Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The following story is a purely fictional account. Any relationship to any real person living or dead is absolutely coincidental. The narrative deals with torture and slaughter of innocent human beings. The author in no way condones or promotes such acts. This is the world of fantasy and fiction where the hidden corners of the psyche may be explored. The author believes that exploring such subject matter in this realm keeps it from ever needing to be explored, and much less fulfilled, in real life. There is violence in all of us. Otherwise there would be no crime, no war, no destruction. We must acknowledge the beast inside of us if we are to tame it. To ignore it and repress it is to invoke its appearance in our midst. Poison "How long now?" the green-eyed man asks. The young Asian bitch lies on her side on the floor in terrible pain, her body arching and contracting. The bearded man, tallest of the three males, whose dark eyes glow as they watch the Asian girl's torment replies: "Ten minutes and counting." Her skin is like porcelain, nude, pale, white, almost ghostly in the half-lit cabin. There are rough, tight ropes around her slim waist which dig into the soft flesh of her heaving belly. More ropes wrap around her chest, below her small pink-tipped tit-orbs, and over her upper arms and shoulders. Her legs are free and they stretch and slow-kick in a compelling expression of pain...slow, langurous dance of death, her silky sweaty flesh rustling on the wooden-slat floor of the cabin. "She drank all of it?" the third man asks. He is powerful and Viking-like, Nordic, blonde and blue-eyed. A cruel emotion-less Aryan. His cock is nearly a foot long, hard, thick, urgently erect. "Every drop," Blackbeard replies. The three men watch the bitch on the floor quietly, patiently. They stand over her in the shadows, surrounding her, their cruel eyes savoring her tormented dance as they stroke their hard-veined cocks, hot smell of man-sweat and naked man-flesh. "Every - single - fucking - drop -" Blackbeard strokes himself a bit faster. "How's it feel, cunt?" Greeneyes asks the victim on the floor. Pain etches dramatic masks on her child-like face, long silky hair spilling on the floor. Her eyes which had been shut tightly, dark eyebrows furrowed, knitted in pain, now open to look up at her killers. Brown like doe's eyes they gleam visibly in the deep gloomy shadows as they seek the face of the man who asked the question. When she speaks her voice is soft and tremulous, girlish... "...its...agghh...tearing m-me" The Viking licks his lips. "Is it what you want? he asks softly. "Ohhh y-yess..." she moans, her face wavering between opposing expressions, an odd smile playing on her small red doll-mouth. " - b-beautiful." "You filthy little whore," Greeneyes growls. He wants to take the oriental girl and cut her open, gut her right then but he restrains himself. The long slow kill is so much more - interesting. A sudden convulsion seizes the young bitch and her head moves from side to side as she moans feverishly. "Must be just getting to the intestines now," Blackbeard explains. "She won't last too much longer." The girl rolls over on to her back, then from one side to the other. She makes a gagging sound and her eyes stare upward unseeing. A gush of dark blood spumes from her pretty lips and down her cheek and chin to pool on the wooden floor. "Yeahh!" the Viking shouts. "It hurts!" the young Asian cunt wails. The men jerk off and cup their balls as her pain-dance on the creaking boards becomes more frenzied and desperate. "Og-GGGHHHH dear God!" she wails, looking up at them. "IT H-HUURRRTTSS!" "Yeah, bitch!" Blackbeard snarls stepping closer to her then standing over her, his powerful muscular legs straddling her writhing body. "You drank a fucking quart of ground glass and SHOULD hurt!" The men laugh, their faces leering demented masks in the shifting shadows of the cabin. "UuuuGH-GHHH!" the Asian slut gasps. "Lets fuck er," Blackbeard proposes as he slides to his knees on the floor. The Viking lies down on the floor next to the squirming Asian slut and Greeneyes and Blackbeard lift her effortlessly on to his huge, upstanding, pole-like cock holding her pretty legs wide to force her asshole down on to the massive knobby shaft. "Aa-aghh!" she cries out as her tiny anal orifice is split wide by the man-meat. She coughs up another burst of blood. Viking grasps her arms in his strong hands, holding her upright as Blackbeard now puts his cock to her pink hairless slit. Slowly, purposefully, Blackbeard pushes his hard cockshaft up into the Asian beauty's tight, resisting pussyhole. He can feel the Viking's hard man-meat inside her rectal passage as her vaginal muscles squeeze his penetrating rod. Greeneyes stands over the double-fucked female taking her head by her silky black mane. She looks up at him submissively, worshipfully as he forces her head back. He holds her with his left hand and slaps her lovely face hard, very hard, with his right... slaps her again and again until her white cheek is blushing crimson-red as Blackbeard and Viking fuck the shit out of her. Tears fill her sweet eyes, pretty brown doe-eyes, held by cruel hungry predatorial green ones that bore into her like the cocks plundering her dying, poisoned body. "Agh - agh - agh -" she gasps...vomits up more gut-blood. Long red rivulets run down her neck, her tits, her belly. "I'm gonna fuck your throat, bitch," Greeneyes growls meanly. There is only acceptance in her gaze as her mouth opens to receive him. He is huge, impossibly big, but she forces herself to take him, pushes her face forward into his shaft. Greeneyes takes a hold of her by her small, delicate, sea-shell-like ear-lobes to fuck her throat. He jams his prick down her gullet and blood streams from her nose as she starts to choke. His hands move down to her long slender neck to squeeze her pulsing throat as she sucks him. "Yeah - yeah - yeah," Blackbeard grunts as the Asian bitch begins to convulse now, her pussy wringing his dick. "God-DAMN!" Viking shouts as hot shit and blood pour down his pumping shaft to his swollen balls from the girl's tight anus. Greeneyes chokes his victim with one hand while pinching her nostrils shut with the other, his cock now rammed to the hilt in her throat-hole, her eyes wide, her forehead pushing into his pubic mound as he throttles her. Her face begins to blush purple, her brows arch, her eyes look up at her killer then roll back in her head. "Die, cunt!" Greeneyes snarls, tightening his grip on the girl's fragile throat. "Die - die - die - die -UUNNHHH!" His sperm explodes from his piss-slit, his balls tightening, tingling deliciously, his head snapping back as he unloads in the dying Asian bitch's throat. He releases her nostrils and cum and blood erupt from her nose. She makes an odd strangled sound and her head sags forward. Blackbeard bellows triumphantly as he cums deep in the dead girl's womb and as he slams forward to empty his balls in her a flood of piss and blood jets from her urethra and on to his cock and thighs to spill and pool on the floorboards. At the same moment, Viking cums, slamming upward into the slumping victim, holding her steady, his hands clenched on her arms. Both men slam-fuck the dead girl violently for nearly five more minutes...then finally they let her collapse like a broken doll, a heap of inert flesh. They pull out of her carcass and wipe their cocks clean in her lustrous hair. That's all she is now, what she has become...a scum-rag. Outside, the woods are beginning to settle in for the night. In the forest, by the flickering light of a small campfire, after they have hacked her to pieces with the chainsaw, they will bury her remains and erase all evidence of her existence. WOODBURN