Please read the following before submitting an account application.
As a writer of erotic literature, you are hereby invited to join ASSTR - The
Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository. This site is open to readers
worldwide for absolutely no charge for the sole purpose of sharing and
distributing stories. As an author, you most likely have many such wonderful
works of art to contribute. It therefore would be greatly appreciated by the
users of ASSTR and its administrators if you would contribute your material to
the site.
If you accept this invitation, you will have your own personal
directory on ASSTR, of which only you will have write access. This will
provide several advantages for you. First, you will always have a backup of
your works, in the event that your hard drive crashes, your house gets robbed,
etc. Your material will always be available to you (and everyone else) and
should you need it in an emergency, special arrangements can and will be made
as soon as possible. Second, your readers will always have a reliable source
in which they know they can get your works in full, without the hassles of
trying to find all the parts of a multiple part post to the Usenet newsgroups.
Third, because you post directly to the site, your transmissions are completely
anonymous. At ASSTR, we respect your confidentiality and will never
disclose any information to anyone regarding your relationship with ASSTR
without your express and explicit prior consent. All logs are kept for less
than a week, and no information will be disclosed from them before they are
destroyed. And finally, you will not have to worry about the junk email lists
you get put on when posting to the Usenet newsgroups. Your email address is
kept confidential unless you choose to disclose it to your fans.
Fourth, ASSTR can, at your option, email you statistics as to how many people are accessing your works. This can be useful to know, as it provides another way for you to confirm your works are indeed being read and appreciated.
Furthermore, your works remain just that. We claim absolutely, positively NO
rights whatsoever to your works. The only privilege we claim is the right to
distribute your stories, which you may revoke at any time for any reason. In
essence, we leave you with full control over what is and will remain yours.
We have no desire to "steal" your rights to what you have created.
The catch to all this? We'd like to think there isn't one. Perhaps you may
be wondering how much all of this will cost you. The only price required is
your time. If you are not familiar with FTP, you may want to check out our FTP page, which contains information on FTP clients for
Windows and Macintosh systems. FTP is the preferred method for maintaining
ASSTR FTP directories and web sites.
If you don't think you can handle FTP, we first encourage you to rethink. If
you do rethink and still don't think you can handle it, we'll set you up with
an account and help you maintain it via email. Because this requires a good
deal of time on our part (transferring your works from email to the FTP site),
we strongly discourage this. In the future, we hope to have better web
capabilities so authors can maintain their accounts via Netscape with no need
for additional software. We're also looking into the possibility of automated
email administration. However, these options are still several weeks/months
away from becoming a reality, so again we stress FTP is the preferred method.
Upon your positive reply to this invitation, an account on the server will be
created specifically for you. This account will be immune to the current two
hundred user limit. This further stresses your ability to get a backup of your
stories at any time.
With your account, you will be able to create subdirectories in order to
organize your works. It is completely up to you how you decide to organize
everything. Details and recommendations on how to optimally organize your
works are sent to you each time you log in to your author account and can also
be viewed in the text file (available only
when logged in with an author's account) Additionally, the directory
/pub/Authors/test has been established as an example illustrating how you may
wish to set up your directories.
If you choose not to get an account with ASSTR, it would still be appreciated
if you would occasionally upload your works to the standard /Incoming
directory. Remember, this is a world-wide site for the benefit of everyone.
If you do wish to have an author account created, please click the button below to proceed to the account application form.
Thank you for your time and consideration of becoming a contributor.