Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository Mirror
...because the best things in life truly are free.

ASSTR-Mirror is home to over 1000 authors of erotic literature, host of the newsgroup, and host of several popular erotic literature archives.

Before proceeding into the FTP Site, please read the following.

You MUST read and agree to the terms and conditions set forth on the ASSTR initial web page before proceeding.

For those of you who are familiar with FTP, click here to enter the FTP site.

For those not familiar with FTP, here is a basic explanation.

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is somewhat of a predecessor to HTML (the web). While a good portion of ASSTR is available exclusively through the web via the Authors' and Collectors' pages, a huge amount of works are only available through FTP. Most web browsers such as Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator/Communicator handle FTP, but they do not do it very well. The ASSTR administration frequently receives email from frustrated web browser users who are for one reason or another unable to navigate the FTP site. One popular problem is Internet Explorer's error "Server Returned Extended Information." Please note that most of the problems are NOT the fault of ASSTR, its administration, or its software. They are limitations of the ftp client of the user's web browser. For those who wish to use a web browser, Internet Explorer 5.0 seems to work fairly well with ASSTR. Some users report IE 5.5 works even better.

For users of Microsoft Windows, ASSTR recommends users download either CoffeeCup Free FTP or WS-FTP LE from Both clients have proven to work well with ASSTR, and both are free for private/noncommericial use.

For ASSTR visitors using Macintosh systems, we recommend the use of Fetch. Fetch is also free and can be obtained from

If you prefer a more robust, shareware or commercial FTP client, Tucows has a large variety of both Windows and Macintosh FTP clients available.

Once you download and install a client, connecting is simple. Enter the address as the Host Address, and be sure to choose anonymous mode. That should be all most users need to do. However, if you are behind a firewall, you may need to enable PASV or "Passive" mode. Most clients have an option to enable passive mode. You'll know if you need to enable passive mode if your client is able to connect to the FTP site but is unable to obtain an initial directory listing.

Regardless of what software you use to connect to the ASSTR FTP site, once you're connected the layout is the same. An FTP site consists of directories (folders) and files. Typically double clicking on a folder will take you into it. Double clicking on a file will usually download it to your local machine or "view" the file.

When you're done browsing the FTP site, just close your FTP client to disconnect.

Click here to enter the ASSTR FTP Site using your web browser.

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