Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository Mirror
...because the best things in life truly are free.

ASSTR-Mirror is home to over 1000 authors of erotic literature, host of the newsgroup, and host of several popular erotic literature archives.

Welcome to the New Authors section at ASSTR. This page lists authors new to ASSTR as well as authors who have recently updated thier FTP or web site.

Below you will find links to the material each author has decided to make available online. Use the Web link to access an author's web site, the FTP link to obtain ASCII text versions of the author's works, or click on the Profile link to get additional information about an author. If the author has a public email address, use the Email link to send him/her an email.

If you enjoy the stories you're about to read, think about the authors. Their only payment for the efforts they've made are your praise. So take a moment and let them know you liked their work. A little appreciation goes a long way.

If you are an author yourself, we would be honored to have you join the site. We give out unlimited disk space for your works at absopositively no charge. The only thing we ask is that the theme of your works have at least some erotic content. If you'd like to join, visit, which explains both what information we need to set up an account for you as well as other questions you may have pertaining to having an account at ASSTR.

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Use the following links to view lists of all authors.
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  A pale yellow background indicates a new author.
  A varied blue background indicates changes within the last 14 days.

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