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Perceptions and Deceptions
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2009

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Story codes: mf, mF, Mf, MF, ff, fF, fsolo, teen, inc, oral, voy, mc, nc, toys, humil, magic

Perceptions and Deceptions -- Chapter 62 of 69

Laura Bendon signed out of her computer for the day and stood. Her lips curled into a small, sly smile as she stepped over to the filing cabinet and pulled out the clothes box hidden behind it. She placed it upon her desk and opened it, her smile widening as she caressed the material of Heather's costume.

Her gaze snapped up when she heard footsteps outside her office. Frowning, she slapped the cover back on the box and marched outside, closing the door behind her. She emerged in time to see Seeger walking towards the main hallway.

"And just where are you going, Seymour?" Laura called out.

Seeger turned just short of the door and met Laura with a cool gaze. "Same as you, Laura: to assist in supervising the party."

Laura stepped up to him. "And I thought I had told you that Terri and I have things under control."

"The two of you alone cannot handle the entire student body."

"It wasn't an option. I did not want you here this evening."

Seeger folded his arms. "Why? And do not repeat your nonsense about my inability to let the students have fun."

"Because, frankly, I feel this is beyond your capabilities. There's a reason I offered you retirement, Seymour. You're getting on in years, and I feel this will be too taxing for you."

"More nonsense."

"I will not debate the point with you," Laura snapped. "The simple fact of the matter is that I am the Principal and I decide who does what."

Seeger gave Laura a scowl he usually reserved for recalcitrant students. "I am not leaving unless you intend to fire me on the spot. If you do that, you will have to show due cause, or the Board will question it. Do you really want that sort of trouble?"

Laura paused, then forced a smile. "Very well. However, you are not needed for the preparations. I would strongly suggest that you restrict your duties to patrolling the hallways and ensuring no students are roaming the building."

"You hardly need me for that right now."

"I have a student -- well, two students thanks to your insistence -- about to arrive to assist with preparations."

"Yes, and I was open about why Mr. Gardner is here."

Laura did not take the bait. "I have given you your task, Seymour, and I will hear no more on the subject. Now get about your business."

Seeger retained his sharp gaze on Laura for another few seconds in silent protest at the dismissal before marching away.

Laura cursed under her breath once Seeger was gone. She was tempted to use her power on him, but she needed some lead-up time to make it work properly when no sexual attraction was present.

She waited another few seconds and returned to her office. She had wanted to bring Heather back here to don her costume, but Seeger's presence dictated a change in plans. She grabbed the box and exited the office.

Heather stood at the bottom of the steps leading into the west wing of the school, staring up at the doors. She did not want to do this. With the energy she channeled through Diane, she could fend off anything Ms. Bendon could do to her. She had to let Ms. Bendon control her.

An elbow nudged her side. "Yo. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Richie," she lied.

"You don't look it."

Heather bit her lip. The power from the lines had enhanced her precognitive ability. She saw glimpses in her mind's eye of what Ms. Bendon wanted to do to her, not just that night but when she became Ms. Bendon's part-time slave.

She was thankful that Melinda was absent thus far from her visions.

"Just nervous," Heather said.

"Fuck, I still say we all shoulda come down here together and take both bitches down," Richie grumbled.

"We can't. We don't know how long this power will last or how much--"

"Yeah, fine, whatever. Look, I got it all from the wonder nerd, I don't need it from you, too. Still doesn't change how I feel about all this shit."

"Just don't do anything before the others get here, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. More bullshit, but I'll do it."

Heather shared Richie's sentiment. She imagined it was harder on him, as he was as adamant about taking action as Ned.

"But I ain't gonna let her do that shit on me," Richie said. "That bitch tries anything, and I'm gonna give it right back."

"If you don't act like you want to try anything, she won't bother you," Heather said in irritation. She only half believed that, but she had to keep Richie restrained somehow. "Let's just get inside and get this over with."

Heather was careful not to turn her head to the left as she entered. That way lay the nurse's office and too many bad memories. She met the sight of Seeger with some relief as they came upon him standing near the junction with the hall that led to the auditorium.

Richie gave Seeger a wary look. Jason had told the Harbingers of his encounter with Seeger, but Richie had trouble seeing the man as an ally. Seeger folded his hands behind him and stood as if at attention. "Please do not loiter in the halls," he said in a clipped voice. He pointed a thick finger down the other hall. "The auditorium is straight that way. No side trips."

"Glad you told me that, Mr. Seeger," Richie said with a cheesy grin. "I was gonna arrange for a drunken party in the teacher's lounge, but you set me straight right away. Good work, Mr. Seeger! No one will get away with anything with you on the ball!"

Heather covered her eyes with her hand and braced herself for a sharp rebuke from Seeger. When she heard nothing, she dropped her hand and looked up.

Seeger regarded them with a gaze that was slowly losing its usual stoic demeanor as the seconds of uneasy silence passed. "Please do not dally. Report to Ms. Bendon or Ms. Hollis in the auditorium," he said in a flat voice.

Richie frowned. "Yeah, whatever. Come on, Heather, shoulda known Saggy Seeger wouldn't really give a shit."

Heather averted her eyes as Richie led them away.

"Miss Sovert."

Heather stopped, Richie taking a few more steps before he cursed and stopped as well. After a pause, Heather turned around. "Yes, Mr. Seeger?"

"Your costume," said Seeger. "Where is it?"

Heather would not lie for Ms. Bendon. "Ms. Bendon has it. She selected one for me."

Seeger's eyes became ice. "I see."

Heather stared back at Seeger, at a loss for words. Jason had not had a chance to explain exactly what he had divulged. She had no idea how much Seeger knew of her arrangement with Ms. Bendon.

"I have been relegated to hallway duty, Miss Sovert," said Seeger. "I will thus be unable to observe anything inappropriate that occurs in the auditorium."

Richie's eyebrows rose. Heather nodded. "I understand, Mr. Seeger," she said in an even voice.

"Please let me know when I can be of further assistance later."

"I think that will be up to Jason."

Seeger's expression faltered, the illusion of authority wavering for a moment. His eyes betrayed an almost fatherly empathy. "Yes. Yes, of course. Carry on, then."

Heather nodded once and headed away. Richie stared at Seeger for another few seconds before he caught up with Heather. "Crap, he almost sounds like he gives a fuck."

Heather halted at the doors to the auditorium and whirled around. "Richie, just stop it. Don't make any trouble or you're going to screw everything up!"

"Hey, chill, okay? You know me, I gotta mouth off about it. I know the score." He tipped his ball cap. "So to speak."

Heather managed a faint smile and headed inside.

The auditorium yawned before them, the tiers of seats normally present for an assembly folded and tucked into the wall, lending the room a cavernous feel. Much of the center of the room had been left empty, tables lining either side, tablecloths folded in small piles on each one.

At the head of the auditorium, the stage had been set, stereo equipment sitting among thick loops of cable. Halloween decorations festooned the ceiling, swinging at the ends of thin strings from the rafters overhead. All the heavy work had been done; all that remained was setting up the tables, the refreshments, and the chairs to allow people to sit down to rest or socialize.

"Lame," Richie muttered. "All these school parties are so fucking lame."

Heather was listening with only one ear. Most of her attention was on the woman approaching them, her heels clicking unnaturally loud against the polished wood. Richie finally shifted his eyes to her as well. His mouth twisted into a frown, even as his eyes roved.

Terri Hollis' lithe body was wrapped in a tight, black dress and matching miniskirt, the sleeves loose about the arms. Her legs were clad in black stockings down to her calf-length boots, and topping her head was a wide-brimmed witch's hat.

Terri stopped before them, one leg thrust forward, her hands on her tilted hips. Her gaze flicked between Heather and Richie a few times before finally coming to rest on the latter. "And just what are you doing here?"

"Looking at a teacher in a hot Halloween costume," Richie drawled.

Heather sighed and rolled her eyes. "You're not helping."

"What? I'm saying something nice! Most female teachers around here don't have the legs or the boobs to look half as good in that thing."

Terri smiled wickedly. "Oh, I could have you worshiping my body like a goddess," she purred. "Would you like me to show you now?"

"Terri, get over yourself," said a bored voice behind her.

Terri spun around. "Shut up, Laura. Isn't it obvious he's here with some stupid idea of protecting Heather?"

Laura did not reply until she was standing before her colleague. She folded her arms and leveled her gaze at Terri. "Mr. Gardner had volunteered to help."

"He did no such thing through me."

"Yes, but he did do so through Seymour."

Terri sighed. "Really, Laura, why do you keep that fossil around? Isn't it time to put him out to pasture?"

"Care to mix any more metaphors?" Laura said. "Terri, you have a lot to learn about subtlety." Her eyes flicked down Terri's body. "Very much to learn. I am trying to push him out, but until he can no longer call on his associates on the school board, we should not antagonize him."

"Fine," Terri huffed. "Then let me take care of Gardner so he won't be in the way. I could use a pet for the evening."

Richie hissed through clenched teeth, "Yeah, just try it, you b--"

"Richie!" Heather cried.

Laura raised a finger and took a step closer to Terri. "You'll do no such thing. You will not touch him in any way. And you will leave Heather to me."

"I'll remind you that we have an arrangement," said Terri.

"Yes, and part of that was that I get her tonight."

"Then why the fuck should you care what I do to any of her--"

"Because I am the Principal of this school, and this is a school event," said Laura. "You will defer to me or you can find yourself another school."

Terri gave Laura a shocked look. Laura stared impassively back. "And how will you be sure that he won't interfere?" Terri demanded.

Laura smiled. She stepped past Terri and stood before Heather. Richie ground his teeth and balled his hands into fists, giving the Principal a murderous look. She ignored him. "Heather has already ensured that. Haven't you?"

Heather saw another brief snippet of the future flicker across her mind. Melinda was still not in it. "Yes."

One of Laura's eyebrows rose.

"Yes, Mistress," Heather said in a low, defeated voice.

Laura smiled and turned to Terri. "You see? She and her friends can be perfectly reasonable."

Terri narrowed her eyes. "All right. Whatever." She thrust a finger at Richie. "Go start putting the tablecloths out."

Richie hesitated in one last act of token defiance. He looked at Heather and mouthed the question "what the fuck" before stomping away towards the nearest table.

Laura gestured to Heather. "Come with me. You have a costume to put on."

"Yes, Mistress," Heather said with a despondent sigh.

Debby finally finished dressing in preparation for driving the other Harbingers to the school. Her new magical sensitivities distracted her, enticing her to explore her potential new powers, or simply to stare at the intricate psychic auras of the others.

She understood now what it was like for Cassie. To have such depth of insight into people from a mere glance could be as frightening as it was exhilarating. She could attenuate the auras in her mind, much like the way a noisy room became a vague drone, but she had no desire to do so.

She heard a gentle knock on her bedroom door. "Mrs. Radson?" came Jason's tentative voice. "Is it okay to come in?"

"Yes, of course." Debby adjusted her hair and smiled to Jason through the mirror as he slipped inside. He was back in his Starfleet costume. "After what we've been through, Jason, I think it hardly matters anymore if you saw me naked."

"I just want to respect your privacy. It's hard to have that sometimes in the Harbingers."

Debby turned around. "Yes, I can see where that would be a problem, especially with the link. Does it let you sense when your friends are in danger?"

"Yes, it does, actually."

"I was hoping that was the case. I worry about you and your friends."

Jason gave her a sardonic grin. "And we just gave you an excuse to worry more."

Debby shook her head. "It's not knowing that's the worry."

Jason nodded. "Mrs. Radson, Heather said you wanted to talk to me."

"Please, call me Debby. 'Mrs. Radson' seems overly formal anymore. And, yes, I did. But first I need to check something."

Debby stepped forward and placed her hands on his shoulders and directed him towards a chair. She produced a short, deep blue candle and holder from the top of the nearby dresser. She set the holder in Jason's hands and lit the candle with a match. The smoke curled towards his nose, smelling faintly of lavender and rose hips.

"I technically don't need this anymore," said Debby as she stepped back. "But I don't want to stray from tradition. And I want to see if it augments my ability further."

"What is this for?" Jason asked.

"I'll tell you in a moment. Now, lift the candle a little higher ... a little more ... right there. Perfect."

Jason's face appeared suspended just above the dancing flame. To her delight, it did indeed enhance her vision, bringing out more of the subtly in the narrower bands.

"Jason, I want you to think about Diane."

"Um, what am I supposed to think about her?"

"Anything at all. Or recall a recent memory of her. Or ..."

Debby trailed off. The colors of his aura shifted. Her more mundane senses told her he was squirming in the chair. He let out a short huff through his nose, his eyes suddenly icy for a moment before relenting to something less frigid.

Debby stepped forward. She licked the pads of her thumb and forefinger and put out the flame with a soft hiss. Incense fumes wafted upwards towards the ceiling as she lay her hand on his and lowered the candle.

"You know what happened to Diane, don't you?" Debby said in a flat voice. "You can comprehend it through the false perception."

Jason sighed. "You could have just asked and ..." He trailed off, his eyes widening.

"I wasn't sure you'd tell me. You still believe Diane should be a slave."

Jason leapt from his chair. "And you don't?"

Debby shook her head. "Apparently, I can block it out."

Jason gaped. "You're immune to his power!"

Debby smiled faintly. "I thought you weren't the one that jumps to conclusions like that."

"At this point, I'm willing to grab onto anything that will help."

"You're that worried?"

"Yeah, I'm that worried," Jason said a bit sharply. "We only barely managed to defeat Melissa, and Nyssa before her. Now we're dealing with a kind of power that our normal abilities don't even work against unless we totally exhaust ourselves."

"Yes, I noticed that," Debby said in a subdued voice. "Which is why I have to ask what you're planning to do tonight."

Jason was silent for a moment. "What do you mean?"

"Meaning, Jason, if you think all I'm going to do is drop you off at the party and just wait for it to be over, I need to correct you on that point."

"I didn't want to involve you like that. I didn't even think you were going to join us today."

"But I did, and now I'm one of you."

"But you have a family!"

"And none of you do?" Debby said, her voice rising. "I may be one of you now, Jason, but I am still a parent and an adult, and if I just let you go off by yourselves, I don't have a right to call myself either of those things."

"Well ... maybe you can help, if you are immune to--"

"I can resist it coming from one person. Victor has a lot more than that working for him, doesn't he?" Debby said.

"Yes, but ... we ... we had a plan."

Debby paused. "Had?"

"Yes, because once you hear it, you'll want us to stop, because you're a parent and an adult and you'll feel the need to protect us. Or you'll just think it's immoral."

Debby tilted her head. "Do you think it's immoral?"

Jason grinned, though there was little humor behind it. "You really are acting like a typical parent. All right, you're a Harbinger now, you deserve to know."

Jason relayed to her how they planned to use their boosted power to take temporary control of Terri Hollis and use her as a pawn against Victor. He collapsed back into the chair when he was done. "Okay, so now tell me that we can't do it. Tell me that it's wrong."

"Is that what you want me to--?"

"Stop it! I don't want to hear that stupid 'throw the question back at the kid' technique."

"It was a serious question," said Debby. "Jason, the others don't actually come out and say it, but they see you as their leader."

Jason dropped his face into his hands and sighed through his fingers. "I've been over that one. I've accepted that. So that's why I made this decision."

"So long as there wasn't an adult to come along and question it."

Jason looked up. "All right, let me do the same thing to you. Do you want to question it? Do you want to tell us not to do it?"

"That deserves an honest answer," Debby said in a soft voice. "Yes, I do. But I'm not going to."


"Because you're not looking for me to do that. And you're the leader of the Harbingers. Me joining this group should not change that."

Jason stared at her. "That's it? Why didn't you just--?"

"Because I had to be sure you didn't need me. I wasn't just looking at your aura to determine if you knew about Diane. And I've been watching it while I've been talking to you. You really do feel like this is the right decision."

"It's the only thing that has a chance of working," Jason said.

Debby nodded. "I did this to you because, earlier this evening, Heather needed me as a parent. I had to make sure you didn't."

"Sometimes I wish I did need one, Debby. I mean, maybe I really do."

Debby smiled wanly. "Maybe. But not me. Not now." She glanced at the door. "Perhaps we better make sure the others are getting back into costume. I should get you all a bite to eat before the--"

She suddenly frowned and stared at Jason with incomprehension for a few more seconds before the terrible realization dawned. "Jason, what I just felt over the link ... is that ... was that Heather--?"

Jason nodded. "Yes, that was Ms. Bendon taking control of her."

Debby shivered. "Goddess ... I wish we could help her, but--"

"But we have to save the energy for later." Jason stood up. "You're right, we should look in on the others."

"I just wish Heather didn't feel so frightened," Debby said in a quavering voice.

Heather stood naked inside an equipment room behind the stage, staring at the harem costume that still lay inside the box. She wrapped her arms around herself and lifted a foot as if to take a step, then lowered it without moving an inch.

Laura's footsteps against the bare hardwood floor sounded hollow, like the strike of a hammer on an empty wooden box. Heather flinched and raised her shimmering eyes to Laura's.

"What is it you're afraid of?" Laura said in a low, sultry voice. "The costume? Me? Or perhaps you're afraid I will hand you over to Terri after all."

"You can make me pick up the costume," Heather said in a faintly pleading voice. "You can make me put it on."

Laura chuckled and cupped Heather's chin. "Yes, I could. But it's more fun this way."


"To see you squirm. To see the look on your face once the costume touches you, and you slide into the role once more."

"You don't have to do it that way," Heather insisted. "You can just make me your slave now."

"You seem to forget: you already are my slave. Or do you feel you can just put your regular clothing back on and leave?"

Heather sighed. "No, Mistress."

"There's more to being a slave than me fiddling with your mind." She drew close until her breath touched Heather's face when she spoke again. "As much as I enjoy doing that."

Heather trembled, her eyes shimmering.

Laura dropped her hand and drew back. "And I want you to get used to the idea of your clothing defining what you are. Then it will be a simple matter of dressing you appropriately and you'll act accordingly because I've conditioned your mind to do so."

"Is that how you enslaved Marcie Fuller?"

Laura smiled. "What do you think?"

"I don't want to become like her. I don't want to be mindless."

"You worry too much." Laura thrust her finger towards the box, all trace of humor gone. "No more dallying. Put it on."

Heather stepped towards the box and picked up the piece of the outfit that lay atop the rest: the silvery, sparkling panties. Her fingers warmed at the touch of the silky material. It spread over her hands and oozed up her arms like honey. Heather let out a quivering breath.

Laura came up behind her and slid her hands over Heather's shoulders, her touch encouraging the wonderful, slow heat that spread through Heather's body. Laura's breath blew hot in Heather's ear. "Just holding it is enough now, isn't it?" Laura purred. "Just the anticipation of wearing it for me excites you."

Heather sensed the tendrils of Laura's Dark Aura touching her. She could see it now in such detail that she rivaled Melinda's talent. Energy whirled in her head, daring her to release it. She could push Laura out of her head.

Her body flushed with sexual heat. Her pussy was swollen and warm, her nipples rising to hard points.

Heather bent over, suppressing a whimper as Laura touched her ass and flirted with her exposed labia between her thighs. She stepped into the panties and pulled them up her legs, leaving a trail of tingling pleasure. She uttered a husky sigh when the panties lay snug against her pussy.

Laura slipped her hands around Heather's waist and tugged the panties into Heather's slit. "Doesn't that make you feel so good?"

"God, yes," Heather moaned. Her half-lidded eyes glistened. Her fear was almost as great as her pleasure as she let her will shrivel at the touch of Laura's Dark power.

"It will get better when you put the rest on," Laura cooed in Heather's ear.

Heather took out the next piece, the bra. Her nipples tingled, heat flooding over her breasts. Panting, she pulled the cups into place, squeezing the plump flesh against her body until they bulged against the edge. Her nipples stood out like small knobs.

"I decided not to let it out after all," said Laura. She hooked a finger into the top of one of the cups and tugged. Heather gasped as her nipple throbbed. "I like the way your tits look so trapped. Much like you."

Heather trembled, induced desire running white-hot.

"Now the rest, slave. Give me my little harem girl again."

Heather was no longer aware of the passage of time. She felt light, sensuous touches like fingers from a dozen lovers as the diaphanous veils of her costume twined in a seductive wrap around her body. With her whole costume in place, she was cocooned in sultry delight, every bit of her skin bathed in soft pleasure.

Resistance was impossible now. Laura's power ensnared her will and turned it to her Mistress' purpose. Laura could not make Heather believe the part as Terri could, but she could make Heather act the part and condition her with the pleasure.

Heather swept about her Mistress, twirling on her suddenly lithe feet, her pussy growing wet under Laura's approving gaze. She moaned as her hips thrust and gyrated, moving to Laura's silent music, pleasure rising until it felt as though her pussy would burst into orgasm any second.

"Stop," Laura said.

Heather's dance slowly drew to a close, her feet drawing together like a ballerina's final movement. She looked to her Mistress with eyes dark with lust, shaking as her pussy strained, her pleasure hovering at its peak.

Laura stepped forward and lay her hand against Heather's crotch. Heather uttered a tiny gasp, then a whimper when her pleasure retreated, leaving her pussy hot, steaming, and achy.

Laura gestured, and Heather dropped to her knees. Laura cradled Heather's head and gently nudged it closer to her until Heather breathed into the crotch of Laura's jeans.

"Not yet, my little dancing harem girl," said Laura. "You're not to cum quite yet. Not until you're ready to beg your Mistress for the privilege."

Heather looked up. "B-beg? But ... Please, I ..."

"Shh. No, not yet. If you beg now, they will be words only. I may control your desires, my slave, but not your dignity, or your pride. I want it all."

Heather shuddered and closed her eyes. "I c-can't--"

"Oh? Really?"

"The ... my friends ... I have to help them later ... Mistress, you said I could ..."

Laura bid her to rise. As soon as Heather had risen on shaky legs, Laura cupped Heather's face in her hands. "Then you have every incentive to let me break you before that moment comes. Do you understand now, slave?"

"Yes, Mistress," Heather said, blinking away a tear.

Laura smiled. "Very good. Now, let me tell you how you will be assisting us tonight ..."

"Cassie? Ned?" Debby called out as she stood at the front door. "The rest of us are in the minivan and ready to go."

"Yes, I'm coming!" Cassie called out as she raced down the stairs. She drew her coat tight around her and glanced down to ensure that as much of her costume was hidden as possible. Harry was still sitting in the limo by the curb, and she would be visible to him for a few moments. "Sorry, I'm just having a little trouble with--"

"Hey, babe, mebbe ya should wear this," she heard Ned behind her.

Cassie turned at the bottom of the stairs. "What? Ned, I'm trying to cover up what I already ... oh!"

Ned jogged down the stairs and smirked as he handed her the tiara from her princess costume.

Cassie smiled. "Yes, of course." She tried to fit it on her head, but her disheveled hair made it difficult.

"Here, lemme help," Ned said. He gathered her hair and held it out of the way as she slipped on the tiara. "I figger this is a bit of misdirection. He'll see that and not look too closely at the rest of ya."

Cassie adjusted the tiara. "Thank you. I'm ready now." She sighed. "This is going to be the easy part of the trip."

They headed towards the door. "Ya think something's gonna happen on the way over?"

"Jason didn't say he thought there was any danger just driving over there," Debby said.

"No, it's not that. I have to try to make contact with Gina. And Stephanie."

"I'm not sure I understand."

"I'll explain it to ya in the van," Ned said as they emerged outside.

"It's just that I've never done this while I'm awake," said Cassie. "I mean, I know I should be able to, but I'm going to have to do it before we get over there. All that noise at the party might disturb my concentration."

Cassie and Ned climbed into the van. Jason tapped her on the shoulder from the seat behind her. "Mr. Seeger might be able to help us find a quiet place if you need it."

"I hope so, Jason, since I might have to get into her head if she can't fight off Victor by herself."

The minivan door closed, and Debby climbed into the driver's seat. "Yeah, and that reminds me of something," Ned drawled. "When do we try ta get Gina ta break away from Victor?"

"You'll have to wait until you capture Terri Hollis, won't you?" Debby asked as she backed the minivan out of the driveway.

Melinda gaped and elbowed Jason hard in the side. "You told her?!"

"I didn't exactly agree we were going to keep it a secret from her, Melinda," Jason said, a trace of irritation in his voice.

"Melinda, chill," Ned said. "If she was gonna stop us, she woulda done so by now." He turned to Debby. "Um, right?"

Debby did not respond until she had the van on the road and in forward gear. "Ned, I'm one of your peers, not your parent," she said as she started down the street. "Jason is the leader of the group. If he thinks this is the right course of action, that's fine by me."

Jason managed a ghost of a smile. His legs shifted, squeezing the Book that lay between them. Melinda glanced down. "I still say we should've left that behind," she said in a sullen voice.

"We may need some of the spells in there," Jason said. "I don't want to take the chance that I won't remember them properly."

"I don't think Victor is gonna give ya time ta look 'em up, if ya ask me," said Ned.

"I know. I'm hoping by that time we can use Ms. Hollis against him. I doubt any of the spells would work against him anyway."

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask everyone to quiet down for a bit," said Cassie. "I need to concentrate."

"Sure thing, babe," said Ned, squeezing her hand.

A tiny smile flickered across Cassie's lips. She turned away from him and arranged herself so she was lying as comfortably against the back of the seat as possible.

She had no idea how to start. When she was asleep, it became a reflex action. She simply "woke up" in the Dreamverse.

She closed her eyes and tried to envision her destination, but the details would not come. She saw only pale images and ethereal landscapes, like looking at a photograph and expecting the objects within to suddenly pop into reality. She tried to fall asleep, but her heart pounded too hard, and the road was too bumpy.

Just as she was about to panic, an image of a door popped into her head.

Suddenly, she felt a rushing sensation, as if she had fallen through the back of the chair and dropped into an endless void. Yet it did not feel like falling. Pastel light swirled around her, sometimes coalescing into visions of herself, her family, or her friends before vanishing again like mist. Sounds drifted by in ghostly whispers. Odors twisted under her nose, tantalizing her with glimpses of the past. Cassie understood now; she was seeing the inside of her own psyche.

And ahead of her was the door.

Her fear eased. Now she remembered stepping through this door every night. It was a detail that was not worth relaying to her conscious mind, but it lay here, in the deepest core of her own subconscious.

With a confidence she had not felt in a long time, Cassie opened the door and stepped through.

"Ohmigod, what's wrong with her?!" Melinda cried, jumping forward in her seat.

"Young lady, you will buckle your seat belt this instant!" Debby snapped. "That goes for anyone else that's not strapped in."

Shocked, Melinda fell back into her seat. She frowned as she groped for the belt buckle, muttering a curse as she jostled both Jason on her right and Diane on her left. She yanked it across her lap with such force that it locked.

Jason reached over to help her. "You have to pull it gently, Melinda, or it--"

"I know how to use a damn seat belt, okay?" Melinda snapped. "What's wrong with Cassie?"

Cassie lay limp in her seat, her eyes closed, her head lolling to one side. Ned gave her a gentle nudge, but she slid to the side like a rag doll, only the seat belt holding her in place. "Crap, this is freakin' me out," Ned said.

"It looked like she was going into some sort of trance," Jason said, fighting to keep his voice steady. "But then she just went out like a light."

Ned stared at Cassie's bosom. "She's breathin'. She's alive."

"All right, hold on," Debby said, her voice strained. She pulled the van to the curb and turned to look at Cassie. "Ned, try to sit her up straight again so I can see her aura better. Not to mention she'll get a bad crick in her neck like that."

Ned nodded and arranged Cassie so she was more or less sitting up and tried to ignore how lifeless she appeared. Her muscle tone was all but gone. She might have well been a sack of loose cloth.

Debby peered. "Ned, I think she's okay. Her life bands are very strong, and her dream band is so brilliant it's blinding compared to the others. It's a classic setup for someone having an out-of-body experience."

"I can still sense her over the link!" Melinda piped.

"So can I, Mistress," said Diane. "It's like she's in a deep sleep."

"Wow, I wonder if this is what happens to her every night," Ned said, his voice less anxious.

"It could very well be," said Debby. She faced forward and put the van in gear. "Now, Ned, just keep her comfortable and make sure she doesn't fall into any awkward position while we drive to the school. I'll take it slow to give her a chance to do what she needs to do."

"But how do we bring her out of it?" Melinda asked.

"You don't. She'll have to bring herself out of it."

Melinda sighed and sank into her seat, her antennae bobbing. "Great."

Some of Cassie's confidence ebbed.

She resisted the urge to look behind her to verify that the door back into her own psyche was still open. She had never been so cognizant of the mechanism by which her own power worked, and it was a struggle not to second-guess herself.

Cassie had to remain focused. It would not be long before they were at the school. But which one should she see first?

She conjured Gina's door to her left. It solidified into reality before she had completed the thought. With the same ease, she manifested Stephanie's door to her right.

Cassie let out a slow, husky breath. Wielding her power with such ease was intoxicating, even arousing. Her pussy tingled at the thought of summoning a door to any psyche she wished and bypassing all resistance by merely stepping across a threshold. She could know every secret thought and desire of every person that lived in Haven and manipulate their ...

"God, no, stop," Cassie said, laying her hands against her cheeks as she stared between the two doors. "Don't think about it. Don't ever think about that again."

She turned to Stephanie's door first, and trepidation crawled up her spine. As she stepped towards it, her skin prickled. She extended her senses towards Stephanie's psyche and recoiled as she touched a horrible and terrifying emptiness. Her hand was trembling when she turned the doorknob.

Cassie gasped as the door swung inward. She could barely see Stephanie through the darkness. She started to reach through the door, but fear clutched at her and pulled her back.

"No, don't leave!" Stephanie cried, leaping at her.

Cassie repressed a scream when Stephanie's hand grasped hers. Stephanie's icy grip was like a touch from the grave; first Cassie's hand, then her arm felt numb and dead.

"Please, Cassie! I can feel the energy inside you! I don't know where you got it, but please don't go!"

Cassie was close to believing that Stephanie had been a ghost all along intent on pulling her down into a cold, dark grave. She gasped for breath that seemed to freeze inside her lungs and forced herself to open her empathic senses. Then she understood.

"Oh dear God," Cassie moaned.

Stephanie gasped and staggered, pulling Cassie across the threshold and into her prison of nothingness. Power glowed pale pastel blue as it flowed into Stephanie, and soon Cassie could feel her arm again. Stephanie moaned and fell to her knees as she became more there, the nonexistence retreating until the bars of the cage were faintly visible once more. Warmth surged back into her hand, and Cassie again touched a real person.

Cassie broke contact and fell against the side of the door, gasping for breath. Tears blurred Stephanie's eyes and trickled down her face. She leapt to her feet and pulled Cassie into a tight embrace. "Oh God, thank you!"

Cassie did not need to ask what had happened. While energy had flowed from her to Stephanie, memories and emotion had traveled from Stephanie to her. She understood not only what was happening to Stephanie now, but what had happened to her and "Lydia" for the past twenty-one years.

She wanted to crawl away and cry for the both of them.

"Cassie, I'll help you," Stephanie said. "I'll help Gina. I'll do whatever you want me to do."

Cassie stared at the nothing past the bars. "Stephanie ... I-I can't keep doing this. I can't keep giving you more energy to stop this."

"I know. But I don't want to live like this anymore."

Cassie grasped Stephanie's hands. "Please, maybe ... w-we know where you are. Where Lydia is. Maybe we--"

"You're just fooling yourself, Cassie. It's too late. I've been kept apart from my own mind for too long."

Tears streamed down Cassie's face. "If I got to you sooner--"

"No, don't do this. You couldn't do anything to stop it. I just want to stay around long enough to see Victor pay for what he's done. Not just to me but to all the girls he's taken."

Cassie nodded and sniffled.

Stephanie glanced at the void. "I can hold it off for longer now. Please, let me help. Let me talk to Gina."

"I-I have to talk to her myself first. I have to do the same for her that I just did for you or she won't be able to fight Victor."

"All right." Stephanie let go of Cassie's hands. "I'll be here."

Cassie wiped her eyes and willed herself to stop crying. She did not have the luxury of tears yet.

She left Stephanie and stood before Gina's door. The hopeful warmth that exuded from it helped her regain her composure as she opened the door and stepped inside.

Gina stood, her eyes wide. She could sense the energy as Stephanie had. Had it been light, Cassie would be as blinding as the sun.

Cassie held out a trembling hand, her eyes glistening. "Please, Gina, give me your hand."

"I ... I-I can't handle that," Gina said. "Not all that energy."

Cassie stepped forward. "Please, Gina, I don't have a lot of time! I have to do this so you'll be ready later."

"Ready for what?"

"To break away from Victor. To free Gina from him."

"Didn't you listen to me before? What do I fill Gina's mind with? I have nothing more than--"

Cassie leapt forward and seized Gina's arm.

Gina gasped as blue light enveloped her. The room brightened. Curtains appeared over the window. Shelves filled with books. The door to the rest of Gina's mind burst open, revealing a house hallway beyond.

Gina yelped and stumbled when Cassie let go. Cassie caught her before she could fall. "Look, Gina, look at the room," Cassie said, sweeping her arm around her. "You're stronger now. You can hold off Victor longer."

Gina looked around in wonder. "But ... even with this--"

"I know, it's not enough. I'm going to have to come back and help you later. Don't start anything until I tell you. We have to get Gina -- the real Gina -- someplace where we can keep her away from Victor once you do break free."

"I understand, Cassie, but ..." Gina paused. "Wait, how did I know your name?"

Cassie sighed. "It must have flowed into you with the energy. I'm having trouble separating it from my own thoughts."

"But that means I can betray you to Victor!"

"You won't. Not if you avoid provoking him until we're ready. Now, Gina, I need you to come to the door with me, there's someone I need you to meet." Cassie smiled. "Well, meet again."

Gina rushed to the threshold of the Dreamverse. "Stephanie!"

The naked, bedraggled girl stepped into view, giving Gina a weak smile. "Hello, Gina."

"Oh, God, Stephanie! I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Cassie thinks we need to talk." Stephanie said as Cassie stepped into view behind Gina. "I'm not sure how I can help, but I'll try."

"Can I come over there?"

"No, you have to stay here," Cassie said. "We're not sure if you could get back if you leave Gina's head." She stepped past Gina. "I have to go, but I'll be back later. I promise."

She turned away. She did not run; she simply willed her own psyche to come to her, and the door appeared, as wide open as she had left it.

Emotions threatened to erupt inside her. Her legs shook. She clenched her teeth and hurtled herself through the doorway.

Cassie gasped, her eyes flying open as she jerked forward in her seat.

"Oh, thank God!" Melinda cried.

"You okay, babe?" Ned asked, his own voice relieved as well.

Cassie looked around. "What? Why have we stopped?"

"I pulled over a block away from the school, Cassie," Debby said. "In case you need to compose yourself."

Cassie's mouth dropped open. Emotions exploded inside her head. Her eyes blurred.

"Babe?" Ned said. "Are you--?"

Cassie burst into tears.

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