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Melissa's Rite
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2007

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Story codes: mf, mF, MF, ff, fF, fsolo, teen, inc, oral, voy, mc, nc, toys, humil, magic

Melissa's Rite -- Chapter 9 of 31

Richie was halfway to the classroom door before Cassie realized he was on his way out. She dashed away, her heart thumping in fear that she was about to be caught spying on him. She shoved her way through the crowd to escape, her cheeks glowing faintly pink.

She flung her gaze behind her even as she continued to plow forward. She half-expected to see an angry Richie on her heels. So when she came to a sudden stop after bumping into someone in front of her, she nearly shrieked. Instead, it came out as a single, sudden, high-pitched gasp.

"Whoa, hey, babe, I'm sorry I startled ya."

"Oh, Ned, no, it's okay," Cassie gushed in relief.

Ned looked at her in concern. "You all right?"

Cassie's head snapped around one more time, throwing her curls into his face. She nudged him further down the hall before speaking to him again. "Ned, I just spotted Richie with his teacher Linda Davis again."

"Oh, yeah, that's what I was comin' ta tell ya," Ned said. "Ran inta Melinda earlier. She's on the warpath about Richie. Says she caught 'im with her yesterday."

Cassie sighed despondently. "And I just caught something from him now."

"I thought ya had trouble hearing what he was sayin' in there."

Cassie's cheeks went a little more red. "I took a peek. I poked my head in for a moment."

"Oh man, did he catch ya? Is that why ya were runnin'?"

"No, I don't think he did. I know it was dangerous, but I had to know. Ned, they were talking ... really intimately. Richie said something about sex ... well ... about fucking anyway." Cassie's voice became a barely audible whisper on that word, cheeks scarlet. "And Miss Davis was looking ... um ..."

"Like the lack of a bed was the only thing stopping 'em from doin' the fandango?"

Cassie swallowed and nodded meekly, unable to meet his eyes.

"Hoo boy," Ned sighed.

"Ned, Richie can't be controlling her, not directly, can he?"

Ned shrugged. "I dunno, babe, I really don't. I mean, we don't see that funky Aura on him. Mebbe we should just ask him."

Cassie's eyes widened. "I don't think that's a good idea. You know how he flies off the handle so easily."

"Only when Melinda gets his goat. By the way, when did she become Miss Popular?"

Cassie tilted her head. "Pardon?"

"Seems these days Melinda's always got a gaggle o'gigglin' girls around her whenever I see her. Seems like she picked up a fan or three."

Something about that didn't seem right. Cassie had known Melinda in grammar school. Even though she was one grade ahead of Melinda, there had been enough contact between them for Cassie to know that Melinda was something of a loner, much like herself. It was why they had become friends, at least before Cassie had to go on to high school and her connections to the dreamworld became much stronger.

That friendship had nearly been ruined when Melinda came to Haven High. Melinda couldn't relate to her anymore, at least not until after Nyssa had tried to enslave her and the Harbingers had rescued her. The experience had changed Cassie.

It was apparent to Cassie now that something far more mundane was changing Melinda, and she wondered if that had anything to do with Melinda's recent aggressiveness.

"Well, supposedly Heather was unpopular until she got to Haven High, so maybe Melinda's just following the same pattern," said Cassie.

"Huh. Yeah, I seem to remember Heather bein' sorta a bit cocky, too."

Cassie refused to go there. She hated bad-mouthing friends. "Anyway, Ned, about Richie ..."

"Oh, yeah. Well, have Jason talk to him, then. He seems to do okay with him."

"I'm still worried about Jason."

Ned had nothing to offer on that subject. In fact, he not expected to get into this at all. He had used Melinda as little more than an excuse to go find Cassie for his own reasons. He had wanted to make it look like it was something that happened to come to him on the spur of the moment. He did not want to look like he had been planning it for a week.

Cassie looked up at him. "Ned, you have any idea what Jason thinks about this?"

"I think he's sorta in denial about it. He wants something to prove that Richie really is going fer his teacher. Sounded like he might've had a plan cooked up. Dreams not telling ya anything about Richie and Miss Davis?"

Cassie shook her head, exasperation in her eyes. "I've been focused so much on Melissa and trying to figure out why I'm so blocked on her that I haven't given much time to anything else. Maybe we can talk about that over lunch."

"Um, yeah, sure," Ned said uncertainly.

"Well, I better get to my next class." She started to walk away. "See you ..."

"Cassie, wait!"

Cassie stopped and turned. "Yes?"

Ned swallowed. "Uh ..."

"Something wrong?"

"Uh ..."

"Ned, we'll both be late for class. What ..."


Cassie blinked. "What?" she asked in a tiny voice.

Ned paused for a long moment, then finally said, "Um, o-okay, never mind, I understand ..."

"I'd love to."

Ned fell silent again.

Cassie slowly smiled. "I'd love to," she repeated in a soft voice.

"Okay. Um ... okay. Great. Tonight, then?"

"I have to go with my parents to some formal function tonight, but I'm free tomorrow."

"Ah, cool. Tomorrow it is."

The two of them stood standing there, several feet apart, grinning at each other. It was only the bell that shattered the moment.

"Oh goodness! I'm late!" Cassie cried.

"Babe, I'm sorry, I didn't mean ..."

"It's okay. I'll talk to you later. Bye!" Cassie waved and dashed down the hall.

Ned just stared and finally lifted his own hand to wave, even though she had already ducked down a side corridor and out of sight, leaving him standing in the hallway alone.

Ned finally lowered his hand and took a deep breath. It did little to calm him.

He thought he had the hard part behind him. But now he realized he had no idea where to take her, what to do with her, or how to get her alone without being chaperoned by her driver.

Then again, considering his growing sexual desire for her and what he had done the last time such a thing became an obsession, perhaps being left alone with her was a bad idea.

"Heather, are you okay?"

Heather gave Diane a confused look. "Huh?"

Diane made a face. "You're doing it again."

"I am not," Heather replied automatically. "I mean, doing what?"

"Zoning out on me like that. Pretending you're paying attention to me."

Heather put down her fork into her half-finished lunch. "I'm sorry, Diane, I didn't mean to."

"It's all right," Diane said in a softer voice, though she still felt hurt. "But is something the matter? It wasn't anything I said to you, was it?"

"Diane, stop worrying about that. That's about the third time you've said something like that to me today."

Diane blushed. "I-I didn't realize ... Anyway, is something wrong?"

Heather sighed and glanced around the cafeteria. "Yeah, I guess you could say that," she said in a low voice.

"What is it?"

Heather hesitated. She picked up her fork and pushed the remnants of her lunch around the plate. "I'm not sure how to say it. Diane, this is going to seem like a weird question, and you don't have to answer it if it's too personal."

Diane's eyes widened. She simply nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Have you noticed anything strange the last week or so? In your own feelings, I mean?"

Diane's lips parted. Her heart thumped as panic fluttered briefly inside her. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, have you been thinking about ... about sex a lot? Or just more than you used to?"

Diane swallowed. What was she supposed to say? Did this mean that Heather was picking up on Diane's feelings?

"Have you?" Diane asked, unable to bring herself to answering the question directly.

"Well, I told you about Melinda."

"Um, yeah. You still having a problem with that?"

"Well, it was better this morning but ... it's not her, Diane, not really. I ..." Heather sighed. She shook her head and dropped her fork with a clatter. "This is not making any sense to you, is it?"

"Well, no, not really. You said it was better. So what's the problem?"

Heather looked around again. She slid her seat closer to Diane. "Diane, please, please don't let on I told you this," she said in a voice barely above a whisper. "I had sex with Jason yesterday."

Diane gasped, looking shocked. "What??"

"Well, oral sex, anyway," Heather amended quickly, though her cheeks had colored. She smiled faintly. "But it was pretty good."

Diane looked stricken for a moment before she caught herself. She had a foolish notion that perhaps Heather was about to save her the trouble and confess feelings for her. Instead, it made her fear that Heather remained a confirmed heterosexual and would want nothing to do with a more intimate relationship with Diane.

Heather saw Diane's reaction and misinterpreted it. "Diane, don't worry, Melinda knows about this. She suggested it herself."

Diane stared. "Heather, you really have me confused now. What the hell is going on? Why did she tell you to do this?"

"It was her idea to see if it would make me stop bugging her. She thought if I started 'getting some' that I'd stop wanting her."

Diane nodded quickly. Some hope had returned to her. "So that's the only reason you did it?"

"Yes. Mostly. I mean ... well, you know about the House. We did it there. He was pretty good. Really good, actually. He ..." Heather stopped herself and squirmed in her seat. "See, this is what I mean. It's like I can't turn my mind off about sex now. It was bad when it was just Melinda, but ..."

"Are you still thinking about Melinda?" Diane asked. Blood rushed in her ears.

"Yes, dammit. It's like doing it with Jason only made it go away for a little while. But I just want to know why I'm so highly sexed in the first place, never mind who I want to do it with!"

Heather's cheeks were bright pink. Diane realized that it was taking a lot for Heather to admit this. She had a great deal of admiration for Heather, which only fueled her own passions for her friend.

"But I think something is happening to all of us, Diane," Heather said urgently. "Melinda's got a libido that would light up New York, the way she goes at it with Jason. And you heard about Richie, right?"

"Was that what Melinda was getting all whiny about earlier?" Diane asked. She tended to tune Melinda out unless they were meeting as the Harbingers. She still considered Melinda to be something of a brat. "He was trying to do something with his teacher?"

"Yes. Miss Davis, the one he had taken when Nyssa had control of him. But you see my point? It's like our sex drives have shifted into overdrive. Only Cassie and Ned don't seem to be affected at all. So have you felt anything?"

Diane bit her lower lip. "Um, y-yeah, I guess I've felt it, too."

Heather looked relieved. "Anyone in particular?"

Diane's heart raced. "I'd rather not say," she said sheepishly.

"Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to ..."

Diane shook her head quickly. "I just don't want to mention it where someone might overhear us."

Heather nodded absently, feeling a little foolish for not having waited until after school herself. But it had been weighing on her mind so much she had to tell someone. She managed a small smile. "Can you tell me if it's anyone I know?"

"Um ... you could say that, yeah."

"How about you tell me later after school?"

"After ...? Oh, um, sure."

Heather's smiled widened. "I'll meet you after last class, then? Maybe we can get a ride with Cassie so we don't have to wait to take the bus home first and then have to head over to the mall."

Diane had to quell an urge to refuse the offer, but she realized she couldn't keep going like this without Heather knowing. It frustrated her to think that some outward influence might be pushing her into it by inflaming her own desires. She might have been able to keep these feelings to herself for longer if it were not for that.

But maybe if Heather realized this as well, it would not come as such a shock.

"Sounds good to me, then," Diane said.

"Great. Could you at least tell me if you've told him yet?"

Diane very nearly corrected Heather's pronoun use. "Um, no, not yet, but ... but I'm going to be mentioning it really soon."

"Good. It's better to get that sort of thing out in the open, you know. Hopefully you won't be disappointed."

Diane sighed. "I really hope so, too, Heather."

After trying several times to concentrate on the last lesson of the day and failing, Cassie gave up.

She looked down at her notebook. The page was filled with incomplete thoughts. She would manage to latch on to the instructor's words and begin dutifully copying notes, then her mind would drift off. Her pen would simply slow and stop, a dreamy look coming over her face.

The instructor had given her several disdainful looks and an occasional shake of his head, but he never called her out on it. He, too, had long since given up on her.

Cassie caught one of his looks and blushed in embarrassment. She dropped her pen to the notebook in exasperation and squirmed in her seat. This only made her blush deepen as she felt the fluid warmth between her legs.

Cassie had already been having erotic fantasies about Ned, but she had managed to keep them under control. She kept telling herself there was simply no opportunity to satisfy them, so there was no point in dwelling on them. That all changed when Ned asked her out.

This was one of the dangers of knowing her dreams so well. Knowing her dreams meant knowing her emotions also. She never had cause to say "I don't know why I feel this way." Because her emotional state was never a mystery to her, suppressing her emotions was nearly impossible. The dreamy look that came over her on occasion was simply a self-control mechanism.

Cassie was jolted by the sound of the bell. She had again drifted off, and now she was panting lightly, her pussy hot and tingling. She needed something more interesting than a class lesson to keep her mind off Ned. She had no idea how she was going to handle herself on her date with him.

For all the intensity of her sexual passion, she was still a virgin. She had almost done it with Richie, but she had been under Nyssa's control. She did not want to contemplate the consequences had she succeeded.

Cassie rose from her chair. Her sex felt uncomfortably swollen and achy. She steadfastly ignored it and went to find Jason.

When she rounded the corner and entered the hallway to Jason's locker, she saw Melinda and Richie standing near him. Cassie ducked to the side before she could be seen.

As she watched, there appeared to be a brief, heated discussion between Melinda and Richie. Richie finally gave her a smirk and delivered a parting comment before he turned way. Melinda stamped her foot and blew him a raspberry as he left.

Cassie waited until Richie had disappeared down the hall before approaching them.

"There you are!" Melinda piped at Cassie's approach. "Ned told me you saw Richie with Miss Davis again."

Cassie glanced at Jason for a moment. "Um, yes, I did."

"Did you hear anything he said?" Jason asked.

Cassie hoped Jason was in control of the situation again. "Yes. I heard him talk to her about ... well, about sex ..."

"I knew it!" Melinda cried. "I knew it, I knew it!"

"And he said something about four o'clock today, but I don't ..."

Melinda gasped and turned to Jason. "He's going to do it again. He's going to make her boink him again today."

"Again?" asked Cassie.

"He's been doing it to her since Friday."

Cassie's eyes widened, but Jason cut in. "We don't know that for sure yet."

"Jason, Ned said something about you having some plan to prove that Richie's really going after Miss Davis?" asked Cassie.

Jason looked a bit guilty. "Yes, um, something like that."

"Jason and I were going to talk about it," Melinda said. "We told Richie we wanted to talk privately about something. Course, the perv thought we were going to talk about sex. Anyway, now that I know that turd is going to see Miss Davis again, I want to follow Richie today and prove that he's making her boink him again."

Jason knew Melinda's logic was flawed. Just because Cassie heard a time mentioned did not mean that Richie was going to see Miss Davis. Even if he did see her, there was nothing Melinda could do to find out what exactly was going on inside. But he subsided without saying a word, unwilling to override her if this is what she really wanted to do.

Damn, did I just act submissive again? Jason puzzled in his head.

"Jason, any word yet on when we can meet again as a group?" Cassie asked, anxious to change the subject. Talking about sex was doing little to dampen her own flame of desire. Her pussy still throbbed faintly with her heartbeat.

Jason shook his head. "No. I haven't a clue yet. Why, did you have anything to report?"

"Other than what I told you already, no."

"What about that lurid dreaming thing?" Melinda asked.

"Lucid dreaming. It hasn't helped."

"About that lucid dreaming, Cassie," Jason began. "Could you ...?"

"So what are you doing with that, anyway?" Melinda said over Jason's words. "Are you trying to get into Melissa's head?"

Cassie gave Melinda an uncomfortable look. "Um ... something like that."

"Can you do that with Richie? You can help prove what he's doing to Miss Davis!"

Cassie sighed. She really thought that Melinda was taking this vendetta of hers too far. While she thought that Richie messing around with a teacher was bad, she was not as hostile towards it as Melinda.

"Melinda, I'd rather not," Cassie said firmly. "I already feel really funny about doing it with Melissa. It's ... it's like invading someone's privacy. If something comes to me on its own, I can accept that, I don't have control over it. I didn't even know my dreams were from real people until I talked to you after I was saved from Nyssa. But I can't just go invading other people's lives like that."

"It's all right, Cassie," Jason forced himself to say. His loyalty to Cassie overrode his submissiveness to Melinda for the moment. "I won't ask you to do something like that. You can stop trying it with Melissa if you want."

"I might want to try one more time, Jason. I'm really concerned about how Melissa is blocking me."

"What, you mean she's actively keeping you out?"

"I think so, and I want to know how."

"Maybe it's that creepy pendant of hers," Melinda said with a shiver.

Cassie looked at Melinda oddly. "Creepy? What's creepy about it?"

"Well, look at it! It's a pentagram. That's evil, isn't it?"

"Not really," Jason said. "That's a common misconception. It has nothing to do with evil per se."

"Then what is it supposed to be?"

"The five-pointed star represents the human form," explained Jason. "The top point is the head, the next two the arms, the bottom two the legs. Very roughly speaking, the direction of the star indicates a value system. Pointed up it means spiritual over material. Pointed down means material over spiritual."

"Hers is pointed down, Jason."

"Yes, but that still doesn't mean ..."

"Um, you're going to miss your bus, and I need to meet Heather and Diane outside, since I agreed to give them a ride to the mall," Cassie said. She hated to interrupt it because it was a positive sign that Jason was thinking independently of Melinda.

"Yeah, we better get going," said Jason.

Cassie was about to turn away but stopped. "Wait, Jason, you were trying to ask me something earlier?"

Jason glanced at her. The guilty look came to his eyes again. "Um ... it was nothing, don't worry about it. I'll see you later."

Melissa panted softly as she lay sprawled out on her bed. Her body lay limp and deceptively submissive, her knees spread and drawn up towards her body. Her breasts rolled gently back and forth in time to the slow thrusts of the beefy, sandy-haired boy above her. The pendant lay on the mattress beside her head, the chain still looped around her neck.

Brad's hips swayed against Melissa's body in perfect rhythm, his breathing labored as his cock strained close to the edge but would not go over. It had become a powerful ache that would have had him begging for relief had Melissa allowed him that option.

Melissa's pussy ached as well, but in her case it was from the three orgasms that she had already received from him. She willed him to lean forward a touch, and sent his cock stroking her clit a little more firmly. She tilted her head back and moaned deeply, enjoying every second of her carefully controlled pleasure.

Melissa had wanted Brad simply because he was Ann's boyfriend, and she wanted to rob Ann of any happiness whatsoever. She still savored the memory of the look on Ann's face when she had made Brad fuck her while Ann watched. Melissa had made her say things like "watching my boyfriend fuck you is making me wet," but she had let Ann's true feelings escape and show on her face.

Melissa had intended to have Ann in attendance every time she did it with Brad. Instead, she stopped after the first time. It had been one of the first signs that the mere act of revenge against Ann and Susan was not going to satisfy her for very long. It was becoming almost a chore.

Brad drew himself closer to her, his hips moving faster. Melissa panted harder, reveling in his responsiveness to her desires. Brad was like Ann in many ways, so easily molded. He was a big, muscular sex toy to her. A passing thought was all it took to elicit complete obedience from him. She wondered if Brad even really cared he was being controlled, so long as he got lots of pussy out of the deal.

Though she was sure he didn't care for being held back from cumming.

Melissa moaned louder and raised her hips to his. He pounded into her, their bodies slapping together, the springs of the bed squeaking. Melissa tossed her head back, her body tensing as she hovered at the edge. She let go with a single, long cry as she came, her pussy throbbing around his still rock-hard cock.

Melissa made him draw out her orgasm. He slowed down, using his cock to give her clit more gentle strokes before finally pulling out of her. He fell back from her onto his knees, panting hard, his cock purplish in color and glistening with her juices. A drop of his own seed oozed from the head. He still hung just short of orgasm.

Melissa slowly sat up, giving Brad a sly smile in return to his pleading look. She shifted her pendant until the pentacle hung between her breasts.

She gestured to him. He crawled to her on his knees, still panting. Melissa cradled his cock in her hand, teasing it lightly. Brad shuddered and groaned.

"You want to cum, don't you?" Melissa cooed.

"Oh fuck, yeah," Brad moaned.

"And if I didn't? If I made your cock go soft and sent you away?"

"I'll come back again when you want me to."

"Oh, such a good boy." Melissa withdrew her hand. "Brad, you were Heather Sovert's boyfriend for awhile, right?"

"Yeah, but she dumped me before the semester started."

"You ever fuck her?"

"Once. But she got really bent outta shape over it."

"Hmm. Really."

Melissa considered for a moment. Yes, revenge got old, but it had to be done. There had been five outstanding debts to her. Susan and Ann were two. Her mother was a third. Now Heather and Diane remained.

Melissa wanted to use Brad somehow against Heather. But according to Laura Bendon, Heather would know that Brad was being controlled, if this thing about the so-called Darkness was to be believed.

Melissa did not want to believe that some faceless dark entity was behind her power. She did not want to think that the dark being that had granted her power had been an avatar of something that sat behind the scenes manipulating events to suit it.

No, Laura Bendon had to be wrong. Melissa was willing to believe that these so-called Harbingers could see who was affected by her power, but she refused to believe in a faceless Darkness. She got this power because she deserved it, not because some higher being had an agenda.

"So she doesn't want anything to do with you?" Melissa asked.

Brad shook his head. "She wants me to stay away from her."

"Was she a good fuck?"

"Oh yeah. Love how she squirts when she cums."

An amused look came to Melissa's face. "Oh, she squirts, does she? Mmm, I would imagine that would be messy if it happened at an inopportune time. Maybe even embarrassing. Tell me, are you in the same class rotation as Heather?"

"Not this semester."

Melissa looked thoughtful and smiled. "You know, I think I can change that. How would you like to help me get back at Heather for dumping you?"

Brad paused a moment, his eyebrows knitted in thought, or at least as much thought that Melissa allowed him. His cock was still aching and hard, and his balls felt swollen. "Yeah, I can go for that. Sure thing."

"Such a good little boy." She gestured to Brad. He climbed out of bed and stood. "Now ... I'd like you to meet my mother. She's just downstairs."

Brad thought it odd to be asked to do such a thing when he was still naked and in need of sexual relief. But the confusion did not last long. He realized that Melissa's mother likely needed a good fuck, and he was happy to oblige. "Sure thing, Melissa. Thanks."

He grinned and left the room.

Melissa placed a hand to her bosom and stroked the pendant lovingly with her fingers. Yes, she could work through others. She could channel a bit of her power through her puppet. She wasn't sure how she knew she could do it, she simply knew. Just like she had known how to use her power in the first place from the moment she had received it.

Laura Bendon had never said whether or not the Harbingers were immune to her power. She intended to put it to the test.

Heather had tried to treat it as any other trip to the mall, yet it was clear that it was anything but to her friend. Diane showed little interest in wandering about the fashion stores to see what was on sale and poke fun at the people that bought the hopelessly out of vogue clothes from the bargain bin. Or in strolling about the boardwalk that ran alongside the canal and snicker at the dweebs and nerds that hung out near the video game store.

"Something's seriously bugging you, Diane," Heather finally said.

Diane hugged her arms around herself, looking peevish. "Yeah, it is. Glad you noticed."

"Diane, you don't have to tell me who you've got the hots for if you don't want to."

"No, I have to. Please, let's go somewhere and talk."

Heather nodded and started towards the benches at the far end of the courtyard, where they had sat before to talk about Heather's trouble with Melinda.

"Can we go someplace more private?" Diane asked.

Heather smirked. "It's a mall, Diane. There's not that much privacy here."

"There's a picnic area at the end of the path that runs alongside the canal. I don't think anyone will be there now."

"Wow, this must be something big."

"Um, yeah, you could say that. Please, let's go."

Heather followed Diane back to the boardwalk, and then down a side path that wound through a clump of trees. The ground was covered in red-gold, and their footsteps crunched in the cool fall air. The breeze rose and showered them with more leaves drifting from the crowns of the trees. They found a picnic table and brushed away enough leaves for them to sit down.

Heather sat down first. Diane considered sitting opposite Heather, but instead slid in next to her.

"So what's the scoop, Diane?" Heather asked, her voice conveying concern as much as intense curiosity. "Who is it and what's got you so bugged about it?"

Diane paused and took a deep breath, letting it go as a rattling sigh. Her heart pounded so hard that her chest ached. "I'm not sure how to tell you, Heather. I really hope you don't hate me after this."

Heather gave her a puzzled look. "Hate you? Why would I do that?"

"It's just ... the person I'm attracted to might make you upset."

Heather stared. "Diane, you're not ... you don't have a thing for Brad do you?"

Diane looked at her in surprise. "Brad? No, of course not!"

"I mean, I wouldn't be upset if you were, but, well, no offense, but you can do better than him. I dumped him for a reason."

"It's not him," Diane said firmly. "Really. It's none of the guys that you've dated."

"Okay, so why would I be upset?"

"It's ... not even a guy that I'm after, Heather."

"Oh? Then what ..." Heather trailed off. Her eyes widened. "No!"

Heather had said it in the same way she would if she were responding to some juicy bit of gossip rather than an actual negative reaction to Diane's announcement. Still, Diane was not sure how to respond to it.

"Diane, a-are you serious?? You're not ... you are? Are you really ...?"

"Lesbian? Yes."

Heather was shocked. "Diane, I ... I-I'm sorry, I never knew. You never said anything."

Diane laughed weakly, little humor to it. She had trouble maintaining eye contact with Heather. "It's not something that comes up in normal conversation, Heather."

"But all those times we talked about guys, I mean ..."

"Being lesbian doesn't mean I can't gossip with you."

"Oh, well, I didn't mean that, I ... " Heather trailed off and sighed. "I'm sorry, Diane, I'm saying all the wrong things here. Please, don't take it that way."

Diane nodded. "I know. I figured you wouldn't really hate me just for this. I mean ... what you told me about the House and all that ..."

"Well, I didn't have much of a choice there."

Diane finally raised her eyes to Heather's. "You didn't hate it, did you? Please, tell me the truth."

Heather paused, her mouth working for a few seconds but nothing coming out. When she found her voice again, it was soft and slightly husky. "No, I didn't hate it. Maybe I didn't like being forced to do it with Melinda, but afterward ... I guess ... I guess I did enjoy it."

"And you keep wanting to go after Melinda again."

"Yes, but ... I don't know where that's coming from."

Diane's eyes remained locked to Heather's. She kept looking into those lovely, soft, gray-green pools. "Does it matter?"

"It does to me, Diane, I ... I mean ..."

"You'd enjoy it if you did it with her again, wouldn't you?"

Heather shifted in her seat. "I guess so, but she doesn't want to do it ..."

"But I do."

"You ... wh-what ...?"

Diane leaned closer. "I want to do it," she repeated, her voice husky.

Heather stared, her lips parted. Her heart thumped. "D-Diane ... what do you mean ..."

"I want to do it with you."

Heather squirmed. She had already felt heat in her nether regions from thinking about Melinda again. With as oversexed as she was, this was not helping matters.

There was a silently pleading look in Diane's eyes, as if she were searching for some sign from Heather. Heather looked helplessly back. She didn't know what to say or what to do. She was barely aware of how close Diane was to her.

She became aware the next moment. Seeing neither encouragement nor rejection, Diane took a leap of faith. She swiftly leaned forward and kissed Heather.

Heather drew in her breath in a single, sharp gasp. The heat in her sex flared, her folds growing swollen and damp. Her trembling thighs parted. For a moment, her oversexed body let her be drawn into the kiss, her eyes closing. She pressed her lips to Diane's, letting out a very soft moan through her nose.

Slowly, her mind caught up. She uttered another moan and broke off the kiss, turning her head away. She panted lightly, her pussy aching. She raised a trembling hand to her cheek and tried to breathe normally.

Diane drew back slowly. Her eyes shimmered as she tried to understand Heather's reaction. Heather looked excited, as much as Diane was herself. Her own sex was tingling madly.

But she sensed she had done something dreadfully wrong. "Heather ... Heather, I'm sorry! I didn't mean ... I ..."

"It's okay, Diane," Heather said, her voice a bit breathless. "Please ... j-just give me a moment."

Diane nodded. Secretly, she was a bit smug, and it showed as a ghost of a smile on her lips. She had managed to make Heather horny just from her kiss. She considered that a small victory for her.

Heather finally calmed down enough to where her breathing was back to normal. "Diane ... please don't take this the wrong way ... but I can't do this now."

Diane looked stricken, but for just a moment. She forced herself not to despair. None of her nightmare scenarios about Heather's reaction had come true.

Heather looked at her. Her eyes still smoldered. "I need some time. I need to figure out how much of my feelings are mine."

"You don't think you're being controlled by anyone, do you?" Diane suddenly looked alarmed. "God, you don't think that I ...!"

"No no no, Diane. Not you. I know you're not doing anything. Believe me, if you were, I wouldn't be able to sit here and say 'no' to you."

"But ... it's not 'no' forever?" asked Diane hopefully. Desperation was in her eyes.

"I don't know yet. Let me sort out a few things first."

"Like what?"

Heather was not sure how to respond. A lot of what she was going through was simple denial. She didn't want to accept that the House and Nyssa had permanently changed her. She still had some idea in the back of her head that she was being influenced, and it was just a matter of finding out where it came from.

For the first time in a long while she wished the House was still there. If Mara were around, Heather might be able to get some answers from her. She had to know if this was intentional or not. She had to know if every encounter with the Darkness was going to leave her a little more changed each time.

"It's really hard for me to describe it," Heather said. "It's like I have to know whether my own desires are something I can live with."

Diane nodded slowly. "I don't understand that completely, Heather, but I don't want you doing anything against your will. I want you, but I want you to want it as well. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, it does. It wouldn't be so bad if I had ... well, if I were lezzie ... er, I mean ..."

Diane smiled. "I don't mind the term 'lezzie,' Heather, not with you saying it."

Heather smiled weakly in return. She wished she didn't feel the need to forestall this. Her arousal wasn't going away. Her pussy still felt achy and needful. She was desperate for sexual release, and she could almost imagine herself letting Diane provide it ...

She forced herself to take another deep breath. She had to get her mind off sex.

"Or at least bisexual," Heather continued, her voice quavering. "Before the House that is. Wait a minute. Diane, how long have you felt this way about me?"

"I've been interested in you since the start of the summer. The really strong sexual attraction started a few weeks ago."

"When Nyssa was in town."

"But it hasn't stopped, Heather. I still feel it rather strongly."

Heather swallowed and nodded quickly. "Okay. Maybe ... maybe I should mention something to the group ... oh, what am I saying, you want to keep this quiet, right?"

Diane smiled faintly. "Well ... Jason knows."

Heather stared. "He does??"

"Nyssa told him. She knew my secret somehow. I begged Jason not to mention it after Nyssa was gone. So you can talk to him if you want."

The only problem was that Heather was thinking of something very much different than talking when Jason came to mind, as horny as she still felt.

"Heather, while you're thinking about this, can we still be friends? Please? I don't want to lose this friendship, even if we don't ..."

"Of course we're still friends!" Heather cried. "Geez, Diane, I'm not like some people that think lezzies are contaminated or something like that. I'm not like Becky, you know."

Diane slowly smiled. She and Heather exchanged a brief hug.

"I better get home, Diane," Heather said. "I need to ... to take care of something ..."

Diane nodded, then blushed as she caught Heather's meaning. She felt extremely flattered. "Um ... me too, actually ..." she said sheepishly.

Kathy's struggles, already weak to begin with, were fading rapidly. "No, p-please, Brad, don't ... "

Heedless of her words, Brad unhooked her bra, then reached from behind her and yanked it off, letting her breasts spill out.

"Brad, please, stop ... y-you can't ... uhhn!"

Brad grabbed Kathy's boobs and kneaded them in his fingers. "You got really great tits, Mrs. Hendell," Brad breathed into her ear.

Kathy trembled. Her pussy steamed from behind her soaked panties. She had been so happy that Melissa had let her put on underwear that morning, though now it seemed like a useless gesture. She had seen Melissa come home with Brad and had heard the sounds of sex from upstairs. She had tried to ignore it, but Melissa had so messed with her mind that she had become aroused by it instead.

Part of her, the real Kathy Hendell, wanted to bolt. She wanted to tell him to put his clothes on and get out. But Melissa had turned her into someone was going out of her mind with lust instead.

One of Brad's hands dropped and slid under Kathy's soaked panties. His fingers squished into her slit. Kathy closed her eyes and uttered a lustful sigh. Her quivering thighs parted, and she panted as his strong fingers stroked her hard.

"Uhh! ... Uhhn! ... B-brad ... no ..."

"You need a good fuck, Mrs. Hendell."

Kathy moaned. Yes, she needed it. She needed his cock slammed into her twat over and over. She whimpered and shook her head, trying desperately to get these thoughts out of her head. She couldn't tell if they were coming from Melissa or directly from Brad.

"Never fucked a woman your age, Mrs. Hendell," Brad said. "It's gonna be a lot of fun."

Kathy lost the remaining shred of resistance she had. "Y-yes, Brad, fuck me, please ... fuck me hard ... I need it ..."

She was barely aware of time passing. She somehow wound up on her back on the sofa. Her panties were yanked down her legs. She was all too eager to see them gone. She looked up at Brad with a pleading, hungry look as he descended upon her. She spread her legs for him, her pussy aching and wet.

Kathy let go with a loud moan of desire as Brad entered her.

Her cheeks burned. Melissa had made her into a slut. The shame of it was as great as her sexual need. Brad thrusted into her with a desperation nearly as strong. Kathy realized Melissa was controlling him as well, but it did not make it any easier to bear.

Kathy whimpered and rocked her hips with his, slamming him into her as deep as he could go. She cried out as she came, her body shuddering from the force of her orgasm. It faded, but her lust did not, nor did his frenzied thrusting.

Brad clenched his teeth, gasping as he climbed upward so slowly that it was excruciating. Kathy mewled and cried out as she came a second time, her pussy throbbing so hard she could barely breathe.

The words suddenly rose up in Kathy's throat. "Fuck me, baby ... fuck me hard ... use me like a whore ... use me like a toy ..."

Brad shuddered violently and uttered a loud, guttural groan as his cock exploded inside her. Despite her eyes glistening in shame from what she had been made to say, Kathy nevertheless reveled in the sensation of his throbbing member in her cunt. She pulled him towards her and let him play out deep inside her.

From upstairs, behind the closed bedroom door, Melissa smiled.

It worked. Normally she could not directly control someone not in her line of sight unless they had permanent changes like Susan and Ann. Even then she could not give them new commands or additional controls unless they were present in the room with her. But she now saw she could channel her ability through a puppet that she owned.

All she needed to do was talk to the Principal again. Then she would be able to use Brad to toy with Heather while she waited for the Harbingers to find the book for her. Then all that remained was finding a way to get at Diane as well.

And once she had the Rite of Power, revenge would not matter to her anymore. She would find a greater purpose. Everything would work out. She would no longer be plagued by self-doubt. She would know exactly what she wanted and how to use her power to get it. She was sure of it.

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