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Perceptions and Deceptions
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2009

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Story codes: mf, mF, Mf, MF, ff, fF, fsolo, teen, inc, oral, voy, mc, nc, toys, humil, magic

Perceptions and Deceptions -- Chapter 37 of 69

At first, Melinda was worried that Heather would suck them dry over the link to help her against Ms. Hollis. Then she was worried when it didn't happen.

She wanted to contact Heather, but was unsure how to do such a thing. The link was more an emotional bond than actual telepathy. Her clumsy attempt garnered no response.

Melinda tried to project her concern over the link, and she sensed something in return from the others. Some of them were anxious as well. Cassie was the only one sensing anything from Heather, but it was jumbled: some mild sexual arousal, worry, and embarrassment.

Diane sensed the other Harbingers along with Melinda, but she struggled to bring her full attention to it. She was loath to pull herself from the gentle, relaxing torpor of the teacher's lesson.

Melinda's anxiety was strong enough to prompt the other Harbingers to attend to Heather. Their combined will forced the link to open, overriding Heather's resistance to using it, and her five senses trickled to Melinda.

Wait, a TEST? Melinda thought when the images became clear enough. Is that all she's worried about? But then why is she getting horny?

Cassie sensed both Heather's spiking arousal and rising humiliation. The test was embarrassing her? Cassie didn't understand.

Jason did. He saw from the patterns of Heather's psyche that her perceptions had slipped into Ms. Hollis' control. He could not see the questions on the test page, but the reaction he observed in Heather's mind was more appropriate for an intimate survey rather than any normal test. He surmised that Ms. Hollis was using the test to determine Heather's emotional and sexual weaknesses.

Ms. Hollis got her! Jason thought hard and "loud" in his head.

The sense of alarm was conveyed to the others, and Melinda glimpsed some of the writing on the test page, though Heather's answers were still a blur. That woman is a fucking perv! she thought.

Diane blinked. She put down her pen and rubbed her eyes. Her view into her lover's mind was somewhere between Melinda's and Cassie's perspective. She felt the tingling and wetness in Heather's pussy, mistaking it for her own for a moment.

Richie and Ned could not see the test page or detect the precise emotions, nor see the patterns of thought and power like Jason. What they felt was raw pressure, as if Ms. Hollis' power was a large weight. It was obvious to them as much as it was to the others that Ms. Hollis had overpowered Heather's defenses, and Heather was helping it by believing the reality that Ms. Hollis had manufactured.

What the hell do we do now? Melinda asked in her head, but she did not expect to get any sort of coherent answer.

Question 3: How long can you go without sex, and how does it affect you?

Heather understood the same thing that Jason had: this test was designed to find weakness.

Why was doing well on this test so important to her? Heather struggled to rationalize her question, but the more she fought, the greater loomed the potential for failure. Every moment spent in delay of answering the question was another step closer to failing the test and the course.

I hate going more than a day or two without fucking, Heather wrote. It has to be fucking. I have to have a cock inside me. Yesterday just wasn't good enough. Diane is

She stopped, even as her hand quivered with the need to write more.

Heather sensed the link for the first time since she started the test. She wanted to block them out, but the link kept surging. She covered up the part of the answer she had written with her other hand as she wrote.

a great lover, but she's not enough for me. I have to have cock. I think I had Jason's cock in my pussy more than in my little sister's pussy. Now I can have Richie and Ned, too.

Heather moaned and panted, her pussy aching. She cursed under her breath. She should have had Ned yesterday. The damned test question reminded her of what she was missing.

Sometimes having my pussy licked real good will help. I make my little sister do that for me. I love gushing over her sweet face when I cum.

"S-stop," Heather hissed when she felt the Harbingers in her head again. She covered the test paper with both hands and pulled it towards her, her next words riding a tremulous sigh. "Go away."

Were they intending to stop her from taking the test? Didn't they understand that everything was riding on this test? Or were they trying to sneak a peek at her answers just to find out all her secrets so they could manipulate her, too?

Heather clenched her teeth and shook her head. Not even Melinda would be so cruel. Or Richie. She wouldn't do it to them.

Unless it would get me more sex, came the thought into Heather's head.

Heather flinched. Had that thought come from her? Would her craving become so great that she would go to such an extreme? She had influenced Jason into sex as a matter of habit long before she had turned her attention to the other Harbingers.

I'm not like that dammit! Heather cried out into her own mindscape, and for a moment she had the sensation of someone reeling from her.

Heather picked up the pen. She had to complete her answer. Yet now she was a little more reluctant. Nevertheless, the tip of her pen rolled across the page once more.

I'm even thinking about it now. I really want Ned. He and Cassie go at it like rabbits. I need some of that myself. If I don't get it, I'll just be horny all the time and won't be able to concentrate on anything else. Then I'd do just about anything to fuck.

Heather wanted to strike that last line. She managed to put her pen to the page at the opening "T," but could not send the stroke through the words. She instead lifted the pen from the page and moved it back to the end of the sentence.

Her pussy throbbed with her heartbeat. Now she was going to think about this for the rest of the day. Despite her need to obey her teacher's directive, her thoughts of Ms. Hollis remained dark.

Oh, goodness, what did I just do?! came Cassie's thought in the wake of her attempt to push her psyche across the link. All she had intended was to lend Heather some strength and ease the intensity of her arousal so she might find the will to resist Ms. Hollis. Instead, something unexpected had happened.

For a few fleeting seconds, Cassie had shared Heather's mind, somehow slipping into Heather's head as if entering her dreamscape at night. She had just become cognizant of what had happened when a barrage of emotion and thought overwhelmed her. During that brief contact, Cassie could not separate her thoughts from Heather's. Thus when Heather thought about manipulating people, Cassie's mind conjured her old doubts about Heather's motivations.

By the time Cassie could disentangle herself, a wave of guilt and self-doubt from Heather's mind swept her away like a riptide. Cassie was confused and angry at herself. She wanted to withdraw from Heather's mind before she did more damage, but sensed Heather's doubt turning towards the test instead.

Suddenly, a fuming rage swept towards her over the link, but it wasn't from Heather.

Cassie shock to Heather's mind had loosened the flow of imagery to Melinda. The test paper sharpened into clarity long enough for her to see the line: I think I had Jason's cock in my pussy more than in my little sister's pussy.

I'm going to kill the both of them! Melinda thought. First Ms. Hollis for being a bitch and making Heather tell her these things, and then Heather for being a boink-crazed bubblehead!

Melinda's anger was defused in seconds when her sister's words about maturity sounded in her head. She had spent so many years as the baby of the Sovert family; she refused to be seen as the baby of the Harbingers.

Jason's window into Heather's mind widened as well, her patterns of higher thought laid down on her mental canvas like lines in an abstract painting. He "saw" in those patterns something about sex with regard to himself and was gratified to learn it was complimentary, though tempered by the understanding that Terri Hollis now possessed this intimate detail about Harbinger relationships.

His mind raced to predict what she might do with the information. He was sure that Ms. Hollis' power came from Victor, but she still had an Aura. What she knew, the Darkness would know as well. The Harbingers had to be prepared for that.

Richie and Ned saw their chance. From their view, Cassie had blown the link wide open. The pressure was tangible. They had to push against it while they had the chance.

By this time, Diane was finally aware and alert, but kept the link at arm's length. She was seeing snippets of Heather's test paper as Melinda had, but more fuzzy, as if viewing it through thin gauze. Yet she saw many references to the boys of the Harbingers.

While Diane was afraid that Victor might use her to corrupt the Harbingers over the link, she feared reading Heather's test answers more. Her only solace was a glimpse of the phrase Diane is a great lover.

Question 4: Explain in detail how orgasm denial would affect you. Cite examples if you have them.

Her free hand clenched into a fist and thumped against the desk.

Why do I want to do well on this test?! Heather demanded. In the back of her mind, the link throbbed against the edge of her consciousness, swelling with a sense of alarm. Heather wanted to plead with her fellow Harbingers that she had no choice. She had to answer it.

It gets me so hot and horny that I can't think straight, Heather wrote. I don't let Diane do it to me too often. I usually make her finish me off by the time I get that far. Brad was really good at it, and

Heather stopped. Her fingers tightened around the pen, and her arm tensed. She lifted her head and glanced towards Brad. His eyes were lowered to his own test, his face screwed up in thought.

I think he liked watching me squirm until I was going mad. I think he was trying to get me to where I wouldn't refuse him if he wanted to fuck. I almost gave in a few times.

Heather moaned. Her pussy betrayed her, reacting to her thoughts by rising in pleasure, just enough to make her writhe and tempt her into touching it to bring her relief.

For the first time since the start of the semester, she was embarrassed by the number of sexual partners she had had in only the last few weeks.

I don't like going beyond that, Heather continued to write. I go crazy if it lasts too long. When I was thirteen and first started masturbating, I tried using a lube that was supposed to increase the time it took to cum. I used too much. I frigged and frigged and frigged and was almost in tears before I finally came.

"Melinda, if you ever say one word about this," Heather hissed under her breath.

The moment of righteous anger cleared her head a bit and allowed her doubts to shine through the fog. Did she really care about a grade in this class that much? Was failing the course really that bad considering what they were up against?

She couldn't keep it up. The fog thickened once more. She almost reached for the link; it still felt like a distraction she didn't need.

She just wanted to finish it. Anything else was too exhausting.

Melinda snickered when she caught sight of Heather's answer. She did not hear what her sister had muttered in its wake, but she caught the sentiment. Not that this would stop her.

Her amusement was short-lived. Heather was still locked in her false perception. Jason wondered if this was a feint, a way to drain the Harbingers' powers so they could not assist Heather later. He wondered himself if it had been a mistake not to pursue sex the day before.

Ned and Richie, however, were anything but discouraged and continued their brute-force attack. Cassie was becoming aware of their efforts, and saw that they had barreled in through the accidental hole she had opened.

Cassie's heart thumped as she contemplated trying it again. The prospect of what could go wrong frightened her, but Heather's growing mental exhaustion was far more worrisome. Heather would have nothing with which to resist any "offer" that Ms. Hollis presented at the end of the period.

She took a deep breath, but it did little to calm her. She reached out to Heather's mind, intending a gentle push, only to fall in as if down a greased slide. Her head floated in a twilight between her own thoughts and Heather's.

A presence manifested with her, so tangible she thought she could touch it. It had more substance than simply an intrusion of someone's will. Cassie let herself be drawn towards it and was shocked to see Ms. Hollis herself.

Or, rather, a facsimile of her. It shimmered like a ghost despite its power. It felt like a weakened version of the specter she had encountered in first Stephanie's and then Gina's mind, but Cassie was convinced it could reach out and strike her as if it were as solid as the real person.

Caught in a unexpected situation, her rationality splintered between her own psyche and Heather's, she acted on pure impulse. She lashed out at the manifestation with a mental shout.


Terri Hollis suddenly flinched and lifted her head. Her eyes darted around the classroom, as if looking for the student that had just shouted at her.

Her eyes fell on Heather, who had stopped writing. She stared at her test and shook her head, the pen about to tumble from her limp fingers. The last time Terri had looked, Heather had made it to the last question on the first page. She had yet to turn to the next, and as Terri waited, Heather continued to stall.

Terri frowned. Resistance from Heather should be impossible at this point. She had secured her best hold yet on Heather's reality. It was so strong she felt a piece of herself residing in Heather's head. Now it had been reduced to the same tenuous grip as the days before.

How was Heather doing it unless she had help?

Terri folded her hands and narrowed her eyes. Could it be Laura? She dismissed that after a moment's thought. If Laura were capable of such a thing, making a deal with Terri would be moot.

Victor? Very doubtful. Victor would be up-front about his opposition. He had been very clear on that point several times in the past few days.

Yet that exhausted her list of suspects. No matter. She wanted Heather back on track right now. She was not going to lose what she had gained.

Terri stood up and started towards Heather's desk.

Heather felt as if a pall had lifted, hovering just above her head. She was now more aware of the link and felt the Harbingers clamoring at its portal. She felt strange. Thoughts swirled in her head that were not her own, but they were not from Ms. Hollis.

She resisted the compulsion to turn to the next page of the test, but her thoughts were still tangled. Her pussy was still flush with warm pleasure, making it harder to gather her wits.

This is a sham, Heather finally thought. No one would give a test like this. I don't ...

"Miss Sovert."

Heather gasped and bolted up in her seat, the front feet of the chair lifting from the floor and thumping back down a second later.

Ms. Hollis tapped the test with her finger. "Did I not tell you how important this test was to your grade, Miss Sovert?"

Heather swallowed and nodded.

"You're not going to get a good grade by stalling. You have more questions on the next page. It would be in your best interest to get to them now."

"I was ... I was just looking over my answers, Ms. Hollis," Heather said.

"You've looked them over enough. Continue to the next page. Now."

Heather stared at her teacher, still unmoving.

Ms. Hollis smiled. "Good grades are very important. Especially this class. Especially if you wish things to go well this afternoon after school."

"What? I don't understand."

"It's simple, really. I won't need to be so hard on you in detention if you do well on this test. A good grade will mean I won't have to work you so hard later. So you see, it's in your own best interest to do well now."

Slowly, Heather nodded.

"Do well on your test, and things will go easy for you this afternoon. You want it to go easily, don't you?"

"Yes. Yes, of course."

"You must be so tired of fighting me. You don't have to. All I want is a good grade from you." She tilted her head and skimmed one of Heather's answers. "And you're already doing very well. These are excellent answers. Keep going."

Heather was indeed getting tired. She had gone a whole week resisting or helping someone else resist. She was at the end of her endurance.

She turned the page to the next part of the test.

Ms. Hollis grinned and returned to her desk. Behind her, a few students exchanged puzzled glances. Ms. Hollis frowned at one of them. They forgot what they had found so strange and went back to their tests.

Wait, what just happened? Jason thought.

Jason began to see the patterns in Ms. Hollis' power itself. They ran like electricity along ethereal wires twisting and coiling around Heather's mind. Similar "wiring" wove a complex circuit through the room, snaking around the other students and joining them in one large "power grid" that terminated at Terri Hollis.

For a few minutes while Ms. Hollis was talking to Heather, one part of that grid had faded, like a brownout. Once Ms. Hollis started back to her desk, it became "powered" again.

Cassie had to pull back. She had managed to push Ms. Hollis away, but now Ms. Hollis had invaded once more, and Cassie was in danger of failing to disentangle her mind from Heather's.

As she extricated herself from Heather's mind, she felt two other presences crowding her, as if edging around her in a narrow hallway. It was Ned and Richie, loathe to give up the toehold they had achieved.

Diane had finally let herself touch the link and was stunned at the clarity of Heather's mindscape. She saw echoes of the previous test answers in Heather's immediate memories and was shocked by the sheer amount of personal detail.

She felt something else stirring in the link. Was it some of the other Harbingers? She could only hope. Someone else should tell her what she should do.

Terri scrutinized Heather from behind her desk.

She had regained some of her hold on Heather's perceptions, yet a foreign influence pushed at her as hard as she pushed into Heather's head. What she had deemed impossible was the only explanation: someone was helping Heather resist. Terri believed she would have had Heather in her thrall by now if it had not been for her secret benefactor.

Laura and Victor were not the culprits. They were master manipulators, and what Terri sensed suggested an amateur. Yet no amateur should be strong enough to resist Victor's type of power.

She would have to mention this to Victor. If someone had the ability to resist his power, he needed to know about it.

Question 5: Describe what you would consider to be the most sexually submissive position or sexual act you could perform and how it would make you feel. Cite specific examples if you have them.

Heather sighed. This one was not even subtle.

Just about anything where I have to be on my knees I would consider to be very submissive, Heather wrote. Usually it's sucking cock or licking pussy. The first time that Jason contr

Heather's hand froze. She couldn't tell Ms. Hollis about the House! Her arm tensed, and she tried to complete the word "controlled." Her hand froze again for a second, then scratched out the word until she nearly wore a hole in the page. She let out a breath she did not know she was holding.

had me suck his cock, I knelt in front of him to do it. It's like I'm lowering myself to do it for him, like I didn't rate above him. He was such a nerd at the time and I wouldn't normally be caught dead with someone like him.

"Old Heather," she murmured. "The old me. Not me now."

I do it for Diane sometimes, Heather wrote, as if in defense of her claim. Though she prefers me above her. So I use it to drive her nuts by not letting her cum right away. That's really how it works. When I'm on my knees and I don't make them cum, I'm in control. If I do, then someone else is.

Heather's panties were damp, tugged between her swollen labia and driving her thoughts where she didn't want them to go. She was too tired to resist the flow of the words in her head. She could muster up only some hesitation, but her mind was still focused on the crown: getting a good grade to avoid the worst of detention.

She put the pen to the page again.

( ... stopstopstop ...)

Heather flinched. Stop what? Where had that come from? Was she doing something wrong? She had to continue answering the question. She had more to say.

If I'm getting horny when I'm doing it, that matters, too, Heather continued. Especially if someone stops me from doing anything about it. If I'm getting horny when I'm sucking someone off, I have to frig myself or I'll

( ... nonono ... )

No? But it was true. Not even Brad could get her to stop playing with herself when she used to suck him off in lieu of actual intercourse.

Heather stared at the last partial sentence she wrote, then slowly crossed it out. Most of the sentence was still legible through the scant strokes of the pen. She still needed something else to finish out the answer.

Getting fucked from behind is really submissive, too, she wrote. Since I don't get there as fast at that angle, he gets to fuck me long and hard before I cum. I'd go mad if he came first before I was ready.


Heather blinked rapidly, and for a few seconds she stared at the page before her in shock at what she had just wrote.

Ned had almost lost it. His instructor had called on him to answer a question, and when he didn't acknowledge, the teacher had marched to Ned's desk. Ned had caught on only seconds before the teacher would have loomed over him, only to be forced to ask for the question to be repeated.

He had to withstand a minute-long lecture about paying attention in class, and how his lack thereof was doing no good whatsoever to his flagging grade.

He had managed to maintain his hold in Heather's mind, but left Richie on his own for a short while. By the time he returned his attention to it, he was grateful to find they were now a trio.

Both he and Richie were aware of Diane's presence, parroting what they were doing. They did not give it a second thought. She would do exactly what they did without being told, which gave them a vague sense of pleasure.

Cassie had managed to extract herself from Heather's psyche and became aware of her surroundings for the first time in as long as fifteen minutes. The teacher caught sight of her coming out of her apparent fugue, but did nothing more than give her a sad look. Cassie could only note with chagrin that her reputation as a glassy-eyed dreamer was still intact.

Melinda was growing more frustrated. Her abilities seemed to be limited to Heather's senses. She saw everything Heather's eyes saw, heard every rustle of test papers or shuffle of feet, even smelled the faint aroma of perfume from some other girl sitting near Heather. What she couldn't do was get into Heather's head to help her fight off Ms. Hollis.

Jason, meanwhile, was distracted.

He had been studying the patterns he was seeing in Ms. Hollis' power when another "grid" shimmered into view, but this one was entwined only about Heather. It had a different "texture" than Ms. Hollis' power, and when he tried to follow it back to the source, he discovered it was coming over the link.

Heather stared at the sixth and last question, unsure she could answer it.

Question 6: Explain in detail any fetishes that you have or wanted to explore and how they affect you sexually.

Only one thing sprang to mind, but she had only touched on it. Was it worth mentioning? Perhaps she could claim she had none.

(finish the test)

A shaky sigh passed Heather's lips. The compulsion had again reverted to the disembodied voice. Whatever the others were doing, it was finally working.

She had a glimmer of understanding. Ms. Hollis had subverted her own thoughts and desires, preying on her concern over failing the course. She had done no better than to invite Ms. Hollis into her head.

Heather clenched her hands into fists. I don't care about getting a good grade. I don't believe that just completing this test will make Ms. Hollis go easy on me.

(do well on the test)


(go easier on you if you finish it)


(easier if you don't fight it)

Heather was on the verge of tears, caught in the crossfire between Ms. Hollis and the Harbingers. She wasn't strong enough to decide it in favor of the latter. She took a deep breath and wrote in a frenzy before it became too much to bear.

I once had Diane kiss my feet. I mean really get into it, kissing and licking the toes. I was so incredibly turned on by it. I had complete control over her at that moment. It was like I had made her worship me or something. Like she was bowing before her goddess and she had to prove her dedication to me. Sometimes I think about making her do it again. I guess I didn't mention this in the other question about submissiveness because I didn't consider this sexual. I guess maybe it really is sexual since it makes me horny now just thinking about it.

The pen dropped from Heather's hand. Pleasure blossomed in her pussy. Whether Ms. Hollis was the one encouraging it didn't matter; she was so horny it was hard to think of anything else.

She should never have done that to Diane despite how appropriate it now felt.

Diane almost pulled herself back from Heather's mind. A bolt of heat had shot through her pussy, and she squirmed as moisture gathered under her panties.

She had forgotten that part of her enslavement. She did not know why she had not recalled it until that moment, save for the disturbing thought at the time that she had nearly become a permanent slave. Now she could not stop thinking about it.

Dear God, why is this making me so horny?

She already knew the answer. Her other thoughts of late were making so much more sense now.

She remained in Heather's mind. She could not leave the others. She had to do what she believed they wanted her to do. Letting someone else tell her what to do was proper and right.

Diane uttered a tiny gasp and shook her head. What the boys would want of her was something she could not give.

But a slave did not decide such things for herself.

Diane bit her lip. She had to think on it longer.

Jason observed these new tendrils of power threading themselves along the link and traced their source to Diane. He could see a distinct difference from Ms. Hollis' power. It was like seeing the patterns in Auras. He was elated to find that other forms of mind control had a similar structure that he could now see.

His elation faded as he realized that he was seeing Victor's remaining influence over Diane. It did not appear to interfere with the Harbingers, nor assist Ms. Hollis. What was it doing?

Ned and Richie were as frustrated as Melinda when they could not stop Heather from finishing the test. Richie even clenched his hand into a fist and banged it once on the desk, forcing him to explain his troubles to the instructor (which consisted little more of a grunted "nothing" and pretending to put his nose back in his textbook).

Yet as the last question was completed, the pressure from Ms. Hollis eased. Ned wondered if they had one last chance. He thought hard on it, going over the idea in his head in an endless loop, hoping that Richie would somehow catch on to his plan.

He noticed that Diane was still with them. As long as she remained a good girl and did what they wanted of her, he would be happy.

Cassie could not see the patterns as Jason could, but she could sense something odd happening at an emotional level when Diane joined the fray. It was so vague that she could not describe it even to herself. She simply had a sense that Diane was generating a resonance that was "off" somehow.

Meanwhile, Melinda was doing her best not to retch as she read Heather's response to the last question. You are SO dead, Heather, if you EVER even THINK of making me do something like that! That is SO gross!

And yet, in the back of her mind came the glimmer of a thought of ordering Diane to do it for her.

Heather leaned back in her chair and covered her face with her hands, sighing into her fingers. It was over. She had completed the test as Ms. Hollis had desired. She grasped the edge of the test, intending to turn it over so she could signal she was done, but hesitated when her eyes flicked over the answers.

Turn it over and she was done. Ms. Hollis would collect the test from her and this nightmare would be over.

(...not yet...)

Heather turned to the other page of the test and looked over those answers as well. Why was she doing this? She didn't want a reminder of her betrayal. She could add nothing more to any of the questions.

(...not yet...)

"Pens down," Ms. Hollis called out in a crisp voice.

Heather blinked and looked up. She glanced at the clock and let out a slow breath of relief.

Ms. Hollis stood. "Put your tests here on the desk on your way out. No talking until you are out of this classroom."

The bell rang seconds later. Students rose from their seats and grabbed their belongings in one hand and the test in the other. Pages were deposited at one corner of Ms. Hollis' desk as the class filed out.

Heather rose as well and lifted her book-bag by the strap, pulling it over her shoulder. She grabbed the test and turned towards the front of the room.


Heather reeled and stumbled, striking her hip against the side of the desk. The brief flare of pain brought her senses into sharper focus. She stared at the test in her hands.

"Miss Sovert," Ms. Hollis called out.

Heather looked up. Ms. Hollis tapped her finger near the growing pile of tests. About half the class had already left, and others were still streaming past the desk.

Heather nodded. She adjusted the strap and advanced towards the desk.


Heather paused. More students passed in front of her. The class was almost empty now.

"Is there a problem, Miss Sovert?" Ms. Hollis asked.

Heather shook her head. She took another few steps towards the desk. The last of the students dropped off their tests and continued out. She extended her hand.


Heather pulled back her hand.

Ms. Hollis stepped out from behind her desk. "Miss Sovert, please put your test down in the pile with the others."

Heather nodded. She lifted the test.


She brought her other hand up, gripping the test alongside the first, and a slow ripping sound rose between them.

Ms. Hollis surged forward and grabbed Heather's hands, the test torn only halfway through. Her arms tensed as she fought Heather for another few seconds before Heather finally relented, letting out a sigh like a tire deflating.

Ms. Hollis extracted the damaged test from Heather's fingers and smiled. "I will take that, thank you."

Heather staggered back a step and groaned, shaking her head and trying to think through the haze.

Ms. Hollis stepped behind her desk and placed the test flat before her. She smiled as she looked it over. "Quite legible despite the damage. I won't have to deduct points for that after all. Tell whoever has been helping you that it was a nice try, but I expected that they might do something like that at the last minute."

Heather looked at her teacher, eyes burning with both anger and humiliation.

Ms. Hollis' eyes darted back and forth across the test pages. "My, but you've been busy with some of the other students. And your own sister? How scandalous. I would never have thought you were this perverted."

Heather clenched her teeth. The word had been spoken as if Heather should be both ashamed and proud.

Ms. Hollis looked up. "Perhaps some of them were the ones helping you? So you wouldn't reveal their little indiscretions?"

Heather swallowed. She wanted to beg of her teacher not to force her to answer that. She hoped the amusement she had detected in Ms. Hollis' voice was not just wishful thinking.

"No matter. I will find your answers very useful when you report to me after school. I'm sure I can use this to tailor your 'lesson plan.'"

"You said this would make things easier on me if I finished this test for you," Heather said.

Ms. Hollis smiled. "You may go now, Miss Sovert. I expect to see you no more than five minutes after the final bell. Every minute you're late will be points deducted from your final grade."

Heather lingered for another moment, frowned, and left the classroom.

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