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(63K) The Little Girl and the Invisible Gardener |
Author: Alvo Torelli
Title: The Little Girl and the Invisible Gardener
Summary: Just twelve, Matilda thinks she can stay on her own for an afternoon. Too bad she doesn't ever see the family gardener.
Keywords: Mg, nc, bond, best, self-bond, inc
Size: 63K
(21K) Lost Story Of The Week, 6-25-23 |
Author: Alvo Torelli
Title: Lost Story Of The Week, 6-25-23
Summary: A weekly story from deep inside the treasure trove that is ASSTR
Keywords: various
Size: 21K
(48K) /Tanya_Writer/Losing My Love.txt |
/files/Authors/Tanya_Writer/Losing My Love.txt
Size: 48K
(90K) /Tanya_Writer/My Three Brides Part 10.txt |
/files/Authors/Tanya_Writer/My Three Brides Part 10.txt
Size: 90K
(31K) /Tanya_Writer/Trucker's Surprise.txt |
/files/Authors/Tanya_Writer/Trucker's Surprise.txt
Size: 31K
Author: E.A. Grant
Summary: Hard times call for desperate measures. How fortunate it is to have something valuable to barter with...
Keywords: Mg, MMg, pedo, inc, oral
Size: 27K
Author: E.A. Grant
Summary: Dave likes to show off his young daughter and Sherry likes to show off for her daddy. Dave also enjoys seeing her with other men...
Keywords: MMMg, exhib, pedo, oral, anal, inc, cons
Size: 46K
(52K) The Redneck Wedding Orgy by T. Nelson (Mg+, Mf, mf, Fb+, inc, cons, interr, oral... |
Title: The Redneck Wedding Orgy by T. Nelson (Mg+, Mf, mf, Fb+, inc, cons, interr, oral, mast, preg)
Size: 52K
(125K) THE BETTING POOL by Lasiter (Mg, fond, oral, inc, mg, 1st, cons, exhib, MMMMMg) |
Title: THE BETTING POOL by Lasiter (Mg, fond, oral, inc, mg, 1st, cons, exhib, MMMMMg)
Size: 125K
/files/Authors/Lasiter/Tales of the Taboo.htm
Author: Lasiter et al
Summary: Erotic sex stories involving young girls and/or young boys
Size: 194K
(40K) The Bimbo App Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Bimbo's Naughty & Kinky Miracle |
/files/Authors/mypenname3000/bimboapp/The Bimbo App 29 - ff mff mf mFF mc inc facial 1st super.txt
Author: mypenname3000
Title: The Bimbo App Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Bimbo's Naughty & Kinky Miracle
Summary: The bimbo-goddess's miracle causes two Tinas to come together for an emotional and physical release.
Keywords: ff mff mf mFF mc inc oral facial 1st exhib voy super
Size: 40K
(42K) The Bimbo App Chapter Thirty: The Bimbo Bride's Loving Passion |
/files/Authors/mypenname3000/bimboapp/The Bimbo App 30 - mFf FF ff Fff MF mf mc inc creampie A2M wife cuck.txt
Author: mypenname3000
Title: The Bimbo App Chapter Thirty: The Bimbo Bride's Loving Passion
Summary: Eric marries his sexy bimbo-bride, Tina.
Keywords: mFf FF ff Fff MF mf mc inc oral creampie anal A2M exhib voy D/s wife cuck
Size: 42K
(44K) The Bimbo App Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Bimbo's Naughty & Kinky Miracle |
Author: mypenname3000
Title: The Bimbo App Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Bimbo's Naughty & Kinky Miracle
Keywords: ff mff mf mFF mc inc oral facial 1st exhib voy super
Size: 44K
(45K) The Bimbo App Chapter Thirty: The Bimbo Bride's Loving Passion |
Author: mypenname3000
Title: The Bimbo App Chapter Thirty: The Bimbo Bride's Loving Passion
Keywords: mFf FF ff Fff MF mf mc inc oral creampie anal A2M exhib voy D/s wife cuck
Size: 45K
(26K) My Pen Name 3000 XXX Stories |
Title: My Pen Name 3000 XXX Stories
Summary: XXX Stories by mypenname3000
Size: 26K
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