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Perceptions and Deceptions
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2009

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Story codes: mf, mF, Mf, MF, ff, fF, fsolo, teen, inc, oral, voy, mc, nc, toys, humil, magic

Perceptions and Deceptions -- Chapter 23 of 69

Cassie peered at the crowd of students as she attended to her locker after her second class. Her eyes slid over their familiar faces, each one having appeared in her dreams at least once. Despite her recent focus on her fellow Harbingers, images of her classmates flitted through her head each night. These small peeks into their private lives could be as short as a minute, but each one left an indelible mark on her mind.

She gave the books she was exchanging only an occasional glance as her head turned left and right. When Cassie was done, she paused with her hand on the edge of the locker door and took one last look in each direction. She let out a relieved sigh and swung the locker door closed.

"Yo, got a moment?"

Cassie jumped and nearly spilled her books to the floor.

Stephanie rolled her eyes. "Jeez, take a chill pill already."

Cassie needed a moment to get her voice to work. "S-sorry, I just didn't see you. Where did you ...?"

"Look, I don't have a lot of time, okay?" She glanced around, then took a step forward. "I just have to ask you something."

Cassie stared. Stephanie's clothing was even less like something that would -- or should -- be allowed in a high school. Her midriff was exposed. Her shorts were painted on her body, the crotch so tight that the outlines of her labia stood out in faint relief. Her breasts jiggled at the slightest movement. The heels were higher, a full four or five inches. She balanced on them with one leg straight, the other bent at the knee, her hips tilted.

"You think it's okay to go around with more than one guy?" Stephanie asked.

Cassie stared, the sense coming over her that there was something familiar about this girl.

"Hey, you awake? Come on, I don't have all day!"

Cassie blinked. "Oh! Sorry. Um ... so, two guys at once?"

"Well, it's at least ... um, yes, two, that's right," Stephanie said, a small tremor in her voice. "Two guys. And they're cool with it."

"They are?"

"It was their idea, actually. I mean, I sorta freaked out about it a bit afterward after they both fucked me yesterday, but--"

Cassie's eyes widened. "Wait, you're having sex with both of them, too?"

"Well, yeah, sure. What else would I be doing with them? Hel-lo!"

Cassie swallowed. "I-I'm not sure what to tell you."

"I just want to know if this is cool. I was sorta going nuts about this yesterday. My friend talked to me about it, and it made sense then, but ... well, I just wanna cover all the bases, you know?"

The images from Cassie's unwanted repeating dream came back to her and prompted her to ask, "Is this what you want to do?"

Stephanie paused. Her lips curled into a tremulous smile. "Well, the sex is great."

"That's not what I'm asking."

Stephanie's smile faded. "Well, yeah, I guess."

"You guess?"

The girl sighed. "Of course I want it! Shit, who wouldn't, right? This is what girls do with guys. I mean, why is my pussy getting wet just talking about it if it isn't right?"

Cassie blushed faintly. "Um ... well ... if you really want to do this, then--"

Stephanie waved a hand. "I don't know why I bothered asking you about this. I should just trust what my friend tells me, like he says I should."

"Like he says you should? What do you ...?"

"Look, I gotta run. Nice babbling with you again."

"Wait!" Cassie ran to catch her, then stopped short when Stephanie abruptly turned around. "I wanted to ask you something."


"Did you say your last name was Feller or ...?"

"Fowler. Stephanie Fowler. Not Feller. Don't even know anyone named Feller. Might wanna get your ears checked."

Cassie was too stricken to speak.

"Anyway, see ya."

Cassie stared, cords of muscle standing out on her arms as she clutched her books, her heart pounding. She turned away once Stephanie had vanished into the crowd, then flinched when she saw Ned standing there.

"Okay, babe, fess up," Ned said. "What's got you spooked?"

Cassie looked over her shoulder. "I'm honestly not sure."

"Didja see that weird chick again ya keep talkin' about?"

"You never see her, do you? Not even just walking away from me?"

"I coulda missed her."

Cassie shook her head. "No, you couldn't, not as revealing as she dresses. Unless you know a lot of girls that go around in five inch heels and no underwear."

Ned raised an eyebrow. "Uh, no. Yeah, that'd stand out."

"I need to talk to Jason about this before I can really say anything more about it."

"Yeah, well, take a number. Diane wants ta talk ta him, too. Seems she's been seein' the school counselor, Doctor Victor I'm-Just-A-Coincidence-Really Mann."

"You still think there's something to the counselor?"

"Yeah, an' the fact that we may be barkin' up the wrong tree with Ms. Hollis is makin' me wanna look fer a few skeletons in this dude's closet. Either way, I don't think we should be seein' this guy."

Cassie sighed. "This is all very confusing. I don't think we've ever been this information-challenged before."

"Oh, the info's there, it's jus' been put in the equiv'lent of a room with a locked door that has 'beware of the leopard' written on it."

Cassie giggled, albeit short. She wondered how he managed to make her feel better no matter what was happening. "All right, we better get going. I'm hoping that Heather is right, that somehow the others are lending her strength against Ms. Hollis."

Ned nodded. He was trying not to think too hard about that afternoon. "Yeah, well, see ya later."

"See you, Ned."

Gina's feet seemed to move of their own accord as they carried her towards the counselor's office. Her stomach fluttered even as her pussy grew warm.

Waiting for her appointment had given her time to convince herself that there was something in her head that didn't belong. She could keep the thought in her head only if she concentrated. If she let her mind drift, she found herself wanting to reject the idea as foolish paranoia.

She tried to put her mind into a neutral state and think of nothing in particular as she approached the door. But once her fingers turned the knob, her resolve broke down, and her mother's words flooded over her. Moist heat oozed in her sex as she pushed open the door.

Victor smiled. "Good morning, Gina."

"Good morning." Gina's response was automatic and polite despite the husky edge to her voice. She closed the door behind her and stepped into Victor's presence.

Victor folded his hands. "Shall we begin with a review of what you have learned?"

His words triggered her mother's words. Her pussy tingled as Brad slid into her head again and then into her, coupled with her in sexual delight in her mind's eye.

Then it was Victor instead.

Then it was Brad again.

Of course it had been Brad. She had seen it for herself. If Victor had sex with her now, it would be the first time with him.

Victor leaned back in his chair. "Do you need a reminder?" he asked in a gentle tone.

Gina shook her head. Her hands rose. They felt as if they were on puppet strings. No, that was a silly image, as silly as the idea that Victor had fucked her. No one was controlling her. She was doing this of her own will.

Her blouse slid from her shoulders and dropped to the floor around her ankles. Victor watched her. She felt his gaze on her, caressing her and coaxing her body to respond. Tiny shivers rippled over her skin as she dropped her jeans and let him see her legs.

Her bra came loose. She let out a tremulous sigh as her nipples brushed the insides of the cups. He was watching her breasts now, as good as touching them. Her mother had told her it would excite her. Offering her sexuality was always exciting.

Her panties peeled away from her slit and fell from her trembling fingers. She stepped out of the ring of clothing and staggered back to the sofa. She fell and sank into the cushion.

Her legs parted. Victor's gaze flicked down. Gina moaned and spread her legs further. It was as good as stroking her clit. She leaned back and drew her feet up to the edge of the sofa, leaving her pussy exposed and helpless.

Victor watched her and nudged her mind. He stared at her pussy, eliciting a shudder and a soft moan from her, the moisture of arousal oozing in her folds.

"Brad was kind enough to assist again," Victor said.

Gina turned her head to the side and gasped. Her surprise was short-lived. The next second, she accepted his phantom presence, and panted with mounting pleasure as she perceived his hand between her legs, stroking her clit. She did not question why she had not seen him come in. He was there, and that was all that mattered.

Victor let her be pussy-teased by her invisible lover, who brought her near climax but eased off before she could peak. She went limp and panted when he relented, then shivered and whimpered when her phantom Brad began licking her pussy. Her thighs clenched as she was brought to the straining edge of orgasm and left hanging for a few excruciating seconds before letting her fall back.

Victor looked thoughtful. Her resistance was minimal. He could get into her head with the same ease that he had the last session. She resisted only the more subtle commands. A substantial breakdown never happened until she was away from school. Yet Roberta was still performing her role correctly, and the Harbingers did not even know about her. What was the problem?

He removed the hold on Gina's pending orgasm. Her panting became a ragged gasp as her pussy throbbed, her climax overwhelming her senses and allowing Victor a deeper look into her psyche.

He found nothing lingering in her mind that was not either her own consciousness or his avatar. No one had any sort of hold over her.

As Gina's orgasm faded, Victor considered his options. Pushing her into the next phase was out of the question. Each more advanced phase generated a larger breakdown. He could not advance her to the concept of multiple partners just yet, not before he found the source of her resistance.

Her woefully inadequate sexual knowledge was a major issue as well. He had hoped to remedy it after he had dealt with her reconditioning, but he wondered if an indoctrination now was more appropriate to countering her resistance.

"Now, Gina, you're going to thank Brad for what he just did for you."

Victor stood and stepped out from behind his desk. Gina did not see it. Her eyes rose to her own vision, that of Brad now standing before her and smiling down at her.

"It's only proper that you return the favor he just did for you," said Victor. His voice came to Gina from afar, as if he were still behind his desk.

Gina's eyes drifted downward and widened. Before her eyes, Brad was undoing his pants.

"I know you have never done this before, but it is not difficult to learn," said Victor.

Gina nodded, her eyes locked on what she saw as Brad's hardening member slipping out of his briefs and bobbing inches from her face.

Victor withdrew his own cock from his clothing and slipped into sync with Gina's perceptions. Gina let out a slow, excited sigh as she stared at it. Her hand rose, and her fingers brushed the shaft. Another shiver of pleasure permeated her body.

Taking such a direct role was still abhorrent to him, but as with intercourse, molding her perceptions would benefit from the actual experience. Despite his reservations, her touch brought him to full erection, and he allowed himself to feel a sense of anticipation. Gina was a pretty girl, especially her face, her mouth as beautiful as her mother's. Roberta had raised this act to an art form, her skills so exquisite he would almost let his mind drift during her ministrations.


Gina's fingers curled about his cock. She stared at it with anticipation and confusion. Her eyes rose.

"It's okay, Gina," Victor said with Brad's voice in her mind. "I'll teach you."

Terri Hollis sat with her chin perched upon her folded hands. At one elbow was the yellow absence slip from Gina, which she had barely acknowledged when it had been presented to her. She refused to think about what Victor was doing with Gina, as it would only frustrate her again.

Her eyes floated over the other students, coming into sharp focus only when Heather entered the room.

Terri tracked Heather with her gaze. Heather looked Terri's way just before she turned towards her seat, a small but visible shudder passing through her. For a few seconds, Terri relished the fact that Heather could squirm in her presence. It was fleeting, as it was also a reminder that Heather was still just beyond her grasp.

And Terri was at a loss as to what to do with Heather that day.

She had counted on Heather succumbing to her requests for private after-school sessions. Without the need to provide an alternate reality for others, Terri could turn the full force of her power on Heather. It would have been easy to mold her into the good, obedient little slave that Victor so wanted.

She frowned and lowered her hands. What Victor wanted. He would want Heather if Terri succeeded. Heather would be whisked away to be sold to one of Victor's clients and earn him a sizable reward. Whatever designs Terri might have would be irrelevant.

Terri watched Heather take her seat and avoid eye contact. Maybe Victor was right. She needed to push harder, right to the limit. She needed to force Heather into accepting her new role.

That first day had been a mistake. Terri had intended to make Heather more comfortable with the idea of having sex before an audience. Instead, convincing her that everyone was doing it may have made her feel part of the crowd.

Heather had to understand that her new role would stand out from the others. She was the to be the slave, and others those that commanded her. The second day had been more the right approach.

"Miss Sovert," Terri said, her voice crisp.

Heather's head snapped up, eyes wide.

"Come to my desk and bring your belongings as well."

Heather hesitated. She glanced at Brad, who just shrugged. She gathered her things and stood, then paused again before she approached. "Um, yes, Ms. Hollis?"

"I am concerned about your performance in this class."

"Performance? I don't understand. I thought I did okay on the last test."

Terri shook her head. "That's not the kind of performance that I'm talking about."

The conversation had ceased to be of any interest to the other students. Terri smiled at the ease at which she could manipulate their perceptions. Victor could do so much more with this wonderful power, she thought, and yet he wastes it on this once-a-year slave grab.

Heather was confused until Terri dipped into her mind and molded her perceptions. "Is that why it's been my turn so often?" she asked.

"Yes, and it will continue to be your turn. I will likely make it permanent."

Heather shivered and uttered a small, husky sigh.

Terri gave her a sly smile. "Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? It's making you wet just thinking about it."

Heather moaned. Her hands clenched the strap of her book-bag, and her hips swayed.

Terri gestured towards Gina's empty seat. "You'll sit at the front of the class, so everyone can see you better."

"Y-yes, of course, Ms. Hollis."

Heather turned towards the seat. She put her book-bag on the floor and slid it under her desk. She straightened, let out another sigh, and began to undress.

"We will start momentarily," Terri announced to the class. "Get your textbooks out and open to the start of chapter seven."

Heather's blouse dropped to the floor. Terri's gaze lingered on Heather's bosom, watching her breasts swell against the cups of the bra with each intake of her quickened breath. Her lips curled as the bra fell away, her eyes tracing the plump contours of her breasts. Terri nudged her. You always did like undressing before everyone. It always made you hot.

Heather squirmed as she shimmied her jeans down her legs.

"Don't bother getting your textbook out," Terri said to Heather. "Not today."

Heather paused and looked up, her eyes dark, her lips parted.

"You knew this was coming eventually, if I decided to make it your turn permanently."

Heather appeared frozen, bent over slightly, still holding her jeans halfway down her legs. "But ... I don't remember."

You did know. You did expect it. You looked forward to it.

Heather shuddered. Her jeans dropped from her hands, and she pulled her feet out of them with an awkward side-step.

You get hot when people watch you. And everyone in the class is watching.

Heather panted as she pulled her panties down her legs, the crotch dark, glistening, and slick. Her nipples stood out as hard nubs. She stepped out of her panties and slid into her seat, her pussy tingling with delight as her thighs rubbed together for a second.

Terri smiled as she stood up. This would work out much better. After this class was over, Heather would be ready to fall at her feet. Then it would take only one or two private sessions to finish it.

And then, maybe, she would tell Victor of her success.

What struck Gina was the taste.

She could never imagine it, even with the erotic imagery planted by her mother's conditioning. She could see it in her head, but the experience was never real for her. Just as sex with Brad had made intercourse more real, she needed an actual cock in her mouth to relate this experience.

Even the simple act of touching his pulsing cock was a new and curious sensation. It felt more firm than she had imagined. It appeared thicker and longer as well, and she doubted she could take any more than a fraction of it in her mouth.

But the taste was the focus first. He directed her to turn her head to the side and lick the underside, just to get her used to it. A light but heady musk tickled her nostrils when she drew close to his balls. She sucked in her breath and drew in more of his aroma, knowing that it was what she should do and that she would enjoy it.

After a few parlays of her tongue along his shaft, her pussy tingled and warmed.

He laid his hand behind her head to guide her. She remembered no more direction than that. If he had spoken, she did not recall the exact words. She just knew how to balance his cock on her tongue just behind the head, flicking and teasing before resuming the firm, slow slide towards the source of that wonderful aroma.

His hand nudged her back. She turned her head forward, knowing what was next. Her eyes glistened as they gazed at his cock, its head swollen in excitement. When it touched her lips, they parted without hesitation, though her heart thrummed with lingering doubt. His hand pressed, and her mouth opened wider. An excited breath passed out her nose as his cock filled her mouth. A stronger smell wafted into her nose, and her tongue caught a small droplet upon the head.

His hand slipped under her chin and pressed her mouth closed until her lips were clamped about his cock, then returned to her head and guided her down the shaft. Gina uttered a small moan when a wave of delight washed over her and flooded her pussy with moist heat.

After only a few moments of guidance, the hand eased off. Gina's head bobbed back and forth, lips gliding over his cock. She was eager to excite him more, to coax another little drop from the head and fill her nose with that beautiful smell again.

Whatever resistance she may have had was no more than a tiny spark in a vast darkness. Victor had fully engaged her senses to the point where she did not question that it was Brad's cock in her mouth and his hand behind her head.

She was urged onward, her mouth moving faster. Fingers under her chin encouraged her to squeeze her lips and tongue against his girth, until she was stroking him hard and fast. She heard his breath quicken and saw his balls pull upward.

The fingers of his hand curled slightly into her hair. Something told her she needed to grasp the lower part of his cock with her hand. Her fingers pumped him hard in time with her lips and tongue. His breath became a soft pant.

Gina's heart thumped. He was going to cum. His hand tilted her head back. She heard a low groan, and his cock pulsed hard in her mouth. She almost gasped when the first spurt of his seed struck her tongue, then shivered as she breathed out and the strong aroma of his cum rushed into her nose. Each powerful throb squirted more into her mouth, and as she kneaded his cock with fingers and lips, a few drops dribbled from the corner of her mouth and trickled down her chin.

The hand urged her back. His pooled seed sloshed in her mouth. She felt the warning rather than heard it: don't let another drop spill. She kept her lips tight and brought them together as his flagging cock withdrew.

She almost didn't want to swallow. The taste was so good. Of course it would be. She would want to do this again. When "Brad" looked down at her, she knew what he expected. She tilted her head back and swallowed.

Only when "Brad" stepped back from her did she realize she was still in the counselor's office. Did Victor watch her the whole time? Of course, he must have. It was proper for him to do so, just as it was proper for her to offer herself to him in the first place.

"You'd better get back to class now, Brad," Gina heard Victor say from somewhere in the distance.

The vision of Brad smiled down at Gina. He pulled up his pants and headed out.

Gina cast a forlorn look at her phantom lover as he departed. She rose from her knees and sat down on the sofa. Her pussy was wet and achy again, and she kept her legs spread in a vain attempt to ease the pressure.

"Still excited, Gina?"

Gina's eyes snapped forward. Victor smiled at her from behind the desk. She nodded slowly.

"Do you wish he would have given you another orgasm?"

"Yes," Gina said, her voice soft and wistful.

"If he were still here, Gina, would you have demanded it of him?"

Gina hesitated. "Demanded?"

"Yes, demanded. Insisted that he return the favor."

She glanced at the door again and shook her head.

"Very good. Excellent, in fact."

"I don't understand."

"Sometimes, sex has to be given without being received, and you must accept that. Sometimes you will be left wanting, but it would be improper to complain about it."

Gina bit her lip. The ache seemed to grow worse.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes. It's improper to complain about not being given an orgasm. But ..."

Victor tilted his head but cast a neutral look at her.

Gina blushed. "But ... it's ... I-I really need it, please."

"Then you know what to do, Gina. We covered that your first session."

Gina let out a long, quavering sigh, and her blush vanished. Her hand slipped between her legs, and fingers soon squished against wet flesh, the noise almost lost in the low, deep moan that issued from parted lips as she leaned back. Her head lolled to one side as her thighs spread wide.

"Remember, Gina, you are a sexual being."

Gina panted, Victor's words sinking into her once more, joining those of her mother, until the two of them were a chorus in her mind.

"Your sexuality was meant to be expressed."

Her fingers moved firm and fast against hot flesh. Her pleasure rose, breaking over her like waves from an incoming storm.

"Your sexuality is meant to be seen and offered."

Gina angled her fingers up and speared herself with quick thrusts. Her hips rocked, as if matching the rhythms of a lover. All her previous doubts drowned in torrents of raw pleasure. Vaguely, she could sense a presence in her mind but could not see it, like someone skulking in the shadows at the edge of her vision.

It didn't matter. Only the moment was important, giving in to sexual abandon and letting Victor enjoy her lust. This was not so much for her as him. It was another way offering herself. He would experience pleasure from watching her.

And if she clung to the edge of orgasm without release, it was that much better.

Heather was as confused and panicked as she was horny and wet.

She could not sit still; her pussy ached so much that she had to move in a futile attempt to relieve the pressure. The light flow of air from the heating vent felt like a warm breath blowing across her hard nipples, and she writhed in vain to escape it.

She failed on several attempts to reach out to the other Harbingers in order to draw on their strength to resist. She had no idea how she had done it the first time, and her mind kept drawing back, wondering why she was resisting in the first place.

(they're watching you)

Heather shuddered. Her hips slid forward and her legs spread as if presenting her pussy for inspection. The chair was damp with her slick wetness, the liquid heat of her arousal having trickled down her slit.

(makes you horny)

Heather let out a ragged breath. Her trembling hands slid along her thighs, longing to touch herself but knowing it was forbidden. Even if she could not remember the last time she had done this, or seen it done to someone else ...

(always done this way)

Yes, she knew that. It was always this way. It always made her so very hot and wet.

(it's almost time)

Heather moaned, and her breath quickened. She must have known that. She just wished she could remember what it had been like last time.

(always like this)

Yes, it would be like last time. Of course. But she just ...

(this is normal)

Normal. Yes.

But ...

"All right, that ends this part of the lesson," Ms. Hollis said.

Heather had paid little attention to the lecture, but now her head came up, and she trembled in anticipation.

"Miss Sovert, stand in front of the class."

Heather's heart seemed to skip a beat, even though she was expecting it. Or so she believed. She didn't remember how she felt last time.

(always this way)

(you want to do it)

(you enjoy it)

Heather swallowed hard as she slid out of her seat and rose to her feet. She paused, then slunk away from her desk. She could feel their eyes on her, watching her every move, sliding across her skin and lingering on her ass, her legs, her hair. Her pussy felt swollen, the slide of her thighs like a light caress against her clit. By the time she reached the front of the classroom, she was panting.

Heather turned around. A dense, suffocating wave of sexual heat enveloped her as all eyes of the class were upon her. Now they were looking at her tits and her pussy. She slid her feet apart so they could see the latter better. She quaked at the shivers of pleasure that ran up and down her body.

When was the last time she had done this? Why couldn't she remember?

(always did it this way)

Yes, but the last time ...

(perfectly normal)

Yes ... no ... what happened last time? Did she ask herself these questions then, too?

"Anyone have any comments about Miss Sovert?" Ms. Hollis asked the class. She pointed to a boy near the windows. "You, perhaps?"

The boy grinned. "Yeah, I'd love to fuck her pussy right now."

Heather moaned as pleasure suddenly spiked in her pussy and lingered for a few moments, as if someone were stroking her and now eased off very slowly.

(you love that)

God, yes, she did. She adored it. It made her so incredibly horny.

"What about you?" Terri asked of another boy a few aisles over.

"Me? I wanna fuck those nice big tits of hers."

Heather's legs nearly gave out from the wave of intense lust that crashed over her. A single drop splashed to the floor from her pussy. Was it this intense last time?

(always like ...)

Why couldn't she remember that?

(perfectly normal ...)

She should remember it. She should be able to recall when she did it before, or when it had been someone else's turn. If she couldn't ...

(always ...)

Ms. Hollis pointed to another student, this time a girl. "What about you?"

"She's got a gorgeous mouth," the girl said wistfully. "I'd love to have it lick my pussy."

Heather staggered backwards, the marker tray along the white-board digging into the small of her back, pleasure so intense she could barely think. She was so horny she wanted to fuck until she collapsed from exhaustion. But last time did she...

(same as ...)

She should remember ...

(same ...)

... remember last time if it ...


None of them felt the abrupt, sudden draining sensation as before, but instead a slow draw that none of them noticed at first. Once Heather realized that the link she tried to establish was there all along, energy flowed from their psyches into hers.

Melinda noticed it first, manifesting as a crawling sensation along the back of her neck. A small, phantom tingle in her pussy that seemed to vanish as soon as she noticed it helped her understand what was happening. She became aware of the link, appearing as a glowing thread weaving away from her mind into the void when she closed her eyes.

With her knowledge came panic. Melinda could sense the unrelenting assault on Heather's mind, as if part of her own mind had slipped into her sister's body. It had a strange feeling to it, unlike any other sort of mind control she had encountered.

She wanted to do something, to send more energy to her sister, but she had no idea how to manipulate the link. She could only feel the draw from Heather's mind.

Diane felt it next, but awareness came faster, as did her worry. She closed her eyes to attempt the same as Melinda, to lend her lover more energy. Sensations from Heather's plight bubbled up in her mind from the link, sending shivers of both revulsion and forced delight through her body.

Her eyes snapped open and she slid down in her seat. She tried to make sense of what she saw in Heather's mind. Heather was fighting against a concept rather than resisting a command. Like Melinda, Diane had never experienced anything of the sort before.

Jason took longer, as his attention was focused on the class. He pushed aside his emotional reactions in an attempt to study it from an empirical and scientific point of view. He knew Heather was standing naked before her class, and that her classmates were saying things to her to lustful effect. He could sense Heather reacting to it, but needed to know the mechanism.

He studied where the energy was going, and found to his surprise that he had an intuitive understanding of it. It fueled her resistance to the idea that what was happening to her was normal. Yet her head didn't feel like his did when he was trying to resist someone's control. Ideas and concepts themselves had been given form and sent to combat one another rather than a simple matching of will against will.

And then, finally, Richie felt it.

He had little idea what it was at first. He thought it was his own head conjuring up odd fantasy images of Heather. It would not be the first time that boredom turned his thoughts to the erotic. But as the flow of energy became a steady drain, he frowned. Wait, what the fuck? Why would I think of her teacher doing that to her? It's like ... holy crap.

Richie's eyes widened, and he sat up straight in his chair, cocking his head as if trying to listen to something. It was more tenuous with him. He couldn't sense actual words and images, only concepts and feelings. It was enough for him to understand what was happening.

Crap. It really did work.

Richie clenched his hands into fists and willed himself to help Heather. He had no idea what he was doing, whether it would work, or how it would work. He only knew that he was supposed to be part of the Harbingers again, and they always helped each other.

Richie narrowed his eyes. Okay, teach, try and fuck with THIS ...

... if it had ever happened at all.

Except that it had never happened before. It didn't matter what anyone or anything was trying to make Heather believe, it simply had never happened before and was nowhere near what was supposed to be normal.

In her mind, the tendril of thought stretched, thinned, and snapped like an overextended rubber band. Heather flinched and jerked away from the wall behind her.

Still shaking with unrequited lust, Heather lifted her eyes and stared at her teacher. Another explicit comment sounded from one of her peers, sending her to her knees as her pussy throbbed. A single weak spurt from her pussy splashed onto the floor between her knees.

This was not normal. She knew that now, and this time there was no little voice trying to convince her otherwise. She had managed to slam the door on that entrance into her mind.

She sensed them all. Melinda, Jason, Diane, and Richie. The link to them was much more apparent than the day before. She thought she should have the strength to throw off everything Ms. Hollis was doing to her, but she saw the same thing that her cohorts had: this form of control was so unusual that they had no leverage against it.

Her eyes swept the room. How did Ms. Hollis manage to control all of them as well? Not even the Harbinger's worst enemies to date had that sort of power!

For a moment, the class wavered before her like some illusionary reflection in a summer thermal rising from the road.

Richie hadn't seen anything when he had peered into the classroom. Ned had said no one noticed anything unusual. Was she just imagining all this? Or was Ms. Hollis making her imagine it?

Several more lascivious comments pushed her beyond her endurance. She fell back on her feet, thighs spread wide, and her pussy gushed over the floor. A low keening whimper escaped her lips as she throbbed. Pleasure, excitement, and humiliation all swirled around her like a tornado.

She loved it. She wanted to do it again. She adored being a total sex object to the class. Maybe next time Ms. Hollis would let them fuck her, so she could be their sex toy as well.

But she never, ever felt that way before.

The concept she had rejected was trying to get back into her head, pounding on that door that she had closed until it shook in its frame. Yet it would not give, as if someone were bracing it against being battered down.

"Miss Sovert."

Heather looked up, still panting from her orgasm.

"Dress yourself and return to your seat. See me after class."

Heather stared. Ms. Hollis smiled back with a smug grin of assumed victory. Heather rose to her feet, legs shaking, and trudged back to her desk.

Victor steepled his fingers as he watched Gina pleasure herself. Finally, he had obtained the right balance between self-awareness and obedience. His avatar inside her mind could operate without concern of discovery by her own psyche.

Yet he was not at all satisfied.

He should not have had to exert this much effort to achieve this goal. It was not stable. If he did not keep channeling his energy into it, she would regress. Whatever had affected her had left part of her mind "wired" to anticipate hearing the voice of resistance. The arrangement was subtle enough that he could not undo it.

He hid his frustration well. For sixteen years he had waited for this experiment to come to fruition. The basic conditioning was there and needed to mature for her to become the perfect slave, bred from birth for this purpose.

He refused to give up on her. He had no other experiment running in parallel, as much as he would have liked. The logistics involved in hiding such an experiment were staggering and taxed not just his powers but his financial resources. He had multiple deep-pocketed investors lined up to finance a complete slave breeding project, but they wanted proof that it would work.

Victor let Gina cum and watched as she writhed. He waited until she had calmed and could focus her eyes on him again. She blinked a few times, then slowly smiled.

Victor returned the smile, a complete contrast to his thoughts. "Very good, Gina. You have made some more progress today."

"Thank you," Gina said, sounding pleased. "Will I be coming again tomorrow for another session?"

"Yes, we will continue your counseling. You may get dressed and head to your next class."

Gina nodded and gathered her clothes.

Victor studied her and examined her mind. The conditioning appeared to be holding. She no longer had conscious knowledge of his avatar. Yet those small traces in her thought patterns remained, waiting to be triggered again. But what was the trigger?

"And one more thing, Gina," said Victor as she finished dressing. "No need to speak with Brad about his assistance today."

"Yes, of course," Gina replied. "Do you think he may want me to do it for him again when I go out with him to the Halloween party?"

"I believe you know a better way to phrase that, Gina."

"Oh, yes, I mean, should I offer myself to him in that manner?"

"I also believe you know the answer to that."

"Yes. Yes, of course. I'll make sure to offer myself to him. He'll like that."

"Excellent, Gina. You may go."

Gina smiled and left.

As soon as the door had closed behind her, Victor took out his cell phone. He speed dialed the Li'l Missy Inn and waited.

"Yes, hello, this is Victor Mann ... And very good to hear from you as well, my dear. Unfortunately, I cannot speak for long. Would it be possible for you to let Roberta go for the afternoon? I wish her to head home so she can prepare a room for me to stay for the next week ... Ah, thank you, that would be most helpful. I'm sure I will be visiting the Inn at least once while I am in town ... Let's just say I have some business with your boss ... No, no, nothing to worry about. Just a favor I am doing ... Thank you. Good bye."

Victor closed the call and wrapped his fingers about the phone, leaning his chin on the back of his hand. He let out a slow sigh. He hoped he would feel better once he saw Lydia later that day.

Terri was quite pleased with herself.

No one in the class had noticed a thing. To the rest of the class, it was just a question and answer session. Each of her questions had been about the lesson, and each answer a response to the lesson. Only Heather had heard otherwise.

As for Heather standing before the front of the class, or her nudity, they just ignored it.

Heather approached her desk. Terri smiled, lacing her fingers together and arching them under her chin. She was confident she had gotten through now. That was all that was needed, just a hard push to send Heather over the edge. She had orgasmed from the sheer intensity of the experience, just as Terri had hoped.

"Well, now, Miss Sovert," Terri began as the last of the students exited the classroom. "That was a wonderful performance. I'm sure the entire class loved it." She gestured towards the puddle on the floor under the white-board. "Especially the way you squirt when you cum."

Heather smiled faintly.

"And how do you feel about it, Miss Sovert?"

"I loved it. It made me so horny and wet that I couldn't help but cum."

"You can't wait to do it again, can you?"

Heather let out a slow sigh and swayed her hips. "Y-yes. Just keep picking me again."

"I can do that. But I can do better."

Heather said nothing. She fixed her shimmering eyes on her teacher.

Terri leaned forward. "Meet me after school. Come home with me. I know some guys that would love to see you naked, wet, and willing."

Heather moaned and trembled.

"While you were standing in front of the class so hot and horny, you just begged to be fucked, didn't you?"


"Fucked over and over until you were exhausted."

Heather clutched hard at her book-bag "Yes."

"Come home with me and you'll get your wish."

Heather swallowed. "Y ... N-no."

Terri's smile faded. "What?"

"No," said Heather. She took a deep breath and let it out more steady than it went in. "I'm sorry, Ms. Hollis, I can't."

"You want to," Terri snapped. "You know you want to. You're getting horny just thinking about it. Just from hearing me say it."

Heather squeezed her legs together and said nothing.

"You're supposed to do this. You know you are. You ..."

Terri trailed off. Heather was shaking her head.

"Other students have done this before. You know that's ... stop it!"

Heather shook her head for a few more seconds before she finally stopped and stared at her teacher.

Terri's eyes blazed. "Get out."

Heather staggered back a step, then turned and fled.

Seeger looked down the hall towards Terri's classroom and scowled.

He had again seen nothing unusual when he had peered into her classroom. It was another ordinary question-and-answer session. He did notice that Heather was sitting in a different seat, but he had dismissed it as trivial.

Yet he still thought Heather had looked too attentive, even robotic. Her movements were too smooth and perfect. Each time she turned a page in the textbook, she executed the same movement, like a film loop.

He observed the last of the students file out of the classroom and raised a single bushy eyebrow. He did not recall seeing Heather emerge from the classroom. He had just missed her, that was all. Nevertheless, he started down the corridor, the stream of students parting before him like water around a large boulder.

He was just at the door when a figure burst from the room and dashed away. He frowned at the retreating back of Heather Sovert.

Seeger stepped forward into the pale light that spilled from the classroom and turned his head. Terri Hollis was packing her satchel, shoving objects inside it with angry force. Light glistened off something on the floor. He craned his neck and raised an eyebrow at the small puddle just past Terri's desk.

He continued past the door before Terri could look his way. Ahead, Heather had stopped by a tall, lanky boy that Seeger recognized as Ned Lussander, the wisecracking student he had met earlier that week.

Heather appeared agitated and shaken. He knew he should not be drawing any conclusions, but it was reminiscent of the reaction of a student that had just been subjected to bullying by her peers.

Or by a teacher.

Heather had a quick conversation with Ned, and the two parted, Heather dashing off again. Seeger knitted his eyebrows together and followed.

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