
Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The following story is a purely fictional account. Any relationship to any real person living or dead is absolutely coincidental. The narrative deals with torture and slaughter of innocent human beings. The author in no way condones or promotes such acts. This is the world of fantasy and fiction where the hidden corners of the psyche may be explored. The author believes that exploring such subject matter in this realm keeps it from ever needing to be explored, and much less fulfilled, in real life. There is violence in all of us. Otherwise there would be no crime, no war, no destruction. We must acknowledge the beast inside of us if we are to tame it. To ignore it and repress it is to invoke its appearance in our midst. Taking Down Daddy's Girl I'm gonna tell you about Judy. She was a saucy slut: copper-red, shoulder-length hair - tall, with wide strong hips and long muscular legs, fat, round, juicy, up-standing jugs and an aristocratic green-eyed face. She had a nice bitch-face, a Park Avenue, Saks, Waldorf-Astoria face. The kind of bitch-face you just want to rub into a pile of dogshit on the sidewalk - the kind of face you want to pound your fists into just to get a nice workout. Judy's face told you she had breeding, bearing, money, class. And the truth is she did have all those things. She'd been sent to the best schools in Europe and spoke five languages. For a while she'd studied ballet but had been dropped because the full swell of her large 38 D tits as she reached her sixteenth birthday just didn't fit in with the anorexic female image at dance school. She was also an accomplished harpist and I'd watched her perform on a video her father had made, which I will tell you about later in more detail, her delicate hands, the fingers of which I would break one by one, strum angelic music from the large resonant instrument. In the end, however, Judy Adams was just a slut - as worthless as any wasted New York junkie street hooker. I knew that about her. I nourished that part of her and brought it out until nothing else remained. Sluthood exists to one degree or another in most women, at least in most fuckable women, and when it is encouraged it is amazing how even a haughty arisctocratic beauty like Judy Adams can be brought down, be made to obey like a pet poodle and bleed and suffer for your manly pleasure. All that's needed, like Axl Rose's tune says, is a little patience. I've learned to search for the best prospects on the Internet, not by placing an ad for a female slave. That will never work. Women need to develop a trusting relationship before they can submit. Unless you're out for a rape-torture thing. And I've gone that route a few times when things got slow. To be honest I've sometimes been in the mood for a little non-consentual action. There's nothing like the look of terror in a young girl's eyes to get a good solid hard-on going, especially those very young girls, the ones that you're better off snuffing so they won't run back to momma and tell. But more often than not I like it when a woman submits to her own destruction and even co-operates. I like a willing victim and I'm always surprised by the number of women who dream of being forcefully abducted, raped, tortured, mutilated and even murdered. There's something beautifully self-destructive in the female psyche and I'm not sure we men have put it there. After all, it took the stupid bitches a few centuries to even ask for the fuckin' right to vote, didn't it? I know I don't question this or over-analyze it; I search for it and use it. I watch certain newsgroups on the Internet and I see submissive females post occasionally. Sometimes I will comment on their posts or on other subjects which I know will draw them out and attract them to me. That's how I meet most of my victims. Nine times out of ten they contact me first. That's how it was with Judy Adams. To me each woman is a target - unique and specific. She must fulfill certain physical criteria, of course, although I must say that I tend not to be terribly demanding in that department. Actually, I like them when they're a little overweight and insecure about themselves. Slightly plump whores, like those pink pig-bitches in the Boticelli paintings, are excellent targets and my whips have sliced and diced across many deliciously over-abundant bellies and rumps. I have a wide age range for my victims and have experienced mastery over females as young as seven and as old as fifty. And while I must confess a preference for innocently tender meat, the older women have often given me the most rewarding sense of absolute psychological dominance. There is nothing quite as satisfactory as the complete emotional destruction of an intelligent woman and reducing a Harvard corporate lawyer, a Columbia Literature professor, a black feminist poet, and several other extremely knowledgeable and highly respectable, high-income-bracket cunts to babbling tears and mindless whining agony is a watershed achievement for someone of my sociopathic tendencies. Amazingly, some of these ladies came back for more, two, three, four times, one ending up in Bellevue on thorazine, a couple of them in a Northern New Jersey landfill, in pieces, under a new office complex. But, all things considered, I judged Judy Adams to be the quintessential masochistic female specimen. In fact when she first sent me her picture on the computer I didn't believe it was really her. I thought she'd sent me some file she'd gotten from one of the binary groups. Right from the beginning she was curious about the S&M scene and told me she'd had fantasies about being gang-raped, flogged to blood and forced to drink piss. It took me a couple of days before she was addressing me as Master, five days before I got her to call me long-distance from Virginia (to a pay-phone in Manhattan I'd pre-arranged) and two weeks before she stepped off the plane at Kennedy. I'd told her to wear a short dress, high-heel pumps and no panties and she'd followed my instructions to the letter. At the airport she was at a complete disadvantage. I knew what she looked like but she had no idea about my appearance. That was the way I liked to operate. I didn't want a JPEG of my face on a computer hard-drive if the cops decided to go sniffing around for clues. I mean, sometimes my victims survive me sometimes they don't. I don't always have a clear idea about that when I first meet them. So I don't like to leave any loose ends lying around. I stood by the exit door-way, riffling through a news magazine and watched her walk across the long terminal building toward me. She was absolutely delicious, possibly the most beautiful slave I would ever possess, and I knew then I would kill her. I knew then Judy Adams would die at my hands, slowly, terribly, horribly - and above all, willingly. She kept glancing around nervously and I could see her wondering which of the many strangers that passed by her might be me. It was long walk and I knew that each step that brought her nearer also made her more and more apprehensive, more and more insecure. I knew she was wondering if she was crazy to come to a strange city she'd never been to meet someone she didn't even know, someone with whom she'd shared her deepest most shameful secrets. In a way we'd already been intimate, she typing on her monitor screen, I in mine. I'd sent her pictures of women covered with welts, bleeding, suffering, pictures of some of my other victims. I told her what I liked to do with women and girls and she opened herself to me, calling me Sir and Master, giving herself to me, promising to obey and submit completely, telling me that I was the man she'd dreamed about for so long, a real man, who would treat her the way she deserved to be treated - the way she needed to be treated. I kept no secrets from Judy. I told her that the fulfillment of my pleasure might lead to her death and that it would not be quick and merciful. "I will do as you wish, Master," she'd typed back. "If my death will give you pleasure then I will die gladly for you. I will give myself to you completely, unconditionally." Like I said. She was absolutely perfect. Still I knew that one thing was talking about it and another thing was the actual reality of going through with it. Lots of bitches talked about torture and snuff with me on the internet. Few of them ever got up the courage to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Now, at the airport terminal, she was just a few feet away in a short silky aqua-hued one piece dress, a small black travel bag slung over one shoulder and I could see she was most definitely a walker. I let her take another step then I said, "Hey." Her beautiful green eyes swept toward me and she froze for a second. Then she turned to walk slowly toward me, a tentative smile spreading across her face. I'm not a bad looking guy, though I don't have the kind of face you're likely to find memorable. I'm average, even somewhat self-effacing and quiet. Nothing about my appearance reveals the predator that lurks inside. Oh yeah, Judy was a walker and I liked the way she walked. She moved lithely, with the grace of a dancer. Then she stood in front of me and we just looked into each other's eyes. I reached out and took her shoulder suddenly, firmly - brought her to me and kissed her unexpectedly, hard and passionately while strangers passed by moving in and out of the terminal doorway, completely oblivious to the dark significance of the interaction between us. To most people we appeared perhaps as husband and wife, or lovers, greeting after being apart. At first Judy was stiff, uncertain, then suddenly she moaned softly and kissed back pressing against me. I could feel her flesh warm and smooth underneath the silky dress. She wanted what I had to give and wanted it badly. I could tell. When I pulled away her eyes were moist with tears and her smile had vanished. "I like the way you taste," I told her hoarsely. And I did too. She tasted of sweet peppermint. From up close she was even more attractive and sexy than I could have imagined. "You're v-very handsome -," she replied, her voice trembling as she tried to regain her smile. " - master." she finished. "Kiss me again," I whispered fiercely. She moaned again responsively and pressed her wide-lipped, red painted mouth to mine and the sweet smell of her perfume over-powered me. I could imagine her naked in front of the computer screen hanging on my every word, her hand eagerly rubbing her throbbing sex. I knew she was mine and I reached down to put my hand up under the hem of her short dress, up her deliciously smooth thigh and up to her bare, shaved pussy. And right there, by the main exit doors of the airport terminal, while I French kissed the stupid slut, my tongue practically down her throat, I began to rub her clit. She quivered helplessly, melting in my arms her pussy drooling on my fingers. "You're a filthy little tramp," I whispered in her ear. "Ohh y-yess - yes I am," she groaned softly. "You've come here to give yourself to me - completely." "Yes - yes, master." A man passing by in a business suit looked at us. Judy's back was to the terminal and she didn't see. He had an idea - although obviously a limited one - of what was going on and he smirked and winked approvingly. She was all wet for me, just the way I liked it. "I'm going to take you apart," I whispered fiercely. "Mmmmm-" she sighed. "Piece by fucking piece." An older woman on her way out looked quickly at us then stared straight ahead indignantly. "Th-that's what I want, Sir," she whispered back and I felt myself tingling all over as my cock surged hard through the fabric of my jeans against her bare thigh. "Its..wh-what...I...need..." And it was what she deserved as well. She and all the other cunts I've gotten my hands on over the years. I gave them all what they wanted and deserved in good hard measure. I made videos and photographs of my murderous sadistic sessions with them and sold them on the Internet for a tidy profit. I captured their hearts (before sometimes slicing through them and cutting them out of their chests). I ruled over their minds and their bodies and used them hard until their souls were mine as well, willingly given up. Judy was a best-seller. I knew she would make men salivate and I knew they would envy me from the moment I had her naked in front of the camera, her pretty harp-playing hands cuffed and suspended over her head. She smelled of eager cunt as soon as we got in the car. The fresh earthy cunt-smell of her filled the vehicle as we rode silently and I could see her legs squeezing together. When she first got in I'd made her put metal cuffs on and she rode with her trapped hands in her lap, staring silently and enigmatically forward. A few blocks from the airport I drove into a narrow alleyway between two warehouses. I told her to get out and I popped the trunk open. I recuffed her hands behind her and drew my knife. Her eyes went wide with panic but she bit her lip and said nothing as I slowly cut her elegant one piece dress off her. My knife slid through the silky greenish tinted fabric effortlessly until it hung in perfumed tatters from her shoulders. After I ripped the rest of it off her I sliced through her black brassiere with three quick flicks of the blade and she stood there nude and shivering in her black high-heel pumps, her shredded garments on the ground. The breathtaking beauty of her nakedness was offset by the backdrop of dark brick walls, paint-can graffiti, overspilling trash cans and rusting dumpsters in the alley and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Judy's nipples were pierced and adorned with gold rings. She hadn't told me about that or about her cleanly shaved mons and the two gold rings on her pink pussy lips. "I - I had it done for you, master," she told me as I tweaked first her ringed nipple in my fingers then the labia, leaving a flickering caress across her moist musky clit before taking my hand away. I looked up into her beautiful dark green eyes. She was smiling tentatively, her pupils enlarged, lips wet, her breath ragged. I could see how the sensations of shame and helplessness were actually provoking sexual excitement in her. My own eyes were blazing with sadistic greed and the savage expression on my face made her smile wither, made her hang her head like a child who's been scolded. "Get in the trunk," I ordered. Her high heels clacked on the concrete as she moved promptly to the rear of the car. I walked her ahead of me my hand gripping her arm from behind to steady and usher her. The alleyway was deserted, as I knew it would be on a quiet cool Sunday afternoon, which is why I always used it for just this purpose. Once I had beaten a twelve year old girl half to death in there before raping her and tossing her into the trunk. I wasn't going that route with Judy. Judy was a long range project, not a quickie. I watched her as she stepped into the rear compartment of the car, raising one leg into the carpeted space to kneel and bring the other leg in balancing herself with difficulty since her hands were cuffed at the middle of her back. When she lay down on her side in the trunk I took another pair of steel cuffs and bound her ankles together. Slowly I ran my hand up the side of her leg, over her prominent hip bone, up her flank and shoulder to her hair which I gripped tightly to pull her head up off the carpet and bend over her to instruct her, my face less than an inch from hers. "Ok, bitch," I told her. "Its a two hour ride. I don't wanna hear a goddamn peep out of you for the duration, understand?" "Yes, master." "If I hear you even breathe I'll come back here, rip your tongue out and feed it to you, got it?" "Y-yes, sir - I'll be as qu-quiet as a mouse." "That's right. You will be or our little tryst will end quicker than you had expected." I released her and slammed the trunk lid on her as her head slumped down against the carpet. I was sure she would obey my command because even though the terror of being in that confined space as the car began to move would be nearly overwhelming the alternative I'd offered her was far less desirable. Before leaving the alley I took her black travel bag from the back seat, rummaged through it and removed her wallet with her Virginia driver's license and credit cards. Then I threw the bag in a dumpster. She would not be needing it again. I stuffed her wallet in the glove compartment and pulled out into traffic. A few minutes later I was on the freeway. Judy was a real prize, a real catch for me. Not just because of her nearly flawless physical beauty and her submissive personality but for other important factors as well. I knew that she lived alone, that her only relative was a distant second cousin living on the West Coast and that she'd inherited a small fortune from her father when he'd died five years earlier. She'd told me he had abused her sexually since the age of five and that after her mother had died she'd become nothing more than his personal concubine. Although her father's tastes were nowhere as destructive as mine I had a sense of camaraderie with the old bastard. He'd turned his lovely daughter into a fuckhole with zero self-esteem. He'd used her and shamed her and treated her like an animal privately while achieving a socially acceptable polish on the outside, a verneer of etiquette training and education that camouflaged the outrages he'd perpetrated on her throughout her life. Beneath the classical music and ballet was a victimized female that would never know true love or friendship, an emotional cripple that would long only for self-destruction. Judy's father, without setting out to do so, had prepared his daughter for me. He'd created just the kind of female that a guy like me feeds on. Judy's father had unkowingly made me a happier and wealthier man - the proud owner of a beautiful piece of female ass that would suffer and scream beautifully for my dark sadistic pleasure. To top it off no one would really miss Judy or go around investigating her disappearance. After seven years her estate would be liquidated and the funds disbursed to five Swiss bank accounts owned by anonymous corporate entities I'd set up just for the purpose with her approval and signatures. Ostensibly these corporate entities listed charity work and education in third world countries as their purpose. In reality they were financial funnels that fed my own corporate accounts and kept me in the life style I had become accustomed to. This bitch would not only give me pleasure she would make me considerably wealthier. The surprising fact was that Judy was not and would not be the first cunt to turn over her entire wealth to me. Not only did I exterminate such women I also demanded and obtained every earthly posession from them. My rich victims were not only a source of pleasure for me but a double source of income. They paid me not just with their belongings but with the images of their destruction sold over the Internet to thousands of like-minded individuals for whom I was a hero - a male who did what they only dreamed about doing. And did it well, with a flair, with style, with daring. After I put Judy in the trunk I drove to the Larkin estate, a property I'd acquired three years earlier and which was nestled in the side of a mountain in an area of the Poconos that was off the beaten path, overlooking miles of forest and secure behind a ten foot high chain-link fence topped with barbed wire. I drove past the automatic gate and up the narrow asphalt driveway which was almost three quarters of a mile long, lined with oak, pine and maples. As per my instructions, Judy had been absolutely quiet for the entire two hour ride and as I stopped the car and shut off the engine she made no sound. I popped the trunk and stepped out of the car. She lay in the same position I'd left her in, wrists cuffed behind her, ankles cuffed together, knees pulled up, legs bent back. Her emerald eyes glimmered with tears stinging from the sharp brightness of afternoon she looked up at me. "Get out of the trunk," I told her. " - my legs..." she moaned. "I don't give a fuck about your legs. You're gonna have to get out of the trunk with the cuffs on em." "I - I can't." "You can and you will." I knew no one had ever treated her the way I was treating her. Most men deeply deferred to a lovely woman like Judy, even if privately they might have other ideas. They opened doors for her, smiled pleasantly, bought her drinks, tried to engage her in small talk. I treated her like shit. And she fucking loved it. I watched her come to terms with the idea of exiting the trunk while still leg- cuffed. She moved stiffly in the small cramped space, lifting her beautiful calves over the edge of the trunk and on to the rear bumper, grunting with the effort of hoisting herself up and sliding out of the car. I watched, enjoying her difficulties, taking pleasure from the physical predicament I had forced her into, knowing how her refined training had never prepared her for such ungraceful treatment. Her high- heels hit the asphalt pavement simultaneously with a loud thunk, her fleshy nipple- ringed boobs quivering, ankles strictly restrained by the metal cuff-rings, and she sat awkwardly on the edge of the trunk opening, bending and leaning forward, suddenly losing her balance with a cry of surprise and tumbling forward, pulled by her own weight down to the ground. She lay on her belly panting and I rolled her over on her back with my foot standing over her. "Are you ready to serve me, pig?" "Y-yes - I'm here for you, sir. For you." I pressed the sole of my shoe against her pretty face. " - for you -" she kept muttering. " - for you -" "Lick," I ordered. "Lick it good." She made a moaning open-mouthed sound as she closed her eyes and stroked the bottom of my shoe with her long pink tongue with eager conviction. I pressed the sole down against her cheek and her lips then gave her the other shoe, smudging her face, pushing her head down into the hard asphalt, the hard heel of my Italian leather boot in her forehead. "Please -" she moaned softly. "Kick me." "You want me to kick you?" "Yes, please, sir. Hard." I slipped my foot off her head leaving a black dirt streak and I stepped to to her right. Because she lay on her cuffed arms her flank and rib-cage were exposed. Tiny beads of sweat were popping up on her tanned flesh. I knew she wanted the pain and wanted it badly. Sick fucking bitch. I made her wait, lying there on the warm asphalt, the sun glaring down, the birds twittering in the trees around us and I smiled wickedly as I drew back my foot and slammed the toe of my boot into her side. She grimaced, cried out and twisted toward the point of impact, her knees sliding up into a fetal crouch as she flopped over, away from me, on to her right flank. Her pink ring-pierced pussy slit peeped between her luscious thighs. I kicked her ass and she grunted and gasped for air twisting back toward me, still in a semi-fetal pose. "More?" I asked. She nodded, winded, unable to speak. I slammed my boot into her soft belly then stepped around her and punted into the base of her spine just under her bound wrists, making her twist back in the opposite direction and lie arched on her shoulderblades, mouth wide in a silent cry, her eyes staring fixedly at the sky above. I kicked her on her left side making her tumble toward me and then bend and writhe as I slammed my foot hard into her lower abdomen again. After three more swift toe-tipped kicks I let her lie there on her side and wait ogling her naked body, especially her fine plump ass and that juicy ringed cunt, the sight of which was giving me a throbbing hard on. It was a warm spring day and I was starting to sweat too. I unbuttoned my long sleeve cotton shirt and peeled it off tossing it on the grass nearby. "Get up on your knees," I ordered. My words moved slowly through her urging her to comply and again struggling for balance she raised herself up off the ground, knelt on her fleshy haunches and raised her face to look up at me. With a quick move I unzipped my pants and moved in close to her. "Yesss," she hissed as she eyed my full-fledged erection, ten inches of manmeat, red and pulsing which I freed from the straining confines of my slacks. Her mouth yawned wide, I grabbed her head by the hair and pushed my prick urgently between her sweet swollen parted lips. She moaned hungrily as she sucked me and began almost immediately to deep-throat me and choke herself on me. I could see her father had trained her well, just as she'd told me. In point of fact, Judy's masochistic cock-sucking skills were fine-tuned to the point of perfection. She threw herself on my prick with devout zeal, flush-faced, her nose pushing against my crotch, buried in my pubic hair as she took the whole ten inches, her throathole squeezing my shaft, her tongue pressing against its underside. She gagged noisily on me as she began to bob back and forth. This was not the lady-like behavior she'd learned in the aristocratic girl's schools in Europe. There was no way anyone could believe that this cock-slurping bitch played the harp, spoke French, Italian and German and twirled around in leotards to Chopin's music. She was nothing but a common back-room bar whore now, one of the best I'd ever had, white spittle running off her chin like cheap Italian salad dressing, her cuffed hands clutched together behind her as she outdid herself for my pleasure. I pulled back to rub the crown of my cock on her lips, all around the wide o' as she stared up at me slavishly, waiting on me to plunge in again which I did after circling twice, letting her impale herself on me again with the same earnest desperation, as if my cock stuffing her throat was an indispensable necessity, as if she were posessed by an unquenchable thirst that could not be slaked, as if she wanted the head of my cock to push through right into her brain and finish her right then. I pulled out again and circled her lips and annointed her cheeks with slick pre-cum fluid mixed with spittle and she made small hungry noises in her throat, looking up at me pleadingly unable to contain herself, as if not having my cock deep in her throat were somehow depriving her, as if it were more important to her to be gagging on me than to draw breath. I saw her need and denied it rubbing my cock all over her face but not letting her take it back in her mouth. "Pleease - " she whined pitifully. "Pleeease - pleeease -" "You want my cock, whore?" "Yes - Oh God - yes - please - yes - g-ive it to me -gi-ghhhh -" I thrust it back into her throat suddenly squelching her plea grabbing her head with both hands to pump in and out of her miserable throat using her and enjoying her as the wind moved through the canopy of trees that surrounded the Larkin mansion cooling my bare arms and shoulders. I let her work me up to a mind-numbing plateau, my balls slapping against her chin, both of us bathed in sweat, my hands tugging on her long blonde mane almost pulling her hair out by the roots as I yanked her back and forth. Pulling back I slapped her hard, back and forth, six sharp blows that stunned her and swung her head, which I still loosely clutched in my other hand - then I slid back all the way in her mouth, gag-fucking her beet-red face, hilting myself in her as she moaned hungrily. I unbuckled by black, gold-buckled Giorgio Armani belt and slipped it off to loop it around her neck as she sucked me, a tight unforgiving loop that squeezed her arteries, staunched the flow of blood and made her go pale and totter dizzily. "I'm gonna kill you, you stinking whore," I growled, fucking her throat with pounding jabs of my hips while I held her by the strangling belt. "I'm gonna cut you to pieces." "Ggg!" she grunted and only thrust herself against me with more urgency, flushed, gasping for air, her cuffed hands fisted behind her, arms bent at the elbows. "Ghggh!Yghh!" Judy Adams wanted and needed what I was going to do to her with every fibre in her being. That was why she'd come. That was why all of them come to me. And why some of them never survive. I don't try to explain it. It just is. 2. Judy would die for me slowly and painfully and, just as I'd promised, in pieces, but first I needed to posess her in every way possible. As in every case and with every one of my victims my need for complete ownership needed to be expressed. After I'd fucked her throat and choked her with my belt for nearly an hour out on the driveway I got her up on her feet, slammed the trunk shut and bent her over the hot surface of the car's rear end, her big tits pressed down almost flat against the sun-warmed Mercedes under her weight. I rubbed my cock between the fat half-moons of her marvelous ass. Her hands, still cuffed behind her, wiggled just above the crack between her buttocks. The rings on her labia glittered wetly. I pushed my prick up into her slender well-manicured hands, between her smooth palms, my balls against her butt and her fingers wrapped exquisitely around my stone-hard shaft. She had sent me a video of herself playing a harp, which I mentioned previously. It was a video her father had made of her when she was only sixteen. In it she was naked except for a white lace choker around her neck and straddling the tall instrument between her pretty thighs, her hands strumming music from its multi-colored strings - those same gentle hands now gripped my fuckshaft. "Say it," the dark bass voice behind the video-camera had said, the sound up close but the speaker, her father, invisible. "Tell me what you are." "I'm daddy's little angel," she'd said looking into the camera's lens as it went in for a closeup. There were tears running down her cheeks. "Daddy's little angel," she whimpered. "What else?" the voice asked coldly. "What else, girl? What else are you?" "D-daddy's little wh-whore -" she'd stuttered, eyes downcast, her fingers fumbling on the harpstrings. "Keep playing," the voice reprimanded. "Don't you lose your place. I pay a lot of money for those goddamn harp lessons. Keep playing for daddy." The camera circled around her, her father's steps audible on the track when he moved on the finished oakwood floor around Judy in the sparsely furnished salon as she played her faltering and melancholic interpretation of Debussy, lovely blonde hair cascading about her shoulders which shook as she sobbed softly. "Stop all that bawling," the voice said heartlessly as the camera panned down her back to her curving, plumped-out ass-cheeks on the cushioned bench, bikini lines clear on the bronze tanned flesh, then back up her graceful back - a glimpse of a chandelier overhead, a mirrored wall across the room, a reflection of her father, tall bald-headed, bare-footed, wearing a black terry-cloth robe, his face hidden behind the video-cam on which a small red light flickered on and off below a glaring movie light. The camera panned down Judy's leg to her ankle and her cocked foot at the base of the harp at the pedals as she continued to play, the music rolling on gracefully, like magical vapid water, providing an ill-fitting counterpoint to the camera which continued to frame its subject obscenely and invasively, zooming in on her breasts, already fully ripe at that young age, with dark red nipple-caps, peering in between her thighs to catch a glimpse of her young pussy, and her smooth pink belly, teetering in for a closeup of her young suffering face, haunted, hunted eyes never looking up into the coldly probing eye. And then there was a clunking graceless edit, and Judy was no longer at the harp. She was crouching, propped on one arm, spread-legged on the floor in front of it, facing the camera shamelessly, a lubricated dildo in one hand, the other hand on the floor behind her, she looking right into the camera's eye - still wearing the white-lace choker around her neck - the expression on her face different now, her tears vanished, lips parted, eyes slitted seductively, like a porno-flick vamp. She raised the dildo to her face and licked the tip. "That's real nice," father's disembodied emotionless voice commented. "Real nice, angel." Then she was putting the dildo to her young pussy and pushing it into herself slowly her face registering the pleasure of the penetration, her father moaning softly as her head rocked back for a moment then rolled forward, hair strands streaking across her intense eyes. "Like this, daddy?" she asked softly as she worked the dildo in and out of her cunt. "Like this?" "Yeah," the voice replied, now with a fierce lewdness. "Just like that, honey. Just like that. That's perfect." The camera zoomed in for an extreme close-up of young Judy's vagina gleaming redly, split by the flesh-colored latex shaft which she worked rhythmically in and out of herself, the tempo-speed increasing by increments as she breathed harder and faster and moaned and rocked on her toes. Another clunky jump cut in the video skipped to a stationary wide angle shot: Judy, sweet sixteen, knelt on the bench she'd been sitting on while playing the harp. She now clung to the gold spine of the expensive instrument as her father stepped up behind her widespread legs and opened his black robe. Smiling, I'd watched the old gent lift a stiff sizable boner up between his daughter's thighs and I'd watched the expression on her face as he'd slid into her. Adams was maybe fifty five, completely bald with a cruel hawkish face and the pleasure he was taking from the incestuous copulation was evident even in the low resolution of the eight year old tape. What was even more remarkable was the confused and tortured look on Judy's face. I knew that at the time the video was made Judy's mother had been dead for two years. The duties she now performed went far beyond the reasonably acceptable ones for a loving daughter. And she was a very smart girl who for a long time had known that what her father was doing with her was very inappropriate, wrong, in fact, illegal. But she had come to enjoy it, despite herself. She had become daddy's little angel-slut and the conflict this role caused her was etched on her features. I could only wonder what it must have been like for her to go through her days in school and with friends, maybe even boyfriends, knowing deep inside that she was nothing but pleasure-meat for her own father, an incestuous little slut. I'd watched the video many times, fascinated by the flowering of masochistic fervor in the child-woman so clearly depicted there. And though it hadn't been a hundred percent clear to me that her death would be an absolute necessity until I saw her at the airport, I knew from her emails and from that video, the only one of six she'd been able to hold on to and send to me, the others all having been erased by the father only days before his demise, I knew that I would be taking her well past all merciful limits. And now, as I fucked her small perfect hands, the same hands that had strummed music from the harp in the salon, gripped the greased dildo and clung to the harp frame as father had taken his pleasure in the salon all those years before, I allowed my most violent self to emerge. After a few moments I pulled away from her lovely hands, slid my meat down between her buttocks, gripped her by her hips and pushed myself forcefully into her tight unyielding rectum. As I sank deeper into her she groaned and moved her feet apart to spread herself for me, pushing her ass back against me to meet my raping thrusts. Then I asked the same question her father had asked her, the question every male needs to have answered when he is in control. And her answer, learned under my tutlelage over long weeks of communication over the internet, was far more extreme than what father Adams had required. "Tell me what you are," I asked her. "Uhnn - mmmh -" she replied in response to my stabbing cock in her tight butthole. "I'm - uhh - a w-worthless -mnnh - worthl-less piece of sh-shitt wh-whore -." And indeed she was. Daddy's little angel-whore had evolved (or was degenerated the more appropriate term?) into a sleazy masochistic wench whose body, heart and soul completely now belonged to me. She was nothing but human trash. Sweetly and unexpectedly she began to cry while I fucked her up the ass and I saw a single tear-drop move slowly across the black reflective surface of the car's trunk. Admission of sluthood usually brings tears - comprehension and acceptance is the most appealing part of a female's surrender to me and I moved one hand up to the back of her head and grabbed her hair to lever myself into her with more forcefulness. Bending over her I angled my head and took a mouthful of her slender arm and bit down hard, clamping my teeth into her skin until I tasted her blood. Her delightful screams rising up into the warm afternoon air would not be heard by anyone. "You're mine," I snarled, slamming into my sobbing slut with manly bravado, with unchecked and lustful vehemence. "All mine." After a while I slid out of her and her legs buckled. She sagged to her knees her face sliding down the rear of the car to end up on the bumper, her shoulders heaving as she sobbed, a trickle of shit running down between her thighs, two small beads of blood snailing down her shoulderblade. I stood over her enjoying my ownership and control over the redheaded female, slowly stroking my faeces-smeared shaft. "We're going inside now, slut," I told her. She half turned toward me, her pretty suffering eyes skewed upward, blinded by the hot sun that beat down on us. "I'm going to show you something before we - before we begin." She started to get to her feet. "No," I told her taking a hold of one of her smooth rounded shoulders. "You're gonna crawl, not walk. Crawl. Like a dog. But first - first you're going to lick my cock clean." There was a momentary hint of revulsion in her expression but then she stopped crying, wiped her hand over her lips, looked down at the ground and said: "Yes, sir - if that's what you wish." "Yeah. That's what I wish, cunt. Lick your filthy shit off my cock." After a moment she turned completely toward me, still on her knees, her cuffed hands at her right hip, fingers widely splayed and the verdant glow of her eyes was full of sky as she tilted her head back and began to lick, slowly, purposefully but most wonderfully of all - willingly. 3. I don't know if she was ready for what I had to show her but by that time I didn't care what she was ready for. She was gonna take whatever I had to give and that's all there was to it. After I uncuffed her wrists I looped the belt around her neck and used it as a leash to pull her, she crawling along behind me obediently exactly as I'd instructed her to, and we entered the Larkin mansion. We made our way through a wrought iron gate, a small patio garden and into an elegant foyer. By then I was wearing only my slacks. Once in the house I kicked off my expensive Italian shoes, stripped naked and tossed my pants and socks on one of the wooden benches in the foyer. I had also brought my shirt in and I tossed it over the rest of the scattered clothing carelessly. I wouldn't be needing my clothes for the next few days. Judy waited for me as I stripped, looking down at the ground, the belt wrung tight around her neck. The air conditioning in the house felt nice and cool on my super heated skin and my eyes were just beginning to get accustomed to the shadowy interior after the glaring sunlight outside. I seized the end of the belt again and now led my captive past the basement door. The stairway leading down was steep and she had some difficulty in managing the cold concrete steps as I tugged on the improvised leash but finally we found ourselves in the soundproof underground level of the Larkin house, a level which had been built and furnished to my specifications. It was basically just a large, state of the art, torture chamber and what I wanted to show Judy Adams was across the spacious window-less room on one of the wooden bondage posts. I led my crawling slave there, slipped the belt from her neck, and watched gloatingly as fear and horror suddenly overtook her facial features. "This - is Leslie," I told Judy. Leslie Grant was a seventeen year old cocktail waitress, a lanky but shapely little brunette I'd picked up downtown the night before. The little bitch had thought I was out for a romantic romp. Instead I'd chloroformed her, brought her to the Larkin mansion, ripped her clothes off and suspended by her cuffed ankles to flog the goddamn shit out of her. I'd then raped her several times, beating her savagely in the process, hung her on her toes by her neck and bullwhipped her well-tanned body to blood. Then, deciding to use her as my first lesson to Judy, I'd placed my pretty victim in most unusual and killingly painful bondage. On the post I'd clamped a fat barbed steel dildo about four feet off the ground so that it protruded horizontally. I'd then gotten dear Leslie up on her toes and tied her wrists up to the post, two feet or so above the dildo so that the shaft pushed into the middle of her cuving back. I'd made her wear sexy black arm- length gloves and her arms were hoisted up and back against the post. I'd gagged her with duct tape and her lovely brown eyes, still groggy from the chloroform sleep, followed me with tearful dread as I moved about. I'd then hauled Leslie's legs up off the ground, tied each ankle to each thigh, she first standing on one leg while I worked on her, then off both legs, so that her black high-heel shoes pressed up into her asscheeks, then I'd lifted her until she straddled the post and I'd forced her to impale herself back onto the steel dildo. I took several pictures of her with my digital camera. I would be able to sell them easily over the internet and I never declined to make a profit even on the quickest kills. Once I had the young suffering beaten bitch up there I took up a hammer and some twelve inch spike-nails. I cut the ropes away and secured her legs to the post with three spikes through each leg at the ankle, pounding into the screaming teenager's ankles with controlled fury. I'd then done the same with her long slender gloved arms, just above the wrist, timing the nailing so that it would come just before my trip to the airport to pick up Judy. Finally I drove two large metal tent spikes through her upper thighs and into the post on either side. Her tensely arched position was most esthetically pleasing but I didn't want the little pup on the post to die prematurely and to keep that from happening I had cauterized the nail wounds with a soldering iron and forced Leslie to swallow several doses of amphetamines. She needed to be wide awake and suffering for the four hours I would leave her alone in the basement of the Larkin house as well as for Judy's arrival. She looked quite beautiful in her agonized nailed suspension- impalement on the bondage post and I took a few more pictures before finally leaving for the airport. I was happy now to see that my little cocktail waitress was still very much awake and alive, that she had not suffocated even though breathing was painfully difficult in her suspension, and I rejoiced in her terrible pain and in the sad longing in her big brown eyes that pleaded silently with me, unintelligible grunts and gasps coming from her gagged mouth. The welts and bruises I'd put on her the night before had darkened beautifully, her asscheeks and tits striped darkly, mottled, torn and cut, blood from her cut nipples, nailed ankles and arms, from her torn and deep- gouged cunt, pouring slowly down the wooden post and pooling on the floor. Her pale face and haggard look betrayed the fact that she didn't have far to go. No. Not far to go at all. Taking a long serrated hunting knife I approached Leslie while Judy just knelt a couple of feet away, wide-eyed and silent. Leslie's vocalizations became frenzied and her eyes desperate as I drew near. I knew she was begging for her life but I couldn't understand a word of it and didn't give a shit anyway. "This female is a perfect stranger to me, Judy," I said softly, my cock arched and erect as I lifted the knife to Leslie's small tits. "I brought her here last night by force. I know nothing about her except that her body and her face excite me. She's a beautiful piece of trash - nothing more." I pushed the tip of the blade into the cocktail waitresses right breast and she began to make desperate high-pitched sounds in her gagged throat. "- A beautiful piece of female trash -" Slowly I began to cut around the small flesh orb as Leslie wailed. I had to shout over her to be heard. "I'm gonna kill her now, Judy. I'm going to kill this piece of trash so that you see exactly what you can expect from me in the end." Blood poured down the blade of my knife and on to my hand dripping to the floor between my feet. Some of it deliciously dripped on to my swollen cock-head. I was almost halfway around Leslie's right tit and the bitch was struggling in vain up there, impaled and helpless while I mutilated her. "I don't know if she's got a mom and a dad - or brothers or sisters - or a boyfriend -" I told Judy still slowly slicing away. "And the fact is I couldn't care less. In fact, just knowing I've taken her away from her family, from those who love her, actually makes it better - more exciting. I just fucking love it." Completing the first circular cut I cupped the severed boob in my hand then let it drop to the floor. I began on the second breast, Leslie's cries already weaker, her movements less energetic. "Unlike you, this cunt did not want to give herself to me. She's here unwillingly, without consent." I leaned closer to Leslie to look right into her eyes while I sliced around her other breast. " - Yes, you are, aren't you you little scumbag? You didn't think you'd end up like this, did you?" Still looking at her I spoke to my kneeling captive. "Unlike you, Judy, she and I never spoke on the internet or the phone - mmmm - but her blood pleases me and her pain pleases me just like yours will - and her death too because she needs to die - that's right - die - " Leslie's eyes and her arched brows told me that she would do anything, anything in the world, any indignity I chose but to please spare her life - just to please please please spare her life. By then I had sliced all the way around her other breast and the nippled meat slipped through my fingers and splattered the floor. I smiled at Leslie. In my peripheral vision I could see Judy looking on. She was biting her lower lip and her eyes were brimming with tears. I showed Leslie the bloody blade."Yes, bitch," I whispered softly in her ear. "You're gonna die." Then to Judy over my shoulder: "This is what pretty young cunts are for - isn't it? Regardless of how young you are, or wether you have a loving family that will never see you again, or a pimp that only wants your money, or just no one at all - Women - girls - females - you are all just slaughter meat, aren't you, Judy?" I heard a stifled sob and then: "Y-yes - yes, sir." "So then you have no problem with me killing this little pig right here and now, in front of you, do you?" Leslie's eyes went wide, stared back and forth at Judy then at me then back to Judy. " - uhmm - I -" "Kill the little bitch - say it, Judy." "Oh God - Tony - I -" "Just fucking say it." "I didn't know you would -" I turned to her then. "Its her or you, Judy. That's what it comes down to. Her or you. Tell me what I need to hear or the knife is going in your throat right now instead of hers." She looked up at me quivering, sobbed again then said: "K-kill the little bitch, sir." "Her name is Leslie Grant, Judy - say her name for me." "L-Leslie - Leslie Grant -" Leslie whined loudly and shook her head desperately. She was responding to the sound of her name which, the way Judy had expressed it, had a finality to it - an irreversible finality, like those names read aloud after some terrible tragedy for an audience of heartbroken mourners. I waited for the terror to abate in Leslie, waited for her head to hang abjectly once more, waited for the acceptance of the victim, the unwilling defeated acceptance. "Please kill Leslie Grant, master - that's what I want to hear from you, Judy - you got it?" "- oh dear God -" "Please kill Leslie Grant instead of me, master - say it." " - I - don't -" "SAY IT!" "P-please - please, master, kill - kill Leslie G-G-G - Leslie Grant - ins- instead of m-me." Through all of this Leslie had been unresponsive. Now I reached up and yanked the duct tape from the young bitch's mouth. Her pink cotton panties, which I'd stuffed in her mouth the night before tumbled out frothy with spittle and flecks of blood. "Nagh! Nagh! N-NNagghh!" she squawked with sudden fresh horror. I drove the knife through the side of her young face, right into the cheek, through her open babbling mouth and tongue, and out the other cheek on the opposite side of her face. Leaving the knife in her, she sputtering, spitting blood and jerking around weakly I went to a wooden cabinet that rested against the wall. Opening the cabinet door I reached in and took my Winchester double action shotgun, released the safety, cocked it and moved back to the face-knifed teen impaled on the post. "Watch this," I told Judy putting the muzzle of the shotgun at the center of Leslie's forehead between two strands of disheveled hair. Leslie's eyes crossed as she looked up at the barrel of the weapon. Her mouth hung open. " -wwagghhhh?" she groaned. "Are you watching?" I asked Judy. " - dear sweet God - yesss -" "This is what all you fuckin' bitches deserve." - and I pulled the trigger. The tortured titless young woman was blown upward toward the ceiling in the shattering blast which took her head right off her shoulders. The knife spun out of the blasted out face and clattered to the floor. Judy shrieked, cringed down and covered her head with her hands as she was caught in the spray of Leslie's brains, flesh and bone that spattered the floor, walls and ceiling of the torture chamber. Leslie's headless corpse twitched, spasmed and went still and the black smouldering stump where her head had been oozed dark belches of blood that speckled the floor. I felt my balls tighten up and grunted, almost cumming with the pleasure of the dramatic kill. I wanted to get up on a chair or something and hilt my cock in the mess that had once been a pretty girls' head but after a few seconds I breathed deeply, regained my control, put the gun back in the cabinet and walked to Judy who was crumpled on the floor, her face in her hands. Grabbing her by her lustrous blonde hair I yanked her head up and pulled her face to rub my cock on it and smear Leslie's blood on the lovely redhead's cheeks and forehead and chin. "Suck me," I ordered gruffly. Judy complied, still crying softly, her lips wrapping around my shaft, her head beginning to bob obediently on me, mouth stretched wide. "That was real nice," I said spreading my legs, fucking Judy's beautiful face, gripping her hair tightly. "Wasn't it, pig?" "Mm-hmm - gg -" "Yes, it was. But killing you is going to be a lot fucking nicer. And its gonna take a lot fucking longer - a LOT fucking longer. No quick mercy for you. Right?" "Mmm - unh-unh -" "No. None at all. You deserve the worst I can come up with - don't you, you stupid little doll-cunt? Ye-ahh - Your father knew what you were all about. He knew it real well - didn't he?" She nodded and grunted acceptance and slammed herself into my prick. "Yeahh - That's it - real nice, Judy - Get ready - I'm gonna cum in your throat - ahhh - yeahh - drink me - ready? Unhh! Uhh! - you ready?" She nodded desperately, looked up at me and I grabbed her by her ears to slam my prick deep in her throat as the orgasm exploded. "Uhhhh! AHHHH! Yeahhh! Here it is, you stinking pig! Uhhh! FFUCCKKK!" I shot spurt after spurt into her and some of it spilled from her lips as she choked and some of it leaked from her nose and her hands gripped my thighs then moved up to my asscheeks as she knelt there to please me and drink me. When I finished I stepped back and she sat on the floor, a stream of cum dripping from her chin, her hands cupping her soft swelling hard-nippled breasts. She wasn't crying for Leslie anymore. She was looking up at the carcass of the dead girl and the look on her pouting face was the same one I'd seen on the video when she'd pushed the dildo into herself. Her eyes then trailed back to mine. "Thank you -" she said weakly. One of her hands moved down to her crotch and her legs slid apart on the floor. "Thank you for showing me." I smiled, lifted my cock aimed it at her and began to piss on her beautiful face. She began to caress herself and never turned away. 4. After that succesful show-and-tell Judy helped me pry Leslie off the post lay the butchered girl out on the floor and begin to clean up the chamber. I gave Judy a bucket and a sponge and told her to get the blood and guts off the walls and floor. It was most pleasing and enjoyable to assign this smart and sophisticated rich girl a lowly cleaning maid's job. While Judy did that, apparently resigned to her chore, I chopped what was left of the cocktail waitress up into pieces with a sharp axe and put her in two big garbage bags. Finally, when we were finished, I speared Leslie's severed tits on the end of my killing knife and towing my crawling kill-slave by the belt noosed again around her neck, a big red ball-gag stuffed in her mouth, I went up into the kitchen of the Larkin house to flip the mutilated Lesley-meat on to a sizzling skillet with some onions, peppers and olive oil. The smell of fresh whorekill frying made my mouth water. While Judy knelt at my feet in the dining room table, ball gagged, still blood spattered and smelling of cum and piss, I ate the delectable breastmeat of the slaughtered girl, which had been deep fried dark brown, and drank down a carafe of expensive Italian wine. Once I was finished I yanked Judy up on her feet and took her upstairs to the master bedroom. I put a leather cuff-belt around her waist buckled it tight and clipped her wrist-cuffs to her hips. Leaving her ball-gagged I pushed her back on the soft bed and proceeded to fuck my kill-slave pitilessly for hours, the sides of my prick teased by the rings in her pussy lips. I cunt and ass-fucked her, bit her tits and yanked her nipples by the small rings driven through them. I tore the ball gag from her, lay on top of her and pumped my cock down her throat. I sat on her face and smeared my asshole on her lips. I used her in every way, in every position that I could think of. Then I took her into the bathroom, still awkwardly bound and made her lie down in the sunken tub. Straddling the sides of the tub I crouched over her wide- legged and, grunting like an animal, biting my lip with the exertion, I let out a long fetid fart and let loose shitting all over her pretty upturned face. Then I pissed on her again. The shit, digested female meat, smelled nasty and foul. The piss stank of wine. I made her crawl around in the tub and eat as much of my shit and lick up as much of my piss as she could take until finally she puked then I turned on the shower jets and bathed both of us in a hot cleansing spray. I'd had enough for the day. Right there in the bathroom I hung her by her neck from a hook in the ceiling. Hands now cuffed behind her, feet cuffed together at the ankles, I forced her to stand tip-toe on the cold tiled floor, a rope noose around her warm throat drawn tight, she dripping wet, her hair falling over her eyes and face in long strands. "I'm gonna get some rest," I told her. "Yes, master," she replied. "Don't fall asleep or you'll hang yourself, understand?" "Yes, sir." "Who do you belong to you stinking whore?" "I belong to you, master." "Good. In the morning your first day of agony will begin. Are you ready for it?" "Ggg - I - I hope so. I - above all - I w-want to please you." "Good answer, pig." I moved toward the door and shut off the light. I could hear her struggling to stay up on her toes in the darkness. "Remember. No sleep." "Ggh - ye-yes sir -" I smiled and closed the door behind me. If she did doze off or if she slipped off her feet she would die gasping for air in the dark. I hoped she wouldn't because it would cheat me of a week of vicious pleasures. But if it happened it happened. You win some you lose some. When I lay on the bed I could still smell her fuck smell on the sheets and I could hear her moving about, searching for balance, in the bathroom. Then after a short while I drifted off into peaceful dreamless darkness. 5. DAY ONE Judy ate the oatmeal from a dog bowl on the floor. I had dropped some high powered amphetamines into it, added an aphrodisiac stimulant and stirred some laxative into the mix. She ate at my feet while I had buttered toast and coffee, leaning on the counter and studying her. Bitch had no idea what she was in for. The rope she'd hung from in the bathroom had left a red weal around her neck but she had survived the night without choking to death. That was impressive. To reward myself for her achievement I'd made her execute a couple of difficult ballet steps in the bathroom that morning after untying her. She was unable to oblige me since her muscles were cramped so I slapped her face several times for her inability to perform adequately leaving her cheeks flushed scarlet. I'd also punched her belly and emptied my bladder in her open mouth while she leaned back over the toilet winded from the beating and trying to draw air. Now in the kitchen, after she finished with the oatmeal, I took a butt-plug from a drawer in the cabinet, made her bend over, hands on the floor, and shoved the bulbous plastic object up her ass, wedging it in tight. I knew she would have to shit soon and I didn't want her to be able to. I was feeling exceedingly cruel, spiteful and mean-spirited. I told her to go down into the torture chamber and I followed closely studying her beautifully shaped body as she crawled on all fours ahead of me in the shadowy stairway. I was gonna hurt this bitch and hurt her real bad. I was going to make her pay for being so beautiful and finish the job her father had started - in spades. Her first task of the day was to carry the plastic bags that contained the mutilated pieces of Leslie's butchered carcass out into the trash can in the yard beyond the cellar exit door. I watched her struggle with that and when she came back inside I had the camera ready for her to tape her first segment. "I want you to tell the camera what you are and why you are here." There was no hesitation. She stood in front of me and looked right at the lense. "I am a piece of female meat, master. And I'm here to die for your pleasure." By way of response I slapped her again, hard, and yanked her by her hair to the dangling chains in the center of the room. If she thought anything she could say would even minimally mitigate what was going to happen to her she was completely mistaken. She was gonna go the full nine yards for me now and that's all there was to it. I cuffed her wrists high and wide apart to suspension chains. She stood tippy-toe trembling waiting for me as I prepared the weapons I would use on her, taking them from the cabinet and laying them out neatly on a metal tray atop a shelved cart where she could see them. I'd acquired the cart from a hospital auction sale. It had been used in operating rooms to hold the surgeon's tools and I'd known it would work just as well as for my purposes. I began with the single-tail lash, a favorite opening gambit of mine with a woman as luscious as tender and as willing as Judy. Its sharp thin cut would break the young bitch in to the reality of pain at my hands - a reality that would only deepen and intensify limitlessly over the next hours and days. The cut of the single- tail I knew would test her willingness to submit to me to its absolute limit. This first whip was about four and a half feet long, black braided leather, with a cruel knotted tip and an ergonomic fitted-for-the-hand pinewood handle. I took up a position some three feet from my delectable female target. She looked up at me and I stared into her eyes coldly until finally she hung her head submissively. Maybe in the social circles she'd inhabited her proud face inspired respect or at least politeness. Here she knew she was nothing but whip- fodder, a fuck-doll for whom no respect of any kind would be shown. Here in my chamber she knew, and acknowledged so by dropping her eyes to the ground, that she was not even fit to be called a member of the human race. Here she was a cunt- animal. "Turn around," I told her roughly. She obeyed promptly, responding to the brutality in my voice, offering me her curving back and the plump swell of her rump. Judy was a voluptous young piece of whore flesh with firm but fleshy thighs and calves, with an ass that was just begging for the smack of the lash. She was built for torture. As I raised my whip I remembered how nice it had been to fuck that plump ass with those firm legs around my hips as I'd given her my full weight on the creaking bed the night before. Judy didn't know how fortunate she was to have been rewarded by my attentions. Most women that I brought here never entered my bedroom, most only served me with their pain, their anguish and their extinction. She tried to look back over her upstretched arm. "I don't want to see your face, pig," I told her, and as she hung her head I swung the single tail hard right across the middle of her back. "Owwhhh!" she cried jerking in response to the sharp cut. "I want you to count for me," I told her. "Count em and thank me each time - you got it?" "Ye-yes, sir - count - count -" " - and thank me. Thank your Master for your pain. Loud and clear, pig, for the camera." I swung across her shoulderblades and the whip whistled sharply and smacked into her. "Owww!! One - th-thank you, sir." Again across her shoulderblades - Swwwifffff! "Ahhwwhh! - T-Two - thank you, sir." And again - Sllassshhhh! "Ohhggg! - Threeeee - thank - thank y-you, sir." I took a moment watching the blush of the welts slowly appear on her soft white flesh disrupting its purity. The first marking of a female victim was exceedingly pleasurable for me and my cock was already fully erect. Observing her body react to the whip-pain and its aftermath was equally as pleasurable as inflicting the blows. Her breath had quickened and her thighs were pressing together and I knew that the laxative was probably already starting to work in her bowels. Again I began the slow-placed lashing, giving her twelve cuts from her shoulders down to her waist, increasing the sharpness of each cut with each ascending number so that as she counted her voice climbed and quavered. As the whip moved over the small of her back the sharp smacking report boomed on her strong body and her arms yanked downward chafing her wrists on the cuffs above her head. I made the knotted tip swing around her slim waist and nip at the sides of her belly. I stopped to observe the gradual progress of this first beating and was rewarded by the sight of her trapped contorted movements and her breathless sobbing as she hung there for me, shifting her weight from one leg to the other. She again tried to look back at me over her shoulder and I could see the desperation in her features. " - pleease -" "I told you I don't want to see your fuckin' face." To emphasize my point I slashed the whip across her waist, wrapping it around her and yanking it back. "Oowwww! S-six-sixteen - th-th-thank you, m-master." She turned away, eyes shut tightly, sweat breaking out all over her then spoke in a weak girlish voice: " - I have to g-go - uhhh - to the toi-toilet -" So politely stated, I thought. She probably had to shit her brains out after the considerable amount of laxative I'd forced her to ingest. "Well that's just too fuckin' bad, isn't it? Just keep counting. I'm nowhere near being done with you. Don't mess up the count and don't forget to thank me each fucking time - or we'll just start back at the beginning. You got it?" "Uhh - yessir - yessir -" I drew back and began my next volley of whipstrokes giving her nine more on her back before swinging the hissing leather sharply across her chunky ass. I hit her hard there, making her scream out each number and each almost unitelligible thank you, sir', watching her lift her legs high, one at a time, watching her leap up on her toes or jerk frantically from side to side. I knew that she probably needed to defecate real badly now and that her innards were probably twisting and contracting violently. Cruelly I slowed down the pace of the whipping, making her wait almost a full minute between cuts, sometimes longer, slicing into her luscious assmeat with full measured swats that sent the knotted tip flailing around her belly and the undersides of her big tits, drawing hoarse screams from her and relishing her undulating dance of fiery torment between each blow. She grunted and gritted her teeth and shook her head as the heat of the welts consumed her and the churning in her guts built to an intolerable crescendo. Sometime after the thirty fifth stroke I paused again and approached my suffering sweat-soaked victim. Her assglobes were beautifully streaked with red stripes, more numerous and darker than those that ran haphazardly across her back. I caressed the hotly moist and beaten flesh with the back of my fingers, the whip still dangling from my grip and I ran the palm of my free hand up and down her whipped shoulder-blades enjoying the results of my labor. She continued to writhe and groan, sweating profusely now, tears and snot dripping from her face, her red hair in messy disarray, her hands opening and closing above her head, she still shifting her weight from side to side off each arched foot, lifting each leg alternately. " - pleeease - p-pleease!" she moaned. I went around to stand in front of her. At six-five I towered over her and she had to look up at me. "Please what, bitch? If you need to shit," I told her. " -You're going to have to blow the butt plug out - that's all there is to it." "B-but - I - I - c-can't -" she whined. "Too bad then," I replied. "I guess you'll just bust a gut then." " - pleease -" she moaned. "I don't want to hear it. Open your mouth for me." She stamped her foot like a child that's been reprimanded but after a moment she obeyed. "Hold the whip and don't drop it. Understand?" She nodded and bit down as I put the single-tail's hard handle between her teeth, the braided tongue hanging down over her belly. I went back to the metal tray and took the three foot long wooden dowel. It was time to start working on those beautiful shapely legs. This dowel was about half an inch thick, I would use a heavier gauge on her later on. Going down on one knee behind her and to her right I reached out to grab her hip to hold her steady and also to balance myself as I began to slash viciously at the backs of her meaty thighs, right at the top, just below the whipped buttocks. I thoroughly enjoyed the sound wood made on womanskin, especially on plumply firm thighflesh like Judy's, the sharp whapp, the bluntness of it, the violence and I hit my willing captive hard, wilfully, sternly, striping her smooth silky thigh-meat with dark bruise-lines. She made whining gasping noises and bit hard into the wooden handle in her mouth as my rod castigated her long slender legmeat from her ass to her ankles. I hit the sides of her young legs as well and placed sharp stinging cuts across her kneehollows making her kick her feet up and shriek dementedly. I moved to the opposite side of her and attacked from that vantage point, never letting up, in fact increasing the strenghth of my attack on the defenseless bitch. Smacking her calves hard I vent my hatred of female on her, drew it up from the deepest reservoir. This pig needed the most savage treatment I could devise and I was gonna give it to her. I had seen videos of young women being caned on the internet.They were bullshit. This was caning. If you were going to hit a woman then you had to hit her with all you had and not pussyfoot around the situation, excuse the goddamn pun. Punishment is punishment. If some little cunt is willing to go in front of a camera and be beaten then she should be given the full measure of the treatment and not a watered down, visually pleasing imitation. My videos showed this shit the way it should be. I never held back and as a result my clientele was a small select group of extremists. We enjoyed a real take- down with real bruises and real blood and real tears. As I caned Judy's pretty legs I could see the devastating effect the laxative was wreaking on her. She was trying with all her might to blow the plug out. Tiny brown rivulets were leaking out around the edges of the plastic. I whipped her harder striking at the tops of her feet and her shins. Obediently she held the whip handle in her mouth though above her head her wrists were chafed bright red from her struggle. "Come on, bitch," I urged. "You can do it." I emphasized each phrase with a smack of the cane on her legs, on her knees, on her thighs, indiscriminately. "Blow that plug out." "Ughhh!" "Come on, whore!" "Uygh! Ugh! Uhh!" "YEahhh come on. Do it you stinking pig. DO IT!" Now I stood up and slashed the wooden cane across her ass and her hips and her belly. "Blow the fuckin' plug out!" "Ghagg! Agh! NNyhhh!" "Filthy stinking whorepig -" "Ynhhg!" "COME ON!" Suddenly she lifted both legs off the ground, hung by her cuffed wrists. I heard one arm snap loudly and she gave out a short cry and the whiphandle dropped from her lips then the butt-plug exploded from her asshole as her thighs pulled up almost to her chest. Jets of stinking brown gop flew from her ass in hot bursts and I never stopped beating her, slashing away at her with the wooden rod until the flow of shit died down to a trickle. Then, cursing her, I picked up the single tail and began to flog away at her again savagely. "Turn around and face me!" I shouted at her. Her feet slipped on the crap-smeared floor as she leaped to obey me. I raised the whip high and began to flog her big nipple-ringed tits and her belly while she screamed and reared her head back. Then after a while her body began to dance in time with the sharp cutting strokes and she rose on her toes, head hanging weakly, to lean forward into the whipping. The aphrodisiac stimulant had kicked in. "Yes - yes - yess -" she moaned weakly. " - beat me - owhh-ahhh - beat me - beat me -" "Filthy bitch," I snarled slashing at her trembling body. I could see the telltale signs of an oncoming orgasm. "Don't you dare cum without permission, pig," I warned her. "You hear me?" She nodded, looking at me through a haze of tears, trying to hold back the tidal cadencing need in her body, thighs tightly clenched. "Don't you fuckin' do it until I allow you to." I whipped her harder and harder, here and there drawing blood, making her twist and lunge but she kept facing me and the swirling demonic fire of the single tail. She did not turn away. "Spread your fucking legs!" I shouted and began to slash at her labia-ringed cunt with the wicked tip of the lash. "Ahhh Goddd Tonieeeee!" she wailed. "You wanna cum, pig?" I asked her sending the slicing tip of the single tail up off the floor and up between her wide spread thighs. "Huh? You wanna cum?" "Yesss masterrr yesss!!" "Beg me, bitch. Beg for it." "Pleeeease - let me cummmm - awhgg! Oww! - pleease!?" "Please what, pig? Please what?" "Pleeease, sirr - please let this - ughh! - piece-piece of sh-shit whore - owhh! - CUMMM!" I just stared into her pleading face and continued to flog at her cunt until it was red-streaked and swollen, until she was sobbing desperately then I just stopped whipping her and stood there jerking off slowly, watching her. " - pleeease - pleeease -" she continued to sob looking down, then looking up, down and back up. I knew she needed more of the fiery kiss of the lash which I was denying her. "No," I told her and her eyes widened with the dreaded realization that she would not be allowed to orgasm. I went to her and reached up to release her from the overhead chain. She slid to her knees sobbing, her face in her hands. "Still want to cum?" I asked standing over her. "Yes, please, master, yessss!" she cried looking up at me hopefully. "Then you need to lick that floor clean for me. And I mean clean." " - but, master -" "Lick the shit up off the floor, dirtbag - now!" Again she responded viscerally to the demand in my voice and bent down pressing her face to the floor to lap up the messy clumps of excrement and fluid noisily. She kept looking up expectantly, as if waiting for me to declare her task over, but I just looked on inexpressively until most of the faeces was gone. Then I yanked her up on her feet by her hair and dragged her across the room to the wooden stocks. I had constructed my stocks using pictures of old medieval models as guide. It was one of my favorite devices. When Judy realized she would not be allowed to orgasm anytime soon she began to cry and whimper weakly. I ignored her pleas and ordered her to place her wrists and head on the lower edge of the stocks. As I closed the brought the upper part of the stocks down and locked her into place she began to sob and gasp and choke. I finished by cuffing her ankles wide apart to the base of the device. I had placed the stocks in front of large wall-to-wall mirror so that I could view my victim's faces while I tortured them. This was essential since I would be behind them and the much desired view of their expressions would be otherwise denied my by the large interlocking wooden blocks. Now, as I took up my next weapon, a seven foot long bullwhip, I could see that Judy was puking up bits of shit and bile as she struggled helplessly, bent forward, up on her toes, legs spread wide inside the stocks. I turned the videocam toward Judy looking through the viewfinder to make sure the image was well captured for posterity and without any prelude I drew the long thick white bullwhip back and swept it harshly across her already viciously welted asscheeks. Bullwhipping a female in that bent over position was most pleasing to me and I always took to it with a vengeance. There was just something about the sound of the bullwhip as it swooped through the air, crashed across helpless female meat and fell to the ground to slither back, dragging on the floor before I raised it, swung it up off the ground and brought it swooping and slashing on her again. Each time I did it I could tell that my victim bitches could hear it coming and just like Judy did now they would sob and plead and fight the unyielding stocks making the device clatter noisily as they kicked and surged against the heavy wood before like a thunderbolt of heat the bullwhip came tearing down on them. The bullwhip carried the lesson that the single tail whip had started to its most fulfilling conclusion. I could see it clearly on her face reflected in the mirror on the wall. It now taught Julie that while she still lived and breathed pain and suffering would be continuous, unstoppable and nearly unbearable. I slashed mercilessly at her back, at her ass, at her legs leaving dark mottled purple bruise welts and bits of broken skin then tossing the bullwhip aside I stepped up to my bent over victim, shoved my cock deep in her asshole and fucked her brutally, angrily and decisively watching the way her face responded to the invasive rape in the mirror. Sliding out of her asshole I went around the stocks to feed her my cock and she took it sobbing, crying, begging for more punishment while I smeared shit streaks all over her pretty green-eyed face. Still denying her the conclusion she needed I opened the top slab of the stocks and raised her up to dangle by her wrists almost off her feet, leaving her ankle-bound to the wooden device. I took four small metal snap-hooks and clipped one through each of her nipple rings and one through each of her pussy-lip rings. Then I hung heavy lead pendants from each hook, each weighing nearly two pounds, stretching her sensitive skin downward. She rolled her head back and endured. Now I chose my third weapon for the day, a five foot long fiberglass rod. I caressed her flanks, from her thigh to her armpit, running the tip of my rod gently over the welted sweat-glossed flesh just to let her know how hard this next weapon was going to be, how unyielding. Playfully, I set the dangling pendants swinging with the rod making her cry out as the hooked rings tugged on her stretched nipples and cuntlips. And then, purposefully and single-mindedly I began a vicious slashing attack across her torso. The dry thwack of the rod was followed each time by Judy's frenzied sensual squeal of pain. I tore away at her making the rod whistle shrilly and thinly before it struck girlmeat. I jerked off while I beat her dizzy with lust, my balls hot and swollen, swinging heavily between my thighs. Then I attacked her asscheeks with incresing violence, cutting into her, drawing blood now with almost every hit. "Bleed for me, slut!" I shouted at her and beat her brutally, heartlessly, ceaselessly. "YEsss! OWWwww! AGGhhhhh! Kill me! KILL MEEEE!" After nearly fifty strokes I stopped, went to the tray and picked up a small fishing hook. "Open your fuckin' mouth," I snarled. I put the hook through her tongue and hung another lead pendant from it then I picked up the bullwhip again and laid into my hapless babbling slut prisioner beating her almost senseless for nearly an hour. The bullwhip clattered and dragged across the floor more rapidly each time, snarling around table legs, whooshing explosively up into the air, cracking like dry lightning on Judy's shuddering frame. She danced feverishly under the savage beating, twisting energetically, making the chain rattle above her and the stocks clatter below as her body surged in vain against the bondage. The whip was fucking her and she was letting it happen, letting herself be taken to a higher plateau of masochistic pleasure, she was surrendering to it and it was so achingly beautiful to watch that I had to stop. I was starting to lose control. So I tossed the bullwhip down and stood there looking at her. Unable to resist a sudden demonic urge inside me I leaned forward and took a bite of her left breast, above the hooked nipple, sinking my teeth deep into her whipped meat, making her scream shrilly with new and unexpected agony. After that I left her hanging there nearly unconscious and went upstairs. I had to get away for a bit or I would kill her and I didn't want to do that just yet. I wanted her to last. I got a beer from the refrigerator and sat in the patio with it cooling off. Then I went back downstairs. She made quite a sight suspended over the stocks, blood dripping down her body, cunt, nipples and tongue pierced, a deep half-moon crescent on her tit where I'd bitten her. When she looked down at me her eyes were blazing eagerly. I reached out and slowly removed the hooks from her cuntlips and nipples and she trembled with the new pain of their removal. I reached up and drew the hook from her tongue. I released her ankles from the stocks and let her down to the floor. She slid down to sit there and I turned and offered her my back bending forward slightly. "Lick my asshole," I told her. "Ream me out." She dragged herself closer and pushed her face up between my buttocks moaning softly. I pushed myself back into her and felt her tongue lapping at my anus and at the base of my balls. "That's it -" I urged hoarsely. "Real nice, Judy - real nice -" Her hands went up to my hips and she clung to me. I bent down further to watch her face going up between my legs and I saw trickles of blood rolling down her neck from the hook wound on her tongue. Reaching back around me I grabbed her hair and pushed myself down on her smearing her mouth and nose with my asshole while she whimpered. I made her lick my balls and then I made her lie on the floor between my legs and emptied my bladder on her, pissing in her open bleeding mouth. My piss stank of beer. She gurgled and gasped trying to drink it. It puddled around her face on the floor and stuck to her hair. "You're nothing but a stinking piss drinking cunt," I asked, glaring down on her shaking my cock clean on her. "I guess your dad wasted his money on all those expensive boarding schools - on all those music and dance lessons - didn't he?" "Yes - yess - mmm - I'm a piece of shit - w-worthless - worthless piece of shit." Judy was learning. Maybe her other schooling had been pointless but I knew that under my tutelage she would soon be ready to graduate from my intense post- graduate curriculum for slaughter-sluts - summa cum laude. "Follow me," I ordered. "Crawl." I led her to the other end of the chamber and she dragged herself behind me to a filthy mattress on the floor. "Get on it and spread your legs, bitch," I ordered. I went down on my knees between her legs on the mattress and reached down to push my fingers into her pussy. She was soaking wet and her cunt smelled like it had the day before, like when I first picked her up at the airport. She was hot for me - eager and ready. "Hold your legs up in the air for me," I told her. "Way up." She did so moaning with anticipation, thinking I was going to put my cock in her and fuck her. Instead I made my right hand into a fist and pressed it down between her slimy hook-pierced pussy-lips. "Fuck it, pig. Fuck my fist." "Awwgg - yess, m-master -" Slowly I crammed my fisted hand into her pushing past the tight vaginal muscle and into the slimy inner warmth of her cuntal passage. Submissively she pulled her welted thighs back, spread herself wider, oozed pussy juice, pointed her arched feet at the ceiling and pressed her head backward against the mattress, eyes tightly shut, head moving from side to side as I began to grind in and out of her, up to my wrist in her at first then half of my forearm, wet with her, hot with her, sticky with her. "Maybe I should just reach up there and tear your fuckin' guts out, bitch," I snarled meanly. She moved desperately against me, clutched my fist in her cuntal sheath. "Ahhgg - yeaahhh - if th-that's what y-you w-want - ughh - if its wha-what you my guts out, them out of me..." She gave out a sharp cry as I yanked my fist out of her and began pushing my fingers into the pink-brown bud of her anus. Her fingers gripped the back of her whipped thighs tighter, going white. "Ahh yeah!" she grunted. "- yeah - yeahh - yeahh -" "Stinkin' filthbag -" She rocked her hips backward, spread herself as wide as possible, yielded beautifully to the attack, her legs quivering as I began to shove my fist up to the knuckles in her asshole, thrusting angrily, forcing the tiny hole to open to its widest limit and beyond, the crinkled shit-smeared skin tearing and starting to ooze blood, squirts of hot piss trickling from her abused cunt. "Yugghh! rrghhhh!" she groaned, biting her lower lip, shining-soaked with hot dripping sweat. "Tell me what a worthless stinking pig you are," I growled hoarsely, jerking off with my other hand as I watched her, my fist now pushing past the muscle-ring of the anus and into her lower intestinal track, up to my wrist as she wheezed and moaned wide-mouthed, opening her lovely eyes to look up at me. "Aww yessss masterrr...I'm a stinking lowlife piece of garbage...a pigg...ahh yeahhh...a filthy worthless stinking pigg...uuhhh! b-breakk meee - ohhh mmmmgggg br-breakk meee..." I pulled my fist back out of her, almost all the way out, to the widest stretch of her anus, the widest circumference around my shit-smeared fisted hand and then I thrust back into her savagely. She gasped, flush-faced, glazed-eyed winded as I filled her, shit and urine trickling from her holes and into the mattress adding to the topography of stains in the white and black striped fabric. I went on fist fucking her for a while, until I needed to stuff my long aching prick in her where my fist had been, in her cunt and in her ass, she still holding her legs back, spread wide sobbing, her lips trembling as I pumped her, arched over her, my hands gripping the mattress on either side of her head, my body on automatic pilot as I slammed and thrust into the whipped, abused body of my slaughter whore. My supply of energy seemed endless, as always when the situation reached this limit. I plowed into her for almost two hours, into her asshole and cunthole, into her mouth. I rubbed my balls on her face, sitting on her and stifling her breath. I put her on her knees and ram-fucked her from behind while I slashed at her back with the wooden dowel placing fresh red stripes over the welts already on her. I slid back out of her and yanked her up on her feet, hung by the wrists on the end of a rope that dangled from a ceiling beam, and began gut-punching her, pounding and pounding into my suspended screaming bitch until she pissed blood and nearly passed out, shit and urine drooling down her hanging legs, feet off the floor. Spinning her around I kidney punched her a few times, then slammed my fists into her asscheeks and the backs of her thighs. She swung back and forth on the rope and took the beating crying weakly. I knew I would have to leave her for the night before the need to kill her overwhelmed me but I wanted the day to end on a high note so I cuffed her ankles on a spreader bar, raised her legs up over her head so that her cunt and asshole were openly exposed then I picked up the fiberglass rod and gave her twenty merciless slashing swats on her stinking fuck-slit. I made her count and she screamed her pretty aristocratic head off with each number. Then I took a leather harness designed to be buckled around a female slave's abdomen., One strap went around the waist and a second strap went down between her thighs. On this strap a thick barbed steel dildo was attached. After buckling the first strap around her middle as tightly as possible, crushing her guts and diaphragm, making it almost impossible for her to breathe, I buckled the other strap pushing the dildo deep into her abused bloody cunt until she wailed in misery, hung and penetrated, beaten and raped. I turned and left her for the night, turning out the lights in the torture chamber, leaving her to suffer, humiliated, defeated, in darkness and silence, alone and abandoned. I honestly don't know how I'm able to stop myself at such times when the need to kill pounds like a jackhammer inside of me - where do I find the self-control to hold back? With time and practice I've gotten better at it but Judy Adams had taken me to a nearly intolerable limit. After I returned to my bedroom upstairs it took me nearly an hour to calm down and go to sleep - and, though in my dreams the tortures continued, I knew that with this pretty rich girl my dreams would never match the intensity of reality. No way, no how. I knew that Judy Adams was aboard for a long slow journey to the absolute limits of human endurance. 6. DAY TWO She ate the oatmeal at my feet and we got right to down to business. She was a fuckin' mess, covered with cuts and bruises, her cunt and nipples and asshole swollen candied-apple red - her eyes bloodshot. But no quarter would be shown and no mercy given. I started right in by hoisting her arms up behind her by wrists and elbows and making her straddle a bladed sawhorse. For a while she was able to stand on her toes and avoid the sharp steel mounted on the wood beam but after I started flogging her ass with the lead-tipped flogger she began to sag down on to the cutting metal, counting each whip-stroke and screeching wildly as she sank down on to the bladed sawhorse. When the aphrodisiac and the laxatives started kicking in she shit herself and fucked the blade while she eagerly, wantonly, sluttishly sucked my cock and licked my balls, the flogger still dangling from my hand, my balls already churning and swollen. I swatted fiercely at her thighs and legs on either side of the sawhorse making her jump and squirm impaling herself even more painfully and abusively on the shit-smeared blade which cut her swollen mons to blood in no time while I held her by her red mane of hair on my prick, her lips sliding back and forth all along its resilient hardness. After that I thought it was important to pay more attention to her luscious nipple-ringed boobs so I pulled the bloodied sawhorse out from under her making sure that it took one last slice out of her as I slid it away. I dropped her to her knees in front of me, on a board festooned with tiny framing nails, she still hanging by her back-bound arms and wrists, feet bound tightly up against her buttocks. The nails gouged her kneecaps and I propped up her tits on a small table on top of a two-by- four. I pounded three two inch nails right through each gold-ringed nipple with a heavy hammer securing her bleeding tits to the two-by-four. She screamed, her throat raw as she begged for respite, for relief. There would be none. I took the thin bamboo cane and standing over her as she knelt there, jugs nailed to the wood and bleeding, her knees gouged on the piercing board, and I began to cane her tits viciously, drawing wild shrieks of pain from her as dark purple swollen welt-lines and bruises appeared on the tender pap meat. I salivated, licked my lips hungrily at the sight of her agonized face and laid into her with hard slow-paced slashes until scores of ugly bruise-weals were popping up all over her nailed down jugmeat. Taking a breather from the tit-slashing I picked up a big metal o-ring with tiny spikes all along the outer rim. "Open your mouth," I told her bluntly. "Wide as you can." I lodged the o-ring gag in between and behind her top and bottom teeth forcing her jaw unnaturally open leaning over her to slide my cock all the way down her sobbing throat. "Suck me, you animal cunt - pig-bitch - c'mon take it and choke on it - yeahhh - that's it - perfect -" She looked up at me lost, tiny drops of blood dripping down her chin from her fucked, ring-gag pierced mouth, as I slid slowly out of her and picked up the bamboo cane again. "Yep," I told her reading her preoccupied look. "You fuckin' guessed it. Not done with those filthy tits yet." And I resumed the methodically brutal slashing of her wounded breastmeat. Sometime that afternoon I hauled her up off the ground by her ankles and left her suspended upside down in the torture chamber, half conscious, her tits a bloody maw. The drawn-out torture of a victim taxed my planning and self-control to the limit. I decided to go for a drive to cool down before I allowed the image of me in the chamber, shotgun in hand and aimed at Judy's tormented body, to become real. Still, two hours away from the house was all I could manage and I was eager to get back to work. When I returned I was in an even meaner mood. Judy hung by her ankles in a daze, face flushed, eyes half closed. Still ring- gagged she was making small child-like noises in her throat. I wrapped a strand of choke-rope around her neck and while I yanked on it, strangling her, moving her from side to side, back and forth as I paced around her, her arms still tightly bound behind her, I whipped her viciously once more with the lead-tipped lash. Her hands clasped and unclasped behind her. I shouted fierce insults at her with each swing of the flogger. The sounds she made now were not weak or child-like. These were the sounds of an adult human female in severe agony. My snarled jeers, the slash of my whip and Judy's full-titted cries were like a primitive call and response and I can tell you I showed her no compassion whatsoever. I was sending the lead-tipped flogger against her as hard as I could - and it was taking a toll on her. Pulling her toward me then pushing her away I cut away at her with the whistling multi-tongued lash. I cut at her striped legs and at her hips and at her belly. I untied her arms and re-tied them to chains on pillars framing her dangling body, she spread-eagled, upside down, her long red hair tumbling to the ground, tiny spatters of blood spraying off her with each thud of the lead-tipped whip as I flogged my helpless redhead captive for all she was worth. The day cadenced toward a climax as I bound Judy straddling a spiked dildo on a wooden chair. Again I had driven a metal hook through her tongue, piercing it through a new wound-hole. Her wrists were bound to her neck, elbows bent back. Her ankles were bound to the sides of the chair and I'd driven thumbtacks into the soles of her feet. The hook in her tongue was connected by a thin strand of wire to a similar hook pierced through both her cuntlips. Both hooks were wired to terminals on a voltage regulator. For nearly three hours I gave Judy Adams increasingly higher blasts of electrical power making her dance, shake and shimmy on the wooden chair and squeal most energetically. Later, I heated some pins over a charcoal grill and stuck them in her whipped bloody nipples - I'd torn her nipple rings out of her by then and her tit- caps looked like shit. I took a riding crop and whipped her pretty face with it. I choke-fucked her, gripping her by her nose and stuffing my cock in her throat to empty my cum there and then my bladder, my urine exploding from her released nostrils in a yellow mist. Still, one cum was not enough. Not on day two of this slaughter marathon. I cut Judy loose from the chair and dragged her to a corner of the torture chamber she had not yet visited - there I pushed her down on to a bed of three inch nails lifted her legs on to my shoulders and fucked her brutally standing beside the spiked bed to pump her and bounce her on the spiky surface. I yanked the thumbtacks from the soles of her feet and sucked the blood from the tiny wound-holes. Sometime during that she finally passed out. I emptied myself in her unconscious body then bound her to the bed of nails, stretched tautly, spread-eagled by wrists and ankles Then I retired upstairs to rest for the night. 6. DAY THREE It was still dawn when I came down the stairs. I knew that by then she would be awake again and that the padding of my bare feet on the concrete would alert her of my return. I knew that even through her haze of agony lying on the nail tips she would be glad that the long empty night of suffering was coming to an end even if what lay ahead for her was most certainly worse. She stared up at me expressionlessly, emerald eyes burned out, hollowed, vacant. I offered her the back of my hand. She kissed it lovingly, her bound arms bound up above her head on either side tugging against the unyielding wrist cuffs, her beaten legs pulling on the ankle cuffs, making the chains scrape against the nails. It was hard to believe that this was the same beautiful woman that had once sent me her picture over the internet. Her pretty red hair was a tangle of twisted strands smeared and filthy. During the night she had pissed and shit herself and she smelled like a caged animal. Her urine had puddled on the floor underneath the bed of nails. Oddly, when things have progressed to this stage I enjoyed the stink of a female victim. Some deep-buried instinct in me responded, some primal awareness. By now I knew she would not be able to keep down the gruel eaten from the dog-bowl on the floor as she'd done the last two days. She was extremely traumatized and weak; she looked wasted and I figured intravenous was the only way to go so I hooked up an I.V. bag to an overhead hook, pierced the syringe deep into the vein in her bound arm while she lay there and pushed the long clear plastic tube that dangled from the I.V. bag into the syringe cylinder. While I went about setting up for her continuing torture, the mix of nutrients and amphetamines flowed slowly into her, gradually reviving her. Her eyes followed me warily as I moved about the room gathering the instruments I would use on this third climactic day. I was in the mood for a long slow killing fuck so when the clear plastic IV bag had emptied all its contents into Judy's vein, I yanked out the syringe, unbuckled the straps on her wrists and ankles and helped her up off the nails. She could barely stand up. Her feet were pockmarked with tack wounds and swollen. Her legs and thighs were savagely striped, bruised, and cut. Her back was also blotched purple-black , whip-striped and pockmarked from the nails which had also cut the skin here and there when she'd shifted her weight on them during the long night. Only a blood and guts sadist like me would find a bitch reduced to this extreme inhuman state attractive. For me the fact that Judy had once been a flawless perfect beauty made her present tragic state all the more appealing and seductive. Wordlessly I led her to the wood torture slab. She moved slowly and awkwardly, leaning against me. There would be no question of her doing any ballet steps this morning. Her dancing days were over. She lifted her arms up high submissively for me to cuff them to the manacles bolted on the slab. I then lifted each leg up, one at a time, and roped it by the ankle to the wrist manacle so that when I was finished she hung on the slab, her toes pointed at the ceiling, her thighs spread wide, ankles tightly cord-bound, shoulderblades pressed flat against the hard wood. She watched me, lips swollen, eyes glowing with dull desire as I stroked myself to full hardness in front of her. This act of masturbating myself in front of a savagely used, helpless and intensely masochistic female was always incredibly arousing to me and I did it slowly, cupping my balls and pumping my shaft in my fist until the red bulbous crown glowed wetly, foreskin peeled back. Shivers of pleasure ran up and down my sinewy thighs. Though calm and perhaps somewhat less energized than on the previous days I was still nevertheless in a deeply destructive mood. "Want me, pig?" I asked hoarsely. She nodded weakly. "Yes - master -" "Tell me again what you are and who you belong to." Her eyes fluttered and she licked her dry lips. "I am - what my father made me, sir - a worthless stinking fuck whore - and - and - I am what - mmm - what you've made me - a stinking piece of fuckmeat - for you - all for you - I belong to my Lord and Master - to my one and only God - " Her words sent flares of heat up my shaft and through my balls and as I slow stroked myself I could feel my cock swell and toughen hotly. The pace of my strokes increased gradually to a quick up and down jerk. Judy smiled wantonly and drooled - whispered huskily: "I belong to you - I'm your slut - your meat - your cunt - your whore - use me, master - use me all up - I'm ready - I've waited all night for you, hurting - mmm - hurting on the nails - they pushed into me deep - ahhh - bled me - and all I thought about was your whips slashing into me yesterday - all I thought about was you - master - you - fucking me - beating me - hurting me - always harder - always more cruelly -" "Did you cum on the nails, pig?" She hung her head. "Yes, master - I came last night for you - again and again - wanting you -" "I told you not to cum without my permission and you chose to ignore my command?" When she raised her head again her green eyes were glittery with tears. "You see what a piece of shit I am, master - I can't even obey you properly - I'm useless - I'm a dirty cock-teasing tramp - that's all I've even been -" I continued to stroke myself, licking my lips. "I'm gonna punish that stinking cunthole of yours, bitch. Punish it brutally on general principle, because its what I fuckin' feel like doing this morning but also and mainly for your lack of obedience." "Yes sir - please yourself with me - make me hurt - make me hurt bad -" I picked up the barbed steel dildo from the table of torture instruments. "This bad, pig?" I showed her the weapon. It was covered with lethal barbs all along the length of the shaft and at the tip three inch long spikes bristled. She stared wide-eyed at the dildo and a ripple moved up her whip striped thighs. "Oh Godd -" she sighed softly. I had been planning to use it on her all along whether she had confessed her disobedience or not. Now I was going to use it far more barbarically. The dildo's shaft was hollow with a soft plastic sheath and a leather mount with straps. I pushed my hard cock into it slowly and buckled the monster around my waist. It was easily two inches longer than my prick and it rose from my crotch like a knight's jousting lance. I walked up to Judy slowly bringing the speared tip dildo right up between her gold-ringed pussy lips. "Oh Godd -" she repeated looking up into my eyes. Gently I took the rings, one in each hand, and peeled her moist labia open - way open - until the pink-red meat of her cunt gleamed before the metal cock-spear - the dark small entrance of her vagina waiting like a small child's mouth. "Say your prayers, pig," I grunted and pushed forward slowly into the beaten suspended woman. I continued to hold her pussy lips by the rings as her head rocked back and her eyes slid shut and her mouth gaped wide in a hoarse cry of pain. Looking down I watched as I went up on my toes, my hips gradually driving the full length of barbed metal into Judy's cunt. "Aghhhhh!" she squawked, drooling, grinding her teeth together. "Nngg- nnnngghaahhhhhh!" I waited until I had hilted the full foot-long dildo in her then with a savage tug I ripped her pussy rings out of her. Half of her right labia and a quarter of the left one were torn away by the rings and I grunted with pleasure as she surged and banged against the wooden slab. Lifting the hooks to my mouth I bit the pussy meat off them and ate it as I began to fuck Judy Adams like she'd never been and never again would be fucked. Her bloody flesh slid down my throat and I tossed the rings on the floor now lifting my hands to the little gold hoops on her nipples. "Naaa! N-Naaaggg!" she groaned, shaking her head, her body beginning to bounce as my hips began thrusting the killing metal in and out. One quick tug and most of her nipples ended up on the rings and then in my mouth to follow the first delicious morsels of my slaughter whore. My hands now free gripped the sides of the slab as I concentrated on the slow painful fuck, thrust-slamming myself into my suspended victim. Her feet wiggled helplessly above my head snagged on the tight ropes. Even if she'd wanted to she couldn't escape the slow deliberate gouging of her vagina. Her impaled organ bled all over the piercing metal and down into my balls and down my thighs as the barbs tore ripping cuts inside her from the opening to the depth of her fuckpit. Her head toppled forward and her cheek brushed mine and she howled against my shoulder as I continued to slide in and out of her, heedless of the irreversible destruction I was causing my slave. "See if you can cum now you stinking whore!" I shouted at her. I edged almost all the way out of her and plunged into her as far as I could slamming the spikes on the tip of the dildo into her womb. She screeched and her head slammed back against the slab. "Go ahead, pig - you have my permission now." Again I backed up and thrust slow and hard and deep. "Go for it!" "Uggwwhhhhh!" she grunted. Darker blood spilled from her. I had probably gashed through the uterus wall and I felt my cock swell deliciously inside the metal shaft. I fucked her brutally my hips jacknifing in and out of her, my hands now gripping her hips, the spike-dildo pistoning in and out spraying blood and bits of flesh out on her belly and mine - on our thighs - one hot spatter up on my arm. Then I slowed way down and ground in and out of her with devastating precision watching her shudder and whine, eyes rolled back to the whites, tongue lolling. In slow motion I slid all the way out of her watching her cunt vomit blood in quick gulps. I pushed the dildo tip up against her asshole. Her head moved slowly from side to side, eyes fixed on the ceiling. She knew what was coming, grunting then groaning, a rattle of mucous in her nostrils as I drove the metal dildo slowly inward. With deep curiosity I studied the penetrating metal as it gouged into the vulnerable puckered star of her anal orifice. It first pushed the skin inward, then bluntly forced it wide tearing a messy gash there as she bellowed and tried in vain to hoist herself higher, away from the awful invasion. The barbed steel dildo was easily an inch and a half in diameter. Nothing that big had ever entered my young captive or exited her, for that matter, through that aperture. This was true and unequivocal violation. Judy Adams was being torn in half and there was nowhere for her to go. I grabbed her thighs to hold her steady and put my whole weight into the push. "You like that, pig? Huh? Like it?" I stared at her suffering face as her head tottered between her upstretched arms. The long dildo was three-quarters of the way into her shit-chute. "Wwrgggggghhh!" she sputtered. "YEahhh - Sure you do! You love it! You fuckin' love it!" I moved my hands up to her bare throat to choke her while I pushed the shaft now to the hilt, my belly up against her swollen bleeding pussy-mound. "All the way up your ass, whore - all the way up there - that's where it belongs - rippin' you apart - stinking cunt - You're mine now. You and all your fuckin' money - I own your ass and I own your soul you piece of shit. Whatta you think about that? Good, huh? Yeah. Yeah. Real good. Real nice." Her bloodshot eyes went wide and her face flushed as I stopped her breath, squeezing her neck tight pulling back to withdraw the barbed dildo until the thick spiked tip was almost all the way out of her. Still gripping her throat I pushed all the way back in. A loud hissing fart escaped from around the punished seam of her anus and shit oozed out of her along with the hot pulsing blood. Her eyes went glassy and I released her letting her catch her breath before tightening my grip again, pulling back and ramming back in. Looking down I could see her belly bulge up as I entered to the hilt and I knew that the metal shaft was probably ripping her lower intestines apart inside. I pumped in and out of her alternately squeezing and releasing her throat, keeping her on the edge of passing out while I reamed her, literally tore her a bigger asshole than she'd ever had, fucked her the way a rich little bitch like her needs and deserves to be fucked. And she choked, and gasped, and farted out blood for nearly an hour before I decided it was time to do something different. Variety is the spice of life after all. Upstairs I boiled a pot of water and prepared the enema bag. I had to use thick gloves to handle it because it was so hot. Judy still hung on the slab bleeding from her cunt and ass as I returned to hang the enema bag above her from the ceiling. In her daze of suffering she didn't notice me hooking up the long white plastic tube to the nozzle. She only looked up when I pushed the nozzle tip which was bulb shaped into her gashed out asshole, sliding it in as far as I could, lodging it inside her, keeping it pressed against her as I reached up and released the valve on the cap of the enema bag. Boiling water instantly flooded into her and she yelped like a dog, her legs kicking uselessly against the ropes that held her by the ankles. I gave her the whole bag, reaching up to squeeze the last of the fluid out of it before slowly pulling the nozzle from her. "Keep it inside you," I ordered. She looked at me wild eyed. My fingers had left red welts on her pretty throat when I'd choked her before - Seeing that made my prick surge again inside the barbed dildo sheath. I went upstairs to fill the bag again. When I returned I found her trembling, trying to keep the boiling fluid in her guts, a tiny trickle of blood, water and shit leaking off her. She was such a fucking obedient little bunny. Again I pushed the shit-smeared nozzle up her asshole and hung the enema bag above her. Again I released the valve. "UUghhhrrggg!" she grunted, biting her lip, eyes shut tightly. Waves of pain moved through her jaggedly. She danced her suffering for me as I watched until the enema bag was flaccid and empty again. Four quarts of boiling water now filled her torn up intestines. Steam smouldered from her bloody asshole. "Can you take another bag-full?" I asked, leaning in close. It took her a moment and then she looked up into my eyes. " - ugghhh - for y-you - master - for you -" So I pumped a third enema bag full of boiling water into Judy Adams and while she held the scalding fluid in her gouged guts I slid the barbed shaft back into her cunthole, to the hilt, watching her clamp her teeth together and suffer for me - I fucked her slowly going deep with it gashing out fresh uterine blood and for the most part she was able to hold the water. Some of it leaked out of her and burned my thighs and feet stimulating me to deeper and harder thrusts. I knew that each of those thrusts was making it extremely hard for her to obey me and that her stomach must have felt like a bursting fire-filled balloon but somehow she was able to please me with unwavering obedience. Then I stepped back and told her to let go. Steamy water, blood and shit fairly geysered out of the suspended bitch's asshole for almost three minutes. I cut her legs free and they thunked down against the wooden slab. When I released her wrists she slumped to the floor. I made her lick up her own excrement pressing her face with my foot down into the scattered steaming turds. Then I slipped off the barbed dildo and made her take my rampant prick in her mouth, fucking her messy face before reaching down to cuff her wrists behind her. She knelt on the floor waiting while I heated up two long pins on an electric hot plate. I still wore the heavy work gloves to keep from burning my fingers. "Crawl to me," I ordered. "From now on you're gonna read lips," I told her as she waited at my feet. Before she had a chance to understand my intention and react I grabbed her by her tangled mane and angled her head to the left side. Taking one of the red-hot pins I pushed it deep into her right ear clutching her as I stabbed it right through her eardrum and into the pulpy stuff inside burning and mutilating simultaneously. Inside Judy's head I knew that the pin must have sounded like a grenade as it exploded through her sensitive hearing organs. She gave out a wildly shrill shriek and tried to move away. I punched her in the face and broke her nose. Grabbing her hair again I jerked her head up angled the other way, picked up the second pin and stuffed it into her. This one was harder going since she was fighting me but I held her easily pushing the sizzling pin deep until I heard a faint pop and blood streamed from the auditory cannal and Judy screamed herself raw spilling scarlet snot from her twisted nose and red streams from her shattered eardrums. She tried to crawl away but I had her by her hair and I yanked her now to the kneeling rack. I re-cuffed her wrists to the side of the wooden t-frame after making her kneel on the rough crossbeam on the floor. My sadism now took a kind of religious twist. I fashioned a crown for my suffering penitent from a strand of barbed wire and after carefully shearing her hair off with an electric trimmer and shaving her completely bald I pushed this thorny crown down on her head. Peeling off the work gloves I began to masturbate again, to stroke my swollen prick with slow insistent jerks and I paced around her studying the destruction I'd wreaked on my hapless slaughter-slut. She knelt sobbing uncontrollably, her nose swollen and dark red, drying blood lines trickling from her ears out of which the metal pins protruded and down the sides of her long pretty neck where my fingers had left their dark wine-red imprints. All around her on the floor the shaved off husks of hair were discarded in scattered clumps. The barbed wire had pierced her freshly shaved scalp hideously and smaller trickles of fresher paler blood flowed from those wounds. The wooden t-rack forced her to kneel up straight and not rest on her haunches. It held her by her shackled wrists on which she tugged occasionally making the metal hooks rattle, making the rack creak as she shifted her weight. Her body was a mess of bruises and welts and more blood dripped down between her beaten thighs from her gouged out cunthole and asshole. I wondered what her father would have thought of his little angel whore now. Would it have turned him on - or disgusted him? I went to the video-cam on the tripod and turned it on making sure it was aimed on Judy. Casually I picked up the hunting knife. I needed to hurt my little kneeling martyr more terribly now. Also, I needed to give my friends on the internet something really worth buying. Stepping up behind her I slashed the knife blade quickly across her back left to right then right to left from her shoulder to her waist making a giant bleeding X' on her as she jerked in response to the pain and turned to look up at me. "N-gg-owwww!" "Fuck you!" I snarled and drew several more slashes across Judy's back. Then I bent down and slashed both her heels cutting through her achille's tendons. Now her dancing days were definitely over. In fact she wouldn't even be walking again. Stepping up to her I began to rub my cock all over her face while I cut her shoulders and arms with the knife. " - kill me -" she moaned over and over. " - kill me - kill me - kill me -" I fed her my cock which I rammed deep down her throat. "Not yet, pig. Not yet." She couldn't hear me and just kept begging for death over and over in a husky tremulous voice. Lifting my cock out of her mouth and holding it up against my belly I told her to lick my balls and while she did so I traced a small cut on her forehead and another one on one cheek and I pierced through her pretty ear lobes with the knife tip several times. Reaching down I yanked the pins out of her ears and she screamed and I pushed my cock down her throat again. She kept screaming with my meat in her mouth. I fucked her screams. I pissed down her throat on her face and in her mutilated ears. The kneeling penitent would now become a crucified one. Looping a strand of rope around her neck, hoisting Judy up off the t-rack between two posts I stretched out her arms and secured them by the wrists to manacles in the posts. Forced to stand way up on her toes choking, her feet twisting, bloody and useless, legs spread wide apart, ankles bound to the posts which framed her, she wailed as I crouched before her to slice her pussy lips clean off her with my knife working slowly to maximize her shrill horror. I leaned forward to lick her clit and when it became engorged I stabbed the tip of the knife through it, sliced it off her and ate it. Tugging the rope to maximum tension, strangling my young slaughter bitch to the very edge of death I took a hammer and proceeded to smash her fingers against the wooden posts on either side, one by one - breaking each joint, then smashing the knuckles - destroying her lovely slender hands. There would be no more harp playing for Judy. With a pair of pliars I removed all the fingernails also until her limbs were just bloody broken stumps. I smashed both her wrists as well and made her hold the bloody hammer in her mouth while I went to get a two by four and some nails. Taking the hammer back from her I secured her tits to the two-by-four pounding five steel roofing nails through each torn nipple. I brought the bladed sawhorse across the room and slid it under her letting her down on to it, relieving the strangling pressure of the cord around her neck slightly so that she sank down on to the sharp metal. Then picking up a wooden dowel, a one inch thick one this time, studded with tiny metal barbs all along its four foot length I took up a combat stance in front of her and began to wallop the living shit out of her. Blood and flesh flew. I hit the bitch hard and jerked off while I punished her. She took it slamming herself against the bladed sawhorse until her cunt was just a bloody shapeless maw. Then, prying her tits free of the two-by-four I hooked each torn nipple cap to a pulley line and tugged them outward stretching her bleeding jugs up off her chest dramatically. I took the .45 automatic and taking aim, standing beside my suffering slut, I fired one round through both her stretched boobs. The slug ripped a gash through the middle of both mammaries and smacked into the wall on the opposite side of the room as Judy screamed and jerked and choked on the neck rope. The explosive report of the gun had been deafening but she had heard nothing, only felt the hot spiraling flash of heat ripping through her stretched out jugs. Donning my work gloves again I heated up a metal bar on the hot plate until it was smouldering then I went to Judy and pushed the glowing bar through the bloody gash-holes the bullet had made when it bisected both her tortured tit-globes. The bar had a hole drilled through it and I was able to slide a pulley line through the hole and knot it now raising my hapless slaughter whore by her impaled tits, off her feet. I pushed the bladed sawhorse out of the way and after two quick thrusts up between Judy's painfully stretched apart legs into her ravaged shithole with the hunting knife to get fresh blood I rammed my cock up into her and reached up to take the strangle rope and choke her with it while I fucked her up the ass. I felt the rush of pleasure as my cum surged up my balls and deep into Judy's mangled innards and I held her steady to pump her full, one hand firmly gripping her hip, my the other jerking on the rope around her neck until her face went pale and her eyes slid back. Just before she passed out I released the rope and slid out of her. I let her hang by her tits while the excitement subsided in me and my breath returned to normal. "Love me, pig?" I asked her. Her eyes were adrift, martyred whore, bloody barbed-wire crowned bald pig-slut, neck dark bruised from the strangling cord, stump hands and swollen feet wriggling helplessly. I realized she couldn't hear me since her eardrums were gone so I stood in front of her and looked right in her eyes. "DO YOU LOVE ME, PIG?" She started sobbing plaintively, spurts of blood jetting from her bar-gouged mammaries. "Yehzzz -" she groaned, choking on her own tears . " agh - I luhhvvv you mahhsterr - I luhvvv y-y-youggghh -" I slid the bladed sawhorse under her again and taking a hold of the pulley line which sustained the metal bar through her tits I lowered her on to the cutting metal. She began to cry and swing her head from side to side. I turned, went to the door, switched the lights off and went upstairs to rest. By way of returning her undying affection for me I would leave her to sit on the bladed horse in the dark torture chamber all night long. 7. DAY FOUR This new day would be one of extremes. Controlled extremes. I wasn't sure Judy would survive it but I was going to try as hard as I could to keep her alive for as long as possible. I began the day with a bit of strenuous exercise: burying Leslie Grant. It was a cool morning and I was up at sunrise busy with pick and shovel in the misty forest, in a clearing about a hundred and fifty yards down the mountain path from the Larkin house. Leslie was in the three plastic garbage bags I'd made Judy take outside and which I'd carried into the forest earlier. I enjoyed doing such work naked and I used a fair dose of bug repellant to keep the gnats and mosquitoes at bay. Burying a victim was satisfying labor for me. There were already fifteen girls in the ground in this enclosed cove circled by tall pines and gnarled oaks. I had not bothered to mark their resting place in any way and the grasses and shrubs quickly overran all traces of the graves. I remembered their position simply by rote and memory and when I dug a new one as I did now I simply kept track of where the hole was in relation to the surrounding pines. All the way at the opposite end of the cove was my first kill, a hitchiker from Canada named Roberta. Then, Alma, a black waitress from Detroit - Soledad, a Mexican teen I'd picked up in a bar in L.A.. Doris, Candy and Mira kept me going for a whole month before I finished them on a guillotine I'd constructed just for the occasion. The blade had sliced their legs and tits off first then their pretty heads. Judy Adams now sat on that blade, which I'd mounted on the sawhorse, in the torture chamber. For a while I was drawn to execution at gunpoint and Vickie, a girl of eleven, Sandra, her mother and a friend who just happened to be with them on vacation and whose name I never knew, took short range blasts to the cunt and belly before being terminally fucked, chopped to pieces and laid to rest. Four more women, a contingent of strippers from a tittie bar in downtown Houston came next. They'd been strangled in wire and sword-whipped to death. As far as I can remember they were Tanya, Cricket, Dina, and a lovely mulatto bitch by the name of Shadow. The fourteenth victim was a preteen a small town in the Napa valley, Simone, a sweet little blonde babe who hung on for almost two days before I shoved a hot poker right through her little heart. The fifteenth was a flight attendant I'd kidnapped at the airport parking lot on a lark - a lovely older woman, a chunky blonde named Martha whose cries of pain were simply delightful and whom I spent long hours on with cigarettes, needles, scalpels and finally my old trusty hunting knife. And now, my number sixteen - headless and mutilated - Leslie Grant who'd taken a single shotgun blast to the head as Judy Adams watched. Leslie had been killed for the sheer effect of it and nothing more. Soon Leslie was in the ground her rotting cut-up corpse ready to feed the old trees and the new grass and I was on my way back up to the house to start Judy on her fourth day of agony. After the exercise in the woods I needed my cock sucked. I placed the pick and shovel back in the utility shed behind the house and went in through the cellar door and down the steps. Inside the torture chamber the temperature was cooler and I welcomed the shadowy interior after the bright morning sun. Judy was wide awake and trembling, trying to keep herself off the blade on her slashed useless feet and failing. She saw me come in and began to make small noises of desperation. The burial of my sixteenth kill already had me hard and fully erect - ready for action. I crossed my arms and watched my bald, barbed-wire crowned kill-slut's panic-dance smiling, watched her slip down on to the blade that had put three women to death. Blood dripped down her legs and from the blade to the floor. The metal bar gouged through her tits had cauterized the bullet wounds. Countless times throughout the night I knew that the blade had sliced into her and her cunt and inner thighs were streaked with numerous lacerations, some deeper than others, some way past the need for suture and disinfection. She was deathly pale, her nose darkly broken, one eye bruised almost shut, her body a nasty mess of angry bruises and slashes. This morning there would be no I.V.; no food and no water. The only thing this pig would drink from now to the end was my hot stinking urine. The only thing she would eat would be my shit. But first - as I said earlier - I needed my cock sucked and who better to do that than this dumbass rich girl who'd turned herself over to me for execution? I slid the bladed sawhorse out of the way and I let her down to the floor. Slowly I extricated the metal bar from the holes in her tits and she mewled pitifully and bled on the floor. Bits of her shorn off hair clung to her blood-streaked body. She lay groaning at my feet and I took her by an ankle and dragged her to the wooden slab which I now tilted into horizontal position lifting her in my arms up off the floor and dumping her on to it on her back. After stretching her out and securing her in a wide spreadeagle by wrists and ankles I climbed on top of her, straddled her face, my knees on her shoulders, and I fed her my cock - all of it - bearing down to hilt it deep in her throat and stifle her breath and her weak cries. Bent over her on all fours I fucked her face wantonly, gouging her throat hole as she whimpered and searched for my eyes. Her barbed-wire crowned head shaved bald was streaked with dried blood from the tiny pierce wounds and as I fucked her mouth her skull banged on the slab. I reached down to strangle her, pushing my thumbs into her trachea to feel the bulge of my prick sliding in and out as she choked, gagged, her cheeks flushed, her lips sweetly tight around my penetrating meat. Burying Leslie's carcass had brought out my most murderous instincts. I was gonna go to town on Judy and I didn't know if she would survive me for another day. I looked down on her smashed swollen hands, broken nail-less fingers twitching painfully as my hands strayed from her throat and to her long sexy arms. Still throttling her, stuffing her with my cock I reached for the hammer on the instrument cart. "Keep sucking me, pig," I snarled making sure she could read my lips. I raised the hammer high over my head and brought it down sharply on her right elbow. She howled against my cock as her arm snapped like a twig. I waited a couple of minutes, feeding her cock, looking down into her suffering face as the pain rocked through her then I raised the hammer again. "Just keep sucking." With a fast downward stroke I busted her left elbow, the hammer ripping through the skin, a spurt of blood jetting out on the wood slab and on her bald skull. Again I paused, relishing the vibrations of her weak cries on my phallus. My balls quivered deliciously as I raised the hammer again. With four devastating blows I cracked both her forearms and both her shoulders. I knew the pain she was feeling was nearly intolerable and I watched the intense expressions of suffering distort her face with great interest, my cock swelling mightily and closing off her breath as it sank deep. For a while I kept fucking her anguished face. I pounded the hammer three more times against her broken arms just to make sure the limbs were shattered and useless then I got up off the slab. Firing up a hundred and fifty steel pins on the hot plate I proceeded to push them into my screaming bitch slowly one at a time, all over her, into every soft swell and crevice of her once enticingly beautiful body - deep into her belly and mons - into her broken arms - into her whipped, bullet-gouged tits - even into her cheeks - I turned Judy Adams into a bleeding screaming pin-cushion. I pushed hot pins deep into the meaty marrow of her cunt and into her nipples - deep into the luscious meat of her bruised and welted thighs - into the soles of her punished feet - into the dip of her belly button, through the thin membrane of skin inside, pushing the hot metal into her guts - I put pins in her until she passed out and had to be revived then I pulled each pin out of her until she bled all over the wooden slab. I raised her up off the slab by her broken arms and she wailed. I sank my teeth into her - took bites out of her tits and sides and legs - hard vicious bites while she hung there and limply kicked her legs and weakly struggled against the inevitable and bled for me. I scooped the hot blood from her belly button with my tongue and pushed my fingers into the bullet wounds in the sides of her boobs. With the blue flame of the acetylene torch I traced burn-lines up and down her legs - across her belly. I focused the sharp fire on her ravaged tits until they were smouldering, red as beets, swollen, blood and fluid dripping from the cracked nipples. With vicious slowness I traced her lipless cunt with the torch's flame as I stroked myself to her raucous strangled cries. Binding her slashed feet back up against her buttcheeks, knees bent, I lowered her on to a box full of glowing coals, so that her knees sank into the blistering mass and she threw her bald crowned head back and yelled insanely. I pissed on her as she knelt there and my urine trickled down her body and hissed on the coals. I then bound her broken arms behind her and strung her up by her neck, lifting her up off her burned knees, ankles bound with barbed wire, her useless feet wobbly, kicking up hot coals and white ash as she tried to keep herself from strangling to death - and I took up a four foot long steel rod. Timing my blows to make each deadly cut count to the max I moved slowly around my horribly tortured victim slashing at her as hard as I could, tearing into her with fierce sadistic anger. She was a hideous thing now, no longer the proud young beauty that had surrendered to me at Kennedy airport a few days before - now she was a filthy bag of steel-whipped suffering flesh and bone - a bloody meat-pie. I slashed at her knees and shins - at her calves and knee-hollows inspiring in her a demented torture dance as her feet burned in the coals. I prodded her belly and sides, made her swing around and around choking on the neck rope, puking up blood. I made her kiss the steel rod before flaying and gouging what was left of her tits with it. I cut her asscheeks to ribbons and rubbed my cock on them, standing well away from the coals. Then, pushing the box of glowing ambers away I lowered her to the floor, releasing her ankles, kicking her legs open to kneel between them, a billy club in hand. I rammed the club up her lipless pussy to open her up wide then I yanked it out. Slamming my hard prick into her to the hilt I began to fuck her and beat her with the club at the same time. I struck her ribs with heavy swats that cracked her bones and made her squeal and jerk around under me. Her bloody mutilated cunt tightened around my cock as I drove in and out of her in a frenzied punishing fuck - I pounded into my rich girl Judy, into her legs and sides, crushing her under me, clubbing her guts until she shit blood as I pistoned into her, ramming her against the floor. I lost track of time - lost track of everything as the butchered clit-less female surprisingly began to orgasm under my destructive kill-fuck. It was a deep vaginal orgasm and she shuddered and kicked and begged me to kill her. Sneering I continued to fuck her and beat her. Then, making her take the billy club in her mouth, I put my hands around her neck and choked her all the way to another orgasm, both of us swirling in a chaotic vortex of furious passion that went on for nearly an hour before I retreated exhausted after slam-pumping Judy's bloody cunt full of cum. I knew this would be my bitch's final night - she was lucky she'd even made it to this point alive - and I wanted her to spend it in the most horrible agony I could devise. I bound her tightly in barbed wire, wrapping her in it until the metal spikes gouged deep into her beaten broken body and I dragged her to a tub full of ice cold water. Lifting her with hooks and pulleys off the floor I then maneuvered her over the tub and let her down into it watching her stiffen as she sank into the freezing fluid. Only her slashed beaten face remained above water. She was trying to say something to me as I walked toward the door but I just shut the light off and left the torture chamber. I needed to rest. 8. DAY FIVE I turned on the stereo. Marilyn Manson roared through the speakers in the torture chamber. I drove meat hooks through Judy's shattered wrist bones and hauled her up out of the tub by pulley lines to unwrap the coils of barbed wire off her. Her skin was pasty and wrinkled from having been in water all night. Blood dribbled from the new wounds. She was one step from death, barely responsive as I executed the final tortures. I began with the long steel skewers - heated them up on the hot plate - slowly stabbed them through her beaten tits - all the way through - ten of them through each mammary while she cried softly - babbled - blood dripping from her lips. Gently but firmly I pushed twenty skewers into her guts, some through her stomach and gall bladder and liver, some through her lower abdomen, through her bladder and intestines. I pushed one through her face, through her cheeks, her broken nose and bald head bloody and discolored. She was hideous to look at. She was something that needed to be destroyed. The music reverberated loudly in my head as I picked up the machete. I put the blade to her face so that she could kiss it. Then I whanged into her, machete-whipped her ass, her back, her legs - bits of her flew - pieces - skin - blood - Judy-bitch suffering and dying for me - Judy-whore-animal dangling her final horrid death. I sliced off her ear lobes. Whacked off her toes. Slammed the blade into her middle from the back ripping through her kidneys. Not far to go now. I shoved the machete up her ass, fucked her with it, giving her a few strokes, then swung her around and plunged it into her urethra, fucked it in and out of her pisshole five or six times then drew it out. " - kill me -" she grunted repeatedly. Her words distorted by the skewer through her mouth her eyes glimmering as she stared at me. " - kill me - kill me - kill me -" I smiled - yanked the skewers from her tits one by one and then with two savage downstrokes severed her big nipple-less, bullet-torn tits from her with the machete. Marilyn Manson wailed. We were rocking now. " - kill me master - kill me please - kill me - kill me - kill me -" She twisted around as she hung by her pierced wrists, broken arms, and made a low strangled sound as she shit pieces of intestine and pissed black blood. I placed the tip of the machete at the base of her spine and slammed it home severing her backbone and paralyzing her. The time was at hand. It was late morning. I put down the machete, picked up a scalpel, went down on one knee in front of my hanging sacrifice-whore and carefully pushed the blade into her groin. Slicing neatly, pushing the tiny blade inward deeply as her bloody broken legs flailed pointlessly under her, brushing against me, spurting on me, I cut her cunt completely out of her, hooking my fingers through the slit to remove it, her fallopian tubes dangling from her, her uterus slipping down the inside of her thigh and rolling to the floor, her lower intestinal sac rupturing, the smell of desecrated, violated, gutted female filling the whole room, a weak groaning from her as she quivered, trembled. Dropping the meat into a jar I would later label Judy's Twat' I put down the scalpel. It was time to finish my rich girl cunt. I lowered her to her slashed, burned out knees. On the end of several cords that hang from a pulley line there were tiny metal hooks. I stabbed the hooks under Judy's jaw, pushing the piercing metal up into her mandible flesh. She was barely conscious now. Her eyes half opened - tongue lolling. Tugging on the pulley line made the hooks sink into Judy's jaw and raise her head upright. I picked up the machete one last time. Leaning over her I stared into her fading eyes making sure she could understand me. "Tell - me - the - words." " - ugh -" she grunted. Blood and spit oozed from her half open mouth. Earless, bald, barbed-wire crowned, a skewer through her face she looked positively enchanting - an angel of death ready for her final flight into darkness. "Tell - me - you worthless animal pig." "M-muhhster - master - you - y-you whhh - I -ghh - I'm yurzz - ag - yours - I - ogg - l-hh-love - I love youuggghhh -" "Your love means nothing to me, scumbag. Nothing at all." With two slashing strokes of the machete I sliced off her arms below the meat hooks and they flopped down to her sides, her broken hands left hanging above her, flesh pendulums marking out her last moments. She hung now by her hooked jaw, eyes wide with horror, and I put the machete down and began lifting her off the ground by the pulley line. "Die for me, cunt!" I snarled and jerked on the line. The hooks sank deep into bone and flesh and cartilage and the arm-less bitch rose almost off her knees before her neck began to tear all around her beaten bald head. Marilyn Manson's music exploded like a starburst as I stood over Judy jerking off, slowly ripping her head from her body, tugging on the pulley line, leaning back to pump the cum up out of my balls. "Ohhh yeahhh!" I shouted as finally the hooks tore Judy's head off her shoulders and her body twitched twice and fell sideways. "Yeaa-AHHH! FUCKKKK!" Her head hung there before me and I leaned forward to rub my prick on her lips. Then I shot my load on her. Four hot ball-busting spurts - I shot on her cut-up face, in her eyes and in her open mouth and she looked up at me and then her eyeballs rolled back. On the floor, her body spasmed for almost five minutes before finally lying still. I slid to my knees in the mess of gore and guts that had once been Judy Adams - let go of the rope and her head slid to the ground beside me with a loud thump. After a short while Marilyn Manson faded to silence. It would take me the rest of the day to clean up the chamber and to take Judy to her final resting place, next to Leslie in the forest. There I would fuck her headless body in the soft grass one last time before putting her in the ground. That night I watched the video her father had made years before - watched her play the harp again. Then I watched the videos I'd made of her in the torture chamber slowly stroking myself as I lay back on the comfortable bed. There was deep satisfaction for me in the knowledge that I had destroyed such a beautiful sensitive creature, utterly and remorselessly. I had finished what her father had started. Dotted every i' and crossed every t'. Smiling, I put the jar with Judy's cunt in the cupboard in the cellar with the others. Finally, I went to my computer in the living room of the Larkin house and signed on. When I checked with the bank in Switzerland I noticed that Judy's money, the entire Adams wealth, was already in the trust funds that would eventually go to my corporations. Not counting the Adams home, valued at 1.5 mil, I was fifteen million dollars richer. Nice pay for five days work. At more than three million dollars per day Judy's slaughter had been the most profitable and certainly the most personally enjoyable so far in my career. And that was without the profit on the sale of the pictures and videos I'd taken in the chamber during her killing. Then I checked my email. Six more women were waiting to hear from me. It was going to be a busy year. WOODBURN