thrown into this one.

The Book does not pay heed. It tries to twist out of his grip, wanting to fall anywhere but into the pool of liquid blue fire that gapes at Victor's feet like an icy maw.

Another scream rises, this time from deep below Victor's feet, an unearthly cry of frustration and panic. A shrieking female voice erupts from the churning vortex of ice blue. "Tame it, Victor! Do not let it resist you! Give it to me! I need its power!"

There is an ear-shattering wail of anguish, and then another of final defiance that fades into a hiss like steam escaping. Cracks glow from the cover of the Book, and the eye now burns scarlet. The Book flies open, and pages curl and char before Victor's eyes.

And yet another shriek rises from the pit ...

"Heather? Heather!"

Heather's eyes flew open, and she jerked in her seat. Distant lights streamed by in the darkness before her confused eyes. Her disorientation eased when she realized she was looking out the window of Debby's van.

"Everything all right?" Debby called out.

"Well, are you?" Melinda demanded.

"Yes, I'm fine," said Heather. "I just ... wait, how long was I out?"

"About a minute or two," Jason said. "I thought you had fallen asleep."

Heather rubbed her eyes. "I had another vision."

"Now what?" Melinda said.

"It's the same one where Victor takes the Book to the Darkness. It's getting more clear now. I can see that no one else is with him. No one's fighting him for the Book."

"So it is the Book that's fighting him," said Jason.

"And you're probably right about it being scared. I would, too."

"Ya see anything else?" Ned asked.

"Something odd was happening," said Heather. "It was like the Book was burning up."

"It's probably similar to how it gave me the power to attack Victor in the hall at school," Jason said. "It was sacrificing part of itself to fight him."

"Whoa, wait a minute," Ned said. "It's burnin' itself up? Is there gonna be anything left fer Victor ta give ta the Darkness?"

"I didn't see that far ahead," Heather said.

Ned rubbed his chin. "Huh."

"I know that look," Cassie said. "What are you thinking about now?"

"Not sure. Wish we could see a bit more."

"This is the best I've got so far," Heather said. "It might get more clear as we get closer to the time."

"I was jus' thinkin': if the Book is gonna jus' go mess itself up, mebbe there won't be much fer the Darkness ta get. Mebbe we can jus' give him the damn Book for all the good its gonna do 'im."

"I really wouldn't do that," Debby said.

"I'm jus' tryin' ta make sure we fight the right battle, ya know?"

Debby let out a slow, controlled sigh. "Yes, Ned, I know," she said in a much cooler voice.

"I think I have to agree with Debby," said Jason. "We can't just hand it to him. Even if you're right, I imagine the Book will try to give me some power to fight against Victor and burn up more of itself."

"So then the million-dollar question is, does Heather's vision prove yer theory 'bout Victor sacrificin' the Book ta give the raw energy ta the Darkness?" Ned asked.

"It's starting to sound like that's the case, but we can't tell yet how much would be left. We won't take any chances for now. We stick with the original plan and keep the Book from him."

"Jason, should I contact Gina now?" Cassie asked.

Jason heard the nervous quaver in her voice, and saw fear shimmering in her eyes. A silence fell over the others in the van, as if in acknowledgement of Cassie's great burden.

"You have to tell me when it's the right time," Cassie said. "Once I'm in her head, you won't be able to contact me except for what I can sense over the link."

"Cassie," Melinda said in a small voice. "What happens if you can't do it? I mean, if Victor keeps Gina?"

Cassie let out a tremulous sigh. Ned grasped her hand and squeezed it. She nodded to him in response to the concern in his face. "He can take Gina completely only by destroying New Gina. If that happens, I don't know what will become of me if I'm still in Gina's head." She looked at Ned. Her voice caught when she spoke again. "I-I'll try to get out in time."

"Aw, stop with all the doom and gloom, willya?" Richie drawled. "Fucking depressing being around you guys. You--" He felt a tug at his shirt and turned his head. "Huh? What?"

"Like, I can get rid of their pouty-faces, Master!" Terri bubbled.

"I told you already, you don't get a fuck until you help us."

"Aww." Terri squeezed her legs together. "But my cunnie is, like, all wet again! All these--" The van lurched as a tire ran over a pothole. "--b-bumps in the road ... uhnng ..."

"I really wish you hadn't done that to her, Richie," Debby said.

"Master, can I masta ... muster ... mas ... umm, play with myself?" Terri gave him a doe-eyed look, folding her lower lip. "Pwease? Pwetty pwease?"

Melinda stuck her finger in her mouth and made gagging noises. Ned covered his mouth and coughed.

"I'd rather she didn't do that here," Debby said before she could stop herself.

"Richie, can't you tone down her libido a bit?" Jason asked.

Richie rolled his eyes. "Aw, for fuck's sake. How about if she just did it quietly? You can do it quietly, right?" Richie asked Terri.

Terri's head bobbled. "Yeppers! I won't make, like, even a little peep!"

Debby sighed. "All right, go ahead."

"Yay! ... Ooo, I was supposed to be quiet. Sowwy." She thrust her hand under her panties and sighed in breathy pleasure as wet noises rose from between her legs.

"Debby, how far are we from the old church?" Cassie asked, trying to ignore Terri.

"Not more than ten minutes."

Cassie turned to Jason. "How soon should I try to break Gina away from Victor? Do I need to give the rest of you time to ... um ..."

She trailed off. She had no idea what they would do other than just walk inside. It was not like they could sneak up on Victor.

"Mebbe you'd sense if the rest of us are mentally dukin' it out with Victor," Ned said. "I mean, that would be a helluva lot of power goin' 'cross the link, right?"

"That's a good point," Jason said. "Hitting him from two directions at once might throw him off-balance. All right, Cassie, we'll do it that way."

"What if Ned is wrong and I don't sense anything?" Cassie asked. "Or I get cut off from it somehow?"

"Then just use your judgment," Jason said. "Concentrate on getting Gina free."

Cassie nodded and gazed at Ned. He squeezed her hand and smiled. Her eyes misted, and she had to blink a few times to see him clearly. All her previous anger towards him seemed petty now. If Victor won, and she did get trapped in Gina's head, she might never get out. Or he might enslave her as he would Gina.

Cassie stared at Ned and understood that this might be the last time she saw him when she still had her own mind and will. Cassie pulled his hand and drew him into a quick embrace, as much as they could do with their seat-belts on. It was enough. Cassie nestled her chin against his shoulder and whispered into his ear with soft urgency, "I love you, Ned."

When Cassie tried to pull back from the embrace, Ned's arms remained locked around her. She felt a strange jittering sensation and realized it was Ned trembling. He tried to speak, but he could muster no better than a soft croak. Cassie was sure she had heard the word "love."

She embraced him again and managed to hold back a sob, though her eyes were still liquid when she pulled back. A slow smile broke wide across Ned's face.

"Go kick Victor's ass out of Gina's head, babe," he said.

Cassie smiled and nodded once. She sat back in her seat and closed her eyes.

Gina stepped away from the car, her heels crunching against the gravel. She peered into the darkness, seeing only the vague outline of the mesa under the clear, moonless sky. A cold breeze blew around her, but did nothing to quench the heat growing in her pussy.

She heard two car doors close behind her, the last one dousing the light from inside the car and allowing the darkness to enshroud her. A few seconds later, a beam of light blazed on her left. Victor came alongside her and hooked his free arm into hers, his other hand holding a flashlight. "Brad, get on the other side," Victor said. "Gina, stay close to us. The path is uneven and you may fall in those heels."

"Yes, Master," Gina whispered, as if afraid to shatter the silence. Her heart throbbed in her ears and thumped in her chest. Her excitement was so high she had to tune out her senses, letting her body revel in the sexual heat that would soon be her new life. A slow, ragged sigh passed from her as they guided her down an overgrown, narrow dirt road.

"Your journey is nearly complete, Gina," Victor said. "Very soon, you'll have no more worries about who or what you are."

Gina shivered. Her arms tightened around those of the men, as if drawing warmth and comfort from them. She gazed ahead, her eyes straining to penetrate the darkness and see what awaited her, but even with Victor's flashlight, she could not see very far.

Her footsteps faltered. "Careful, Gina, there are some dead branches across the road," said Victor.

"Yes, Master," Gina replied, but there had been nothing underfoot. Her legs trembled each time her foot came down on the hard, frozen ground. The pounding of her heart became more pronounced, and she wondered why.

Other strange thoughts skittered in the dark recesses of her mind. Fleeting and unimportant, but persistent. She stumbled again when Victor raised his light and revealed a broken, rotted wooden door atop cracked and crumbling concrete steps. Victor lifted his arm to raise Gina's feet above whatever had fouled them. Again, nothing had been there.

At the foot of the steps, Victor stopped and turned to face Gina, shining the light at his face. He smiled, eerie shadows stretched across his cheeks and forehead. "Stay focused, Gina. That's very important. No more doubts from this point on."

"Yes, Master, I understand," said Gina. "I'm ready."

Brad's gaze shifted between them, eyes blinking slowly as if in a daze. His brow furrowed, as if he had trouble hearing and had to concentrate to understand what was being said.

Victor climbed the steps and took the light with him. There was a creak, and weathered wood scraped stone. He swung the light towards Gina and Brad. "Follow me closely, we're almost there."

Brad nodded and took Gina's arm again, helping her past the pitted steps. Inside, they walked down the center aisle between silent and empty rows of broken pews or shattered moorings where they once stood. At the other end, the altar had toppled over, and its marble top lay in three ragged chunks.

Brad's steps became hesitant, and Victor drew further away. He forced himself and Gina to catch up when he was left too much in the dark for his comfort. He wanted to see those pews, as if needing to convince himself that they remained empty.

His growing doubts finally crystallized as speech. "Victor, are you sure this is okay?"

Victor turned around from the first step up to the dais surrounding the shattered altar. "Why did you ask that, Brad?"

Brad hesitated. "Um, I'm not sure. I guess ... well, this is legal, right? I don't want to get in trouble with the cops, you know?"

"Brad, you've trusted Gina to this point, haven't you?"

"Huh? Oh, well, yeah, of course! I mean, why wouldn't I?"

"She's never steered you wrong, has she?"

"Not at all. Man, she's been the best thing that's happened to me for awhile."

"Exactly. And this is just part of that. It all makes sense."

Brad nodded. "Yeah, I guess it does. Heh, maybe it's just the old church that spooked me, being Halloween and all."

"Perfectly understandable." Victor bent down and reached behind the fallen altar. Another creak, and welcome light rose from the floor through the trap door that Victor had opened. "Now, come along."

Brad smiled and stepped forward with Gina.

Cassie stood, transfixed and horrified, as she stared at the open door to Stephanie's psyche.

The bars of the cage were gone, swallowed up by the nothingness. The door itself framed little more than inky black, uniform and lifeless. When she stepped towards it, she sensed the emptiness like a malevolent force seeking to erase whatever it touched. Despite her anxiety, she knew she was safe; the affliction of one person's mind could not sweep into the Dreamverse.

Cassie reached out her hand and attempted to project energy through the door. She felt nothing, the feeble blue glow about her fingers flickering out like a snuffed candle flame. No one was there to receive it. Cassie shook her head, her eyes shimmering. Stephanie could not have perished; Cassie was sure she would have sensed it.

She crossed to the door to Gina's mind. She gushed with relief as soon as she was across the threshold. "Oh, thank goodness, Stephanie, you're safe!"

Stephanie approached, a wan smile on her lips. "For now, anyway," Stephanie said.

"I s-saw the door."

"Is it worse now?"

"The cage is gone. I don't think I could get it back no matter how much energy I send into it. I-I don't think you could go back without ..." She trailed off and glanced back at the door to the Dreamverse. "Wait, you walked in here yourself?"

New Gina stepped forward. "She's been here for some time, Cassie."

"What will happen when Lydia--?"

"I don't know," Stephanie said. "It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you're here, and we can start the battle against Victor's avatar."


"It's the best word I can think of. Sort of like a piece of his will that he leaves behind in people he controls. Remember when you first found me in my cage, and the figure that kept chasing you out?"

"Yes, I remember," Cassie said in a quavering voice. She turned to Gina. "It was here, too, wasn't it? It was the thing that you kept running from when I first contacted you."

"Yes," Gina said in a small voice. "And those guards I heard whenever I went out there must be part of him as well. But how do we fight them? What do we do?"

Cassie understood now how Jason once felt; everyone was looking to her for answers that she did not have. "At the moment, we have to wait. My friends are going to attack Victor in the real world at the same time to force him to split his attention."

"How much longer?" Stephanie asked.

The urgent tone in Stephanie's voice tugged at Cassie's heart. Cassie was sure she would break down in hysterics if Stephanie suddenly vanished before her eyes. "Not long. They're almost there by now."

"Almost there? Where are they going?" Stephanie's eyes widened. "Cassie, please, don't tell me they're going to the abandoned church!"

Cassie swallowed. "That's where Victor is, we have to--"

"He'll have his whole cult with him! No one can stand up against that!"

"We have to try!" Cassie cried. "And we have one of his own on our side. Someone with his power that we can channel our energy into. Please, you have to trust us."

Stephanie wiped her eyes. "I don't have much choice, do I? I've really done everything I can."

"Stephanie, you did the best you could," Gina said.

Cassie looked around. "Is this room different from when I last saw it?"

"Um, I think I'm influencing it somehow," Stephanie said. "Maybe I really shouldn't be here. I should just take my chances back--"

Gina snatched her arm. "No! Don't go! Please, I need you."

"Why?" Stephanie demanded. "I didn't help you before. I told you everything you wanted to hear about me and it probably doesn't mean anything. It's still not Gina's life. She still has nothing to anchor herself to."

"I just don't want to see you hurt any more than you have been," Gina said in a small voice.

That did it. Stephanie lost what little control she had over her emotions and burst into tears. Gina drew her into a tight embrace.

Cassie sobbed once and wiped her eyes as she looked towards the door that led into Gina's mind. She finally accepted what she had not wanted to believe: there was no going back if she failed. She had no choice but to succeed.

Gina stepped into the chamber, heels clicking against stone. The walls glowed crimson from the light of flickering candles set in recessed niches about the circular walls. The air itself seemed to pulse scarlet with tendrils of incense smoke, the spicy scent tickling her nostrils and inflaming her senses. Her skin prickled at the slightest touch of the cool, subterranean air. Even the watchful gaze of the robed cultists standing around the edge of the chamber had weight, touching her like light fingers sliding across her skin until she shivered with desire.

As Victor had instructed her, she stepped into the center of the chamber, where the incense was strongest. She stood alone, her breath steady and deep. Her clothing became too confining, as if it had begun to constrict around her body.

The cultists finally stepped forward as one, converging on her in eerie silence. Her breathing became ragged, her confinement intolerable. She felt like she was suffocating.

Hands began to strip her clothes from her body. Gina moaned as their fingers traced lines of pleasure over her sensitized skin, spreading outward over her body until every touch was like a gentle stroke against her sex. She tilted her head back and uttered a husky sigh as the pressure against her body eased.

She soon stood naked, her body still resonating with their erotic touch, her pussy straining for relief as moisture trickled down the inside of her thigh. She could not bear the thought of clothing touching her body ever again.

She was suddenly very pleased. She had taken another step. She no longer needed the help of such mundane things as clothing to exhibit her sexuality.

Their touch returned. Hands roamed and explored her body, a dozen or more upon her at once. She squirmed as fingers probed her cunt, and hands pressed into her backside to coax them inward. She stood impaled upon three fingers, gyrating her hips as other fingers swirled about her nipples.

A soft voice drifted through her haze of desire. "The Glorious One has allowed her some relief."

Gina moaned as her pussy started to throb. Her hips slid further forward, the fingers sinking into her slick tunnel. Her climax continued, slow and soft, easing some of the need and keeping her in a haze of pleasure.

"The Glorious One says to keep her like this for another five minutes, then bring her to the ceremony."

"This early? It is not even close to midnight!" said another.

"We do not question the Glorious One's wishes. We only obey. Bring her when the time is up."

The fingers were withdrawn, replaced by a wet, skilled tongue, eliciting a breathy moan as her slow climax began anew.

Victor was still adjusting his robes when he entered the small anteroom across the hall from the preparation chamber. Brad lay stretched out across a bench, unmoving, his eyes closed. Kelly stood over him. She turned and bowed to Victor as he stepped inside.

"Well?" Victor said in a curt voice.

"He will sleep, Glorious One," said Kelly. "He will awaken only when I wish it, and he will believe that he just had a night of fantastic sex with Gina. He will know nothing of us."

"Very good. Keep him asleep until I give you the word."

"Of course, Glorious One. What of the others that are about to arrive?"

"They are to be let inside."

Kelly remained silent, her eyes uncertain.

"Is there a problem?"

Kelly bowed again. "Your command will be carried out, O Glorious One, though I must mention that the more they see of us, the more difficult it will be to wipe their memories."

"There will be no need for that," said Victor. "For they will not be leaving. They have disobeyed me, and they have blasphemed our most sacred tenets. For this, they forfeit their will."

"They are to become our slaves?" Kelly asked, muted surprise in her voice. "All of them?"

"Yes. That should not be a problem for us."

"Indeed, it will not, Glorious One. It is simply, well, unusual to take so many at once, even for our personal use."

Victor smiled. "Consider it a reward to my followers for remaining so loyal to me."

Kelly smiled. "Thank you, Glorious One, you are most kind and generous."

Victor left her and strode down the hallway into the main aisle of the underground church. Several cultists rushed about near the altar. He swept his gaze around him; it appeared that this was all that remained of the preparations. Now he had time to deal with one last loose end.

"Prophet Charles!" Victor boomed.

Charles emerged from a small throng of cultists and dashed to Victor's side, his robe trailing behind him. "We are almost done. The altar is the last--"

"Why did you not carry out my orders concerning Lydia, Charles?"

The question was delivered with such cold clarity that Charles dared not delay in his answer. "Because I felt it would do more harm than good."

"Lydia's mindscape still continues to collapse. Stephanie is still fighting for control. And if the next words out of your mouth are intended to espouse this foolish theory of her mind dying, you may as well leave now."

Charles regarded Victor with a gaze far more resolute than he felt. "Then forget that theory! Think about how many times we've already drugged her! You can dump only so many chemicals into a person's bloodstream before--"

"Charles, if I had the time or the effort to spare, I would simply fix the problem directly and regain full control of Lydia's mind. As it is, I have other matters that require my full attention."

"Victor, please tell me," Charles said. "How much trouble are we in?"

"And what makes you believe we are in trouble?"

"Because you're acting like someone who is afraid he is about to lose everything!"

"I do not fear," said Victor. "To be fearful is an excuse to abandon responsibility. I am taking necessary precautions. Now, you have complained that I have not told you enough about my agenda. I will enlighten you now. The Harbingers have a supernatural artifact in their possession that I desire. It is a book containing powerful mind-altering magic."

Charles stared. "Are you quite serious? Why have I never--?"

Victor spoke over him as if he had never opened his mouth. "I do not need such a thing, but I do not want it in another's hands. I cannot take the Book from him as he is linked to it through a pendant. He must give me that as well. I gave him one last chance to surrender the Book. I had told him to come alone. The fact that he is instead bringing his entire entourage means he intends to confront me."

"I truly wish you had shared this with me before. I am sure I would have been of more help to you."

"You have been of great help to me, Charles, which is why I was so disappointed at your recent defiance." Victor again spoke over an attempted protest. "But there is one last wrinkle. Prior to leaving the school, they managed to take control of Terri Hollis."

Charles paled. "Take control ... but she's ... she has your power!"

"At a significantly lesser level than mine," said Victor. "I would not be so foolish as to give her anything more."

"I don't like this, Victor!"

"Terri is a fool. She fell to them precisely because she is a fool. If you wish me to admit that I was wrong in granting her power, then I will do so, but it will not change what must be done."

"You're still not telling me everything," Charles said. "You're still worried about something."

Victor paused for only a second, but from someone like him, it may have well been an eternity. "Again, you worry too much. Terri cannot stand against the full power of the cult."

"Most of the 'power' of this cult resides with you, Victor," said Charles, his tone turning bitter. "They act more to focus your own power rather than use any of their own."

"Everyone has some measure of ability. Moreover, there are several to whom I have entrusted power directly. Kelly, for one. You, for another."

"And I can count the others on one hand."

"Nevertheless, it will be enough!" Victor declared. "I will not argue any further. See that the final preparations are completed. The Harbingers will be here in minutes."

Charles opened his mouth to retort, but realized it would be pointless, as Victor had turned his gaze away to signal the end of the conversation. Charles let out a frustrated sigh and departed.

Victor lingered, folding his arms and sweeping the church with his eyes once more. He had performed this ceremony every Halloween for nearly four decades. Each of those times he had found it a joyous, uplifting experience. This year it was a toil. He felt he should punish the Harbingers for that if nothing else.

He turned towards the main hall. Kelly stood in the entrance. Victor quelled his surprise but snapped at her, "Why did you not announce yourself?"

"I have only just arrived, Glorious One, to tell you that Gina will be released from the chamber in another minute."

"I am going to retrieve her now," said Victor, stepping past her. "See to anything Charles requires."

"Yes, at once," Kelly said to Victor's retreating back.

"Over there!" Jason cried, thrusting his arm between the seats in front of him. "A car is parked off to the side."

"I see it," Debby said. She pulled the van to the side of the road and stopped just behind the other car.

"That's gotta be Victor's," Ned said. "I think I remember seein' that one in the parkin' lot behind the school."

Melinda peered out into the darkness beyond the passenger side windows. "How are we going to find it out there? You can't see a thing!"

"There are flashlights in the back," Debby said as she parked the van and shut off the engine. Melinda drew in a sharp breath at the near-absolute black until Debby opened the door and the interior light flickered on. "They should be behind your seat, Diane."

"Yes, Mistress," Diane said. She retrieved them; Debby took one, and Jason took the other. All the Harbingers save for the unresponsive Cassie poured out of the van and gathered on the roadside, the Book tucked under Jason's arm. Richie prompted Terri to stop masturbating and leave the van with him. After uttering another "aww" of disappointment, she stood pouting by Richie's side.

Jason swung his flashlight around. He stepped over to Victor's car and swept his beam east. "I can see some faint footsteps. The old church has to be that way."

"Then let's go kick their asses," Richie said.

"Think we outta leave the Book in the van, old hoss?" Ned asked.

Jason shook his head. "I don't want to make the van a target."

Melinda eyed Terri, whose hand kept straying to her nether regions. "Richie, I don't get how you expect her to help us with that bimbomatic brain of hers."

Richie smirked. "Just leave it to me, okay? I got an idea."

"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. The only things she knows how to do is giggle and fuck."

Richie turned to Terri. "Hey, you love to fuck, right?"

Terri brightened at once. "Ooo, yeah! Fucking is, like, so totally kewl! It makes me feel so yummy in my cunnie." She giggled. "You, like, wanna fuck now?"

"Nah, not yet. But we're going someplace that has lots of people that just love to fuck."

"Ooo, wow! Really?"

"Yeah, they just need a little encouragement."

Terri gave him a wide-eyed stare. "Ummm ... what's encour ... encoor ... what you said?"

"Meaning you have to make them want to fuck."

"Oh, okay. Wait, I can, like, do that?"

"Oh yeah. Just look at them and think how much you want them to be just like you, all giggly and fuck-starved."

Terri's head bobbled halfway through his explanation. "Yeah, yeah, I get it!" She pointed a finger at her head. "I gotta use my mental thingies, right?"

"Yeah, but just on them, okay? Don't do it on us."

"But don't you wanna fuck, too?"

"Yeah, but later." Richie smirked. "Don't worry, there's way more pussy and cock in there than you can ever get to in one night."

Terri clapped her hands and jumped up and down. "Kewl! Okey-dokey, master-guy, I'll do it!"

"I don't freaking believe this," Heather muttered.

"That's insane, Richie!" Melinda said.

"Yeah, but it might jus' work," Ned said. "I mean, think 'bout it. Even as an airhead, she's got Victor's power. She can get 'em ta do the horizontal with her. Then when they're happily fuckin' away, the sexual energy jus' helps us keep up the attack."

"I hate the idea of using her this way, Jason," Debby said. She glanced at Diane.

"I know, but I think it's the only thing that will work," Jason said. "They might not expect that sort of attack."

"It won't work against Victor!" Melinda said.

"No, but it will distract the cult so he can't call on their power as much." Jason swung the flashlight towards the east. "All right. Let's go."

"Whoa, wait!" Ned called out. "Are we jus' gonna leave Cassie here unprotected?"

"We can lock the doors."

"Dude, that ain't gonna stop Victor's crew."

As Jason contemplated a reply, Debby sighed and turned towards the van. She was torn as to what to do. She was more concerned about someone more mundane with even less honorable intentions happening by rather than Victor. Or a police patrol car might spot her and begin investigating.

"If you leave it up to me, I would stay with her," Debby said. "It's the parent in me that doesn't want to leave a child alone in a van in the dark on Halloween night. But I don't know if that's the right decision."

Ned frowned. "Shit. Yeah, I think we're gonna need all of us in there."

"My response was weak when you confronted Ms. Hollis," Debby said. "I think it was because I didn't have a line-of-sight. I need it to focus properly until I become more familiar with my abilities. So if I stay here, I might not give you enough of my strength."

Jason drew his flashlight beam along the ground, bringing it to rest at a point some twenty feet into the dark. "Debby, there's a flat piece of ground over here. You think you can park the van on it? That way people might not see it."

"What about the Halloween nutcases that like ta visit cemeteries and such?" Ned asked.

"They're not going to come to the abandoned church," Jason said. "Victor's been doing this here for decades and he's never been disturbed. It makes sense that he took precautions, like influencing people to stay away."

"Ya know yer jus' guessin', right?"

Jason frowned. "Yes, fine, I'm just guessing. But I have to make some sort of decision, right?"

Ned paused and nodded. "Yeah."

"Anyone else object?" Jason asked, swinging his flashlight towards the others. Heather and Melinda shook their heads. Diane looked surprised at being asked her opinion and simply said, "No, Master."

"Let's get the fuck on with this already," Richie snapped.

"Yeah, let's go do some fucking!" Terri cried, giggling.

"All right, I'll be just a minute," Debby said as she headed back to the van.

Ned stepped up to Jason. "Ya know I don't like leavin' her alone, boss, but ya got a point. Cassie woulda prolly told ya the same thing."

"I don't think Victor knows yet what Cassie's been doing," Jason said.

"Yeah. Which is kinda strange when ya think 'bout it. Seems like he's got a blind spot or something."

"Whatever it is, we're taking advantage of it." Jason watched as Debby parked the van and returned to them. "Okay, let's go."

Everyone was silent as they headed away from the road, the silence broken only by their footsteps and the wind rustling the bare branches of the trees. Thus when the voice came to Jason's head, it sounded as if it were spoken directly into his ear.

Jason, you're going to keep me out of Victor's hands, right?

Jason was tempted to tap some of the Harbingers' pooled energy to erect a mental wall between his thoughts and the Book, but he simply remained silent.

You know I can do so much for you.

Jason marched on.

Just remember what I have done for you! Remember that you are here tonight because of a spell that I gave you!

Jason afforded no acknowledgement. He would not even admit to himself that he had heard it. The only sign that he had comprehended was a brief, guilty look towards Diane.

Gina emerged from the preparation chamber and raised her dark eyes to Victor. Walking in the nude seemed the most natural state for her. Even the simple robe that Victor wore would be too confining now. Her pussy buzzed from her rolling orgasm, and now began to ache anew as strange words drifted towards her from the end of the hallway.

"Kethr'quixla nox'thrissa orgos ron'yenqua."

Victor lay his hands on Gina's shoulders. "This is it, Gina, the final step. After this, you'll fulfill your life role as a slave."

"Yes, Master, I understand," Gina said.

"How do you feel?"

Gina paused. There were several things she could feel at that moment. She could feel her arousal growing as the heat returned to her nether regions. She could feel a sense of wonder as to this strange ceremony and what her future now held. She could feel some anxiety ...

"You are nervous even now," Victor said in a neutral voice. "And a little fearful."

"I only wish to do everything right, Master, that's all." The words had raced from her head such that she was not aware she had spoken them until they were out of her mouth.

"I sense it may be more than that. But no matter. It will be gone soon enough. Keep focused. Focus on what you are to become. Keep that in your mind, and you will do fine."

Gina nodded and slowly smiled. "Yes, Master, of course. I'm ready."

Victor stood her before him, facing forward towards the entrance, his hands on her shoulders. "Walk slowly and purposefully. Go."

Gina drew in a slow, deep breath. Her heart thumped, and her feet were reluctant to rise from the floor. She overcame her odd inertia and started walking, having to concentrate to keep her gait steady. She was mystified as to why she could not tell Victor of her trouble.

Yet her demons were still gone. Perhaps it was only their lingering echoes. Soon those would be silenced as well.

The chant rose as they approached the arched entrance. Wispy smoke drifted in lazy tendrils and tantalized her nose with its spicy fragrance. Her skin rippled and tingled from the touch of the air as it slid past her body. Her pussy was slick and hot, the rub of one thigh against the other sending shivers of wet pleasure through her body as she walked.

A ragged breath passed her lips as they stepped over the threshold, her eyes widening. Two ramrod-straight rows of red-robed men and women stood on either side of a wide aisle. With their hoods drawn forward, they were faceless, the chant manifesting from the air rather than spoken from anyone's mouth.

Victor squeezed Gina's shoulders and stopped her before she could advance down the aisle. The cultists turned as one towards them.

"Sentr'enthra tal'alkqua ron'valtra," Victor announced.

"Toph'sentr'enthra zanthas ron'valtra!" the cult thundered in response.

Victor lifted his hands. "Renthi'mass'huthra ron'yenqua." He gestured towards Gina.

Gina did not know what the words meant, but she understood them nevertheless on some innate level. Victor had announced his presence; the cult had responded with praise; now he had announced the start of the ceremony.

"Kethr'quixla nox'thrissa orgos ron'yenqua!"

Gina let out a slow, husky sigh. Her pussy ached, as if she had not just orgasmed in the preparation room. Her sex ran hot, and she wished for someone to touch it.

Victor nudged her forward. Gina began to walk down the aisle, Victor trailing behind her. Her eyes shimmered as they rose to the altar. At each corner, a thick chain lay in a bright, gleaming coil.

"Kethr'quixla nox'thrissa orgos ron'yenqua!"

Gina shuddered. Walking only inflamed her desire as the incense became overpowering, her cunt tensing as if in anticipation of a man's cock entering her. Desire ran molten through her mind and melted away the remaining doubts and fears that had plagued her for the past day. Her sigh was one of relief, even as her need escalated.

Ahead of her, two cultists parted from the rest, one from the far end of each row, a man and a woman. They stood on either side of the altar and turned towards her, holding out their arms as if in welcome.

"Kethr'quixla nox'thrissa orgos ron'yenqua!"

Gina moaned, her steps faltering. Her pussy felt swollen, the movement of her thighs like soft strokes against her mound. She had taken the first step up to the altar when the two cultists swept down upon her, each taking an arm. She was allowed to gaze upon the altar's cool, hard surface before they carried her up onto it. She felt a flicker of panic when the chains first touched her wrists and ankles, but it faded as her arms and legs were drawn taut.

"Kethr'quixla nox'thrissa orgos ron'yenqua!"

"Uhnngg ..." Gina moaned, her hips squirming despite the tightness of the chains.

Kelly stood next to Charles, only a few places away from the altar. They stood as the others did with heads bowed and giving fervent voice to their holy chant as the ceremony began.

A ceremony that was not supposed to begin for at least another few hours.

Kelly could not get the thought out of her head. She had hoped that Victor had intended to perform some other rite first, perhaps some disciplinary action against followers that had failed him in recent days. She would not have minded seeing Lynn on the receiving end of punishment. The girl needed to be tamed, and Kelly would have relished the opportunity to do it.

Yet the irony did not escape her that the very doubts she had accused Lynn of harboring were those that she entertained herself.

The Glorious One and the Prophet were at odds, no matter how much Victor projected the perception of nothing more than engaging conversation whenever they spoke. Kelly was strong enough to see through it, and to sense the tension and outright anger between them.

Now she dared to turn her head enough to see Victor start his walk down the aisle. Again, it was too soon. He always let his followers perform the sacred rite of applying the holy Oil to their initiate. It was a sign of his trust in them, as well as their fealty and enthusiasm to their beliefs and to him.

Should he not remain at the door to confront the great evil when it arrived as his loyal followers conducted the ceremony? Or was he placing the ultimate trust in his followers to handle the intrusion?

Or was it something else? Was he afraid that he could not handle them himself? Did he prefer to send his flock into harm's way to see how the battle fared?

She faced forward as the chains were lifted from the floor and secured about the initiate. She sensed something was about to happen, something that may give her an opportunity to reject her doubts and pledge her fealty to the Glorious One once more.

Or -- as horrible as it was to contemplate -- her doubts would be fully realized.

New Gina groaned and slid down the outside of the door. "I can't do any more to delay her. I can't get to Gina any further, it's just too much."

Stephanie rushed forward and helped Gina to her feet. She looked behind her towards Cassie. "The ceremony has started. We don't have time to wait anymore!"

Cassie did not seem to be paying attention. She marveled at her surroundings. Beyond the bedroom was nearly a full house. New Gina had expanded her control to replicate the real Gina's house. Or she assumed it was such; Gina herself seemed a bit nonplussed at some of the furnishings. Was she seeing more of Stephanie's influence? What did it mean?

Stephanie grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. "I'm serious, Cassie! When it was me, I couldn't do anything to stop it at this point. I didn't have enough will to resist marching up to the altar. Only my latent psychic abilities stopped it, and I was rewarded with twenty-one years of imprisonment in my own fucking head!"

"I know!" Cassie cried. "I know, please, I ... my friends aren't ready yet, but I sense they're close. We'll have only one chance to do this right."

Stephanie stormed to the front door and pounded her fists on it once to Cassie's shocked gasp. "Cassie, you said you had the Dream Gift, right?"

"Um, yes, but--"

"You're going to need it. We might have to fight this on Victor's terms."

"I don't understand."

Stephanie turned around. "Gina, what did you say it looked like out there?"

"Like a kind of dungeon," Gina said. "Dark passages, cell doors, guards patrolling it. Though I don't know how much of that is my own perception shaping it."

"That's how it works. He uses your own thoughts against you. He found that somewhere in your head it went with it."

"So we can change it!" Cassie declared.

Gina sighed and shook her head. "I've gotten so used to it this way, I doubt I could. I'm sorry."

"Then we'll work with what we have. Even if we can't completely change it, we can try--" She paused. Her eyes widened.

"What is it?" Stephanie demanded.

"G-Get ready," she quavered. "My friends just arrived."

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